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Ppg-Feminism & Fascism

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Feminism refers to the broad range of ideas, approaches and ideologies directed towards
advocating for gender and sex equality for women. Feminism is a movement that seek to achieve
for equality and social right for women in all key areas which include education, personal,
economic, employment and culture sphere of human endeavors. It is also known that Feminism
is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political
and economic equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girls
and boys. Feminism is also described as a movement. A revolution that includes women and men
who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. These boundaries or blockades are better
known as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and
economic status. Everyone views the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality.
Feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see gender gap and the idea that men
are superior to women to decreased or even abolished.

In our world today, especially in the Philippines, we are experiencing mistreatment, so

much discrimination and this is the worst we’re experiencing misconception. That people really
don’t know the importance of each individual to freely express herself or himself. That’s why
they created feminism to eradicate these kind of problems.

They truly believe that women should have economic, political and social equality with
men. And we have here, the positive effects of feminism if we implement it to our country, the
Philippines. Feminism carves the path of self-respect as well as admiration for women when they
are given equal social status in the society. When women are given equal power due to feminism,
they develop a self of belongingness which encourages them to contribute more to the people
around them both personal as well as professionally. Feminism aids in addressing rights of
women and it also enlightens public regarding the importance of equality among genders.
Women are considered to be the essence of life on earth and when feminism comes into force,
women are treated with their much deserving respect and love. Feminism makes men understand
their role in the house and promotes them to spend more time with their children and also
indulge in household activities. There is better sharing of feelings and sense of belongingness
developed between couples when women are given equal respect and admirations. And feminism
helps in promoting equality in relationship of all kinds. These positive ideas about feminism
really is so motivating that’s why I want it to be implemented here in the Philippines. If there are
positive ideas that is indicated to feminism, we cannot deny the fact that there are also negative
effects of it. And here they are, feminism is largely applied on women working in the industrial
sectors. Feminism is sometimes used as a weapon against mankind with women refusing to bear
babies. Women are often see themselves as the better gender and want to separate themselves
from the rest of the society, both personally and professionally. In a way, feminism is craving
discrimination between men and women by demanding for equal rights for them, hence
portraying that men are dominant in the society. It also segregates men and women. Feminism
leads to undermining of traditional values and power of a woman which is her family and loved
ones. There can be several negative effects of feminism seen in woman’s personal life since
demanding for rights for them, hence portraying that men are dominant in the society. It also
segregates men and women.

There are many negative effects of feminism but I want it to be implemented in our
country because the positive effects are more than important than its negative side. It’s what our
country is extremely needed right now, equality to reform the country and its people. This
feminism will inculcate to the people how each one is certainly important for the progress of our

Our country should try to have this kind of ideology because it has a lot to do for the
betterment of our country. Considering what is happening now in our country, our country’s
people are suffering from different abuses and maltreatment. I want feminism to be implemented
because it can eradicate these problems. The feminist movement have campaigned for the
protection for every child and women from sexual harassment, rape violence within our home.
The ideology of feminism had been used in some parts of the world and the campaign and the
activities of feminist activist over several centuries have greatly improved a lots of women in
several areas and in several societies. And feminist activists have successfully used campaigns
for the rights of women to secure broad range of opportunities and enlightens people about the
LGBTQ community and there can be reduction in the number of hate crimes.
Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power,
forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce that came to
prominence in early 20th-century Europe. It is a nationalistic, militaristic, totalitarian dictatorship
that seeks to create a feasible society through strict regimentation of national and individual
lives. Total subordination to the service of the state and unquestioning loyalty to its leader would
adjust conflicting interests. It is a modern political ideology that looks to regenerate the social,
economic, and cultural life of a country by bashing of ethnic identity. Fascism rejects liberal
ideas of freedom and individual rights, it often presses for destruction of elections, legislatures
and other elements of democracy.

Fascist movements set out to create a new type of total culture in which values, politics
art, social norms and economic activity are all part of single organic community. In this way
fascism is directly opposed to conservatism. A fascist movement always asserts that the nation
faces a profound crisis. The fascists present the national crisis as resolvable only through a
radical political transformation. They claim the nation has entered a dangerous age of
mediocrity, weakness and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can
save the nation from itself. Fascism is also known as a political movement and a form of
government the promoted loyalty to one’s leader and state.

Our country needs a leader who can lead its nation and I think it would be better for him
to role our country if we use the fascism ideology. Here are the positive views about fascism, it
prioritizes the welfare of the country. One of the best thing about fascism is that it focuses on the
improvements of the country as a whole. Government funds will spend on increasing nation’s
defenses and ensuring it has enough weapon, trained soldiers, and armed vehicles to defend itself
against foreign invaders. It promotes socio-economic equality. It aims to unite the people be
getting rid of socio-economic classes and creating among everybody. It speeds up the decision-
making process. There’s no need to through bureaucratic hoops since one person is in control of
everything. It improves peace and order. Common crimes like theft and burglary usually have no
place in fascist government. These are the following why I like the fascism be implemented in
the Philippines. But, in there are positive ideas about fascism there are also negative views that
will surely stain it, and these are the following. It paves the way to abuse of power. Fascism
hands over the control of the entire nation to one person and its very dangerous. It prevents
people from enjoying free speech. Fascism does not tolerate criticism and opposition. Those
whose criticized and open oppose the dictator will be imprisoned. It can widen the divide
between the rich and the poor. Fascism can pave the way to equality among the people since it
can erase the division between socio-economic classes. It can damage the country economy and
it can be used to abuse certain groups of people.
Well, fascism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly
suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry and emphasizing an aggressive
nationalism and often racism. With this I believe that it would be best for the Philippines to try
something else so that we can know if is there still something that we should improve. I choose
this because its kind the new to me because I was still a child when they implemented this in the
Philippines. I can find its positive effects very agreeable. I think all in all whatever ideology we
use, and as long as the leader have the heart to serve the people, then we can be a great nation.

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