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Anexo 4 - Classroom Observation Protocol - Part 1 Class 2

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Observer name: Milton Hair Mena Blandon
School name: Info Language Center
Observation date: 11/09/2021 Observation start time: 1 pm
Length of the observation: 4 hours Observation end time: 5 pm
Teacher’s name: Guillermo Albornoz Grade: A1
Number of students: 8 Average student’s age: 20
Use of materials: The teacher incorporates various instructional
-Does the teacher incorporate supports; he used English books; and this resources
various instructional supports were very effective for learning. the teacher used
(e.g., video, slides, posters, creative resources to explain the topics of the class;
flashcards, etc.) in the class? he used reading and traduction exercises with a book
-Were those resources effective about the English culture.
for learning?
-Does the teacher use creative
and effective resources during the
wholes class: to introduce the
class, to explain the topics, during
the practice and production
Activities and strategies The teacher participates in organizational activities of
implementation: the center aimed at improving student learning and in
-Does the teacher engage in a organizational activities for the certification of
variety of organizational and language proficiency that allow him to better guide
preparation activities aimed at students and give better instructions and make the
maximizing time available for best use of instructional time and maximize learning
instruction and facilitating student outcomes.
learning? The teacher uses motivational activities such as the
choice of topics for learning and discussion of the
-Does he/she use motivating,
students' preference.
creative and affective activities?
The teacher also uses appropriate strategies according
-Does he/she use appropriate
strategies according to the to the way of learning of each student and emphasizes
students’ knowledge, their the essential activities to achieve the learning
attitudes and the specific objectives.
Students’ learning:
-Does the teacher involve all the The teacher is proactive and involves all students in
students in the activities? the development of activities in the classroom, in the
same way that he answers and solves all the doubts
-Does he/she respond
that students present; The teacher draws the
appropriately to student questions
students' attention when they are distracted and
and comments?
concentrate on activities other than the class and can
-Does he/she recognize and
easily recognize these changes in attention; When the
respond effectively to changes in
students participate, the teacher gives them feedback
student attentiveness?
and specifies the aspects that they should improve or
-Does he/she provide individual in which they have made a mistake so that they can
and constructive feedback? correct them as soon as possible; the teacher imparts
-Does the teacher provide clear an egalitarian teaching model for all students and
modeling and demonstration to all imparts knowledge with sufficient clarity and mastery
students? of the subject; the teacher generates meaningful
-Does he/she produce meaningful learning experiences that challenge students to
and challenging learning communicate better and improve their processes; The
experiences? teacher is always aware that the students have
-Does he/she ensure that the understood the subject and the instructions that he
students understood the imparts and is very concerned about the learning of
instructions, the topic, the each student.
activities and were able to
produce in English using the
acquired knowledge?
Pedagogical skills: The teacher uses class time in the best way, using it
-Does the teacher use class time in the development of the topics that the students
effectively? must acquire and changing the subject at the
appropriate moments to maximize student learning;
-Does he/she own the
the teacher has sufficient pedagogical skills to direct
pedagogical skills needed to direct
the learning process of students and demonstrates it
teaching and learning processes?
in their teaching methodologies; the teacher
-Does he/she encourage the
encourages the development of other skills of
development of other skills such students such as research; through the development
as critical thinking, analysis, of investigative works that each student carries out to
research, and so on? be presented in class.


Use of language and
instructions: The teacher has a very good communication with
the students and does so clearly and effectively
-Does the teacher communicate
and makes an explanation of the different topics
clearly and effectively to the level
of the students? in a simple and clear way so that the students
-Does he/she explain important can acquire knowledge; During the development
ideas simply and clearly? of the class, the teacher combines the use of
-Does he/she manage the foreign both languages, Spanish and English to facilitate
and the native language in the
the understanding of students and be able to
-Does he/she select examples and fully meet their doubts and learning needs; the
illustrations clearly related to teacher gives students examples from everyday
course content and student life to better explain and illustrate their classes
experiences? and emphasizes activities that young people
-Does he/she make course usually do, to explain the class; the teacher is
content relevant by using quite dynamic in his classes and explains the
authentic and real-world
concepts in various ways and in a simple way,
applications? -Does he/she
explain new or difficult terms and making concepts that could be difficult to
concepts clearly and in multiple understand more understandable.
Human attitudes:
-Does he/she treat class members The teacher is very respectful with all the
equitably and respectfully? members of the class, both with the students
-Does he/she express love, and the practicing teacher, and treats everyone
smiling, comprehension, equally well, without making distinctions of any
responsibility regarding his/her kind; The teacher shows deep respect and great
passion for their profession and for teaching
-Does he/she admit error and
insufficient knowledge? English and is a professional in love with what
they do and being part of the learning and
educational processes; the teacher also has
sufficient knowledge to teach English and has a
good command of the language and the
pedagogy and didactics of English; the teacher
does not present significant errors in the
performance of his function.

Personality: The teacher has a very good personality and

-Does he/she use humor uses humor very well to give illustrative
constructively? examples and to give feedback to the students,
and in this way the adolescents are more
-Does the teacher demonstrate
receptive to the information that is imparted to
enthusiasm for the subject
them; The teacher shows a lot of enthusiasm in
his class and passion for the English language
-Does he/she create a trustworthy
and tries to transmit it to the students; the
teacher becomes a mentor for his students and
builds trust in them, which allows him to know
the learning difficulties that each student
presents and solve them in the shortest possible

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