MAY, 2021 Hawassa, Ethiopia
MAY, 2021 Hawassa, Ethiopia
MAY, 2021 Hawassa, Ethiopia
ADVISOR: Habtamu M.
MAY, 2021
First of all thanks to almighty God the source of every knowledge and wisdom: next, I
would like to express my deep gratitude to my advisor Mr. Habtamu M. for his genuine
advice, critical comment and closer supervision. Finally yet importantly, I am highly
grateful to all persons who have co-operated me in the development and successful
completion of this proposal.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................................... I
Acronym................................................................................................................................... II
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................III
CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study ..............................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ..............................................................................................2
1.3. Objective of the Study ..................................................................................................4
1.3.1 General Objective ...................................................................................................4
1.3.2 Specific objectives ..................................................................................................4
1.5 Scope of the Study .........................................................................................................4
1.6 Significance of the Study ...............................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................................6
2. Literature Review .................................................................................................................6
2.1. Definition of Customer Relationship Management ....................................................6
2.2. Why do Organizations need and Undertake Customer Relationship Management? 6
2.1.1 Benefit of Customer Relationship Management ...................................................7
2.3. Achieving Good CRM ..................................................................................................7
2.4. Customer Loyalty ..........................................................................................................8
2.4.1 Behavioral Loyalty .................................................................................................8
2.4.2 Attitudinal Loyalty..................................................................................................8
2.4.3 Benefit of Customer Loyalty..................................................................................9
2.5. Antecedent factors of customer Loyalty ......................................................................9
2.5.1 Customer Satisfaction .............................................................................................9
2.5.2 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) .....................................................10
2.6 Customer Relationship Management in Banking Industry .......................................10
2.7 Challenges of CRM in the Bank .................................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................13
3. Research Methodology and Design ..................................................................................13
3.1 Description of study area .............................................................................................13
3.2 Research design ............................................................................................................13
3.3 Study Period .............................................................................................................13
3.4 Target Population .....................................................................................................13
3.5 Sampling Technique and sampling size determination .............................................13
3.5.1 Sampling Technique .............................................................................................13
3.5.2 Sample Size Determination ......................................................................................14
3.6 Source of Data ..............................................................................................................15
3.7 Method of Data Collection ..........................................................................................15
3.8 Data Collection Procedure ...........................................................................................15
3.9 Method of Data Analysis .............................................................................................16
Reference ................................................................................................................................17
1. Introduction
The key to build lasting customer relationships is to create superior customer value and
satisfaction. In their view, Kotler and Armstrong (2008:13) satisfied customers are more
likely to be loyal customer and to give the company a larger share of their business.
Targeting acquiring, and retaining the right customer is at core of many successful
business firms once a firm has won customer it sees as desirable, the challenge shift to
building relationship and turning hem in to loyal customers who will generate growing
revenue for the firm in the future. Customer relation ship management (CRM) concerned
with customer data management, that is managing detail information about individual
customers and carefully managing customer touch points in order to maximize customer
loyalty by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction (Oc 20102).
Customer relation management is one of several antecedent of loyalty. Because CRM is
the “seed” out of which loyalty develops, enhancing customer relation ship management
is an important means for achieving loyalty. Failure to meet customer needs and
expectation and failure in maintaining effective customer relationship management
technique is assumed to result in dissatisfaction (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003), which is
considered as the major causes of customers exit from organizations (Buttle and Burton,
Commercial bank of Ethiopia, Negele branch has been encountering a customer
dissatisfaction and customer exit from the organization. This is due to poor customer
relationship management technique. Therefore, corrective action must be taken in order
to eliminate this problem. In fact, maintaining an effective customer relationship
management is a big issue in banking service. There is no study undertaken on the area of
the impact of CRM on customer royalty. This is the reason that initiates the researcher to
conduct a research on the topic: “the customer relationship management and its impact
on customer loyalty in commercial bank of Ethiopia, Negele branch.”
Main tool for competition. Cherinet(2015) stated that as financial market place becomes
more dynamic and competitive in Ethiopia, banks also need to focus on retaining existing
clients through effective relationship marketing. Hence, in recent times CRM is adopted
as a marketing tool and strategy in Ethiopian banking industry. Therefore, undertaking
studies about the practice and effectiveness of CRM in Ethiopia banking industry is quite
necessary to improve it implementation and practice. The current study in general
examined the effect of CRM through its four dimensions namely -Key customer focus,
knowledge management, CRM organization and technology -based CRM on Customers
Loyalty. Limited researches are done to examine the effect of CRM on loyalty in
Ethiopia by comparing private bank versus state owned bank. Therefore, the current
study filled knowledge gap by examining the effect of CRM on loyalty in this regard. The
other key point that makes sense to conduct this study is that most studies which were
conducted before mainly examined the effect of CRM on loyalty in Ethiopian banks’ case
bases their CRM dimensions on Trust, Commitment, Conflict handling ,Empathy and
Communications which are attitudinal aspect of customers. Evidence from marketing
literature suggests that CRM has strong relationship with several customer behavioral
outcomes (Sin et al, .2005). Therefore, the current study attempts to expand our
understanding of the relationship between CRM and customer loyalty through the
behavioral components of CRM i.e. Key Customer Focus, Knowledge Management,
CRM organization and Technology-based CRM in the context of the banking industry. In
general, the study has significant importance in signaling which dimension of CRM has
strong or weak influence on customer loyalty for CBE and this helps to identify areas of
strength and weakness of banks in connection with CRM practice. The study also
discusses the practice of CRM and loyalty on CBE.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia is one of the most successful financial institution in
Ethiopia and the one which provides service of that needs to attract many customer of the
organization. Managing customer relationship is a key for service providers who want to
earn their customer’s loyalty and avail themselves from its benefits such relationship
management is facilitated through the implementation of CRM system. However there
are some challenges which hinder relationship management in the bank such as how the
bank measure satisfaction of its customers, how to handle customer complaints in order
to retain loyal customer in the bank and to let loyal customers to the bank.
This study answers the following basic questions.
1. What is the impact of Key customer focus on customer loyalty??
2. How the banks handle its customer complaints?
3. What are the strength and weakness of the bank regarding customer
relationship management?
4. What is the impact of knowledge management on customer loyalty?
5. What is the impact of technology -based CRM on customer loyalty?
1.6 Significance of the Study
The outcome that drawn from this study will help the bank in order to identify the main
customer oriented areas or touch point that should be carefully addressed to improve with
customer needs and also to identify the strength and weakness of the bank in dealing with
its customers. Then to take corrective action on the system that the study will find as a
barrier. The study also used for policy makers and will used as a reference for other
researcher who is interested in this subject matter.
2. Literature Review
2.1.1 Benefit of Customer Relationship Management
Gifford, (2002), states that there are significant business benefit derivable forms an
integrated customer relationship management approach. These include:
Reduced costs, because the right things are being done
Increase customer satisfaction because they are getting exactly what they want
(i.e. exceeding expectations).
Growth in number of customers
Maximization of opportunities (i.e. increased service, referral etc).
Long term profitability and sustainability
Highlighting poor operational process
Offering a big advantage of competition to the enterprises
Reduction in procedure cost
Improvement of customer loyalty increase to race of scaft loyalty.
should be on going cooperative and built for long term organizations who have many
transitory relation with customer the cost of keeping existing customer is a tiny fraction
of cost of acquiring new customers (Ellen Gifford, 2002).
Van Looy et al. (2003 P. 59) putting in to consideration both behavioral and attitudinal
aspects pf loyalty, defined customer loyalty as “customer behavior characterized by a
positive buying pattern during an extended period (measured by means of repeat
purchases, frequency of purchase) and driven by positive attitude towards the company
and its products or services”. The consideration of attitude in addition to behavioral
representation makes loyalty not just richer conceptually (loyalty is a process, not just an
act) but also more useful for practical purpose. (Dick and Basu, 1994)
Customer loyalty creates a stable pool of customers for firms products or services Loyal
customers demand less time and attention from the organizations they patronize and
behave favorably towards the company in a variety ways (e.g. forgiving product (service)
because they are emotionally committed (Crosby, 2002)., As result, they are a major
source of sustained growth (Anderson and Mittal, 2000).
Failure to meet customer needs and expectations is considered as a major cause of
customers exit from organization because it is assumed to result in dissatisfaction
(Zeithaml and Bither, 2003). Therefore organizations must be customer focused/driven to
gain intrinsic knowledge of the customer’s needs and expectations. More over, an
organization’s capacity to satisfy customers need prevent both customer withdrawal and
the arrival of new competitors (Gomez et al, 2004).
Customer relationship management is the over all process of building and maintaining
profitable customer relations by delivering superior or value and satisfaction (Kotler and
Armstrong, 2006. p. 13). CRM is an attempt to modify customer behavior over time and
strengthen the bond between the customer and the company, with the purpose of
maximizing the value of the relationship to the customer for the customers benefit and the
company’s benefit. CRM could enhance a company’s ability to achieve the ultimate goal
of retaining customers and so gain strategic advantage over it competitors (Nguyen et
al… 2007). CRM allows organizations to distinguish between customers that are
profitable, nearly profitable, unprofitable and have the potential to be profitable (Bull,
The customer awareness of organization customer relationships could raise their loyalty
toward the corporation, which would in turn increase company income, enhance market
share, and achieve other corporate objectives (Hsieh & Li, 208).
retain the existing ones and their life time value. Onut et al (2007) argues that CRM is a
business strategy of identifying the banks most profitable customer & prospects, and
devotes time and attention to expanding account relationships with those customer
through individualized marketing and customized service all delivered through the
various sales channels that the bank uses.
The banking industry is facing an ever increasing level of completion around the world as
the dynamics of the business change bank have understood the need to capitalize on the
new technologies to gain advantage in the competition by exploiting their customer base,
brand value and costly infrastructure investment in order to increase profits as there is a
direct link between the customer satisfaction and profitability. However the banks faced
challenges in implementing CRM it include
lack skilled people
quality of customer data
using customer data more intelligently
using right technologies
The challenge for the bank is to retain and depend on the profitability of existing
customer relationship. In attempt to be more profitable the banks have been come
competitive and more customers oriented. The CRM is one of such tools which help in
meeting the customer expectation according to their changing needs. Banks have started
acknowledging the importance of the customer in developing their business. They have
recognized that is essential to protect and grow its customer base and ultimately its
The banks can do this by building relationship with its customer. To meet the customer
need to beat the computation they must deliver superior quality service. The CRM
approach adopts by the bank focused on maximizing the value of customers and the bank.
There are key derivers to customer loyalty such as: positive staff attitude, honesty,
integrity, productive advice and delivery promised service and so on (Antony Lawrence,
2010, 2nd edition, page 146-147).
considered equally important for the study. Second the researcher has an access to get the
list of all employees and the last but not the least reason is in order to avoid bias simple
random sampling technique will be the first choice of the researcher.
On the other hand, among the different types of non-probability sampling technique,
convenience sampling technique will be selected. This is for the reason that it is difficult
to get all the customers of the bank. Due to time and budget constraint the researcher is
forced to use convenience sampling technique. Therefore, the convenient respondents
among the entire customers of the bank will be used.
3.5.2 Sample Size Determination
The sample size formula determination will be
n= sample size
calculated by using the formula bellow
Z = Confidence level
p = probability of success (90%)
Z 2 p(q) N
n= 2 q= probability of failure
e ( N 1) ( Z ) 2 ( p)(q)
N= population
By using the above formula the researcher has
e= error term (10%)
identified 19 samples among the employees of
commercial bank of Ethiopia, Negele branch.
(1.28) 2 (0.5)(0.5)(33)
n= = 18.5 19
(0.1) 2 (33 1) (1.28) 2 .0.5 x0.5
In addition to this from the customers of the bank 41 customers are believed to be
representative for the study by the researcher after calculating by using the following
formula (Kothari, 2004)
Where, Z = Confidence level (90%)
p = probability of success
Z p(q)
n= n= sample size
q= probability of failure
3.6 Source of Data
In the study to assess the customer relationship management and its impact on customer
loyalty primary source of data will be used. The primary data for this study will be the
responses of employees, customers, and manger of the bank. In addition, different
documents and related literature regarding CRM and customer loyalty will be employed.
3.9 Method of Data Analysis
The data analysis will be carried out after the data collection. Since the major data
collection instrument will be questionnaire, it is a must that collecting all the necessary
data prior to analyzing it. When analyzing the data, tabulation will be used. Thus the
collected data will be analyzed statistically by using frequency and percentage. This will
be made by using Microsoft excel computer software.
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