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A Review On: Stair Climber Material Handling System

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Impact Factor Value 4.

046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463

National Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering, Science and Technology (NC-QUEST018)
Organized by College of Engineering and Technology, Dhanamgaon Rly-444709
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.6, 2018

A Review On: Stair Climber Material Handling


Vishal S. Tighare1, Achal P. Wankhade2, Ravi N. Tirke3, Shubham V.Wankhade4.

Prof. A. M. Hatwar5

Mechanical department DES’s COET, Amravati university, Maharashtra

Abstract –This paper provides the detail study of stair focuses on the maximum ergonomically beneficial to
climber material handling System. In this paper human being. The present project related to load
illustrates the various reviews about the stair climber carrying equipment of a type that is automatically
material handling System for small scale industrial
operated of moving upwardly and downwardly on flight
application considering the average requirement of
small Indian organization where the lifts are not of stairs. Load carrier is a wheeled mechanism device, is
available. Therefore, in this paper, an attempt has been generally used to carry a loads. It reduces human efforts.
taken to summarize the past and current research in the
material handling. The main objective of this paper is to
present the review about the stair climber material LITERATURE REVIEW
handling System. After studying the previous concept of
material handling system we tries to make it SalunkheRohit: Advance material handling trolley
automatically without damage the material. using tri-wheel mechanism. International Journal Of
Recent Research in Civil And Mechanical Engineering
(IJRRCME) Vol. 2, Issue 2, Pp: (160-165), Month:
October 2015 – March 2016:-This article aims is
Keywords-set of wheel, Stair climbing vehicle and
developing a mechanism for easy transportationof heavy
wheel frame.
loads over uneven terrain. The need for such a system
INTRODUCTION arises from day-to-day requirements in our society.
In everyday life we may have to carry so many goods Devices such as hand trolleys are used to relieve the
of various quantities through stairs specially in offices, stress of lifting while on flat ground; however, these
schools, colleges, hotels, industries, apartments etc. devices usually fail when it comes to carrying the load
where the lifts may not be available, may be full with the over short height. Several designs were conceived that
people or under repair. It is very tiresome to carry the would allow a non-industrial hand trolley to travel over
various objects through stairs manually for higher floor stairs, curbs, or uneven terrain while reducing the strain
for so many times. In most of building lifts are not on the user. In our project the trolley is consisting the tri-
installed so there only human labor is solution for wheel or tri- star mechanism eases the movement of
caringmaterial. Labor is becomes costly as well as time trolley in irregular surfaces like holes, bumps, etc.[4]
consuming, where growth rate is getting negative. This
problem can be solved if a trolley can lift loads while
traveling through stairs.
The paper introduces a new option for the
transportation of the loads over the stair. The vehicle is
designed in such a way that it has three wheels on each
side. They are set in triangular pattern. This project
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering, Science and Technology (NC-QUEST018)
Organized by College of Engineering and Technology, Dhanamgaon Rly-444709
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.6, 2018

planetary wheel. The length of each arm is high and thus

creates vibration and the vehicle would be unstable. In
the present design, the wheel frame was made curve so
that the front surface of the arm could not collide with
the edge of the stair.[7]
PrajanPradipGondole, et. al.: in April-2015: have
concluded that the stair-climbing hand truck is designed
to reduce liability rather than increase it. Conventional
hand trucks work well on flat ground, but their
usefulness decreases when It becomes necessary to move
an object over an irregular surface. Package
deliverymen, for example, often find it necessary to drag
loaded hand trucks up short flights of stairs just to reach
the front door of a building. The entire purpose of using
a conventional hand truck is to avoid having to lift and
carry heavy objects around.[10]
Mr. Ravi R. Mishra: Modified In the first design, the
Kyle A. Johnson, et. al. : Described Tumbling Mode, power transmission to the single or double wheel trolley
When more precarious obstacles (stairs, debris, loose is useless to climb the stairs due to height factor of stairs
terrain, etc.) are encountered, Tumbling Mode provides a creates huge obstacle on the way of vehicle. also The
powered means to keep a robot moving. In Tumbling design of the straight wheel frame became more
Mode, a braking mechanism is engaged to act upon the complicated and was needed modified with its curve-
gearing system such that it forces the three wheels to spherical shape to give proper drive, which create more
rotate around the center axle of the Tri-Wheel assembly frictional force. For these reason, three wheel set on each
and walk like a Whigs robot over obstacles. This tri- side of vehicle attached with frame was introduced to
spoke rotation intentionally occurs in the same direction provide smooth power transmission in order to climb
as individual wheel rotation, helping to pull along the stairs without obstacles. Frame arrangement is suitable
robot. The mechanism inducing Tumbling Mode could to transmit exact velocity ratio also. It provided higher
be engagedpassively, via operator command, or efficiency and compact layout with reliable service.[8]
autonomously using feedback from sensors indicating a P. Jey Praveen Raj: In the modern world though
stall state, potential slippage, or a particular distance there are many developments in the field of engineering.
from the obstacle to be overcome. The braking Still there are difficulties to carry heavy loads over
mechanism on this vehicle is a small cam-operated drum stairs. Development of lift simplifies the effort of
brake, which is actuated through operator command. Tri- carrying heavy loads over stairs, it is not possible to use
Wheel in Tumbling Mode ascending stairs. Because of lift in all places like schools, college’s constructional
its dual ability to roll and climb, the Tri-Wheel rotates areas. This project aims at developing a mechanism for
about its central axle to approach a step and then rolls easy transportation of heavy loads over stairs. The need
along the step surface until it reaches an optimal position for such arises from day to day requirements in our
to flip over itself once again and continue the climbing society. Devices such as hand trolleys are used to relieve
process.[5] the stresses of lifting while on flat ground. However
Md. A. Hossain, et. Al Jan-2010: have concluded these devices usually fail when it comes to carrying the
that in the initial design, each wheel contained frame, a load over short fleet of stairs .Our project attempts to
sun wheel and three planetary wheels. The planetary design a stair climbing trolley which can carry heavy
wheel was connected with the sun wheel through an objects up the stairs with less effortcompared to carrying
idler. The purpose of using the idler was to rotate the them manually .The main objective of the project is to
planetary wheels in the same direction of sun wheel. find an efficient and user friendly method of carrying
Each planetary wheel was aligned in a straight line with various objects through stairs using minimum effort
idler and sun wheel. The straight wheel frame takes from the user and to also provide a smooth movement
more thrust to tilt the wheel frame to engage next while climbing the stair. Under this project we have
manufactured a stair climber with tri lobed wheel frames
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering, Science and Technology (NC-QUEST018)
Organized by College of Engineering and Technology, Dhanamgaon Rly-444709
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.6, 2018

at both sides. of the climber and three wheels on each

sides are used in the tri lobed frame. The wheel assembly
is rotated by a gear- motor mechanism where a DC gear
motor is used to provide the necessary power for rotation
and a pinion gear mesh is used for reducing the rotating
speed of the wheel. The motor is connected to a lead
acid battery of similar ratings and they are in turn
connected to DPDT switch[9].


This work gives details about the stair climber
material handling System, which can climb stair or move
along very rough surface. The components uses in stair Side View
climber material handling System are e-bike motor,
wiper motors, batteries, tri-wheels, microcontroller
circuit, remote and trolley. Initially the power is given to WORKING
the motors through battery, the motors are run First of all the worker have to put the material in the
simultaneously. The vehicle has four set of wheel trolley up to the given capacity of trolley. Initially the
arrangement to support its weight. Each wheel frame power is given to the motors through battery, the motors
consists of three sub-wheels attached directly to the are run simultaneously.Whileclimbing on stair, when
motor in clamp through nut and bolt. Using this vehicle, first wheel touches the stair simultaneously the upper
the labor cost can be reduced as well as huge amount of wheel climb on stair. All four wheels work same. The
loads can be transferred uniformly with less power motors are run according to the input given. The whole
consumption. The technical issues in fabricating this system is controlled by microcontroller circuit with the
vehicle are the stability and speed of the vehicle while help of remote control .While climbing up on stair the
climbing stairs. The uses of this special vehicle are in the system is run in forward direction and when it comes to
frequent lift of goods such as books for library, medicine down it run reverse. Because the trolley is design in such
for hospital, regular mails for any institutes or a way that, material should not come out from the trolley
transportation any toxic material for industries. while Climbing on stair i.e. the height of trolley is more
than front side shown in figure. And all movement of
machine is control by remote control through


It is move on flat surface and it
required manually operated. In manual system task not
perform fast and efficiently. It required human effort. It
required more time. High risk of injury during material
handling. In manual there is possibility of damaging the
Front View
material during storage and movement.
It move on rough and stair automatically. In this
system task perform fast and efficient. It not required
human effort. It is time saving concept. Less risk of
injury during material handling. It reduce damage of
material during storage and movement.
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
National Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering, Science and Technology (NC-QUEST018)
Organized by College of Engineering and Technology, Dhanamgaon Rly-444709
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.6, 2018


In this paper we implement the material handling with

less human efforts in minimum time without damaging
the material while transportation. In this concept we find
out the automatic trolley and it operate automatically.
concept of stair climber material handling system which
provide the service to reduce the human efforts in many
fields like offices, colleges and industries for handling
material on stair case. It provide service to replace man
in dangerous environment to transfer material on stairs
and flat surface, like underground storage godownwhere
oxygen is in less amount.


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