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Some of Rizal's Cultural Observation During The Travel:: By-Jose-Rizal-Los-Viajes

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This module will cover the second phase of 1.

Secret Mission –to sharply observe the

Rizal's life. We will look at his travels in Asia, in major parts of the culture of the European
the United States and in Europe, and then his life nations. This will empower Rizal in
at Dapitan at then his trial and execution. emancipating his people from misadministration
of Spanish colonial government. (See Paciano’s
By means of looking at his travels, we will be letter to Rizal dated May 26, 1882)
able to know his contributions to the propaganda 2. To continue his medical programs
movement especially his publications of Noli me started at UST
Tangere and El Filibusterismo. His relationship 3.He departed via steamer Salvadora
with foreign people, like the group of historians bound for Singapore on May 3, 1882
and scientists, were also contributory to his
mission of bringing to the knowledge of the 1.Aboard another ship Djemnah, bound for
world the real status of his nation. Europe on May 11, 1882
2.Arrived at Point Galle, Ceylon on May 17,
This module will also survey Rizal's life in 1882
Dapitan while on exile. During this time, he met 3.Reached Colombo on May 18, 1882
his controversial wife, Josephine Bracken and we 4.Reached Aden, Africa
can also learn from here his real relationship with 5. Arrived at the City of Suez in its Red Sea
the Katipunan Movement. terminal
6.Landed Port Said, a terminal in Suez Canal
Towards the end of this module, we will look at 7.Arrived at Naples, Italy on June 11, 1882
his trial, his last hours and his execution at the 8. Reached Marseilles harbor, France
Bagumbayan. In this part, we can see the justice 9. Via train to Barcelona on June 15, 1882
system of the Philippines during the Spanish 10. Reached finally Barcelona on June 16, 1882
period and how the Spaniards treated the
Filipinos. -Some of Rizal’s cultural observation during
  the travel:
This topic talks about Jose Rizal’s experiences 1.The different degrees of progress and beauty of
and activities in Asian countries including the the countries or cities
several people he interacted with. It exhibited 2.The kind of interaction people do in different
Rizal social skills with his fellow Asians.  It also location
discusses those particular courses of action 3.The governance of authorities in different
related to his objectives of travel. countries
Let us start this topic by looking at some of the -Benefits gained by Rizal during the travel
travel quotes of Jose Rizal: from Philippine Island to Spain: 1.Knowledge acquired and experiences
by-jose-rizal-los-viajes/ witnessed as well as new acquaintance or
Travels in Asia 2.New perspectives in strategizing his mission
-It talks about Jose Rizal’s experiences and for implementation in the future
activities in Asian countries including the several 3.Adjustment or modification in his religious
people he interacted with. perspective due to his socialization with
-It exhibited Rizal social skills with his fellow different nationals travelling with him on the
Asian. ship
-It also discusses those particular courses of 4.Social skills has been harnessed and improved
action related to his objectives of travel. manifested by his facility to interact with other
passenger who are national of other countries
-Objectives of the travel of Rizal in 1882
onwards This topic is about the life and experiences of
Jose Rizal in the United States and in many parts
of Europe. We shall look at the reasons why 7. Reached San Francisco on April 28, 1888
Rizal traveled to these places, how these 8. Embarked San Francisco via ferry boat to
experiences shaped his philosophies in life, and Oakland, then boarded a train going to parts of
how he was able to penetrate his' objectives at a Canada, then to Albany, then to New York on
propagandist. May 13, 1888
  9. Boarded the City of Rome steamer to
Let us start by reading this article: Liverpool on May 16, 1888
rizals-footsteps-europe -Rizal’s impression about Hongkong:
1.Noisy celebration of Chinese New Year due
'This article talks about some of the places in explosion of firecrackers on the streets
Europe where Rizal went. The author describes 2.Chinese theater are loaded with several
Rizal's experiences and purposes. According to percussion instrument aggravated by the noise
the author; "Rizal in his European journeys reaction from the audience
exemplifies the importance of an international 3.Lauriat party exemplifies Chinese’s hospitality
outlook: one that strikes a balance between and lavishness
patriotism and the idea of a universal 4.Dominican Order is the richest religious order
brotherhood. Faced with the splendor of Europe as evidenced by its band deposit amounting to
and the varying attitudes of the people he met, millions of dollars
Rizal felt neither insecure nor resentful, even if 5. Cemeteries for Catholics, Protestants even
he had plenty of reasons to feel that way. Instead, Muslims are well-taken care of.
he took a more enlightened path: learning as
much as could, opening himself to new -Rizal’s observation about Tokyo:
experiences, communicating his ideas in 1.Cleanliness and abundant beauty spots of the
reasoned tones, and building friendships along country
the way."  Gideon Lasco 2.Industrious and polite people
3.Beautiful dress and simple charm of the
Travels in US and Europe women
This section relates to Rizal’s second 4.Few thieves and rare beggars in Japan, being
travel to Europe on February 1888 via a different at the time considered a progressive country
route compared to his first travel in June 1882. 5.Indifferent and disgusted to the men pulling
It deals with his enormous experiences of kuruma or rickshaw like horses.
and interaction with other people or friends
during the travel in the different ports of -Rizal’s observation about America:
countries on the way to final country of Positive Impressions
destination. It shows the different countries in -1.material progress of the country
Europe Rizal had visited including persons he 2. drive and energy of the people
met with. 3. natural beauty of the land
4.high standard of living
-Second Journey from the Philippine Island 5. opportunities for better life to those poor
to Europe: immigrants
1.BoardedZapiroto Hongkong on February 1888 Negative Impressions
2.Made a side trip to Macao on February 18, 1. Non-existence of true civil society
1888 2. Racial prejudice
3.Departed Hongkong on February 22,188 via 3. Money valuing over human life
Oceanic steamer
4.Reached Yokohama, Japan on February 28, Rizal in London
1888 -He opted to live for eight months in London
5. Arrived Tokyo on March 2, 1888 for the following reasons:
6. Aboard steamer Belgic bound for the United 1. enhancement of knowledge including
States on April 13, 1888 upgrading his English language skills
2. annotate Morga’s Sucessos de la islas Filipinas 1.Disloyalty to Spain and anti-catholic due to
3. London is a very liberal city published books & articles
2.Leaflets found in his baggage entitled Pobres
-Three objectives for annotating Sucessos de frailes
las Islas Filipinas 3.Publication of El Filibusterismo
a.To awaken the consciousness of the Filipinos
about their culture Rizal boarded steamer Cebu bound for
b.To correct what has been distorted and falsified Dapitan to commence his sentence of
about the Philippine island prior to the coming of deportation decreed by Governor General
Spaniards Despujolon July 15, 1892.
c. To offer proof that the Filipinos were He was received Captain Ricardo
civilized prior to the coming of Spaniards Canicero, the politico-military commander of
the town as a prisoner
I hope it became clear that Rizal go these place
not just to enjoy life or to meet beautiful women 1. Rizal in the span of two months was able to
but for a purpose. This reading might help with build his own house. He also built additional
some enlightenment and additional knowledge. four houses for his pupils and patients. 2.He took the role as a community leader in
page.html#:~:text=After%20the%20publication Talisay thru the following courses of action:
%20of%20Noli,Viola%20left%20Berlin%20by a. conceptualizing and implementing
%20train. plans for beautifying the locality
b. drawing sketch of the public plaza
In Europe, Rizal had a conflict with Marcelo del with improvements
Pilar due to some leadership issues. He decided c. constructing a relief map of
to go to the Philippines. In the Philippines, he Mindanao out of stone
organized an association called La Liga Filipina. d. facilitating the introduction lamppost
This association was short lived because Rizal on the towns’ corners
was exiled into Dapitan. In Dapitan Rizal live a e. constructing of water system both for
life far better than what he experienced in Europe irrigation and drinking
and in other places. We can even see his heroism f. Opening of school for young boys
in some of the events and his experiences in g. teaching students with boxing,
Dapitan. swimming, arnis and other sports
h. opening his medical clinic
Video: i. Establishing association of farmers for
their improved farm production
What if Rizal just stayed in Dapitan, grow old, j. teaching fishermen to make and use
and died, will he still be considered as the fishnet in fishing
national hero? What could be the changes in
history if his' child with Josephine Bracken did This will give you an additional knowledge about
not die? the exile of the national hero:
Life at Dapitan /analysis/rizal-imagineering-the-nation-in-
-This portion enumerates those accomplishment dapitan/419187/
Rizal made during his exile in Dapitan from
1892 to 1896. This includes the different people After Dapitan, Rizal supposed to go to Cuba to
he met and interacted with. serve as a doctor. This never happened. he was
-It also discusses the challenges he experienced arrested and tried. After a show trial, Rizal was
in Dapitan. convicted of sedition and sentenced to death by
firing squad. His execution ignited the hearts of
-Some Legal Grounds for Rizal’s exile at the Filipino against Spanish rule.
I hope this video will motivate you. Upon Rizal’s court martial trial started on
watching the march of Jose Rizal to his death in December 19, 1896 with the reading of charges
Bagumbayan. We may continue to reflect on his and eventual presentation of evidence by the
heroism and the many sacrifices that he offered prosecutor Enrique de Alcocer with a prayer of
for the sake of our nation: death sentenced against the accused.
-Thereafter, Luis Taviel de Andrade presented
Our country is still facing so many problems as the argument for Rizal . Rizal personally
of today. We cannot even say that we are free presented his own argument upon the advice of
because of these problems. Can you think of the judge advocate. Rizal alleged, among others
somebody who is a modern Rizal? Or maybe, that:
how can you become the millennial Rizal? a.He advised Dr Pio Valenzuela not to rise in
Trial and Execution b.The revolutionists used his name without his
This briefly presents the preliminary knowledge
investigation of the complaint filed against Rizal, c.He could have escaped in Dapitan if he were a
the formal charges, the verdict and sentence member of the Katipunan
imposed against him and the day of his d.He was not a founder of La Solidaridad
execution. Included here are those people who and the association Hispano-Filipino
visited him including his parents, sister, wife, e.He had nothing to do with introduction of
defense counsel, priests and others. masonry in the Philippines
f.The La Liga Filipina did not last long
-Based on documentary and testimonial
evidence, the formal charges endorsed by Judge The verdict of conviction beyond
Advocate General Nicolas de la Pena to reasonable doubt with penalty of firing squad of
Governor Blanco against Jose Rizal is Complex the military court was rendered on that day and
crime of rebellion and formation of illegal endorsed to Governor Polavieja on December
organization on December 9, 1896 and 28, 1896 Polavieja promulgated a decree
recommended the following: approving the court decision sentencing Rizala
1.That accused Rizal be kept under custody of penalty firing squad on December 30, 1896 at
the law Bagumbayan at seven o’clock in the morning.
2.That Rizal be brought to trial This verdict was read to Rizal a day
3.That attachment order issued against Rizal’s before his execution, December 29, 1896.
4. That an army office be assigned as Rizal’s Trial and Death of Rizal
lawyer Members of the family, Jose Taviel de
Andrade, journalist, visited Rizal including
On December 11, 1896 during Jesuits and other friars who were strongly
arraignment, Rizal pleaded no guilty on the convincing Rizal to return back to the fold of
charges via his lawyer Luis Tavielde Andrade. Catholicism on December 29,
The Special Judge Advocate Rafael 1896..Nevertheless, Rizal was able to write
Dominguez submitted the transcript of letters to friends and relatives and the poem, My
arraignment proceeding to Malacanang Palace at Last Farewell.
the time General Camilo de Polaviejare placed On December 30, 1896, Rizal took his
General Blanco as Governor General on breakfast 5:30 in the morning and came out with
December 13,1896.It is the belief of Archbishop additional two letters for his family and brother
Nozaleda and the Dominicans that Rizal will be Paciano.
acquitted from the crime if General Blanco will Rizal death march commenced at 6:30
remain in the gubernatorial post. With Polavieva in the morning. He wore a black suit and vest
in the gubernatorial office, Rizal’s chance for with a black hat. Luis Taviel de Andrade, Father
acquittal from charges is impossible.
March and Father Villaclara were behind him In this topic, we will try to answer the question
during the march, “Why Rizal is the national hero?”. There are
Upon reaching the Bagumbayan field, many heroes in the Philippines such as Andres
Rizal bid final goodbye to Luis Taviel, the Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini, Emilio Aguinaldo,
priests and to Josephine. Lapu-lapu, etc. So the question remains valid.
The shout of the commander “Fuego” Why Rizal?
signaled the firing of guns. Right after Rizal fell
to the ground, the military band played the
The skill of understanding nationalism as
Spain’s national hymm.
framework for leadership can be attained in this
After viewing the presentation and before going topic. There are some controversies in the life of
to the next topic, it might be nice if you will Jose Rizal but it cannot be enough to ruin all his
consider reading this article: https://news.abs- efforts for the his fight for freedom. In addition, his novels became crucial for the consciousness
wives-last-rites-and-the-last-book-jose-rizal- of the people not only the Filipino people but in
ever-read other parts of the world. This consciousness
ignited the people to contribute to Rizal's ends.
Module 3 Overview  
This module will cover the reflections on the life This video clip will discuss some of the
of Jose Rizal. There are some questions about arguments why Jose Rizal must be considered as
Rizal's being a national hero. By these the national hero. Please watch:
reflections, we may able to determine the
answers to these questions because of the  “One only dies once, and if one does not die
proofs provided by the different readings about well, a good opportunity is lost and will not
Rizal's life including his own writings and the present itself again.” – Jose rizal
commentaries given by some historians.
 “Bayani” as hero is not a word you're going to
Part of this module also is the discussion about find in the Spanish Tagalog dictionaries before
the controversial retraction of Jose Rizal. We the 20th century. The notation you're going to
may be able to conclude after this module if the find is a warrior, a dagger, also a leader but
retraction is true or not. Take note that this you're not going to find hero.
retraction is very important because the story of  All peoples want a hero— it comes from a
the national hero might be different if Rizal truly generation that had need for Heroes.
surrendered his will to the Spaniards.  Rizal was one of the few ophthalmic surgeons
in the entire Southeast Asia. This explains why
The latter part of this module will be the Josephine Bracken’s stepfather went all the
discussion about the nationalism of Jose Rizal. way from Hong Kong to Dapitan to have his
Rizal became a nationalist and patriot that is eyes cured.
why he was awarded as the national hero of the  Rizal knew his place in history and knew that
country. There is no doubt about his he was important in the way that the
nationalism. it was clearly shown in the way he Philippines will develop, and he was willing to
lived his life, in his writings and correspondence, give up his life for that.
and in his will of dying for the sake of our  Some of the Filipinos were spending their time
freedom. gambling and others were going around with
him and Rizal felt the compulsion to tell people
3.1: The Question of a Hero what are we here in Spain for? We're here to
save the country.
 He was linked to a revolution which he, in fact, many heroes in the Philippines such as Andres
did not approve of. That's the irony of the Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini, Emilio Aguinaldo,
whole situation— asking Filipinos to lay down Lapulapu etc. So the question remains valid.
their arms and to go home, assuring them that Why Rizal?
he was not behind the Revolution.
 When you think about it, if Rizal sacrifices Proof of writings
himself, that's fine. But to see a ruthless side of - Novels (Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo)
Rizal— someone who was willing to sacrifice - His correspondence with family, friends and
even his own family, it's a side of him we don't propagandists manifest proofs of his
really see. nationalism.
 In the 21st century, people want to have more - His publications are directed toward his
human heroes. The secret to Rizal’s greatness business of saving the country from tyrants.
is actually his being human. - “The doctrines of Rizal are not for one epochs
 He was revered even before his death but after but for all epochs. They are as valid today as
his death, he was especially revered because they were yesterday. It cannot be said that
there was no one like him. because the political ideas of Rizal have been
 The fact is his life and his death inspired the achieved, because of the change in the
revolution and our history would not have been institutions, the wisdom of his counsels or the
the same without him. value of his doctrines have ceased to be
opportune. They have not.” -Rafael Palma
"Jose Rizal was also known through time as the
First Filipino, Pride of the Malayan Race, the His methodology
Greatest Malayan, among others. Many - Rizal’s use of knowledge rather than violence
considered him a genius, a master of all trades, a made him a better hero.
patriot, a model brother and an ideal son. Active - He persevere until meeting his goal for his
efforts to promote Rizalist culture and values are country.
being made by the government as well as Rizalist - His nationalism is very much evident.
groups to encourage good moral character, - He is loyal to his country and to his people even
personal discipline and civic consciousness." - if he is outside the Philippines.
Chris Antonette Piedad-Pugay and Peter Jaynul V
Uckung (Links to an external site.) Selfless
- Thinking of the quality of life of the nation.
Will you still doubt his heroism? - Sacrifices for the country.
What can still add to prove that Rizal was the - Thinking of future. The future generations.
one? - “What is most admirable in Rizal is his
complete self- denial, complete abandonment of
  his personal interests, to think only of those of
Thank you for watching the video clip and for his country… He heeded not his brother, not
doing your personal reflection, you may now even his parents, beings whom he respected and
view the presentation venerated much, in order to follow the road his
3.1: The Question of a Hero conscience had traced for him.” -Rafael Palma

Module 3 Status
Topic 1: Why Rizal the National Hero His status might have an impact to his being a
hero. He belongs to the Media Clase /
Introduction (Principalia)
In this topic we will try to answer the question - Rizal was a man with nobility and dignity
“Why Rizal is the national hero?”. There are
- He was considered as a Filipino pride because
of his intellect, talents and skills 3.2: The Retraction
- He is a man with multiple professions Is there really a retraction? We will be dealing
with this question on this topic. Retraction is a
Impact big issue and it will be crucial in Rizal’s being a
- Impact of Rizal even after death hero.
- His impact to the events in history
“The newspapers, magazines, & other The retraction of Jose Rizal is the most intriguing
periodicals throughout the civilized world – in among all the controversies in his life and in his
Germany, Austria, France, Holland, London, the being a hero. If he really retracted the history
US, Japan, Hong Kong & Macao, Singapore, will not be the same. But the question remains.
Switzerland, & in Latin American countries— Can this retraction erase everything that he does
published accounts of Rizal’s martyrdom in for the sake of our freedom? This topic might
order to render homage to his greatness.” help us in dealing with these issues.
This video clip gives us a good overview of the
retraction of Jose Rizal. This will also suggest
Died for the country some concerns for us to decide to our concern
Ultimately – A hero is the one who will die for of "Whether or not"
his country
Dr. Jose Rizal Mercado y Alonso, or simply Jose Today we are considered as a Catholic country.
Rizal (1861-1896), is unquestionably the greatest Take note that Rizal was not against Catholicism
hero & martyr of our nation. The day of his birth but only against the abuses of the friars and the
& the day of his execution are fittingly leaders of government at that time.
commemorated by all classes of our people Who or what are the "Friars" at this time? Who
throughout the length & breadth of this country or what is the Rizal of today?
& even by Filipinos & their friends abroad. His
name is a byword in every Filipino home while We can now view the presentation about Rizal's
his picture adorns the postage stamp & paper retraction:
money of widest circulation. No other Filipino 3.2: The Retraction
hero can surpass Rizal – Esteban de Ocampo
Module 3 Topic 2: The Retraction?
American-sponsored hero?
Refer to Ambeth Ocampo’s article Introduction Is there really a retraction? We will be dealing
06/14/was-rizal-an-american-sponsored-hero/ with this question in this topic. Retraction is a
big issue and it will be crucial in Rizal’s being a
3.1.1. Nominate Someone hero.
Please watch this video clip. You will find here
that there is no official declaration in so far as The signature
legality is concerned that Jose Rizal is the This is a question of authenticity of the
national hero. retraction document and signature of Rizal.
Among the controversies in his life, which up to
Since Rizal is not yet declared as the national now continue to be discussed, is his retraction of
hero, can you please nominate someone. masonry which the Jesuits accepted as fact. They
Please include the best qualifications of your have the retraction to buttress their position.
nominee. The historian, Ambeth Ocampo, agrees with the
2-3 sentences only Jesuits, and I sometimes tend to believe that
Rizal did write that retraction if only to save his The first text was published in La Voz Española
life. But the English writer, Austin Coates, who and Diaro de Manila on the very day of Rizal’s
wrote the best biography of Rizal says, there was execution, Dec. 30, 1896. The second text
no such retraction, that the document was a appeared in Barcelona, Spain, on February 14,
forgery. He said it was contrary to Rizal’s 1897, in the fortnightly magazine in La Juventud;
character. F. Sionil Jose it came from an anonymous writer who revealed
himself fourteen years later as Fr. Balaguer. The
The text "original" text was discovered in the
I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion in archdiocesan archives on May 18, 1935, after it
which I was born and educated I wish to live and disappeared for thirty-nine years from the
die. I retract with all my heart whatever in my afternoon of the day when Rizal was shot.
words, writings, publications and conduct has
been contrary to my character as son of the Fr. Balaguer
Catholic Church. I believe and I confess whatever How did Fr. Balaguer obtain his copy of Rizal’s
she teaches and I submit to whatever she retraction? Fr. Balaguer never alluded to having
demands. I abominate Masonry, as the enemy himself made a copy of the retraction although
which is of the Church, and as a Society he claimed that the Archbishop prepared a long
prohibited by the Church. The Diocesan Prelate formula of the retraction and Fr. Pi a short
may, as the Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, formula. In Fr. Balaguer’s earliest account, it is
make public this spontaneous manifestation of not yet clear whether Fr. Balaguer was using the
mine in order to repair the scandal which my long formula of nor no formula in dictating to
acts may have caused and so that God and Rizal what to write. According to Fr. Pi, in his
people may pardon me. own account of Rizal’s conversion in 1909, Fr.
Manila Balaguer dictated from Fr. Pi’s short formula
29 of December of 1896 previously approved by the Archbishop. In his
Jose Rizal letter to Fr. Pi in 1910, Fr. Balaguer admitted
that he dictated to Rizal the short formula
The Story prepared by Fr. Pi; however; he contradicts
It was supposed to have been signed by Jose himself when he revealed that the "exact" copy
Rizal moments before his death. There were came from the Archbishop. The only copy, which
many witnesses, most of them Jesuits. The Fr. Balaguer wrote, is the one that appeared on
document only surfaced for public viewing on his earliest account of Rizal’s retraction.
May 13, 1935. It was found by Fr. Manuel A.
Gracia at the Catholic hierarchy’s archive in Conclusion
Manila. But the original document was never The retraction of Rizal remains a controversy
shown to the public, only reproductions of it. since there is no clear proof of whether he
However, Fr. Pio Pi, a Spanish Jesuit, reported retracted or not? Whatever the answer to this
that as early as 1907, the retraction of Rizal was question is, it cannot override the many things
copied verbatim and published in Spain, and that Rizal did and contributed for the liberation
reprinted in Manila. Fr. Gracia, who found the of our country.
original document, also copied it verbatim. In
both reproductions, there were conflicting Rizal remains a living and burning issue among us
versions of the text. Add to this the date of the
signing was very clear in the original Spanish Part 2
document which Rizal supposedly signed. The First word
IT was hoped by the ecclesiastical and civil authorities
date was “December 29, 1890.”
that Rizal’s life would end with his death in
Bagumbayan. But from the day of his execution to
The first text this day, Rizal has been in this country a living issue
and often a burning one – the soul of contention
between Catholics and freethinkers, a bone for the Rizal himself believed that there was a strong
tug of war between church and state in the control of likelihood of fraud after his death, and that the prime
education, and the subject of bitter debate over the mover in this would be the friar archbishop. It was
authenticity or fraudulence of his supposed retraction the friars who were zealously seeking his retraction.
of his words and deeds. They even came up with several retraction formulas
for him to sign.
It is sickening that so selfless and splendid a death as
Rizal’s was followed by so much falsehood and Rizal’s intuition of fraud was not misplaced; what
controversy. But this has been Rizal’s peculiar fate, played him false was the involvement of his mentors,
and perhaps finally his triumph. He was so formidable the Jesuits, who took part in the effort to make him
opponents had to lie about him, even when he was retract and return to the Catholic faith.
already dead and buried.
Jesuit vouches for Rizal’s retraction
An ecclesiastical fraud It was solely one Jesuit priest, Vicente Balaguer,S.J,
The morning after the execution of Jose Rizal, the who laid the basis for the story that Rizal retracted
newspapers of Manila and Madrid recorded the his words and deeds. It was also he who made the
event, and announced that on the eve of his death claim that he married Jose Rizal and Josephine
Rizal retracted his religious errors, abjured Bracken at 6.15 a.m. on December 30, just minutes
freemasonry, and in the last hours of his life had before Rizal was executed.
married Josephine Bracken.
In the final chapters of his biography of Rizal, Austin
In most newspapers the text of a letter of retraction Coates totally demolishes the veracity of Balaguer’s
supposedly written by Rizal was printed in full. The claims, which were made the basis of the
government sent the announcement to Spanish archbishop’s announcement of a retraction, and
consulates abroad with the request to obtain for it which were also contained in a letter from Balaguer
the widest possible publicity. to his Jesuit superior, Fr. Pio Pi.

Those who had read Rizal’s books or who knew him Balaguer’s retraction claim was not corroborated by
closely and admired him, both in the country and the two Jesuits who were present at Rizal’s execution.
abroad, took one look at the announcement and If Rizal had indeed retracted, they would surely have
declared it “an ecclesiastical fraud.” given Rizal a Catholic burial. How would he have been
deprived of even a coffin, as in fact happened.
In a letter to Ferdinand Blumentritt shortly after the
execution, Fredrich Stahl, a Manila pharmacist, Balaguer himself was not present at the execution.
wrote: “On the day of the execution, the Spaniards Josephine Bracken was also absent during Rizal’s final
published an article in all the local papers, according moments.
to which, Rizal, in a written declaration made by him
on the day of his death, retracted all his writings and Killing Rizal’s influence on the future
deeds and proclaims himself to be a repentant sinner The lie in Rizal’s retraction is soundly thrashed by
and a loyal Spaniard. But nobody here believes this, Austin Coates. He wrote:
as the Spaniards publish the same thing about “A man of whom there is no record that he ever told a
everyone who is shot. Besides, nobody has ever seen lie can scarcely be considered as having chosen a
his written declaration…It is in the hands of the solemn moment to tell his first one….
archbishop.” “The Jesuits who had visited him knew how unlikely it
was that Rizal would retract….
Was there a plot among the higher ecclesiastical “While one might kill the man, his writings remained,
authorities to perpetrate a fraud? and these were a danger, needing to be sterilized, lest
There was certainly no signed letter of retraction, a they poison the mind of future generations with anti-
contradiction in itself for a man so strong in clerical views. If he could be made to admit his errors
conviction as Rizal. There was also no marriage with against religion and retract them, it would blunt the
Josephine Bracken, although they did live together point of everything that he had written….
during his exile in Dapitan.
“The Jesuits’ two attempts to make Rizal retract had For all these contradictions and falsehoods in
different motives. The first was undertaken for what Balaguer’s story, the church nevertheless adopted the
the Jesuits sincerely believed to be his own good, and lie. And some Filipinos, including Rizal’s biographer
possibly their own as well. The second was Leon Maria Guerrero, believed that Rizal had
undertaken with the main purpose of sterilizing his retracted.
influence on the future.”
I find the words of Rafael Palma, who witnessed the
Could Rizal have retracted in order to receive the execution and saw Rizal turn away from the Jesuit
sacraments of the faith. It is part of Balaguer’s holding out a crucifix to him, most persuasive:
elaborate fraud to suggest that Rizal feared for his
soul during his final hours. Palma wrote:
“Of the version circulated by ecclesiastical authorities
He reported Rizal as saying to him: “Father, since of that time, the part which refers to Rizal’s
faith is God’s grace, I promise that thetime of life abjuration of masonry and to his conversion to
remaining to me1 shall spend asking God for the Catholicism at the last hour was not considered
grace of faith.” satisfactory and truthful by Filipino public opinion.”

The Jesuit declared: “I can certify with an oath that,

loving God, Rizal died a devout, holy, Christian death 3.3: Jose Rizal and the Philippine Nationalism
blessed by God. With His grace I hope to see him in
heaven.” In this topic we are going to explore some proofs
manifesting Rizal’s nationalism. His nationalism
Balaguer was born in Alcoy, Alicante, Spain on
was his main weapon for him to be qualified as a
January 19, 1851. He entered the Society of Jesus on
30 July 1890, and came to the Philippines in 1894. In hero. This nationalism is also the main objective
1896, he was transferred to Dapitan, where he met of why we are studying Rizal’s life and works.
Rizal. Months later, he was attesting to have heard Jose Rizal once said:
the most important final words of Dr. Jose Rizal.
"I want to show to those who deprive people the
Holes in the Jesuit’s story right to love of country, that when we know how
The Rizal family did not accept the retraction and the to sacrifice ourselves for our duties and
marriage. They knew that that if he had retracted, he convictions, death does not matter if one dies for
would certainly have said so in his 6a.m.
those one loves—for his country and for others
communication to his mother on the fateful day of his
dear to him."
Balaguer’s account exposed itself through major  
discrepancies in his story. His claim of marrying Rizal I hope this video clip will motivate you.
and Josephine was totally belied by the facts. Nationalism is really an advantage.

In his account, Balaguer was totally unaware that Can you please put yourself in the shoes of Jose
Rizal had written “Mi Último Adiós” on the eve of his Rizal. What will you do if you lived during his
execution. Balaguer allowed no time for Rizal to write time? What will you do now in your time?
the poem. The poem in its third stanza carries the
exact date and time when it was written.
Thank you. You may now proceed with the
In his claim of having performed the canonical viewing of presentation:
marriage of Rizal and Josephine, Balaguer said he 3.3: Jose Rizal and the Philippine Nationalism
performed it in front of one of Rizal’s sisters between
6 and 6:25 a.m. on December 30. But none of Rizal’s Module 3
sisters went to the fort that morning. Topic 3: Jose Rizal and the Philippine
Introduction raised him so many altars that the image of Rizal
In this topic we are going to explore on some has undergone as many sacrilegious
proofs manifesting Rizal’s nationalism. His manipulations as there have been literary priests
nationalism was his main weapon for him to be officiating at his rites. - Claro Recto
qualified as a hero. This nationalism is also the
main objective why we are studying Rizal’s life From Majul, UP Professor
and works. Prof. Majul points out that according to Rizal the
Philippines of his time was not yet a nation but
From a historian simply a people held together as a community
The place of Jose Rizal in the formation of by Spanish rule and the Christian religion. What
Filipino nationalism is secure. His propaganda Rizal wanted it to become was a national
activity in Europe, crystallized in his two novels, community united not by these two existing
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterism earned him bonds but by a principle of nationality distinct
the wrath of the Spanish government in Manila from either. He intended the formation of the
and the respect of his fellow- countrymen. - Liga Filipina to be a preparatory stage in this
Austin Coates development. Once the national bond emerged
it would inevitably take the place of the artificial
His letter to Blumentritt unity which Spain had imposed from without. -
I have received your letters as well as your Cesar Adib Majul
manuscripts. They are for the Philippine youth
like the admonition of an old and wise friend, for From Dr. Frank C. Laubach, American
we are here fighting for our native country biographer of Rizal
entirely without protection. You alone lend us His consuming life purpose was the secret of his
strength and courage and you also admonish us moral courage. Physical courage, it is true, was
when we depart from the path. - Jose Rizal one of his inherited traits. But that high courage
to die loving his murderers, w/c he at last
Travels – when he was in Germany achieved--that cannot be inherited. It must be
In my heart I have suppressed all loves except forged out in the fires of suffering & temptation.
that of my motherland; in my mind I have erased As we read through his life, we can see how the
all ideas which do not signify her progress and moral sinew & fiber grew year by year as he
my lips have forgotten the names of the native faced new perils & was forced to make fearful
races in the Philippines in order not to say more decisions. It required courage to write his 2
than Filipinos. - Jose Rizal great novels telling nothing that no other man
has ventured to say before, standing almost
Rizal in Noli alone against the powerful interests in the
The surprising thing about these peoples, when country & in Spain, & knowing full well that
you set aside everyone‘s national pride... before despotism would strike back…. Laubach
visiting a country I tried to study its history... In
every instance I noted that a people‘s prosperity Jose Rizal, the first Filipino nationalist
or misery lay in direct proportion to its freedoms
or inhibitions.. – Ibarra Jose Rizal spent the early morning hours of Dec. 30,
1896 prepaing for his martyrdom. At around three
o’clock in the morning, he heard mass and received
From Claro M. Recto
Communion. At half past five, he had breakfast with
Rizal’s life and writings have become the texts some officers. 
for violently opposed theories, programs and
appeals. He is cited and quoted by rival camps. He then wrote a farewell letter to his family but
Everyone makes his own Rizal, in his own image. included a short message to his father. He wrote a
Patriotic veneration and partisan interest have short note to his mother which simply said, “To my
much beloved mother, Sra. Da. Teodora Alonso, at six Aside from being a nationalist, Rizal was also a world-
o’clock in the morning 30th of December 1896.” class genius and is recognized as such by many
international historians.
Josephine Bracken then arrived, accompanied by
Trinidad. Rizal and Josephine were married in a Dr. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto is the author of 12
ceremony officiated by Balaguer in the presence of books including  CIVILIZATION: Culture, Ambition and
the prison commanding officer. At around 6:30 a.m Transformation of Nature  published by Simon and
the military detachment that was to escort Rizal to Schuster in 2001. In the book, he talks of how the
the site of the execution fell in. Shortly after, the ideas of the Renaissance Age blended with native
march began. traditions; and, in its modified forms spread and
influenced many countries outside Europe. His
He wanted to be shot in front , but his executioners principal examples were Rammohun Roy of India and
refused. But he refused to be blindfolded and to jose Rizal of the Philippines. This is what he said of
kneel. Jose Rizal’s martyrdom has left the Filipino Rizal:
people many legacies. “Jose Rizal, the hero of Filipino nationalism, can best
be represented as a product of the last European
Among the many biographies of Rizal one of my renaissance.  He was an Asian of European
favorites is The First Filipino written by Leon Ma. education, the best student of Greek in Madrid
Guerrero and published in 1962. According to the University in his day. He was a Renaissance man an
author, previously the term Philippines was largely a “ uomo universale”  who triumphed in almost every
geographical expression and loyalty to the Philippines skill he tried: poetry and prose, sculpture and surgery,
was he instinctive affection for the land of one’s birth, education and revolution, antiquarianism and anti-
one’s “native land” rather than for a nation. colonialism.

It was Rizal who taught his countrymen that they He crammed his great novel  Noli Me Tangere with
could be something else –Filipinos – who were classical allussions.On the title page, he managed to
members of a Filipino nation. He was the first who fit references to Homer, Caesar, Greek tragedies,
sought to unite the whole archipelago and envisioned Schiller and Shakespeare: a parade of highlights 
a “compact and homogenous community” of all the from the tradition to which he was self ascribed. His
old tribal communities from Batanes to Sulu, based researches into the grammar of native languages of
on common interests. the Philippines were in the Renaissance humanist
tradition reminiscent indeed of the efforts of some of
There have been many studies on the life and legacies early Spanish friar-scholars in the islands. 
of our national hero. One constant theme was Rizal’s
role as the first nationalist, the principal reason he is He anticipated a “pleiad” of Filipino writers waiting to
considered the national hero of his people. succeed him. The apostrophications that spring to
mind in efforts to explain him are often drawn from
A Rev. H.S. Bigelow delivered an address on Rizal on the Renaissance world. He is the Cervantes of Asia or
Feb. 12, 1899 in Cincinnati, Ohio  where he said: the Tagalog Shakespeare.
“Rizal was a profound student of anthropology and
ethnology. He was inclined to master these studies by That is not, of course, the whole truth of Rizal. He
the behaviour of the Spaniards, who treated the also searched for inspiration in the indigenous
native ‘Indios’ as though they were by nature inferior. traditions to which he felt himself heir. He heard
As a schoolboy, he was often cut to the quick by their Tagalog poetry before he could speak Spanish. His
arrogance toward  his people.He could not annotations to one of the earliest Spanish chronicles
understand why he should be considered inferior of Filipino history were part of a search for a Filipino
simply because his skin color was brown and his hair golden age uncorrupted by the colonial experience. 
straight. He took delight in standing at the head of During Rizal’s last months of exile in Mindanao,
his class just to prove that the Spaniards were no removed from metropolitan and cosmopolitan
better than his own people.” environments in which he had spent most of his life,
his roots seemed to have deepened in what he came
to see as part of his own country’s soil. When  he
returned to Manila to face death by firing squad for
his involvement in revolutionary nationalism, he will explore not only the content of the novels
questioned his designation as a “Chinese mestizo” on that ignited the hearts of the readers but also
his own death warrant insisting that he was a “pure we can determine the personality of Jose Rizal
bred native.”  throughout his writings.
Tomorrow, we commemorate the 123rd  anniversary
of the martyrdom of Jose Rizal. It is a testimony to his Please watch this video as an introduction to his
greatness that the ideals and principles he wrote and novels. This will give you an overview of the
died for still provide inspiration to our people.  importance of the novels written by Jose Rizal.
He was truly the first Filipino nationalist.
The hard work of Rizal did not end into a waste.
3.3.1. Favorite Quote It really had an impact not only in the Philippines
" Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika, daig pa but also in other places in the world.
ang hayop ant malansang isda"
This is one of my favorite quotes from Rizal. In the present time, can you think that this kind
  of strategy will still be effective? Can a single
What's yours? novel change even just a bigger part of the
Explain the reason society?

Module 4 Overview Module 4 Works (Major)

Rizal’s Novels
One of the reasons why Rizal was chosen as the R. De los Reyes
national hero is because he used his knowledge
in searching for reform instead of resorting to Rizal's Novels
violence. This principle manifests in his works This deals with the two famous novels of Jose
and writings. This module will be dealing with Rizal, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterimo
the works of Rizal including his novels, published in 1887 and 1892 respectively in
correspondence, literary works, and other Europe.
publications. These two novels are instrumental good to
resolve the difficulties people have been
In particular, the discussion of the two novels is experiencing for a long period of time. It is a
provided on one topic. We can see here the prescription of Jose Rizal with end view of curing
analysis and the impact of Noli me Tangere and the malady in the society.
El Filibusterismo. And then the important
literary works made by Rizal that contributed to “Noli Me Tangere”
his fame but with political implications. In the  The title, in Latin, meaning Touch me not,
latter part of this module, Rizal's annotation of pertains to scriptural verse of John 20:17 in the
Morga's Susesos de Las Islas Filipinas will be Bible (King James Version) as Mary Magdalene
given also special attention. tried to touch the newly risen Jesus, He said
This module will give an orientation to the "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to
students about the works of Jose Rizal that my Father.“
made him famous and hero.  JOSE RIZAL opted that the prospective novel
narrates the backward, anti-progress and anti-
4.1: Rizal’s Novels intellectual way Filipino culture was.

This topic deals with the novels of Jose Rizal. In - completed writing Noli Me Tangere in
actuality, Rizal had three novels. The very known December 1886.
Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and the - foreseen the novelmight not be printed.
unfinished novel entitled Makamisa. This topic
- Thru Máximo Viola’s monetarial assistance, the is Sisa's 7-year-old son. An altar boy, he was
novel is printed in Berliner Buchdruckerei- unjustly accused of stealing money from the
Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, Germany church. After failing to force Crispín to return the
money he allegedly stole, Father Salví and the
Primary Characters in Noli Me Tangere head sacristan killed him. It is not directly stated
1. Crisostomo Ibarra that he was killed, but the dream of Basilio
Son of a Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, suggests that Crispín died during his encounter
he studied in Europe for seven years and also with Padre Salvi and his minion.
María Clara's fiancé.
10. Basilio
2. Maria Clara is Sisa's 10-year-old son. An acolyte tasked to
-raised and treated by Capitán Tiago as his only ring the church bells for the Angelus, he faced
daughter girl the dread of losing his younger brother and the illegitimate daughter of Father Dámaso. descent of his mother into insanity. At the end
of the novel, Elías wished Basilio to bury him by
3. Capitan Tiago burning in exchange of chest of gold located on
-real name is Santiago de los Santos and his his death ground. He will later play a major role
nickname Tiago and the poblacion chieftain or in El Filibusterismo.
cabeza de barangay or San Diego.
-Maria Clara’s de facto father El Filibusterismo is a sequel of Noli Me Tangere
 Rizal had to define the word filibustero to his
4. Padre Damaso German friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt, who did
5. Elias not understand his use of the word in Noli Me
- Ibarra's mysterious savior and friend Tangere. In a letter, Rizal explained:
- dreamed of liberating the society from Spanish  “The word filibustero is little known in the
tyrannical governance using violence. Philippines. The masses do not know it yet. I
heard it for the first time in 1872 when the
6. Don Anastacio tragic executions took place. “
-same with Elias ‘ dream of liberating the  “The Filipinos belonging to the educated
country from the tyrannical reign via non violent classfear the reach of the word. It does not
way- using a cryptographic alphabet that have the meaning of freebooters; it rather
someday generation in the future can uncover means a dangerous patriot who will soon be
the meanings. A bit similar to Rizal in the use of hanged or well, a presumptuous man.”
pen to awaken the sleeping minds of the people  The El Filibusterismo is dedicated to the three
to the oppression by the colonial government. martyred priest execution on the year 1872.
They were wrongly implicated as having
7. Doña Victorina de los Reyes de Espadaña involved in the planning and execution of the
Filipina trying to upgrade herself as a Spanish in mutiny in Cavite in 1872.They were Father
almost in many ways such as clothings, dialects Mariano Gomez, (85 years old ), Father Jose
and make-up on her face Burgos(30 years old and father Jacinto
Zamora(35 years old).
8. Narcisa or Sisa  They were executed at the Bagumbayan field
-mother of Crispin and Basilio who became on February 28, 1872. Gregorio F Zaide and
mentally ill out of intense thinking of serious Sonia Zaide: Jose Rizal: Life, Works and
problems Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist and
National Hero. All-Natons Publishing Co. Inc,
9. Crispín 2007
Some points Comparison and Differences of him. Some are written while he was in the
between Noli and El Filibusterismo Philipines and others were when he was abroad.
1. Noli is a social novel, while El Fili is a political
novel It is the aim of this topic to recognize Rizal not
2. Noli is inspired by the heart, while El Fili is only on the ground of his famous novels but also
propelled by the head through his other political writings.
3. Noli injects color and freshness, while it  
provokes hatred and bitterness The Katipunan has plans for revolution but this
4. Noli is composed of 63 chapters, while El Fili was ignited by the works of Jose Rizal. This video
has 39 chapters clip will show the passion of Katipuneros to start
5. Noli is printed in Berlin,Germany while El Fili is the revolution because they don't want to put
printed in Ghent, Belgium into waste the efforts of Rizal:
5 characters present in both Noli Me Tangere &
El Filibusterismo Because of the revolution, Rizal was convicted of
1. Ibarra, turned Simoun treason and rebellion even though he really
2. Basilio doesn't have a direct relation to the Katipunan.
3. Padre Salvi But even if it was not the case, he will still be
4. Padre Sibyla convicted because the Spaniards really want to
5. Capitan Tiago get rid of him. Anyway, the Spaniards can do
anything because equality before the law is non-
Worth pointing is the seemingly analogous of existent during that time.
what Rizal mentioned in one of the verses in the Is there equality now in our country? In so far as
Mi Ultimo Adios: “ I am to die just when I see the the law is concerned?
dawn break “ and that of the one of last  
statements uttered by the dying Elias in the Noli Module 4 Works (Major)
novel- “ You, who have it to see, welcome it, R. De Los Reyes
forget not those who have fallen during the 2. Rizal’s important literary works
night I die without seeing the dawn brighten
over my native land! This part will bring some of the remarkable
“(Zaide,Jose Rizal:Life,Works and Writings of a poems, essays and short stories reflecting Rizal’s
Genius Writer, Scientist,and National Hero) idea of nationalism. This also brings the reason
why literature is being connected to politics.
Upon completing El Filibusterismo Rizal wrote to
Blumentritt: "I have not written in it any idea of Rizal’s important literary works
vengeance against my enemies, but only for the The Most Important Literary Works by Jose Rizal
good of those who suffer, for the rights of -To the Filipino Youth
Tagalogs....“ Gregorio F Zaide and Sonia Zaide: -Goodbye to Leonor
Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings of a Genius, -To the Young Women of Malolos
Writer, Scientist and National Hero. All-Nations -Kundiman
Publishing Co. Inc, 2007 -Junto Al Pasig
-Noli Me Tángere
4.2: Rizal’s Important Literary Works -El Filibusterismo
It is a fact that Rizal was known because of Noli -Mi último adios
and Fili. But aside from those novels, we have to
remember that he has other works that are To The Filipino Youth. People( al. Rizal
equally aiming for reform in the Philippines. In and the Development of Filipino Nationalism)
this topic, we are to explore those literary works
-written by Rizal as an entry to the 1879 literary - thematic message of the poem is his intense
contest sponsored by the Liceo Arstistico love of his love of country and inculcation to his
Literario de Manila and garnered the grand prize fellowmen to love their country
-is a classic in the Philippine Literature, being the
first remarkable poem written in Spanish by a Letter to the young women of Malolos
Filipino radiating the tenets of nationalism -request of Marcelo del Pilar to honor the
-under that poem Rizal was the first to call the women Malolos in their fight for their right to
country his motherland self-improvement
-objectives of the letter are: rejection of the
El Consejo de los Dioses spiritual dominancy of the friars, qualities of
-Rizal’s entry in the literary contest held on 1880 Filipino mothers need to possess including their
-an allegory in praise of Cervantes as co-equal of duties and responsibilities to their children,
both Homer and Virgil husbands and young women in the selection of
-a proof contradicting the superiority of the their future husbands.
Spanish over the Filipinos in this field
Through Education The Country Receives Light
Junto Al Pasig and The Intimate Alliance Between Religion
-a one act play composed by Rizal in response to And Education People( al. Rizal and the
the request of the Jesuits to be performed Development of Filipino Nationalism)
during the celebration of the Feast Day of -two poems of Rizal dealing with his concepts of
Immaculate Conception. education
-according to Guerrero this play can be -the first poem makes education analogous to
understood as a prophecy of continuing lighthouse that can guide people in the courses
revolution, or continuation of Rizal’s pleading of action, can tragic the youth to the attainment
before the Filipino youth to child foreigner for of rectitude and virtue and can transform the
bringing misery in life or a religious allegory country into progress
-the second poem, highlighted Rizal belief at
Mi Ultimo Adios that time that education not Godcentered is not
-titleless, last poem poem made by Rizal on true education .
June 29, 1896.
-Primary messages of the poem are: farewell The Indolence of the Filipino People (
address, last will of Rizal, pleading of Rizal for al. Rizal and the Development of Filipino
Filipinos not to forget him and his proposal or Nationalism)
wish in the interest of the motherland and -longest written essay by Rizal.
timeline of Rizal’s life a. Cause of Filipino indolence imputed to
Spanish colonizers
Goodbye to Leonor 1. wars and internal orders resulting from
- A melancholic poem written by Rizal for his conquest
childhood sweetheart, Leonor Rivera, who 2. Pirates’s attacks on the lives and properties of
married Henry Kipping, a British railway the inhabitants
engineer. 3. Policy of force-labor
- Rizal was only 13 years old when they met in 4. Missionaries’ doctrine of the poor getting
Dagupan easier access to heaven
5. Friars landed estate
A Las Flores de Heidelberg 6. No support system in agriculture and other
- Written thru the inspiration of different commercial industries
beautiful sceneries of Heidelberg by Rizal on 7. Bureaucratic policies
April 12, 1886 8. Human dignity is not respected
-Blumentritt made the preface of the
b. Cause of Indolence attributed to the Filipinos annotation.
themselves -consisted of eight chapters.
1. Bahala na mentality -reasons for annotating Morgas’s Successos de
2. Inferiority syndrome within the Filipinos las Islas filipinas
3. Lack of self-confidence 1. to awaken the consciousness of the Filipinos’
4. Lack of sense of nationalism culture
2. to rectify the distorted and falsified
4.3: Rizal’s Annotation description of Pre-Spanish Filipinos’ culture like
"  To prove his point and refute the accusations that of stereotyping natives as very uncivilized.
of prejudiced Spanish writers against his race, 3. to show proof that filipinos were civilized
Rizal annotated the book, Sucesos de las Islas prior to entry Spanish conquestadores(Gregorio
Filipinas, written by the Spaniard Antonio F Zaide and Sonia Zaide: Jose Rizal: Life, Works
Morga. The book was an unbiased presentation and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist and
of 16th century Filipino culture. Rizal through his National Hero. All-Naions Publshing Co. Inc,
annotation showed that Filipinos had developed 2007)
culture even before the coming of the
Spaniards." >  - Other reason is: To reconnect this annotation
(Links to an external site.) to his two novels, Noli and Fili. Morgas’
In this topic, we shall explore the impact of this annotation may be constructed as the past or
important work of Rizal. This annotation of Rizal pre-colonial period, Noli as the present colonial
was considered as a form of introducing to the era and Fili as the future or post colonial era
world the Philippines and who are the Filipinos.
This also serves as a preview before he wrote his -he received criticisms from Blumentritt of his
novels annotation of Successos de l as Islas Filipinas
1. appraising events against the present
Module 4 3. Rizal’s Annotation standards
2. attacks on the church are unfair and
Rizal’s Annotation unjustified
This part will present annotations by Rizal of the -he dedicated the annotation to the Filipino
history book written by a Deputy Governor- people in order that they may know their
General Dr Antonio de Morga assigned in the glorious past
Philippine archipelago. It is published on the -It was printed on 1890. Other alleged, it came
year 1609 at Mexico. of the press as early as 1889.

Rizal’s Annotation of Succesos de las Islas Rizal’s tripartite view of the country ‘s conditions
Filipinas in his annotation
-he made a prior survey of historical account 1. Pre-Spanish period or pre-conquest past,
about the Philippines archipelago by Pigafetta, where the country experienced progress
Chirino and other Spanish chroniclers and 2. Spanish period or the colonial stage , where
historian the progress in the Pre-Spanish era began to
-he made a conclusion is a non-biased historical collapse or stop
account of the history of Philippine archipelago 3. Rebirth of Progress, which can be traced to
and the culture of the native therein the beginning of the Filipinos’ consciousness of
-it took four solid months of both research and nationalism.
writing and one year to have the manuscript of It can be further explored that the annotation of
this annotation printed. Morgas’ Successos may refer to the past state of
the archipelago, the Noli is the present state of
the nation and the Fili is the future state of the Rizal’s other Works with great impact
nation. This part will highlight works other than
publications by Rizal which in one way or
Rizal wanted to show the world that the another reflected his intense degree of
Philippines was having an advanced civilization nationalism.
before the coming of the Spaniards. This is also
to say that the country can stand even without 1. Proposed Educational Measures
the presence of the colonizers. Rizal seconded to the ideals of the society
advanced by Plato that mass education is
If the annotation is a preview for Noli and Fili, important to its advancement as embedded in
after the Noli and Fili what are the reforms Rizal the part Noli Me Tangere which says “ The
is asking? There might be a conflict with his school is the basis of society. The school is the
philosophy while he writing on Morga's. book in which it is written the future of the
  nation. Show us the schools of the people and
Before leaving this topic, please find time to we shall tell you what people are.” In particular
read this nice article: the pressing educational reforms Rizal presented
during his exile at Dapitan is the establishment
4.4: Rizal’s other Works with Great Impact of a school of arts and trade in every given
provincial capital which has more than 16,000
Aside from the novels and literary works, Rizal residents.
had other works and establish a great impact. In Rizal advocated for a balanced-curriculum with
this topic, we will look at some of them and try end of producing enlightened, patriotic, civic-
to see their contribution to Rizal's goal of minded, and law-abiding citizens Rizal pointed
seeking freedom for his people. the inefficiency of the colonial system of
Rizal once said: "Ignorance is servitude, because education in terms of the ff:
as a man thinks, so he is; a man who does not 1. mass and popular education
think for himself and allowed himself to be 2. religion-centered as to the contents
guided by the thought of another is like the 3.absence of economic freedom(Guerrero, LM :
beast led by a halter." The first Filipino, Pasig City:Anvil Publishing Inc,
Let us not be ignorant, let us learn from Rizal's 1998)
  2. Rizal’s Economic perspectives
  is livelihood of the people in industry or
I hope this will motivate you. Please watch this economic activities where the nation will fit into.
video clip. This will the value of works of Jose He moved for the building of trade or craft
Rizal not only in terms of impact but also in schools to train residents in order to engaged
terms of money: themselves in a gainful employment. He had
already foreseen that economic policy of
Rizal is really talented and smart. He used these inclusive growth of both domestic industries
characters very well and he was able to including agricultural plantation and the workers
create obra maestras.  Today people are busy therein. Included thereto is Rizal’s prescription
with digital things. Can there be another obra of support system via incentives provided both
maestra that can save the Filipinos at this point to businesses and their workers and curbing of
in time? Or nothing will be relevant. bureaucratic practices in the government among
others.( Guerrero, LM : The first Filipino, Pasig
Module 4 Works (Major) City:Anvil Publishing Inc, 1998)
Rizal’s other Works with great impact
3. Rizal’s Political Perspectives
-he believed the basic purpose of the future. Rizal won the first prize and was rewarded
government is to serve for the general welfare with a feather-shaped silver pen and a diploma.
of the people -he supported those freedom,
liberty and freedom enshrined in the bill of Goodbye to Leonor
This literary piece gives an insight into the romantic
rights -he believed the assimilation policy of the
relationship of Rizal and his beloved, Leonor Rivera.
colonial government -he was revolutionary in The two met when in the province of Dagupan when
thought or ideas -he was an anti-imperialist Rivera was only 13-years-old. Rivera’s parents were
zealot -he saw the globalization processes not in favor of their relationship and though distance
coming in the future -he prescribed re- separated them, the two kept in touch by sending
organization of the administrative letters and photographs to each other. Rizal later
instrumentalities -he advocated for religious found out that her lady love would soon tie the knot
freedom & separation of church & with Henry Kipping, and the news definitely
state(Guerrero, LM : The first Filipino, Pasig disheartened him. The lonely, heartbreaking feelings
he felt, resulted in this melancholic poem.
City:Anvil Publishing Inc, 1998)
To the Young Women of Malolos
Rizal’s other historical commentaries are: Addressed to the  Filipino women, Rizal’s letter
1. Ma-yi , written on December 6, 1888 entitled  To The Young Women of Malolos reflects his
2. Tawalisi of Ibn Batuta, written on January 7, inheritance and issues reminders to Filipino women.
1889 In his letter, he addresses all kinds of Filipino women
3. The Philippines within a century, published in – mothers, wives, and even the single women.
La Solidaridad in 1889-1890 Throughout this literary piece, he highlights the
4. The Indolence of the Filipino People, qualities that Filipino mothers should possess, the
published in la Solidaridad in 1890 duties of wives to their husbands and children, and a
counsel on how young women should choose their
5. La Politica Colonial on Filipinas
lifetime partners. The idea behind this letter sparked
6. Manila in the month of December
after he was impressed by the women of Malolos
7. History of the Rizal Family of Calamba who won the battle they fought. Rizal advises women
8. The people of the Indian to educate themselves, protect their dignity and
archipelago(Guerrero, LM : The first Filipino, honor, and live with good manners – setting up as a
Pasig City:Anvil Publishing Inc, 1998) role model.

The 8 Most Important Literary Works by Jose Rizal Kundiman

A kundiman traditionally refers to a love song where
For Dr. José Rizal, the well-respected national hero of a man serenades the woman he loves. For scholars,
the Philippines, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” this word was derived from the Tagalog phrase “Kung
Through his literary masterpieces, he voiced strong Hindi man” (if it should not be so) which suggests
opposition to the abuse of Spaniards and conveyed that people put their faith in a Higher Being who
messages that he hoped would inspire his fellow decides whether or not something is meant for them.
countrymen. We round up his best works and uncover But in Rizal’s literary work, he wrote a kundiman to
the underlying meaning behind them. profess his intense love for his motherland. This piece
reflects his high hopes that one day, the Philippines
To the Filipino Youth would be free from treachery and injustice. At the
Rizal wrote this literary poem when he was still time, the country faced great threats while he was in
studying at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST). Europe. And, through this work, he voices his hopeful
Originally written in Spanish (A la juventud thoughts despite being far away from the country.
filipina),  Rizal submitted this piece for a poem contest
organized for Filipinos by the Manila Lyceum of Art Junto Al Pasig
and Literature. At the age of 18, this work is beaming When translated into English, the title of this work
with strong messages to convince readers, the youth means  Beside Pasig River. In response to the Jesuits’
in particular, that they are the hope of the nation. He request, Rizal wrote this one-act play in the Spanish
also stresses the importance of education to one’s language for the velada – a gala variety program
during the principal feast days. The play centers letters.  Mi último adiós or My Last Farewell is one of
around Leonido (a young Filipino who has a strong the few last works that Rizal wrote.
faith in the Virgin) and the Diwata/Satan, which Some historical accounts say he wrote it on the eve
symbolizes the Spanish oppression towards Filipinos. before his execution, while others claim that he wrote
Its theme highlights Christianity, good vs. evil, and the poem a few days before his death in Manila on
paganism. The  Philippines’ national hero wrote it in December 30, 1896. But, because there was no title
honor of the Our Lady of Peace and Voyage of the ascribed to this poem, his good friend and fellow
UST, and the play was staged on December 8, 1880. reformist Mariano Ponce came up with the title.
Today, Rizal’s literary works, specifically his two
Noli Me Tángere novels, are alive and continuously being analyzed by
One of the most sought-after books in Philippine students and professionals. Colleges and universities
literature until today, is Rizal’s famous novel in the Philippines even require their students to take a
titled Noli Me Tángere  (Touch Me Not). Driven by his subject which centers around the life and works of
undying love for his country, Rizal wrote the novel to Rizal. Through his work, the country’s national hero is
expose the ills of Philippine society during the Spanish always remembered and looked upon with high
colonial era. At the time, the Spaniards prohibited the regard for his contribution towards
Filipinos from reading the controversial book because the  Philippine independence.
of the unlawful acts depicted in the novel. Yet they
were not able to ban it completely and as more
Filipinos read the book, it opened their eyes to the
truth that they were being manhandled by the friars.
In this revolutionary book, you’ll learn the story of
Crisostomo Ibarra, how he dealt with Spanish
authorities, and how he prepared for his revenge, as
told in Rizal’s second book, El Filibusterismo.

El Filibusterismo
This is Rizal’s sequel to his first book,  Noli Me
Tángere.  In  El Filibusterismo (The Reign of the
Greed), the novel exhibits a dark theme (as opposed
to the hopeful atmosphere in the first novel) in which
it depicts the country’s issues and how the
protagonist attempts a reform. The story takes place
13 years after  Noli Me Tángere, where revolutionary
protagonist Crisostomo Ibarra is now under the guise
of Simoun – a wealthy jewelry tycoon. Because the
novel also portrays the abuse, corruption, and
discrimination of the Spaniards towards Filipinos, it
was also banned in the country at the time. Rizal
dedicated his second novel to the GOMBURZA – the
Filipino priests named Mariano Gomez, Jose Apolonio
Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora who were executed on
charges of subversion. The two novels of Rizal, now
considered as his literary masterpieces, both
indirectly sparked the  Philippine Revolution.

Mi último adiós
After being associated with the Katipuneros, Rizal
was arrested and later sentenced to death by firing
squad for acts of sedition and rebellion. During his
final days in Fort Santiago of Manila, Rizal bid
farewell to his motherland and countrymen through

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