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consolidation test appartus  BS 1377 | ASTM D2435, D3877, D4546 |
AASHTO T216 ,IS : 2720 (Part-XV)BS 1377

 TS 1900-2 | ASTM D3080 | BS 1377-7 | AASHTO

direct shear test appartus T236 | NF P094 071-1/2, IS 2720 (PART XIII)

Triaxial UU-CU-CD Test Systems

ASTM D2850, D4767, D7181; AASHTO T-297;

BS 1377-7, BS 1377-8
soil cone penetrometer As Per IS 2720 (P-V)

sand pouring cylinder As Per IS 2720 (P-XXVIII)

proctor compaction test appartus

constant head permeability BS 1377 | ASTM 46-47 | IS 2720 (PART XVII)

appartus 1966

falling head permeability  BS 1377 | ASTM 46-47 | IS 2720 (PART XVII)
appartus 1966

plate load bearing test ASTM D1194, D1195, D1196; BS 1377:9

S 2720 (PART XIV), ASTM D 4253 & ASTM D

relative density test 4254
cbr test  EN 13286-47; BS 1377:4; ASTM D1883; AASHTO T193; NF P94-078;

automatic soil compactor (cbr


field CBR test set

dynamic cone penetrometer

unconfined compression strength


LL penetrometer
LL devices(casagrande)

shrinkage limil set

sand pouring cylinder

sand density cone appartus

baloon density appartus

linear shrikage mould

PL set
soil augers

soil sampling equiment

soil prospecting kit

soil colour chart

surface soil sampler

BS 1377:9
core cutters

load ring penetrometer

proctor penetrometer

pocket penetrometer

dial penetrometer

vane shear test appartus

field inspection testing kit

water level indicator

particle size analysis


soil sampler cutter and extruder

proctor mould and rammer

speedy moisture tester

universal moisture tester

sp gr bottle

impact soil tester


vibration compaction hammer

grain size analyis pippete method

particle size analysis (nf

soil lathe
description specification

The apparatus has been designed to reduce the testing time

for triaxial tests, where only one compression machine is
available. With this equipment it is possible to perform the
consolidation stage of three triaxial specimens at the same
time for CU and CD tests in anisotropic conditions.

Determining the mechanical properties of soils is a very

important step to design foundations, embankments and other
soil structures. Building constructions, excavations, tunnelling
and similar applications have several effects on the subsoil
structures and these effects are successfully simulated with
Triaxial Tests where the stress-strain relation of undisturbed
soil specimen are investigated by subjecting the soil sample to
different stress levels and drainage conditions.
Soil Cone Penetrometer of Soil is based on the relationship The apparatus is suitable for
between moisture content and the penetration of the cone into operation on 220V, Single Phase,
the soil sample. The moisture content at a given depth of 50Hz, AC Supply Stainless steel
penetration of the cone is taken as the liquid limit. The penetration test cone 35mm long
Automatic Penetrometer (Digital Timer) is supplied complete Angle: 30°
with a stainless steel penetration test cone 35mm long with a Penetration test cup: 55mm x
smooth polished surface and an angle of 30° and a 40mm
Penetration test cup 55mm DIA x 40mm deep. Facility exists
for adjusting cone height in relation to the specimen

The Sand Pouring Cylinder is used for determination of the dry

density of compact, fine, medium grained soils and for layers
not exceeding 50cm thickness. A circular hole is dug into the
ground, all the soil from within it collected, weighed and dried
and the whole back filled with a standard uniform sand or fine
gravel poured from a calibrated container for calculating the
volume of the hole. The complete apparatus consists of a
Sand Pouring Cylinder fitted with Conical funnel and Shutter,
Cylindrical Calibration Container, and a Metal tray with a
central hole
Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus is a fundamental
requirement for the construction of earth fill for dams,
reservoirs, canal embankments, highways, railways and
runways. The relationship between soil moisture content and
compacted dry density is very useful for deciding construction
specifications and quality control of compacted earth fill. The
construction quality control is essential to check the density of
compacted soil achieved in the field, thereby checking its

The apparatus is used for the laboratory determination of

permeability of soil using a constant or a variable head. This The constant head method is
test is recommended for soils with co-effcient permeability in particularly suitable for relatively
the range of 0-10-3 to 10-7 cm/sec. The maximum particle coarse grained soil such as
size of the soil which can be tested in the mould is 10mm. The sands and gravel. For fine
soil permeability is a very important factor to study the grained soils such as clay-like or
behavior of soil in its natural condition with respect to water silty soils see Falling head
flow. permeability apparatus.

The apparatus is used for the laboratory determination of

permeability of soil using a constant or a variable head. This
test is recommended for soils with co-effcient permeability in
the range of 0-10-3 to 10-7 cm/sec. The maximum particle
size of the soil which can be tested in the mould is 10mm

Plate Loading Test Set consists

of a 200 kN capacity piston
assemly and hydraulic hand
pump, pressure transducer, LPI
battery operated digital readout
This test method is used to estimate the bearing capacity of a unit, 2.4 m long datum bar, 3 pcs.
soil under field loading conditions for a specific loading plate 25 mm travel x 0.01 mm digital
and depth of embedment (ASTM D1194). It is also used for dial gauges with dial supports,
load tests of soil and flexible pavement components for use in 300 mm and 450 mm dia. loading
evaluation and design of airport and highway pavements plates.

Apparatus determines relative density of granular soils which

do not respond well to Proctor moisture-density tests.
Maximum density is determined by placing soil in special
molds and densifying using a vibrating table and surcharge.
Minimum index density is determined by loose placement in
the molds using special.
The automatic CBR test machine is designed for performing
laboratory evaluation of the CBR value of highway subbases
and sub-grade, and determination of the strength of cohesive
materials which have maximum particle sizes less than 19 mm
(3/4”). This CBR apparatus is composed of a robust and
compact two column frame with adjustable upper crossbeam
driven by an electro-mechanical ram with a maximum capacity
of 50 kn and a data acquisition and processing system

Designed to compact Proctor and CBR specimens, it ensures

an extremely uniform compaction degree, granting reliable and
repeatable test results.The compactor allows to select and to
perform different compaction cycles in a fully automatic
system, by strictly meeting the mentioned International
Standards.The blows are automatically...

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) field test yields in–situ

strength of soils and some base course materials. The field
procedure uses a loading jack to force a piston into the soil,
noting the piston load and depth of penetration. The jack is
loaded against dead weights or a heavy piece of equipment
such as a loaded dump truck

Dynamic cone penetrometer provide quick field determinations

of soil shear strengths at depths up to 6ft (1.8m), with optional
extensions. This accurate and portable field equipment
measures soil properties that can be related to CBR or
Resilient Modulus laboratory values. Original design by United
States Army Corps of Engineers.

Comprises a screw operated load

frame, cap.5000kg with a gear
box and motor drive giving 1.25,
1.5, 2.5mm/min. Rates of strain,
a pair of cone seating, adaptor
for proving ring, and stain dial
Unconfined compressive strength tests of cohesive soils gauge bracket. Supplied with one
quickly provide valuable information for design of soil pair of male/female coning tools
embankments and structures. This test can be performed on for 38mm dia samples but without
intact, remolded or reconstituted soil specimens using strain- ring and dial gauge. Suitable for
controlled application of axial loads, and associated operation on 230 V, Single Phase
components make it easy to create… A.C. Supply
The cone penetrometer apparatus is used to determine the
moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a
liquid state and it is used also for the determination of
undrained shear strength 
casagrande method in mechanical form is known as liquid limit
method and has been in use for soil mechanics for a number
of decades. The liquid limit data of soils is useful to correlate
mechanical properties of soil, such as compressibility and
lower shear strength. Liquid limit is the water content at which
soil passes from zero strength to an infinite strength, hence
the true value of liquid limit cannot be determined.
Used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils
pass from a plastic to a liquid state

Shrinkage Limit Set is used in Shrinkage Limit Tests to

determine shrinkage properties of cohesive soils, defined as
the water content at which further loss of moisture will not
cause a decrease in volume. The test is one of the Atterberg
Limits methods of defining characteristics of cohesive soils.
Alternative uses similar apparatus… The apparatus can
be used to determine shrinkage limit and to calculate other
shrinkage ratio, shrinkage index and volumetric shrinkage. Set
consists of one each

Sand Pouring Cylinder – IS: This is used for the in-place

determination of the dry density of natural or compact soil
containing stones, fine, medium grained soils for layer
exceeding 15 cm but not exceeding 25cm thickness. It may
also be used for measuring the density of base materials.
density of base material

Sand Density Cone Apparatus is an accepted and inexpensive

method of determining in-place density of soils. Effective in
soils with particle sizes up to 2in (51mm), using test hole
volumes of approximately 0.1ft3 (2.8L), is a 1gal (3.8L)
threaded plastic jar with detachable metal double cone fitting.
The cone is threaded on 

Balloon Density Apparatus: This method for determining the

density of in-place compacted or firmly bonded soils uses a
rubber balloon apparatus. It is not suitable for very soft soil
that will deform under slight pressure or in which the volume of
the hole cannot be maintained at a constant value. The
cylinder is high-strength plast

A simple mould which is filled with the soil under test. This is
then dried and the resulting decrease os length of the
specimen measured is expressed as the linear shrinkage. It is
25mm Dia. x 12.5mm Height x 140mm Length.
The plastic limit determines the lowest moisture content of a
soil, by wich a sample can be rolled into threads 3 mm. dia.
without breaking the same neither longitudinally or
 Perfect for augering shallow depths, Standard
Soil Augers are used for sampling most soil type
Soil Sampling equipment: Augers, Soil Sampler Extensions
and related accessories provide fast and accurate profiling of
soil layers and collection of samples for classification and
testing across a variety of soil types
Used to take undisturbed soil sample in soft and fine soils.
Soil colour charts: are an affordable way to evaluate the type
of soil that is present within a given area
Used to take a standard volume sample from the ground in
order to establish the in-situ density of the soil.
The core cutter is driven into the soil using the driving
hammer. Then the core is dug out, trimmed, weighed, dried
and the density and moisture content calculated
Used for measuring the bearing strength and compaction
degree of soils
Used for establishing the moisture content-penetration
resistance relationship of fine-grained soils.
 Designed for making field classification of cohesive soils in
terms of consistency, shear strength and approximate
unconfined compressive strength.

Complete with 5 different plungers used to evaluate the angle

of internal friction  of sandy soil and the cohesion in clay soils

The apparatus is designed for conducting in situ vane shear

test from bottom of a bore hole in saturated cohesive deposits
for determining their in place shearing resistance
Especially designed to mesure the undrained shear strenght
(CU) of cohesive soil
Used for determining the water level in boreholes, wells and
other open underground structures
This equipment is used to determine the quantitative size
distribution of very fine particle in soils such as clay and silt
Used for determining the particle size distribution of very fine
materials such as silt and clay.

, This versatile sampler can be used to extrude and prepare

soil samples for the following soil mechanics tests: –
consolidation – shear – triaxial – permeability – other tests
Various circular, cylindrical and square cutters are available
from our range, depending on the geotechnical test to be
Used for determining the relationship between the moisture
content and density of compacted soi
A well established portable test method for the determination
of moisture content of soils, sand and fine aggregates
The universal moisture tester can be used for soils, sand and
fine aggregates

determination of the specific gravity and density of fine soils

Used to obtain an indication of the degree of compaction of

soil in road construction. Results can be directly correlated to
the CBR test. The unique microprocessor system
automatically checks all readings throughout the test and
displays the fourth reading as the Impact Value. An essential
trench control tool for all cable and pipe laying service
complete range of full depth testing sieves 200, 250, 300, 315
and 450 mm dia. 

Used for the compaction of Proctor and CBR soil specimens

This is for the determination of the sub sieve particle

distribution in a soil sample by mechanical analysis. An
analysis of this kind expresses quantity the proportions by
weight of the various sizes of particles present in the soil. It is
recommended as a standard procedure to use dispersion
agent to avoid flocculation.
Used for determining the particle size distribution of very fine
materials such as silt and clay.
This apparatus is used to prepare any size of cylindrical soil

 Dial Gauge 0.002 mm x 10

mm . Extension piece, 40 mm
long. Test forms pad of 50 for
“Censolidation Test Plot” Test
forms pad of 50 for one
Dimensional Consolidation.
Coning tools in pairs (Male &
Female) for samples having
diameter 38, 50, 75 & 100mm
Metal tray, 300mm square and
40mm deep with hole.

compression testing machine

flexure testing machine 8,C293,C496
concrete mould BS and IS

IS 7320 & BS 1881-102,

slump test ASTMC143,AASHTOT11

compaction factor appartus

 IS:3085, TS EN 12390-8 |
EN 12364 | DIN 1048 | ISO
concrete permeability appartus 7031

vee bee consitometer  IS 1199 & BS EN 12350

concrete flow table

vibrating table table

j rinng appartus

v funnel test appartus

volume change appartus

longitudinal compressometr

lateral extensometer

concreteoe pennetrometer
boyancy balance

concrete cover meter

dlc vibratiing hammer

concrete test hammer schmidt

strain gauge

k slump tester

kelly ball penetration appartus

initial surface absorption test(isat)


pocket concrete penetrometer

tamping bar

straight edge

sand absorption cone and tamper

rapid chloride permeability tester

concrete test schmidt hammer (n

ultrasonic pulse velocity testeer

pull off adhesion tester

pile echo tester

moisture meter

jolting appartus
tensile strength tester

air entrain meter


Compressive Strength Testing Equipment to test cement, brick and

The Flexure Strength Testing Machines are designed to test flexural
strength of concrete beams. The design provide maximum rigidity
throughout their working range. The load is applied by the downward
movement of the piston

Concrete Slump Test measures consistency and workability of fresh

concrete, and indirectly, the water/cement ratio of the concrete mix.

The compacting factor is the ratio between the weight of the partially
compacted concrete and the weight of the fully compacted concrete.
apparatus is designed to perform the test in a more precise and
accurate way

This apparatus is used to determine the depth of penetration

of water under pressure in the concrete specimens.
The instrument is used for workability as well as consistency of fresh
There are two models of the Cement Flow Table according to ASTM
and EN standard. Both are used for determining the consistency of
mortar, lime and cement specimens. Also  manual and motorized
models are available.
Proper compaction of cement concrete while casting specimens for
compression testing is essential to achieve higher compressive
The J-Ring test is used for determining the passing ability, the flow
spread and the flow time of self compacting concrete as the concrete
flows through the JRing apparatus.
The V Funnel apparatus is used to evaluate the flow time of freshly
mixed selfcompacting concrete. The test is not suitable when the
maximum size of the aggregate exceeds 22.4 mm.

It is designed for finding out the deformation and strains on 15cms.

Diameter and 30 cms
This is for determining the lateral extension of 15 cms.dia x 30 cm
high cement concrete cylinders while testing them under
compression.Lateral Extensometer for 150 mm 
Used to determine the setting time of the mortar fraction in concrete
mixes with slump greater than zero,
The density of hardened concrete specimens such as cubes and
cylinders can be quickly and accurately determined using a Buoyancy
Used to measure the thickness of concrete cover over steel
reinforcement bars and metal pipes, furthermore it is also used  to
identify the location, orientation and diameter of  reinforcement bars
 Used for the compaction of concrete samples in a mould
The concrete test hammer is used to evaluate the surface hardness of
hardened concrete in order to evaluate the strength in various parts of
the structure.

 determining the length changes  was originally designed for use on

concrete structures, but can also be conveniently used for any other
type of structure including steel. The test set includes the
extensometer with digital gauge resolution 0.001 mm, standard bar,
calibration bar, 50 datum discs, adhesive compound for datum discs
and carrying case.
This device is used to determine the workability and degree of
compaction of fresh concrete after being placed in the forms
The apparatus is used to determine the workability of Portland cement
& concrete. The Kelly ball test is considered to be simple and much
faster than the slump test. Twice the Kelly ball reading approximately
equals the slump.

his apparatus is used to assess the surface absorption characteristics

of concrete.The rate of flow of water per unit area into a concrete
surface when subjected to a constant head of 200mm is measured

for field and lab evaluation of the initial set of concrete mortar,
This is used for compacting concrete into cube moulds
Used to remove excess material when molding cube and cylinder

Used for specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregate

 The quality of concrete is mainly judged by its compressive strength

directly affecting the loadbearing capacity and durability of concrete
structures. ZI 2068 concrete test hammer (Schmidt Hammer N type) is
used to measure the compressive strength characteristics of
hardened concrete non-destructively, control uniform concrete quality
and detect weak spots in the concrete. The test object should have a
minimum thickness of 100 mm.
(Schmidt Hammer) N Type is used for the non-destructive testing of
the surface of hardened concrete in order to evaluate the strength in
various parts of a structur
The velocity of ultrasonic wave in concrete is affected by elastic
property or strength. Ultrasonic applies high voltage and sends it to
transit transducer to generate ultrasonic wave. This ultrasonic wave
reaches to the receive transducer through concrete. When elastic
property or strength of concrete is high, the transit time is short. On
the other hand, when the materials are contrary, the velocity is low.
Ultrasonic measures the ultrasonic transit time accurately so it makes
possible to evaluate a material or find an elastic properties
nondestructively to investigate uniformity, cavities, cracks, fire/frost
damage, delaminating, deterioration and strengt

Measures adhesion of coatings to metal, wood, concrete and other

substrates – Revolutionary self-alignment feature and pull rate
indicator brings new meaning to adhesion measurements. The
PosiTest Adhesion Tester measures the force required to pull a
specified test diameter of coating away from its substrate using
hydraulic pressure

he PET (Pile Echo Tester) uses the Pulse-Echo method (PEM) for
quick pile integrity test (quality control) of a large number of piles.
The latest microwave and microprocessor, the Cementometer can
determine the moisture content of freshly mixed cement, concrete,
and mortar
 This machine, used to compact the 40x40x160 mm cement prisms in
the mould,
used for testing various materials like rubber, plastic and cable.
Air Entrainment Meters are used for determining the air content of
fresh concrete
The measurement of pulse velocity can be used for the
determination of the uniformity of concrete, the presence of
cracks or voids, changes in properties with time and in the
determination of dynamic physical properties

cemeent sampler

le chatelier flask
le chatelier mould

muffle furnace

vicat appartus
gillmore needle appartus

pat test brass ring mould

blaine fineness apartus

bulk density appartus

plunger penetration appartus

high presssure autoclave

co2 content in cement

water retension appartus


air content meters

reactivity tesst appartus

bulk denssity appartus

flow cone appartus

marsh funnel viscometer

sand content

flexure and tension test

compression flexure test machine

flexural test for beam

Used to sample cement from packages. Made of brass, it

has an outside dia. of 32 mm x 700 mm long.
Used to determine the specific gravity of hydraulic cement
and lime
Used for determining the expansion of cement
:Used for determining the loss on ignition of cement and
building lime.

 Use to determine the setting time of cement

 Use to determine the setting time of cement
Used for the determination of the soundness of hydrated lime
and gypsum plasters. 

Used to determine the particle size of Portland cement, limes

and similar powders expressed in terms of their specific
determines the fineness of Portland cement in terms of
specific surface area expressed as the total surface area in
square centimeters per gram of mortar or cement.
Used to determine the bulk density of cement as specified by
the “Commission des méthodes d’essai des matériaux de
: The Plunger Penetration Apparatus is used to determine
the consistency of fresh mortar, building lime and masonry
 High Pressure Autoclave is specially developed for testing
the volume consistency of mortar prisms.

Used for determining the water retention value of cement and

 Direct Determination of the Heat of Hydration (J/g) of
 determine the bair content in cement  mortar, cement paste,
and lime mortar
Used for determining the reactivity on slaking of ground
Used for determining the bulk density of lime by the fall of the
sample from a standard height into a container. Consisting of
a cylindrical container I liter cap., hopper and spring loaded
Used for determining the flow properties of mortars, grouts,
muds and many other type of fluid materials.
Marsh funnel is used for routine viscosity determinations on
almost every drilling rig
This kit provides a complete sieve analysis apparatus for
determining the sand content of drilling muds
This machine is used for the flexural strength determination
of cement specimens 40.1x40x160 mm and tensile tests on
cement briquettes

These Multipurpose compression / flexural testers have been

designed for various applications in which a limited maximum
load is request­ed, together with a large testing space such
as, for instance, com­pressive strength on lightweight
concrete and soil-cement speci­mens using, if necessary, the
suitable accessories. It is also ideal for testing high strength
cement and refractory specimens. The large testing space is
ideal for performing, with the suitable accessory, splitting
tests and flexural tests on concrete specimens. 
specification Accessories

Mild steel base plate 5 inches

x 5 inches. Fulcrum mould ,
brass , 80 mm i.d. base dia x
70 mm i.d. top dia , 40 mm
N 12697-34, 12697-23,
12967-12, ASTM D1559,
D5581, D 6927; AASHTO
marshall stability test machine T245

pavement core drilling machine

IS 1208-1058, ASTM D 113,

ductility test appartus IP32, 55, AASHTO T 51

digital penetrometer

centrifuge extractor

automatic compaction for bitumen mixex

asphalt mixer density mixer

benkelman beam

elastic recovery mould

heating jacket mixer

kinematic viscometer bath

loss on heating appartus

rolling thin film oven
stripping value appartus

asphalt content tester

standard penetrometer

ring and ball apppartus

mastic asphalt tester

digital bitumen penetrometer

cutback bitumen distillation eqquipment

dean and stark appartus

fraass breaking point appartus

ring and ball appartus

falling wt deflectrometer

straight edge
standard tar viscometer

Saybolt Two- Tube Digital Viscometer

Travelling Beam Device


used to determine the maximum load and flow values of bituminous


This rugged, compact and por table machine with vertical screw feed,
is used for pavement core sampling where it is not easy to get
electrical power. 

Bituminous surfaces exposed to varying temperature conditions

undergo a great deal of expansion and contraction. An important
characteristic of the binder is its ductility and the degree of ductility has
an effect on the cracking of bituminous surfaces caused by traffic
stress. The ductility of bitumen is expressed as the distance in
centimeters to which a

A compact instrument, microprocessor controlled, using the latest

technologies and programming tools. It includes a 6″ lateral touch
screen display, intuitive and easy to use, which shows the
penetration/time curve and can display and average up to 6 tests.
Used for the determination of bitumen percentage in bituminous

The Automatic Compactor eliminates the laborious process of manual

compaction and an even degree of compaction is achieved

. This equipment is used for determination of theoretical density of

asphalt mixer by vacuum method for application such as asphalt mixer
design, road condition investigation ,calculation of porosity and
compactness in road construction quality management

The Benkelman beam measures the deflection of a flexible pavement

under moving wheel loads. Extremely accurate and easy to use
Mold for making test briquettes for use with any ductility testing
A 6-litre Mixer Used in conjunction with an Iso Mantle, is suitable for
mixing samples of asphalt
Accurate viscometer for improving experimental efficienc

The Thin-Film Oven is used for determining the loss in mass of oil and
asphaltic / bituminous compounds when heated with the loss on
heating test method or the effect of heat and air on semisolid
asphaltic / bituminous materials with the Thin-Film Oven (TFOT) 
The Thin-Film Oven is used for determining the loss in mass of oil and
asphaltic / bituminous compounds when heated with the loss on
heating test method or the effect of heat and air on semisolid
asphaltic / bituminous materials with the Thin-Film Oven (TFOT)

Asphalt Content Tester is used to determine the asphalt content of hot

mix asphalt (HMA) and pavement samples by removing the asphalt in
an ignition furnace by means of sample heating not by means of

used to determine the softening point of bituminous materials using

water or glycerol as the heating fluid

 For determining the hardness number of Mastic Asphalt for flooring.

 The Automatic Electronic Penetrometer is used for determination of

the needle penetration according to EN 1426, ASTM D5 and AASHTO
T49 standards. The penetration depth of the needle is determined with
a pulse type electronic measuring system, which is separated from the
plunger during the test, this allows the free  guidance of the plunger
which virtually eliminates friction during the test.
This apparatus is used for the examination of cut-back asphaltic
materials by the distillation test.
 Used to determine the water in petroleum products or bituminous
materials by distilling them with volatile solvent
determine the breaking point of solid and semisolid bitumen.
 For determining the temperature at which a sample of bituminous
material loaded by a 9.5 mm dia steel ball, drops a specified distance
when heated under specified conditions
A Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is used to measure the vertical
deflection response of a surface to an impulse load.
A straight edge approximately 3 meters in length may be used to
determine lateral surface regularity of a road surface. 
For determining the viscosity of cut back bitumen and road oil.

Saybolt Viscometer is used to determine empirical measurement of

Saybolt Viscosity of petroleum products at specified temperatures
used for detecting the road surface irregularit
specification Accessories

sampler splittler

IS 2376 (PART-IV) & BS

crushing value appartus

 IS 2386 (PART IV) 9377 &

impact tester with blow counter BS 812:112
los angeles abrassion testing machine 131, AASHTO T-96

dorry abrsassion testing machine

devel attrition tester
wide wheel abrassion tester
jaw crusher

thickness gauge
length gauge

flakiness sieve test

shape index caliper

efflux index appartus

sp gr and water absorption
polishing machine

skid ressistance and friction tester

tile abrassion testing machine

moisture and temp tester

sulphate test
chloride test

alkali test

sand absorption cone and tamer

scratch hardness apartus

sand equivalent test

for the reduction of test samples which are too large in volume
to be conveniently handled
 The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) test set provides a
relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing
under a gradually applied compressive load

 It is robustly designed to determine the aggregate impact value

(AIV) of aggregates which provides a relative measure of the
resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact
 for determining the resistance to abrasion/wear of natural
stones and concrete products used for paving
 for determining the resistance to abrasion/wear of natural
stones and concrete products used for paving

Designed for speed crushing

 used to determine if the aggregate particles are to be
considered as flaky, i.e. their thickness is less than 0.6 of their
nominal size.

Aggregate particles are considered as flaky when their thickness

is less than 0.6 of their mean sieve size
used for the determination of the shape factor of aggregates
Efflux Index (Flow Coefficient of Fine Aggregates) apparatus is
used to obtain information about the shape and the angularity of
grains of fine aggregates.

Used for the measurement of surface friction properties, the

apparatus is suitable for both site and laboratory applications
and for polished stone value tests using curved specimens from
accelerated polishing tests. The equipment is supplied with:
Designed for grinding materials to produce fine mesh samples
Ideal for use in Cement and Chemical Industri

This instrument measures the moisture and temperature of

building materials (such as sand, aggregates and mixes) at
depths up to 1 m approx., simply by insertion

Magnesium Sulphate and Sodium Sulphate Tests are used for

determining the soundness of aggregates when subjected to
weathering action such as freezing and thawing cycles. 
 This method provides a measurement of water soluble chloride
salts present in a soil or aggregate sample. It is based on the
Volhard method
The Alkali Aggregate Reaction Bath is used to keep 25 x 25 x
285 mm samples in NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) or in any other
solution at a specified temperature.
The equipment comprises of a conical metal mould 1.5 inch dia
at to top, 3.5 inch dia at base and 27/8 inch in height. A metal
tamping rod weighting 12 ounces and having a flat circular
tamping faces 1 inch in dia meter
used in the field to determine the quantity of soft particles in
coarse aggregate.
specification Accessories


torsion testing machine

fatigue testing machine

charpy impact tester

rockwell hardness test

brinell hardness test

tensile testing machine


used to test the tensile and compressive properties of

compression, bending to tension and examine the material
in all mechanical properties
 designed for conducting torsion and twist on various metal
wires, tubes, sheet materials torque measurement is by
pendulum dyanometer system
 This machine is light, compact and simple design used to
test the fatigue strength of materials and
 used to determine the anti-impact capability of metal
materials under dynamic load
designed for measuring hardness of metals & alloys of all
kinds, hard or soft, whether roun

Tensile Strength Tester and elongation are the two prime

characteristics of most of the raw materials, whether they
are metals or non-metals such as foam, rubber, textiles,
plastic, paper or finished products such as rods, wires,
ropes, yarns, belts etcetera. These properties very often
play the major role in determining the suitability of any raw
material for any specific application. It is, therefore, of
utmost importance to determine these characteristics
accurately, conveniently, and quickl
specification Accessories
sokkia TS
topcon TS
leica TS
south TS
sunway TS
topcon gowin TS
level machine
photo colorimeter
digital spectrophometer
ph meter
conductivity meter
TDS meter
water and soil testing kit
turbidity meter
DO meter
bod incubator

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