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1.BEDADA LAMI............................................................HRU/M/174463/12


A Research Paper Submitted to Haramaya University College of Business and Economics, in

Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of Bachelor Degree in Public Administration and
Development Management


Table of Contents


CHAPTER ONE...........................................................................................

1.2 Background of the study............................................................................................

1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...............................................................................

1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY....................................................................................

1.4.1 General objectives..................................................................................................

1.4.2 Specific objectives..................................................................................................

1.5. Significant of the study.............................................................................................

1.6 Scope of the study.....................................................................................................

1.7. The Limitation of the study......................................................................................

1.8 Organization of the study ........................................................................................

CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................
2 RELATED REVIEW LITARETURE...............................................................................

2.1 Nature and important of service................................................................................

2.2 Dimension of service..................................................................................................

2.3 Gap in service quality .................................................................................................

2.4 Managing service quality............................................................................................

2.5 Tolls for retain and measuring customer satisfaction ............................................

2.5.1 Value chain................................................................................................................

2.6 Generic value chain....................................................................................................

2.7 The value delivery network.........................................................................................

2.8 Attracting customer .................................................................................................

2.9 Customer satisfaction .............................................................................................

2.10 Service leader..........................................................................................................

2.11 Whats service quality..............................................................................................

2.12 Service failure and recovery...................................................................................

2.13 Customer panel.......................................................................................................

2.14 Researching service quality....................................................................................

2.15 Qualities....................................................................................................................

2.16 How is service quality measured.............................................................................

2.17 Organization issue in service quality......................................................................

2.18 New service development........................................................................................

CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................
3 METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................

3.1 Research design.......................................................................................................

3.2 Source of data..........................................................................................................

3.3 Target population....................................................................................................

3.4 Sampling techniques................................................................................................

3.5 Sampling size.............................................................................................................

3.6 Data collection method..............................................................................................

3.7 Data analysis method................................................................................................

Chapter one
1. Introduction

1.1. Background of the study

Service quality is chase during the service delivery process. Each customer contact is offered as
a moment of truth an opportunity to satisfy the customers. Customer satisfaction with a service
can be defined by comparing perception of service perceived service quality satisfaction

Service quality is the result of comparison that customers make between their expectations
about a service and their perception of the ways the service has been performed

Customer satisfaction is defined as the post choice evaluation judgment of a specific purchase
occasion. Whereas a cumulative experience. customer evaluation of his or her total purchase
and consumption experience over time (oliver 1997).customer satisfaction is the outcome felt
by buyers who have experienced a company performance that has fulfilled expectation are met
and delighted when their expectations are exceeded recently or whether quality result in
satisfaction(kotler 1998).currently the bank of financial institution provide different service to
satisfy customer service such as; mobile banking ,electronic fund transfer, credit card and debit

Quality is extremely difficult concept to define in a few words. At its most basic, quality has
been defined as conforming to requirements. This implies that organization most establishes
requirements and specification, ones established, the quality goal of various functions of an
organization is to comply strictly with this specification. Service quality is highly
abstract,constriction in construct to good where technical aspect of quality predominant many
concept utilization of service quality, therefore, begin by addressing the abstract expectation
that consumer holds in respect of quality.

Consumer subsequently judge service quality has the extent to which perceived service delivery
matches up to this initial expectation. These researchers will be conducted to assess the service
quality and consumer satisfaction of commercial bank of Ethiopia on Debre Markos main
branch in its local money transfer how service quality has to be performed and its consumer
satisfaction. To do this researcher incorporates the dimension of service quality which will
affect customer satisfaction such as; reliability empathy responsiveness assurance and tangible.

1.2. Background of the organization

The history of commercial bank of Ethiopia dates back to establishment of the state of bank of
Ethiopia in 1942.commercial bank of Ethiopia largely established as a share company
in1963.commercial bank of Ethiopia provides various financial product and services for
individuals and businesses in Ethiopia.

The commercial bank was established to perform the following function.

 Accepting saving demand and time deposits.

 Buying and selling of foreign exchanges.
 Providing short and medium term loan within a limited selling Long term loan.
 Buying and selling of negotiable instruments.

Mission, Vision and Value

Vision: The bank inspires to become world class commercial bank by the year (2025).

Mission: The bank deploy highly motivated, skilled and disciplined employees capable of
providing banking products and services that meet international best practices and standards.
The bank strongly believes that reliability and public confidence are the business of success.


 We stand for quality,

 We are learning organization,
 We are corporate citizens,
 We are an equal opportunity employer,
 We are committed to maximizing shareholders value,
 Our employees are our valuable assets,
 We are committed to unparalleled customer satisfaction.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia has been playing a conspicuous role in economic development of
all direction of the country. Despite the flourishing of private commercial bank, the commercial
bank of Ethiopia has remained in the lead in terms of assets, deposit, and capital and customer
base and branch network Commercial bank of Ethiopia in debre Markos main branch was
established in May 21, 1965 it is located in Keble 04 specific name Gozamen.

1.3 Statement of the problem

in the presence of competence banking context characterized by rapid change and increasing
sophisticated customs .It has become very important that Bank determines the source quality
factors which are pertinent to the customer satisfaction process (naji, 2003) with the advent in
international banking the trained towards larger handing company and the innovations in the
market place the customer have greater and difficult in the selection are from others

Service quality is particularly essential in the banking contexts because it provides highly level of
customer satisfaction and hence it becomes it key competitive advantage.

The reason for the researcher to conduct this study may be high level of problems related to
commercial bank service quality and customer satisfaction in debre markos menkorer
branch.these problems will include

1. dimension of customer perception about service quality. Because all customer has different
perception and expectation about service quality such as, reliability, tangibles
responsiveness,assurance, empathy and other same of the problems the services quality and
customer satisfaction

2. lack of trained manpower and poorly developed telecommunication infrastructure or power


3. low level of internet penetration and low perform employee The reason for the researchers
to conduct this study is the high level of problems related to commercial bank service quality
and customer satisfaction in Debre Markos main branch.

1.4 Objective of the study

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of this study will be to assess service quality and customer satisfaction
incase of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Debre Markos main branch.
1.4.2 Specific objective

The specific objective of this study will include the following:

● To assess customer satisfaction about service quality of commercial bank of Ethiopia Debre markos
menkorer branch

●To identify factor which affect customer satisfaction

●To assess customer expectation about service quality.

●To assess customer satisfaction level.

●To identify factor that affect service quality.

1.5 Significance of the study

The significat of this study will include This study will majorly focus on the quality service on
customer satisfaction the case of commercial bank of Ethiopia Debre Markos menkorer branch
.As result the findings of this study will be used for other researchers believe the paper used as
input for different purpose. this study will have a significance both for the researchers and
organization under study its one ways of learning that links academic knowledge with the real
practical world for commercial bank Ethiopia debre Markos menkorer branch finding and
recommendation can serve as an indicate of measure problem of quality and it will be a
compliment on the existing knowledge of banking and customer satisfaction in commercial
bank of Ethiopia. It also may necessitate further study on related issues and the bank
management body to enhance quality of service.

1.6 Scopes (delimitation) of the study

This study will focus conceptually or quality of service and customer satisfaction in Debre
Markosmenkorer branch commercial bank of Ethiopia. Specifically saving account is being the
area of interest. accordingly the quality of these service and satisfaction of service user are
being synchronized quality of services specifically assessed from
intangibility,perishability,inseparability and variability dimension were as customer satisfaction
are measured using variable customer expectation. For this reason the researchers study
delimited only on the Debre Markosmenkorer branch commercial bank Ethiopia service aspect
of service quality and customer satisfaction its scope limited to the affect of service quality.

1.7 Limitation of the study

The study will focus on commercial bank of Ethiopia Debre Markos menkorerbranch. The
limitation may arise from two sides that are arising from the researchers and arise from
organizations limitation. To start up from the organizational level the manager of the
organization may not able to make interview and formal discussion of respondents about the
company as much as needed.

In addition to financial problem the researchers may face time constraint that makes hard so to
undertake detailed and wide study with respect to the case on their factor are shortage of time
asthe side of respondents may bea serious limitations. the respondents may not interested to
fill and return the questionnaire.

1.8 Organization of the study

This study will be organized in to five chapters. Chapter one, background of the
organization,background of the study, statement of the problem ,, objective of the
study ,significance of study , scope of the study and limitation of the study, chapter two , review
of related literature.Chapter three, research design, source of data, target population, sampling
technique, sampling size, data collection method, and data analysis method. Chapter four. will
concern interpretation and presentation, chapter five will concern conclusion and

2 Review of related literature

Service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to one another that's essentially
intangible and does not result in ownership has depositing money in a bank traveling airplane
having car pair etc. (William, 2005).

2.1 Nature and importance of service

Service has many unique characteristic of that often have significant impact on marketing
programdevelopment.The special feature service may cause distinct the problems and the
often result in marketing mix dissection that substantially different from those found in
connection with the market of goods.Among this characteristics the most important are
intangibility, inseparability, perish ability,heterogeneity (pacer, 2013).


Service are not tangible when you by service there is nothing to be shown has tangible service
are not tangible , but they are deed effort in essence the performance of the most service is
supported by tangibles.In general components offer the combination it supports intangible and
tangible elements. The product is many lased associated with the service quality.


Another characteristics service is that production in separable from consumption. Inseparability

is taken to reflect the simultaneous delivery and consumption of service women participate in
the production environment and the customer. This enables consumers to affect the
performance and quality of service (kotteri, 2004).


Service cannot homogeneous and less standardized and uniform. Heterogeneity reflects the
potential for high variable in service delivery shape. Perishable service cannot be inventoried
and carried forward to future time such as empathy tangible in restaurant are line sets not
purchased and telephone line capacity not used can be seen as revenue opportunity cost for
ever, service depend on time which makes them very perishable

2.2 Dimension of service

The dimension of service quality was identified by marketing researcher studying several
different serves layer ago. They identified five principal dimension that customer uses to judge
service quality.

1. Reliability

The ability to perform the promised service was dependably and accurately reliable service
performance is a customer expectation and means that the service is accomplished on time in
the same manner and without error every time.

2. Responsible

The willingness of the customers to help and to provide prompt service keeping, customers
particular a no apparent reason creates unnecessary negative perception of quality.

3. Assurances

The knowledge and as well as their ability to convey trust and confidence include competency
to perform the service; polite and respect for the customer effective communication with the
customer and general aptitude that the server has the customer's best interest at heart (kolter,

4. Empathy
The provision of carrying individualized. Attention customer it includes approach
ability,sensitivity and effort to understand the customer need.

5. Tangible

The approach of physical and communication materials.

2.3 Gap in service quality

In general, problems the determination of good and service quality are attributable to different
perception regarding the service encounter between the service provider and user. This gap can
be classified as the gap between customer expectation and management perception.

The model identifies five gaps that may cause unsuccessful delivery and dissatisfaction.

1. Gap between customer expectation and management perceptions. Management does not
always correctly perceive what customers want

2. Gaps between management perception and service quality specification management might
correctly perceive customer wants but not set performance standard.

3. Gap between service quality specification and service delivery. Personnel might be poorly
trained or incapable or unwilling to meet the standard or they may be held to conflicting.
Standard,such as talking time to listen customer and service them fast.

4. Gaps between service delivery and external communication customer expectations are
affected by statement made by company representatives.

5. Gap between perceived service and expected and expected service this gap occurs when the
customers misperceives the service quality. And understand is focused more of dissatisfaction
created by this gap

2.4 Managing service quality

Customers are king or customers are always rising. The business organization growth and
profitability completely depend on customer service that helps to target customer willingness
paying many for company success (kotler, 2004).Satisfaction is person feeling of pleasure turn
comparing service perceived performance or outcome relation to its expectation. So customer
satisfaction can be defined as satisfaction of customer fulfillment response. It is judgment that
service itself provides a pleasurable level of consumption related fulfillment.Customer centered
firm seeks to deliver high customer satisfaction to competitors. It does not attend to maximize
customer produce several benefit for company
Since they talk favorably to other about the company service and customer delete create an
emotional relationship with products or service not just rational performance (kotler, 2004).

2.5 Tolls for retain and measuring customer satisfaction

2.5.1 Value chain

The value chain as a tool for identifying ways to create more customer value.

Every firm is asynthesis of activity that is performed to design.Produce and market, deliver and
support its product

2.6 Generic value chains

Each department has created walls the slow down the delivery of quality customer services.
The solution of this problem is to place more emphasis on the smoothes management of core

The core business includes

:* Market sensing process; all the activity involved in gathering market intelligence,
disseminating it with the organization and action in the information

.* The new offering relation process; all the activities involved in researching, developing and
launching new high quality offering quickly and within budget.

* The customer acquisition process; all activity involved in defining target markets and
prospecting for a new customers.

* The customer relationship management process; all activities involved in building deeper
understanding, relationship and offering to individual customers

.* The fulfillment process; all activity involved in receiving and approving order, shipping the
goods on time.

2.7 The value delivery network

To be successful a firm also needs to look for competitive advantages beyond its own
operation.Into the value chain of its suppliers, distributors to create a superior value delivery
network (also called supply chain).

2.8 Attracting customer

The challenges according to Jeffrey gitomer, is not to produce satisfied customers: several
customer can do this. The challenges are to produce delighted and loyal customer.Companies
seeking to expand their profit and sale have to spend considerable time and resource searching
for new customers.To general leads, the company develops and places them in media that will
reach new prospects, it sends direct mail and makes phone calls to possible new prospects, and
its salespeople participate in trade shows where they might find new leads, and so on.

2.9 Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to in which customer happy will the product and
service are provided by the bank.Customer satisfaction level can be measured using survey
technique and questionnaire gaining high level of customer satisfaction is very important to
business, because satisfied customers very important to be loyal and to make repeat order and
to a wide range of service offered, by the business (kottler, 2010).

2.10 Service leader

One study found that service leader or firm who excelled in service quality had the following

1. Service vision

Service leader believe that service quality is crucial for gaining competitive advantage and for
corporate growth. These leaders see service as a never ending which has to be kept in mind
always by everyone in the organization

2. High standard

Service leaders set high at time even legendary, standard for service. They believe that good
service alone may not be enough to differentiate them from competitors. They are interested
even in the simplest and most trivial of issue of service.

3 In the field leadership style

They go out where the action is visible to their people, appreciate their efforts, show them the
current way of doing thing, and also observe, probe and listen to them. They believe in a two
communication process, are team building, and challenge everyone in the organization to excel.

These men and women are example of high personal integrity. The best service leader s value
going the right things even when it is inconvenient or costly. They believe in being fair,
honest,sincere, consistent and truthful. These are the tenets for building trustworthy
relationship and trust is the only basis of the supplier customer relationship.

Which are considering service leaders shows the following additional characteristics.

A. Concept for customer

These organization place customer over or above everything else in the organization they
believe in encouraging customer to give feedback and listening it. From this feedback they are
able to learn and understand customer expectation and problems.This helps them to be more
competitive and satisfy customer needs.

B.Use technology promptly serve customer

Research how that true service leader use technology not just to reduce their cost of operations
but also to serve customer promptly. For example today banking airlines, travel, and retail
industry are the majority use of technology

Study show that customer are increasingly using technology tool like ATM machine, touch
screens,internet and mobile banking to effect their transaction. They have found an overall
improvement in the service quality of these institutions.

C.Involve customer in organization growth

As mentioned earlier service leader s activity solicit feedback from their customer and use it to
smoothen out the rough corner in the organization that cause them inconvenience.

D.Flat organization

These firm is flat and do not show signs of tall hierarchical structures. Since they are relatively
flat in their structure. They are able to respond faster to customer needs. Also being
decentralized organization, they encourage individual employee to take risks. These
characteristics in the service leader firm help them empower their employee and create highly
motivated team of people who share the organizational goal of customer happiness.

E.Training of employee

Service leaders use training strategy to create a shared value 100 percent of customer
satisfaction.Those, leaders in customer service are those who make those are integral part of
their corporate strategy. They reach out to achieve 100 percent of customer satisfaction. They
create an organizational climate which fosters excellence in customer service.

2.11 What is service quality?

Customer satisfaction is a function of customer expectation from the firm and the actual
performance by the firm. Expectation shapes a customer perception of the product firm

Another way to examine this is that when positive perceptions are not confirmed by the actual
performance of the firm a gap occurs and this has been called the service quality gap.

When the positive perception about affirm product are not confirmed by the actual
performance of the firm a service quality gap occurs. As mentioned above, customer perception
of the firm and its offer are shaped by;

A. words of mouth publicity, like recommendation from friends, relative s neighbors, peer
groups at work place

B. personal experience on the part of customer

C. Personal need of individual customer.

D. External communication like the publicity of the firm in the media and its advertisement and
other corporate communication.

2.12 Service failure and recovery

Almost inevitable, service companies will fail at some critical incidents, inseparable and
intangible nature of service gives to the inevitability of failure occurring. From customer

Service failure

It is any situation where something has gone wrong, irrespective of responsibility.

The inseparability of high contract service has a consequence that service failure usually cannot
be disguised from the customer.

Single service failure may have two effects.

First a halo effect may negatively color a customer perception (for example, if an airline loses a
passenger s baggage, the passenger may subsequently associate any communication from the
airline with failure).

Second domino effect may engender service failure in an early stage of a service process puts a
customer in a bad mood where they become more critical minor failure in subsequent
stages(Adrian palmer, 2001).

Service recovery

Process is those activities in which company engages to address customer complaint regarding
service failure. A Good recovery can turn angry, frustrated customers into loyal one and may
create more goodwill than if things had gone smoothly in the first place (Adrian palmer, 2001

2.13 Customer panel

These can provide a continuous source of information on customer expectation , group of

customer, are generally frequent users, are brought together by a company on a regular basis
to study their options about the quality of service provide.The use of continuous panel can offer
organization a means anticipating problem and may act as a nearly warning system for
emerging issues of importance.The result has been the emergence of professional panel
member who may not be representative of service user as a whole.

2.14 Researching service quality

The development of reliable, easy to use measures of service quality represents a key aspect of
customer behavior and service marketing research .indeed; an integral part of any organization
attempt to instill a quality culture is a commitment to a process of continuous improvement.To
support this systematic approach to quality measurement is needed. A clear, sustained and
continuous quality improvement is not possible without some indication of quality
performance.To know the real effect of change over time, manager needs measure to compare
the quality performance of the service. (Edvardsson, 1994)

2.15 Qualities

The level of quality to which a service is designed is a critical element in the total service

Quality is an important factor used by customer evaluates the service of one organization in
comparison to the offering of other organizations.In fact, customer may judge so much the
quality of an individual service offer, but rather the quality of the service provider. Intangible
nature of service quality standard is reflected in the difficulty which service company have in
design quality standard which will be readily accepted by potential customer. Customer
expectation from an important element of quality. There is increasing interest in the concept of
service quality, among academics and practitioners who see superior quality level as away of
gaining competitive advantage.A sound understanding of this process can allow service
companies to be clear in their specification of quality level.

2.16 How is service quality measured?

In order to measure service quality one has to assess customer expectation and his or her
actual experience with the service provided by the firms based on the five dimension of service
quality the spelled out earlier.The gap between the two will indicate whether the service
quality is high or low on each of this variables .it is quality important to assess the service
provided perception of the service delivered to customer and what they perceive to be
organizational factor that facilitate or hinder their ability to deliver quality service.Often one
may find a gap between the customers expected level of service and service provide perception
of it. It is this gap that needs to be closed through appropriate organization intervention in
technology, system, policies, human resource development and marketing.In measuring the
customer s perception one may ask the customer to first rank the five dimension of service
quality in order of importance to him or her. Subsequently he or she may be asked the attribute
that he or she expects in an ideal of excellent similar product firm.This exercise helps provide
customer perception while assessing perceptions regarding the quality of service they think
they deliver it's important to study all employees across the organization hierarchy (Saxena,

2.17 Organization issue in service quality

We mentioned earlier that service quality is a deliberate strategic choice exercised by winner
firms.Now the firm which aims to deliver service quality has to focus on.

2.18 New service development

As a result of analysis and evaluation of its product mix an organization may consider the need
to add to its service portfolio in response to the changing nature of its operating environment.
The following are typically circumstance when new service may be necessary.

●If a majority service as reached the maturity stage of its cycle and may be moving towards
decline, new service may be sought to reserve sells level.

●New service may be developed as a means utilizing spare capacity.

●New service can help to balance an organization exist sell portfolio and thereby reduce risk of
dependency on only a few services offered within arrange.
●In order to retain and develop a relationship with its customers an organization maybe forced
to introduce new product to allow it to get cater for customer's diverse needs.

●An opportunity may arise for an organization to satisfy on meet needs with a new service as a
result of competitor leaving the market.


3.1. Descriptions of study area

The study will be conducte on comercial bank of ethiopia Haramaya branch started its
operation 2013 G.C. This area found in Oromia region, eastern Harerghe zone, near historical
lake of haramaya. which is found on 513 km from the capital city of Addis Abeba between
Diredawa and Harar cities. This study will conducte on the assessment of service quality and
customer satisfaction (In case of commercial bank of Ethiopia in haramayA branch).


This study aims to assess service quality and customer satisfaction commercial bank of Ethiopia
Debre Markos main branch in doing this study about focus on the researchers used descriptive
type of research this research design used to assess the service quality and customer
satisfaction by asking customer about their expectation and perception with regarding to the
bank service and the actual service giving by the bank.

The researchers choice this research design because this method is commonly used to collect
data a description of existing phenomena wise the intent of the employing data to satisfy
current condition and wherever possible draw valid general conclusion from the fact discovered

3.3. Source of data

Source of data the researchers used both primary and secondary data source obtained through
questionnaire. Primary data source; are the main type of data collection source. oral question.
Secondary data source; this included sources like books, literatures related with the topic and
some web pages that are associated with the study.

3.4. Target population

The target population for this study is customers have saving account because the researchers
believe that they are the regular customers and can have a better sense of the service of the
bank from other.

3.5. Sampling techniques

In this study the researchers well use probability sampling method this because the probability
technique allow respondent to have probability participation to questionnaires under this
method,the researchers used a simple random types of probability sampling techniques.

3.6. Sample Size

3.7. Data collection method

In order to conduct this study, the researchers were collected primary and secondary data. The
primary data would be collected through questionnaires (closed ended and open ended
questionnaires) and distribute to respondents to gathered relevant data. While secondary data
where gathered from books, literatures related with the topic and some web pages.

3.8. Data analysis method

The researchers used descriptive method of data analysis because of the data to be collect raw
data and cleared data structure that explain the trait and the design of target population for the
purpose of providing acceptable and reliable answer for the basic research question raised in
the statement of the problem. The researchers will analyze and interpret the data by using
statistical method like tabulation and percentage are employed.

3.9. Time and Budget Breakdown

3.9.1. Activities and Time Place

Table 1 Time schedule of the study

No Activities Months

April May June

1 Topic section

2 Preparation of proposal

3 Collection of useful material

4 Data collection

5 Data analysis and writing of

financial research

6 Preparation of financial research

7 Submission of research

3.9.2 Financial Budget

Table 2 Budget of study

No Item Quantity Cost per unit Total cost (birr)

1 Equipment and stationary 1 400 400

2 Pens 5 25 125

3 Blinder 1 120 120

No Item Quantity Cost per unit Total cost (birr)

4 Transportation cost 12 30 360

5 Internet hour 150 0.03 45

6 Typist 1 450 450

Total cost 1500

Constringency (15 % of Total cost) 258

Over all budgets 1758


 Adrian palmer; (2001), principle of service marketing, 3 Edition,published by McGraw-

hillpublishing company
 Kotler, Philip; (2005), marketing management, 12 editions, published by Asoka k.
Ghosh,prentice- hall of India private limited New Delhi and printed by tarn offset printer,
New Delhi.
 Kilter Philip ;(2006), principle of management, 11 edition, published by Asoka k.
Ghosh,prentice-hall of India private limited new Delhi, and printed by syndicate binders,
new Delhi
 Parasuraman (1988), marketing research, 2 edition, Addison -Wesley publishing
 Powell.TC (1995) total quality managements as competitive advantage; rewed
 Rajan saxena (2008), marketing management 3 edition, Tata McGraw-hill publishing
company limited, New Delhi
 Rust R.T Oliver r. (1997) service quality; insights and managerial implications from the

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