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STE Elective - Biotech - Q4 - W1 8 - Learning Activity Sheets 1

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Name: Jahzara M. Juanico Grade and Section: 8-Aristotle

Teacher: Jedahlyn Rose Balad-on Date: 6/30/21 Score:

Activity 1: Internet Browsing and Online Video Viewing

Directions: Browse the internet for articles, and search and watch videos on
the internet that relate to each color of biotechnology. Take into
consideration that the guide questions below as basis for
choosing the relevant videos.

Guide questions:
1. Enumerate the different colors of biotechnology and give their
 Red - Medicine Biotechnology
 White - Industrial Biotechnology
 Green - Agricultural Biotechnology
 Blue - Marine biotechnology
 Yellow - Food Biotechnology
 Grey - Environmental biotechnology
 Gold - Bioinformatics
 Brown - Desert Biotechnology
 Violet - Law, ethics, Patents
 Dark - Bioterrorism, biowarfare

2. What is the purpose of each color of biotechnology?

 Red - Health, Medical, Diagnostics
 White - Gene-based Bioindustries
 Green - Agricultural Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology
- Biofuels, Biofertilizers, Bioremediation, GeGeomicrobiogy
 Blue - Aquaculture, Coastal and Marine Biotech
 Yellow - Food Biotechnology, Nutrition Science
 Grey - Classical Fermentation and Bioprocess Technology
 Gold - Bioinformatics, Nanobiotechnology
 Brown - Arid Zone and Desert Biotechnology
 Violet - Patents, Publication, invention, IPRs
 Dark - Bioterrorism, Biowarfare, Biocrimes, Anticrop warfare
3. Give three (3) examples of applications for each color of

 Red - Pharmacology, Gene Therapy, Stem Cells

 White - Yeast, Moulds, Bacteria

 Green - Plant genetic engineering, Bio fetilizers, Bio pesticides

 Blue - Aquaculture, Biomolecules, Enzymes

 Yellow - Yoghurt, Buttermilk, Cheese

 Grey - bacteria, fungi, algae

 Gold- Alteration in DNA, Phylogenetic analysis, Sequence mapping

of biomolecules

 Brown - plant tissue culture, genetic engineering, molecular


 Violet - Bodies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development (OECD) and the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) have conducted separate studies about
intellectual biotechnology property

 Dark - Biological Warfare, Bioweapons, bioterrorism

4. Based on the video, give the place of where each color of

biotechnology does is present.

 Red biotechnology - Placed in medicine and human

health. This includes production of new antibiotics,
medicaments, as well as genetic engineering for disease

 White Biotechnology - Place in industrial biotechnology,

involves employment of microorganisms in chemical

 Green Biotechnology - Placed on the technologies that

have a positive impact on agriculture.This includes
creation of new crops using genetic or traditional
approaches as well as creation of new biofertilizers or

 Blue Biotechnology - Placed on marine organism.

Basically, it involves the use of marine organisms or their
products for creation of new medicaments, cosmetic
products, food or food supplements.

 Yellow Biotechnology - Include creation of new ways to

improve certain food products or to obtain more nutrition-
rich products.

 Grey Biotechnology - Placed to use for living organisms

to improve the environment we live in. This includes
bioremediation that uses microorganisms or even plants
to clean up the environment from certain pollutants.

 Gold Biotechnology - Placed in bioinformatics,

computers science, chip technology as well as
nanobiotechnology. This includes search for primers,
sequencing of peptides search for alternations in DNA.

 Brown Biotechnology - Centers around treatment of

desert-like soils drawing from species that are highly
resistant to dry and saline soils.

 Violet Biotechnology - Centers upon the study of the

legal aspects that surround this science.

 Dark Biotechnology - Includes production of biological

warfare and bioterrorism. It investigates pathogenic,
virulent and resistant microorganisms, to convert them
into biological weapons or counteract their harmful

5. List the title of each video for each color of biotechnology and its

Name: Jahzara M. Juanico Grade and Section: 8-Aristotle

Teacher: Jedahlyn Rose Balad-on Date: 6/30/21 Score:

Activity 2: Summary and Reflection

Directions: Write a summary and reflection based on the video links that will be sent in
the Group Chat.

Video No. 1 Title: 6 useful methods china uses to convert desert into
productive lands rich with crops


6 useful Methods China Uses In Turning Desert Into Productive Lands:

1. Planting Trees And Vegetation
2. Planting Crops And Vegetables
3. Using Polylactic Acid Sand Barriers To Stop Desertification
4. Using New Technology To Turn Desert Sand Into Soil
5. Planting Watermelon
6. Planting Licorice Trees


China is very well known for its effort of turning desert into productive
lands. They have initiated, implemented and applied many kinds of
techniques, innovative methods and new technologies in order to
transform their big desert regions into productive lands,rich with
crops, vegetation and trees. As a result, they are now benefiting from
what they have done in their big desert areas.
Video No. 2 Title: Bioinformatics explained English


- Bioinformatics is the application of techniques from computer

science to problems from biology.

- The term of Bioinformatics itself is made up of two parts, Bio as

biology, and Informatics as in information.

- Bioinformatics is a rapidly developing of biology and is vastly

interdiscipinary, using techniques and ideas from Informatics,
statistics, mathematics, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, and


- This information can be the genetic code contained in our DNA which
is like a recipe book, or blueprint for your body, telling it how to make
everything from muscles, to hair and toes.

- It can be patient statistics, telling us what is making people sick, and

what medicines are working.Or information that allows us to create
images of things too small for even the most powerful microscope to
see, allowing us to study how they behave.

- In fact, sometimes there is so much information that only way to get

through it all is using computers.Computers can search through all
this information quickly, finding what causes diseases, helping us find
new treatment, and understand how complex living organisms work.
Name: Jahzara M. Juanico Grade and Section: 8-Aristotle

Teacher: Jedahlyn Rose Balad-on Date: 6/30/21 Score:

Activity 3: Write-up
Directions: Prepare a write-up for your assigned colors of biotechnology with the
following parts: color of biotechnology, description, history, aim/purpose,
applications, and its future.

Black Biotechnology (Bioterorrism, Biowarfare)

Color of Biotechnology and Name


-Black biotechnology, also referred to as bioterrorism, involves the deliberate

use of biological organisms for bioterrorism, biowarfare to harm people for
several purposes. Thus it represents the negative aspects of this innovative

-It investigates pathogenic,virulent and resistant microorganisms, to convert

them into biological weapons or counteract their harmful effects.

-Biological weapons include any microorganism (such as bacteria, viruses, or
fungi) or toxin (poisonous compounds produced by microorganisms) found in
nature that can be used to kill or injure people.

-Biological warfare reached sophistication during the 1900s. During World

War I, the German Army developed anthrax, glanders, cholera, and a wheat
fungus specifically for use as biological weapons. They allegedly spread plague
in St. ... In 1942, the United States formed the War Research Service.
-The thing that makes biotechnology dark is the intentional use and
dissemination of harmful microorganisms, pathogens, or toxins to cause
disruption of humans, crops, and livestock. Regardless of the great
advantages that biotechnology has delivered, it has also provided tools to
destroy lives and the environment.
Applications and Products:
Biological Warfare-Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use
of biological toxins or infectious agents such as plagues, bacteria, viruses,
insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans,
animals or plants as an act of war. Biological weapons are living organisms or
replicating entities.

Biological Weapons-Biological weapons are microorganisms like virus,

bacteria, fungi, or other toxins that are produced and released deliberately to
cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants. ... Bioterrorism
attacks could also result in an epidemic, for example if Ebola or Lassa viruses
were used as the biological agents.

Although biological weapons are as old as the hills (if not older), modern
technology brings new worries. Some experts are concerned about recent
advances in gene editing technology.

When utilized for good, the latest tools can work wonders. However — as with
most cutting-edge technology — there is always the potential for misuse.

A gene editing technology called CRISPR has set off alarm bells in the defense
community; the technology allows researchers to edit genomes, thereby easily
modifying DNA sequences to alter gene function.
Name: Jahzara M. Juanico Grade and Section: 8-Aristotle

Teacher: Jedahlyn Rose Balad-on Date: 6/30/21 Score:

Activity 3: Write-up
Directions: Prepare a write-up for your assigned colors of biotechnology with the
following parts: color of biotechnology, description, history, aim/purpose,
applications, and its future.

Gold Biotechnology (Bioinformatics)

Color of Biotechnology and Name

-Gold biotechnology is responsible for everything related to bioinformatics,
from software to hardware, used in the data analysis of biological processes.

-Gold biotechnology, also known as bioinformatics, is a cross between

biological processes and computing that plays a key role in biological data.

-was founded in 1986 by Dr. Paul Gold as a low cost provider of high-quality
research chemicals. has grown to feature over 2,500 products for
cell and molecular biology.

- Gold Biotechnology provides products to clients all over the world who
demand top quality products at a price that promotes discovery.

-concentrates on the treatment of arid and desert-like soils drawing from
species that are highly resistant to dry and saline soils. Gold biotechnology is
responsible for everything related to bioinformatics, from software to
hardware, used in the data analysis of biological processes.

-Gold Biotechnology provides products to clients all over the world who
demand top quality products at a price that promotes discovery. GoldBio has
evolved significantly, expanding its catalog from three products to more than
3000 products.
Applications and Products:
1. Handling of vast biological data
Bioinformatics provides the facility for the availability of big data for future use that further
helps to utilize this data for data mining and analysis.
2. Designing of primer sequence for PCR
Bioinformatics plays an important role in designing primer that is used in the process of PCR
.i.e. Polymerase Chain Reaction. In bioinformatics there several online tools that are helping to
design effective PCR primers.
3. Phylogenetic analysis
Bioinformatics application is also shown in phylogenetic analysis that helps in the estimation of
evolutionary history, identification of rate of evolution, prediction of sequence function, and
helps to identify the population history.


-A new approach in gold biotechnology which involves the implementation of

both bioinformatics and nanotechnology.

-This field related to the research and datermination of which information is

relevant to nanoscience and nanoengineering

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