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Week6 Capstone Gun Control Policy

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Capstone Paper: Gun Control Policy

Ashneet Singh

PPA699: Public Policy Development

Dr Ian Cole

December 23, 2019

Gun Control Policy

Ruthlessness is a significant part of the time the lead story on the evening news. Bad

behaviour and its revolution consistently figure prominently in campaign talks for political

office. Exhibits of viciousness cause critical harm on awful setbacks, yet on individuals as a

rule's inclination of the general welfare of our overall population. This makes violence and its

counteractants a potential subject for ongoing improvements discoursed in social assessments

classes. Regardless, it is not merely understanding "the issues" related to violence that makes the

social assessments pressing in the mercilessness expectation advancement. Decreasing violence

is essential to the achievement of our vote based, participatory social system. One could fight

that perceiving how to keep up a reasonable and peaceful social solicitation is the principal target

of the social examinations instructive plan (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).

The possibility of only participation in keeping up the social solicitation, with the going

with a prerequisite for the protection of individual rights and opportunities, is crucial to

envisioning fierceness when all is said in done open like our own. Authoritarian frameworks

usually use at any rate the peril of violence to take care of solicitation, while vote based

structures are planned to rely upon political credibility. They see inhabitant speculation as a

fundamental segment in that validness advances the presence of mind to the training of metro

morals to decrease violence (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).

Gun Control Policy Background

With the privilege of weapon possession revered in the U.S. Constitution, weapon

guidelines stay a prickly issue in the U.S. From the beginning of time, there have been a few

laws and Supreme Court cases that have moulded the Second Amendment.

On Dec. 15, 1791, ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution — in the long run, known as

the Bill of Rights — were approved. The second of them said: “A well regulated Militia, being

necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not

be infringed.” (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


The first piece of national gun control legislation was passed on June 26, 1934. The

National Firearms Act (NFA) — part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal for

Crime“— was meant to curtail “gangland crimes of that era such as the St. Valentine’s Day

Massacre.” The NFA forced a duty on the assembling, selling, and moving of guns recorded in

the law, among them short-barrel shotguns and rifles, assault rifles, gun suppressors and

silencers. Because of sacred defects, the NFA was altered a few times. The $200 charge, which

was high for the period, was set up to reduce the exchange of these weapons (Dancy, Holman &

McKenzie, 2019).


The U.S. Supreme Court heard the case the United States v. Miller, deciding that through

the National Firearms Act of 1934, Congress could direct the interstate selling of a short barrel

shotgun (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


Following the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General and U.S.

Congressperson Robert F. Kennedy and Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., President Lyndon B. Johnson

pushed for the section of the Gun Control Act of 1968. The GCA revoked and supplanted the

FFA, refreshed Title II of the NFA to fix established issues, included language about “destructive
devices” (for example, bombs, mines and projectiles) and extended the meaning of "machine

guns." By and large, the bill prohibited bringing in weapons that have "no brandishing reason,"

forced age confinements for the acquisition of handguns (firearm proprietors must be 21),

precluded criminals, the rationally sick, and others from buying firearms, necessitated that all

fabricated or imported firearms have a sequential number, and as indicated by the ATF, forced

"stricter permitting and guideline on the guns business." (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


In 1986 the Firearm Owners Protection Act was passed by Congress. The law, for the

most part, ordered insurances for weapon proprietors — forbidding a national library of vendor

records, constraining ATF investigations to once every year (except if there are numerous

infractions), mellowing what is characterised as "participating in the business" of selling guns

and enabling authorised sellers to sell guns at "firearm appears" in their state. It additionally

relaxed guidelines on the deal and move of ammo. The bill additionally arranged some weapon

control measures, including growing the GCA to disallow non-military personnel proprietorship

or move of assault rifles made after May 19, 1986, and rethinking "silencer" to incorporate parts

expected to make silencers (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 is named after White House press

secretary James Brady, who was for all time incapacitated from damage endured during an

endeavour to kill President Ronald Reagan. (Brady kicked the bucket in 2014). It was marked

into law by President Bill Clinton. The law, which alters the GCA, necessitates that record

verifications be finished before a firearm is acquired from an authorised vendor, maker or

shipper. It set up the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is kept

up by the FBI (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


The arrangements of the bill prohibited the capacity to "assembling, move, or have a self-

loader attack weapon," except if it was "legally had under Federal law on the date of the

authorisation of this subsection." Nineteen military-style or "duplicate feline" ambush weapons

—including AR-15s, TEC-9s, MAC-10s, and so on.— Could not be produced or sold. It likewise

restricted "certain high-limit ammo magazines of more than ten rounds," as indicated by a U.S.

Department of Justice Fact Sheet (Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


The Tiahrt Amendment, proposed by Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), denied the ATF from freely

discharging information demonstrating where criminals obtained their guns and stipulated that

solitary law authorisation officials or examiners could access such data. "The law viably shields

retailers from claims, scholarly investigation and open examination," The Washington Post wrote

in 2010. "It additionally keeps the spotlight off the connection between maverick weapon

vendors and the bootleg market in guns." There have been efforts to repeal this amendment

(Dancy, Holman & McKenzie, 2019).


The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was marked by President George W.

Shrub to counteract weapon makers from being named in government or state common suits by

the individuals who were casualties of wrongdoings including firearms made by that


District of Columbia v. Heller changed an almost 70-year point of reference set by Miller

in 1939. While the Miller administering concentrated on the "very much controlled volunteer

army" part of the Second Amendment (known as the "aggregate rights hypothesis" and alluding

to a state's entitlement to shield itself), Heller concentrated on the "singular right to have a gun

detached with the administration in a civilian army." Heller tested the defendability of a 32-year-

old handgun boycott in Washington, D.C., and found, "The handgun boycott and the trigger-lock

necessity (as applied to self-preservation) damage the Second Amendment." (Dancy, Holman &

McKenzie, 2019).

It did not any way invalidate other firearm control arrangements. "The Court's conclusion

ought not be taken to give occasion to feel qualms about longstanding denials on the ownership

of guns by criminals and the rationally sick, or laws restricting the conveying of guns in delicate

places, for example, schools and government structures, or laws forcing conditions and

capabilities on the business closeout of arms," expressed the decision (Dancy, Holman &

McKenzie, 2019).

Gun Policy Concerns and Points at Issue

Gun Policy is among the most dubious points in the United States. Demonstrations of

firearm savagery, especially mass shootings of unarmed honest people, shake us to our centre.

What can or would it be a good idea for us to do about it? To many, the appropriate response is to

establish more limitations on lawful access to guns. Supporters on this side of the discussion

propose measures, for example, stricter qualification prerequisites for age and emotional well-

being, increasingly careful historical verifications, longer holding up periods, less approved

dealers, the exacting obligation for weapon producers, and additionally bans on different guns
and gun frill. Others, aware of the government's inability to ensure individuals, particularly in

"firearm free" zones and urban communities, are doubtful that more tightly confinements will

improve open security. They accept that decreasing lawful access to firearms for well-behaved

grown-ups debilitates the capacity of individuals to both shields themselves from wrongdoing

and protect their privileges from developing infringement by any administration encouraged to

manhandle its power (Bogus, 2008).

Ideological cleavages in American administrative issues, all around, incorporate a choice

among more and less meddling occupations for government-a capability between infers instead

of closes. The different sides would fight that because their strategies are fruitful and their

enemies' are not, dismissing them is just a methodology that empowers the protection from

concealing its real goals. In any case, in case we completely trust the different sides in the

exchange over weapon control, the request is not whether either side is supporting gun brutality,

be that as it may, regardless of whether one side has favoured methodology over the other for

diminishing its present levels. Progressing government or administrative approach around there

is separate by the Gun Control Act of 1968, which was passed, as it was, due to open stun over

the passings of John and Robert Kennedy, and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Especially

publicised scenes of gun brutality, including the harming of President Reagan and Jim Brady

similarly as different shootings with assault weapons, incited the 1993 Brady Act and the Assault

Weapons Ban of the following year. Although in any occasion symbolically tested, both are

commonly subtle measures, a significant part of the immortal stringent than the interlaced of

state laws that confound the nation (Bogus, 2008).

Gun Violence In the United States

At the point when the lives of 20 youthful pupils and a few teachers at Sandy Hook

Elementary School finished in a hail of bullets, we were altogether influenced. Profoundly. The

death toll at Sandy Hook shook all of us to our bones. The episode additionally mixed the long-

stewing debate over the extent of the Second Amendment and a person's entitlement to keep and

remain battle-ready. Since the slaughter at Newtown, Connecticut, the residents have seen an

unmistakable change in America. Firearm control enactment is currently being bantered with

another enthusiasm. So, many think it is a decent time not just to examine the Second

Amendment, self-preservation, and the privilege to keep and remain battle-ready yet additionally

how to make it harder for lawbreakers and individuals with rough psychological sicknesses to get

their hands on lethal guns (Rahamim, 2018).

Firearm Mortality Statistical Analysis


Source: Gun Control Facts


Source: Gun Control Facts

Development of Gun Control Policy Process

The public policy lifecycle consists of agenda-setting, policy formation, policy

legitimation, policy implementation, policy evaluation, and policy maintenance, succession or

termination (Bernstein, 2019). This cycle alludes to the activities of the administration because of

different issues that require activity in the types of laws or guidelines. It helps address the issues

of society and coordinates the utilisation of assets. Firearm rights is a hot issue in the US. Some

help the states that uphold stricter laws since they feel it is probably going to bring down

firearm-related wrongdoing. Some help expresses that offer free firearm laws since they organise

the privileges of weapon proprietors and feel stricter laws do not prompt less weapon-related

Agenda Setting

Agenda setting can be extremely troublesome in connection to firearm control. It is hard

to build up clear objectives regarding the matter. The undeniable objective is to have less

firearm-related wrongdoing; however, it is hard to demonstrate that exacting weapon laws will

prompt this. The motivation setting step enables approach creators to set up the issues to address

(Bernstein, 2019). This could be the most troublesome advance in the cycle for political pioneers

that are continually at chances. The popular supposition is not sure about the issue. Surveys more

than once show that people, in general, is for record verifications, however voting form estimates

supporting historical verifications neglected to discover triumph in 2016 (Cohn and Sanger-Katz,

2019). There is a full hole between surveying information and survey results on the issue.

Policy Formation

This where answers for an issue are formed and contended (Bernstein, 2019). Keeping

with the point of more grounded historical verifications, Republicans and Democrats have been

responsive to the thought, with President Trump in any event, changing his position and

supporting personal investigations (Cohn and Sanger-Katz, 2019). Nonetheless, government

officials are delayed to follow up on any enactment, for the most part since the general

conclusion is so cloudy. The Constitution and Supreme Court has restricted what the government

can execute for firearm laws, yet a personal investigation is something that should be possible.

Policy Legitimation

This phase implies people, in general, considers the government's activities as real

(Bernstein, 2019). All together for an approach to be real, the strategy must pass the

administrative procedure. Many need firearm laws to be passed paying little respect to the

Constitution or Supreme Courts administering. A few lawmakers even make vows to "remove
firearms", yet any approach went outside of the typical road would be met with opposition

because of authenticity. A case of this was when President Trump endeavoured to stop migration

toward the start of his administration incidentally.

Policy Implementation

Policy implementation places the policy vigorously and passes the obligation from

strategy creators to approach implementers (Bernstein, 2019). This stage regularly has a direct

impact on the achievement of an arrangement. How adequate the strategy is composed and how

it is actualised can impact the accomplishment of the arrangement. Any personal investigation

enactment executed would be useful in the usage stage. On the off chance that this stage does not

succeed, it will influence the public sentiment on the adequacy of individual verifications.

Policy Evaluation

Policy Evaluation decides whether the made approach meets the objectives of the

arrangement producers (Bernstein, 2019). The means of assessing the achievement ought to be

recognised during the objective setting stage. It is hard to assess personal investigations since

failure to pass a record verification will not keep somebody from purchasing a gun from another

person. The objectives for setting up progress would need to be very much considered.

Policy Maintenance

Policy maintenance measures the significance and utilisation of the policy(Bernstein,

2019). This progression decides if the arrangement will proceed, be corrected, or ended. The

assurance for which venture to take is frequently chosen by moving objectives or convictions on

the policy.
Changes in Policy: Recommendations for Preventing Gun Violence

Some portion of a general wellbeing way to deal with weapon viciousness is tied in with

averting the inevitable danger of lethality through reasonable firearm laws and a culture of

security. Lawmakers must introduce and establish sensible gun laws and a culture of gun safety.

Decrease simple access to perilous weapons by prohibiting high limit magazines and bump

stocks, requiring general record verifications without provisos, establishing holding up periods,

and reinstituting the ambush weapons boycott right away. Evoke gun access to youth and people

who are in danger of hurting themselves or others. This incorporates keeping weapons out of the

hands of the individuals who have been rough toward their accomplices and families, and those

with past savage feelings, regardless of whether through extending lethality evaluation and

record verifications or supporting aggressive behaviour at home or domestic violence bills and

firearm savagery controlling requests. Last, consider the firearm business responsible and

guarantee there is adequate oversight over the promoting and offers of weapons and ammo

(McLively, 2019).

Moreover, bolstering community planning and usage of thorough network security

designs that incorporate counteractive action and intercession. Perceive firearm viciousness as a

fundamental and preventable general medical issue. Firearm viciousness is the primary source of

unexpected passing in the nation. However, in contrast to other preventable reasons for death, we

have not assembled the political will to address it. Firearm brutality is most seen when numerous

individuals kick the bucket on the double, yet it influences an excessive number of community

and families every day whether through suicide, abusive behaviour at home, network

viciousness, or different structures (Tyler & Lavrakas, 1983).



America's association with firearms is changing, and individuals, like never before, need

somebody to "accomplish something." These new dispositions will rise above the red/blue

separation and give a litmus trial of our political pioneers' qualities. As our families, networks,

and nation reel from awful day by day disasters, we should pledge to change our way of life and

our approaches and to stop this cycle of viciousness. We ought to have the option to live in our

homes, send our kids to initially level, ask in our places of love, shop in our nearby shopping

centres, and stroll through our boulevards and neighbourhoods without being shot. Together we

can make a move in the memory of the individuals who passed on and demand this never happen

Appendix A: Individual Survey

Gun Control Policy Questionaire

As part of my Masters of Public Administration dissertation, I am forwarding this Gun

control survey questions is a questionnaire to gather information what people think about
gun violence, gun control, factors and effects of possession of firearms. This survey aims
to identify public opinion to understand if possession of guns/firearms is needed for self-
defence or is it the reason for increasing the crime rate. The results of this study will be
used for scholarly purposes only. Your responses will be confidential and we do not
collect identifying information such as your name, religious views, gender orientation,
ethnicity, race, or political affiliation. Thank you.

1. DO you or anyone in your house own a gun? Why or why not?

No too often the guns are used against the owner.

2. Do you feel stricter Gun Laws would reduce violence, increase violence, or keep it
about the same?


3. Should we ban assault weapons? (EX. AR-15s) Why or why not?

Yes assault weapons were created for one thing only to mow down as many people as
possible. They should not be owned by private individuals they are a weapon to be used
by the military only

4. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be made more strict,
less strict, or kept as they are now? Why or why not?

More strict. Longer waiting periods better background checks to prevent impulse buying
and impulse rampages
5. Do you favour or oppose a federal law requiring background checks on all potential
gun buyers? If no, please explain.


6. What changes do you think should be made to the nation’s gun control policy and

. Longer waiting periods better background checks

7. What are your thoughts on the recent increase in gun violence in public places such
as schools, shopping mall, clubs et cetera?
Its terrifying. No child should have to worry about their safety in school. We need stricter gun

laws and better access to mental health for all


Appendix B: Individual Survey

Gun Control Policy Questionaire

As part of my Masters of Public Administration dissertation, I am forwarding this Gun control
survey questions is a questionnaire to gather information what people think about gun violence,
gun control, factors and effects of possession of firearms. This survey aims to identify public
opinion to understand if possession of guns/firearms is needed for self-defence or is it the reason
for increasing the crime rate. The results of this study will be used for scholarly purposes only.
Your responses will be confidential, and we do not collect identifying information such as your
name, religious views, gender orientation, ethnicity, race, or political affiliation. Thank you.

1. DO you or anyone in your house own a gun? Why or why not?

Nobody is my house owns a firearm or has ever owned a firearm. The main reason is that
they’re too expensive and I don’t see any logical, practical reason why I’d need to own a
2. Do you feel stricter Gun Laws would reduce violence, increase violence, or keep it
about the same?
I don’t feel that imposing stricter laws will have any impact on the number of violent
incidents that happen.
3. Should we ban assault weapons? (EX. AR-15s) Why or why not?
I don’t see any practical reason to have any functioning assault weapons in the hands of
civilians. I don’t live in fear of any foreign invading forces and have enough faith in my
local law enforcement to handle my safety.
4. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be made more strict,
less strict, or kept as they are now? Why or why not?
I think laws for the sale of guns should be practical and put in place to ensure law-abiding
citizens can purchase a gun at their discretion. Any individual who’s been convicted of a
felony should lose the right to own a firearm similar to losing their right to vote.
5. Do you favour or oppose a federal law requiring background checks on all potential
gun buyers? If no, please explain.
I am in favor of a federal law requiring background checks on all potential gun buyers.

6. What changes do you think should be made to the nation’s gun control policy and
You can’t control everyone and everything they do every second of every day. You do the
best you can with the resources you have. The amount of gun violence a day compared to
the amount of gun violence that doesn’t happen a day isn’t even close. I would say you’re
more likely to get into a car accident and die than be the victim of gun violence.
7. What are your thoughts on the recent increase in gun violence in public places such
as schools, shopping mall, clubs et cetera?

With the technological advances we live in today, information is passed from one source to
another faster than ever. Again, the amount of gun violence that doesn’t happen compared to how
much does happen isn’t a close comparison. An incident when it happens is tragic and my heart
goes out to the victims and their families. You can’t predict when something will happen, and the
more attention that’s placed on these incidents will only increase the frequency of events.


Agresti, J. D., Smith, R. K. & Guerra, R. (2018, February 23). Gun Control Facts. Just Facts.

Retrieved December 20, 2019 from

Bernstein, R. (2019, May 2). An Introduction to the Public Policy-Making Process. Retrieved


Bogus, C. T. (2008). Gun Control and America’s Cities: Public Policy and Politics. Albany

Government Law Review, 1(2), 440. Retrieved from


Cohn, N., & Sanger-katz, M. (2019, August 10). On Guns, Public Opinion and Public Policy

Often Diverge. Retrieved from


Dancy, G., Holman, M., & McKenzie, K. (2019). The Origins of Gun Policy in U.S.

States. Washington University Journal of Law & Policy. Retrieved from


McLively, M. (2019). Gun Violence Prevention 2.0: A New Framework for Addressing

America’s Enduring Epidemic. Washington University Journal of Law & Policy.

Retrieved from


Sami Rahamim. (2018). From Dream to Nightmare: Gun Violence in America. Interdisciplinary

Journal of Partnership Studies, (2). https://doi-org.proxy-

Tyler, T. R., & Lavrakas, P. J. (1983). Support for Gun Control: the Influence of Personal,

Sociotropic, and Ideological Concerns 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 13(5),


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