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Example of ASSURE Model - Understanding Geometry

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The key takeaways are that the lesson aims to teach 5th grade students about geometric shapes, solids, angles and their attributes through hands-on activities, class discussions, demonstrations and practice exercises using tools like interactive websites, digital cameras, and the Photo Story program.

The objectives are for students to 1) identify attributes of geometric shapes, solids and angles found in everyday objects, 2) use attributes to define geometric shapes, solids and angles, and 3) make real-world connections by completing a geometry scavenger hunt and scrapbook using Photo Story.

Methods will include lectures, class discussions, demonstrations and practice. Materials will include projectors, overheads, computers, websites, cameras, visual aids and worksheets. The teacher will also provide examples of the expected student output.

Jessica Ghormley September 18, 2006

EDIT 5325 Dr. White

Instructional Topic: Understanding Geometry

A: Analyze Learners
General Characteristics
The students for whom this lesson is intended are fifth graders ranging in age from 10 to
11. Several of the students have been identified with learning disabilities, while others
have been identified as gifted and talented. The majority of the students are white,
middle to upper class Americans, while others are of Hispanic or African-American
origin whose family life is lower to middle class.

Entry Competencies
The fifth grade mathematics students are able to do the following:
• Identify and classify some of the basic geometric shapes
• demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of hardware components, software
programs, and their connections
• Uses a variety of strategies to acquire information from electronic resources, with
appropriate supervision
• Uses appropriate computer-based productivity tools to create and modify student
product for assessment.
• Demonstrate cooperative learning through group work.

Learning Styles
In teaching these students, they each have their own individual preference. However,
most seem to enjoy the accommodator learning method because they love to get their
hands on the objects. Since this is a geometry unit, manipulatives will be used in order
to fulfill this type of learning style. There will be class discussions to accommodate the
assimilating learning style.

S: State Objectives
1. The fifth grade mathematics student will be able to identify critical attributes of
geometric shapes and solids as well as angles that are found in everyday objects
located around us.
2. The fifth grade mathematics student will be able to use critical attributes to define
the geometric shapes and solids as well as angles.
3. The fifth grade mathematics student will make connections to the real world by
completing a Geometry Scavenger Hunt and Scrapbook utilizing the Photo Story
program of all the everyday objects that were found containing the geometric
shapes, solids, and angles.

S: Select Methods, Media, and Materials

1) Lecture ~ The teacher will conduct this first by giving the objectives and brief
overview of what the student will be learning. The teacher will also begin giving
important information.
Jessica Ghormley September 18, 2006
EDIT 5325 Dr. White
2) Class discussion ~ It is important for the students to have input in their education.
Students will join in class discussions to discuss the geometric properties and
principles. This will help reinforce their learning.
3) Demonstration ~ By using visual aides, the teacher will be able to show students
what geometric solids look like when they are “collapsed”. Demonstration will
also occur when learning how to measure angles.
4) Practice ~ Students will complete interactive websites, other activities or
worksheets to help reinforce the lesson that was just presented.

Items that will be utilized include Infocus projector and screen, overhead projector, and
student computers.

1) Available
a) Interactive Websites
b) Digital Cameras
c) Scanner
d) Microsoft Photo Story program
e) Visual aides of shapes or other geometry terminology
f) Handout of student assessment that is to be completed at the end. This should
be passed out at the beginning of the geometry unit so students can get a head
start on completing.
2) Modify Existing
a) UnitedStreaming videos
3) Designing New Materials
a) Instructional PowerPoint presentations
b) Handouts
c) Example of student product outcome

U: Utilize Media and Materials

Preview the Materials:
The teacher should preview any UnitedStreaming videos and/or interactive websites
that will be utilized in helping with the instruction.

Prepare the Materials:

The teacher should have his/her own notes outlining the lesson(s). In addition, the
teacher should have the handouts prepared, as well as the corresponding PowerPoint
presentation. Video clips of information that will be presented to students should also be
ready. Any website URL’s should be checked ahead of time to ensure that they are
working properly. The example of the student product should be ready at the end of the
unit to show students what will be expected of them.

Prepare the Environment:

Most of the instruction will be large group; therefore, to accommodate so many
students, small groups have been formed with their desks. This will also allow the
Jessica Ghormley September 18, 2006
EDIT 5325 Dr. White
possibility of small group activities. The teacher should also check to make sure that the
projector and sound is working, as well as the overhead projector. Any visual aids that
will be utilized should also be found ahead of time so that instructional time is not
wasted in locating.

Prepare the Learners:

To prepare the students, the teacher presents the overall plan and objectives for each
lesson. Each student receives a handout of notes that will be utilized in helping with
understanding important concepts. The students will also be able to add any extra
important information on these pages. The teacher presents other important information
using PowerPoint presentations, video clips and visual aides.

Provide the Learning Experience:

During this phase, the teacher will present the information using PowerPoint
presentations, the overhead projector or videos that have been streamed. The teacher
may also use any Internet sites that are found to be helpful in providing instruction.

R: Require Learner Participation

Large-Group Activities:
This will occur during class discussions and lectures. Students will be asked to
complete a variety of activities to help reinforce what was already learned.

Small-Group/Individual Activities:
Following the large-group activities will be the small-group activities. Activities may
include finding or measuring geometric shapes, solids or angles. Activities may also
include completing a variety of Internet based interactive websites to help reinforce

E: Evaluate and Revise

Assessment of Learner Achievement:
Can students see the world of math around us? Students will complete a geometry
scavenger hunt and scrapbook project, but the final product will be presented using
Microsoft Photo Story. Some of the important criteria include:
• 90% or more of the scrapbook includes one or more of the following: magazine
or newspaper clippings, advertisements, commercial packaging, or other photos
of objects from around school or around town.
• Did students make sure there was a title slide?
• Did students make sure that each picture included what was being represented
and was it labeled correctly with each objects attributes (for ex: They are an
example of parallel lines because they intersect to form right angles.)

Evaluation of Methods and Media:

At the end of each lesson, the teacher conducts an evaluation of the materials by asking
the students what they liked and what they did not like that was utilized in the
instruction. The teacher will also observe students reactions or audible comments to
what was used during the lesson.
Jessica Ghormley September 18, 2006
EDIT 5325 Dr. White

Evaluation of Instruction:
The teacher will observe the students’ assignments and the students’ grades are
compared with the teacher’s perceptions after each lesson to determine if there is a
need for any additional instruction. At the end of the unit, the teacher will observe the
students’ final product assessment. The outcome of this assignment will determine if the
students were able to successfully understand the geometric concepts, at which time
the teacher will determine if there will be a need for revision in the lessons.

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