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Game of Thrones Cheat Sheet v1.0

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— Intrigue Cheat Sheet —

1. Choose your objective 4. Technique 5. Roleplaying

2. Choose your starting disposition Techniques are your social weapons. You roll bonus dice from Roleplaying compelling arguments, appropriate etiquette, and
3. Initiative the Persuasion speciality you choose to use as your technique. impassioned discourse can be rewarded with 1 to 3 Bonus Dice,
to add to your roll. Having hard evidence, or fabricating some
4. Technique Persuasion Deception
Technique Influence perfect circumstance could even reward you with Test Dice, at
5. Roleplay Speciality Specialty the discretion of the Narrator.
6. Action Bargain Cunning rank Bargain Bluff

Charm Persuasion rank Charm Act 6. Action

1. Objective After roleplaying the exchange, the character with the highest
Decide what you want to achieve. Convince Will rank Convince Act initiative takes their action.
• Friendship: cultivate alliances and personal friendships.
• Information: discover guarded or secret information.
Incite Cunning rank Incite Bluff Assist
• Service: solicit help or covince someone to do something. Intimidate Will rank Intimidate Act or Bluff Grant an ally a Bonus Dice to their roll.
• Deceit: dupe your opponent. Consider
Seduce Persuasion rank Seduce Bluff
Give up your action in this exchange to get +2B next exchange.
2. Disposition Taunt Awareness rank Taunt Bluff
Fast Talk
Your disposition describes how your character views the
Consequences of Defeat Persuasion test vs. target’s passive Cunning. If successful, your
other, but also gives them armor against their Influence—a
If you defeat your opponent using one of the intrigue target loses their Cunning rank from their Intrigue Defense
Disposition Rating absorbs incoming Influence before it’s
techniques, you fulfil your objective with the following effect: until the end of the next exchange.
applied to your Composure.
• Bargain: The target does something for you in exchange for Influence
Dispostion DR you doing something for the target. The quality of the deal Persuasion test vs. your target’s Intrigue Defense. Influence your
depends on their Dispostion. target by your technique’s influence rank, per degree of success.
Affectionate 1 • Charm: You improve your target’s disposition by 1 step. In
addition, you gain +1D on all Deception and Persuasion Mollify
Friendly 2 tests in your next Intrigue against them. Make a Formidable (12) Persuasion test to heal your target’s
• Convince: Your target supports your position, and grants Composure, equal to your Persuasion rank. Each additional
Indifferent 3 you assistance based on your argument alone. degree of success restores 1 more Composure.
• Incite: Your target’s Disposition to an individual, house, or Quit
Unfriendly 4
organisation is lowered by your Persuasion rank. Each day Leave the Intrigue, with repurcussions chosen by the Narrator.
Malicious 5 after the intrigue, their Disposition improves by one step
until it returns to its starting Disposition. Read Target
• Intimidate: You either drive off the target, or they do as Awareness (Empathy) test vs. your target’s passive Deception
you ask so long as you remain in their presence. Their result. If successful, you learn your target’s Disposition towards
Evolving Dispositions
Disposition towards you after completing the action you, their technique, and +1D to your next Persuasion test.
At the start of every round you may improve or worson your
dispostion by one step, unless you were influenced in the worsens to Unfriendly, or worse. Shield of Reputation
previous round. • Seduce: You instill feelings of lust and affection in your Status (Reputation) vs. passive Will result. Success improves
target, improving their Dispostion by a number of steps target’s Disposition by 1 step.
3. Initiative equal to your rank in Persuasion. Each day after the
Intrigue, the target’s Dispostion lowers by one step until it is Withdraw
Make a Status (Breeding) test to decide who goes first. Order Will (Dedication) test. Result replaces your Intrigue Defense
the participants from highest to lowest. one below their starting Disposition.
• Taunt: You goad your target into action. Once the action is until the end of the next exchange.
complete, their Disposition towards you lowers by one step. Yield
Offer a compromised outcome.

A Song of Ice and Fire

— roleplaying —
Composure and Defeat Critical Hits Simple Intrigues
When your Composure is reduced to 0, you are defeated and When your Persuasion test result is double your opponent’s Simple Intrigues cover immediate objectives and consequences,
must act within the consequences of defeat for the relevant Intrigue Defense, count the number of 6s rolled and compare it or between characters with large disparities between their ranks
technique, with the victor achieving their objective. to the Intrigue Critical Hits table. in Status.

Frustration Sixes Result Simple Intrigues:

Gain a point of Frustration to reduce incoming Influence equal • Only involve 2 participants
to your Will rank. Each point of Frustration you have imposes Solid Hit: Increase the base Influence of • Occur in a single exchange
-1D on all Persuasion tests for the duration of the Intrigue. your technique for this exchange by +2 • Invole a single Persuasion test, against the target’s passive
Will result
If your Frustration equals your Will rank, you are defeated. Powerful Hit: Increase the base Influence of • Have short term consequences for defeat
your technique for this exchange by +4
Yielding Standard Intrigues
You can choose to yield, offering a compromised outcome Hurtful Words: Target takes 1 Frustration. Standard Intrigues cover important objectives with long-term
to your opponent. They must agree, otherwise the Intrigue 3 If they cannot take any more Frustration, consequences. The participants will have different objectives, or
continues. Yielding to an opponent allows them to partly fulfil they lose 3 Composure instead. the consequence of defeating your opponent is dangerous or out
their obejctive, without you having to suffer a technique’s Crippling Words: Target loses their Status of character.
consequence of defeat. 4 from their Intrigue Defense until the end of
the next exchange. Standard Intrigues:
Destiny & Defeat • Involve 2 or more participants
You may burn a destiny point when defeated to choose an Final Word: You influence your target • Occur over several exchanges
outcome rather than having to comply with your opponent’s automatically. • Involve several Persuasion tests
objective. The Narrator must agree to the new outcome. • Have long-term consequences for defeat
Destiny Point Spends Complex Intrigues
You may substitute Deception for Persuasion tests, when you
Complex Intrigues have such far-reaching objectives, they are
+1D to one test don’t intend to make good on your promises or negotiating
broken down into several standard Intrigues with several NPCs.
under false pretenses. You may roll either bonus dice from your
Complex Intrigues are completed once all your individual
Ignore the effect of a Drawback for one exchange Persuasion specialty, or the corresponding Deception speciality,
objectives are met.
whichever is higher.
Take a second action during this exchange
Complex Intrigues:
Option: Recognition • Involve several participants
Add a detail to a scene to help you Make a Status (Reputation) test against your target’s passive • Occur over the course of several standard Intrigues
Knowledge. Each degree of success allows you to improve or • Have far-reaching consequences
worsen their Disposition towards you by 1 step.
Destiny Point Burns
Convert all bonus dice into test dice Starting
Add +5 to your test result Opponent is from an allied house +1 step

Decide the consequences of your own defeat Opponent is from an enemy house -1 step
Opponent is known for honor +1 step
Permanently remove a Drawback, or gain a Benefit
Opponent is known for trechery -1 step
Opponent is from a distant realm -1 step

A Song of Ice and Fire

— roleplaying —
— Combat Cheat Sheet —
Initiative and Your Actions Greater Actions Making Attacks
Make an Agility (Quickness) test, the narrator arranges the • You must be adjacent to your opponent to attack them with
results to highest to lowest into the order of initiative. a melee weapon.
Hold your attack for an opportunity to interrupt a foe’s turn,
• When armed with a weapon with the Reach quality, you can
this round, with a Fighting test against someone you are
You can take two lesser actions per turn, or combine them into attack foes up to 3 yards away.
adjacent to, or a Marksmanship test against someone you can
one greater action. • When you attack an opponent with a Close range weapon,
you can attack them within 10 yards.
You can only make one attack action per turn. Disarm • When you attack an opponent with a Long range weapon,
Make a Fighting test against your opponent’s passive Fighting you can attack them within 100 yards.
Lesser Actions result. If you succeed by two degrees, you disarm them.
Make a Fighting or Marksmanship test against your opponent’s
Aim Divided Attack
Combat Defense. A successful hit deals the weapon’s base
Gain +1B on your Fighting or Marksmanship test this turn. Divide your Fighting test and bonus dice between opponents,
damage multiplied by your degrees of success.
and resolve each attack as a separate dice pool.
Lend an adjacent ally one half your ability rank, rounded down. Dodge Damage
Make an Agility (Dodge) or Agility (Shields) test. The result On a hit, multiply your weapon’s base damage by the degrees
Cautious Attack replaces your Combat Defense until the start of your next turn. of success you scored. For example, a longsword with a base
-1D to your Fighting or Marksmanship test, to gain +3 to your
Pass damage of 3 will deal 6 damage with two degress of success, 9
Combat Defense, until the start of your next turn.
Forgoe your turn this round, to gain +2B next turn. damage with three degrees, and 12 damage with four degrees.
Use an object in the scene. Reckless Attack Armor Rating
Gain +1D on your Fighting test against your opponent in Your Armor Rating absorbs the listed amount of damage from
Maneuver exchange for a -5 penalty to your Combat Defense until the start the total damage (after multiplying for degrees of success). If
Make an Athletics test against their passive Agility result. If of your next turn. any damage remains, subtract it from your health.
you succeed, your opponent loses their Agility rank from
their Combat Defense until the end of their next turn. Sprint
Move up to four times your movement speed in yards (minus a Defeat
Move number of yards equal to your bulk). Once your health reaches 0 you have been defeated, and
Move your movement speed in yards. your opponent decides the outcome of your defeat—
Two-weapon Attack unconsciousness, capture, or even death!
Stand Up/Fall Prone If you wield a weapon in your off-hand and it has the Off-hand
Fall to the ground, or stand up from a prone position. If your quality, add it’s modifier to your base damage. If it also had
Armor Rating is 6 or more, this becomes a greater action. Reducing Damage
the defensive quality, you lose that until modifier from your When you suffer damage, you can elect to take an injury or
Ride/Drive Combat Defense until the start of your next turn. wound in order to ignore damage before subtracting the rest
While mounted or using an animal-drawn vehicle, control your Yield from your health.
beast to move it by it’s movement speed. If your steed is injured Place yourself at the mercy of your foes—but make an offer to
or not trained for war, this becomes a greater action. the Narrator to decide your own fate. Injuries
Standard Attack Taking an injury allows you to reduce the damage by your
Fighting or Marksmanship test against your opponent’s Combat Surprise Endurance rank, but imposes a -1 to all future test results. You
Defense. Surprising your opponents by succeeding at a Stealth (Sneak) can’t take more injuries than you have ranks in Endurance.
against their passive Awareness grants you +1D to Fighting and
Use an Ability Wounds
Marksmanship tests against them in the first round of combat.
Make a test using one of your abilities, based on the context. Taking a wound allows you to ignore all the incoming damage,
This action can be a lesser or greater action at the Narrator’s but imposes a -1D to all future ability tests. If your wounds
discretion. equal in number to your ranks in Endurance, you die.

A Song of Ice and Fire

— roleplaying —
Destiny and Defeat Visibility Injury Wound
You can burn a destiny point to decide the consequences of • Well lit conditions impose no penalty. Difficulty Difficuly
your own defeat, as well as the other options in the Destiny • Poor light, rain, or foggy conditions impose -1D on relevant No fighting, riding, or physical
Routine (6) Challenging (9)
Point Spends and Desinty Point Burns table. ability tests. activity
• Darkness imposes -2D on relevnant ability tests.
Some travel or physical activity Challenging (9) Hard (15)
Destiny Point Spends
Terrain Fighting, riding, or hard physical
+1D to one test Difficulty terrain costs 1 additional yard of your movement activity
Formidable (12) Heroic (21)
speed per yard you move. So moving 1 yard in difficulty terrain
Ignore the effect of a Drawback for one exchange costs 2 yards, 2 yards moved costs 4 yards, etc.
Take a second action during this exchange
Mounted Attacks
Add a detail to a scene to help you When riding a steed you gain the following benefits:
• Use the mount’s movement speed in place of your own.
Destiny Point Burns • Gain +1B on Fighting tests against dismounted opponents.

Convert all bonus dice into test dice

Pulling a Rider From a Mount
Add +5 to your test result As a greater action, you can try to pull a rider off their mount.
Roll a Fighitng test result against your opponent’s passive
Decide the consequences of your own defeat Animal Handling (Ride) result. If you succeed, you pull them to
the ground and they land prone.
Permanently remove a Drawback, or gain a Benefit
When combat ends, you recover all your health. Injuries and
Critical Hits wounds are harder to recover from, and take time to heal.
When your Fighting or Marksmanship test result is double your
opponent’s Combat Defense, count the number of 6s rolled and Recovering From Injuries
compare it to the Critical Hit Result table. One day after gaining an injury you may roll an Endurance test.
The difficulty depends on your activity level. If you succeed, you
Sixes Critical Hit Result heal one injury per degree of success. If you fail the Endurance
Solid Hit: Increase the base damage of your test by 5 or more, you gain another injury. If you cannot accept
1 another injury, you gain a wound instead.
weapon for this attack by +2
Powerful Hit: Increase the base damage of your
2 Recovering From Wounds
weapon for this attack by +4
Bloody Wound: Target takes 1 injury. If they One week after gaining a wound you may roll an Endurance
3 test. The difficulty depends on your activity level. If you succeed,
cannot take an injury, they take a wound.
you heal one wound. If you fail the Endurance test by 5 or
Crippling Wound: Target takes 1 wound. If their
4 more, you gain another wound. If your number of accumulated
wounds equal their Endurnace rank they die.
wounds equal your Endurance rank, you die.
5 Killing Blow: You kill your opponent outright.
Fumbles You can substitute your Endurance test for a healer’s Healing
When your Fighting test result is equal to half your opponent’s test, providing they have dedicated enough time to tend to
Combat Defense (rounded down), you open yourself up for an you. A critically failed Healing test doesn’t make any injuries or
attack, granting them +1B to any attacks they make targeting wounds worse.
you, until the start of your next turn.
A Song of Ice and Fire
— roleplaying —

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