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Noble Scholar Proposal 2021 - School

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DR. H. Sandiaga S. Uno

B.B.A., M.B.A

Thrive in the New Era

with Creativepreneurship and Innovation


It all starts here

As a world-class international education provider in Indonesia, UniSadhuGuna, better known
as USG Education, aspires to improve the educational quality for Indonesians.

Streamlined education and

global exposure are vital in
building human capital in
this day and age. With a new
approach to learning, USG
Education provides just that:
a range of internationally-
standardized programs with
an emphasis on career-
focused courses.
Our distinguished programs
provide opportunities for
students who wish to continue
further higher education
abroad. We ensure that every
single one of our students experiences a smooth transition overseas. Our courses,
class interactions, and learning facilities are designed to be on par with our esteemed
university partners overseas.

Vision & Mission

To contribute to the development of our country, Indonesia, through providing the best quality
education and to create virtuous individuals with strong characters, who strive to be better at
present and in the future. UniSadhuGuna aims to develop various educational programs and
realize its dreams to become a world class education provider.


We aim to equip young leaders with the right skills and tools
to spark a generation of dynamic individuals leading the way
for a positive change and cultivate the growth.
More than 3500 Alumni across the globe.
More than 100 World Class University partners.

From Jakarta,

As a World-Class Integrated International Education Provider Indonesia,

UniSadhuGuna, better known as USG EDUCATION, aspires to improve
the educational quality for Indonesians.


2+1 Provide students

opportunities to
1+2 experience the world
while completing
2+2 their degrees.

Fast Track and seamless transfers to:

3 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Our Unique Values are:

Integrated Education Provider High-Quality Academic Structure with

• Provides a-one-stop solution for Collaborative Learning Enviroment
foundation and pathway to Higher • More than 3,500 notable alumni that have
Education. succeeded in global industries.
• Links with over 100 leading global • Academic Standards Committee, in
universities including in Australia, conjunction with external audits from
UK, USA, Europe, Japan, Malaysia, our domestic and international partners, to
China and Singapore. ensures consistently high standards.

Personal attention Fast Track

• Improving students’ academic and • Save Cost and Time
soft skills as well as personality and • Seamless transitions from Diploma
character advancements to Bachelor programs
(1 : 10 students ratio)

Real-World Experience Students - Centered Approach

& Collaborative Learning • Student counseling services including career-
Environment counseling, education and placement, and
student welfare services.

4 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Competition Background
Today’s life has changed drastically as this pandemic has altered the way we live. The rapid
development of human society and technology, forces us to be adaptive and innovate to compete
and at the same time collaborate with peers. This is the time where we have to work together
to provide a path towards innovative thinking and encourage entrepreneurship as a part of a
lifelong learning journey.
USG Noble Scholar Competition is to incite and encourage youths throughout Indonesia from
junior & high school students, to develop their inherent creativepreneurial skills and talents as
well as voices and ideas and present them to the world. These scholars are given the chance to
present their innovative ideas, hone their speaking & creative skills, and build resumes that stand
out from the crowd when entering a professional world.
USG Noble Scholar Competition has been carried out since 2016 providing a platform for young
minds to create for all of us, a history of success. This year, the competition series will carry out
a grand theme of:

Thrive in the New Era with Creativepreneurship and Innovation.

We want to see this competition become even more widespread going forward. Our aim is to
bring this competition to every junior & high school in Indonesia, ensuring that these smart,
innovative youths are fully prepared to enter the entrepreneurial marketplace armed with the
much needed skills.


Noble Scholar Competition provides

opportunities for participants to explore
the ideas of creativity, so participants
are able to gather inspirations that will
enrich their knowledge in venturing their
future. Not merely daring people to dream
high and big, but also to push them to turn
ideas into actions.
The programs constructed are of multi
senses learning experiences which stimulate
individual’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs or

One important aspect of champions is the ability to discover new
opportunities. Discover Entrepreneurships with the essence of innovations,
where it is a starting point of expansion and improvement. Innovation also
mean meeting new people and establish new connections.

6 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Event Objectives
1. To provide a platform where participants can share their dreams
and ideas especially in the field of creative industry thus to
develop creative minds and spirit for young talented students.

2. To increase the spirit of entrepreneurship in Indonesia and build a

competitive generation in responding to the challenges of open
competition globally.

3. To hone the creativity, professionalism, innovation skills, sense of

passion and entrepreneurship of students in both intellectual and
physical aspects, by challenging them to discover new concepts.

4. To raise awareness on the importance of having soft skills and

provide coaching for the best Noble Scholars.

5. To strengthen the bonds and partnerships between USG and

university partners from all over the world and to establish
relationships and connections with companies and media for
collaborations in creating an interactive event.

6. To emphasize the importance of the theme Thriving in the new era

with Creativepreneurship and Innovation for all stake holders.

7 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Noble Scholar Milestones

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Previous Competitions

8 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


Serial of Workshops & Talk Shows

Students will be invited to participate in the Noble Scholar Festival which provides
valuable insights by participating in professional development workshops or
webinars that focuses on self-development.
Talk shows and workshops will be the format to share the new perspectives and
specific skills needed in the current and future conditions in Indonesia, particularly in
the field of creative industry.
For list of talk shows and workshops in the 2021 Noble Scholar Competition go to

Mentoring Session
By participating in the competition, students will discover things that they simply
can’t learn from books and in the classrooms. They will be invited to participate in
mentoring sessions and connected with dedicated mentors such as experienced
entrepreneurs, industry experts and thought leaders who will coach them with
specific skills needed particularly in the field of creative industry.

How We Make an Impact Together

USG Noble Scholar presents the figure of

DR. H. Sandiaga S. Uno, B.B.A, M.B.A,
to support and impart guidance towards realizing youth
success potential on The Importance of Global Education
and Having Innovative and Creative Competence for Your
Future during the Technical Meeting & make a presence in
the Final Competition to deliver the encouragement speech.


Through collaborations with esteems experts, professionals, university
partners and companies all students will get a glimpse of the real world
and additional knowledge and as well as the chance to polish their skills to
become innovators and entrepreneurs in the global era.

9 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


7 Days prior to final judgement, before final round, the BEST 10 participants
from each category will have the opportunity to extend future connections and
enrolled in mentoring and coaching sessions from USG Alumni and Academic team
members. They will leave this program with a deeper understanding of their strengths
and development opportunities. Upon these series and final completion, which
students are required to attend, they will receive a valuable e-certificate which can be
used for their resume.

Judging Benefits for Winners

The judging committees are made • Press Release
up of leading educators and
• Newsletter Announcement
experts. Judging is divided into
two phases: the elimination round • UniSadhuGuna Blog Articles
and final judging. All eligible • Award Prizes
projects will be evaluated in the • Digital Certificate (Winner
elimination round. and Participants)
• Competition Statistics
10 winning teams will move on
to final judging. The judging • Feedback Notes by the Jury
for the Winner
criteria for assigning points are
based on creativity, accuracy,
communication, and feasibility of
the content’s vision. Judges award
higher scores to entries that are
unique and different from those
that have won previously.

10 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Noble Scholar Timeline

September October Registration & Payment Period October Technical


20 - 15 16
If you have submitted the online
registration form and still have pending
documents, then late submission of the
2021 2021 documents must be submitted by email 2021
with notifications to the committee.

October Video November Semi Final Announcement


30 12
Semifinalists will be notified by email and
Deadline UniSadhuGuna’s Social Media Account.
Judges will choose The BEST 10 to
2021 2021 enter final rounds from each category.

November November Mentoring Sessions

13 - 14
All finalists will have special coaching sessions with USG Alumni,
Academic team members, and Experts.

2021 2021

November Final Rounds & Winner Announcement

• 10 Finalists will perform in front of judges and supporters virtually
• Judges will select 3 Winners from each category
• All finalists will perform from their place through Zoom platform.
2021 • All participants and schools will join this Final Stage event as zoom participants,
which will be streaming LIVE on YouTube.

November Public Announcement

The names of the winners from each category will be
posted on UniSadhuGuna’s social media account.


Competition Categories
Speech UIC - UTS College Project Creative Aviation
Competition Competition Competition Competition

Graphic Fashion Music

Speech Business IT Engineering Design Design Aviation

Contact Persons

Speech Business & IT Creative & Aviation

Ms. Agata: +62 8131 8000 569 Ms. Prerana & Mr. Ziqri: +62 812 9151 0121 Ms. Kristen: +62 812 8811 0725

Ms. Cindy: +62 8111 383 841

11 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Competition Guidelines

Statement Letter signed by the School Principal or School Representative

Participant is an active student of the school they represent, and has received a
signed statement letter from the school principal or school representative.
Participants who have been registered cannot be replaced by anyone else for any reason.

Number of Students Per School

Each school may register and able to send up to 5 participants in a form of individual
participants or group with a maximum of 2 students for Creative Competition and
a maximum of 3 students for Project Competition.

Supervise by 1 Teacher / Guidance Counsellor

• On the final stage the finalist should be accompanied virtually
by 1 (one) teacher / guidance counsellor

The Decisions of the Judges are FINAL

Original Idea with Non-Provocative Content

• The materials for the competition must NOT provoke issues of ethnicity, religion, race;
nor indicate money game scheme, lottery gathering, the pyramid scheme of a multi-level-
marketing distributor, insurance agent, property broker member, investment sales agent,
and other the similar agency systems, including the existing franchises.
• The materials for the competition is not from an old project and is the original work of
the participants’, not plagiarised. The judge and the competition committee have the right
to remove the winning title should any plagiarism is proven.

Will be Posted on YouTube

The presentation will be recorded and posted on YouTube, so you will need to sign a waiver.

Follow All the Rules & Regulations

• All contestants need to follow all the rules and regulations of the competition & required
guidelines given as per chosen competition topics.
• Any violation of the above terms and conditions will result in disqualification of the
contestants by the committee, and the committee’s decision cannot be appealed.
• All registered participants will get a competition guidelines book with all rules regulations,
specs, technicality and also criteria and rubric of each competition categories.

12 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Registration Guidelines

Registration Deadline
All of the registration documents must be
1. Online Registration Form received by the committee at the latest
can be found at October 15th, 2021.

2. Participants must send the following documents:

a. Statement letter by School’s authority stating
that the participant has agreed to follow For More Information
the rules and regulations of the Noble
Scholar competition; on IDR 10,000 -
Should you need any more assistance,
signed legal stamp.
please notify the committee by email to:
b. A copy of payment transfer to Account: Speech :
# 8001 6033 7500
PT UniSadhuGuna - CIMB Niaga. Project :
Creative :
c. A 4x6-sized photograph of each participant,
with the file name as follows : Aviation :
Candidate’s Full Name_Team Name.
3. Once you have register, go to and upload your
Registration fee:
picture (individual or team) in your IG account (non
private account), mention #USGNobleScholar2021 Aviation Competition : IDR 25.000 / participant
and tag Speech Competition : IDR 50.000 / participant
Project and Creative Competition : IDR 100.000 / team

2,30 0

Submission Guidelines
Delivery: VIDEO Submission

1. All videos have to be uploaded to your IG account

2. Participants who has registered must follow the Instagram account of:
3. Participants must wear school uniforms on the video recording.
4. Participants should upload video on their NON PRIVATE personal Instagram account (for individual)
or team representative Instagram (for team project) account, tag and follow the above listed account
(No.2) along with the hashtag #USGNobleScholar2021
5. Participants must submit the link of their URL video to the above email with the following subject
format: NS2021_Video_Competition Category _Individual/ TeamName_School Name
6. Number of likes of the participant’s videos will be considered as the Judge’s criteria to select the
Favorite Winner. Number of likes should not be received by Instagram promote ads.
7. Tag / Mention listed Account:
8. Competition video should be received by the committee at the latest of 30 October 2021 at 5 PM.

13 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

The main purpose of this competition is to stimulate students to develop skills they need for public
speaking and boost their self- confidence so they can become great communicators, and eventually
open many opportunities in their chosen careers in the future. This speech competition will carry a
theme of “THRIVE IN THE NEW ERA - With creativepreneurship and innovation” and topics specified
for each tier. Participants must choose one topic from the given choices in accordance to their school
level. During the final round, participants will be asked to deliver the same speech in front of the
judges, as the one originally submitted digitally in the form of a video.

Participants Choice of Topics

Junior High School
1. Youth participation in waste management
2. Importance of clean energy to sustainable
living and environment
3. Digital transformation acceleration during
and post COVID-19

Senior High School

1. How can the government and environment
(school, society, families) encourage young
people to be more creative and innovative?
2. The role of creative tourism for economic
growth during and post pandemic.

Junior High School 7th – 9th Graders 3. What is creative economy, and from a
standpoint of policy makers, what can be
Senior High School 10th – 12th Graders done to encourage this?

Participants must attend an online technical meeting set by the committee to get
briefing on the entries submission details.

Deliver the Speech in English

Use visual aids if


5 minutes
to deliver the speech
Use notecards as a guide but may not
read the entire speech from the notecards.

14 2021 Noble Scholar Competition



The main purpose of this competition is to encourage students to develop and show off
their innovations, ideas and knowledge in Business, IT, and Engineering. This is a best event
to boost their self-confidence so they can become great innovator, and eventually open
many opportunities in their chosen careers in the future. This competition is dedicated for
team Senior High School students’ members only.

Participants Guidelines
Presentation must be made according to
the topics chosen and recorded in a video,
to be submitted by posting on Instagram in
the form of IGTV and via email to

Participants must attend an online technical

meeting set by the committee to get briefing
on the entries submission details.

Senior High School

10th – 12th Graders

Deliver the Project in English &

start with an introduction of the team.

Use visual aids if needed

Presentation is limited
to 12 Slides only.

20 minutes
to deliver the project

Use notecards as a guide but may not

read the entire speech from the notecards.

15 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


To help creative young minds learn about business strategy and concepts in creative
industries, this competition aims to challenge their existing business knowledge
and individuality to create something innovative and new. The hope is that the
participating senior high school students will learn how to come up with and follow
through on an idea that will thrive in the New Era.

What They Need to Produce?

Senior high school students are required to present a creative and innovative business
idea. This business idea can be in any creative industry such as music, fashion,
design, books, education, entertainment, food & drink, kids, health & fitness, lifestyle,
navigation, social networking, travel, or any other, and must highlight an innovation or
added value way to cater to the new types of demand in the new era.

Content of The Business Plan Idea

1. Value proposition of your business minimum 3 marketing tools (such as
idea: 140 characters that describe social media concept).
the value you provide to your
7. Operational Strategy: What are the
resources you need? Such as location
2. A description of the problem your and facilities, technology, equipment
customers have: What problem and tools.
does your business solve for your
8. Management team: Who are your
management team? Describe the
3. Your solution: How do you solve positions required.
your customer’s problem? Describe
9. Financial Summary: How much do
your product or service, with images,
you think you will sell and how much
including product design and logo
is it going to cost you to make your
product or deliver your service?
4. Competitors analysis and Your
10. Milestones:
Competitive Advantage: How are
What are your major goals this year
you different? What makes your
and in 3 years?
business and products better than
the alternatives that are out there? 11. Funding required: This is optional,
but if you need to raise money for
5. Target market: Who is your ideal
your business, how much do you
customer? Describe your ideal
need and what will you use it for?

6. Sales and marketing Strategy: How

do you market your products and
services to your customers? Create a

Entry Qualification: Senior High School 10th – 12th Graders

16 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


To help strategic and innovative young minds learn about technology and its many
different facets and new developments, this competition aims to challenge high school
student’s thought processes and analytical skills. Participating senior high school students
need to come up with unique ideas on how to improve upon an existing website/app’s UX/
UI through a new additional feature, in the creative industry.

What They Need to Produce?

Create a website for your small business idea in an industry that has been struggling during
the pandemic. Senior high school students are required to present a website (created
only through Wix, from scratch) for their small business idea in a creative industry of their
choice. The website could be in any category such as music, fashion, design, books, business,
education, entertainment, food & drink, kids, health & fitness, lifestyle, music, navigation,
social networking, travel, or any other. This business idea and industry chosen must be
justified in a presentation along with the website created. The website should provide some
added value in the new era and make the customer experience during the pandemic easier
and more innovative.

Entry Qualification: Senior High School 10th – 12th Graders

17 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

1. The website must have a maximum of 5 pages: Home Page (Main Website Landing Page),
Catalogue / Price List, FAQ Page, Contact Us, and one innovative page of your choice.
2. The website must have a min. of 3 and a max. of 5 working buttons that can be interacted
with (e.g. Add to Cart, Contact Us that leads to WhatsApp, etc.).
3. The rest of the website does not have to have any functionality, but must be fully designed.
4. You must present the actual website along with the presentation slides (The focus of the
presentation should be on the website and justification, instead of the small business idea).
5. The website / small business idea may not be plagiarized from an existing website / business.

Content of The Presentation: Grading Criteria:

1. Introduction of your team. The presentation will be graded based on content
2. Name and Value proposition of your idea: and justification. The website created will be
140 characters that describe the value of the graded based on:
website you provide to your offline customers • Design, layout and attractiveness of the pages
and what makes your idea unique. created and how they add value to your
Research: business idea (branding wise).
3. A description of the problem your customers • The additional innovative page chosen to be
have, and how the creation of your website created and how it adds value to the website.
could help solve those problems. • The functionality of the buttons you have
4. Target market: Who is your ideal customer? chosen to make interactive, and how they add
Describe your ideal customer. value to the website.
Concept: • Your understanding of the website as a whole,
5. Justification of why your new website can and ability to navigate through and explain the
help, and how it would solve a problem in the sitemap.
6. Justification of the additional innovative page,
and the buttons you chose to make interactive.
How does that add to the usability of your
7. Description of your idea as a whole, how
customers can interact with and use your
website, show simple sketches and storyboards
of your idea.
Design and Implementation:
8. Show how your website works, what features
you included, show a sitemap and navigation,
and present how your website works when
interacted with by the user.
9. Present the backend of your website by logging
in to your Wix account, and show how you
interact with it as a developer.
10. What are the next steps for your website,
what would you like to achieve in the future

Entry Qualification: Senior High School 10th – 12th Graders

18 2021 Noble Scholar Competition



Industry, innovation and infrastructure has been chosen to be this year engineering
project key topic. With more than half of the world population now living in the cities,
power and energy infrastructure are becoming ever more important, as are the growth
of new industries and access to information & technologies. On top of that, continuation
in innovation in sustainable industries and investment in scientific research are also
crucial to facilitate sustainable development. As such, Innovation and investment in
infrastructure are the most significant drivers of a country’s economic growth and

What They Need to Produce?

The Engineering Projects on Building Products from Waste Competition allow students
to learn about environmental preservation and develop an innovative day-to-day,
functional product that could promote sustainable industries and at the same time,
application of Engineering aspects in real life experiences. With this competition,
students will be challenged to build an everyday use product from waste materials and
transform them into a product of value. It will involve a thorough process from waste
extraction, design and production of the product.

Purpose of The Competition

• To foster innovations in Engineering field.
• To develop a new valuable product from waste that could contribute to
sustainable industrialization.
• To build a resilient infrastructure that adds value to people’s lives.

Judging criteria for the Engineering competition:

• Two stages of judging the competition:
a. Student’s final presentation
b. Prototype of the finished good
• Overall criteria:
c. Value of the product from zero to something (innovation)
d. Durability (e.g. water resistance)
e. Functionality (usability, product benefits)
f. Originality (how innovative is the product? It has to be a novel product that
has not been existed in the market before)
g. Product aesthetics (design, color, shape, visual weight, etc.)

Entry Qualification: Senior High School 10th – 12th Graders

19 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

In today’s global and highly competitive environment successful business is achieved
because of creativity and innovation. Therefore, business today should explore and
implement different creative strategies, as it is the driving force behind most businesses’
success. This Creative competition will carry a theme of “THRIVE IN THE NEW ERA - With
Creativity and Passion to Innovation” and topics specified for each tier.

Participants Scheme
1. Introduction of your team.
2. Presentation must be made according to
the topics chosen and recorded in a video.
3. Project title is at the top of the first page
of the description.
4. Description is typed and double spaced
on standard word style document.
5. The font is a standard 12 point size or
larger but no larger than 18 point size.
6. Each school is able to send up to 5
participants in a form of individual
participant or group with a maximum
of 2 students.

Participants must attend an online technical

meeting set by the committee to get briefing
Junior High School 7th – 9th Graders on the entries submission details.
Senior High School 10th – 12th Graders

Deliver the Project in English &

include an introduction of the team.

Use visual aids if needed

Presentation is limited
to 11 Slides only.

10-15 minutes
to deliver the project

Use notecards as a guide but may not

read the entire project from the notecards.

20 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


Students will be challenged to create designs for Instagram Content of

Kemenparekraf Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environment (CHSE)
Program by choosing one of the topics below:
1. Safe Way to Eat in Restaurant 3. Safe Way to Do Outdoor Sports
2. Safe Way to Shop in A Mall 4. Safe Way to Travel

What They Need to Produce?

1. Participants should select one of the topics
above to be used in the design.

2. Participants have to produce a content for

Instagram can be in a form:

• Poster/Images to be inserted in 9 feeds,

• Video IG Story/Reels

Rules and Regulations

1. This competition is an individual competition.
2. Each participant can only submit one final design in a form of IG Story or IG
Feeds (6 Feeds Images/Posters).
3. Participants can use range of techniques for the design.
4. The work of winners will be featured by Kemenparekraf in their social media.

Entry Qualification: Junior & Senior High School 13 – 18 years old

21 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

Students will be challenged to create Fashion Sketches for any kind of
clothing categories following the pandemic style.

What They Need to Produce?

1. Participants have to produce sketches of any kind clothing categories
(Loungewear, Sportswear, Streetwear).

2. Participants prepare a brand profile for the sketches which includes

Brand Name, Target Market, Price Range and Promotional Channels.

Rules and Regulations

1. This competition is an individual competition.
2. Each participant can only submit one final design in a form of Sketches and
Power Point Style presentation that includes the brand name, target market,
price range and promotional channels of the proposed fashion items.
3. Participants can use range of techniques for the design.
4. The work of winners will be featured by Kemenparekraf in their social media.

Entry Qualification: Junior & Senior High School 14 – 18 years old

22 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


What They Need to Produce?

Students will be challenged to cover the song of UIC College
“Kita Indonesia”
• UIC College will provide the lyrics and music video, participants
can be in a group or solo.

Content of The Design Plan Idea

1. Every participant should register first and the link material will send to
participant’s email.
2. Participants can be individual performer or band.
3. Participants must cover UIC College Original Song Kita Indonesia in a free
choice of format (could be remix, rearrangement or recomposed).
4. Submissions of work must be original production of the participants.
5. The cover song must be posted on participant’s Instagram account with
hashtag: #noblescholar2021 #KitaIndonesia.
6. Participants must follow IG @uic.college_bsd and @uicmusic_bsd.
7. Participants must produce an e-poster containing photos, name, and short bio
of the participants.

Entry Qualification: Senior High School 13 – 18 years old

23 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


Participants will be challenged to create a video about their future aspiration to

become an Airline Pilot. The video duration should be no longer than 2 minutes
and it should outlining below topics:
1. Introduction of yourself (state your current education background)
2. Explain your reasons for wanting to become a pilot.
3. Describe where you would like to work in the future as a professional pilot.
4. What is your hope for the future of the aviation industry in Indonesia?

Content of The Design Plan Idea

1. This is an individual competition.
2. Students must produce the video in MP4, MOV or AVI format.
3. The video must be uploaded in their IGTV and Tagged to @usg.flybest_bsd
4. Each participant can only submit one Video.
5. Participants can use a range of video making techniques.

Participants must attend an online technical meeting set by the committee

to get briefing on the entries submission details.

Deliver the Story in English

Use visual aids

if needed

5 minutes
to deliver the story

Use notecards as a guide but may not

read the entire story from the notecards.

Participants who aspired to be professional pilots
from any background aged 15 to 23 years old.

24 2021 Noble Scholar Competition

PRIZES 1 2 3
Speech IDR 2.000.000 IDR 1.750.000 IDR 1.250.000 IDR 500.000
Competition + + + +
Junior High School Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth
IDR 20.000.000 IDR 15.000.000 IDR 10.000.000 IDR 5.000.000

IDR 2.250.000 IDR 2.000.000 IDR 1.500.000 IDR 750.000

+ + + +
Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth
Senior High School
IDR 20.000.000 IDR 15.000.000 IDR 10.000.000 IDR 10.000.000

UIC – UTS Projects

Competition IDR 2.250.000 IDR 2.000.000 IDR 1.750.000 IDR 1.000.000
+ + + +
• Business
Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth
• IT IDR 20.000.000 IDR 15.000.000 IDR 10.000.000 IDR 5.000.000
• Engineering

Competition IDR 2.500.000 IDR 2.000.000 IDR 1.5000.000 IDR 1.000.000
+ + + +
• Graphic Design
Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth
• Fashion Design
IDR 30.000.000 IDR 20.000.000 IDR 15.000.000 IDR 10.000.000
• Music

Aviation IDR 2.500.000 IDR 2.000.000 IDR 1.500.000 IDR 1.000.000

Competition + + + +
Future Pilot Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth Scholarship worth
Aspiration Story IDR 30.000.000 IDR 20.000.000 IDR 15.000.000 IDR 10.000.000


All participants will receive IDR 150.000* of Study Vouchers for all TBI programmes.
And winner of each category will receive a study voucher worth of:

1 2 3

Study Voucher Study Voucher Study Voucher


1.500.000 1.000.000 500.000

*T&C Apply 25 2021 Noble Scholar Competition


I, the undersigned:

Name :
Name of School :
Position :

State that the student(s) listed below:

1. Name :
Grade :

2. Name :
Grade :

3. Name :
Grade :

4. Name :
Grade :

5. Name :
Grade :

6. Name :
Grade :

1. is the student(s) of __________________________ Junior / Senior High School

2. has never won the selected competition topics ;
3. has provided the truthful and correct information on the registration form;
4. has read, comprehended, and will follow all the competition regulations;
5. completed and signed the Statement Letter truthfully and is aware of all the

the above-stated regulations and points.

___________, ________________ 2021

Accompanying Teacher / Principal

Guidance Counsellor

Materai Rp. 10.000

( ) ( )
DR. H. Sandiaga S. Uno
B.B.A., M.B.A

Thrive in the New Era

with Creativepreneurship and Innovation

2021 Competition



It all starts here

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