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Staircase Climbing Trolley

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1.Ch.Varun Kumar,2.P.Harashavardhan Reddy,3.A.Satheesh Kumar,4.Sk.Ahamad Kife

Under The Guidance Of

Mr. M.Mallikarjuna,M.Tech, Assistant Professor,

Narayana Engineering College,Gudur-524101

Goods transportation locally is highly dependent A hand trolley is a small transport device used to
on manual trolleys. They are used in warehouses, move heavy loads from one place to another. It is
construction sites, malls, residential relocations a very common tool used by a large number of
etc. These trolleys have a very huge limitation industries that transport physical products. Also
when it comes to stairs. They can only move on called a hand truck or a dolly, the hand trolley is
flat surfaces and moving them over a staircase is a often used by stock persons who arrange and
very hectic task. So here we propose a smartly restock merchandise in retail stores. When used
designed staircase climbing trolley. The trolley is properly, trolleys can protect people from back
smartly designed to carry goods up and down on injuries and other health problems that can result
staircases as well as on flat grounds and even from lifting heavy loads.
rough terrains.
The trolley makes use of a triple interlinked DESCRIPTION
wheel arrangement that allows it to do so. The A typical hand trolley consists of two small
mechanism uses a trolley with a support wheel wheels located beneath a load-bearing platform,
arrangement which will be used for support when the hand trolley usually has two handles on its
at rest and will be suspended in air while the support frame. These handles are used to push,
trolley is moved by lifting it. The interlinked pull and maneuver the device. The handles may
wheel mechanism consists of 3 freely moving extend from the top rear of the frame, or one
wheels. These wheels are connected to a handle may curve from the back. An empty hand
connecting rod. There 3 such connecting shafts for trolley usually stands upright in an L-shape, and
each wheel with a main rod connecting through a products are usually stacked on top of the
free moving bearing mechanism to the three rods. platform. When the goods are in place, it is tilted
This mechanism allows for efficient stair climbing backward so that the load is balanced between the
functionality. This functionality allows for easy platform and the support frame. Especially if
movement of goods across stair cases. heavy or fragile materials are moved, the person
operating the trolley should return it to an upright
position carefully, to insure nothing falls off the
platform. The front of the frame may be squared
off for boxes or curved for drums and barrels.
Sometimes, a hand truck also has straps for
securing loose freight during transport.
Different types of these trolleys exist, and the type • Easy Vertical Transportation
used is often chosen based on what type of • Smart Approach
material it will move. Hand trolleys are made of • Material Transport in Buildings
various types of hard materials, including steel, • More number of items are carry at a time
aluminium and high-impact plastic. Most hand • Less effect to carry goods
trolleys come in standard sizes and are used for • Works on both flat & staircases surfaces
general loads, but there are some that are
specifically designed for very small or large DISADVANTAGES:
products. • This is not suitable for all type of stairs
• wheeled trolley • The load is not excited to more than half ton
• folding trolley • Load increases with the applying force also
• garden trolley increases
• kitchen trolley • Because there is no visual barrier between the
• sack trolley two floors connected by a straight staircase
Lifting heavy objects to upper stories or lifting CLIMBING TROLLEY
patients to upper levels from the ground are not
painless jobs, especially where there are no lifting
facilities (elevator, conveyer, etc.). Moreover,
most of the buildings are structurally congested
and do not have elevators or escalators. This
project can introduce a new option for the
transportation of loads over the stairs. The stair
climbing hand trolley can play an important role in
those areas to lift loads over a short height.
The stair-climbing hand truck is designed to
reduce liability rather than increase it. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
Conventional hand trucks work well on flat
ground, but their usefulness decreases when it TRI- WHEEL DESIGN
becomes necessary to move an object over an The Tri-wheel was designed in 1967 by Robert
irregular surface. Package deliverymen, for
and John Forsyth of the Lockheed Aircraft
example, often find it necessary to drag loaded
Corporation. They were first developed as a
hand trucks up short flights of stairs just to reach
the front door of a building. The entire purpose of module of the Lockheed Terrastar, a commercially
using a conventional hand truck is to avoid having unsuccessful amphibious military vehicle. A Tri-
to lift and carry heavy objects around. Star wheel functions as an ordinary wheel on flat
COMPONENTS ground, but has the ability to climb automatically
• Wheels when an impediment to rolling is encountered.
• Bearings This wheel design consists of three tires, each
• Connecting Rods mounted to a separate shaft. These shafts are
• Goods Holder Frame located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle.
• Handle Rods The three shafts are geared to a fourth, central
• Connecting Rods shaft (to which a motor may be attached). When
• Support Rods geared in this quasi-planetary fashion, these
• Supporting Frame triangular sets of wheels can negotiate many types
• Joints & Screws of terrain, including sand and mud; they can also
allow a vehicle to climb over small obstructions
such as rocks, holes, and stairs. The wheel
assembly may be gear-driven, with two wheels in shaft. In the existing design, the power
rolling contact with the ground. The third wheel transmission to the single or double wheel trolley
idles at the top until the lower front wheel hits an is useless to climb the stairs due to height factor of
obstruction. stairs. The design of the straight wheel frame
became more complicated and was needed to be
modified with its curved- spherical shape to give
proper drive, which creates more frictional force.
For these reason, three wheel set on each side of
vehicle attached with frame was introduced to
provide smooth power transmission in order to
climb stairs without much difficulty. Frame
arrangement is suitable to transmit exact velocity
ratio also. It provided higher efficiency and
compact layout with reliable service. Easier
maintenance was possible in case of replacing any
defective parts such as nut, bolt, washer, etc.

Wheel movement on flat surfaces

In our project, we are using this Tri- wheel Straight Wheel Frame
arrangement in a hand trolley in the place of
normal wheels setup to enable the trolley to climb
up and down the stair cases and also to up come INTRODUCTION DESIGN SOFTWARE
small obstacles like holes and bumps on its path. CATIAV5
computer-aided three-dimensional interactive
application) is a multi-platform software suite for
computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided
engineering (CAE), PLM and 3D, developed by
the French company Dassault Systèm

CATIA started as an in-house development in
1977 by French aircraft manufacturer AVIONS
MARCEL DASSAULT, at that time customer of
the CADAM software[1] to develop Dassault's
Wheel movement on staircase surface Mirage fighter jet. It was later adopted by the
WHEEL FRAME aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and other
A specially designed wheel frame is required to industries.
hold the three wheels together on each side of the Initially named CATI (conception assistée
tridimensionnelle interactive – French for styling, surfacing workflow and visualization to
interactive aided three-dimensional design), it was create, modify and validate complex innovative
renamed CATIA in 1981 when Dassault created a shapes from industrial design to Class-A surfacing
subsidiary to develop and sell the software and with the ICEM surfacing technologies. CATIA
signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement supports multiple stages of product design whether
with IBM started from scratch or from 2D sketches
In June 2011, Dassault Systems launched V6 (blueprints).
In 2012, Dassault Systems launched V6 2013x. CATIA can be applied to a wide variety of
In 2014, Dassault Systems launched industries, from aerospace and defense,
3DEXPERIENCE Platform R2014x [10] and automotive, and industrial equipment, to high
CATIA on the Cloud, a cloud version of its tech, shipbuilding, consumer goods, plant design,
software. consumer packaged goods, life sciences,
architecture and construction, process power and
petroleum, and services. CATIA V4, CATIA V5,
SCOPE OF APPLICATION Pro/ENGINEER, NX (formerly Unigraphics), and
Commonly referred to as a 3D Product Dassault Systems' own Solid Works platform are
Lifecycle Management software suite, CATIA the dominant systems
supports multiple stages of product development DESGIN PARTS IN CATIA V5
(CAx), including conceptualization, design
(CAD), engineering (CAE) and manufacturing
(CAM). CATIA facilitates collaborative
engineering across disciplines around its
3DEXPERIENCE platform, including surfacing &
shape design, electrical, fluid and electronic
systems design, mechanical engineering and
systems engineering.

CATIA enables the creation of 3D parts, from
2D sketches, sheet metal, composites, and molded,
forged or tooling parts up to the definition of
mechanical assemblies. The software provides
advanced technologies for mechanical surfacing & CART FRAME
BIW. It provides tools to complete product
definition, including functional tolerances as well
as kinematics definition. CATIA provides a wide
range of applications for tooling design, for both
generic tooling and mold & die. In the case of
Aerospace engineering an additional module
named the aerospace sheet metal design offers the
user combine the capabilities of generative sheet
metal design and generative surface design. TRI-CYCLE TIRE

CATIA offers a solution to shape design,
RAPID PROTOTYPING trajectories to drive the actual SFF, rapid
It is a group of techniques used to quickly prototyping, 3D printing or additive
fabricate a scale model of a physical part or manufacturing mechanism, the prepared geometric
assembly using three-dimensional computer aided model is typically sliced into layers, and the slices
design (CAD) data Construction of the part or are scanned into lines (producing a "2D drawing"
assembly is usually done using 3D printing or used to generate trajectory as in CNC's tool path),
"additive layer manufacturing" technology. mimicking in reverse the layer-to-layer physical
building process.
The first methods for rapid prototyping became TECHNIQUES
available in the late 1980s and were used to • 3D printing (3DP)
produce models and prototype parts. Today, they • Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
are used for a wide range of applications and are • Laminated object manufacturing (LOM)
used to manufacture production-quality parts in • Solid ground curing (SGC)
relatively small numbers Historical surveys of RP • Selective laser sintering (SLS)
technology start with discussions of simulacra • Selective laser melting (SLM)
production techniques used by 19th-century • Stereo lithography
sculptors. Some modern sculptors use the progeny
technology to produce exhibitions the ability to 3D PRINTING (3DP)
reproduce designs from a dataset has given rise to
issues of rights, as it is now possible to interpolate 3D printing is any of various processes in which
volumetric data from one-dimensional images material is joined or solidified under computer
control to create a three-dimensional object, with
As with CNC subtractive material being added together (such as liquid
methods, the computer-aided-design – computer- molecules or powder grains being fused together),
aided manufacturing CAD -CAM workflow in the typically layer by layer. In the 1990s, 3D printing
traditional Rapid Prototyping process starts with techniques were considered suitable only for the
the creation of geometric data, either as a 3D solid production of functional or aesthetical prototypes
using a CAD workstation, or 2D slices using a and a more appropriate term was rapid
scanning device. For Rapid prototyping this data prototyping. Today, the precision, repeatability
must represent a valid geometric model; namely, and material range have increased to the point that
one whose boundary surfaces enclose a finite 3D printing is considered as an industrial
volume, contains no holes exposing the interior, production technology, with the name of additive
and do not fold back on themselves. In other manufacturing. 3D printed objects can have a very
words, the object must have an "inside". The complex shape or geometry and are always
model is valid if for each point in 3D space the produced starting from a digital 3D model or a
computer can determine uniquely whether that CAD file.
point lies inside, on, or outside the boundary
surface of the model. CAD post-processors will There are many different 3D printing processes
approximate the application vendors' internal that can be grouped into seven categories:
CAD geometric forms (e.g., B-spines) with a • Vat photo polymerization
simplified mathematical form, which in turn is • Material jetting
expressed in a specified data format which is a • Binder jetting
common feature in additive manufacturing: STL • Powder bed fusion
(stereo lithography) a de facto standard for • Material extrusion
transferring solid geometric models to SFF • Directed energy deposition
machines. To obtain the necessary motion control • Sheet lamination
Materials Used In Project Making Mild steel of Hollow rod
Tube less tires rod diameter is 1inch
Outer Diameter :25CM Gauge of 5mm
Inner Diameter :2.5CM It is used as a shaft of trolley it leads to motion
In some Commonwealth Nations are pneumatic and also it is used as a handle of trolley
tires that do not require a separate inner tube. Length of rod is 2 meters

Unlike pneumatic tires which use a separate Mild steel of Flat rod
inner tube, tubeless tires have continuous ribs rod is 10mm meter
molded integrally into the bead of the tire so that It is used as the supports of carts to hold the
they are forced by the pressure of the air inside the plywood from base part of cart
tire to seal with the flanges of the metal rim of the Length of rod is used 2 meters
No of tires used are 6
Ball Bearings Dimensions 5feetx3.5 feet
outer diameter is 25mm It is used for the base part of holder frame to bear
Inner diameter is 10mm the weights of trolley
A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element
bearing that uses balls to maintain the separation PROCESSES INVOLVED IN FABRICATION
between the bearing races. CUTTING
The purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce Cutting Is the separation or opening of a physical
rotational friction and support radial and axial object, into two or more portions, through the
loads. It achieves this by using at least three races application of an acutely directed force.
to contain the balls and transmit the loads through
the balls. Ball bearings tend to have lower load Implements commonly used for cutting are the
capacity for their size than other kinds of rolling- knife and saw, or in medicine and science the
element bearings due to the smaller contact area scalpel and microtome. However, any sufficiently
sharp object is capable of cutting if it has a
between the balls and races. However, they can
hardness sufficiently larger than the object being
tolerate some misalignment of the inner and outer
cut, and if it is applied with sufficient force. Even
liquids can be used to cut things when applied
No of bearings used are 12 with sufficient force (see water jet cutter).
Mild steel of L- angular Cutting Is a compressive and shearing
Dimensions of 12mmx12mm phenomenon, and occurs only when the total stress
It is used to making of frame of cart of bottom generated by the cutting implement exceeds the
phase to place goods in trolley ultimate strength of the material of the object
Length of rod is used 9 meters being cut. The simplest applicable equation is:

Mild steel of square rod

Dimensions of 18mmx18mm
Thickness is 5mm
It is used in making of holding frame of cart to
hold the goods in trolley to avoid falling of goods
out of boundary
Length of rod used 8 meters
METAL CUTTING As far the commercial aspects of this product are
Cutting has been at the core of manufacturing concerned, if this product can be fully automated
throughout history. For metals many methods are and produced at a lower cost the acceptance will
used and Can be grouped by the physical be unimaginable. Presently, there are no
phenomenon used. competitors for such a kind of product in our
• Chip forming – sawing, drilling, milling,
turning etc.
• Shearing – punching, stamping, scissoring REFERENCES:
• Abrading – grinding, lapping, polishing,  Md. A. Hossain, Mafia A. Chowdhury,
water-jet Shamiuzzaman Akhtar, " Design and
• Heat – flame cutting, plasma cutting, laser Manufacturing of a Stair Climbing
cutting Vehicle", Department of Mechanical
 Electrochemical – etching, electrical discharge Engineering, MIST, Dhaka-1216,
machining (EDM). Bangladesh.
 Hsueh-Er, C., “Stair-climbing vehicle,
WELDING 2008, “Patent No. US2008164665(A1)”,
Welding is a fabrication process that joins Jan 24.
materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by  Mourikis, A.I., Trawny, N., Roumeliotis,
causing coalescence. This is often done by melting S.I., Helmick, D.M., and Matthies, L.,
the work pieces and adding a filler material to 2007, “Autonomous Stair Climbing for
form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) Tracked Vehicles,” International Journal of
that cools to become a strong joint, with pressure Computer Vision & International Journal
sometimes used in conjunction with heat, or by of Robotics Research -Joint Special Issue
itself, to produce the weld. on Vision and Robotics, 26(7), 737-758.
 Helmick, D., Roumeliotis, S., McHenry,
INFERENCE M., Matthies, L., 2002, “Multi-sensor, high
After its fabrication, we inferred few limitations speed autonomous climbing”, IEEE/RSJ
like large noise production while moving the Conference on Intelligent Robots and
trolley up and down the stairs. In order to reduce Systems (IROS), September. [4]. C. A.
the noise production the design of the wheel frame Mclaurin and P. Axelson, Wheelchair
is to be modified such that line passing through standards: an overview. Journal of
the mid-point of the trolley wheel should pass Rehabilitation Research and Development.
through the mid-point of the step. 27(2): 100-103, 1990.


Though this project had some limitations
regarding the strength and built of the structure, it
can be considered to be a small step forward, as
far as Stair Climbing Vehicles are concerned.
During the test run of this project, it was realized
that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider this
design for carrying heavy loads up the stairs. This
product will be well acclaimed if it can be
commercialized to suit the needs. Though the
initial cost of the project seemed to be higher but
more accurate manufacturing would shorten this.

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