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Chicago Cook County State's Attorney's Office 2021 Report

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Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO) Report

Chicago (01/01/2021-10/31/2021)
All incidents for the below cases occurred within Chicago.
CCSAO data in this report does not include misdemeanor charges.
1. Adult Felony Review & Prosecution
a) Overall
Between 1/1/2021 and 10/31/2021, the CCSAO reviewed and made a charging decision for 8,584 felony cases in Chicago.
7,383 cases were approved resulting in an 86% approval rate. 11,510 cases were prosecuted and 6,926 were convicted at a
60% conviction rate.
Reviewe Prosecuted*
Area Approved* Approval Rate Guilty Conviction Rate
d *

Chicago 8,584 7,383 86% 11,510 6,926 60%

12,973 11,141 86% 17,342 11,002 63%

b) Top Reviewed & Prosecuted Adult Felony Categories


Ranking Top Reviewed Category Reviewed Approved App. Rate Top Prosecuted Category Guilty Conv. Rate

1 Unlawful Use of Weapons 4,547 4,127 91% Narcotics 3,790 1,132 30%

2 Sex Crimes 468 346 74% Unlawful Use of Weapons 3,756 2,578 69%

3 Homicide 402 299 74% Burglary 406 351 86%

4 Aggravated Battery Police Officer 375 338 90% Aggravated Battery Police Officer 399 351 88%

5 Aggravated DUI 257 235 91% Aggravated DUI 386 352 91%

Cook County

Ranking Top Reviewed Category Reviewed Approved App. Rate Top Prosecuted Category Guilty Conv. Rate

1 Unlawful Use of Weapons 5,626 5,107 91% Narcotics 5,149 1,749 34%

2 Sex Crimes 753 533 71% Unlawful Use of Weapons 4,490 3,171 71%

3 Aggravated DUI 675 617 91% Aggravated DUI 829 728 88%

4 Aggravated Battery Police Officer 552 506 92% Burglary 724 597 82%

5 Homicide 541 422 78% Aggravated Battery Police Officer 581 516 89%

c) Felony Review & Prosecution by Race

Chicago Cook County

App. Guilt App.

Race Reviewed Approved Prosecuted Conv. Rate Reviewed Approved Prosecuted Guilty Conv. Rate
Rate y Rate

Black 6,768 5,995 89% 8,757 5,263 60% 9,282 8,259 89% 11,830 7,422 63%

White 424 341 80% 681 396 58% 1,288 1,083 84% 2,013 1,304 65%

Latinx 1,382 1,171 85% 1,769 1,154 65% 2,295 1,964 86% 2,979 2,028 68%

Asian 40 31 78% 53 33 62% 100 84 84% 106 70 66%

Biracial 50 44 88% 77 45 58% 73 61 84% 126 77 61%

Other 5 5 100% 2 2 100% 6 6 100% 3 3 100%

Unknown 564 338 60% 160 22 14% 881 496 56% 266 81 30%

CCSAO DataPlease contact with questions about this data or anything else related to publicly available CCSAO data. 1
2. Adult Felony Diversion
a) Overall
Between 1/1/2021 and 10/31/2021, the CCSAO referred 475 defendants in Chicago to a diversion program.
168 defendants graduated their diversion program and 104 defendants failed their diversion program. The overall graduation
rate is 62%.
Area Total Referral*** Total Graduated Total Failed Graduation Rate

Chicago 475 168 104 62%

843 370 210 64%

b) Top Diverted Adult Felony Categories


Rankin Total
Top Diverted Category Total Referral Total Failed Graduation Rate
g Graduated

1 Narcotics 174 94 41 70%

2 Unlawful Use of Weapons 95 9 5 64%

3 Burglary 46 7 18 28%

4 Theft 28 27 5 84%

5 Possession of Stolen Motor Vehicle 25 2 6 25%

Cook County

Rankin Total
Top Diverted Category Total Referral Total Failed Graduation Rate
g Graduated

1 Narcotics 345 186 70 73%

2 Unlawful Use of Weapons 101 11 6 65%

3 Burglary 75 21 29 42%

4 Theft 53 55 12 82%

5 Retail Theft 45 24 24 50%

c) Diversion by Race
Chicago Cook County

Race Total Referral Total Graduated Total Failed Graduation Rate Total Referral Total Graduated Graduation Rate

Black 310 120 74 62% 455 204 129 61%

White 44 11 16 41% 182 74 49 60%

Latinx 88 27 13 68% 152 69 30 70%

Asian 6 1 0 100% 7 2 0 100%

Biracial 6 0 1 0% 7 0 1 0%

Other 0 0 0 -- 0 0 0 --

Unknown 21 9 0 100% 40 21 1 95%

3. Incidents & Arrests

Please note that numbers reported under this section are based on Chicago Police Department (CPD) data feed, incidents
include misdemeanors and felonies.
a) Overall
Between 1/1/2021 and 10/31/2021, the CPD has received 204,838 criminal incident reports from Chicago. 19,606 incidents
resulted in at least one offender being arrested. The overall arrest rate is 10%. In total, 21,542 offenders were arrested.

CCSAO DataPlease contact with questions about this data or anything else related to publicly available CCSAO data. 2
Area Reported Incidents Incidents with Arrest Arrest Rate**** Arrested Offenders

204,838 19,606 10% 21,542

b) Top Reported & Top Arrested Incidents


Top Reported Top Arrested

Top Reported Reported Incidents Arrest Arrested Top Arrested Reported Incidents Arrest Arrested
Category***** Incidents with Arrest Rate Offenders Category Incidents with Arrest Rate Offenders

1 Theft****** 33,039 1,189 4% 1,262 Possession - 4,797 4,314 90% 4,778

2 Traffic - Hit and Run 31,079 160 1% 167 Domestic Violence 18,650 2,744 15% 2,775

3 Criminal Damage 21,005 715 3% 748 Narcotics 3,825 2,715 71% 3,020

4 Domestic Violence 18,650 2,744 15% 2,775 Battery 15,536 1,991 13% 2,215

5 Assault 17,157 1,479 9% 1,555 Assault 17,157 1,479 9% 1,555

c) Violent Incident
Violent Incident Category Reported Incidents Incidents with Arrest Arrest Rate Arrested Offenders
Homicide 635 155 24% 206

Vehicular Hijacking 1,472 237 16% 378

Domestic Violence 18,650 2,744 15% 2,775

Battery 15,536 1,991 13% 2,215

Shooting 3,025 291 10% 374

Assault 17,157 1,479 9% 1,555

Arson 442 37 8% 40

Robbery 2,025 150 7% 188

Sex Crimes 2,817 198 7% 207

Armed Robbery 2,925 167 6% 232

Reckless Firearm Discharge 2,055 51 2% 54

Kidnapping 84 2 2% 3

CCSAO DataPlease contact with questions about this data or anything else related to publicly available CCSAO data. 3
* The CCSAO’s first contact with a felony case typically occurs through the Felony Review process. If an arresting agency decides to charge the arrestee with a felony,
the CCSAO’s Felony Review Unit (FRU) must be contacted to review the evidence and decide whether charges can be filed. Law enforcement can only directly file
felonies under limited circumstances, such as narcotics cases, non-felony traffic offenses, and misdemeanors. In some instances, a case may also be directly indicted
by a grand jury instead of going through the FRU process. Once the review process is complete, the FRU will either approve or decline to file the charges or choose to
continue the case for the police to further investigate. Approve: Sufficient facts and evidence support felony charges. Decline: the evidence presented is insufficient
to support felony charges. If felony charges are not approved by the CCSAO, police can refile the case as a misdemeanor. If initial charges are declined, the CCSAO can
call for the investigation to continue and will then review additional evidence when presented. The approval rate is calculated by dividing the number of approved
cases by the total number of reviewed cases. For example, the FRU reviewed 55 robbery cases - approved 50 and declined 5. The approval rate would be 50/ (50+5) =
91%. Sometimes the FRU will determine that there is not enough information yet from law enforcement to approve or decline charges, so they will classify the case as
a Continued Investigation (CI). CI’ed case numbers are not included here.

** Prosecuted: A case is moved through the system to a conclusion of guilty or not guilty; Guilty: defendant was determined to be guilty of criminal charges;
Conviction rate: Number of guilty dispositions (plea of guilty, finding of guilty, or verdict of guilty) divided by the number of cases prosecuted. Number of guilty
dispositions (plea of guilty, finding of guilty, or verdict of guilty) divided by the number of cases prosecuted. Cases that reached disposition during 1/1/2021-
10/31/2021 may have been initiated prior to this timeframe.

*** Diversion can occur at many points throughout the criminal justice process. As the prosecuting body for Cook County, diversion for the CCSAO refers to
connecting defendants to services and programs (e.g., assistance with substance abuse, employment, mental health treatment, etc.), rather than sentencing them to
time in custody. Assistant State’s Attorneys screen cases and refer eligible defendants to diversion programs. There are pre-plea and post-plea court-based diversion
programs available in Cook County; five are pre-plea diversion programs overseen by the CCSAO, and three are post-plea programs overseen by the Office of the
Chief Judge. Learn more about Cook County diversion programs. Referral is the number of individuals referred to a diversion program. Graduated is the number of
individuals who successfully completed a diversion program. Failed is the number of people who either dropped out of a diversion program or were disqualified from
the program (for example getting rearrested). The graduation rate is defined as the number of graduates divided by the number of individuals who either graduated
or failed a program.

**** Arrest Rate: Number of criminal incidents that resulted in at least one offender being arrested divided by the total number of reported criminal incidents.

***** Reported Incidents are categorized by the CPD using Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (IUCR) Codes. Exception: An incident is categorized as Shooting when the
incident report mentioned people being shot. Shooting incidents commonly include homicide, reckless discharge of firearm, etc.

****** Theft includes, but is not limited to: Under $500, Retail Theft, Pocket-Picking, and Purse Snatching.

CCSAO DataPlease contact with questions about this data or anything else related to publicly available CCSAO data. 4

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