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Introduction of Superpave

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I. SUPERPAVE TO THE RESCUE TTRODUCTION In 1987, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) began developing a new system for specifying asphalt materials. The final product of the SHRP asphalt research program is a new system referred to as Superpave which stands for Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements. Superpave software is a computer program that assists engineers in materials selection and mix design. However, the term “Superpave” refers to more than just the computer program. Most important, it represents an improved system for specifying component materials, asphalt mixture design and analysis, and pavement performance prediction. ‘The system includes test equipment, test methods, and criteria. ASPHALT BINDERS. One portion of Superpave is a new asphalt binder specification with a new set of tests to match. The document is called a binder specification because it is intended to function equally well for modified as well as unmodified asphalts. A portion of the asphalt binder specification is shown in Appendix A. ‘The new system for specifying asphalt binders is unique in that itis a performance based specification. It specifies binders on the basis of the climate and attendant pavement ‘temperatures in which the binder is expected to serve. Physical property requirements remain the same, but the temperature at which the binder must attain the properties changes. For example, the high temperature, unaged binder stiffness (G*/sin 8) is required to be at least 1.00 kPa, But this requirement must be achieved at higher temperatures if the binder is expected to serve in a hot climate, Performance graded (PG) binders are graded such as PG 64-22. The first number, 64, is often called the “high temperature grade.” This means that the binder would possess 20 II, Superpave to the Rescue adequate physical properties at least up to 64° C. This would be the high pavement ‘temperature corresponding to the climate in which the binder is actually expected to serve. Likewise, the second number (-22) is often called the “low temperature grade” and ‘means that the binder would possess adequate physical properties in pavements at least down to -22° C. Additional consideration is given to the time of loading (open highway, city streets, intersections, etc.) and magnitude of loads (heavy trucks). Another key feature to binder evaluation in the Superpave system is that physical properties are measured on binders that have been laboratory aged to simulate their aged condition in a real pavement. Some binder physical property measurements are performed on unaged binder. Physical properties are also measured on binders that have been aged in the rolling thin film oven (RTFO) to simulate oxidative hardening that ‘occurs during hot mixing and placing. A pressure aging vessel (PAV) is used to laboratory age binder to simulate the severe aging that occurs after the binder has served many years in a pavement (Figure II-1). Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) Figure II-1. SHRP Binder Aging Techniques Binder physical properties are measured using four devices: + dynamic shear rheometer, + rotational viscometer, + bending beam rheometer, and = direct tension tester. I. Superpave to the Rescue ‘The dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) is used to characterize the visco-elastic properties of the binder. It measures the complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (6) by subjecting a small sample of binder to oscillatory shear stresses while sandwiched between two parallel plates (Figure Il-2). Applied Stress or Strain Poston of Oscillating Pate Oscillating CG 2 Plate Fixed Plate A Asphalt A A = ic Leycle =e Figure 1-2. Dynamic Shear Rheometer ‘The DSR measures G* and 6 by measuring the shear strain response of the specimen to a fixed torque as shown in Figure II-3. In this figure, the shear strain response of a binder specimen is “out of phase” with the applied stress by a certain time interval At. This time interval represents the time lag in strain response. Phase lag is normally reported in angular measurement by simply multiplying the time lag (At) by the angular frequency (@) to arrive at a phase angle (6). For totally elastic materials there is no lag between applied shear stress and shear strain response and 6 equals zero degrees. For totally ‘viscous materials, strain response is completely out of phase with applied stress and 6 is 90 degrees. Viscoelastic materials like asphalt binders posses phase angles between zero and 90 degrees, depending on test temperature. At high temperatures, 8 approaches 90 degrees while at low temperatures 6 is nearly zero degrees. The binder specification uses either G*/sin 6 at high temperatures (> 46° C) or Gtsin 8 at intermediate temperatures (between 7° and 34° C) as a means of controlling asphalt stiffness. II Superpave to the Rescue Viscoelastic: 0<8 < 90° % Angi : complex shear modulus oo rey) | G* 7, > At oman ONT goexan st ‘ Tne i angular frequency \_/ phase angle Figure II-3. Computation of G* and 6 By controlling stiffness at high temperatures, the binder specification ensures that asphalt provides its fair share of the overall shear strength of the mixture in terms of high temperature elasticity. Likewise, the specification ensures that the binder does not contribute to fatigue cracking by limiting its stiffness at intermediate temperatures. ‘The rotational viscometer (RTV) characterizes the stiffness of the asphalt at 135° where it acts almost entirely as a viscous fluid. It is a rotational coaxial cylinder viscometer that measures viscosity by the torque required to rotate a spindle submerged in a sample of hot asphalt (Figure II-4) at a constant speed. The binder specification requires that binders have a viscosity of less than 3 Pa-s. This ensures that the binder can be pumped and otherwise handled during HMA manufacturing. applied torque tanner spindle asphalt sample sample chamber Figure II-4. Rotational Viscometer The bending beam rheometer (BBR) is used to characterize the low temperature stiffness properties of binders. It measures the creep stiffness (S) and logarithmic creep rate (m). 24 HI, Superpave to the Rescue These properties are determined by measuring the response of a small binder beam specimen to a creep load at low temperatures (Figure II-5). By knowing the load applied to the beam and the deflection at any time during the test, the creep stiffness can be calculated using engineering beam mechanics. ‘The binder specification places limits on creep stiffness and m-value depending on the climate in which the binder will serve Binders that have a low creep stiffness will not crack in cold weather. Likewise, binders with high m-values are more effective in shedding stresses that build in asphalt pavements as temperatures drop, again, ensuring that low temperature cracking will be minimized. Constant (Creep) Load deflection Load Deflection | Figure II-5. Bending Beam Rheometer Some binders, particularly some polymer-modified asphalts, may exhibit a higher than desired creep stiffness at low temperatures. However, may not crack because they retain their ability to stretch without fracture at low temperatures. Consequently, the binder specification allows a higher creep stiffness if it can be shown through the direct tension. test (DTT) that binders are sufficiently ductile at low temperatures. The output of the DTT is tensile failure strain, which is measured on a small dog bone shaped specimen that is stretched at low temperatures until it breaks (Figure II-6). As with the BBR, the DTT ensures that the binder's resistance to low temperature cracking is maximized. II, Superpave to the Rescue 6 = ° So i ° v strain Figure 11-6. Direct Tension Tester MINERAL AGGREGATES SHRP researchers also blieved that mineral aggregates played a key role in HMA performance. While they did not develop any new aggregate test procedures, they refined existing procedures to fit within the Superpave system. Two types of aggregate properties are specified in the Superpave system: consensus properties and source properties. Consensus properties are those which the SHRP researchers believed were critical in achieving high performance HMA. These properties must be met at various levels depending on traffic level and position within the pavement. High traffic levels and surface mixtures (j.e., shallow pavement posi on) require more strict values for consensus properti ; Many agencies already use these properties as quality requirements for aggregates used in HMA. These prop. + coarse aggregate angularity, + fine aggregate angularity, + flat, elongated particles, and + clay content. By specifying coarse and fine angularity, SHRP researchers were seeking to achieve HMA with a high degree of internal friction and thus, high shear strength for rutting

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