GAZ5 - The Elves of Alfheim
GAZ5 - The Elves of Alfheim
GAZ5 - The Elves of Alfheim
Table of Contents
Welcome 10 AUheim ........................................................................ . .......... 2
The Histor, of Alfheim ................................................. •. .•....... .. .... • ..•..•....... S
The Elven ~y ...............................•.........................•.. • ..•..........•.••..•...... 10
Geography, Flora, and Habitars in AlIheim .......•.....................•......•..•..........•..•..•...... 16
AUheim Town ...............................•..•......................•.. • .. • .............•......... 24
The Economy of Alfheim ................. . ........................... • ...................... • ..••..... 31
Politia of the Elveo Court ............................................... • .. • ..•.. • .......... • ..•...... 3S
Personalities of Alfheim ......................•.........................• . ..•.. • ............ • •. . •.. .... 39
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WelCOMe to AlfIJeiM
Alfheim is a land renowned for irs mystc:- vided as a pull-out section for the players. t he one almost human- style cit y in
fious forests HUed with magic and for the At the OM 's discretion . cenain other Alfheim . This section should be shown to
learning and valor of its dven inhabit- parts of it can ~ shown to players in his or the player of any non-elf character who
ants . her campaign. In panicular. the " Geog· comes from the town iud£.
Alfhcim is centcred in the forest of f2ph y. Flora , and Habitats ". and "Elven " The People of Alfheim Town" de·
Canolbanh . surrounded on all sides by Society" sections can be read by the play· scribes some typical citizens of the town.
the Republic of Darokin - a former bit- ers of Aifheim·elfcharacters without par- from Guardian to tavemkeeper. Let the
ter enemy and now fast friend . Other ticularly spoiling the campaign for them . players ' chancters m~t them as they go
dose neighbors include the monster- Th is is their heritage - it is only right along .
infested Broken Lands to the north and they should have the knowledge . How- " The Economy of Alfheim " describes
WC:St, Rockhomc of the dwarves to the ever, other than the sections mentioned what economic comacts the elves have
cast, and Karameikos and the: Five Shires above. players should not read any other with the world outside their forest . Mate-
to the south. Most of Daeokin is to the panion of this book (at the OM 's discre- rial in this section should come to player
west of Alfheim. tion. additional information can be read character elves during the course of play.
This sourcebook deals with the: unique to the players as their characters learn it "The Elven Ways ofLife" describes eI-
dveo nation of Alfhc:im, describing in during the course of play). ven socie ty and the philosop hical
detail its forests, its single city, and its As a comp lete campaign reference groundings of that society. This is a muse
people - the elves , heirs to the entire book, The Elves of Alfheim offers adven. {e:1.d section of role play guidelines for
culture of the dven race. tu res and adventure componentS for players of dven characters.
Elves have: been mentioned through- characters of Basic, Expert, Companion , "The Politics of the Elven Coun " is a
out the D&I)® series of rulc:books and and Master experience levels, and gives description of how the government of
modules ; but the references have: always the OM plenty of advice for presenting Alfucim works and how they organize
bttn piecemeal. In the 0&0* game rule this material in adventure sessions . against invasion and plan for fo reign ad-
books, you learned how to roll up an elf ventures (of which they have had remark-
chancter; in another, you learned how to USiNG tlJe Elves Of AlflJeiM . ably few) .
build strongholds; and yet other books " Player Pullouts" isa removable eight·
descri~d elven nonplayer characters and
Pages45-52 in the cemerof the Gazetteer page section that contai ns guidelines to
elven life . are a removable player handout which create e1ven characters who then live in
The Elves of AlfhWn pUtS it all [0- form an introduction [0 the history and Alfheim . It also includes descriptions of
gether. You learn the long history of the culture of Alfbeim. and define the spe- Alfheim from the viewpoints of for-
elves ; you ' re given a whole new set of cial rules and procedures needed for an eigners and a glossary of terms peculiar to
spells and experience levels that your eI- elven campaign. Begin by giving this sec- Alfheim and its neighboring lands . Per-
ven chancters can attain; and you learn tion to your players. mission to photocopy this section. (wd
why the elves are like they arc (flighty and Other information presemed through- chis section alone) is given by TSR, Inc.
whimsical , fonder of trees than people , out the Gazetteer may be given to players for your usc in play.
aloof from other races) . at the OM's discretion. This information "The Personalities of the Elven Coun"
Here you'll find the unique treehouses includes: is a description of the movers and shakers
of the elves and learn how they get fro m "The History of Alfheim" which de- of the e1ven society. This section is for
branch to b~nch without every touching tails the elven odyssey from what is now OMs' eyes only.
ground. You' ll sec the social structure the southern icecap to the southern comi. "The Secrets of the Elves" is a section
that holds the elves together even as they nem land of Vulcania, to the Sylvan to explain those things that are unknown
present the appearance of anarchy to the Lands, and finally to Alfheim. It explains to anyone but those high in the councils
world outside. the role the dves inadvertantly played in of the dves. This is "need-to-know-
And here is prescnted guidelines on the downfall of the Empire of Nithia and basis" information, revelations that an
how to llS(: Alfheim as an integral pan of describes the major threat against peace elf chancter may discover during the
your campaign , whether as a place for in Alfhcim .. . the Shadowelves . course of play. Non-elf characters should
ch~ters to visit . to invade . [0 call
" Geography, FlofOl , and Habitats," always be somewhat in the dark about
home , or to spend an entire campaign . which describes how the elves live in the them unless the need for non-elf assist-
forest and what they live in. and the mag- ance is immense. Again . this section is
ical areas that arc so much a part of the initially for the OM only, to be doled out
WlJo SlJa ll Reat> "ClJiS m~ic that makes Alfheim unique. This
Wonk?------------------ as needed .
section should be shown to any player The " Advemures" section is also foe
This is primarily a reference book for the whose character comes from Alfh eim . OM 's eyes only. It dca.Js with how to run
the OM 's eyes only. Pages 4)-)2 are pro- " Alfheim Town " is a detailed look at an Alfheim campaign and provides ad-
. ,~
1:l)e ElVes Of Alfl)elM
COMMeNts - -- - -- -
Reme:mber that this source:book and the
othe:r source:books in the: se:ric=s have: be:e:n
writte:n for you to use: in your campaign
and in your own world - whethe:r it is
the official D&D® game: world or one of
your own creation. This me:ans you can
and should change: things you cannot or
do not wish to uSC: before: making this Ga-
uttee:r a part of your pe:rsonal D&Dit
game world.
Do you want your elves to stick with
the: basic 10 kvels of e:xpe:rie:ncd Do you
not wane to worry about magic spots and
twiste:d magic? Would you ramer your
e1ve:s we:re bitter enemies of dwarves? It's
your book now - k«p what you want,
change what you need to; but most of all,
have fun with it.
A FINal Note - - - - - -
This Guette:e:r assumes that the: dves in
an Alfheim campaign have not yet ac·
complished the quest of The Tree of Life:
(eM 7). If that adventure has been ac-
complished successfully, there will be dif.
ferences in Alfheim. For one, the: Sylvan
Re~m will be a vi:able (:albeit disum) thank Bruce A. He:ard for The Tree of Life and Aaron Allston for his delineation of
force :again, and , twO, the motiv:ations of (CM7). which provided the first clues to the elves of The Grand Duchy of Kara-
the elven Fe:adiel clan will probably the long wandering history of the elves. meikos (GAZI), and the dwarven atti-
change. and for The Principalities of Glantn , tude roward elves in The DW2rves of
(GAZ3), which introduced flamenco Rockhome Gazelteer. Finally, there is
J<ullos - - - - - - -- elves. ugacy of Blood (CM9) from (ahem)
We also want to thank Michael Dobson Steve Perrin and K:atherine Kerr to give
M:any other D&~ game produCls have for Red Arrow, Black Shield (XIO), which some more hints on the situation on the
been instrumental in Cleating this GaZet- established the population, kings' Alfheim-Darokin borders.
teer. Besides the basic information pro- names, and military might of Alfheim,
vided in the rulebooks, we would like to
, , .~ .,
HistORY Of Alf1J€iM
The elves of Alfheim have an advantage rains and would not leave. Steppes thar lay berween the Altan Tepe
over the citizens of other lands. They live Those elves who were nor lost in the Mountains and the Rockhome moun-
much longer and arc thus closer to their Rain of Fire met again in the land once tains. Neither man, halfling nor dwarf
own history. Their version of their own called Grunland, in what men now call wanted these bartt=n lands, bur wise
history is closer to the truth than that of the southern cominent. Yeot even there Mealiden s.llw their promise.
most other nations in the D&D® game was the blasphemy of Blackmoor to be The wizards of rhe dves pthered to-
world. felc. Undaunted by rhe punishment of gether. For years, great ceremonies were
Still. discrepancies between fact and che gods, falsdy wise elves of chat place performed. Finally. the earth movec/, the
legend have crept in, even though the wished co concinue practice of those vile scormc1ouds Str2yed from their customary
elves have only gone through six com- arts which had brought Evergrun low. pach ... and the waters of heaven poured
plete generations (defined as when every- Ilsundal. wisest of our Forebears, inco Alfheim.
one alive at the stan of a generation is would not hear them. He gathered co- The hungry soil drank all the water and
dead before the next commences) since gether the faithful - chose who knew the the planes grew not. Again, the ceremo-
explorers from Blackmoor first contacted ways of their grandfathers :lnd would not nies were performed and the soil drank
their original land of Evergrun. listen to corrupted S:lges - and led them and again the plants grew not. Yet a third
northward to the wild continent. When time the wiZ:2rds chanted and the dven
As tl)" Elv"s ~" 1I1t - -- - Evergrun was in irs glory, there had been folk prayed. When the rains came once
only the snows ofwinter in this wild land, more, the thirsty soil was surfeited and
Long before men had words, elves grew bur cales now cold ofsun and grass and ... then at last the plants grew.
grear in the wondrous land of Evergrun. tr~. Now it came to pass thar others were
Tall were the trees of Evc:rgrun, and The coils and travails of thar long jealous of our new forest. But we knew
bountiful were its forests. Our wild march were great, and the losses to our mankind weJJ by now and were ready for
brothers pve us good sport and honored people terrible. Nevertheless. they found treachery. Our archers knew their marks
us with their deaths on our arrows. There a hir. forested land in the north and sec- and the new forest betrayed the invaders
we first Jearned ehe way of the forest and ded there. calling it the Sylvan Realm. at every step. We held the forest against
how to share ehe forese's bounty with all And then IIsundal became an Immor- a// inv.llders umil man. dwarf, and half.
of its peoples. We were content. tal Paragon, a god of the elves whose love ling acknowledged the foresr to be ours.
But in far land - a world away, theevil for his people was so gre:lc thar he lefr us Now we are great among the nations,
empire of Blackmoor grew and reached the Trt=t= of Lift=. The fair Sylvan Realm though unlike our neighbors, we do not
our its tentacles to embrace all hands. grew great under the branches of th:ll sa- meddle in others' affairs. Our armies are
When the fat merchant-priests of BI:2ck- cred cree. feared everywhere. Since the Sylvan
moor arrived on the shores of Evergrun. Bur there came :l time after many tt=ns Realm was stolen from elven dominion.
the dven people were amazed and de- ofsprings when the Sylv2tl l:lnd could no we are now the true home of the elves of
lighted. In our foolishness, we we/comed longer hold all the hunrers and all the tbe world.
chem with open arms. magics of the dyes. Looking out of the
Bur the men of Blackmoor sold more sheltering forest, the elves found too
than goods.· They sold ideas - bright
As tl)" I MMORtals aN!> tl)"
many hum:lns and their earth-slaying DUNGeON M a st"R KNOW It-
ideas whose core was corruption. The wis- fidds surrounding rhe forest. Another
dom ofthe elven sages was overcome with path from the Sylvan Realm would have When Blackmoor was young, the elvt=s
these ideas and they began to practice the co be found for our pioneers. were old. Somt= 5,000 yt=us ago, cIvt=n
black arts raught by these interlopers And from amongst the wisest of our civilization sprang up on rht= orner sidt= of
ftom afar. le:lders, there came Mealiden Starwatcher tht= world from Blackmoor, nearly 2,000
The products of these arts were indeed who found the Path of the R:linbow. He yt=ars before Blackmoor became great.
fair, bur the practice of them was foul. gathered about him those clans who The cIvt=n civilization originally devel-
They turned the forests of Evergrun inro would seek :l new l2tld and prayed to II- opro in a southern contint=nt that now
Foulness. The wisest amongst us fled far sundal for guidance. To e:lch clan, IIsun- sits under the southern polar icecap.
from those foul arts, seeking lands un- dal gave a daughter of the One '.free co While the land (then known as Evergrun)
taimed by the vileness of Blackmoor - become that clan's uee of life. Thus was forest-oriented as elvt=n leg-
and by that was the dven race saved. gifted, Mealiden led the elves over the end would have it, tht= slow but stt=ady
Soon, the gods stepped down and pun- Rainbow Path to their new home. growth of its population caused urban-
ished Evergrun with the Rain of Fire, AJas, the new-found home was also ization (city building) to occur.
even as BI:2ckmoor was punished. The full of forest-slaying hum:lns. Un- As tht= elves used their great magics to
earth moved with the sun and the moon, d:lunred. the clans moved ever north- build their culture to its peak (around
and the ice came down from the moun- w:lrd, until they found the barren 3500 y~ ago). they also began t=Xplor-
OJ" Histony Of AlflJeiM
elves fled northward. Some stopped in ever-mare-hazardous method of travd as '0/" BiRtl) aND Histony Of
what is now Karameikos and bttame the monsters and others discovered the route AlflJ"iM 'LOWN - - - - - -
Calarii dven clan (See The Grand Duchy and claimed ponions of it for their own
of Karameikos Gazetteer), but most use. Alfheim Town is an anomaly in the dven
stop~d in the wind-torn steppes of what A thousand years after Mealiden's jour- forest - a flaw in the uniform fabric of
is now Alfheim. ney, the advent of Moorkroft, an evil hu- giant trees and gloomy forest floor. The
The surrounding human tribes let man wizard, destroyed the dven culture town was not part of the original forest
them stay, certain that the elves would in Sylvan Realm. A pitiful few survivors plan, but was built upon results of an ac·
starve and wither in that forbidding of the Feadiel clan fled to Alfheim on the cidem occuring during the beast man in-
place. BU[ Mealiden had a vision from 11- Rainbow path with a branch of the origi- vasion, 4')0 years ago.
sundal (mostly as described above in the nal Tree of Life-incidemally letting
elf-eye view of history). The dven wizards more monsters into the passage. 'C1]e Beast MaN INvasiON - - - -
went to work. Eanh which had rarely In Alfheim, the refugees' former It has been nearly 4')0 years since the
tasted rain before was suddenly filled to brothers wdcomed the newcomers and magic-user lIIodious sought to conquer
excess and the plants bloomed. mourned the Sylvan Realm with them. the magical Canolbanh forest. In his
Elven plant wizards were ready. Scrub quest for immortality, Illodius opened
oak grew and flourished. Water-starved 'C1]e GeNealOGY Of me I<iNC;S Of portals into another plane and brought
steppes plants suddenly changed and A/f1]eiM thtough his army of monstrous beast-
adapted almost overnight. In a few cen- Doriath is the fourth king of Alfbeim and men. His goal was to take control of sev-
turies' time, the steppes became a forest has sat on the throne for about 300 years . eral of the forest's reknowned magic
... the Canolbarth. At the same time, d- He will be king for another 200 years at pockets and use them to aid his spell re-
ven adventurers stole through human least, and is listed as being king during search, part of his path to becoming a
lands to bring back forest animals to the the Great War (see XlO). He is not of Paragon. Tens of thousands of the beast
Canolbanh. "royal" blood, but happened to be the people came through to be challenged by
Mealiden became the fif'S[ king of the most qualified former adventurer when the dven army. To the dves' dismay, their
elves of Alfheim. Through Ilsundal 's gifts the previous king died. traditional tactics of harrassment, confu-
and Mealiden's own effortS, the king of Celedryl of the Erendyl clan, preceded sion and assault on the rear echdons
the dves became a Paragon and eventu· Doriath and sat for 600 years on the failed, for the beast men were firmly
ally attained Immortality in the Sphere of throne. During his reign the elves made based from their own plane through the
Energy. It is said that he sits at Ilsundal's peace with Darokin, Alfheim Town was portal, and their numbers allowed a
back and guards his predecessor while II· founded, the Feadid clan arrived from sturdy front through which the dves
sundal guards his people. the Sylvan Realm, and the Shadowdves could not penetrate.
This time was also the start of the de· first appeared. The greedy rulers of Darokin saw the
cline of the Nithian empire. I1sundal Alevar of the Grunalf clan was king be- impotency of the dves against these f~s
knew of the Immortals' curse on that un- fore Cdedryl and ruled the dves for 4')0 and decided to pounce on Alfheim. The
happy land (see The Emirates of Ylarum Army of the Republic ctossed the tredine
years. His predecessor was Mealiden Red
Gazetteer), and his part of the curse di· Arrow, who led the Chossom, Erendyl, for what it bdieved would be its last and
verted much of what had made the Long Runner and Grunalf clans to finally triumphant march against the
Nithims great towards his children, the Alfheim and founded both the Red Ar· dves.
dves. row and Mealidil clans. In the face of disaster, the magic-users
The surrounding humans were imme- of Alfheim had what has been called their
diately covetous of this newly fertile land, ReceNt Annivals aNi> finest hour. Operating from a point far to
but the elves were determined to stay on Depantunes----------------- the rear of the dven lines, they opened
the land they had created. For centuries yet another portal into the beast man
they staved off invasions of humans, orcs, The Feadiels arrived rdativdy recently, world. Hetoically conjuring while fight-
dwarves, md others. At long last, they about 400 years ago, fleeing the conquest ing off beast man guards, they cast mag-
of the Sylvan Kingdom. The Erendyl clan
made accommodations with the humans,
befriending druids and allying with the split 300 years ago, with the Erewan fac-
ics that closed Illodious's pte spell and
recalled his army from Alfheim. Falling
folk ofDarokin (who had previously been tion moving to Glantri. back to Alfheim, the dven wizards then
the most insistent invaders) and the peo· dosed their own gate. With the beast
pie other surrounding realms. men dispatched, the dves turned on the
The lands of the Sylvan Realm and Darokinians and drove them from the
Alfheim grew apan, separated by incred· forest with great human losses.
ible distances. The Rainbow became an One lasting result of Illodious's magic
was to strip the forest for a large stretch of though they now preferred the darkness). Celedryl rallied the dans of Alfheim
ground. Although this made it suitable They wanted to live on the sumce like together and with the disciplined legions
for normal cultivation , the magic of the these other elves , but not in the largely of their new ally Darokin, the shadow·
forest would have to be renewed here to shaddcss Broken lands. The once leg· elves were repulsed in the Broken lands
allow the regrowth of the Sentinel and endary sun was a very real presence, harsh and were seen no more.
Home trees. on their pale skin and light-sensitive eyes. Within a century. the insidious shad·
For some time, e1ven leaders had been owelves tunneled their way to a wilder·
considering the construction of a trading Avoiding the humans (whom they still ness area in Darokin just outside the bor-
post. Although trade with human coun- hated for causing the Rain of Fire) they ders of Alfheim. They began to infiltrate
tries was lucrative for all concerned, it had stole their way into the shadowy trails of Alfheim, learning their enemies' ways.
the undesirable side effect of human Alfheim and approached King Celedryl. This was a mistake. Some infiltrators
merchant panies scouring the forest look- Initially, Cdedryl was happy to welcome came to sec the basic generosity and
ing for bargains and rich goods. Each year the shadowdves [Q Alfheim. ((nain that friend liness of the surface elves and ques·
this became increasingly disruptive [Q the he could find space for them, until he dis· tion their leaders' policies. Finally one
e1ven peace. covered that the Shadowelf population spy broke the silence and revealed all to
The solution was to use the lands was equal to that of all of Alfheim . an Alfheim Clanmaster.
scarred by IlIodious as a market place. Moreover, these shadowelves de· Ccledryl quickly purged the shado-
Thus was born Alfheim Town - within manded reparations for their long neglect welves named by the turncoat, but un-
Alfheim, but isolated from e1ven society. in the tunnels beneath the Broken Lands. known others escaped. The elven court is
These long.lost brethern demanded moce now watchful, but the insidious influ·
'Cl)e Sl)aOOwelves - - - - than half the land of Alfheim ... and ence of the shadowelves is everywhere. It
leadership of the country. is a sad fact that the elvC$ cannot truSt
No look at of the hiStory of Alfheim is The shadowclves left no room for de· other elves, even in Alfbeim and rumors
complete without discussing the greateSt bate or compromise. Celedryl and the have it that both the Chossum and Eren·
current enemy to the nation of Alfheim, Clanmasters refused their demands. The dyl dans contain Shadowclves.
the Shadowdves of the Broken Lands. shadowdves returned to the Broken
Before the Rain of Fire, an e1ven colony Lands, thrc:iltening war.
resided in what is now the Broken Lands.
To avoid disaster they burrowed deeply
into the eanh and created an under.
ground refuge. uke the dves who created
Alfheim, these refugees returned to the
sylvan ways of their ancestors. They culti·
vated the fungus that grew so abundantly
in the nether regions and created new
forms to suit their needs.
Periodically, they tunneled to the sur-
face and found themselves in the Broken
lands. Convinced the entire world
looked like this. they went back to their
subterranean fungus forests.
Soon they JUSt stopped looking and
settled intO a dark age of more than a
thousand years. It was a new generation
of buried elves who next looked out upon
the Broken Lands.
From a group of captured humans. the
shadowdves (as they had come [Q call
themselves) learned of a rich world occu-
pied by men, dwarves, halflings and
other dves.
Even the concept of other dves who
had willingly left their brethren to suffer
in darkness outraged the shadowelves (al-
'ClJe ElveN Way
a radically different attitude [Qward the they don ' t always work.
'Co be aN Elf iN Alf/JeiM - -
passage of time and the accomplishment Halflings. If there is a race that the
Elves are not merdy humans with pointy of tasks. elves truly like , it is the halflings. The
t:2fS. Nor act: they mankind's noble It is difficult for the long-lived elves 10 short folk seem to have an elf. like joie-de-
woodland pals - they would resent even understand why something needs to be vivre, even without having elf-like lives.
the implicuion of either. If anything. done immediately ... or next week ... or True, the halflings ue entirely tOO tied up
they :m: a rue of bdngs whose existence is even next year. They know that they will in taming the land rather than living with
totally alien to aU that we understand as probably be around to finish any projee[ it. but that is obviously the influence of
human . Once the most advanced and they stan, so a project stan is often de· the humans. If halflings had the proper
powerful bdngs in the world , their race layed and something that would have influence of elves uound, they would
has been in slow decline for over four taken a dwarf or human a week at most to probably ~ good foresters. It's a pity
thousand years. complete may take an elf years [Q finish. about that human influence though.
To understand what it is to be an elf, Yet despite maligning by dwarves and HUlll2RS. Elves are often in awe of hu-
read this section. Then, let the players of other short· lived races, elves can be in- mans. That shorr·lived beings can
dven charuters read it. They will learn dustrious. They work with intensity on achieve such skills with magic and weap·
what an dflearns as he or sh e grows up in projects that interest them, but other ons amazes the elves. Yet it is amazement
Alfheim. tasks. even important ones such as find· mixed with fear, for the elves still remem-
ing food, ue treated as games. ber tales of Blackmoor, of wrongful tech-
ElveN P/Jilosop/JY - - -- The elves fed that merriment makes nology ... and the punishment of the
chores more pleasing. They would rather Rain of Fire, all brought on by humans. It
The core of dven philosophy revolves
spend an entire day making a game of pick- happened once, it will happen again.
around two key precepts - their belief Humans now like to think of elves as
ing just thrtt nuts off each tree than to sim,
that the natural state of the world is forest their friends. Yet given the choice , elves
ply find one bearing tltt and methodically
and their centuries· long natural life would choose not to deal with humans.
strip it of nuts. In the forest, food is every·
spans. When they d o deal with humans, they
where, bUl fun is where you find it.
are often aloof, distant, even insulting ,
And to For~t Shall All Return ...
ElveN Anitubes 'Cowan!>s expressing pity in a negative way; atti·
To dyes , :lll the world should be forest.
tudes which mask the e1ven feu and dis-
Their his[Qry describes the terrible trage- Ot/J~n Races - - - - - -
trUSt of this prolific, powerful, and
dies that resulted when they tried their Dwarves. Elves do not understand the unpredictable race.
hand at technology, and they want no dwarven work ethic or the dwarven need Orcs. Orcs hate elves, elves hate orcs
more of thu. Elven society centers on this to create only things that last, JUSt as the (though the cosmopolitan elves of AI-
yeuning for Stability in the foresL dwarves cannot comprehend the dven fheim Town have learned to tolerate what
As a result, clearing forest (except for need for the emphemeral pleasures of they think of as "their" orcs). Records in
good forestry) is abhorrent to them. De- hunting and playing. In essence , there the Mealidor Library suggest that the mu-
stroying trees merely to cultivate ridicu· erim between elf and dwarf a deep mis- tual hatred predates even the oral tradi·
lous little plants is sacri lege. Even those understanding resulting from total racial tion of history.
elf adventurers who settle among humans
incompatibility. Wherever elves go, it seems that orcs
tend to grow wild-looking orchards, This results in dwarven raids against soon follow (or vice versa). Some scholars
rather than till fields. the dven forest (primarily the Thorn soci, believe the orcfelf struggle may have cos·
Elves prefer to live in the outdoors, ety, see The DW2rves ofRockhome v-net- mic significance. In all likelihood, the
camping under the sky with only leaves teer) and snide remarks whenever elves truth lies buried under the southern polar
and branches between them and the and dwarves meet in controlled social set· ice cap in what was once Evergrun , the d·
Stars. Frequently they sleep in trees (in tings. Nevertheless, rare elf/dwarf ven homeland.
their houses or ju st wedged into a friendships do occur ~tween advenrurers
branch's fork) whue they can see the from both races when they are able to
night Stars. Elves have no empathy for Elv~s aNI> Wan - - - - -
break through the walls of stereotypes.
dwarves , halflings, and humans who pre- Gnomes. To dves , gnomes are more Elves love the hunt , but they have little
fu burrows, or homes of cold stone and reasonable than dwarves. Gnomes like liking for war. They consider war a hu·
dead wood . the forest , work with things other than man invention , even the orcs learned it
rock and metal , have a lot of from them. When elves must fight , they
Time imagination , and a sense of humor. fight with a hunter's tactics. in what they
Contrary to popular human myth , elves Moreover, gnomish inventions never fail call "Huma dei e1ar" or "The Greastest
are not naturally immortal. Yet with an to fascinate and amuse the elves ... even if of Hunts."
average life-span of 800 years. elves have
'OJ" ElveN Way
So elves make weapons and goods that The Wanderer's Path among the forest elves, and are virtually
are uKful in the hunt. QnJy the elven A very few young elves, however. feel indistinguishable from them at first.
/ongsword, borne by the mightiest Wat- the n~d to affect their world . Some are Though they rarely go adventuring, they
riors. is made exclusively for warfare - drawn to the outside. These become ad- advance in skill beyond their brothers
and it is copied from human instruments venturers, the elves who venture OUt and sisters, for theirs is path of study and
of destruction. among humans and other demi-humans. lore, learning the greater magics and se-
Elves attack like hunters. Silently. they They are said to have chosen the W.ander- crets of the elves and 2.SSuming the even
stalk their foes, attack suddenly with ar- er's P.ath. Player character elves:ue drawn greater responsibilities that accompanies
rows, then fade into hiding. With the aid from these venturesome wanderers. that lore. In Alfheim, both physical and
of elven horses, their units move with un· These elves, called "Wanderers," :ue political power rests with the Clanmasters
o:pected speed. snibng rapidly, recreat- believed throwbacks to e1ven.k.ind's glory and 1i~keepers . One of the paradoxes of
ing. suilcing again and again. days when elves eould Live anywhere in e1veD 50Ciety is that to be a leader. one
"Huma dei dar" is a serious roam:! to the world. Though honored as heroes, must think more like a human and less
elves. since it means protecting what they the last vestiges of elven potency, they are like an elf.
believe in. They are irregular troopS, but also disdained by forest elves who do not Even so, most Clan Holders and the
their monIe is high and their expertise understand them. royalty of Alfheim are former wanderers,
with their chosen weapons surpasses all These wanderers return to Alfheim at elves who have learned to deal with the
but the best trained troops among the irregul:u intervals (often when in need of outside. Their brothers wisely chose to
humans. extensive rest or healing) llnd are usually give such dealings into the hands of those
In the forestS of Alfheim they ate virtu- hailed as heroes. Youn'ger elves listen to who have experience with the outside
ally invincible. Outside their nation they their tales of adventures and older elves to world. But, when policy with the outside
are superb, but they always remember their reporo of happenings in the outside world affects the well-being of Alfheim
that they are not defending their home- world. In this way. e1ven clans keep itself, it is the Clanmasters who must
land . and are willing to give up someone abreast of news in the world and Clln plan speak and give consent.
else's ground i.n order to pr~rve them- their responses to world affairs.
selves to defend their homeland. After a century or so of wandering, ClaN aNI> FaMily 1:1". - - -
young elves often feel the call of the forest
and come home to stay, to build their do- Humans can be said to have their first loy-
GItOWIN" Up ElveN - - - - alty to their immediate family (father,
minions. plant their Trees of life and es-
Elves live naturally to between 600 and tablish Strongholds. mothet, spouse and children), then to
800 years old. A very few have reached This one-century deadline is not a their extended family, and finally to their
1000 years old; and more have died of hard-and-fast limit . Most wllnderers set- political organization. Elves have no such
disease or violent deaths before their tle down after adventuring for a few dec- hierarchy. Elven loyalty is to their clan
600th binhday. ades, while some seek adventure for alone. Even the e1ven king has no real
Elves take about 20 years to grow to full centuries. Some are tOtally seduced by claim on the loyalry of his subjects,
size, then have a free-spirited "adoles- the thrill of adventuring and never come though a charismatic king gains loyalty
cence" of about 80 years. During this back to stay, while others attempt to es- through the sheet force of his personality.
time, an elf chooses one of three paths to tablish new e1ven strongholds in other Elves are proud of their ancestors and
walk in his or her future life. parts of the world . tell long stories of their exploits. Yet an
These dven "colonies" frequently fail. elrs attachment to his actual parents is
The forest Path The modern world seems resistant to the very short.
Most young elves stay in AJfheim (or expansion of elves outside of Alfheim. Infant elves (between binh llnd when
wherever their clan resides) and follow Nevenhdess, a few have been successful they are weaned at about three years of
the Forest P:uh. They concentrate on in so far as they are still in operation a few age) are rare at any given time. There
learning their homeland 's trails and ways centuries after their establishment. One might be four in a clan of 1,000. Once
and have no interest in the world outside instance of this is the Erewan clan of weaned, they are raised in common by
their forest. They live OUt their 600 + Glantri. Whether these clans can con- the entire dan. By the time they are 12
years in the forest, learn to hum and fight tinue for many centuries has yet to be years old, they are considered old enough
llnd act as pan of the elf militia. Since seen. to panicipate in the duties of the dan.
they rarely put themselves in danger, even though they do not have their full
elves who follow the forest Path rarely ad- The Leader's P:uh growth.
vance beyond 4th or 5th level ability. The third path that elves follow is that Though the lack of direct parental care
Their life style is one of endless hunting, which leads to the positions of C/ seems cold and impersonal. it is not.
gathering, crafting, and playing. rer and Treekeeper. These elves stay Children are sufficiently rare that any
child is loved and nurtured by the entire many of adoption which makes the elf a often expressed as disdain. The wanderer
clan. The child has hundreds of fathers member of the new clan, and he then elves are in the position of the profes-
and mothers. He matures mostly becau~ owes his allegiance to that dan. sional soldier of any race, wooed and
he is always associating with adults. Even It is also possible for an elf to renounce made much of when war threatens, but
though he has very few peers his own age membership in any clan. The King of swept under the rug when peace is at
with which to associate and reinforce Alfheim must doso, as do members of his hand.
childish behavior. those few of his "gen- family and any ministers he appoints to Wanderers often distinguish them-
enrioo" arc like brothers and sisters. his COUrt. Others do so Out of rebellion selves from other dves by we2.l"ing the
Still, this loss of the "joys of child- against the dan system, or perhaps to es- clothing of othet realms.
hood" is no loss at all, since the usual d- tablish their own clan. Scattered among
veo adult existence consists of endless the forests of Alfheim are many such Townsfolk
wandering about the forest, hunting, lesser dans. They rardy number more This term is reserved for the residents of
gathering food, engaging in elaborate than a hundred elves, nor do they have Alfheim Town. The elves of the town
games, and making beautiful art; not ter- their own Tree of ufe, so they must owe a consist of the royal court, · many former
ribly far removed from an idealized child- strained allegiance to another dan to gain adventurers and the failed adventurers,
hood. the blessings of that clan's Tree. (sec "Se- elves who have returned to the arms of
crets" section). Alfheim but cannot fit themselves back
LOVE aNI) ROMaNCE - - - into the clan structure they left. In AI-
Social ClaSSES - - - - - - fheim Town they can try to find the best
Pan of the ephemerality of the relation- of both worlds - the presence of elves
ship between an elf and his parents is the Elven society is officially classless, with and yet the bustling activity of an outside
tOtal lack of permanence in all dven rela- even the royalty being but first among world city.
tionships. When compared with humans equals. In actuality, there are real differ- Townsfolk commonly wear a sort of
who often have trouble staying married ences in the various levels of dven society. transition-style of clothing, midway be-
for as long as 20 years, it should be no sur- tween elven forester styles and those of
prise that few dven couples manage to Royalty' Adventurers other cultures.
stay mated for much longer. The most distinctive class among the
Even though elves are very patient, and elves are the members of the Royal Clarunasters
very fond of the philosophy that every- House. The king is an ex-adventurer who The Clanmasters are the principal nobil-
thing will work out, few e1ven rdation- has returned to Alfheim to serve his peo- ity of Alfheim. There are two ranks of
ships last more than a century. Thus, an ple. When the current king feels that he Clanmasters: those who tule the seven
drs parentS may change mates, and has few decades left, or the country is in a clans of Alfheim, and those who govern
likdy dans, several times during his life. situation in which the king might be the lesser clans scattered throughout the
It is easier for him to owe his first loyahy killed in W2.l", the Clan Council looks forest.
to the dan, rather than his physical par- among possible candidates to find a re- Theoretically, all Clanmasters are
ents. placement. The children of the current members of the Clan Council. In fact,
Because of the rdative fraility of dven king 2.l"e considered for their acquaint- only the major clan Clanmasters are the
relationships, there is no institution of ance with politics and administration, tuling body which make most of the deci-
marriage, as such, in Alfheim. Stories of but no king of Alfheim has ever been suc- sions for the Council. The rest of the
elves who stayed mated to one another for ceeded by his child. Clanm~ters are called in to support the
centuries abound in dven songs, but only Only former wanderers are seriously decisions of the main council.
because the situation is so rem2.l"kable. considered for this position because they Clanmasters are the final arbiters of the
Elves do wed humans from time to have had experience in the outside world clan's policies. The actual day-to-day gov-
time according to the rules of a human and have a working knowledge of how ernance of a clan is usually left to the Clan
land they live in, and these bondings of. the outside world works. Neither the nor· Holders.
ten last the lifetime of the human, but for mal gatherer dves nor the Treekeepers Clanmasters are never wanderers. They
an df this is no more than the time any have the necessuy feel for non-dven soci- are usually the oldest elves in their clans,
serious liaison might last. ety that is required to help their nation but sometimes do not exceed 6th level in
survive among the humans and other their abilities.
ClaN AllEGiaNCE - - - - - demi-humans. A Clan Master commonly wears the
The wanderers arc the heroes of traditional garb of his clan. This makes
An elfs allegiance can change over his Alfheim. At the same time, the stay-at-
lifespan as well, as implied above. If a for colorful Clan Council meetings with
homes have a certain fear of the adventur- forester-garbed Grunalfs, robed Meali-
member of the Mealidil clan wishes to ous members of the community, a fear
join the Red Arrow clan, there is a cere- dils, hunt-clothed Long Runners, at-
mored Red Arrows, Coots-garbed Eren- clan), researchers into magic (Long Run- year as a Treekeeper, and High
dyls, formal Chossums, and leaf. ncr Clan), and researchers into the ge- Treekeepers gain about 10,000. Thus, a
trimmed Feadie/s. neology and protection of Trees of Life young Treekeeper takes about 200 years
(Clan Feadiel). to become lOth level. After 500 years, an
Treekeepers There are six High Treekeepers, each in assistant has about 1,500,000 XP and is a
The 'lleekeepers are the custodians of the charge of one of the Mother Trees. Each 13th level elf magic user. At this time, he
Trees cfLife. There ace six Motheruees in High Treekeeper has several Treekeepers might become the High Treekeeper and
Alfheim, each an independent avatar of as assistants. Smaller clans may have only progress until he dies at age 800 or so as a
llsundal. The Feadid dan tree is a seed- one Treekeeper, or even a human druid, 20th level elf magic-user. See the "EIven
ling of the Mother tret': of the Sylvan taking care of their Tree of Life. Secrets" section for more details on elven
Realm, and dependent on that tree for Treekeepers are never wanderers. How- magical progression.
continuance (see eM7 and [he "Elven Se- ever, many study magic so intently that Most Treekeepers dress formally, wear-
crets" section). they climb high in their magical abilities. ing robes similar [Q the fashion brought
The Treekeepers aft~ the high priests of They have the skills of high-level magic- with them from their original home.
the dven race. They are responsible for using elves, even though their fighting
maintenance of the elves link with the abilities may be significantly less. Clan Holders
immonal Ilsundal. They also serve many A Treekeeper is in a constant "strug- Clan Holders are the only other elven
mher functions, which often depend on gle" with the Tree of Life as he uses the leaders who are often adventurers. These
their particular clan. In Alfheim they can Tree to benefit his dan. Assistant folk are wanderers who have gone out,
serve as custodians of history (Mealidil Treekeepers gain about 3,000 XP every gained great ability and treasure, and re-
10is .. ..... ..... . .. . ..... . . . . ........ ....... ........... . - il.t
~!)e ElvEN way
turned to start their own stronghold have at least a set of leather armor for war- same cavalier attitude toward the facts
(called a holding) within one of the major fare and hunting major monsters. that the songsmiths do. Their tales are
dans (or sometimes their own miniature compilations of historical figures doing
clan). Crafters fantastic things at anachronistic times .
A Clan Holder is often responsible for This is not really a separate class among Non·e1ves whose lives become me sub·
the founding of a stronghold and is re- the elves, as every elf is a craftsman to ject of e1ven songs don't realize what the
sponsible for governing it. In many dans, some degree. No elf can look at a piece of elves are doing with these songs and sto-
the Clan Holder actS like an executive of. leather without thinking about carving or ries. They JUSt get upset because the songs
fieer in a military establishment - he di- dyeing it , or both. Wood is to be grown and stories don't correlate to the facts
rects day-to-day activities in his holding, until it is ready, then carved. Stones are to they know.
but lets the Clmmuter handle policy de- be cut and polished until they gleam. But the elves know that everything that
cisions. All elves have th~ thoughts as they has happened will take place again -
Not all Clan Holders are this responsi. look at the world, but the natural elven with just a change of cast. If what they
ble:. Some just like the fame of founding procrastination means that much leather sing about hasn't occurred yet - "jUSt
a holding . Thercutcr, they virtually ig- remains half-carved or half-dyed, stones wait," they say, "it will."
nore the governance of the clan alto- sit gathered in a pouch waiting for the
gether. Some don 't even live in their mood to strike, and an elrs life path is ReliGiON IN Alf!)elM - - -
stronghold. Adventurer dyes have re- full of pieces of wood that have been
turned to Alfhcim, started a new holding picked up, whittled at until a new inter· MoSt e1ven religious life in Alfheim is tied
and left again for more adventuring. In est cune along, to be dropped along the to worship of the first e1ven Immonal, II-
th~ cases, the Clanrnastcc appoints a way. sundal. Some elves, especially in the
temporary Clan Holder. Even half·dooe, many of th~ items Mealidil clan, extend their worship to
Some wanderer elves start a strong- ate still beautiful. What an elf considers Mealiden, who followed IIsundal's path
unfinished, many humans considet com- to Immortality.
hold, leave again, come back to :act as a
Clan Holder for a century Of so, and then plete, and pay handsomely for them. I1sundal first led the elves back to the
go adventuring again . Many a wealthy human shows off his col- sylvan culture they had abandoned dur-
Since many dan Holders are adventur- lection of elf·art to elven associates who ing the days of Blackmoor's glory. Then,
ers, they often wear the fashions of a are [00 polite to mock the inadequacy of as part of his path to Immortality, he cre-
dozen other nations, often mixed hap- the work. "This needed :mothercenrury," ared the first Tree of Life (actually an ava-
haZllrdly with traditional elven garb. is a common, but unexpressed, judge- tat of Ilsundal).
ment in such cases. The e1ven detics are the neekeepers,
Gatherers Elves like all crafts. Many specialize in though there is little difference between
The gatherer elves are the backbone of songwriting, or singing, or woodcarving, them and their non·deric elven brethren.
Alfheim, the followers of the Forest Path . or embroidery, or stonecutting. Many As stated elsewhere , many elven magics
They hunt and gather for their clans and elves often finish projects - largely be· ate used by human druids or normal cler·
maintain the watch on the forest against cause they are doing them to pay for food ics, and the Treekeepers concenmne on
enemies and monsters. Some become or to trade for the products of other dven those spells as they develop their powers.
craftsmen and forego much of the hunt- crafts. Many contracts take a decade to The Treekeeper path to magic is called
ing and gathering, but even the crafts- fulfill, but this is an incredible case of the W.ay of the 1Iee. The other path to
man who spends weeks at a time working stick·to-it-ivness in terms of elf percep- magic skill is called the W.ay of the Book.
o n, for instance, weapons, drops his tools tIOns. There are several temples to other reli·
and joins his comrades when a major Elves prefer to create their own songs, gions in Alfheim town, and some wan·
hum is called or the saftey of the holding which are generally historical in nature derer elves develop allegiances to other
is threatened. and thus a pan of all elves - so all elves Immortals they have encountered evi-
Elves embuking on gathering expedi- know them. Elven songsmiths often work dence of in their travels, but reverence to
tions dress in what is commonly called on human and dwarven stories and the Ilsundal remains the primary religion of
"forester garb," relatively tight leather songs of whales and dragons and weave Alfheim.
garments that cover all the elf but his them into fanciful tales of events that
head and hands to keep his skin from be- never happened, yet partake of events ~!)E ElVES aNt> DEat!) - - -
ing cut by bark and thorns. from all around the world and all through The elves consider death to be pan of the
Huming elves tend to discard sleeves history. This confuses dwarves com- G reat Cycle. It comes to all beings, even
and leggings to be able to run unhin- pletely, but humans and halflings love elves. It is to be accepted - when it
dered in torso coverings (frequently a tu- them. comes in a timely fashion, after an elf has
nic, vest, and short news) only. All elves Storytellers unong the elves have the had his 600·1,000 years of living.
'CI)~ EI V~ N Way
However, elves abhor carlydcath. They to that which they can hold in their accidents or ignorance, arc punishable by
accept it as inevitable in some ways, but hands. Land and other people are there work reparations - or exile if a pattern of
they do what they can [Q avoid it. In reo for all. carelessness is proven.
sponse to this, they accept into their soci. Even clan ownership is nebulous. The Unlike most other nations, the elves
ety human clerics who have the ability to clans of Alfheim each have a territory, bur usc magic to pursue and punish wrong-
t'2i~ dC2d. Any cleric with this ability exact borders arc fanciful at beSt, and doers. Witnesses in a trial are automati-
who wishes [0 live in Alfheim must swear there arc holdings ofFeadiel and Mealidil cally probed with ESP by several magic
to provide this serviCl~: to anyone the King within miles of one another in the middle users at once (to ensure truthfulness), and
or the Guardian of Alfhcim Town so des· of Long Runner territory. However, other wizards stand ready to use dis~1
ignates - fr~ of charge. Alfheim remains the nation of elves be- magic on any mindmask the witneSS may
Most forest elves au: unaware that a cause its citzens all agree they want this use . The elves have no sense of privacy
l'2isc dead spell is possible. and do not separate land, not because every individ- here; they fec! that any right thinking elf
know of the regul:uion. ual elf wants to protect his personal land. would want the ESPused so that the truth
They defend their land because it belongs can be known.
CRiME! aNb PUNisl}MENt - - to all clans in Alfheim. Although judgement is often hard on
foreigners, elveS arc reluctant to kill elven
Respect for others is a deeply ingrained Crimes malefactors, though an insane murderer
dyeD value. For this reason, they have Elves consider the following acts to be or tOially amoral personality is considered
never established a rigid system of laws - crimes: stealing personal property, mur· an exceprion. Elf judges arc far more
traditions and resp«t usuaUy suffice. Yet dering or harming another, destroying likely 10 decree that reparations be made
above tradition. is the will of the king or clan buildings or Other property, and to the viClims, or to the clan, which may
clan master. seeking to destroy the foresL involve temporary enslavement, though
Like many nomad and tribal cultures. this, tOO, is avoided if at all possible.
dves have no normal concept that 12.nd or Punishment Some are exiled from Alfheim, espe·
people can be property. An elfs posses· There is no elven police force. The cially when their crimes show that the
sions are what he can use in his daily Ole· Clan Masters act as judge and jury. person cannot live within the boundaries
tivities or what wears. Crimes against individuals arc punished of Alfheim society, yet is not so evil nat-
This does not mean that elves have no by friends of the victims, who mete out ure that the world would be better with-
sense of property value; they have associ- whatever justice they see fit. out him. Such ex.iles arc placed under
ared with humans and other demi· For crimes against the forest, death is geas never to return.
humans tOO long for that. But elves the pe:naJty for deliberate acts of arson.
usually resuict their defense of property Other excuses for destruction, including
-' \ ~
. ~. ": a.J..1l:UlI1
dal. Climatic changes wen:: willed upon house, or tOO old to bear the weight. If all branches of the spreading oaks run a
the continent, taking water from natu- of the trees in the forest were inhabited, gamut of styles from exotic "ginger·
rally wet lands with direct access to the sea the population density would be un bear- bread" palaces to simple, practical COt·
and lofting it over the barrier mountains able to the average hunter I gatherer elf. tages almost hidden in t he natural
to provide rain for Alfheim. Actually. The elves appreciate being able to walk fo rmations of the tree. The style of any
most of the moisture fa ll ing upon for hours and miles in the forest without particular dven house depends on the
Alfhei m is gathered over the oceans sur· encountering any form of settlement. period during which it was built. Among
rounding the continent. bUl there is an the elves, fashion is influential in artistic
overlap which affects the continental d i- HOME' tRees - - - - -- - - - expreSSion.
mate (some speculate that it was deliber- Mest individual e1ven dwellings are
The average Home Tree can accommo-
ate, calcu lated to insu re that ce n ai n dusters of three or more rooms which
date about 20 elves in moderate comfOrt .
neighbors of Alfheim would be weak- serve as bedrooms and sitting rooms for
This figure is the maximum size of a sin-
ened). gle elven domicile, whether it is the eState an dven mated pair. The equivalent of a
of a single rich and powerful c1anmaster mansion consists of several smaller and
MaGical tRees - - - - -- - - larger room complexes related spatially to
with his nuclear family and followers , or
There were other effects to the we:uher- the extended famil y of a relatively ordi- provide bedrooms , retainers' quar-
change spell . The small oaks of the nary clan member. ters, and the like .
began to grow and increased their size
until they dwarfed the greatest trees tRee-House CONstRuctiON. - - - Vlllac;es ------------------
known in the land. They bred true and The most common type of elven habita·
As with more ordinary human dwellings.
swiftly. and within a cenrury, the once e1ven tree· houses are fabricated in a vari- tion is the village of from five to 30 in·
barren steppe was the deep , wondrous ety of ways. The most fanciful method, habited Home Trees in a fairly small area,
forest known as the Can ol~rth , com· housing 200- ~OO dves. The houses are of.
the one which is considered to be " most
pletely encompassing the dven realm of ten conneC[ed to one another with lad-
typically e1ven" is an organic technique
Alfheim . whereby dwellings grow from the oak tree ders and catwalks. The village contains
itself like a gall (an abnormal swelling). much of what is needed to satisfy d ven
Hea ltl} ENsURaNce--- --- forest life, including a village lore expert,
which becomes the basis for an elf room,
The magic of Iisundal continued further. specialized food gatherers, C[afts-people,
needing only to be hollowed out and dec-
Elven sages have determined that me for. and a religious leader (a tree· tender or
orated to make it fi t for habitation . This
est'S magic is one complete and somless even a human druid). Villages are the
method is preferred by the purist forest
whole. Magic (as well as a wet climate) in· most common type of d ven strongholds.
preserver elves and is often a fashionable
sures that fo rest fires do nOt spread faI, choice for style-setters in Alfheim . or holdings as they are called .
and that no disease or pest inj ures the The organic room has the disadvan· Villages are formed almost entirely of
great oaks enough to sufficiently ruin tages of limited size and strength - the built-up Home Trees, with very few
buildings on the forest fl oor. Ground
their health. Nevertheless, this strong enlarged oak-galls cannot be made to
and extensive spell has strange dynamics grow much larger than about 20 feet dwellings are built only to house the ex·
and irregularities (see "Magic Point" de· tremely rare visiting human or demi·
around, although expert tree priests have
scriptions). done marvelous things with clustering ar- hu man who finds the pleasant swaying
rangementS of galls. The corky, porous and breeziness of a tree home strangely
intolerable. Other ground structures in-
ElveN 'CRee-OwelliNGS - wood of the giant gall is considered a dis-
clude such things as cookhouses, forges,
StEat>iN<;S, Villa<;"s aNt> advantage during an enemy attack - it is
and storage places for whatever village
defin itely weaker than seasoned oak
VDWNS ---------------- wood.
property is tOO heavy to be comfo rtably
Not all of the giant trees in the fo rest arc lifted to a treetop room.
Other methods of uee-house construc-
Village life in Alfheim is d ifferent
elf-dwellings. In fact , habimion in the tion are based on timber harvested from
from village life across the continent.
elven lands is relatively sparse. Most trees Sentinel Trees. The elves saw, plane and
in the fo rest are kept in a mildly managed Alfheim 's magically enhanced fo rest en-
season boards in much the same way as is
wild state, left to grow as they will except done by human woodsmen, then haul vironment allows a life of unparalleled
when what they will is contrary to d ven ease fo r the elves. Where most peasants
the lumber up into a tree and use carpen-
sensibilities or fancies. Not only are there try skills to conStruct a house there. Elven toil fro m dawn to dusk year round to pro-
tOO few elves to inhabit the whole fo rest, duce enough food to feed themselves and
architects and carpenters are quite tal·
but many of the trees in the forest are ei · ented, wondrously imaginative and often provide a liule surplus to purchase other
ther too small to accommodate a tree wh imsical. Houses nestled in the necessities, the typical gatherer elf merely
GeoGnapl)Y. Fiona aN() Habitats
patrols the forest for :I. few hours in the ~rs maintain that th ~ purpos~ of the evil attack (s~e adventure eM7).
morning to gather enough nuts (lots of towns is to maintain th~ ne~s of Life and Feador is distinguis.h~d by its especially
acorns, of course) berries. edible fungus their Keepers. This is true for about half larg~ and well-tended Tree of Life
and other vegetative tidbits to feed him- of the elven tOwns in Alfhcim. While it is (unique in that it is a daughter of th~ Syl-
self for a day or so. correct that most elven towns ar~ center~d van R!"alm Tree of Life. and not one of
He might also collen enough extra to around a Tr!"!" of Lif~, th!"r~ ar~ towns in Mealiden's copi!"s) and by its beautiful
either feed a non-g:nherer family mem- Alfheim in th!" oth!"r elf for!"sts around Palace of Tr~e Magic.
ber or to barter for some service from a th~ world that are organiz!"d without any
specialist, say a magician or anisan, or [0 thought of a Tree of Lu!". In these towns , PiNit€1
baner away for a goodie at the local mar- th~ economic surplus which would be de- Population: 1,500
ket when it is held. In areas near towns, vot~d to the Tr~~ K~~p~rs is exp~ nded on
they patrol a little longer to collect other projects , such as p!"rformance cen- This is the colorful home of the Long
enough extra to [['ade to the town elves. ters , museums, and so foab . Runn~r clan , the magic specialists of
Here tOO, the magic of Ilsundal aids his The importaoc~ of the Tree of Life to Alfheim. S~veral schools of elven magic
children . Magically cnh:mced food plants th~ town vari!"s wid~ly, depending both ace ~stablisned her~ and it is r~cogniz~d
flourish near dven habitations (and no on the relativ!" strength of th ~ tree and on as th~ best plac!" for adventur~r-dves to
wh('re else). These plants provide exotic the political importance of the town . The go for advanced magical training .
fruits, nuts and vegetables particularly more importam th~ tree, and the more The citiz~ns of Pinitel ace known far
suited to dven tastes year round, even in politically activ~ th~ tOwn , the more and wid~ for thdr insist!"nce on forester
the cold . rainy wimer. likely it is that th~ Tree is th~ major focu s dress and their always immaculat~ ap-
Most elves spend some time g,;uh~ring. of the town 's !"n!"rgies. pcaranc~.
for it is by no m~ans a str~nuous activity. An elveD town will have an elit~ group Pinite! is furth~r distinguished by the
Th~ elves hav~ many songs. games, and of elves leading its activities. a larger body ov~rbuilt Home nees which form the
ot h~r customs to alleviat~ th~ t~dium of of artisan /craftsman elv!"s and m~rchants magic schools (they at!" ordinarily sized
this practical work (wh~n th~ sh~er joy of of various SOCts conducting the busin!"ss hom~ trees which have had tOO many
wand~ring aiml~ssly iso' t ~nough). If this of the town , and a bas~ group of young, rooms built on ch!"m, and maintain their
w~ren't sufficient , there's always th~ ex- nonspecialist elves who gath~r food and integrity only through magical str~ngth
cit~m~nt of discov~[ing a n~w food plant provide labor for the other groups' ~nt~r ening).
(~v~n aft~r 1,800 y~ars, th~y ke~p app~ar· pris!"s when n!"ed arises. Towns usually
iog to suit changing tast~s). must rely on trade with surrounding vil- M€aliOOn
lages to supply some of their food needs. Population: 1,500
Elf tOwns rang~ in population from 500 'Cl)e ClaN CeNteRS - - - - This is [he hom!" of the M!"alidil clan.
This is the cultural center of Alfheim, the
to 3,000 elves and ar~ planned diff~r~ntly Tn!" largest tOwns (tn!" ones marked on hom~ of music. iit!"rature, styl!", sophisti-
from th~ villages. The towns, in addition th~ color fold-up map of Alfhcim) are th~ cation, and th~ records of df history for
to being larger than th~ villages, arc dan c~mers. These towns always includ~ millenia back in time. There are records
much more permanent, and hav~ special a dan's Tree of Life. Th~ population of a
features, such as governm~nt buildings , in Mealidor which would shed light on
dan c!"nter varies from 500 to 3,000 elves, the histories of most of the nations of the
storehouses, and perhaps a Tree of Life. d~pending on the economic and political
Each town has its own history and tradi- D&D® game world - knowledge which
health of th~ individual clan, and its cul- might w~lI b!" damaging to th~ ruling
tions k~pt unique and consis(~nt by re- tural ori~ntation.
cord ke~pers and r~member~rs of the oral of many countries; it's JUSt as well
that most scholars don 't know of these re-
tradition. The tOwns focus on busin~ss, F€aOOn
rather than on th~ simple glorification of cords. They are also quit!" inaccessible,
Population: 1,000 hidd~n as they are in the heart the forest.
the basic elven lifestyle - the essence of
The elves of Mca.lidor do not welcome
th~ village experi~nc~. Towns have spe- Th~ home of clan F!"adid is locu!"d a[ the would-be library users; only onc!" or twice
cialized craftsmen, high-l~vel magicians, narrow ~astern end of th~ for~st n~ar the in a century have they admitted humans
fine artists, and performers not found in mysterious lakes of Sdinar. F!"ador is es· to examine the archives.
the villages. pecially noted as a center for the study of Mealidor is distinguished by the huge
Most towns have a Tree of Life and a Trees of Lif!" , with an ~xtensiv~ library of
small establishm~nt of nee Keepers. The Library Tree, a rare combination S!"ntinei
g~nealogies, magic lor~ and the like. It is and Home n~e, housing the entice li-
nee Keepers are derics of Ilsundal. sup- ironic that it was the Tree ofFeadiei which
ported by the town. Someoutside observ- brary with capacity for anoth~r 1,000
was subject to th~ sorcc r~r Moorkroft's years' records. Outside of the Library Dis-
~ .............. ~ .... y - .~-~ ... - .
trin, Mealidor has examples of the archi- EIIEROMYR l:1)" MaGic FOR"st - - - -
tectural fads of the last 1,500 years in mad Population: 3,000
juxtaposition throughout the limbs of its The magic of Alfheim is perhaps the most
Home Tr~ . Bright colors and exuberant Located in the extreme western edge of distinguishing quality of the place. Sages
building shapes make Mealidor a classic the forest, this is the home of the Erendyl specializing in geography wonder at the
example of the archetypal dveD town . clan, who have some ties to elves in Glan · fact of a thick, almost jungle-like forest
ui . In addition to the celebrated foreign composed mostly of scrub oak trees and
~6Naf! connection, Elleromyr is the cf2fts center other ordinary valley scrub plants grow-
Population: 2,500 of Alfheim , home to many importam ing to nearly double size and greater. In
wood·carvers and other renowned artists this climate, and with the dense leaf
This is home to the Chossum dan . AI- and artisans. Of all the clans, the Etendyl cover, the ground should be nearly bare .
fheim '5 mercantile elves. Centrally 10· have developed the most ties with elves in Yet the forest floor is densely carpeted
cared and on the direct cinc route [0 foreign places. with an amazing variety offlora, all com·
Alfheim Town, D esn:.!.!! is known for its The m~ter crafters here have some of peting desperately for sunlight and mak-
warehouses, (built on the ground - even the most celebrated workshops in the ing travel through the forest nearly
the dves know when it's tOO much work: land and auract the most talemed of ap- impossible for those not initiated into the
10 haul something up into a tree only to premices, as well as the rich dilettantes of elven ways. This is yet one more mystery
have to lower it down again), shops and the nobility who take half a century or so attributable to the great magics of llsun-
~ounting houses. The chancIer of the city off from court life to dabble in the arts. dal and the elven mages who first colo-
IS best expressed as neat -and tidy. The in- The town walls have been strengthened nized Alfheim.
dustrious masters of e1ven commerce in recem decades in response to raiders The magic of Alfheim lies not only in
tread a fine line ~tween conscrvatin who attack along the open face of the cultivated growth of the native flora ,
shabbiness and the sort of gaudy display Alfheim in an effort to strike at this rich but in the watering of it. Alfheim is 10'
which w~tes money. A few non-dven prize ofElfdom . The new Elleromyr Mili · cated in the wide valley formed by the AI·
traders are occasionally invited up-river tia is equipped with the richest crafted ar· tan Tepe and Cruth Mountain ranges .
from Alfheim Town to visit the real heart mor. the beSt imported dwarven blades Normally, rain storms blowing in from
of dven commerce. and the most elegant (and deadly) of na- the ocean would spend themselves
tive elven weaponry, all bought with the against the mountains' outer slopes and
AiNSUN. money from this wealthy community. Alfheim would be a very dry place, un-
Popubtion: 500 suitable for the growth of giant plants .
Sl]iE/OtnEE However, as any traveler can attest, dark
The Grunalf clan holding is the center for Population: 2,000 billowing clouds gathet daily in the late
forestry and woodlote among the elves. afternoon ,! drenching the forest over-
Somewhat isolated in the NOM Woods The home of clan Red Arrow is the best night. By dawn, the clouds disperse, al-
pan of the Canolbarth (nor far from fortified of the dven clan sites. Shielduee lowing the sun's nurturing rays to reach
Black Lake), Ainsun is the cemer for the lies along the traditional inv~ion route the trees and other plants.
study of the natul1ll aspects of the magic into Alfheim, and the Red Arrow clan Human scholars speculate that the
forest, ~ well ~ the ways in which they spedalizes in training warrior·elves and magic of Alfheim's watering system has
can be changed through the use of for- in drilling troops from other clans. Ad· also caused desert to spread over more of
esuy and magic. venturer dves who seek to improve their the continent than it would have other-
In addition ro the small industry of fighting skills return to Shieldtree for wise (particularly the Alaysian Desert in
forming and uimming saplings to be- training. Ylarum to the east). Such speculation is
come wes and pitch forks for export, the Shieldtree is distinguished by the not encouraged. Powerful lords who want
Grunalfs have a modest logging opera· double-thick log palisade and the inui- the friendship of both the dves and the
tion which selectively harvests dying an· cate gates and outworks which have been desert dwellers (who might wish their wa-
cients among the oaks, exporting the constructed over the centuries. Attacks ter returned) fed that peace is better kept
lumber to Alfheim Town . Here tOO is a and raids on Alfheim within the l~t 50 if such radical theories remain unheard.
center for boating and navigation of years have tended to avoid Shieldtree in
Alfheim's river system. favor of other, mo re roundabout routes to 07" MaGic POiNts - - - -
Ainsun is distinguished by its woodsy the less perfectly defended portions of The powerful magic needed to maintain
character, reflected in the smallness of its the Canol barth . Alfheim's unnatural climate and plants
buildings and the way that they blend in has resulted in the formation of a strange
with the natural lines and colors of the places where magical effects occur spon-
Home Trees. taneously and where spellcasting is made
easier. point would be free from the possibiliry numbers of elves practicing magic here or
The master wizards who constructed of a disastrous effect on a fumble. Some- nearby will have their prowess enhanced
the magical we:uherchange energies of times, magic users casting at a magic considerably.
Alfheim meant for the magic to restrict point find that their spells kept in mind
itself [0 altering the climate and creating do not disappear upon casting, so that 2. Shadowdown
pl:rnts to match the new weather. How- multiple spells can be cast by a low-level This is a place of enhanced shadows,
ever, the e1dritch spdls combined with mage. Occasionally. the potency of the where the midday sun seen even from the
unnoticed ench:antmcnlS emanating spell is increased . The nature of the magi- highest Sentinel Tree is muted and cool.
from the Broken Lands, from the courts cal effects at these locations changes over The lack of light has little effect on the
of the recently arrived A1phatians and, the yean;, so that individual panies going mighty oaks, but the smaller planu on
possibly, from areas within Alfheim it- to the sites am never be exactly ceruin of the forest floor have been Stunted by the
sdf. Together, these forces birthed aber- what will be accomplished at any particu· low light level. Even the nighttime star
rations in the magical energy field. lar place. Upon occasion. this has resulted constellations are dimmed here.
resulting in the 5tJ'llnge magic points. the in some notable surprises for elven wiz- Shadowdown strengthens darkness
beSt known of which are not(:d on the ards - some for much the better, and spells and aids most potion and poison
color fold-up map of Alfheim and de- some which have been disastrous for all manufacture.
scribed below. elves in the forest.
These major sites have been extensively The magic pockeu are a direct link lO 3. Misthaven
studied and are of a reasonably stable nat- the controlling magics which maintain Misthaven is named for the permanent
un:. Short-term sites which appear and the elf· forest . There are ceremonies and silvery mist which hangs in the place day
vanish within a lO to 20 year span are no t enchantmenu which enable elf master- and night. The mist seems to soak up the
shown. wizards to both change the enchantment sunlight during the day and then glows
New and relatively weak sites of un- of the forest and change the propcrties of with a silvery light at night - such that
known properties may be discovered by the magic point itself. The latter allow the Jighting here is consistent day and
parties traversing the magic forest. them to switch one kind of magical am- night.
plification for another. The ceremonies Misthaven aids the casting of spells re-
'C/J€ C;OOO MaGic PoiNts - - - - and rituals to accomplish these changes lated to confusion, concealment. traos-
are very extensive, and are generally quite portation. movement. and teleportation.
These areas are sources of magic where
beyond the powers of average elven ad- With the right magic (or the wtong luck).
major magical research is done. In these
venturers. it is possible: to walk into Misthaven nor·
places, according to dven tradition. the
DM Dotes: The magic poinu are some malty and walk OUt of the place to 1QC2.·
forest looks and acu JUSt as it should .
of the most logical locations for adventur- tions hundreds or even thousands of
However, the high concentration of
ing in the forest, next to Alfheim Town miles away. The reverse trick. entering
magic energy in th~ places makes it un-
and the various clan towns. The descrip· Misthaven from afar, is the subject of cov-
comfortable. possibly even dangerous to
tions of the magical characteristics arc de· ert research both in Alfheim and in places
dwell here for long. Even the normally
liberately vague. You, as OM, have the who covet the elf haven's magic.
laid·back forest dves avoid living in (or
option to make the magic points as weak
too near) them.
or powerful as the needs of your players 4. Dewdrop
Most of the magic points are the same
and the direction of your own campaign This point is renowned for the particu·
SOrt of terrain as the surrounding lands
dictates. larly clear aspect of the air. Sunlight ftj.
and are simply uninhabited continua·
tering through the trees seems
tions of the surrounding giant forest. save
1. Glow Tree unattenuatc:d by the dust and pollen in
for the rare live·in scholar and his or her
This area is characterized by trees that the air. while at the same time. each mote
attendanu. The magic poinu described
glow noticeably. At night. the glow is of dust floating in the air is clearly and in·
below extend only for five to 10 acres of
equivalent to Strong torchlight. quite pic- tensely visible against the sky.
land. although fluctuations do OCCUf.
turesque in the rain. The colors of the Dewdrop is a place for both detection
Misthaven (in northwestern Alfheim)
glow vary from tree to tree , including all spells, and higher order spells. Crystal
once briefly grew to an area of 10 square
of the colors of the rainbow in equal pro- balls used here seem to have an unlimited
portions. In the shadowy daytime forest. range. and visions through them are as
The good magic points arc character·
the glow is also noticeable. clear as the air in the magic pocket itself.
ized by a condition which makes the cast·
Glow Tree is noted for its sensitivity to The clarity of vision also extends to a clar·
ing of spells particularly easy. efficient.
light spells and the construction of heal- ity of mind. Magic·users who tarry here
and I Of risk free. For instance. a Glantrian
ing potions and other curative magic can learn and retain spells as if they were
magic wat practiced at the right magic
items. As with most major sites. the large wizards of much higher level.
. .................. ,........... "
G.W<;Rapt)Y. FlORa aND Habitats
giant trees . As usuaJ. the forest protec- riving at thdr destination. Unknown to
tion spells worked to keep the trees alive. the elves, the goblins' foe dl1lws closer
Then something truly unusual hap- and becomes stronger each time a trans·
pened. Each lime the invaders attacked ponation spell is used here .
with magic, the spell failed and the forest
grew stronger, visibly regenerating dam- 9. Algoro's I.'IS( Sta..nd
age. When the trees were completely re· This site is named for the great
consuucu:d, more spells from the enemy Treckeeper Algorn, who aspired to the
simply strengthened the trees, making path of the Immortals and failed. Ac-
them bigger and thickc::ning their bark. cording to reliable lore, Algoro is actually
Now. lronbark is a battiesil( of choice for embodied as a Tree of Life growing in the
dven gem:raIs. midst of this magic pocket. Certainly, the
Iron bark retains the propeny of revers- tree itself bears a great resemblance to a
ing hostile magic. So far, no army has at- wooden statue of an elf.
tacked the forest here to experiment with Algoro was conducting magical re-
the casting of healing magic to see if it search to an unknown end at a newly dis-
would damage the trees. Ironhark is a covered, unnamed magic poine Possibly
good place to cast dispel magic or any he was attempting to establish direct
type of reversal magic. communication with some Immortal for
purposes unknown; years after he was last
8. Goblin Park heard from, a new Tree of Life was no-
This is another invasion site of som. ticed here which resembled an elf nOl un·
Nearly 300 years ago, a great host of like Algorn the Wizard.
nearly 10,000 goblins (actually creatures In spite of this "coincidence," Algoro 's
from another world with a family resem· Last Stand is still a good place to cast con-
blance lO goblins) JUSt appeared here. El- tact higher plane and Olher divination
ven sages suspeCt that the creatures may spells.
have been fleeing an overwhelming en-
emy in an alternate univelse. Through MaGic GONE B a O - - - - - - -
the expenditure of great power they Three magic points, Thornbush, Dragon-
blindly opened a magical gate into tree, and Stalkbrow, are specifically
Alfbeim. The goblins simply milled noted by the elves as areas of malignant,
around, lacking leaders, supplies, and rather than benign magic. This is pan of
adequate survival knowledge . They at- the dark side of the elven forest magic.
tacked any elves they found, and tried to "Wronglifc" and " twisted magic" arc d-
survive on captured supplies. Eventually, ven names for these areas which have ex-
the goblins were wiped OUt, but the spot isted for centuries and show no sign of
where they appeared remains a benign disappearing .
magic point. In these areas. the magic of Alfheim
Even so, there is a dark side to Goblin occasionally causes evil monsters lO either
Park. The foe that drove me goblins to be spontancously genel1lted or (e1eported
Alfheim learned their destination and in from somewhere else. These evil crea-
now constantly seeks to break through. tures proceed to roam around the forest
The magic of the forest works to keep it - killing elves and devastating the
OUt, but if it should change or weaken ... plandife . Sometimes. there arc worse
Nevenhelcs.s, this is a good spot for things than mere physical horrors . The
tdeportation or any sort of creation elves have SCOUts and guards detailed to
magic. Teleporr spells cast from Goblin detect and kill these creatureS. but the
Park always send the person or goods be- long.lived elves find it hard to maintain a
ing sent to the intended destination , with keen pitch of day-to-day alertness; many
no recorded instances of error. However, monsters evade immediate detection and
those who have used it recently have escape to wander at the edges of remote
sensed something dark, cold and evil in c1vish communities. For this reason, the
that instant of "betweenness" before at-
dves tend to stay near to their dan hold- the other side of the border, regiments of 'O)E SUMP aNb mE WEiR -
ings, and travellers (particularly non- Darokinian trOOps wait to repel those
dven adventurers) must be w;uy of their monsters which head south into Darokin . Drainage was an imponam consideration
way in Alfheim. It is also said that the As a friendly gesture, the elves reimburse when the weatherchange spells were cast
elves actually prefer to let the monsters Darokin for the cost of maintaining these to irrigate the lands which would hold the
wander for awhile - it makes the hunt trOOps. Canol barth forest. Were the immense
that much more interesting . D~gontree is a great, thinly forested , water run-off to leave Alfheim through
hilly grove which offers little to impede "normal" means , it would pass into the
1. Thornbush the traveller by day (except for any mon- Streel Rivet with catastrophic effect on
Located near the geographic center of the sters which may still be lurking about). the the lands and cities downriver.
dven lands. this is the oldest docu- At night, however, the wood is a danger- The solution was to not have the rivers
mented monster site. It lies near the ous place , "alive" with non-corporeal drain outside the forest at all, but to have
usser River, and monsters from it occa- undead creatures (several phantom appa- it flow underground , away from Alfheim
sionally flop their way into the river and ritions, and a revenant with attending and towards the sea. The elves created a
swim away to plague elves both up and spectres) which rise and seek to harm any deep chasm near the western end of the
downstream . Given the chance, the mon- who are so foolish as to tempt Dragon- forest where drainage water could be di-
sters will swim into the Sump (q.v) and tree's dangers. Few scholars drop by at rected into underground caverns that
then out of the forest to range as far as night to study the secrets of Dragoncree . connected to the sea.
possible, ravaging Darokin, the Five Evil magic areas similar to Thornbush Thus, the Sump was created, a mile-
Shires, the Atruaghin Clans and the open and Dragontree are also found in the Bro- wide depression in the ground, perhaps a
ocean. ken Lands and other monster-ridden thousand feet deep . The water from the
For this re2SQn, there are special guards places. Great Flood and Monster Rivers cascades
on Thotnbush and the Weir (see Sump). over the side of the gorge and drains away
The monsters which eventually resurface 3. Stalkbrow into the underground caverns, surfacing
in the Malapheggi Swamp in southern unle is known about this area, as it does again somewhere in the Malapheggi
Darokin do not make the mush folk not lie near human lands and its creations Swamp.
there love the elves more. The monsters do not leave the forest. Elven magicians There are paths down the sides of the
are a source of resentment against the know that the evil from StaJkbrow often Sump, but these are little-used and ill-
elves and the cause of anti·elf crusades in takes forms other than just monsters. It maintained. Explorers have traced navi-
the past. frequently creates emanations which in- gable routes along the underground
Thornbush itself is an especially- terfere with spell casting or have even rivers through to the sea, but the elves
tangled mass of thick vegetation which worse effects, such as magically spreading strongly discourage such traffic.
d~5 not respond to conventional forestry ideas of evil, mischief, or strife among the Separating the rivers from the Sump is
or weed controls such as chopping or con· elves and their neighbors. the Weir, a fence· like dam intended to
trolled burning . Like the other malignant Stalkbrow is in the middle of the the keep local boats and wandering monsters
magic areas, Thornbush is part of the great forest, at the Southern end of the confined to Alfheim waters and out of
spell fabric which created the e1ven for- Vorsh Plains (a mostly unforested area - the Sump. The Weir is almost two miles
est. As such, it cannot be removed or af- see the color fold·up map of Alfheim). long and is twenty feet wide on top, with
fected by the level of magic ava.iJable to The magic usually centers at a pair of guard rails and towers. Elven soldiers of
monal elves or men. From time to time, brow-like hiUs, but frequently drifts up the Guard patrol the tOP of the Weir,
impottant sages and magic·users come to to five miles away from the hills. The lending assistance ro boating panies and
study the place to learn more about the drifting nodes carry with them a vague, attacking to kill any monsters from
ways of magic gone wrong . mirage· like image of the central hills, Thornbush that may be stuck upon the
giving the site its strange name. Weir. This is an imponant duty station
2. Dragontree The watch around Sralkbrow consists for elves, and these troops are ca.lled away
Dragontree is located in southern not so much of troops, but of experienced from this post only in times of g~vest
Alfheim, near the Darokin border and elf and human wizards and druids. Be- emergency. It is a common posting for
functions much like Thornbush . The cause of the isolationist attitude of the lo- new recruits.
monsters from Dragontree are mostly cal long Runner Clan, admittance of
land creatures, with occasional flyers. humans or other non·elves to the area of
Dragontree is so named because most Stalkbrow is rare. The elves consider
d~gons summoned by the bad magic Stalkbrow to be the most dangerous site
sites come from here . Warbands of e1ven of all, and prefer that only those well
soldiers are stationed near here, and on schooled in its mysteries be allowed near.
~ . ........................ .. .............................................~
AlflJeiM 'LOWN
Thl:: biggest town in Alfheim is nO( 2 clan the cenrral market place . " tr~forts " in the huge Sentinel tre(:S
(emer. Nor is it the cOUntry's capitol. It is In the center of town is a large opc:n now scattered throughout the town. As
a trading post buih about 60 miles into space commonly call~ Cdedryl 's Market the forest magic began to right itsdf in
the elven forcst to accommod:ne the trad· (after the dven king who sanctioned Wizard 's Glen , the dves begw to culti-
ing needs of the dven civiliurion . Alfhdm Town's existence), where the vate Sentinel and Home Trees once more.
Alfheim Town is located about ~o miles great trade fa.i.ts and m:ukets are hdd . This When a building collapses or burns to
east of the western edge of the elf forest in is where the products of dven mages and the ground, the elves declare their right
Wizard's Glen , an immense gap in the craftsmen arc sold or banerro for the im· of eminent domain and plant a tree . Out-
forest at the cnd of the only paved road poned products deemed important to the side the Elf Quarter, th~ are all Sentinel
into Alfhcim . This cleu area was created dves. On the cdge of this plaza are the im· Trees. Linking the tre(:S at heights cxc~d
by the m agics of the evil wizard IIIodious ponant offices of the human and dwarven iog 200 f~t (even across gaps of a huo-
during his beast man invasion. Once un· traders, some temples, and the residences dred yards or more) are swinging
able to support the magical dven Senti- of the imponant citizens and embassies swaying, flexible walkways, the kind of
nel and Home Trees. the gap is ever so from the various dven dans. The remain· construction only an elf could love.
slowly shrinking as the forest stretches OUt der of the town consists of lesser residences Using sky city, the forest elves can move
to reclaim its lost land . for the traders and their workers and the through Alfheim Town, avoiding much
families of all these non·dves. There are of it that they find distasteful. But more
o,e COWN iN tl}e Fonest - - - - shops. taverns, stables and other amenities impon~dy. the trees function as watch-
set up by non·dves to cater to the needs of towers, guarding against inevitable anack
A1£hcim Town is sha~d like an irregu-
lar circle, with specially-grown ironwood
the trading population. Near the edge of - both from without and within .
log walls fined and joined to be as sHong
town, along the palisade, :ue barracks and Nevertheless, city life is unnatural and
armories kept ready in case Alfheim Town alien to the elves. Humans in the forest is
and impencuable as stone. (The ironwood
m~st r~ist invading enemies, as it has had bad enough, and dves involved in a mad
groves were force-grown in a spttial fidd
to tn urnes past. and alien lifestyle is hard to take . but a
nearby, harv(:Sr~ after only twenty years,
Wood is use:d for most of the construc- great concentration of non·dves practic-
wd then craft~ together to make the
tion inside and outside the town, 01.1· ing alien ways by n(:(cssity and by treaty
wI. The grove doa not now aist). Up.
though in the occasional periods of in the middle of the forest is tOO much for
keep on the wall is constant, even iron·
wood (:Ventually rots in the damp climate. remarkable peace, the dwarves have been conventional elves. They need a place like
Alfheim Town is laid OUt on a concentric allowed to import enough stone to make Alfheim Town in which to safely isolate
comfortable homes for their factors and the cultural disturbances.
plan, much like a cross·section of a tree·
other workers. Thanks to the nightly rain- Still, there are a great number of elves
trunk , with circular bouknrds much like
fall (many times only a light mist, but al- who reside in Alfheim Town . These dves
growth rings and radial str~ts connecting
ways there), there never has been a need are mostly traders and politicaJ repr~ot
them . The radial strttts are shon and usu-
ally conn(:(t no more than two or thr« for wells in Alfheim Town. The roofs are auves from the e1ven dans d~p in the
generously festooned with catch basins forest . These jobs arc largely hdd by
ring meets; there is only one great radial
boul(:Vard, Embassy Row, that connects and rainbarrels. The rain catch is moni- former adventurer-elves who arc making
tored and distributed by rain wardens in a transition from the ways of the wider
the cenua.! plaza with a gate.
Four gat(:S pierce the walls: the each building under the guidance of the world to that of A.lfheim and who can ef·
Gate in the w(:Stem waJl , through which G uardian (see "Alfheim Government " ). fectivdy deal with the outsiders and who
Wizard 's Glen has become miles and know the ordinary ways of humans and
wagons and other fordgn trade vehicles
go, and the much smaller Elf Gates on the miles of veget2ble wd bean gardens. dwarves. Th~ e1v(:S have been acdi-
opposite side, which are JUSt wide enough with several communal grazing areas for mated to the rush-rush life of the shon-
small herds of milk cows, which help feed lived races , and can deal with the busine$S
for two dv(:S to walk abreast. Although the
the town. The entire magic-blasted area of trade and with deadlines that arc mea·
non·dves of Alfhdm Town call these: the
Elf Gat(:S, the dves mockingly refer to is given over to supporting the residents sured in terms of days and hours instead
them as thdr " gateways to sanity." of Alfheim Town. of months and years .
Outside the western Gate are
se:veral small busineSS(:s, many of them OJf! FORf!St IN t/J£ 1:0WN--- - Alf/J£iM GOVE'RNMf!Nt - - -- -
small inns for those t!"avders who arrive Rising above the earth-bound walls and There ate twO overlapping systems of gov·
after the gates have closed at sundown . dwellings of the humans and demi- ernment in Alfheim Town: the nominal
Just inside the Trade Gate is Trade Gate humans is the uniqudy e1ven contribu- dven rulers of the city, represented by the
Plaza , where some drayers (haulers) stop tion of "Sky City," a network of rope Guardian and his Counsdors, and the
and se:1l their goods without going on to bridges and catwalks connect ing Merchants' Brotherhood , a fluid system
Alfl)~iM 'COWN
of guilds and syndicates which organizes Trad(:, m(: main busin(:ss of Alfheim calkd quart(:r5, ba5(:d on m(: cultural ~
Ute daily conduct of business in Alfhcim. Town, is conduct(:d und(:r 1h(: auspic(:S of cularities of (h(: folk who dwdl (h(:r(:.
The Guardian concerns himself with th(: various important trading hous(:s Each quart(:r is to som(: (:Xt(:nt self-
limiting traffic into Alfheim to exclude from Karam(:ikos, Mintothad, Darokin, contain(:d, as th(: inhabitants commonly
known enemies of the elves. and main- Glantri and th(: other cities and (:mpir(:s. gath(:( togem(:r through common int(:r-
taining :l general sort of peace. The Th(:r(: ar(: agr(:(:ments betw(:(:n th(:s(: (:St, usually a business ent(:cpris(: Of na·
Guardian :also enforccs trade tre:uies and compani(:S forming guilds and syndica- tionalistic loyall)', although (h(: smilier
ensures that the mding enclave inside tions which dat(: back hundr(:ds of y(:ars populations of nonhumans and d(:mihu-
the clven forest remains JUSt that and and which hav(: survived every imagina- mans usually band rog(:th(:r for mutual
d~s not turn into a colonization attempt ble SOrt of war, ((:volution, or oth(:( disas- 5OCi(:ty and prot(:ction.
by onc or morc outside countries. In war- t(:r. The trad(: in dv(:n goods is important
time. the Guardian organizes the defense to most of m(: gr(:at mercantil(: houses on EMbassy Row--------
of the city. In peacetime he maintains a th(: continent, and pains ar(: tak(:n to in- Th(: Embassy quart(:( of Alfhdm Town is
police force and runs the fire brigade. sur(: that it g()(:s on as smoothly as possi-
th(: district wh(:c(: all the (:mbassi(:s from
The current Guardian is Taragin bl(:, without visibl(: strife and bick(:(ing
th(: various foc(:ign cQumri(:s ac(: located,
Oakbranch, a former adventurer from which would off(:nd the dv(:s and int(:(-
mostly on th(: boukvard connttting th(:
the Grunalf clan. appointed by the rupt th(: flow of goods.
Trade Gat(: with Cd(:dryl's Plaza. Th(:
Council of the Clans.
quw(:r is n(:ar rh(: c(:nt(:r of [Own, on th(:
The tl1lde guilds and syndicates all I( ~y to Al f l) ~i M 'COWN - - - W(:St(:(fl sid(:. Th(: various (:mbassi(:s arc
send representatives to the Merchants'
AI£h(:im Town has a total popU lation of located in mansions and townhous(:s
Brotherhood. The Brotherhood elects a which hous(: th(: ambassadors, thdr of-
Mayor, who mak(:s d(:cisions with th(: ad- 1),000 souis, comprj~mg about 10,000
humans, 3,000 dv(:s, 300 dwarv(:s, 200 fic(:s, and thdr countrym(:n and wom(:n
vic(: and conS(:nt of th(: Broth(:fS in th(: ar-
orcs, 800 halflings, and 700 miscdlan(:- (of((:n call(:d nationals) S(:nt along (0
(:as of trad(: polici(:S. Th(: Broth(:tS also
ous sentienu. including c(:ntaurs, Alfh(:im to help m(: ambassador in his
ke(:p an (:y(: on d(:alings ~tw(:(:n non-
ch(:vall(:s, and gnom(:s. The circular city daily busin(:ss. Th(: (:mbassi(:s cannot
elv(:s, and maintain a polic(: forc(: of th(:ir
of Alfheim is organiud into districts, hous(: all (h(: p(:opie associat(:d with
own, call(:d th(: Customs Office. th(:m. Th(:s(: (:Xtras pc(:f(:c to find housing
...... ........
" " ............... .:'
.......................... , ...... ,'
near the embassy, as do Q[her nationals of Alpl]atiaN COMPOUNO----- tactS with the Chossum clan of traders.
the same country who live in Alfheim, He is said to be a potent magician,
8. Palace of the Prince-Legate. JUSt why
even though they do not work for the em· Prince.Legare Daricon was sent to AI- though he never shows any sign of it in
bassies. Thus. there is a block or so fheim is a mystery no one is talking public.
around each embassy devoted to the ma- 14. Cathedral. religion is a major part of
about. Apparently, the essentially magic-
jor nations who trade with the elves, such Thyatian tradition, and the Duke is not
oriented nation of Alphatia wanted some
as Kanmcikos. Minrothad, Darokin, AI· WOnt to slight the spiritual side of life.
sort of watch on the essentially magic-
phatia, Thyatis, etc. oriented elves of Alfheim. The Palace is Here, Pauiarch CJovis, Rector of the First
Thyatian Church in Alfheim offers regu·
the scene of many parties for visiting dig-
KanaMelkos Block - - -- - - lar prayers to the glorious ancestors that
nitaries. and Daricon seems content to do
made Thyatis great. There are also several
1. Embassy/Resident Factor's great- nothing else. There is certainly no direct
other members of the Thyatian religious
house. the Ambassador from Kara- trade between the twO countries.
orders in the area. Notable is Dominicus
meikos, Lord Sergei Pyotrev, also tepre- 9. Mercenaries' Guild HaU. This build-
Greybeard (see "Personalities"), a holy
sems the major trading company of that ing is not connected officially with the
man known for wandering throughout
land. His residence is half diplomatic es- Prince-Legate, but it is known that Al-
the forest, making friends with the
tablishment, half showplace/warehouse. phatia wants to recruit elves for its own
military, and this is one of the few places Treekeepers and lending his own magic to
In essence, his major efforts are direaed anything the elves might need it for.
toward his business interests. the Prince-Legate visitS outside of his own
2. Tavern - The Silver Chalice. This is a palace.
G/aNtnl COMpOUNO------
posh son of place run by Boris Beer- 10. Alchemist Shop. Jugwon the Alche-
thumb (see "Personalities") and fre- mist is an immigrant from Alphatia who 15. Embassy. This is a light and airy
quented mostly by humans. This is where makes his talents as a concocter available building suitable for an elf used to living
rich adventurers and high level ambassa- to the populace. He is capable of manu- in an area where Home Trees cannot be
dorial Staff go. facturing any magical potion described in grown, but that's only natural consider-
3. Tavern - The'fraveler's Boot. This is a either the Basic or Expert rules sets, but ing the ambassador - Erhrilord Bilgram-
somewhat lower class establishment pop- the COSt is very high - twice that given as musof the Erewan clan ofGlanui. While
ular with less successful human adventur- examples on page 26 of the Dungeon the Ambassador is rarely available. his
ers and low rank clerks and workers. Master's Companion, because of the able assistant. Don MwmiJian de Bdca-
4. Merchants' Brotherhood Hall. This is a need to ship some of the ingredients into diz (sec "Personalities") is ready to assist
large former warehouse given to the Alfheim. all petitioners during normal business
Brotherhood by lord Sergei. It is gener- 11. Magic School- Edrccort's Academy hours.
ally guarded by a minimum crew of clerks of Thaumaturgical Science. this is just 16. Magic Users' Guildhall - The Uni-
and workers unless the Brotherhood is what it says, a school of magic for anyone fied Magician'5 Beneficial Association.
meeung. who wishes to learn spells. Master Edre- This organization is an example of the
cort (see "Personalities") is a 1~th level Glantrian mania for organizing new
MINRotl]aO QuaRteR - - - - - Magic-user from Alphatia who came with clubs. Any magic-user, elf or human,
the Prince-Legate but has no official tie may join. but SO far the membership con-
5. Embassyl Greathouse. Like Kara· sists of two Glantrian magician-members
with the embassy.
meikos, Minrothad combines its ambas-
of the Embassy Staff and three low-level
sador with its business representative.
'CI]yatis MissiON - -- - - -- adventurers who thought to get some
The Minrothad embassy is also a sales em-
extra-special Glantrian instruction.
porium, just like the Karameikan one. 12. Imperial Embassy. This imposing edi-
17. Tavern - The Wizard's Mug. This
However, Ambassador/Faceor Jerovis fice is the official residence of the ambas-
fancy establishment caters to wizards of
Manag (sec "Personalities") is much sador of the Empire of Thyatis. Duke
any race and power level, though there
more likely to panicipate in government Jarandros Monikar is longtime veteran of
are instances of elitism within the clien·
business than his Karameikan associate. Thyatis's squabbles with Alphatia and
tele. The Tower Room, for instance, is
6. Tavern - The Counting House. This is keeps an eye on his rival. They often trade
only available to those magicians with a
a favorite hangout for clerks who don't invitations and visit for hours.
fly spell (food and drink go up by dumb
like rubbing elbows with the adventuring 13. Trade Palace. not for the mighty Im-
set. perium is this business of embassy and
7. Shipping Office - Island Connec- trade establishment in the same build-
tions. This is the office of the Minrothad ing. The Thyatian 'Ii"ade Palace is run by
representative of the largest shipping Count-Factor Varus Dominikon, an able
firm outside the Empire of Thyatis. businessman who has made good con-
AlflJeiM 'COWN
PURveYOR Distnict------ 41. Fishmonger - Scales on Scales. and other robbers who prey on the popu-
42. Veterinarian - The Great Creature. lace of Alfheim Town.
This is perhaps the nicest of the town hu-
43. Outfitter - sign of the Kitchen Sink. 54. Moneylender - Sign of the Saved
man ucas. The purveyors are the town's
A favorite spot for non-elf adventurers. Imperial. Office of Violet Pismire (see
native businessmen, adept at making
44. Horsetrader - Ephraim's Forest Po- "PersonaJ ities").
connections both within the town human
nies. Ephraim is an elf-friend who actu- 55. Public Bath - Sign of the Godly.
population and with the dyes. This is the
ally does have the occasional elf horse for 56. Gambling Hall - Sign of the Busted
busiest part of town, the one place in the
sale, though it is usually one found to be Nugget.
entire country of Alfheim that even ap-
unfit for service in the elven army. 57. Candlemaker - Sign of the Twice-
proximates the hustle and bustle found
Burnt Taper (burning at both ends.
in human cities. Elves, even returning ad-
Wane170use Distnict----- 58. Pawnshop - Sign of the three Bez-
venturers, are not generally found here.
This is the goods srorage and handling
59. Tavern - The Human's Right. Town
31. Illuminator - Jansten's Uncials. area of Alfheim Town, including a cara-
humans ONLY are allowed within these
32. Bowyer & Fletcher - Shafter's vansary which ships goods to Ylarum run
walls, a prohibition the Guardian's elven
Shafts. A human-run establishment, dis- by Abdullah Hazarkan (see "PersonaJi-
ties"), also known as Uncle Silk. patrols and the human officers of the
dained by elves.
Customs Office take delight in ignoring
32a. Silverblade School of Arms. An-
whenever the situation warrants.
dronicu$ Leo of Karmc:ikos. Armsmaster. 45. Carvansary - Abdullah Hazarkan.
33. Engraver - Fine lines & Fancy. 46. Cobbler - Sign of the Cushion.
ElF Distnicts - - -- - -- - -
34. Tavern - The Oaken Mug. This has a 47. Potter - Sign of the GargoyleJug.
good reputation. 48. Baker - Sign of the Golden Kernal. Finally, of course, there is the e1ven popu-
35. Furrier - The Ermine's Tip. This is 49_ Leatherworker - Sign of the Awl & lation in what is generally viewed from the
the establishment run by Emmit Kelso Hide. outside world as the capital city of the
(see "Personalities"). 50. Barber - Sign of the Clean Chin. elves. Of course, the elves really don't
36. Scribe - Honorius's Scriptorum. 51. Warehouses. Various owners, and have much use for cities, and generally
This is the beSt place to get scribework mostly unnamed. communicate among themselves without
done outside of Benji Frankfoot's estab- 52. Tavern - The Mule's Skin. This is a needing physical meetings between lead-
lishment. The work is done quicker here, very low-class tavern dedicated to deayers, ,~.
since they ate not distracted by news- muleskinners and warehouse workers. However. since aJl the major clans have
gathering, but the end produC[ is less ele- trade representatives here, and since this
gant. RefuGe--------------------- is also the place where the foreign repre-
37. Tailor - Deever's Magic Shears. sentatives live, the concentration of elven
This is the low end of the rown human
38. Food and Drink Purveyor - A Feast diplomatic function here seems logical ,
section. It's called Refuge for a good rea-
in the Forest. Not an eating house, it sells even to elves.
son. Human habitations everywhere have
food for preparation elsewhere. Nevenheless, most forest elves find the
a gradation of life styles, based on both
activity of even relatively quiet Alfheim
economic ability and personal prefer-
ARtisaN D i s t n i c t - - - - - - - Town to be maddening. For that reason,
ence. This area is home to those for-
the elven districts are mostly populated
This is the other "nice" district inhabited eigners who have come to Alfheim Town
by elves who have spent time abroad -
by town humans and is more devoted to to disassociate themselves from other hu-
who are making the transition back to
labor, cmt, and the making of things to mans and to the working class town hu-
forest life. They are able [Q deal with the
be used and consumed locally. Away from mans who simply need to live in a low
rent district. Every year, the Guardian al- outside world, but must redevelop the
the frenetic Purveyor district, the town
skills and awareness needed to return [Q
slips back into the relatively slow, easygo- lows a small number of persons displaced
from their former homes by monster forest life .
ing ways which dominate Alfheim. The
Here too are the returning elves who
town humans here make their goods in raids, wars, ideological persecution, etc.
maintain a twilight son of existence, in-
peace and quiet, then take them over to to set up new lives in Alfheim Town. This
capable of living happily in either the
Purveyor's District for a fast sale. is where they make their stan.
world of men or the extended ritualistic
39. Carpet & Tapestry Maker - The fly- play of the forest.
ing Yeti. 53. The Grand Order of the Grey Mouse
40. Inn - The Crafter's Rest. The build- Lodge - Thieves' Guild. This is ostensi-
RUliNG Class Distnict---- -
ing contains offices for dealers and bro- bly a meeting hall for a cmtsman guild
kers such as Elisa~rh Hobnobby (see society. However, it is the meeting place 60. The Guardian's Garden. This open,
"Personalities" ). of choice for pickpockets, muggers, thugs airy, tree-planted diStrict is the home of
..................... _............................ .: ...............................................
~ "...... ........ . ..
lh~ ultimal~ rulers of Alfheim Town : 65. A1cbemist - Ferian Leafgather. This normally respected (although not alto-
Taragin Oakbl'2Jlch . th~ Guardian (S(:~ Grunalf elf specializes in potions derived gether understood) by the forest elves for
"P~rsonaliti~s"), his staff, and hous~ from non-Tree-of-Life sourc ~ s in their bravery in leaving the assured secu-
hold members. Th~ only Hom~ Tre~5 in Alfheim. rity of the forest for the demonstrably
Alfheim Town are here , but th~ young 66. Professional Office - Translator, dangerous outside world. Yet those who
tr~ currently support only a f~w small 67. Dealer in Monsters and Exotic Ani- dwell here have found the pressures of
cottag~s . Th ~ rest of the reside ntial pal . mals. Demoncarchcr of the Long Runners living in human lands (any area outsid~
ac~s ar~ as large , tall , and airy as elven at- is an expert monster hunter and prides the forest) unbearable. and are now unfit
chi[~cts can make them . himself in bringing them back alive for for life either in orout of the forest . In el-
61. The Druid's Glove. Here can b~ wha[ev~r his client's purposes may be. He vim, they are known as the "ej/eid~
found th~ druidic human religion fa- often hires adventurers. Jeina" or "wind blown leaves."
vor~d by the elves. A small sacr~d grov~ is 68. Residence (and aCiidemy) - Scholar Here are the usual assortment of "skid
situated in th~ gard~ns n~ar [he most im- Tulenil of the Mealidil Clan. row" businesses here. many which are a
portant residenc~s. The druids hav~ a functional part of the city as a whole.
small shrine wh~r~ histori~s and records BusiNess Distnict------ Some enterprises are subsidiz~d by the
a~ maintained , m~~ting hous~s wh~re Guardian to assist the cjJeidel~jn2.
Elven commerce , of course, is almost ex-
th~y buy and Slor~ supplies from th~ city 74. Medium Quality Stable - The Heard
clusively based on the sale of the fabulous
purveyors , and cloisters wher~ most of th~ artworks and magic items produced by
priesthood and all of the lay staff live. craftsmen deep insid~ the closed forest. 75. Laundry - Night Run Laundry. This
This central spot supplies th~ needs of all These artWorks ace exchang~d for mon~y, is the bailiwick of Daisy of Desn2e (see
th~ druidic circles in th~ forest . "Personalities") and a number of down-
which is th~n used to purchase goods not
62. Hiring Hall- The Elven Army. This and-out former adventurer dves.
readily made in the forest. The commerce
military office is a nominal recruiting 76. Low quality tavern - Ore's Breath.
houses act as middlemen for their forest
point for non-elv~n merc~naries who 77. Cooper - Dwarf's Run Barrels.
would S(:II their S(:rvices to defend against 78. Distiller - MorrunS- IWn Liquors.
Except for the commerce houS(:s. the
monsters and more organized external elves who buy, S(:ll and trade here deal al-
enemies. This office also authorizes non- most exclusively with other elves.
Sky P a / a c e - - - - - - - - -
dven expeditions into the Forest for vari- In addition to the e1ven commerce About a century ago , the Council of the
ous purposes. C2pc2in T2IlgJcthorn has houses, this district contains the homes of Clans came up with the notion that
run this post for 250 years, and met most e1ven merchantS and other dealers. bro- Alfheim Town lacked any peculiarly elven
of the important generals of recent his- kers, and their assistants . It is a prosper- architecture. They cauS(:d the fabulous
tory while they were posted to Alfheim in ous place, with incredible hustle and Sky Palace to be construct~d , an aerial
their early care~rs . bustle (for elves that is). building extending over much of the e1-
63. Offices of the Seven Clans. This larg~. Again, the dves who dwell here are not ven quarter.
airy mansion houses representatives of forest elves, but worldly-wiS(: former ad· Since the forest magic in Winrd 's
~ach of the seven m ajor clans in th~ for-
venturers. Glen was destroyed in th~ beast man in-
est. Each clan is represented by a coun- vasion, no Hom~ Trees had grown to ma-
S(:lorwith about five Staff elves to do every 69. Cartographer - Vine1eaf Maps. turity here. The sky palace was an
job from butler [0 assistant legate . The 70. Horse Trainer - The Lonely Pony. attempt to create something similar to
serup is strange by human standards; 71. Tavern - Quickneed.le's Rest. This is the lordly Home Trees using conventional
each clan is assigned a small suite of a meeting place for elves only. EngJedoc construction techniqu~s.
rooms here, and are limited to th~ num- DcWS1lp (S(:e "P~rsonalities") is the pro- It is a lanice construction of bridges
ber of d ves for which th~re are living connecting a number of buildings that
spac~s in their section of the mansion ;
72. Armorer - TroUproof. hav~ been elevated high above the
this rule was prevents the clan representa- 73. Artist - Dewpoint Images. ground and buildings bdow on posts and
tives from increasing their numbers for trestles. The tallest possible trees were
either bureaucratic confusion o r the es- Elf H i I I - - - - - - - - - - started alongside the consttuction , and
tablishment of private armies. heavy vines were interweaved with the
64. Professional Office - Represent2tive This is the human name for this run-
lattices. Unfortunately, after investing
to the Clans. Dc1ol'2Jl of the MealidiJ down district mosdy occupied by former
thousands of gold pieces in the project.
Clan sp«ializes in representing outsiders adventurer elves who are unable to read-
just to the forest. "Smalltown," as it is the first elven families to move into the
to the Council of the Clans in legal mat- Sky Palace found what most elves to enter
ters. In other lands h~ would be called a called by the elves, contains the misfits of
the elven race. These are adventurers, the project later confirmed - the
barrister or lawyer.
not worth the trouble to climb up and
down the dead wood structure.
The whole project was disgum:dly ON1i/ SQUaRE EQUalS TO FE'!t.
turned over to the human CUStoms Of-
fice to deal with as they found appropri-
ate . For 80 years, the Customs Office has I I
attempted to find a financially rewuding
scheme [0 dismantle it. Meanwhile . the
palace stands as a fourth dveD district ,
populated by eccemrics, thieves. and ad- Flnst FlOOR MEEtlN<; ROOMS
venturer elves who can no longer live
comfortably in the constantly swaying
Home Trees .
"t17IRl;l FlOOR
Sky Palace is accessible from the
ground to all who wish [0 climb UO feet I StORaCiE
up the rickety stairs . At several points ,
the palace connects with the catwalk ne[-
work of "sky city," but thl:' dveD guards
will not allow non-dves on them without
dven escorts"
79. Residence - Astronomer fAstrol·
oger. 1
80. Medium Quality Tavern - The Dird's
81. Poor Quality Rooming House - The
Cl)aMbE g
DEMoNcatct)ER"S QualttERS
INCOMe aNt> ResouRces Of lage or tOwn. their wares and the honesty of their deal·
tl)e FORest - - - -- -- However, equal amounts of these items ings soon set aside interracial fears. AI·
are taken into the towns for trade to out· though the dwarven group known as the
Area: 23.500 square miles siders for money or valuables. Thorns (sec The Dwacves of Rockhome
Total Population: (very approx.) One major valuable the dves need is Gazetteer) raid in Alfheim, strangely
Cities: Alfheim metal ingots from which to make weap- enough, no Longsuider trading group
Town: 15.000 ons and armor, which the elves use to has ever run afoul of a Thorn raiding
Clan Seats: Ainsun: 500 match the forces that invaders wield party.
Desnae: 2.500 against them. These days, the Longstriders ride rafts
Elleromyr: 3,000 laden with their metal ingots down the
Feador: 1.000 'Cl)e HistORY Of 'CRabe - - GreenfJood river to Desnae , then pole
Mealidor: 1,500 back upriver to Rockhome with exotic
The traders from Darokin used to come foods and imported goodies from Daro·
Pinitcl: 1,500 into Alfhc:im from all around the forest.
Shield tree: 3,000 kin, Glantri, and the Five Shires - a
Most of them were long-established mer- much lighter load all around.
chants who had contacts among the dves
For all basic needs. Alfheim is self· and knew where to travd to avoid the pit·
sufficient. For many centuries. Aifheim falls of the forest. The uaders brought in ElveN COMMeRCe - - - - -
had littk economic contact with sur· cloth , metal weapons. exonc foodstuffs, The towns arc centers of commerce for
rounding countries. The few outside and often seeds and cuttings from plants the dves. Elven export trade largely re-
uaders were from Darokin . not found normally in Alfheim (e1ven volves around the various crafts practiced
However, in the centuries since the es· gardeners arc notorious for their experi- by elves, such as woodcarving and the var·
tablishment of AI£heim Town, trade has ments with non-native plant life). Now ious textile arts. Although they arc com·
opened up with most surrounding lands. that the Alfheim town acts a central trad· petent metal workers. e1f·made weapons
Any nation with any possible interest in ing point, most of the Darokin traders (especially magical ones) are made for use
Alfbeim products is represented in take their wares there. 5tiU a few yet u1lide by elves , nOI foreigners.
AJiheim Town , although trading any- on their special familial relationships Town anisans can usually coum on ~.
where else in Alfheim is still as strictly with certain elf clans and come directly ing able to sell more of their craft items
controlled as c:lves can control such into the forest. than can village crafts-elves . so they arc
things. Longstriders Trading Company. a able to make a more SC;rious study of their
For the most part. the elves arc self. dwarven commerce group that does not art, without having to spend time forag.
sufficient hunters and gatherers who usu· trade direnly in Alfheim Town. makes its ing for food in the forest.
ally make their own clothes and hunting contacts through Dorran Finehammer of Town elves arc also more likely to use
weapons. Their crops are nuts. rootS, ~r· the Guildmasters Hall. money for some transactions than the vii·
ries , etc. gathered from the fo~ts (not Some centuries back, dwarves of Rock· lage elves. although they have not aban·
from farms or orchards). Since they have a home settled the southwestern slopes of doned baner. The sight of a gatherer elf
measure of control over the forest's the Rockhome Mountains. They found it hauling in a year's supply of nuts and
bounty, this presents no hardship to was easier to trade their metalwork to the other forest delicacies to a craftS·elf to
them. nearby Darokin humans than to risk the trade for a prized decoration is by no
They also hunt the creatures of the for· dangerous and costly journey back to means unheard of in even the largest of
est that they breed and conserve for that Rockhome's main runnels. the purely e1ven settlements. For elves,
purpose:. Elves breed animals by eohanc· It did not take long for the dwarves to money is used only when trading with
ing natural selection, culling Out the realize that the humans were turning foreigners .
weak, the slow and the careless. The re· around and reselling their wares to the
mainder arc fast. sly, and often dangerous Feadiel elves in Alfheim, at a considera- CoiNaGE--------------------
animals - just the way the dves like ble profit. Rather than support these
them . In Alfheim. elves barter. coins are super-
middlemen, the dwarves found ed their fluous . When dealing with outsiders,
Elven craftSmen, either specialistS or own trading company (named for their
hunters and gatherers . frequently craft coins are a convenience and occasionally a
propensity for hiking long distances. not necessity. The king and Council and some
the byproducts of their hunts and gath- the length of tlleir individual paces) and
erers into objects of art and utility. Fur, larger dans usc: coins to pay debts with
the Longsttiders began trading in
bone, and assorted woods become objects outside nalions .
Alfheim. Elven coins are relatively rare , minted
d'art. Many of these art pieces are meant Although initially suspicious of these
for the adornment of the elrs own home , more as novelties or art objects than as
short . gnarly interlopers, the qU:lliry of money. They are also nonstandard and
or trade with other craftsmen in the viJ·
'OJ" ECONOMY Of Alfl)"iM
may vary in size and gold-comem value are no e1ven beggars in Alfheim . are too large to move 40% of their num·
by as much plus or minus )0% of a stand· Elf adventurers who have returned ber into a new stronghold. No stronghold
ard gold coin! home from their wanderings are expected n~ds an influx of 12,000 elves. Instead.
Therefon: , the official (i.e. most com- to give the dan a percentage of their accu- the usual number is about 0.5% of the
mon) coin in Alfheim Town is the Daro- mulated treasure. Through this means. Clan membership, or about 150 elves.
kinian gold piaster. the dans obtain precious metals and Of these elves, the oldest (usually an
Once, king Doriath contracted mints magical items they would not normally adviser to the Clanmaster of the main
in Da.rokin to produce an Alfheim trade make themselves. Clan) is appoimed the Clanmaster's rep-
coin. The leaf, as it was called. was so- The king and Council do not tax the resemative of the stronghold. The Clan
admired by the elves that one trader ac- clans, yet each clan contributes food, Holder (the former adventurer) is the
quired the entire run, sold it back to the goods, valuables and service. whatever is leader of the stronghold. but must repon
elves as novelties for an unprincipled needed or requested by the Council of to and take advice from the Clanmaster's
profit, then retired comfortably to Clans without complaint . representative (usually referred to as a
Ierendi . Counselor).
StnoNC;I)OIOS - - -- - - Whether the stronghold gets a 'free of
caxes-------------------- Establishing a Stronghold
Life and a 'freekeeper depends on its dis·
Each as a contribution to communal life.
tance from the main clan's 'free of life
Many adventurer elves are unwilling to (must be at least 50 miles distant to get a
the clan traditionally asks for 10 lO 20% submerge themselves in their old s<xiety. Tree).
of the individu21 dfs earnings. including The ~e drive for prestige , fame and All e1ven strongholds are considered to
he gathers
and hunts. N~d is the something different that made them be· be established in wilderness. However, in
pnmary cmenon. come adventurers, leads these elves to es· Alfheim. one gains a dominion in the
This "gift to the uees" is used lO fi- tablish their own Strongholds. wilderness by colonization. While all of
nance building projects , pay craftsmen There are differences be[W~n what Alfheim is under the rule of the king. any
for goods used for the ~nefit of the clan happens in A1fheim and how the process
(such as weapons), and suppan of those place that is not already a stronghold is
is described in the D&D® game Players considered "new" terrilOry and ripe for
unable to provide for themselves. There Companion rules. In Alfheim. the dans colonization.
~: ................................................... '
Stronghold Size 6). Clanmasters can be entertained on the ElveN DefeNse INI)UStTty -
Each stronghold is a dominion, with an COSt of a human Baron. This is primarily
area of conuol extending 4 miles in each because elves travel with much smaller Despite the quality of Longstrider
direction (or one hex on the Fold.up color entourages than do humans. goods, the dwarven traders cannot possi.
map of Alfheim), but the actual domi· Holidays are vinually nonexistent, bly match the weapon needs of the entire
nated are:il is no more than a mile or twO since an elfs life is basically one long holi- nation of Alfheim. The main providers
in any direcuon from the actual strong· day. There arc no national days of ccle· arc other elves.
hold. This maintains the wilderness that bration; The elf penchant for taking a day Elv~n smiths arc almost a breed apan
the elves prefer and the distance between off and lazing around is already factored from their brethren . Their love of beauty
strongholds. However, there is no more into the Standard income. and quality is th~ same, but they seck it
than one suonghold in any hex on the Of course, Clan Holders must in unliving iron and other metals, not the
Alfheim fold-up map. pan of the army of Alfheim. How- living plants and natural stOne. A normal
An Alfheim family of gatherers - ever, the Peasant Army called for consists of elven blade is equal in qualiry to any
equivalent, economically, to peasants - Average troops, a condiuon which only other weapon found anywhere else on the
is considered to be 2 individuals (or per- drops to Fair if the normal muster is dou- continent.
haps 2 and 1/2, counting the occasional bled. 'This reflects the expertise of all of the However, those smiths who work to-
child), not 5 as is counted among hu- elves in hunting and scouting. gether with the Treekeepers to make the
mans. By this token , there arc about 60 Tournaments arc a uniquely human ac· unique eJv~n longsword arc another
such families in a basic suonghold . This tivity in which most elves have no inter- thing entirely. These smiths arc wizards as
population docs not change unless mem- est. The Clanmasters of the great clans well, and oft~n form pan of a
bers have !x:en lost in natural disaster or occasionally hold similar cdeb~tions to Treekeeper's entourage. By using the sap
battle. The elves keep their population impress each other and any visiting hu· of the Tree ofLif~, which is only available
constant. mans, but they arc rare and no pan of a at certain times each decade, and spe-
normal Clan Holder's cash flow. cially grown oak wood, they make en-
Stronghold Income chanted weapons whose like is found no
The Clan Holder gains only twO DOMiNioN EV£Nts---- - -- where else in thl: world.
sources of Income: Standard (or service) Elven bowyers and fletchers arc some·
Dominion Natural Events are much the what more in the main line of elven soci-
income and Resource Income . same for elves as for men, with the excep·
The Standard income is 10 gp wonh of ety. They work with the more natural
don of Market Gluts, Market Shortages. substances (most dveD hunting arrow-
hunted or gathered food and incidental T~de Routes Lost, and Trad~ Routes h~ads arc stone, not metal) and their
crafts or building from each of the fami· Found, which have little to do with the
lies. The Resource income is the bypro. products arc essential for daily life as well
elven way of life. as warfare.
duct of the hunting and craftwork, Dominion Unnatural Events tend to
animal skins. leather and handicrafts. In Again some bowyets and fletchers arc
be a bit more limited in Alfheim . Use the 'f/izards who work with the Treekeepers to
general, the Resource Income for the following probabilities:
Stronghold is 2 gp per family, or about create the famous eJven bows and eJv~n
100 gp a month .
The Standard Income and the Re· Unnatural Events
sou rce Income together represent the EIV€N MaGical WeapONS - - - -
Assassination ... ..... ....... 10 %
"gifts to the nee" described above. A Bandits ................... 30% Th~ Elven Longsword. This blade is
player Clan Holder gets the XP for the Birth in Ruling Family ........ 1% mad~ from enchanted oakwood treated
Resource Income as described in the Border Skirmish ..... ..... 0·30%* with the sap of a Tree of Life . It is as light
Dungeon Master's Companion, page 5. Lycanthropy ................ 25 % as a shortsword but as long as a normal
Magical Happening ......... 45% sword (or broadsword) and harder and
Stronghold Expenses Raiders from Other Dominion .. 5% sharper than steel.
Fortunately for the e1ven Clan Holder, Resident Specialist, New ..... 10% The damage done by this weapon is
the expenses of an clven stronghold are as Spy Ring (Shadowelves) ...... 45% Id6 + 1 (2- 7) and it counrs as a magic
small as his income. TraitOr (Shadowelf) .......... 15% weapon, though not as a Weapon with
First, only 10% of the income of the Accidental Death of Official .. 20% pluses. Thus, it can affect lycanthropes,
stronghold need be paid ro the Clan . VIP Visitor .................. 5% gargoyles and spectres or any other man-
Second , visitors are very rare, and even Wandering Monst~rs . 12 HD + 80% st~r that can be affected only by magic
the King of Alfheim has a cost of visit per weapons. but it docs not affect monsters
day equivalent to a human Marquis
* depending on location within AI· that must be struck with a + 1 we:apon or
(Dungeon Master's Companion, page fheim.
t:l)e ECONOMY Of Alfl)eiM
Furthermore, all dven swords have a be affected by magic. There is a 10% Elyen Boots. The upper portions are
built-in detect danger spell which is al- chance the arrow will break after each made of finely crafred leather, bur the
ways in operation, though it must be time it is used . The cOSt of an dyen :urow soles are made of the specially. treated
u~d as shown in the description of the on the human market is usually 2found bark of the Tree of Life. For any normal
druid spell of the same name. The detect 1,000 gpo person or elf, it takes a roll of I on IdlO
shows the presence of danger by making These arrows are only used fo r special for the wearer to be heard. For anyone
the sword's blade glow . The intensity of missions . Elven army archers who know successfully using the Hide Skill (see the
the glow denotes the distance to the dan- they may be facing enchanted monsters "Pullouts"), it takes a roll of Ion Id20 .
ger, or in c~s of obvious danger, the generally have one or rwo in their quivers
threat it poses. along with their usual, non-magic, stone
A longsword can be further enchanted or metal-tipped arrows.
to (ontain plusscs to hit and do damage
and other special abilities. ElveN Mac;/cal CIOtl}INC; - - - -
There are armories of the~ swords Elven weavers make fantastic clothing
available in each major clan's central
from plants and animal skins. Most noted
holding, for USc.": by the dveD army. Ad- for this is the Long Runner Clan of Pini-
venturers are not provided witb the~ tel. who do wonderfu l things with
weapons as a maner of course, though leather.
some may gain the weapons as rewards or The most wondrous items of elven
be issued them for special missions for wear known to lhe world are the dyen
Alfhcim. Many have been lost over the clam and dyen boors. These are made
centuries, and they may be found in trea- II
with dements from the Tree of Life. Due
sure hordes, particularly th~ of tradi- to the nature of the materials needed,
tion21 df enemies_ They 2fe very rardy they 2fe made ~rely. Only the most trust-
sold. On the common market, the price worthy scouts of the Alfheim army have
would be 8,000 gpo these items, but the clothing is some-
The dven longsword works for anyone times part of the trade with Darokin .
who holds it, hut those who hate elves Kings of Alfheim have been known to
may fed uncomfortable or even desper- give samples of this wearing apparel to
ately ill while holding it. those who perform services for Alfheim .
Elven bow This bow is about 4 feet Elven Cloaks. These cloaks are made
long, but has all the handling characteris- from the carefully treated leaves of a Tree
tics of a longbow. The dven bow is of Life. The leaves are pulped with great
treated as a magica.l longbow + J. Since rimal and very little of each leaf is usable,
they are made from the limbs of a Tree of so many are needed.
Life, there are not very many in the
As described in the Dungeon Masters
world, even after so many centu ries.
Rulebook of the Basic DUNGEONS &
Common price on the human market is
DRAGONS«l game set, wearing this
10,000 gp o
cloak makes one virtually invisible . There
is a 1 in 10 chance that someone will spy a
'O}e ElveN Annow---- - - person wearing one this cloak unless the
Elven :urows are made from the limbs wearer is attacking physically or casting
of a Tree of Life; the stone points are (em- spells. This means that a company of elf
pered in the sap of the Tree of Life . Since archers wearing these cloaks are virtually
both superfluous br:mches and sap come invisible to cou nterfire in a banle . If the
ava.ilable only a few times in a de<ade, d- wearer normally has a Hiding Skill roll
ven :urows are rare. (See the "Pullouts"), it takes a roll of I
They are unique in that they have no on Id20 to find him .
pluses to hit (unless they are further en- The Clan Council of Alfheim has
chanted), but the magic is permanent. enough of these cloaks in reserve to equip
The arrow always counts as a magic one warband of the dven army (700-800
weapon, affe<ting creatures that can only elves).
:~- ,.,,", ........ " , ........ ,., ........ , ",." . . ", .. ," """,."." ... ",.,"'" ., ,... .
~ ..................... .
that the Erendyl ambassador h:u no can· distrusted . ing things and keeping them alive is un-
(Cpt of Alfheim's trade n~ds. As a result of their lale-comer SUl.tuS. matched anywhere in Alfbeim.
There is talk of Shadowelf infiltration the Feadid dves make a point of their The Grunalf naming convention is
of the Chossum clan, but this is regarded clan name in all dealings with outsiders similar to that of Long Runner and Red
as the idle gossip of folk from clans who and take umbrage when it is forgotten. Arrow in that they each take a uS(: name,
don't undcrst:lnd tcue entrepreneurial The Feadiel dves are on good terms which has no magical signilicance. but in
spirit. with most dwarves. However. this atti- addition to. rather than instead of, a real
Clanmasu:r Lynnwyll is in favor of any- tude is strongly tried by the antics of the name.
thing th:u pUts (Iven products in the mar· Thorns ofRockhome (see The Dwarves of Clanmaster Durifern Widefarer is fre-
kets of the world. and the world's gold Rockhome G:u:etteer). quently absent from Council meetings.
into Clan Chossum's pock('u. Feadiel has many adventurers. The When present. he stays quiet and then
clan wishes to expunge the record of its votes in a way no one expects him to. He
ClaN En€NOyl - - - - - - - - cowardice for not staying to face the on- stays on good terms with his fellow Coun-
slaught of Moorkroft. Feadiel also has the cil Members, though few consider him an
This dan refers to itsdf as the "royal
highest percentage of adventuring elves asset to the council.
clan," because it is the family of Doriath,
who return to the forest after wandering.
current king of Alfheim.
Feadid dves are also the least likely to ClaN LONe; RUNNeR - - - - - -
About 300 yeats 2g0, a branch of the
ask another dan for help. They feel a
clan, the Erewan, moved to Gianni and The Long Runners arc the most ingrown
need to show they can take care of them-
now is one of the major powers there. A of the clans. They have little contact with
member of that cian, Sire Galladin, is the the outside world and little love for any·
ambassador to GI:a.nui from Alfhcim, Feadiel is foremost among the clans in one but elves, and not tOO sure of any
its lore of the Tree of Life, and Feadiel
juS[ as a member of the:: Gianni brmch is from ouuide of Alfheim.
Treekeepers are valued anywhere that
Glantri's ambassador to Alfhcim . Their territories include both the
there are uees of Life.
There is much comact between this twisted magic site of Stalkbrow and the
Clanmaster Dyradyl Feadid contin-
clan and outsiders from Darokin as well as good magic sites of Glow Tree. Shadow-
ually argues for restricted human access to
Glantri. down, and Goblin Park. This makes their
Alfheim and a renewed dven regard for
As King, Doriath has foresworn ties to territory idea! for the study of magic in
the worship of I1sundal. He thinks that
the dan. Regardless, many Eyrendyl dves many different forms. Elves from aU over
Lynnwyll and Brendian are dangerous ad-
hold positions within the Alfheim gov- Alfheim come here to study with the
ernment, such as it is. master wizards ofPinitel (their clan hold-
Erendyl dves are some of the ~st ing).
ClaN G n u N a l f - - - - - - - -
cmtsmen in Alfheim. Artists and arti- The Long Runners are known for their
sans come ftom allover to study under The Grunalf clan holding of Ainsun lies cate in costuming and cosmetics. Where
the carvers of Elleromyr. the dan hold- in the de~t forests of Alfheim. ~ other clans may ape human styles. the
ing. The profits from Elleromyr carvings (Ween the River of Monsters and the Black Long Runners arc sticklers for primitive
and other artwork has brought the dan Lake Rivers. This has produced a dan of clothes of leather and fur. donning armor
much outside money, which they use [0 avid monster-hunters, foresters, and gar- only when war is at hand.
equip the Elleromyr Guard. deners. One faction of the clan is fanatically re-
Clanmaster Brendian usually agrees The Grunalfs arc involved in maintain- sistant to the presence of anyone but elves
with Clanmaster Lynnwyll on any subject ing the forest of Alfheim. The greatest in the clan territory. although clan leader-
dealing with outside contacts. foresters, the best trackers, the most pro· ship strongly favors it, especially consid-
digious hunters arc said to come from ering the helpfulness of human druids
ClaN FeaOil----- --- Ainsun. and wizards in controlling the Sta!kbrow
This is the most recent major clan [0 join The Grunalfs ate also the best boats- site.
men of the Alfbeim dves. They specialize Like Red Arrow elves. Long Runner
the clans of Alfheim. The progenitors of
in canoes and kayaks which act as plat- dves tend to keep their rca] names (and
the dan first arrived magicaJly through
forms for their monster hunting. even the real name of their clan) a secret.
the rainbow gate as they fled Moorkroft's
The Grunalfs bore the brunt of the Instead, they take names indicative of
conquest of the Sylvan Realm.
Shadowelf invasion centuries ago, and some aspeCt of their personalities, per-
Feadid is perhaps the most pannoid of
are especially vigilant in sniffing out new sonal histories, favorite activities, or
the dven dans. Anyone and anything not
outbreaks of the Broken Landers. prowess. These names change over the
of Alfheim, and sometimes not of the
Many great Treekeepers have come course of an elrs life. A Longrunner
clan. is distrusted - after all, Moorkroft
first came as a friend. Only druids arc not from the Grunalfs. Their ability at grow· whose name was Hornhunter in his
youth, due to his prowess in hunting sponsible for StOpplDg Slx major mva- ing). In any non-military question, his
deer, may become Bugwatcher in l:oner sions, they take their position as participation is usuaUy a disaster.
years, as he devotes himsdf to studying defenders of Alfheim and the forestS very,
the effects of the twisted magic on local very seriously. 'CI1e MINOR C/aNS - - - - - -
insect life. As a result of their cominual comact Some 20,000 elves do not owe any alle-
Clanmaster 8easthunter is the young- with outside realms , the leaders of Red giance to these major clans. They are split
est of the Clanmasters and has a tOtal dis- Arrow waver between isolationism and
up into about 10 minor clans ranging in
regard for the needs of outside contact. cosmopolitanism. They favor a closed
membership from SOO to 4,000 elves.
He considers Brendian a prissy bureaucrat Alfheim as the ultimate protection
Their Clanmasters are on the Council,
:md Lynnwyl a materialistic fool. At the against foreign influence and conquest,
but f2.tely get called to meetings. In most
same time, he has a hard time allying but at the same time they have seen and
cases, these are the most isolationist of
with Dyradyl and Mcalidan because of adopted the practices of many foreign the elves, frequently refusing to have
their lack of interest in hunting. His best military establishments . Among the
anything to do with the other clans,
friend on the Council is Durifern Wide- elves, the closest thing to dwarven or hu·
much less outsiders. As might be ex·
faret. man discipline can be seen in the elite
pected, the isolationist dans are the low-
archers of the Red Arrow clan . est in number. One once boasted over
ClaN M e a / l O I l - - - - - - - - This clan was once a part of the Meali- 10,000 members, but now has less than
dil clan . During Mcaliden's long march
CJan Mealidil chums to be the true clan of 1,000, due to attrition, lack of new births
to find a homeland, the Red Arrows were
the founder of Alfheim, Mealiden Red and desertion to other dans.
his honor guard who protected him and
Arrow. They claim that this achievement
provided most of their military force. At
by one of their own grants them the posi- 'Cl)e MilitaRY StRuctURe Of
tion of cultural arbiters for all that is truly that time they were simpl y the Red Arrow
Guard . Eventually, their way of life Alfl)eiM - - - - - -- -
elvish, and they back. up the claim with
changed so much from the Mealidil1cins- The largest unit of the elven army is the
an extensive library of wrilings and other
men that Mealiden declared them a new warband. Each warband of about 700
recordings on the history of elves and
those they deaJ with. clan. elves (equivalent to a division in other
When the dans finally settled in the lands) is formed of a mixture of melee
The collection is so large that they bad
steppes which became the Alfheim for- fighters and archers. magicians, and
to grow a special combined Sentinel and
Home uee to hold it all. Most books or est, me Red Arrows purposely established scouts. In forest environments, there are
other records of historical imerest found themselves on the easiest access from the few military forces in the world who can
human settlements which became Daro- stand against them. Each warband is di-
by adventurer elves wind up in the library
kin, just so they could be the first elves to vided into seven trOOpS of lOO elves, with
of Mealidor.
feel the brunt of an invasion . They have the same m~ of members.
Mealidil is easily the most conservative
been granted their wish many times. While each warband going into com-
of the clans. Their leaders consistent1y
Like the Long Runners, the Shieldtree bat contains each of these elements, in
wear out-of-date clothing fashioned after
elves hide their real names and take use peacetime the war band breaks down into
that worn by the followers of Mealiden
names suited to their personalities, per- three component units of specialists
l,800 years ago. Their answer for any
sonal histories, or enthusiams. Unlike the (magic-users, scouts, and fighters) which
problem is to research the Annals of
Mealiden and find what he did in a simi- Long Runners, the Red Arrow tribesmen train separately and only meet for com-
tend to keep their use names throughout bined training every year or so.
lar situation.
their lives, sometimes taking on extra This speciali zation docs not contradict
Clanmaster Mealidan can be counted
names if some other facet of their exist- the e1ven natu re of being both fighter
on for the most conservative reaction to
ence becomes supremely important to and elf at the same time. All elven war-
any question that comes before Council,
but, is not an isolationist like Beasthunter them. riors have magic. but the "Magicians"
Clanmaster Redsword Truetalker rep- specialize in battle-oriented magic,
or a pannoid like Dyradyl. He JUSt wants
everything to be done "as Mealiden resents the military viewpoint on the "Fighters" (or Guard as they are often
Council. He favors anything that will called) specialize in protective spells, and
would have us do it."
bui ld up Alfheim's ability to defend it· "ScoutS" specialize in detection and
self, which includes weapons from other stealth-oriented spells.
ClaN ReO AnROW------ -
lands. However, he dislikes having large Every dan has at least one unit of
This is a clan of militam warriors. Where numbers of unaccounted-for non- Guard, one unit of Magicians, and one
the Grunalfs provide the scoutS and Alfheimers in Alfheim at anyone time unit of Scouts. The Guard units are
trackers, Red Arrow provides the rank and would JUSt as soon tear Alfheim Town mainly Red Arrow fighters with bows, the
and file of any dven army. As the clan re- down (which he proposes at each meet- Magicians are largely Long Runner
magic.u~rs. and the Scouts are mainly The Crafrgu:,ud: this unit is not to be to war, the warbands have to be com·
Grunalf foresters. confused with the locally controlled EI· pletely reorganized along wartime lines.
Military service is a lifelong obligation lerornyr Militia . The Craftguard mostly In a Guard unit, there are no specialists,
of the elves. Many a front-line archer has guards the main production areas of all are expected to do anything a Guard
fought humans, orcs, dwarves, and the Alfheim and the approaches from the unit is called on to do.
Shadowelves over the period of six centu- Broken Lands. It is headquartered in EI·
ries. Since so few elves are experienced leromyr. There is a friendly rivalry with War Machine Statistics
adventurers, the elf soldier is only:l. third the Militia. Unit Name: Elven Irregulars Type of
level elf. but they are Jed by more experi- The Foresrguard: this unit has a roving Unit: Regular Division Number ofVnits:
enced comrades. commission that has it patrolling all the 7 MV: 18 DR: In Personnel: 746 Troop
trails of Alfheim and is headquanered in Class: Excellem Division Commander:
Peacetime Deployment A.insun. E8 Deputy Division Commander: E6 A.1I
In times of peace, the members of the The Easrguard: this unit is responsible units: Elite E3 cavalry, longbows and
warbands are put on a rotating schedule for guarding the eastern approaches to longswords + 1, riding warhorses, 3 ser·
(or as much a schedule as dyes can main- Alfhcim and is headquartered in Feador. geants (E4), 1 Captain (E~).
tain). A third of a warband (about 250 The Nonhgu:ud: this unit is responsi.
elves) is on duty at anyone time, which ble for guarding the Rockhome border t:l)e HOnses Of Alfl)eiM - -
usually is about four months a year. The and is based in Mealidor.
third-of-a-warband division h2S littlc re- The Southgu:ud: this unit is responsi. The most astonishing thing for any foe
lationship to the uoop divisions of a war· ble for assisting Darokin in panolling the who meets the Alfheim army for the first
time: warband. Trade Road to Selenica. It is based in Pini- time is that it is a cavalry arm y, though
The seven warbands each have an area tel. their mounts look like frail little ponies.
of responsibility; called a Guardpost. The The Weirguard: this unit is responsible Further surprises await anyone fighting
peacetime unit is called a Guard. Each for keeping monSters OUt of the Sump. It these forces, because the elves frequently
Guard has a roughly equal mix of 'o'er· is based in Desnae. dismount to concentrate on archery and
erans and green troops. Any unit near a Bad Magic Point is re- magic, while the horses fight the melee
The Wesrgu:ud : this unit is made up of sponsible for keeping a watch on that alone.
primarily Red Arrow clansmen and is reo point for monster incursions. Eiven horses are described in game
sponsible for gu:uding the western ap· The organization of the Guard units terms in the" Adventures" section.
proaches to Alfheim. They are stationed has little to do with the organization of a
in Shielduee. warband. Every time the elven army goes
PensoNalities Of AlflleiM
Benji Fr.lnkfoot
Alfheim. Non-dven adventurers need to has adventured mightily within it. Like Amba5S:1dor and Newsmonger
obtain approval from ArI()(:n before be- aJl Clanmasters, he is the oldest member History: This halfling of good fortune
ing -able to deal with higher levels of the of his dan, and he has fought invasions arrived upriver from the Shires ~O years
dven government, and elves find him a and monsters and strange holdovers from ago as an assistant to a long-since·
useful substitute for other contacts back [he pre.forest days of Alfheim. He gets departed Thyatian merchant. Benji de-
in the forest. his name ftom single-handedly slaying an cided that he liked what he saw of the
Combar Notes: ElO; Ae -1 (or 7); hp incredible monster, half-dinosaur and small half1ing community in town and
40; MV 120' (40'); IAT 2 (Attack Class half-giant lion, that escaped from Thorn- stayed. Since then, his interest in corre·
D); 0 6-13 (dven longsword + 3 plus bush ~oo years ago. spondence and informacion.gathering
strength bonus); Save ElO ; Ml12; AL L; Person21iry: Beasthumer is a single- has allowed him to r~ to an important
S 15, I 15 , W 10, 0 16, Co 15 , eh 17. minded elf of great intensity. He is con- position in the city. For the same talents,
Nores: When garbed for combat, Ar· stantly moving when he talks. His seat of he has been named the official Ambassa·
loen wears pl:Hc mail + 2 without a power is probably the least·used article of dor from the Five Shires, although he has
shield. He often wears his armor when furniture in his clan holdings. He toler· not set foot in his home country for half a
meeting slrange non-dfs and even elf. ates outsiders (unlike some others of his century.
advcmurers. clan) but continually uies to prove elven Personality: Benji is studious, truthful,
Abilities & Skills: Hiding (1), Knowl· superiority in any endeavor. and wordy. He is also a bit of a gossip. ea·
edge of Elven Politics (I + 3), Riding (D). Appearance:: Beasthunter is remark· ger to spread the latest facts garnered
Tracking (I). Treewalking (D). ably brawny for an elf, standing the usual from strange corners of Alfheim Town
Lmgufl.ges: elf, Alignment (Lawful), are, ~' 6" but weighing almost l~O pounds.
and beyond.
gool1 , hobgoblin. Thy:ol.tian, Darokin . He is blond and light.eyed, and usually Appearance: Benji is a halfling of me·
Spells Usu21ly C:uried: Arloen 's spells Wtl[S huming leathers. Pan of his long ,
dium height and appropriate huge girth
are usually defensive and perceptive. He shaggy, hair is tied into a topknot. He is for his age.
prefers doing damage with weapons considered a master of sword and bow. DMing Notes: Naturally, this is where
rather than magic. He is the youngest Clanmaster, at age you come to find the facts. Adventurers
Nares: Besides the weapons indicated 6~O. who have read the news·posters on his
above, Arloen has a ring of animal con- DMing Nores: Beasthumer is called on walls are free to ask Benji what else he
uol and a ring of fire resiseance. whenever a major monster escapes the knows on a topic. Once in a while, the
guardians at one of the Twisted Magic halfling gentleman will have a small job
8e;uthunter sites. Adventurers who want to make of an adventurer - ''just go to we
Cb.nmaster of Clan Long Runner points with the dans by slaying monsters Alphatian Embassy and ask them
Hisrory: Beasthunter has never been can do no better than to contaer Beas· about.. ," or something else equally we
outside the borders of Alfheim , but he thunter. and honest. Benji 's " little favors" often
Pen soNalities Of A lflJeiM
tion to adventurers unless he feels they Clanmaster. which makes for a lot offrus-
can use it and use it wisely. Boris im- nation. Even Erendyl dves cannot be
presses many people as a good man with a bullied into getting their projects done
secret. so he hears more about things than sooner.
many a more loquacious person. Appearance: Brendian is an old elf. ap-
Appcannce: He is a typicaJ TraJadaran, proaching 800 years old. Her face has a
heavily built, but of medium height. few wrinkles and her hair is a lovely silver
Boris has medium-long hair and a grey. She still st2nds straight and strong,
trimmed beard, both dark brown. Boris but her eyes are forever darting about.
wears TraJad2.Can-cut working clothes un- looking for signs of sl2Cking.
der his bar 2pron, although he dresses on DMing Nares: B~ndian is a worrier.
occasion in imported Minoth2.Cd or Th2Y- continually concerned that everything is
alian finery. going smoothly. She is aJso a primary
DMing Notes: Boris is, with 211 of his motivaror behind the effo rt to get
taciturn nature. the best cont2Ct for rela- Alfheim materials into the outside world.
tively low-level 2dventurers arriving in Beasthunter dislikes her and she dislikes
Alfheim. Boris can tip off adventurers to him, whom she considers a reactionary
jobs 2vailable around town and to occa· slob with no idea of the needs an dven
sional advenrures in the Alfheim Forests, nation. She is a Strong supporter of King
cause even prudent adventurers to get and somerimC5 beyond. Dori2rh.
Com bar Notes: 6th level fighter; AC9; Player characters will hear about this
into trouble.
Combat Notes: H8; AC 5 (leather ar-
hp 31; MV 120'(40); IAT 1 (sword); D 1· woman but are unlikdy to meet her until
mor + 1 and Dexterity bonus); hp 48;
8. SaveF6; ML 10; ALL; S 15, I 13, W 10, they reach high level. Dominion.holding
MV9~; 'AT 1; D 1-6; Save H8; ML8; AL
D 14. Co 11, Ch 14. elves may find her dropping in to check
Abilities & Skills: Batkeeping (I + 1), on the state of the crafts in the strong-
L; S 10. I 12. W 14. 0 U, Co 14. eh 12.
Abilities & Skills: Knowledge of
Knowledge of City H2ppenings (I), Liter· hold.
acy (I), Riding (0), Tracking (I), Combat Notes: E8; AC 6; hp 40; MY
Alfheim Town (I + 2). Knowledge of
Languages: Traladaran, Elf, Align· 90' (30'); IAT 1 (elven longsword); D 2-
Shires (I), Persuasion (Ch).
menr (Lawfu l), Thyatian. 7; SaveE8; ML II; ALL; S 10, 117, W
Languages: halfling. Alignment (Law.
Notes: As a heritage of his adventuring 14, D 13, Co 15, Ch 16;
full. df. days, Boris has boots of levitation and a Abilities & SkilJs: Craft Leatherdyeing
Borls Beenhumb scroll of protection from undead which (I), Craft Leatherworking (I + 1). Knowl-
L:uJdlord of tbe Silvc:c Cbalice. he k~ps in his owner's qU2ners. edge Elven Ways (I). Persuasion (eh),
Teaching (W), Tracking (I), Trc:ewalking
History: Boris is a native of Kara-
B r~ndian E~ndy l (D).
meikos, a Traladaran. Boris was born in
Cl:mmaster of Cl2n Erendyl unguages: elf. orc, gno11, hobgoblin.
965 in Knosht, a small f2.Cming village in
History: Brendian has remained in Spells Usuuly Carried: Level II - lo-
the wooded foothills [0 the East of
Alfheim most of her life. She initially cate object. produce fire. Level III - heat
Threshold. He spent a few years as an ad-
trained as a Treekeeper, but decided that metal.
venturer after Shearing, and evenwally
settled in Alfheim when he found the Sil- crafrswork was her true vocation. After 2 Notes: Like most Clanmasters. Bren-
couple of cenwries as a crafts specialist in dian has an elven longsword.
ver ChaJice up for sale just after the end
leatherworking, she was recruited by the
of a rcw2.Cding but scary encounter with a
smaJl 2.Cmy of Trolls in the Rockhome then-Master of the Clan ro assisr him in Brightsword
its governance. Thus, while Brendian is a Captain of the Guard of Clan Red Arrow
Mountains. Boris has been the landlord
master crafter of Clan Erendyl, she has History: Brighuword is a bright young
of the Silver Chalice for about 10 years.
not had much to do with crafting for sev- df in the Red Arrow clan. Despite his rel-
Personality: Boris came to town as a
eral centuries. including the twO she has ative youth, 2 mere 450 ye2rs, he is a full
naturally pleasant man whose native
spent as Clanmaster. Division Commander. commanding the
openness had been muted by the strange
Personality: As a crafter, Brendian w2S Wcstgu2.Cd, which is aJways on duty. As
and wild experiences he had while adven-
considered norable for the rime she spent such, he is deputy commander to
turing. Now. Botis is honest and truthful
in his dealings. yet is selective in terms of on a single project. She was known for 2C- Gilfronden.
tuaJly getting a project done in a matter Personality: Brightsword is a military
what he will tell people. He will keep se-
of weeks, instead of months. She took elf who tends to see everything in military
crets and will not give sensitive informa-
that spirit of "get-it·done" to her POSt as applicarions. He is a slave to duty and
. - - ..
PERSONalitiES Of Alfl)EiM
came to Alfheim to study the Trees of[jfe Chossum elves, versed in the ways of
and ended up staying with Ikasthumer. money and business. The Night Run Dominicus Greybeard
who won her heart. She has been adopted Laundry, while functioning as a legiti- P:mi:uch of the Church ofThy,uis
into the clan and given a use name, but mate business serving all areas of Alfheim History: Dominicus is a holy man
her real name is well known and she does Town, also serves as the distribution point known for wandering throughout the for-
not get either the benefits or the penalties for the elven equivalent of the dole, the est, making friends with the Treekeepers
of the use name. However. Coolhands is system whereby civiliuuon·shoc.ked elves and lending his own magic to anything
how she is known now. may obtain the subsistence needed to sur- the elves might need it for.
Personality: Coolhands is a fonhright vive in the town. Personality: Dominicus has a friendli-
lady who stands up for herself and her Personality: Daisy is a typical Chossum ness tempered by his years of life as an ad-
male. She parted from her family over elf. with all the characteristics attributed venturer and by the knowledge that he
their dislike of her choice of life mate. She to her dan by popular stereotype. She is sh:ues this town with the likes of people
often seems a little bewildered by life in concerned with numbers, piasters. ducats such as Master Edrecon. He often puts a
the forests of Alfheim - it's not like or gelava - gold by any name, and has potentially friendly group of adventuren
GJamri. very little of the spirit of joyful living to some simple test of good works before
Appcarancc: Coolhands is a dark- common amongst the elves of the forest. opening up to them.
haired beauty with bronze skin - a typi- In this respect . she is not much different Appearancc: Dominicus is tall, well
cal Belcadiz elf. She wears clothes made from the dwarves and humans encoun- muscled, and ba.lding. In the manner of
of the usual leather of the Long Runners. teted by the former adventurers she his order. he wears his grey be:ud long
but cut in a very stylish (as of twO hun- ~rves, and so is acceptable to them where while in town. but he cuts it short when
dred years ago in Glantri), civilized style. a proper elf would be easily offended by he hits the adventuring trail.
DMing Norcs: Coolhands is a civilizing her attitude. In her own way she is as DMing Notes: Dominicus is a high-
influence among the Long Runners. Her civilization-shocked as they are. level cleric (higher level that the authori-
proficiency with healing magic has made Appc;l.rance: Daisy is a thin, pa.le elf, ties of Alfheim Town realize). willing to
her a special member of the clan. Player with rare grey colored hair. She wears a help a p:uty which has proven itself not to
ch:uacter elves from out of Alfheim can sour expression and clean, well-mended, be evii. He knows much of elf lore , and
use her as an example of what outsiders dothing of the most starkly-plain cut can bring adventurers into contact with
can do. imaginable. certain forest elves. especially Lynnwyl
Combar Norcs: E10 (Magic level 18); DMing Notes: Daisy is a useful contact and Carlisan ofChossum. and Coolhands
AC6; hp 6~; MV 120' (40'); tAT I; D 1·4 for any elf needing to talk to the dwarves, of the Long Runners.
(dagger); Save EIO; ML 10; At L; S 10, I as many of that race find her the most Comb2f Notes: C14; AC 911 (plate
1~, WI), 0 13, Co 18, Ch I). sensible and approachable elf in town. and shield and Dexterity bonus); hp 46;
Abilities & Skills: Craft - Weaving She is also a good place to stan when MV 120' (40'); IAT 1; D 2-7 (mace); Save
(I), Knowledge of Gianni (I), Profession looking for a former adventurer elf. C14; ML 10; AL L; S 14, I 13, W 16. 0
- Medicine (I +4), Tracking (J). Combat Notes: E7; AC 8; hp 28; MY 14, Co 1~, Ch 17.
Treewalking (D). 120' (40'); IAT I; 0 1-4 (dagger); Save Abilities & Skills: Elven Lore (I),
Languagcs: elf. Alignment (Lawful). E7; ML9; ALN; S 11, 117. W 10. D D. Church HiSlory (I), Knowledge of Thy-
Thyatian, Glanuian, orc, hobgoblin. Co 9, Ch 10. atis Society (I), Knowledge of Thyatis
gno11. Abilities & SkiJJs: Bargaining (1). Ac- Politics (I). Oratory (Ch), Persuasion
Spells Usua/ly Carried: Level J - cere· counting (1 + 3), Tracking (I). Treewalk- (Ch), R;d;ng (D).
mony. Level II - produce fire, purify ing (D). Langu;l.ges: Thyatian, Alignment
food and warer. Level III - cure light Lmguagcs: elf. dwarf, Alignment (N). (t.wful), df.
wounds ()( 3). Level IV - remove curse. Thyatian. ore, hobgoblin, gnoll. Daco- Spells Usually CMried: Dominicus uses
Level V - neutraJiu poison. Level VI - kin. mostly curative and protective spells. He
cure serious wounds ()( 2). uvel VII - Spells USU;l.}}y wried: Daisy special- commonly uses spctlk with Vlimals. but
dispel evil. Level VIII - permanence. izes in perception spells such as ESP. dislikes sped with dC;l.d.
Level IX - heal. know ;l.}ignmellt. and so forth for her Nores: Dominicus has a ring of holi-
Notes: Coolhands has weapons profi· work. ncss. a ring of wishes (2 left), a potion of
ciency with a thrown knife. the only Notes: Daisy has a scroll of protection polymorph self, a broom of flying, and a
weapon she uses. from lycanthropes and a w;l.nd of paraly- scroll of pro(ecrion from lyc3.nthropes.
zarion ready for emergencies. The wand
Daisy of Desnae is like new, with n charges.
MistreSS oftbe Night'S Run ~undry
History: Daisy is one of the commercial
PensoNalities Of A1flJeiM
"After a hundIed yeats or so, i/O advenwr- As roll) b y a DwaRf ing journey into the forest:
O~$ soul like mine cr.aves something different Al)veNtuReR----- - - - "When we meet with dves, they offet us
~ mountains, cities, oceans - but most of the hospitaliry of rhe forest. Eat the nuts and
my folk are content with that awesome, ifmo- The People: "The dves tue great craftsmen, drink the water they offer. The water is far
notonous, forest." even if they do work on learher and wood. clCilner than that in Spccularum, [assure you.
Al£heim Town: "Ths/y, Alfheim Town is .a They arc entirdy too flighty, though. Never It's part of rhe enchanrmenr of the forest.
good place to go if you do not belong to the stick to a ptoj«t for long - always dropping it "[fwe arc invited to car, be prepared for a
forest. There you am meet people who call do Uld not coming back for years. long night. They will celebrate rheir successful
you the most good." "Elven soldiers arc tOO fond ofche bow for hunt unril dawn.
Other Towns: "In II sense, a humlilfl sense my raste. You lose the proper fighting edge if "The elves are sophisticated in their own way.
rh;l[ is, there are no other towns in Alfheim. you hold your enemy a bowshot away. Sharp If we mere humans wish to use utensils to Cilt
Still, the elm centers have some of the stabil- axes arc the beSt; that way you know who your with. they do not despise us. Ho~er, eating
ity and population that humaos expect in a foe is and you put yoursdfin the same danger. one's food as raw as possible with nothing bur
town. In panicul;u Desnat: of the Chossum Makes you fed alive." your hands and bdt knife impresses them.
clan and Shiddrree of the Red Arrows some- The Land: "Alfheim has too many trees "While we arc talking to the dves, never
wh2t ~mble towns. and nor enough rocks, [00 many shadows and mention our w;ucs. [ have :uranged them so
"If you wish employment by dves, Desn:.u: nor enough darkness, tOO many animals and they arc prominent on the pack horses - thar
is best place. It is:illo the best ph.ce ro sell to not enough d\V2lVes." is enough. Elves do not really understand the
dves. If you wish to cmp/oy dves and do nor Alfhcim Town: "Alfheim Town is all righr concept of a price for goods. They realize that
wish to go through the Factors of Alfheim enough as sleepy b2ekwoorls villages go. There's you have some things that interes.t rhem, and
Town , go to ElJeromyr for cnJismen, Ainsun not enough action there ror a re:d town." they have some things thar interesr you. As a
for foreseers, Mealidor for lellming (though Oth er Towns: "Aliheim has no other favor, they mighr want to trade some of these
you mlly hllve little luck emering their li- towns, unless you call a bunch of tree-houses items with you.
brary), Uld Shiddtree for warriors." balanced in branches for any wind to knock "But never try to drive a bargllin unless they
How to Get Rich and Fam ou s: "You CUl over a town. Hetud they gOt a nice wall at start the process. A.t all times it is simply a
bring honotllnd wn/lth to yourclUl by llullch- Shiddrree though." tnde among friends. Even if they have noth-
ing yoursdf to rhe gutudiUls of rhe bad magic How to Get Rich and Famous: "You can get ing but money (and money is the last thing
areas, though the creatures you must battle rich by stealing clven crafts wd selling them in they wiIJ offer), they will insisr thar you are
may be your death." Ylaruam wd Ethengar. "lliu cw get f.unow by doing them a favor by taking the htud stuff
Hot Tips: "Beware of pale dves with whire killing some monsters that come out of their our of their pouches while they do you the fa-
hair; they mean only ill to Alfheim Uld no woods. "lliu can get dnld either way, real quick." vor of relieving your pack horse of irs load.
good ro you, whatever their promises. H ot Tips: "Don 'r go to Alfheim; rhe min- "Remember, elves both disdain and dis-
"You will find the best wdcome UIlong the ing is lousy." tlUSt humans. Most are highly tolerant of our
Chossums and Erendyls. Eeadids Uld Long behavior as long as we do not do anything to
Runners will likdy snub you, and the other COURtesy 'Clps fOR StRaNGeRS to rhreaten chem. They arc usuaIJy fairminded
clans will have mixed reactions." AIFI]eIM - -- - -- - - - and will nor consider you a threat unleS$ you
have proved yourself one."
A Kanme1kos m erchant briefing his newly-
arrived apprentice on the e ve of his first rnd-
.,,'" TSR, I~. All Righ" R'H"od
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CReatiNG aNb PlayiNG aN Elf ClJaRacteR
s.>GiNNiNG Gu ibEliNes - - HOW to ROll Up aN Elf - - ing dves fot some aspect of their 2CUOns or ap·
pearance or previous history. The basic
First, let's go over what we already know from The basics of rolling up an elf character are the concept is that the df has II true name that no
the D&oe rukbooks and see what i5 also same as for any character. Roll the dice. If the one knows, and a use name ba.sed on some as·
added in this book. chaf2Cter isn't sman enough to be an elf (an pect of his personality o r personal history.
Physical Description: Elves are slender and elf must have a minimum Intelligence of 9) There is a magiclli reason for having a true
graceful. They stand between ~ and )112 feet roll again until you get a smaner one. name and II use name, which the OM can ex·
tall and weigh around 120 pounds. They have Once you have your elf rolled up, there arc: plain to you.
dcliouc fc2tures and pointed ears. The dves three more steps to creating a good df charac1er.
of Alfheim are genen1ly fair-skinned and fair-
haired; they Clln lightly and nevcr sunburn. ClaNS - - -------
The Three Steps
Minimum Scores and Experience Bonuses: While picking II name, you should lliso hllve
An elf character must hllve a minimum Intel- 1. Select a name. an eye on which clan you wish your character
ligence score of 9. If both his Strength and In- 2. Select adan . to be from. five of theclans use the euphonius
tc:lligcnce are 13 or morc , he gains an } . Select a personalily quirk. style of name. However, the Long Runne"
Experience bonus of)%. If his Intelligence is llnd Red Arrows hllve usc·names for
16 or more, and his Strength is 13 or more, his day activity.
Experience Bonus is 10% . NaMes - -- -- -- - - ChO$S\lm: This is the most mercanule of the
Hit Dice: Elf rut points arc determined on dven clans. Characters who are likely to want
one six-sided dice for each level, with the nor- Research li u:ratufC for elven names. They to work with buying llnd selling goods gener·
mal additions for high Constitution. Ninth come in £wo main rraditions, and both are ally come from this dan. The dan is very pro-
levc:l is the last onc in which an elf gains a hit represented here. gressive and interested in COnt2Ct with the
dice. From there on he gains 2 points per level One is the euphonius tradition of names other nuions of the world.
with no Consutuuon bonus. that sound son of Cdtic Ot Norse (the main &codyl: This is the llnisanclan - a piece of
Normally, elves tOP OUt at lOth level. How- sources for e1ven nories, utet all). Many havt clothing or ornamentllUOn from the Erend)'1s
ever, with special training under humans they been used in this book and others wherein is wonh more thlln II similar piece from an·
can extend their fighting ability (though not elves have llppeared. The following are some other dan. Chllf2Cters who are ctW oriented
their hit dice) to match that of high level hu· examples llnd where they appeared: Lculyl should come from this dan (the cllln of the
Fndiel, Vwar feuliel, Dylen Feadid, Tula- current king).
Similarly, elves who study with the din feadiel , FClldris FClldid. Fillindyl fClldicl, Feadicl: These ltCe elven over-2Chieve($.
Ttcekeepen of Alfheim can increase their Qllntit feadid, Myris Feadid (CM7, The Tree They abandoned their previous homeland,
command of magic, though the spells accessi· ofLife); Prestde Callarii, Shalander, Thalatic, the Sylvan Realm, when it was being invaded,
ble to them arc not the same as those of hu- Allandaros, Sythllndria, and Stellara (The and tend to over-react to p rove their bravery.
man magic-users (See "Elven Secrets" Grand Duchy of Kar:a.meikos Guttteer); Es- A disproponionate number of e1ven wander-
section). In panicular, killing spells (c/e2rh, meralda Er.:wan, Carlotinll EreWll.D, Eleesa ers come from this dan whose Trttkccpers are
duinregrare, power words, erc.) are not availa· Erewan, Norelill Erewlln, Bethys Erewllll, considered the beSt in Alfheim.
ble to elves. QenildorErewlln, Thenedain Eccwlln, Unedy. GruoaJf: While all Alfheim elves are for-
Speci.a1 Abilities: Besides their ability to op- tin Ercwan, Galladin Erendyl (The Principali- esten, this clan is the gfClltest of the forester
erate as both fighten and magic-users at the ties of Gianni Ga:r.eueer); Quillan clans - the finest trackers and hunters come
same time, elves have narural infravuion with Elm-Grower (CMI, Tesr of the W.ulords); from this dan.
a range of 60' in the dark. Also, they cannot Enoreth, Miridor eX 11, Saga of the Shadow Long Runner: This is one of the most isola-
be paralyzed by ghouls and naturally learn Lord); Delsel Outree (M2. Vengeance of Al- tionist of the clans. It is also one of the best
three languages of their greatest enemies, phllks); Goriidel Vyalia (BI0, Night 'l Dark nurturers of magic in the nuion. Th.:
gnolls, orcs, and hobgoblins. h is Hid that Terror); and KaVVll. Lindendm llnd Clanmu· 1kckeepers of the Long Runnen arc the best
these aces stole their language from the elves, tet Uueflower (M), Tlllo05 of Night). wizards in Alfh.:im. irrespective of their profi·
and this is why the elves can speak. with them There are also the Spanish names affect.:d ciencies as Trttkeepcts.
so well. by the elves of the Belcadiz clan in Glantri. Mealidil: The clan of Mealidil is steeped in
The fLOai special ability of the elf is the keen but the Belcadiz are not Alfheim elVC5, llnd the past of Alfheim. Their progenitor brought
vision to spot hidden doors and other objects. their naming tradiuons have other roots. the elves to Alfheim, and they warl( to keep
Whenever an elf is trying to fLOd something, Many of the above characten forego clan the world JUSt as it was in his dllY. They have
the DM will toll Id6 and allow the elf to find names in their adventures outside Alfheim or the finest library in Alfhelln, and probably
Glantri. Either elves arc rare enough thllt the finest on the continent although they are
the object (assuming the elf is looking in the
tight area) on a roll of 1 or 2. Note that this ap- there is no need for funhet identification disinclined to allow usc by non-elves.
plies to any elf search for anything, not just a than , for instance. Durfendor the Elf; or thtre Rt:d Arrow: The Red Arrows arc the finest
hidden door. is only one clan present, such as the Calarii of warriors in Alfheim. Combat oriented elves
Karameikos, $0 any elf encountered is likely to are probably Red Arrows,
be of that clan , In areas like Glantri and AI-
fheim, where more than one clan is present,
Neanby NON-A/flJeiM C/aNS--
dan names become imponant .
The other is the tradition thll( is mirrored in Bdadiz : The.K dves arc no t from Ailheim ,
some of the llbove names as well. thllt ofnUD- but are very prominent in nearby Glanrri.
""", .. ".,I ......... , ...... "., ........... .)
They have names and mannerisms with a of time to do something. Therefore, he fre- culture as stultifying, too. Such elves, usually
Sp~ish flavor. They arc fiery, proud, and con· quently pUts off tiresome chores or doesn't considered to be Chaotic, make it a point [0
tenuous. . take the timing of activities as seriously as do treat fellow adventurers like the clansfolk they
Callarii: This is one of the "lost tribes" of his non-elf companions. abhor. An elf who setS OUt to defy normal clan
Mealidcn's migration who stopped and stayed Again, a PC elf might have the oppo- ties through his actions with his fellow adven-
in what is now Kal'aIllcikos. Individuals of the site motivation. Disgusted by the: b.ziness of his turers is a ~al danger, as he feels no remoISC in
clan have interests simil:u that of any of the e1ven brothers, an adventurer elf might look for betraying or abandoning them.
Alfhcim dans. dflCiency and timeliness in everything. A favor- Fourth, elves have funny ideas about prop-
ite line might be, "La's hurry this up. You're erty. An elf usually wants to split up 2.ny loot
nor going to live forever, you know." immedi2.teiy, so he can go and use the money
p"RSONality QUiRI<s - - - to buy gifts for himself or for a friend.
Second, the elf grows up with magic all
When playing an elf character, the player around him. He has a natural affinity for magic Saving money is like owning land - a for-
should realize that he is dealing with a noo- that is the envy of any human magician: yet the eign concept. This doesn't mean th2.t an elf
human personality. There arc several facets of elf often takes it for grmtcd, as something as would not b«:ome a miser: he would just be
this person:.llity that a rolc player cm turn into natural as breathing or wa.llcing. A player charac- se:en as an untypical elf by other elves, percep-
a memorable character. ter elf might flaunt his magical ability at every tive hum2.ns and other demi-humans. A
The common picture of an elf is a lazy, opportuniry, ignore it as something he only dwarf might think he's finally found an elf
happy-go-lucky son with no goal other than thinks of at odd moments or when reminded, or who realizes what's important.
having a good time. "Merry elves" is a st:.l.nd· self-consciously downplay his ability 50 as not to
aId description 211 over the continent. There offend and cause jealousy among his human
arc rc::asoru for this perception of elves. Here
Wl)at is Exp"ct"ll Of Elv"N
magic-user compatriots.
2ce tips.on how to justify this behavior in a Of course, when the elf who doesn't study Allv"NtUR"RS by tl)"
member of a scrious adventuring party or how with the Treekeepc!rs runs into his natural POW"RS Of Alfl)eiM - - - -
TO justify breaking the elven mold with a char- block against learning more than fifth level While most elves stay 2.t home in the forest,
aaer who doesn't meet every adversity with a spc!lIs, he frequently flaunts his fighting abili- adventurers are seen as throwbacks [0 the d2.Ys
snappy remark. ties as a t2.Unt TO the physically more limited when Elves wandered the world freely. Called
First, This is a pc!rson who, with a little cau- hum2.n W2.nderers, they are said to be following the
tion, am live 800 years. This fan (Quid play Third, an elf is very concerned with m2.tters Wandering Piilth. Traditionally, elf adventur-
out in a number of different possible ways. of clan. No m2.tter how 2.dventurous an elf ers have the drive needed to become powers in
Normally, an elf is cautious. With 800 or may be, no m2.tter how much he may enjoy the forest and former adventurers, the best
more years ahead of him, he does not want to the company of non-elves, his d2.n is still very chance to be King.
risk a shortened life on a too-chancy maneu- impon2.nt to him. Knowing that these Adventurers can be the
ver. Elves tend TO be conservative and weigh Adventurer elves often "2.dopt" an adven- last defense: of their !and, Alfheim encourages
all possibilities before acting. turing band as their c12n. This means that the young elves to go out and gain experience
However, longevity can have an entirely op- they tre2.t their comrades as clan members, and come back as st2.lwan defenders of the
posite reaction, especially TO the elf who even to the extent of forcing a camaraderie home forest. This has the reverse oblig2.tion
chooses the adventurers' path. The character that doesn't exist among 2. ch2.nce-met collec- on the young elves to come The true
might be reckless - already tired of his over- tion of 2.dventurers. goal of any elf should be to either come back
long life and trying anything to break the Not 2.11 elves are so fervently pro-clan, of to Alfheim and build his own stronghold to
boreddm. What matter if his life is cut shon, course. Like any intelligent being, an elf is Cll.- aid his clan, or to build a Stronghold in some
as long as he has UVED. pable of throwing off a cultural holdover. In other land and expand the holdings and pres-
The other major quirk resulting from the faa, this is especially the case with adventurer tige of the d2.n.
elven lifespan is a definite manana ("tomor- elves, who are escaping the way of the Forest
row") attitude. An elf knows that he has lots, and may see any other aspect of their
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ExtRa Sldlls fOR tlJe Elf
Due to their background, elves have a variety ren che sKil1 choice for chat experience level. naying aloft in trees, uuuferring (rom one
of skills that are neither shown in the rule He'll have to get to I,S,O,OOO XP in dcher closely-set ttee to another, and working and
books, nor relued directly to combat, thiev- fighring or magic to get another shll choice. fighting from a tree branch.. Elves learn how to
ing, or magic. These are optional additions to Each new skil1 choice may be used to buy a negoliate tree branches at an early age.
your D&oe nmpaign. new skill or improve one old skill in the man· Elves with ,his skill usually succccd with il
ner described above. in normal situations. The: skill roll is only nec-
BEGiNNiNG Skills - - - - essary if the tree is storm-tossed, or the charac-
SI<ills fOn Otl)en RaCES - - ter is fighting, or performing some other
Ali beginning AUheim elves know twO skills: complex task while trying to move on a tree-
Trading, and 1Ieewalking. They also know a This method of using general skill5 can also be limb.
special clan-based skill (each clan has a differ- used by othe:r human or demi-human races
ent special skill), and may select one other with much the same rules. See The Grand This Ocxterity-based skill has the following
skill . If an dfs Intelligence is 13·1) . he knows Duchy of Karameikos, The Emintes of YIa· Bonuses and Penalties:
one extra skill, for a total of) ; for an Intelli· ruam, and The: Dwan'cs of Rockhome Gazet·
genee of 16·17, he knows twO extra skills for a ICCrs. Bonuses and Penalties (Cumulative)
tOtal of 6; and an Intelligence of 18 gives him
3 extra skills for a tota.! of 7. t:I)E Basic Elf Skills - - - Home or Sentinel Oak +1
Unfamiliar species of tree -I
Tracking Skill (I) Elves arc superlative Dead tree (brittle branches) -3
How Skills anE USEO - - - hunters and trackers. When in a forest envi- -I
Level 1-3
Each skill is based on one of the charaner's ronment , they can track (follow) animals. Level 7-10 +1
Abilities (Strength, Intelligence , Wisdom , elves and other intelligent beings . This 800,000+ XP +2
Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma). Intelligence-based skill is modified by the fol- Raised in Alfheim +1
When a drcurrutance arises in which the DM lowing bonuses or penalties.
feels the use of a character's skill is needed, he
asks the player to roll a d20 against his current Bon uses ll.nd Penahies (Cumulative) SpEcial ClaN Skills - - --
!ICOle with the Abiliry. If the result of the d20 roU
is Icss than or equal to the Abiliry, the skill use Recent track (within an hout) +1 ChlmUIO Clan
succeeds. A roll of20 always fa.iJs, no matter how Old track (more than 6 hours) -I /hrpinin8 Skill (Ch).
high the ch~ for SUCtCSS . Very old track (more than A suctessful roll on the skill mC2l1$ that the
24 hours) - 3 character has gotten the best possible price for
Level 1-3 -1 his goods, information, or services. If twO people
IMpnoviNG Skills - - - - Level 7-10 +1 with the skill bargain against one another, wOO-
A character's skill use chance can be higher Over 800,000 XP +2 ever makes the best roU wins. The DM may give
than the Ability on which it is based. For in · Ra.iscd in Alfheim +1 bonuses or penalties to either character to reflect
stance, you may want the character to be a suo An elf can also try to hide a track, using the diffiCUltics in the bargain to be made.
perior Tracker. and have his Tracking 001110 be same woodsman techniques. If an elf try- Example: Shermakan Cho.ssum is trying to
superior to his normal Intdligence Ability. To ing lO hide a track makes his Tracking pet5Ulldej2nuim Donov, 2 K212mei/can mer-
do this, a beginning character can "trade in" check, subtract the amount by which he Ch:Ull, to p2y him the.wne price fo r a Eryndyl
one of his extra skill choices 10 improve an· made the ch«k from the tracking roJ[ of longbow as it would normally fetch in Specu-
other skilL Each skill choice traded in gives the the best pursuer. larom, a puently absurd price - the mer·
character a permanent + 1 to a chosen skill. Surebow of the Red Arrow dan is at- chant could not mllke money on the deal.
tempting ro evade trackers of che Erendyl. ShermaJean has a Charisma of 10, but has in-
LEanNiNG MOnE Ski llS - - ffu fnrdligenee is 14, and he is both raised creased his Bargaining skill to 12. He rolls a
in Alfheim 2nd uvelS, so he has a Track· d20 and geu an S, making the roll by 4. But
AJ time goes by, a character may purchase the DM S2ys ch;u chis is II tough Mrg2in to
more skills or improve an existing skill. ingrol1ofl6. Hisp/ayerrollsa 12, making
che roll by fout. maie, andpenalizr:s the roll by 3. Thus, Sher-
All characters get a new skill choice every makan ooly mIKes che roll by 1.
four experience level5. Thus, they get thei r Surebow is pursued by Cdc:dryl Eren-
dyl, 2 lOch level elf with an Iordligence of janarina Donov, hIlS a Chllrisma of Jj and 2
first skills at level 1, a new skill at level ), and Bargaining roll to mll(ch. The DM rolls a 13,
12. He has also reached ll. fighting level of
another at level 9. From there on, an elf ga.ins sc she mues hcr roll by only 2, still enough to
a new skill choice at 1,100,000 XP and then E. Surebow's trail is some eight hours cold,
and CdedryJ was raised in G/ancri, so he beat 's toll.jan2rma pays che going
for every 7)0,000 XP following, either in pn'ce for longbows.
fighting o r magic (but not both). geu only a +2 bonus, giving him a track·
ing rolJ of 14. Since Sureoow his toll This skill is primarily used fot quick bar·
by. 4, Ce/edryl mwt roll 10 or less ro suc- gaining with NPes when there is no time to
Aoderswen che 10th level Mea1idil elf ad- roleplay the encounter. Dcaling~ betwccn Pes
venrurer has futtherllrraincd 1, loo,OOOXPas ceed (14 - 4 - 10). Celedryl's plilyer tolls a
12, a failure. Celedryl misses Surebow's should be role played, not roll played.
a fighter. He now gets another $kill choice. If
track and fails to find him and tdl him Erendyl Clan
he then decides to study magic, and goes from
600,000 XP to 1,100,000 in mllgic, he does about che p2tty baCK at EIIeromyr. Craftsman (1) This is anyone type of craft.
not get IInother shll choice. He's alteady got- including leatherworker, smith. armore r, bo-
Treewalking Skill (0) This is the skill of
_ , . . . . a i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 11;;;;;9
ExtRa SkillS fOR tilE Elf
wyer, fletcher, etc. Any time the character has the elf. Furthermore, the basic operation of a
to dea.l with something penaining to his par- new item is likely to be disrovetable by a Long Result ofRoUs Result of Battle
ticular craft. a successful roll means success Runner, due ro familiarity with magic principles. Friendly commander Massive victory :
with the skill. The OM may place any bonuses wins by 4 or more. Enemy in full rout
MeaJ.idil Clan
or penalties on the skill roll that are commen- and enemy
Sin,in, Skill (0)
surate with accomplishing Ihe task. Ladr: of or leader slain
The Me:al.idil Elves kttp r«orcis of elf history
quality of tools and facilities are common rca·
in many Wllys, including the elaborate Songs of Friendly commander Victory: Enemy
sons for penalties or bonuses. Remember that
the Ways. While elves Sttm to be born singing, wins by H. retreau in good
dven longswords md dven cloaks, etc. reo
the Me:al.idil elves uain their children in all the order
quire special materials, onc cannot just whip subtleties, so that if they choose to join the staff
them up with materials at hand. of the Greal librai)', they will be ready to learn Rolls arc tied Stalemate: Fight
Feadicl Clan the Songs of the Way. By the time a Mcalidil elf another day or
KaChcs maturity, he has the ability ro sing a both reueat (DM's
KnofF/ed,t ofTr« Of Lik (I)
The Feadiel dan members stUdy the care and song. This skill only involves the actUal singing choice).
treatment of 'frees of Lk and what can be done of a song. A elf generally knows most of Friendly commander Defeat: Friendly
with their propemcs. A suc.cessful slciIl roll reo the tnditional songs of his clan and people. loses by 1·3 forces retreat in
garding the usc or hisrory of the lltt of Ufc Red Arrow Clan good order.
means the dfknows one specific answer, Again, Militlilty IlIctia (1)
the OM may impose penalties or bonuses foe the Friendly commander Tragic defeat :
This skill is drummed into aU Red Arrow loses by 4 + Friendly forces in
obscurity or the commonality of the knowledge. children. This militaristic clan WVlts every full route , friendly
Grunalf' Clan Red Arrow elf to be able to lead a d ivision, as commander slain.
Hidin, Skill (/) . well as serve in one.
Lke any hunters who rel y on 5t21king and This skill allows the player ro check. with the Of course, you can always usc the War Ma-
the ambushing, dVC5 arc excellent at hiding DM about whether his character's tactics in any chine in the Dungeon Master's Companion
in their native forests, a trait which carries over fight att good. Thecharacter makes his plan, the rules instead if you want to fight a miniatures
to activities outside the forest to some Cl[teO( . OM rolls the dice scctttiy, and , if the roll is equal or battlemap battle.
To succeed in Hiding, an elf must mue a to or less than his Military Taccics roll, the DM
Hiding skill roll, based on Intelligence. If the must tell the player what is wrong with the char·
roll is successful, he is hidden. acter's plan and what he's left out. Of course, OtI1ER Skills - - - - - -
The Hiding Skill roll has the following this infonnation can only be based on what the The following are sample skills appropriate to
modifiers: elf already knows, not secretS known only by the Alfheim elves . It is far from a complete list;
DM that characters could not know. you may add to it as the DM sees fit. When
Bonuses and PerWties (Cumulative) This can also be used as an abstract way of adding a new skill, the DM decides to which
running a battle. Compare the Tactics rolls of Ability the skill penains.
Lou of local cover (trees, etc.) +I twO generals with roughly equal forces (adjUst Playen should think in terms of what their
Link cover (low bushes, etc.) -I them if one side is at a definite diudvanlage) elves would probably know. based on their
Moving While Hiding - 2 and the best roll wins the day. This does not clan and past history, then choose skills appro-
Very Little Cover (gIUS, etc . ) - 3 decide the fate of the player characten, bUI in· priate to their backgrounds.
Non·forest terrain (towns, etc.) - 3 stead how the reSt of the battle went . Class-related skills, such as a thiers ability
No Cover (grwless plain) - ~ The destiny of the player characters can be with locks , or the elf's nawnl ability to spot
Lcvell·3 -} handled in personal combat with pan of the hidden objecu, arc not included in the lists
Levcl7·10 +1 enemy force and fought with D&oe game below; you have to belong to the appropriate
Raised in forest involved +1 rules while the battle occun. class to have the skill. Literacy, normally given
Usc the following table to determine the to anyone of appropriate Intelligence, is DOt
A H1ding 0lCd: Wl keep somcooe from be· battle's outcome . Remember to adjWt each in the lists either, though it can be placed
ing spotted, even by the normal elven ability to commander's roll for any inferiority or super· there if the DM wishes. If it is placed on that
spot hidden dooa, whKh can be used to find iority he might have his or her foe. list, anyone can learn it, but nobody gets it for
any hidden ambush, etc. A Hiding check. made free, regardless of Intelligence.
by ~ more than is needed meaN that an elf can Knowlcd,e: nne field of sWdy. Includes His-
only spot the hiding person with a roll of 1 on tory, Knowledge of Another Land, Military
Id6. If thechcclt is made by 10 or more, even an fuues , Songs , elc.)
elfcannot fmd the hidden peOOD unless the con- Labot-: one type of laborer profession. In·
cealed elf makes him or hcoclf known. dudes Carpenny, Logging, etC.
Lon, Runner Profession: one type of non-labor profession.
Kno'fllllt!d,e of Mlillic Lore (I) Includes Cooking, Medicine, Horse: Breed·
The Long Runners have this skill because of ing, etc.
their affUlity for magic. It is like any other Science: one branch of "pure science." In·
knowiedge skill, as described below. In effect, cludes Astronomyl Asuology, Mathemat·
any ancient magical item is likely to be known to ia, etc.
. " . ... _--.. .. . . .. ..
ExtRa Skills fon tl)e Elf
'1: :
PERSoNalitiEs Of AlfI)EiM
ignore the conventional niceties of con· weighing their words, but he usually Whenever he meets new elves, he ques·
vcrsation in his quest to learn all he can of makes up his mind immediately and uses tions them about the outside world, and
who made the item and how they did it. the rest of the time remembering his last looks panicularly for mention of the Syl-
Appearance: Draugin is a slim. fair, elf hunt. Thus, his final votes on various van Realm.
with no facial hair. He wears standard eJ· questions are often a surprise to the other Appelilf2nce: Dyradyl is bent and
yen leathers. with the usual addition of council members, who have heard aU the shrunken, a bare) feet tall. His skin is
an apron, which he frequently forgets to arguments that he has ignored. wrinkled and browned. When he looks at
lue off before leaving his workshop. In conversation , he uses as few words as you his eyes seem to burn intO your inner-
Hanging in a loop in the :lipton is his possible and expects the listener ro fill in most thoughts. He is always accompanied
n:unesake. a small dwarven hammer used the gaps. He has little time for anyone by two other c1anmembers, both E7. who
for delicate jewel work. who doesn 't seem like a woods-wise per- carry him about in a sedan chai r and
DMing Nores: Draugin is the df to see son, be he elf or other. stand ready to do his slightest bidding.
for anything having to do with jewelry. As Appeartlnce: Durifern is tall fo r an elf, DMing Notes: Dyradyl is a fund of in-
shown below. he h2S s~cialized in the about YB" . His skin is tanned-brown and forma tion about the Sylvan Realm. He is
lore of magical gems and jewelry and is his hair sun· bleached and moving toward also very knowledgeable about the poli-
likely to know anything needed about a white . H e always wears leather armor tics of Alfheim, since he was dumped un-
gem-bedei:ked item of loot. (which happens to be enchanted) and ceremoniously into the middle of them
Combat Notes: ElO;AC 6; hp 36; MV carries a bow. when the clan exited the Rainbow Path.
120' (40'); IAT 1; D 1·6 (sholtSWord); DMing Notes.' Du rifern frequently tra- Adventurers leaving to accomplish The
Savc:E8; ML9 ; AlN; 5 11 , 11 4, W to, 0 vels without an entourage or with just a Tree of Life adventure (CM7) cou ld do
14, Co 12, Ch II. few other humers. He can be encou n- much worse than consult with Dyradyl,
Abiliu"cs & Skills: Craft - Gemcuuer tered anywhere in the fo rest without though of course he has no idea of what is
(D + 2), Knowledge of ~mlore (I + I), warning, and makes a good deus ex m:.z- happening now in the Sylvan Realm .
Tracking (I), Treewalking (D) L2ngu~ges: china to save characters' bacon when Ccmb~t Notes: ElO (Magic Level 14);
elf, ore, hobgoblin, gnoll , Alignment they've gonen themselves in too deep. AC 9/4; hp 38; MY 6"; tAT 1; D 2·7;
(Neutnl), Thyatian , dwarf. Com b:.zt Notes: E9; AC 1; hp )0; MY Save ElO; ML 10; AL L; S 7, I 17, WI), D
Spells Usu~lly Carried : Level I: detec r 120' (40'); 'AT 2 (Attack Class D); D 4· 12, Co I ), Ch 16.
mtlgic. Level II: produce lue, resist fire. 11 (sword + 3); Save E9; ML 11; AL N; S Abilities & Skills: Hiding (I), Knowl·
Level III: hetlt met.lI. Level IV: remove 14, I 14, W 16, D 18 , Co 16, Ch 13. edge of Tree of Life (I + 2) , Persuasion
CUl'Se. Level V: telekinesis. Abilities & Skills: Hiding (I + 2), (Ch + I), Storytelling (Ch + 1), Tracking
Notes: Draugin loves to collect magical Knowledge of Canol barth Forest (I), (I). Treewalki ng (D). Dyradyl cannO[
items with a gem or jewelry motif. He has Tracking (I + 2), Treewalking (D), un- move arou nd well. but he sees everything
a ring of life protection (3 charges left) gu:.zges: elf, are, gnoll, hobgoblin, Align- very well. He can spot hidden objects on a
with a glowing ruby, a ring ofmemory set ment (N), Glantrian, Thyatian. roll of 1-3 on a d6.
with opals, a crystal ball which is actually Spells Uswuly Ctlrried.· Level I: faerie L2ngutlges: elf, ore, gnoll, hobgoblin,
an immense emerald, and a brruiet of fire, longsuide, w:.ztcher. Level II: detect Alignment (Lawful), Thyatian, gnome,
commanding fire c1ementals which is set dwger, predicr we2rher. Level III: Mlter Glantrian.
with rubies that show elemenrals at play bre:.zthing. Level IV: ch2tm monster. 5peJJs Usually Carried: Level I: cere-
on their own plane. Notes: Durifern has le2rher :.zrmot + 3 mony, command word, ch:.zrm person.
and a sword + 3. He also carries a rope of Level II: detect evil. Level III: c12irvoy-
Durifern Widefarer climbing and wears a ring of ~ing. :.znce, protection from evil 10' ndius.
am M2SfU of Cltln Grun:Uf Level IV: dimension door, wizard eye.
History: Durifern came into his posi- Dyeadyl FClIdiei Level V: feeblemind. telekinesis. Level
tion reluctantly. He is the oldest Grunalf C/;m Master of Cl2lJ Fcadie1 VI: anti-magic shell, projected im2ge.
and therefore has no excuse for rejecting History.' DyradyJ was one of those Level VII: dispel evil.
it. He has spent his entire life roving the c1ansmembers who remembered the Notes: Dyradyl has an dven longsword
forestS of Alfheim. In his younger days he Rainbow Path and rediscovered its usc. which he has not used (except as an occa·
roamed those of neighboring lands as He is the oldest survivor of that pilgrim. sional cane) in centuries.
well, but he hasn't left Alfheim since he age.
became first a Counselor and then Clan· Pel'Son:.zlity: Dyradyl has a bright and Master EdrCCOrt
master. active mind trapped in an infirm body. 15th Level Alphari;m M2gic-user
Personality: Durifern is the mong, si. He is a rarity, an unwell elf. and has been History.' Master Edrecon came to
lent, typc. In council he seems to spend since he ran imo a random curse during Elfheim with the Prince-Legate but has
his time watching the other members and the last evacuation of the Sylvan Realm . no official tie with the embassy. He is,
PERSONa litiEs Of AlflJEiM
Notes: Elisa~th has a potion of uade:4d back in human eyes; elves from the forest Gilfronden Erendyl
control that she picked up recently and see him as jumpy and a.s5Crtive. It 's all in Gent:t21 of the army of Aliheim
has 00 ida what to do with . your persptttive. Hisrory: Gilfronden is an old friend of
Appe21"211ce: He is a tall. havy·buih King Doriath whom he met while adven-
f.mmjt Kelso elf (though he looks more like a slim hu- turing . Gilfronden is actually from an·
Almer Fum'cr man) with black hair. other land entirely, the nonhero e1ven
History: Kelso has lived in Alfheim DMing Notcs: Engledoc has a wide va- realm beyond Wendar (see XII, Saga of
Town all of his life, a third generation res· riety offriends and acquaintances in both the Shadowlord). His record as an adven-
ident. He is quite prosperous and he has Alfheim and Alfheim Town. He is nO[ an turer was so impeccable that he was
been dealing in furs for }o years . influential person, but he has ready ac· adopted into the Erendyl clan and no one
Persoa21iry: Emmit is jovial and enthu· cess to most of the current rumors. objected when he was made general of
siastic. He is always trying to sell anyone Combat Notes: E7; AC 8; hp }o; MY the army - a largely ceremonial post un-
fur vests . fur coats . fur hats . fur pants , 120' (40'); IAT 1; 04,9 (elven Jongsword til the nation goes to war. In peacetime,
'It. + I and Strength bonus); Save E7 ; M19; he is in charge of the Weir Guard and the
Appe21'2f)cc: Kelso is tall and thin , AL l ; S 1),116. W 14. 0 I), Co 11, Ch Forest Guard .
with dark brown hair and eyes and a long 14. Personality: Gilfronden is a classic
drooping mustache. Abilities & Skills: Knowledge of AI· gruff old soldier. He getS along well with
DMiag Notes: Kelso has been known fheim Town (I), Knowledge of Roclthome Redsword Truetalker and anyone else
to hire panies for fur·hunting expedi. (I) , Pel$u'llsion (Ch) . Riding (D) , with a military point of view. Despite his
tions. With his contacts it's easy [Q obtain Tavernkeeping (W). TC2cking (I). career as an advenrurcr, he insists on us·
p~ from the elves allowing adventur· Lulgu:Jgcs: elf, Alignment (L), dwarf, ing military forces rather than adventur-
ers [Q enter the forest for this purpose. He orc, hobgoblin, gnoll. Thyatian , Daro- ers for any special missions.
has an amazing num~r of business con· !cin. Appear:mce: Gilfronden is tall , about
tacts at all levels and quanelS of the city. Spells USl1aJly Carried: Engledoc car- )'6" , and lean, about II) pounds. He
Combat Nares: F7; AC 8 (2); hp 40; ries a set of spells good fa t quieting down sports long mustachi05 in the Bdcadiz
MY 120' (40'); IAT I; 0 2·9 (battleaxe rambunctious patrons and detecting pos. manner and his hair is white with age .
with Strength bonus); Save F7; Ml9; AL sible trouble spots, such as sJeep. charm DMing Notes: Actually. Gilfronden is
L; S 16.114, W U, 0 14. Co 11 , Ch U . person, and defect evil. a plant from the Shadowelvcs . Donath
Abilities '" Skills: Knowledge of Notes: In emergencies, Engledoc calls was an obvious candidate to become at
A1fheim forest (I), Knowledge of Fur on his ring of djinni summoning for as- least a fuored Counselor if not the King
Business (I + 1), Persuasion (Ch + 2). sistance. He also has a wand of illusion of Alfheim, and the Shadowelves took a
Languages: Darokin, Alignment (law. with 7 charges remaining. likely elf and attached him to Doriuh .
ful). df. Most of the above is true except thai his
Nares: When called upon to do battle,
Kelso puts on his chain maiJ + 2.
Ta vemJceeper
History: Eogledoc is the son of two off·
spring of mixed elf-human marriages.
Neither of his parents had elf. like uaits,
but Engledoc turned out to be a fu ll elf
(see the "Elf Secrets section" - Half
Elves). He has owned the Quickneedle's
Rest for the better part of a century. Be·
fore that. Engledoc claims to have trav-
eled extensively allover the lands
surrounding Alfheim, even spending
some time in Rockhome, disguised as a
human magic-user. He has had several
names in his career - he adopted this
one to match his elven heritage. He does
not belong to any clan .
Personality: Engledoc is quiet and laid-
PE!RSONaJitiE!s Of Alfl')E!iM
tru~ homeland is th~ Brok~n lands. not dolf may from time to time hav~ ~mploy an e ndo[~men t of his undoubted skill as
Wendar. And, of cou r~, his ultimate ob- ment for a discre~t sword or wand in a tnder.
jective is the conqu~st of Alfheim. town. Adventurers will be abl~ ro rap his Person2Jity: J~rovis is a careful, taci·
Combat Notes: £10; AC 0; hp 46; MY experience and knowledge only by suc- rum fellow who always seems to be pursu·
90' (30'); NAT 2 (Attack Class F); D 3-10; cessfu l persuasion. ing an important deal of som~ kind. He is
Sav~ E 10; ML 9; AL C; S 14, I 13, W 12, Combat Nares: C12; AC 8; hp ~O; MY true 10 his word, but as with many tra.d-
D 16, Co 14, Ch II. 120' (40'); NAT I ; D 4·9 (m2cc + 2); Save ers, it is important to ascertain just what
Abilities & Skills: Craft - Painring (I), C12; ML 10; ALL; S 1~. 114 , W 17,0 his word really is.
Knowledge of Court Ways (I), Lut~ Play- n, Co 14. Ch 13. Appe2l"2nce: J erovis is of average hu-
ing (D), Military Tactics (I), Persuasion Abilities & Skills: Elven Lore (1), man height, a bit overw~igh(, with black
(Ch), Singing (Ch), Tracking (1), Knowledge of Darkoin (I + 2), Military h~r, piercing blue eyes, and a clean·
Tr~ewalking (D), Tactics (I), Persuasion (Ch + 1). shav~n face.
umguages: elf, Thyatian, Alignm~nt L:wgu:dges: Darokin, Alignment (l), DMing Notes: This is obviously the
(C), gnoll, orc, hobgoblin, W~ndarian. Thyatian, elf. person to talk to if things Minrothadian
Spells Usually Carried: Level I: com- Spells Usually C2rried: Grindolf usu· ar~ desired. Jerovis is able to obtain jobs
mand word, Level 11: mindmask. Level ally carries spells useful to his position, or arrange for passage on caravans an
Ill : hold person. Lev~1 IV: confusion. such as detect evil, bless, word of rec:nl, boatS going to Minrothad. He also is in-
uvel V: teleport. elc, ter~sted in buying elven art and crafts of
Notes: Gi lfrond~n carri~s a bastard Notes: Grindolf has a mace + 2 and is excellent quality that adventurers may
sword + J and w~ars plate mail + J. He often ~~n with an obviously magical staff wish to sell.
w~ars a ring of spdl ruming (3 chatg~s) (DM's choic~). If girding fo r combat , he Comb2l Notes: M8; AC 8; hp 20; MV
and an amuler vs. Crysral B:nls :md ESP. puts on his ch2in m2il + l. He also has a 120' (40'); IAT 1; D 1-4 (dagg~ [ ); Save
scroll with dispd evil on il. M8; ML 8; At L; S 9, I 16. W 11. 0 13,
Grindolf the Whit~ Co 8, Ch I~.
Ambassador of the Council for Darokin Abilities & Skills: Barg~ning (Ch + I),
HistOry: Grindolf is a anoth~r high Lore of Artifacts (I), Lore of Magic (I),
d~ric in town, but on~ more political and Persuasion (Ch + I), Sailing (W).
I~ss inclined to help adv~ntur~rs than Languages: Minrothad , Thyatian,
Dominicus. Grindolf us~s his cI~rical Alignment (L), elf.
abilities to son our [[uth and obtain di- S~JJs Usu211y Curied: Levell: chum
vin~ coun~I in r~pr~~nting th~ ime r~slS person. Level II : ESP. Levell lll : dispel
of Darok in not only to the elves, bur also magic. protecrion from evil, 10' I"2dius,
to the r~presenratives of the oth~r coun- Level IV: remove cu~, wiz2rd eye.
tries with missions in Alfh~im Town. Nares: Jerovis has the full equippage
Personality: G rindolf is perpetually for an 8th level magic user, but docs not
busy, always worrying about some plot, carry it a rou nd unless he knows he's in
memorandum, speech or report - what- trouble . Among his possessions are an d-
ever is th~ latest in a never-~nding line of ven cloak and a pair of dven boots.
derails, details. derails. His only relaxa-
tion is th~ occasional dinner with his good Jorodon Fe-.uiicl
friend Clovis. Treekeeper of Cl2n Fe:ulieJ
Ap~2r:mce: Grindolf is shon and History: Joroclrin is another of those
Jerovis Manag
wiry. with long light-blond hair and Th e F2cror, Minroth2d Joint Stock Trad- who came ov~r th~ Rainbow Path 10
beard. H~ generally wears white, from AIfh~im. He caf(i~d the branch of Ihe
ing Company
whence com~s his name. This is the d~ Tree of Life which became the Feadicl
History: The Minrothad is th~ l arg~st
spair of his houseke~p~r, since he is not trading company doing busin~ss in Tree. He ~as g uard~d and nurtured the
the tidiest of eat~rs. tree ever Slflce.
Alfheim.Jerovis is an adventurer who has
DMing Nores: Grindolf is the p~rson Persomlity:Jorodrin is haunted by the
always worked for Minrothad-sponsored
to see for simple transportation out of the escape from the Sylvan Realm. He spends
exp~djtions going from the islands to one
counrry to Darokin, or if ordinary e1ven his time taking care of the Tree and teach-
strange pon or another in pursuit of
goods such as food or native textiles are profit. The POSt in Alfheim is the apex of ing new Treekeepers the history and the
for sale. Adventurers can expect to obtain his adventuring career and a reward for ecology of the Tree.
a shon interview with Grindolf, Ihen be Ap~arwce: His eyes burn with a fa-
excellent s~rvice 10 his company. as well as
passed OniO a clerk in his chancery. Grin· natic's gleam from his pale fac~ and he is
PeRSONalities Of AlftJeiM
~ :
PE:RSONaIi1ies Of AJfIJeiM
over the position of Chief Librarian as of the treaties that sdlJ hold force today. his can bring great honor to an elf.
well as Clanmaster, he is rarely seen ex· He remained a soldier for y<:ars afterward, Combat Now: ElO; AC -); hp 60;
cept at Council meetings. hunting down the odd bandit and partic- MV 90' (30'); NAT 3 (Attack Level L); 0
Personality: Mealidan is the archetypi. ipating in the defense against the Shado- 7-13 (Strength and dven longsword + 3);
cal librarian. Everyone must talk in whis· wclf invasion. He then became a Save EIO (automatic 112 eff<:ct from
pers around him and, jf it hasn't been Counselor of the Clan and. rdatively re- breath weapons); ML 12; AL L; S 14. 1 13.
written down in a book over a hundred cently, became the Clanmasler, or Com- W 14, D 17, Co 16, Ch 1).
years ago. it is tOO ephemeral to worry mander. as this clan calls him. After a few Abilities & Skills: Milit:lty Tactics
aboul. decades as Commander. he was honored (I + I); Persuasion (Ch + I), Singing
Ap~:uance: Mealidan is remarkable with his second name of Truetalker. (Ch), Tracking (I), Trccwalking (D).
among the neady·trimmed elves for a Personaliry: Despite his b loody usc- Languages: elf, orc, gnoll, hobgoblin .
long , often uncombed. white beard, He name. Redsword is not a b loodthirsty Spells Usually Carried: Level I : com-
actually Wears it because he has seen hu· berserker. Instead, he is a student of mand word. Levc1ll: detcct danger. Level
man wizards and patriarchs looking like fighting, a seeker of the best of the ways III: protcction from evil, 10' radius. Level
this and thinks it's impressive. It actually of the sword. This seeking has led him to IV: dimension door. Level V: fecblemind.
looks better on a ) 's" human than it docs human masters of the sword and made Notes: Besides his dven longsword
on a )'3" elf. Under the heard is a finely- him probably the finest fighter in + 3. Redsword has gauntlets of ogre
made but usually soiled brown robe of his Alfheim. He docs not warm to others power and plaremail + 5 which he uses
office. readily. but any fighter who impresses with his shicid.
DMing NOles: Mealidan is a presence. him will earn his good regard.
Elves wishing knowledge will find him Ap~arance: Redsword is always at- Sharlikran
tOO busy to help. Other races find him to- tired in white with blood red trim (includ- Counselor to the Clanmasrer of Chossum
taily hOStile. Somewhere there is any ing his scabba rd). This is a studied Hisrory: Sharlikran is 11 former adven.
piece of information the players might psychological ploy. He is swarthy comple- tufer who has had experience throughout
need. but getting it out of this fusty old xioned and red haired (as arc many of his the local nations. He has even been in
elf is a good trick if they can do it. people). His build is tall and stocky. Rockhome and Ylaruam. though not for
Combat Notes: ES; AC 6; hp 35; MV DMing Notes: Low level player charac- long. After a long adventuring career. he
120' (40'); NAT I; D 2-7 (mace); Save E8; ters have little contact with Redsword. He came back to his clan and took up pro-
ML 9; AL N; S 13, I D. W 10, D 13, Co is a legend in Alfheim and there is little tecting the Chossum caravans. Now he is
13, Ch 10. he needs from someone without a lot of in charge of hiring all personnel fOf the
Abilities & Skills: History (I), Profes· experience. In higher level games, his aid caravans.
sion - Librarian (I + 3), Singing (Ch). can prove invaluable. and performing Personality: Sharlikran is an open and
Tracking (I), Treewalking (D). great d eeds as a subsidiary commander of friend ly elf. He goes out of his way to hire
Languages: elf, ore, gnoll, hobgoblin,
Alignment (N) Thyatian, Glanuian.
Spells Usually Curied: Level I: light
(X 2). Level II: locate object. Level III :
clairvoyance. Level IV: dim ension door
(X 2).
Notes: Mealidan's "mace" is actually a
heavy walking stick, which he carries
more for effcct than need. He has a dis-
concerting habit of lIppearing right next
to someone browsing through the library,
using a combination of spells to locale the
person, then dimension door next to
Redsword Truetalker
CI:mmasrer of Clan Red Arrow
History: Redsword gained his first
name as a valiant defender of Alfhcim
against the last of the major Darokin in-
vasions - the ones that led to the sign ing
PERSONalitiEs Of Alfl}EiM
looking into laking the: path of the: Para- thai sle:mmed the last Darokin invasion alian, orc, hobgoblin. gnoll, Darokin.
gon to lxcome: an Immonal . 2nd cre:.2ted Alfhe:im Town . For his valor Spells Usu:l.lly wried: Levd I: fellow-
Personality: In this land of magic. he was made the Guardian of Alfheim ship. l..evellJ : detect evil. Level JI1: pro-
SW'W;ltcher is a scientist . Since: magic is Town. a position that the Council fdf he rceo'o n (rom normal missiles. Level IV:
thc= only science available . he studies could lx uusted with because be so often polymorph omers. kvel V: neucraliu
thaI. He is bright and eager when faced expre:s.sed his haued of city life=. poison.
by a proble:m. and totally distracted whe:n Personalicy: Taragin is a conscientious Notes: Taragin has the: enchanted d~n
anything intrudes on that problem. In elf with a mind for detail. and hates his longsword descrilxd above and a ring of
short, he is the archetypical absent- job. Yet. he realizes that he is probably protection + 3.
minded professor. Starwatcher also has a the lxst person for ie, 2nd so cominuc:s to
de:termined dislike for non-elves . Where serve as the Guardian. In private he has a Ur,ham the Quiet
Coolhands counsels tolerance: . Statwat- large fund of SlOries about the stupidity Propcictor - Re10ble Ha'71bu1inx
cher wants all humans OUt of Long Run- and cupidity of town dwellers, and he 0- History: Urgham was the commander
ner territory, if not Alfheim. presses his scorn of the town-dwelling of a lost parrol from the last oreim inva-
Appe:u:mce: Starwatcher is short, person in sarcastic tirades whenever the sion 10 years ago. Urgham and his uoops
about ~' I " and square-built for an elf. situation seems appropriate. taking no were captured and held prisoner in AI-
His hair is pre:matutcly white: (he's only pains to hide his attitude from any on- fbeim Town. along with the orcish bag-
700 years old). He is still lively and active. looker. gage train and the camp followers. When
He likes to wear ornaments with a star Despite his dislike of town dwellers as.2 the orc army retreated , Urgham and the
theme . class. he has formed K'Veral cordial others were left lxhind. The ores ~
OMin, Nores: St~tcher is a fund of tionships with some of the trade legates peaceable towards the other city inhabit·
magical knowledge and he loves to im- from other n.2tions. ants, and have found useful work .
pan it . Here is where to go to get m.2gical His attitudes toward town·dwdlers in Urgham's m.2jor problem is .2voiding in-
training - if you are an elf. general have nothing to do with his atti· volve:me:nt in plots by the mountain ore
Ccmb:u Nores: EIO (magic level 20); tudes towards the various other races. His rri~s to attack the elves. The trilxs ar~
AC4: hp 40: MV 120' (40'): tAT I: D '·7 tolerance towards all other races is quite constantly trying to 5ubve:rt Urgham's
(shortSWord); S.2ve EtO; ML 10; Al L; S exceptionally good - a result of his expe- folk to thdr cause.
14, I 18, W U , 0 16, Co 13, Ch 14. riences as an adventurer. PersonaJiry: U,gham is a hard-
Abilities & Stills: Hidjng (I), HisIOry Appearance: '&ragin is fair-wnned workin" middle-class son of ore - a rare
(I), Knowledge of Magic Lore: (1+ I), and not as sun-browned as other Grunalf case_He is interested in his hauling busi-
Knowledge ofTre(: ofufe (I), Science- elves beuuse his duties keep him inside. ness, his runily, and in keeping the town
Astronomyl AStrology (I + I), Science - He is tall and slim and his hair is a light orcs out of trouble (especially the type of
Mathematics (I), Singing (Ch). Tracking brown color. He: still looks quite youth- trouble: the mountain orcs seem to
(I), Treewalking (0 + 1). ful, though the problems of his position bre:ed).
Langu:l.ges: elf, Alignment (L). Thy- have: give:n his face more care wrinkles Appc:l.taOcc: An ordinary-looking orc,
atian , pixie, orc , hobgoblin. gnoll . Glan- than are commonly Sttn on an elf of his of ordinary height . light green skin with
uian , Darokin . age (about 6~0). orange splotches around the muzz.le. He
Spdls Usu21ly urtjN: kvd I: anal-
yse. Lc:vcl II : predict we:JUler. Lc:vel 111:
OMing Nores: '&ragin is the final au-
thotity on trade affain in Alfheim Town . ,...
dresses weU oow that his business is a sue·
speaJc with animals. Lc:vel IV: summon Any new plans concerning trade in the OMing Nores: Haven't you always
2nimals. Level V: comrol winds. Lc:vel VI: Town or in the forest have to be screened wanted to have a friendly conversation
weather control. Level VII: lore. by him . He also occasionally patrols with with an ugly orc? Beyond this exotic treat,
truesighr. Lc:vel VIII : open mind. Level his policing force. which give:s player Urgham oft~n has political problems
IX: summon object. characters of any race a chance to earn his (avoiding plots) which he gladly foists off
Nores: Stat'Watcher weatS lamer annor enmity, or even his gratitude. on adventurers with time on th~it bands
+ 1 and has .2 numlxr of othe:r magic Combat Nores: EIO; AC 0; hp 48 ; MY (He knows how 10 ddeg2te world). He: is
items - mOSt of which have a Star motif. 90' (30' ); IAT 1; 0 3·9 (d~n longrword an authority on ore society, albeit a bit OUt
+1); Save E 10; ML 10; AlL: S 11,115. of touch .
uragin Chkbranch W 17,016. Co 14, Ch I~ . Combat Noees: 4HO; AC 8; hp 20;
Gwmfian of Allhtim Town and Coun- Abilities & Skills: Hiding (I). HistOry MV 120' (40'): tAT I : D 4·9
Idor of Cbn Grunalf (I), Persuasion (CH ). Profe:ssion Ad- (shortsWord); Save F4; ML 10; Al N ; S
Hisrory: Taragin spent ove:r a cemury ministator(l). Singing (Ch), Tracking (I), 18,113, W 12, 0 U, Co I ~, Ch 11.
.2dventuring before coming baclc to Tre:ewalking (D). AbiJities& Shl1s: Accounting (I), Mili·
Alfbeim ; he was JUSt in time for the battle Langu:l.ges: df. Alignment (l), Thy- tary Tactics (I), Oreish Lore (I), Persuasion
PeRSONalities Of Alft)eiM
Precipitation pass over the watcher within the radius Effect: gives knowledge of comin g
are also discovered. weather
Range: 10' per level
Duration: 1 round per level This spell is identicaJ to the first Level
Seco NiJ L evel Spell
Effect : Creates light rain in 30' + 10' per D escniptioNS - - - - - - -- -
druid spell of the same name.
level diameter
D ereer Danger Produce Fire
This spell takes aU the water vapor in the
area of effect and turns it into a light rain . Rangt::: ')' per level of caster Range: 0 (elf only)
Note that a low level elf is caught within Duration: One hour Duration: 2 rums per level
the effect of his own spell. Effect: Reveals Hazards Effect: Creates fire in hand
Except when used by high levI':! elves,
This spell is exactly the same as the first This spell is identical to the second Level
the principaJ effect of this spell is to level druid spell of the same name . druid spell of the same name .
dampen clothing, film solid rock floors
with water (making footing uncenain), Entangle Purify Food and Water
water plants, and snuff out fires. The rain
turns into obscuring fog of double its nor- Range: 30' Range: 10'
mal area when it hits fire magic (such as Duration: 1 round per level Duration: Permanent
wall offire). If the weather is below freez- Effect: Controls ropes Effect: Makes food and water safe to con·
ing, the rain turns into sleet (between 31 sume
This spell allows the elf to use any rope-
and 33 degrees F) or snow (30 degrees F like object of living or onct::-living mate· This spell is m uch like the clerical fust
and below). rial (roots, vmes, leather ropes, level spell of the same name, except that
Magical cold (such as icc storm) ap- plan t·fibre ropt::s, etc.) to behave as he or the food and water pu rified can only be in
plied (0 the result of the precipitation she orders. About 50' of normal 1/ 2 " di- its natural state. If it has bet::n prepared by
tufOS It Into lCt::. am eter) vine plus ')' per level of caster can cooking or preserving (other than simple
be affected. The commands to be given air-drying), the elf spell will not affect it.
Resist Cold under an entangle spell include: coil
Range: 0' (form a neat stack), coil and knot, loop, Resist Fire
Duration: 6 [Urns loop and knof, tie and knot, and the reo
Range: 30'
Effect: All creatures within 30' verses of all the above. The vine or rope
Duration: 2 turns
must be within 1 foot of any object it is to
This spell is identicaJ to the clerical spell Effect: One living creature
coil around or tie up, so it must often be
of the same name. This spell is identical to the second Level
thrown at the target. The affected vine
can be handled by the target as it would c1ericaJ spell of the same name.
any other entangling object.
Range : 10' Silence
Duration: 2-8 turns plus 1 turn per level Know Alignment' Range : a (touch)
Effect: Plants or animals give warning Duration: 12 turns
Range: 10'
Wht::n the watcher spell is cast, the elf Duration : 1 turn Effect : All movement is silenced
causes a specific plant or local animal to Effect : Tells alignment of target This elf version of the second Level cleri·
react to the presence of any living creature cal spell is specific to one target at a time,
This spell enables the elf to exactly read
bigger than a rat, i.e . anything larger and is usually used to enhance the elven
the aura of a person - human, demi·
than about one· half cubic foot in volume movement through the woods. It is rarely
human , or non·human. This reveals the
or than about 3 pounds in weight. As used offensively because of its reduced
alignment of a person. Up to 10 persons
soon as any living creature steps past the range , but the same constraints are on it
can be examined with this spell. The reo
plant or animal, touches it, or otherwise as are found on the clerical spell.
verse of this spell makes another's know
disturbs it, the plant or animaJ emits a
alignment spell react as if the targe r is the
loud keening sound which can be clearly Warp Wood
same alignment as the examiner for one
heard within a 60' radius (subtract 10' for
turn. Range : 240'
interposing doors, 20' for th ick walls) .
The sound lasts for 1 round , then sub· Duration : Permanent
Predict Weather Effect: Causes wooden weapons to bend
sides. Undead do not cause the spell to
function, but invisible creatures do. Fly· Range : 0 (elf only) This spell is identical to the second Level
ing and levitating creatures attempting to Duration: 12 hours D ru id spell of the same name.
This spell allows the elf to CTeate a shim- "ElveN MaGical iteMS emORies to give up a pan of itself for the
mering sword·like blade of force . The elf item. Strangely enough, it talees less time
T:1}e '["nEe OF Life - - - - - -
is able to wield this weapon as if he or she to gain the wood for bows and arrows
were holding it. An elf cannO[ both fight Most elven cJ:ms have a "Relic" called the than it does for any of the other objects.
with this sword and fight with other T.r~ of Life. Elven life is buih around this The Tree of Life is intelligent, like a
weapons. but it will juSt hang in space if uee . Among other things, it is the source treant, but normally immobile. Keepers
the elf must neglect it for a few rounds ro of many of the unique magics of the also knows a ritual that will allow a Tree of
handle something else. It has no bonuses, elves. Life to move, but the ritual is dangerous
bUI can hit any sort of opponcnt, even Like other demi-human reiics, each to the Tree (75 % chance the spell works
those normally Struck only by + 3 weap- Tree of Life has a Keeper with 2-8 aco- minus ) % for every level of the
ons. It hitS any armor class on a roll of 19 lytes. The Keeper is given a Domination Treekeeper's below 20. otherwise the Tree
or 20 . It inflicts 4-24 points of damage power which allows him to give unques- dies) and the 'Ii«'s movement is labori·
and lastS until the spell dUr2tion expires, tioned orders to any clan member except ous. It can tr2vd no more than a mile a
a successful dispel magic is cast on it, or the Clan master. The Keeper also commu- day.
the caster no longer wantS it . nicates with the Tree by using ESPspeils.
This sword can be used for any special The Tree h:tS an ongoing aura with a Origins
maneuvers, JUSt as a normal sword can. Turn Undead power similar to that of a The original Tree of Life w:tS created by
fifth level cleric. This aUr2 normally has a the Immortal IIsundal sho rtly after be be-
EIV~N US{: ~NaM~S - - - - - 360' r2dius, but is diminished by ~' every came an immonal of the Sphere of En-
time one of the spell-like abilities de· ergy. The uee is, in fact, an Avatar of
One interesting dven magical pr2ctice, IlsundaI. The First Tree is still alive in the
scribed below is used. Once the aUr2 is reo
apparent only among the elves of the Red Sylvan ReaJm (see CM7).
duced 10 a 0 r2dius. the powers cannot be
Arrow and Long Runner clans, is the usc Since the emigration of Mealiden
used until the aUr2 radius is recovered at a
of usc-names instead of regular clan
rate of l-~' per day. Starwatcher from the Sylvan Realm, there
names in all their dealings with anyone have been 10 equal Trees of Life. Each is
The Keeper can also have a Tree of Life
outside the mi.nimum family g roup. Fre- an avatar of IIsundaI. Each of the major
usc five spell-like abilities: cure blind-
quently, an elf of one of these clans will clans of Alfheim has one of these Trees of
ness, ("ure d~, neucralizc poison, cure
go through an elabor2te ("C'(Cmony, using Life except Clan Feadiel, which has a
serious wounth, and idenrify magic item.
the appropriate speU, to change his clan daughter of the original Tr« of Life. All
The tree can also be used in rituals to
name. other Trees of Life in and outside of
create m any magical objects. Creatio n of
The ceremony gives the elf immunity Alfheim are "daughter" trees, depen-
the dven lighrboar and the oil ofsunlighr
against magical and clerical charm and dent upon the existence of their "moth-
is described in the Dungeon Master's
hold spells . So long as the attacker does Companion rules. Other items that can ers." Should a mother uee die, all the
not know the real name of the elf he op- daughters wither too.
be crealed include:
~s, the elf is immune to charms and An elven clan cannot talee root in a 10-
Elven boors: These boots arc soled with
holds. Unfortunately, if the e1fs real the treated bark of the Tr~ of Life . cation without a Tree of Life (true only for
name is known, the same ceremony that Alfheim elves). When a clan has grown
Elven cloaks: These cloales arc made
gives the elf immunity removes the sav- too big for its im mediate area, or must
from the other leaves of the Tree of Life
ing throw against the same spells. And, move for some other reason, a living
(not the ones used for maleing oil of sun-
unfonunately, anyone using a successful branch is taleen from the old Tree of Life
lighr) . They arc pulped, drawn into fibre,
ESP spell on an elf and asking the right to move with the clan. Some of the clan
and woven into cloaks .
questions (to bring the real name to the members stay to guard the original tr~
Healing potion: Distilled from the sap
front of his mind)can learn his true name until the move is completed (often many
of the Tree of Life.
(the elf may attempt an Intelligence years).
Magical bows and arrows: The wood of
Ability Check to prevent this during a When the emigrating clan finds an
a Tree of Life can be used for making
mind probe). area which looks appropriate for the e1ven
Magical bows and arrows.
This is why only certain tribes among way of life, the Treekeepee finds an oale
Elven Longswo.rds: Very small quantities
the dves use these naming conventions. tree and grafts the uee of Life branch
of the sap of the Tree of Life are used in
Most elves trust to their normally good onto the oak. In a matter of months, the
the tempering oakwood into magical el-
magical resiStance r2ther than risk having Tree of Life effectively remalees the oale
ven longswords.
no resistance all. into another Tree of Life. However, the
All of these magical items take a long
time to manufacture. The need for the new Tree of Life gains none of its magical
item must first be established, then the powers and attributes for about five
Tree must be prepared with extensive cer- years. That's the critical period for any at-
Secnets Of tl)e Elves
tempt at an dven settlement, and the the original state of the Alfheim region, a are born tOO close to normal horses. They
time when most such attempts have series of wasteland steppes, and suggest arc telepathically blind and less intelli-
failed. that the horses arc cleverly bred steppes gent. These lesser ponies arc sold Out of
A Tree ofLife grown in this way is spiri- ponies such as those found in Ethengar. the forest (as "authentic elven ponies")
tually dependent on the tree its branch Indeed, the little animals have many to keep the bloodlines pure and to give
was taken from. If the old tree withers traits in common with those ponies. them a lifestyle more suited to them.
and dies, so does the new onc. However, there is something more to
To remove this dependency, a these horses than clever breeding tricks. O f Elves a N!) tl)e Fonest -
Treekeepcr performs an "adoption" cerc- Something that no one knows but the
many that rak:t:s over a century to pre- elves. It is common knowledge that the beasts
pare. The newer tree becomes of the forest around an elven stronghold
independent of the old tree and effec- 'CIJe SeCRet ViSitORS - - - - - warn the Clan Holder of any incursions
tively lxt:ornes the proper home of the av- by outsidets. All normal animals within ')
Shortly after the forest of Alfheim had miles of the Stronghold arc friendly with
atar ofIlsundal. The other daughter trees grown and the elves had knocked back
of the old tree are now the daughters of the elves dwelling there. They warn of
the first of hundreds of years of invasions. strangers, carry messages, etc. In ret,:un
this new tree. Of course this ceremony has King Mealiden was contacted by a small
to be performed with the approval of all
the animals expect help and protectIon
group of unicorns. These norn~ally s~y from the elves.
the daughter trees of the original trec. and solitary creatures offered thel! help 10
Though the ceremony has been devised, Many sages question this common
guarding the fores t in exchange for sanc- knowledge. The elves are also avowed
it has never had to be performed in the tuary and the elven promise not to hunt
known history of the elves of Alfheim. hunters. Why should the beastS they
them. The elves agreed readily. hum be so eager to help them?
This dependence continues through At that time, the elves were using the
every [fee generation. Thus, if Grand- In fact, when an elf builds asrronghold
descendants of the original steppes po- in a formerly wild area, he brings a certain
mother Tree is stricken, then Mother 'free nies for their riding animals, along with
is also stricken, and Baby Tree is likewise stability to the animal population. Elves
horses they had acquired in other realms. hunt for twO reasons; the need for food
affected. Considering the wanderings the However, none of these horses were com-
elves have done over the centuries, find- and the thrill of the hunt. In addition,
fortable in the woods. Reproduction rates the elves arc the ultimate conservators.
ing the source of a Tree ofLfe's illness c~n slowed and it began to look as if the elves
be an incredible quest (See Tree of Life Therefore, the elves work to nurture the
would need to constantly import horses. young and healthy animals and to elimi-
The unicorns contacted chevalls within nate the old, diseased and superfluous;
All subsidiary Trees have the same the elven horse herds. Originally from
powers as their ancestors. No two Trees neither the young mother nor her cub has
Karameikos, these were-centaurs made anything to fear from an elf.
can exist within ')0 miles of one another
sure these demi-hum~ns were treating Only a certain number of male animals
witham both sickening. In game terms,
their mounts correctly. Together they de- or older females arc taken (and even these
they cannot regain their magical abilities vised a breeding program that would mix
after they've been used and soon lose arc spared if they give good sport). The
horse, chevall and unicorn. elves spend as much time observing the
their immortality and normal invulnera- Eventually, the elven horse was born, a
bility to plant diseases. Elf sages thin.k animals as hunting them, so they know
short-legged, quick pony with uncan~y which ones they should eliminate and
that they take tOO much out of the basIC intelligence and the ability to fight on lts
magical essence of the world when tOO which to preserve. Elves sometimes orga-
own if need be. Their intelligence and nize elaborate hunts purely for the pur-
close tOgether (See Principalities of Gian- speed make them the match for any ar-
ni Gazetteer for further discussions of the pose of spying on the local animals and
mored warhorse, as they have proved in keeping track of their condition.
world's inherent magical properties). hundreds of battles. In shott, the elves act as herdsmen for
Mixing with any other breed of horse the entire forest, protecting the helpless
'Cl)e HOnses Of Alfl)eiM - - decreases the intelligence and increases and hunting only those capablc of taking
The mystery of the origin of elven caval- the size of the offspring. No true elven care of themselves and any unnatural
ry's forest-dwelling ponies has puzzled horse is allowed out of Alfhcim (even un- monsters lurking around. Many a crusty
human scholars for centuries. The ani- der a well-connected adventurer) unless it male animal has spent years evading the
mals were nO( with the elves during their goes with the army. In fact, the beasts elves, finally to be [tacked down in a spec-
wanderings. They appeared after the share a semi-telepathic link with elves tacular hunt the elves spend centuries
elves had settled in Alfheim and the for- and cannot be separated long from their singing and dancing about. These per-
est had grown. friends without going insane. formances are as much in praise of the
Knowledgeable horse breeders point to There are, however, elven horses which quarry as the hunter.
.•......... .. , .. ,.. . .
? .
SeCRets Of tl)e Elves
'4: ........... . ....................... ....
In this section we talk about running a inform the player that his father is not the where they must rely on one another. If
campaign involving Alfbeim, both for Clanmaster, but a secondary leader. they don't, they die and the players can
characters created there and for those who With final player input in hand, it's roll up some less fractious elves for their
wander into the dven forests. time to round out the background. new characters.
campatgn. If this JUSt results in trading insults be- Friendly Aid, Sometimes an old friend
Why do this? Because it develops solid tween the characters, there's no real prob. has a skill that no one in the party does, or
ground work for roleplay. The more the lem. If the conflict looks like it will boil an uncle might be high in the govern-
player knows about what the character over into outright warfare between the ment, or a cousin have a ready ear and the
knows and has experienced before the two characters, it's time to take the play- ability to catch conversations in circles the
player started running his or her life, the ers aside and discuss the situation. Re- player elves cannot enter.
more the player will be able to get into mind them that it is just a game, and Such people can be used to provide
the character - think of what the charac- everyone wiJI be happier they work to- clues frequently, and help the characters
ter would do or say in a given situation, gether, out of scrapes infrequently. Characters
rather than what the game rules define as There is no reason that an dfhas to fol- should get Out of their own messes when-
the best action. Even campaigns that are low the attitudes of his dan in all things. ever possible, but OMs should utilize llny
mostly combat and dungeon crawling (or Being exceptional dves already, surely the means possible to give clues to help move
"Slash for Cash") change as motivated PCs can each see the justice of the other characters in the direction needed for the
characters replace mere statistics with elfs viewpoint and work toward patty adventure.
names. unity. Towards this end, make sure that the
In such a situation, it is also a good idea friends and relations are much better at
to have an acknowledged leader who is gather~ng information than general ad-
<O"t PlaY"R INPUt - - - - not allied to one of the extremist groups. venturlOg.
First, ask the player to devise a back- If the dominant players of the party (who A Friend in Need. Friends and rela-
ground for his character based on what he always end up being the leaders, no mat- tions can also be the source for adventure,
or she knows about Alfheim, warning ter what characters have the high Cha- as they get caught up in plots and mis-
that you may have to change things to fit rismas or social position) are the deeds and need to be pulled out of what-
the storyline you are working on. Let the antagonistic elves, then your group ever mess they (or, actually, the OM) hllve
player work up the names of parents and leader may need to be an NPC under your gotten themselves into. Players will re·
clan mates and his relationships with control who can stomp on the hotheads spond to these situations quickly, if not
them. when necessary to keep the campaign used too often.
Check the final product for abuses. A flowing smoothly. Particularly useful is the ploy of having
player who says that "My father is the the friend or relative provide information
Clan master of the Red Arrow clan and Smoothing the Rivalries to the character elves, then get into trou-
has taught me all he knows about Military The afore-mentioned conflicts within a ble because of it and need to be bailed
Thctics," is none-too-subtle way of asking party probably surface early in a cam- out,
for extra ability in that skill. Inform the paign, and the remedies suggested can Avenge a Friend. And sometimes, the
character that his father has taught him as tone them down until you get the chance help for the friend comes tOO late. The
much as his strenuous load of duties will to unify the party directly. nefarious shadowelf conspirators have
allow. Therefore, he has the equivalent of The best way to accomplish this goal is poisoned his bark tea and poor Galinde1
a basic Military Thctics skill. Depending to make them need one another. Throw is dead. This shouldn't be done more
on the campaign, you might also want to the antagonistic elves into situations than once or twice a campaign, particu.
latly towards th~ tnd of a storylin~, whtn Th~ dv~n agt of 2) is rath~r lik~ 16 in Stlf to the new elf.
it can ~ a suong motivator towards a stO- humans. and the elven ag~ of 100 is lik~ R~turning adyentur~rs can have a
ry's climax. 2) . number. of motivations. They may want
to recruit som~ clan m~mbers to Stt up a
PC FRif!NOIi aNO R€/atlves-- - - A Cl)oice Of caMpaiGNS - - - new Holding ouuid~ - and must get a
On~ way to build pany unity is [0 rdat~ Tr~~k~eper's appr~mic~ and a pot~miaJ
Now that w~ hay~ tht panicipants es- Clanmast~r, arrange for a branch of tht
th~ playtr-char2Ct~rs to on~ anoth~t ftom tablished , Wt can d~termin~ what son of Tr~e of Life, and g~n~rally set things up
thtir prt-campaign days. If thty ar~ all campaign can be run in Alfh~im .
from tht samt dan, they art all probably for tht colonitllion attempt.
playmates, sinc~ th~ population of ~If The acrual att~mpt can involv~ bat-
GnoWING Up IN AIF/JEIM - - - - - - tling indig~nous forces , establishing him-
childrtD at any ont tim~ is very small
(Th~ r~ ar~ about 900 ~If childr~n (ages Each play~r cr~ates a brand new elf chat- stlf, and gen~raIly ~stablishing th~ ~Iy~n
acter according to tht Player Pull-Ouu tqujval~m of a Dominion (stt 0&0'
1-20) in any ODt clan at any tim~) . They
hav~ all probably hunttd tO~thu and and the suggestions ginn abov~. TIlt Companion Rules and the "Elven Soci-
charact~n g~t to confront ~veryday lif~ in ~ty" section of this book).
~rv~d in th~ army tog~th~r.
Ev~n dv~s from differ~nt clans hav~
Alfh~im, I~a.rnjng th~ stcr~fS of th~ for~st If the r~turning adv~ntur~r JUSt wanu
as th~y spend time as m~mbers of th~ var- to become pan of th~ Alfheim lif~ , he can
pl~nry of opponuniry to han met and as-
sociattd_ Young dyes arc taleeu on uips to ious Guards, go to buy cquipmtnt in stut finding traces of something sua.ngt
acquaint th~m with all pam of the forest, Alfheim Town, hunt suang~ beastS in th~ - somtthing nry strange to someoot
espttially th~ various good and twist~d forest. etc. with his for~ign-aff«ttd pe:rc~ptions but
This campaign imm~rses the pla.y~rs in y~ry natural to th~ usual inhabitanu of
magic areas. Sinc~ each visit tuppens at a
sptcific age for every elf. all th~ dyes of th~ Alfhdm culruCC'. Ey~ryon~ is an ~lf, Alfheim, stnng~ ~nough to motivat~ th~
that age (about lOO) in Alfhtim ar~ gath- and th~y can shar~ standard ~lf attitudes character to explore funher. Sec examples
~r~d togeth~r for th~ trip .
about humans and oth~r shon-liv~rs and in th~ .. Adv~mures" section.
Finally. only 1 in 100 ~Ives in Alfh~im do ~verything from an ~ss~ntjally sdfish
has. ,?y interest at all in adnnturing . elv~n aspect. Stan this campaign with
hunts. monster fighu. and chanct ~n
}bu ,,",UlON'f waNt to L/w
This IS g~n~ra.lly recognittd early and ~R'-----------------
COUnt~rs, thtn develop into high intrigue
thOSt dyes tend to associatt with each Of course. Alfheim can just Strvt as a
oth~r. ft~qu~ndy crossing ciao lin~5 to do amongst the movers and shak~rs of the place to be from . Your players can cre1t ~
forest as the play~r charact~rs begin to rt- Alfheim charact~fS and then adyemur~
Why all this elaboratt justification for aJit~ th~ extent of th~ Shadow~lf inftltra- somewh~ re dst tntirely, SttUr~ in th~
pr~vious association? So that elv~s pr~
tion of Alfh~im 5OCi~ty! knowl~dg~ that th~y know th~ir roots.
~stablishtd as fri~nds hav~ ~ven mor~ rea- Th~ campaign can ~volv~ into sttting
You can ~v~n usc th~ Shadowdf infil-
$On not to squabbl~ whilt acting as party up clan holdings and m~shing th~ charac- tration plotline establish~d h~r~ as a basis
memben. ters into lht lif~ of Alfhtim , or stnding for adnntures c15n'h~rt. The plots of th~
them off to advtmu.CC' becauS(' of th~ Wl~ 6rok~n Lands Shadowdves txtend much
AGo-------------------- for advenrur~ they'vt golt~n in thdrown funh~r than the bo rd~rs of Alfh~im -
home for~st. that 's why Carilisan was placed in th~
IXt~rmint tht ages of the advtntur~r
elYes. This should be somewhere betw«n Chossum clan . Shadowclf influ~nce tX-
COMiNG H O M € - - - - - -- - ttnds throughout the contin~nt. and
25 and 100, th~ ag~ wh~n an elf d~ter
This campaign is for pla.y~rs who al r~ady trac~s of it can be found in Karameikos
mines that h~ really wanu to adv~mur~ .
O ld ~r elves ar~ a1re1dy stt in thdr ways, han df charact~rs who can fit into th~ among th~ CaJarii, in Glantri amongst
and unlikely to follow th~ Wand~rjng Alfhdm campaign. Th~y should pick a both th~ Erewan and th~ Bdcadit ~Ives .
Path . Until thty hit 100. an ~lf can be- hom~ clan for th~ character and "comt and in non-dyeD communitj~s ~Ist
hom~" eithtr for a visit or to finally Stttl~ wh~r~.
come a Wand~rer any tim~. Enn Wan-
d~rers can have th~ dyen inclination to down and becom~ a Hold~r. For instanct an adventuring pany in
This campaign runs much lik~ the Eth~nga.r might find a crew of bandits us-
postpone major decisions until tomor-
row, which txplains why som~ wait so "Growing Up" campaign, and can actu- ing dven Jong swords! How did they g~t
ally be meshed with it. with som~ n~w th~m? Tht Chossum 's say that a trading
long before finding th~ Wand~ring Path .
Major difftr~nces in ag~ should be no and 5Om~ ~xperienc~d df charact~rs. Th~ caravan was robbed in that ar~a, but who
rol~ playing in this campaign occurs as authorit~d th~ shipping of th~ swords in
real problem. ~xc~Pt for th~ gteat~r diffi-
th~ adv~ntut~r df acclimates himstlf to lh~ first plact ? Could it be G~n~ral
culry in establishing associations ouuide
th~ old forest. and the clan acclimates it- Gilfrond~n? Why would th~ g~n~ra.I ship
of clans.
long swords out of Alfbeim? adventurer, robbing only those whom the them do have a benerchance. Elven Para-
This son of thing is JUSt the thing to elves don't mind seeing robbed. they are gons have a lot of time to plan and ac-
bring charllcters established in another tOlerated. complish Immortality - and any elf
country back to Alfheim to solve the mys- However, the elves have no more love interested in Immortaliry has the will
tery. for those who rob and steal from citizens power to offset the usual elven sloth.
of their nation and town than humans
Just VlsltINC;--- ----- do. Sec Crime and Punisbment in the EI- The Elven Hero
Non-elf characters can play in Alfheim. ven Society section. The elves are far less The Epic Hero is the other elven path of
lenient with human tbieves than they arc
too. The land could be a stopping-off choice. In many ways it suiu them bener
with elves who make a mistake in judge-
place for a brief adventure before contin- than the Paragon , but it is not the way of
ment . llsundal and Mealiden, so it is not as fa-
uing on to other things, but there is al-
ways room for one more non-elf to settle vored. However, other elves who arc not
MasteR Level GaMes----- of Alfheim have followed this path with
in Alfheim.
The elves are always looking for non-elf The previous suggestions deal with Basic at least as much success as human thieves .
mercenaries to handle some of the tbrougb Companion level games. But
tougher monster-figbting - and tbey what of the Master level of play? We pro- The Dynast
pay well for the assistance. Higb level vide one adventure idea for cbaracters of While the Dynast is probably the easiest
figbters can always find work training that level, but what of tbe basic goal of a route for elves to follow, it has very little
10th level elves to improve their fighting . Master class player? How should an AI- favor in Alfheim. Some sages claim that
Magic·users are welcomed in some ar- {helm Elf au::un ImmonaJity?
I1sundaJ and MeaJiden were following
eas, and the magic points make some both the route of the Paragon and the
kinds of research very easy. High level Elf Paragoos Dynast in their careers , but it is in their
magic is always welcome, since so few roles as Paragons that they are emulated .
The Paragon was once the usual Alfheim
elves manage to get to those rarefied path of cboice. Both IIsundal and Meali- Many high level elves are considering
levels, and cenain higb level spells arc de· den followed that path, creating, respec- this path in these days of entirely too
nied to even tbe e1ven Treekeepers. tively, the Sylvan Realm and the Tree of many human wizards of high power.
Clerics and thieves arc less welcomed, life (for Ilsundal) and Alfheim and the King Doriath, in fact, is said to be ac·
tbough the elves find places for tbem in Egg of the Phocnix(for Mealiden) as pan tively following this path, and still
tbe community of Alfheim Town. The of their ascension to ImmonaJity. They searches for a time travel device that will
elves don't mind clerics who do not at- were aJso C2Ch fortunate in that it was easy aJlow him to aid his descendanu. If his
tempt to promote their human faith for each of them to defeat all magic·users acknowledged heir gives him a grand-
among the elveS. Unlike most of the within 1,000 miles because there were far child, it is thought that he might retire
world, the elves still remember the fewer magic-users at the time . from the monarchy of Alfheim and seek
technology-worshipping clerics of Black- The opportunity for an elf to attain this to establish a new elven kingdom in
moor, and do not trust proselytizing cler- route now is not greal. The world is too Norwold.
full of wizards who arc much more pow-
Tbe elves JUSt treat most thieves as ad- erful than the commmon elf, though the
venturers. As long as a thief acts like an Treekeeper wizards and those taught by
Any series of adventures in Alfheim is go- vegetative matter for the daily meals.
ing to result in characters wandering Humers are looking for fun, (and meat
through the forest. The elves purpo~ for dinner). MeraJnorphs arc a strange
fully keep Alfheim as wild as possible. breed of shapeshifters (sec the O&D®
Game animals. 2 C2tegory including Master rule books) who have ~veral small
many monsters. abound because they are ~ttlemen[s in Alfheim. They arc friendly
carefully managed by the foresters. Trav· to elves. but avoid humans. In Alfheim
ders in the forests of Alfheim can run they are treated like unaffiliated clans.
into many different sorts of monsters. An NPC Party is another adventurer
Monsters arc considered game animals group . They may have a similar purpose
by the elves. To the hunt·loving elves. the to the PCS, or they may not. The Shado·
creatures that come from the Broken we/ves, on the other hand. are definitely
Lands or Bad Magic points arc fair game enemies. Even if the party has set up a
- so long as the death of game animals special deal with one of the Conspirators
will not imperil the total population. (see "The Plot"). these shadowelves
don't know about that and don't care.
RaNOOM ENCouNteRS - - - They are to stay hidden until the day of
revenge, attempting 10 pass themselves
If you wish to determine random en· off as elves. but often have a h2rd time
counters in Alfheim forest. use the doing so. A Treekeepcr is either on his or
appropriate-to-the·pany-Ievel Forest En- her way to a meeting of the Keepers or on
counter Table out of either the D&D® Ex- a research expedition, perhaps to one of
pen or Companion game rules. Anything the Good Magic Points. All honor should
on those tables can be found somewhere be paid to a Treekeeper or the party of
in Alfbeim. elves with the Treekeeper (similar to that
Certain creatures on the~ ubles need with a Clanmaster) will be very upset
funhe r discussion in the context of AI· and. at the least, report boorish behavior
fheim. The main consideration is that to other authorities. An UnaHiliared
e~erywhete you find men. read elf, and
Clan is a small clan of elves not affiliated
vice versa. with the Seven Clans. Usually they are
grudgingly hospitable to other elves, but
M ON6ten Notes; - - - - - - - do not want any real contact. They are as
Animllls. Herd Animals are usually likely as not to shoot at humans and other
deer (from smaU mu le deer to elk), elf non·humans.
horses. or even a solit2l)' moose. One or twO of these clans are actually
Dragons. Most dragons are passing quite friendly. but good luck finding
through, having come from the moun· them.
tains to hunt. Others come from the Ora· f lyers. Pixies and Sprices can be found
gontree Bad Magic Point. The dragons everywhere in Alfheim. They frequently
can be any size, small to huge. ~rve as mascotS at holdings. The elves
Elves (Men). There are a number of have a great deal of affection for their
possible elf encounters. Among them "little brothers," 2nd tolerate no aggrava-
are: A ClUlm:lSreris on his way to a meet· tion of them.
ing with other clan leaders. He'll have 2- UnusuaL The b:lSi/isk, the gorgon and
20 other dves with him of level 3-6. Sec most of the lycanth ropes and most of the
Clanmaster descriptions in "Personali- other creatures on this list do not belong
ties." The Foresrguard is the official pa- in the forest. Most of them have escaped
trol of the forest. Be prepaRd to have all from a Bad Magic Point. They are fair
necessary licenses re2dy for examination. game for any party.
Foresters. check on the state of the forest,
and usually report to Ourifern Widefarer.
They have little interest in others in the
forest unless they are harming u ees.
Gatherers are out picking nuts and other
.. .. ,,,,,,,, ......... ,..
THECHEVALL Monic: 10 (range 30/60/90), or use one as a melee
Chevalls were first described In BtO, Treasure Type: Nil weapon and one as a mi.s5ile .
Night's Dark Terror. Alignment: Neutral If a sphere hits its target (normal roll to hit),
XP Value:
Ho= Centaur "
The creation of Elven War Horses is described
it explodes, inflicting 1d6 against most oppo-
nents, but Id6 + 3 against elves. As each
sphere explodes, :I. replacement instantly ap-
Form Form in the "Elven Secrets" section. They are not
peaf5 in thewyrd's hand, but it (an only make
Armor Class: 2 4 really intelligent in the way that people :ue,
two attacks per round. Clerics can Turn wyrds
Hit Dice: but their intelligence far exceeds normal
270' (90')
2 hooves I
180' (60')
2 hooves!
horses and mules (comp:l.rable to a dolphin),
They can talk to any horse or mule :l.nd share
as if they were wraiths.
Greater Wyrd. This more hideous variety of
the normal wyrd is the result of a powerful un-
1 bite 1 weapon an empathic link with the elves, particularly
dead spirit entering the body of a high level
D:unage: Id61ld6fld8 Id6/1d6! those who ride them often.
elf. This undead being is greatly feared, for its
by weapon appearance causes all who view it to make a
Saving Throw vs. Spells or attack with a - 3
Appcuing: 0(1-3) 0(1-3) Armor 3 penalty to both Hit and Damage Rolls. A
Save As: Fighter 7 Fighter7 Hit Dice: 1 + (v:l.ries)* minimum of 1 point of damage, however. is
Monle: II 9 Move: 120' (40') always scored by anyone hitting the wyrd.
Treasure Attacks: I A greater wyrd creates twO glowing green
Type:C C Damage: by weapon spheres each round, using them either in me-
Alignment: Neutf1l.! Neutral No. Appe:uing: 1-8 (2-40) lee or as missiles. Anyone struck by a globe
XP Value: 8>0 8>0 As: Elf of same level suffers ldIO points of damage and must make
A chcuJ.! is a creature which can change at will Monic: 6-8 a successful S:l.ving Throw vs. P:ualysis or be
between twO forms: an imdligem horse and a Treasure Type: (V)H paralyzed for 2d4 turns. Elves, however, suffer
powerful centaur. In either form, a chev:all Alignment: Chaos ldlO + ~ points of damage, but are immune
may only be hit with silver or magical weap- XP Va.lue: 13 and up to the globes' p:ualyzing effects. Clerics Turn
om_ greater wyrds as if they were phantoms.
Shadowelves appear much like dves, have the
Chevalls concern themselves with striving Both normal and greater wyrds can be hit
same progression as m:l.gic-user and fighter
for the good of all horses. They often go about only by magical or silver weapons. They are
and most of the same limitations as normal
in horse form. checking on the welf:uc of immune to sleep, cb:um, and bold spells.
elves. They differ in their infravision. Because
horses in the service of humans, demi- of their long experience underground, Shado-
humans, and humanoids. If a cheval! finds a welf infravision has a range of 90'.
horse which is unh:appy with its lot because of
maltreatment or neglect, it will not rcst until WYRD
it has freed the animal. ChevaJls hate wolves, The Wyrd origina.lly appeared in AC9,
and :ue the blood foes of were-wolves. Creature Catalogue.
Dogs :ue wary of the scent of chevalls, but
horses have no fear of them. In either form, Normal Greater
chevalls can communicate with horses in a
Armor 4 0
whinneying language and can command all Hit Dice: 4' 8***
horses to do their bidding. Once per day, a Move: 120'(40') 120'(40')
chevall can magically summon ld3 w:u horses Attacks: 2 glowing 2 spheres
which appear in Id4 rounds. spheres + special
In centaur form, chevalls usually arm them- Damage: 1-611-6 1-lOfl·1O
selves with wooden clubs or shott bows and + p:l.ralysis
can speak the local language of humans, elves, No.
and centaurs. Appearing: 1-6(1-6) 1-2 (1-2)
Chevalls helped (reate the unique e1ven war As: E4 E8
horsesofAlfheim. MONic: 12 12
Treasure Type: B B
ELVIN WAR HORSE Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
/',~ '" .. -- ... " . . ... .......-.. . ..................................... .......... ... __ ...... -
_ _
1:1)" AOV"NtUR".
The poison carried by the Shadowelves weaker PCS can fmish it off. 1:1)" GRaNO 1:0UR - -- -
is more virulent than the one described in Or the PCs can come to the king's at-
the Dungeon Master's Companion. They tention by having to be saved by him, This is an adventure outline meant for
derive it from fungi grown in their ca- though this is not quite so sure an entry play by characters near the top of normal
verns under the Broken Lands. A missed into his confidence . elven advancement, about 10th level. It's
Saving Throw means inS(anr death, called The Grand Tour because the char·
though the bonuses to saving throws Save Someone Else! acters end up relating to all of the major
given in the Companion still apply. If the Even Gilfronden might have his prob· dans of Alfheim. With few exceptions,
saving throw is made. the normal poison lems with a monster and need aid. It the named NPCs in this adventure all ap-
damage given stjJl affects the victim. would be a sore trial to him to be in debt pear in the "Personalities" section.
The assassins carry three arrows each for his life to possible enemies. He might
INcitiNG I N c i o o N t - - - - - --
with the poison on them and each has a even try to recruit the characters (but not
shonsword lined with the poison. The personally, that's what agents are for) for A Grunalf forester, torn and bleeding
sword's poison wilt evaporate aft(:r one the Shadowelf cause - offering them stumbles out of the woods. He mumbles
use, whether the swing was successful or loot and power when the Shadowelves are something about "a meeting" near Sha-
not. The poison on the arrows is good for 10 power. dowsdown. Before they can act, three
one shot each. The assassins do nOt carry Shadowelves attack the PCs (use the As-
more poison, nor do they have their we'Re Not iN A/f/JeiM aNYMORE' sassins from "The Great Hunt") . Once
spellbooks. coto! they have disposed of the attackers , the
Given half a chance, in a fight the as- The Magic Points of Alfbeim can appear forester is dead unless some parry m em o
sassins will use spells like invisibility and at any time and anywhere. Only the most ber healed him in the middle of the fight.
polymorph self to escape. If captured, stable and long-lasting are shown on the The characters are presented with an
they can reveal the trail they used [Q enter map. A hunting pany can suddenly find immediate choice: take the body to Ain-
Alfheim, but it is no different than any itself in a swamp and menaced by dino- sun or follow his trail to the meeting
other. They do not know Gilfronden, saurs because they've walked into a time· place. If the characters managed to h eal
they were just told to contact the masked warping magic point. Since you want the the elf during the attack, he will accom-
elf. characters in Alfheim, the way back may pany them back to the meeting place, ex-
If Gilfronden is with the assassins, he simply be to walk a mile to another lead- plaining that he came upon a meeting of
will use dimension door to get away in- ing back to Alfheim, or it may be much shadowy figures who seemed to be plot-
stantly, following with teleport if the first more complicated. Give them the puzzle ting some kind of mischief, but had to
spell is not sufficient. and hit them with dinosaurs when they flee before he could discover anything .
get stalled. Use Endoric from "The Nithian Lch "
Save the King! Other areas can do things as simple, adventure as the Grunalf Forester.
It is not necessary to save the king from and as challenging for role playing, as If the characters take the body to Ain·
assassins to gain his attention. King Do- changing the sex or race of the character. sun, they are met by Oanmaster Durifem
riath was an adventurer. The hunt is a This leads to interesting interaction until Widefarer himself, who says that the elf
chance to fight again. He loves iL the situation is corrected. was his special agent, sent to discover Sha-
It is possible for even so experienced an OM NOTE: This sort of thing should dowelf infiltrators. He asks the PCS to con-
adventurer to misjudge the power of a always be either temporary or correctable tinue the job and suggests that they might
monster. The PCS come upon the king with the right combination of events. follow the elfs backtrail to find Out where
fighting desperately for his life as he Players can become frustrated when the this mysterious meeting took place.
stands over the body of his horse. His fol- foundations of their characters are per- At the meeting site, the players can
lowers are scattered over the forest floor, manently crumbled through no fault of find twO items of interest. One is a Chos·
unable to stand before the monster, pos- sum Account book with the personal sigil
their own.
sibly a beholder or large dragon - ofSharlikran ofChossum on it. The other
enough to give the PCS a chance to shine ENO Of tlJe H u N t - - - - - - is a tool belt of the type used by Erendyl
in the king's eyes and maybe gain entry bowyers. Both clans have been suspected
into his social circle - something that The hunt ends when the monsters are ei- of Shadowelf infiltration at one time or
could become very important later! ther all destroyed or reduced to controlla- another. Both items look as if they were
If the characters are tOO weak to fight ble numbers. If all goes well, the set aside for the meeting, and the owners
something that could do so much damage characters should come back from their didn't manage to find them again after
to the king and his patty, just make sure the first and subsequent hunts, with good ex- the meeting was broken up by the spy.
creature is wounded badly, just not as badly perience and, with luck, their initial in- At Desn:ile; The account book is full of
as the king. Then, with the king's help, the volvement with "The Plot." ongoing account records from a recent trad-
ing trip to Glantri. The last: few pages. how- 1. The uceslayin.g: Shadowclves arc time to help Jorodrin destroy the intruders.
nr~r. ~~ writt~n in an unknown languag~ using the Mealidil Librllry Tree (Q discover perhaps with assistance from the Tree of
and in a differem handwriting. Going to any way they can kill the Trees of Life. Life itself. Remember, it is intelligent.
Desnae and asking the Chossum elves 2. The Elfslaying: Semien has just In Pinitei: The characte rs find
about the accoum book getS an interview made a defective bow for Beasthunter. Coolhands, who leads them to Beasthun-
with Carlisa.n. who idemifies the book as Beasthunter is even now hunting for a ter. They arrive JUSt as Beasthunter draws
Sharliknn's and suggests that perhaps the monster which is actually under Shado- back his bow to feather some incredible
handwriting is from the same writer but welf control and waits to destroy the Long beast (DM's choice). He has an arrow en-
with his other hand. Of course, he'd be the Runner clan chief when his bow breaks. chanted against that creature and expects
last person to suggest Sh~likran is helping 3. The Swordslayin.g: A prominent elf to slay it in one shot.
the Shadowelves . . . is infiltrating his shadoweJf minions into The bow breaks. the arrow flops onto
Sharlikrlln is in town and states that he ShieJdtree to slay Redsword Truetalker. the ground, and the monster charges
lost the book shortly before the end of his These three events will occur on a time Beasthunter. The characters can help slay
last trip. He claims most of the handwrit- schedule that would allow fast riders to the monster, find its comroller(s) and get
ing as his own. but knows nothing of the get to each event in time to intervene (re- them, or both.
strange writing in the back. "It wasn't gardless of the order in which they are In Shieldtree: The characters arrive at
there wh~n I had it." run). The DM should decide which order night and are met by Brightsword. who is
At EIJ~romyr: The tool belt belongs (Q he wants to run the adventures and spec- not interested in awakening Redsword JUSt
an Erendyl elf cal l~d Semien . Drllugin ifyan appropriate time for each. on the say-so of a bunch of adventurers. If
identifies the own~r and calls him in. Se- In MeaJiclor: The characters find that Questioned Brightsword revC2ls mal the
mi~n panics and tries to fight his way OUt. the Shadowelves have left already. She- only newcomers are new recruitS scm over
H~ is actually an 8th level Shadowelf (~v lingar will be glad to tell them how much for training by General Gilfronden.
~ryone thought he was much less skilled). he helped them . and Mealidan will get in BrightsWord gives them soml':place to
S~mien is an adopted Erendyl elf. He is their way as much as possible (all in the rest the night, a Home llee residence that
supposed to be a survivor of the name of helping them further. Mealiden happens to look over Redsword's. If they
Brightleaf disaster - the same disaster is not part of the conspiracy; this is JUSt are alert, they see the "recruits" (again,
that supposedly orphaned Carlisan. who his way of doing things). use the assassins from the "Great Hunt")
was adopted into the Chossum clan. Shelingar eventually informs the PCS sneaking into Redsword's tree. If they de-
lfcaptured, Semien talks. I£killed. Fa- that he sent them to Feador. Jorodrin has cide [0 reS( until the morrow, they are al-
ther Dominicus happens to be visiting a book detailing what lIsundal went erted by Redsword's banlccries. He is
and will either do speak with cle-acl or nisc through to create the Trees. surprised. but manages fO fight off his at-
cle2cl for Draugin to get information Out In Feldor: The PCS come on a.rnage in tackers at least momentarily.
of the culprit. Then Semien talks. the halls of Feador. The Shadowelves Fin2/e: Whatever the sequence of
Semien is not aW2re of the identitieS of have slain .several elves and think they've eventS. the PCS will have met all the
either Carlisan or Gilfronden. He knows slain Dyradyl. The PCS find Dyradyl who Clanmasters. learned many elementS of
that there are Shadowclves in places of comments that he's a lot tougher than he "The Plot" and have information that at
power in the elf political structure. He looks. He says the Shadowelves have gone least throws some doubt on the integrity
also knows that there ~e thr~e major to the Tree of Life to getJorodrin. of Carlisan and Gilfronden ..
plots afoot. The characters get to the nee of Life in
'OJ" A()V"Ntun"s
FOllow 'Cl)at One! - - - - (2) watch the orcs. If any PCS hang around outside while
Olhers go in , they are subjected to the
This is an adv~nture for Basic level chanc- Talk to the Orcs. stares of a steadily incl'("asing orc crowd.
ters in Alfheim Town, At least one PC Talking to Urgham is as futile as the Evemually Urgham appears and asks the
should be an elf who is familiar with the Guardian thinks it. Questions from a PCswhat they want. If they answer civilly.
others. non-o(c falls on deaf ears. If pressed. he suggests they go into the Gut Bucket.
The Guardian contacts the PCS and Urgham protests that no one ever pays at- Once inside, play out the drinking con-
asks for help . His agents are all tOO well tention to orcs, so why bother with a trOU- test scenaflO.
known for the job. He wants this investi- blemaker? If one or two non-orcs enter the GUt
gation kept quiet. It seems that a town However, the PCS can try to fe rret in- Bucket, the orcs stare at them in silence un·
are, no om: is sure which . is starting fires formation from the rest of the orc com- til the newcomers either give up or try to
and preaching treason, that the Shado- munity. The Gut Bucket Tavern (location break the ice. Orcs ignore a pany of more
welf Gmsc is right. 29 in Alfheim Town) is the main meeting than twO non-orcs. The orc barmaid serves
The culprit must be found! The orcs are place for the orcs. In spite of a tough rep- them ... eventually. She ignores questions,
v2..luable citizens and it would be wrong to utation, no bunch of arc laborers is likely but once questioned, immediately goes off
punish them :ill for a single orc's misdeeds. to assault a patty of adventurers, even lx- to whisper to several customers. Customers
Furthennore. the Gu:udian does not trust ginners - or so the PCS may hope. If the do the same thing - ignore the questions
Urgham the Quiet (leader of the orcs) to do PCS try to talk to an orc on the sueet, he and whisper to others.
the job, though he can be consulted about tells them to meet him at the GUt Bucket. After a while, an orcs will come over to
strange hap~nings among the orcs. The GUt Bucket itself is a large, three- the characte rs and say: "I unne rstan'
Urgharn is too quick [ 0 defend his orcs and story structure with a door o n each of the youse want some questions answered?
would probably a1en the culprit. three sueets it fronts. It's amazingly dean Wel l, me' da guys don' like talkin' to
on the o utside, but basic ore slovenliness smtngers 'bout seth things. How'd you
How to HaNOII'! me takes over inside. That the last rime it was like to Sl Op bein' strangers."
INVEStic;atiON - - - - - - - - cleaned out was when the roof collapsed If the characters agree, the orc, intro·
There are twO ways the investigatOrs can and the rain-catchers swamped the place. duces himself as Rishdak and challenges
handle this search: ( 1) talk to the orcs or Only O(C brew is served here. one PC to a drinking contest. The contest
" .......... .
'CI)€ A b v€Ntun€s
is run according to the rules of the arc they were not hidden. over the ladder. If they do so, they wait
drinking game. If the rolls are failed, they see Ugbruk until the middle of the night when Ug·
doing something suspicious. but he sees bruk shows up again and whistles . IfUg·
Orc Drinkinl <arne them, too. If the rolls arc successful, they bruk is unawue of the PCS, the whistle is
see him and he only sees them ifhe rolls a answered and twO (or more, if there are
1. Each contestant rolls 2 dice. The 1 on Id6. more than four characters) forms come
low roller takes a drink . If a tie, both over the wall. If anyone waited outSide,
take a drink . Wl7at Is UGbR Uk OOi NG?' - - - - they see twO (or more) ore-like figures run
2. Each chuacter who took a drink Either the chuacters sec Ugbruk sneaking to the ladder and start to climb.
must make a roll of Constitution or through an alleyway to the palisade wall If Ugbruk is aware of the watchers, he
less on Id20 (the a rc has a Constitu· or the orcs in the Gut Bucket say that he's has set up a trap . The whistle is a signal
tion of 13). If successful, nothing hap. been lurking around the area. for his hidden friends to attack the PCS.
pens. If unsuccessful , temporarily IF the PCS follow Ugbruk, they find a There is no one on the ladder.
reduce both Consritution and Dexter· cleverly concealed rope ladder which has 3. The characters can just continue to follow
ity by l. If the result is a 20, roll a d6. been thrown over the wall . Ugbruk has Ugbruk and ignore the ladder. If so they
On a d6 result of 1·4, the charaner re- already left. will eventually find him trying to start a
gurgitates the potent drink. On are· This is ueason in itself. The PCS have fue . Either he knows they are there and he
sult of ;>·6, the character p~s out. several options. sets up an ambush (as above) or he has his
3. Each panicipant (whether he just 1. They can run down Ugbruk and try ro
friends with him to set the fire and the char·
drank or not) must do a dextrous feat capture him for the Guardian. acters can catch them all together.
(done in game terms by making a roll If Ugtbruk knows the PCS are follow. 4. The chuacters can, of course, just go
of current Dexterity or less on Id20): ing him. the rope is a ruse. He summons and tell the Guardian about the culprits.
the orcs ue Dexterity 12 to Start with. allies and leads the PCS into an ambush. The Guudian and his pauols pick up Ug.
Feats include standing on one foot, Otherwise he defends himself as best he bruk and pay the characters a 100 gpo per
balancing a stool on your palm, bal. can and tries to get away. character reward (which they get no mat-
ancing a knife on your finger, etc. 2. The PCS can wait and see who comes ter what happens , as long as Ugbruk is
4. If one participant faiJs the Dexter· caught). However, the XP reward is only
ity check, record the failure and stan
over again until one has failed three
checks, vomited or passed out.
;>. The first contestant to miss three
Dexterity rolls, vomit or pass out loses,
and pays for the drinks.
6. Optional Rule: very wealthy and/or
foolhudy drinkers can make this a
group game, with ~era.l participants.
However, the first one to fail pays fOf
ALL the drinks.
Bucket, they lurk around the orc en·
clave's alley ways and try to watch orcs , --.__--1
without being seen.
For every watcher. have the PCS make a
Hiding roll (Hide in Shadows for
thieves). If they don't have the skill. they
can tty both a Dexterity roll at - 3 and an
Intelligence roll at - 3. If either fails.
. ..
2:: 1:WO 610ft,. SUIIOlN(i
DIe AbveNtunes
II 10 what it would be for actually captur- eitcr. He never reports what he learns as a SpdJs wried: Levell: read languages,
ing Ugbruk themsdvcs. spy to anyone. Instead. he JUSt S2.ves up shield. Level II: invisibility. knodr. level
the inform:nion and waits for the Great III: clairvoyance.
'ClJE Cuipnti - - - - - -- - Day, when he will give everything he Nares: Ugbruk's C2refully hidden spell
knows to the Masters who will take over books also include charm person, web,
Ugbruk Tallore
Shadowelf orc-impersonator
the Town, Note that Ugbruk is literate, and fly. If he knows he's going to be in
though he pretends not to be. One other danger, he switches spells around.
History: As orcs go, Ugbruk is a whin-
function is to bring in more Shadowelf-
ing. standoffish son offellow, not partic-
ularly liked by even his own kind. ore impersonators and build up a power Shadowelf Occ.jmpcrsooarcrs
However, he: is not an are, bllt a Shado- base. The first ones arc on their way. DMing Notes: These are the new genera-
Combat Nores: E'); AC '} (+ 2 from tion. following in Ugbruk's mold. They
welf impersonating an a re. Due to the
conditions in the Broken Lands, many dexterity); hp 20; MV 120'(40'); NAT 1; have no more idea of the ultimate leaders of
Shadowelves do not grow up tall md D 1-6 (shonsword); Save E5: ML 7; Ai C; the conspiracy than Ugbruk does.
straight like their Alfil(:im cousins. Many, XP 300; S 14, 113, W 10. D 17, Co 11. Combat Norcs: E2; AC 5 (with + 2
Ch to. DeX[eriry bonus); hp 7; MY 120'{40');
in fact. end up looking like orcs. Once
abandoned, these ~mi-orcs have found Abilities & SkiJJs: Hiding (I + I), NAT 1; D 1-6 (shortsword); Save E2; ML
Knowledge of Broken Lands (I), Knowl- 9; Ai C; XP 25 each.
employment within The Plot.
edge of Orcish Society (1), Military Tactics Skil1s: Hiding (13). Knowledge ofBro-
DMing Notes: Like most of [he lower
level (onspir:ltocs in The Plot, Ugbruk (I), Riding (D). ken Lands 13, Knowledge of Ore Ways
Languages: ore, elf. gnoll, hobgoblin, 13, Military Tactics 13.
knows nothing of the nigher level IC2d·
Alignment (C), Thyatian. Darokin. Spel1s: charm person, shidd.
ers. He JUSt acts as a spy and a subde in-
t::I)E AtlvENlunES
them and saw them go into the old liee tioned, Mercentius is the only one who person, lightning bolt. Level IV: dimen-
and Sparrow tavern in the next block. It's knows anything about what is going on. sion door, wizard eye. Level V: c1oudkill,
been closed for months, but the twO arc In his room is the payroll for the opera· feeblemind.
obviously using it for a hangout. tion, 20,000 gpo All Mercentius knows is Skills: Magic Lore (I + 1).
that a Shadowelf is expected within the Notes: Mercentius carries a dagger + 1
Def€NOiNG tl]e t:'a venN - - - - month ro come and claim the Egg from and wears a ring of protection + 2. His
him. He was contacted by a Shadowelf in door is wiz2Id locked (one of the spells in
If the PCS assault the tavern, the bandits
Specularum and given his instructions. his spell book) and he has an amulet VS.
fight intelligently, using magic and magi.
cal items intelligently. The mercenaries crystal balls and ESP.
'CI]e MenCeNard€5 - - - - - -
will fight with dedication. The thieves do
not consider this a job woITh dying for. Mercentius
The Fighters
The fighter with the ring of regenera- Magic User DMing Nares: These fout fighters have
tion will gladly fall as if dead and let the DMing Notes: Mercentius is the leader worked together for years as bandits.
battle pass over him, then arise refreshed There used to be seven of them, but three
of the mercenaries and has activated the
and attack from the rear. The thief called Egg to get the fire resistance ability. He is have died recently, and the others are now
Boris likes to use the ring ofhuman con- a Karameikan of Thyatian heritage and more caunous.
trol, and Fabius likes to use hold person. now spends his time in front of the fire in Combat Notes: F8; AC 2 (banded mail
He won't use the staff of withering his room. and shield and dexterity bonus); hp 48;
against dyes, naturally. Combat Notes:MlO; AC6; hp 33; MV MV 90' (30'); IIAT 1; 0 2-9 (sword and
Mercentius helps the best he can, but 120' (40'); II AT 1 (dagger or spell); D 2· S + 1 strength bonus); Save F8; ML 9; AL
C; XP 1200 each.
might panic easily. Since he is already (dagger + lor spell); Save Mll (ring of
hooked by the artifact, he might just ce- protection +2); ML 9; AL C; XP 1600. Notes: Each fighter has a different
kase the ph()('nix, giving a whok new di- magical ring. One has a ring offire resisr-
Spells Usually C:uried: Level I: charm
mension ro the battle. See the Master ance, one has a ring of spell turning, one
person, light, protection from evil, sleep.
DM's Book for statistics on the ph()('nix. Level II: detect invisible, phantasmaJ has a ring ofregenerarion, and one thinks
If the mercenaries are caught and ques· force, web. Level III: dispel magic, hold he has a ring ofprotection but it's really a
ring of delusion.
· .... ... ............................ .. :
If th~ attacking POl ar~ well·s[Qck~d Combar Notes: C7; AC I; hp 27; MV 50%, Remov~ Traps 46%, Pick Pockets
with magic. f~d fr~e to giv~ [h~s<: charac· 90'(30'); 'AT 1; 0 3-8 (mace +1 and 60%, Move Sil~ntly 55%, Climb 95%,
ters magical w~apons and magical de· strength bonus); Save C 7; ML 10; AL C; Hide 41 %, H~ad Noise 66%.
fense bonus~s. XP850. Notes: Each thug has a different get-
Nares: Fabius wears plate + 3 and uses away device. One has a ringo£ invisibility,
Tb~ Thi~ves a shield. He fights with a mace + 1, al- one has boots of speed, and one has a po-
DMing Notes: Th~s<: twO mi~ve5 ar~ though he also has a Staff of withering tion offlying. Th~ poison on their blades
th~ on~s who stol~ the Egg in the first with 7 charges. is the normal poison as descrilx:d in the
place. They are abo the group's only con· Spells Curied: Levell: cause fear, cure blowgun rules in the Players Companion
tact with the Outside world. as they goout light wounds, lighe. LevclU: bless, hold Book.
for groceries and newS. The two are expe· person. Level III : remove cutse, suiking. This means that the thugs can try to kill
rienced and hav~ worked together fre- th~ characters in standard thug fashion
quently. They were hired through th~ Funtl7en COMpJicatloNs---- (50% chance + or -5% for each diff~r
local Thieves' Guild. Violet Pismire is the ence in level) ; if that fails, the poison
Th~re is another player in all this. Mas-
one who told Mercentius where to find might work; and if that fails, maybe they
ter Edrecort is very interested in this item
them. can JUSt kill the characters with weapon
too. His agents will try to intercept the
Combat Notes: Th 7; AC 3 (learher ar· damage (though this last possibility is un·
characters and get them to work for him
mar +2 plus Dext(:rity bonus); hp 21; likely). If foiled in any way, the thugs
(he is always referred to as "an inter~sted
MV 120'(40'); tAT I; D 1·6 party," not as Edrecon). In me couts(: of leave.
(shortsWord); Save Th7 ; ML 9; AL C; XP
this one ofEdrecoun 's agents plants a pin
450 each. on a character which Edrecoft can trace The Egg of the Phoenix
SkiJJs: Open Locks 45%, Find Traps This is an artifact, said to be the crea·
with a locare object spell and his crystal
40%, Remove Traps 38%, Pick Pock~ts tion of M~alid~n - the artifact he created
50%, Mov~ Si l~ndy 48%, Climb 93%, in the process of becoming an Immortal.
When the charact~rs re[fi~ve the Egg,
Hide 35%, H~ar 58%. Breaking the egg summons a Phoenix
Edrecort sends thre~ Thugs (see Master
Nor~s: Thes<: thi~v~s obrain~d their from the elemental plane of fire. If the
Rulesbook) to try to get th~ Egg from
~nchanted I ~ath~ r at th~ sam~ tim~ . Each phoenix is summoned, it does the will of
has a magical ring. On~ has a ring ofhu- the summoner fot three days , then im·
These thugs will attempt to catch the
man control and on~ has a ring ofclerical party unawares, perhaps running into molates everything within 1000 feet and
speJlstorjng with cure light wounds(x2),
them in the street. Th~y will attack the builds a nest of th~ ash~s. It then immo-
prottttion from evil (x2), and find [raps. lates itself and leaves a new egg in the
It holds six sp~lIs, but h~ UsM on~ u~ of
find traps in g~tting the Egg. and hasn't
characters holding the Egg without warn·
ing , attempting to slay th~m imm~di ""es.
The egg, which is about the size of a
atdy and get away, using their various
r~p1enish~d it y~t. kickball, ~stows Fue resistance 10' radius
traveling devices.
and fly at all times, and the ability to
Th~ Cl~ric throw three firc:bal1s (one of 6d6, one of
DMing Notes: Fabius Val~rosus is a 8d6, and one of lOd6) per day. Once any
Combat Notes: Thug 9; AC 2; hp 44;
cI~ric of the Church of Thy at is, but Patri- of its abilities has been used, it places the
MV 120'(40'}; 'AT 1; D 2·5 (dagger and
arch Clovis does not know he is h~r~. He user under compulsion to always be in
strength bonus) + poison; Save T 9; Ml
still prays to the Immonals of Thyatis. 10; AL C; XP 3700 each.
firelight and never touch pure water. This
but he has no contact with the regular makes for a us<:r who is generally foul·
Skills: Open Locks 54 %, Find Traps
church. He likes lx:ing a bandit. smelling and drunk.
AssassiNS - -- - - -- ally located in the Purveyor's District. up- born who actually did the deed. and what
stairs from Honorious's Scriptorum. The the motive was .
This is an Expert level adventure for a PCS meet Abdullah in his receiving The pany will have to go to many
party of four to eight characters. room. They nouce that there are a luge places in Alfheim Town and find OUt
This adventu re is more of a problem- numberof well·armed Ylari-loolcing men what is known there. The patty can follow
solving run than the generalized and women hanging around as guards. their reading of the clues. and not neces-
dungeon crawl or wilderness bushwhack· They are stopped at least twice, even sarily visit the": locations in the order
ing. Most such adventures have a. rela- though they have a guide with them. The gIven.
tively fixed strunure: the party begins at guards are obviously looking for signs The Game is AfOOt!
point A, then proceeds to point B, then that the guide is being coerced. Since he
point C, etc. Sometimes there is a story isn't, there is no untowud incidents. Cl}aSING Clu€slN Alfl]eiM COWN-
line. which begins with event A, then 8, When they meet Abdullah, he comes
then C, and so forth. In this adventure, I.oc2tion: Ha zarkan 's Warehous~.
right to the point . for an Ylari . This Anwar was still alive when his clerk found
the pbyers, through their charact('cs, means he acrually talks business while
have to solve a mystery. They are pre- him; his final words were "Blue head
you are drinking the traditional three killer ..." There were signs of an intense
sented with a problem - the death of small cups of Khaphee.
chief assistant Anwar - and then they struggle. If a thief Spots Hidden in the
Uncle Silk states that he has an impos- office. a strangely curved dagger is found.
are free to do with it wh:u they will, pref- sible problem. His chief assistant. Mr.
(rably proceeding energetically to fo Uow with Wilces of poison still on it .
Anwar, has been murdered . probably as· Location: Thyatian church . Clovis al-
down the origin:tl dues. then the 5(:cood- sassinated. and the aumorities have no
at)' clues, and finally finding and dealing lows the party to examine Anwar's body.
idea who might have done it.
with me perpetf2.tors of the crime. He states that the assistant died of poi-
Anwar was found just this morning. at
This is also an exercise in restraint. son. rather than the wound. One PC may
first light. stabbed and dying in his office investigate the wound; if the player
There aren't very many monsters to at Hazarkan's Warehouse in the Cuavan-
slaughter in Alfehim Town - even the mues an Intelligence roll, he is able to
sary. Anwar's corpse has been taken to the state with certainty that it was made with
orcs are under the protection of both the Thyatian Temple fo r services.
Guardian and the Merchant's Brother- an unusually curved dagger.
An attem pt by the Thyatian Patriarch. Location: Thyatian Trade Palace. The
hood. Inappropriate slaughter of inno· Father Clovis. to raise dead was a failure
cents should be met with suitably clerk assures the parry that all is well with
- Anwar was not a very healthy man in Hazarkan's prices, now that everyone un·
overwh:lmi ng civic force, judgment, and any case. Speak with dead was simil arly a
sentencmg. derstands the real pricing situation. The
failure. paymem is coming on the next caravan.
Uncle Silk further states that he is par- By the way. the Thyatian guards are all
INitiatiNG OCCURRf:NCf:---- ticularly vulnerable right now , because from the same uibal group within the
The action of this scenario takes place in several groups might be ready to kill him empire. They all have blue facial tattoos.
different locations a round Alfheim as well as his assistam. Hazarkan has been London : Darokin Consulate. The
Town. h begins wherever the patty of ad· financing the opposition to the Kin fac- merchant who was undercut by Abdullah
venturers is staying, or where they have tion in Ylaruam which caused him the is now making a killing with the same
met to begin their adventure. A messen- loss of two forrunes. To give money to the goods in Norwold. He left Alfheim Town
ger in vaguely Ylari costume (no r~al tu- opposition group, he borrowed money a week ago and doesn't care about Uncle
nic and bre":eche":s. but weaflng a from the Alphatians. This loan is now Silk any more.
burnoose) approaches the": party and begs past due for repayment. To get the money Location: Guardian's Offic~. The liai-
their arte":ntion . He states that his exalted to pay back the Alphatians. he undercut a son officer gives the inquirers a repon if
employer, Abdullah Hazarkan, extends Darokin merchant to get a new market in
they say they are working for Abdullah.
an invitation for the adventurers to join Thyatis. The Thyatians are mad because "You want to know about people with
him at his business office at the earlier op· they think Abdullah is now overcharging blue heads ? Funny you should ask. the
portunity. Since the characters know that them on his subsequent shipments of the town's full of them. Blue Hooded stran·
"Uncle Silk" is a rich and influential per· goods and they are withholding pay- gers from Thyatis have been seen in the
sonage. they will probably follow at once. ment. Anyone of these groups could Refuge quarter. Red·headed strangers
have sent an assassin. (with blue beards) from Darokin are at
Wl]al AbOullal] 'Cells tl]e The Guardian's police ue busy right
the Silver Chalice Inn . Strangers from
AOveNtuReRS--- - - - - -- now with pressing matters. Abdullah was Ylaruam wearing blue-trimmed bur·
advised to get private assistance. just as nooses have been seen in the Purveyor
Location: Abdulla Hazarkan's Office the elves always do. The PCs are urged to
(I). This luxurious suite of offices is actu- District. Strangers with blue haloes have
accept the task, and discretely find out
... ... ............
nT ~
. .... .
'C,,~ ACJV"'NtUR~S
been seen at the Alphatian magic school. red h ~rrings) , to Abdullah Hazarkan's almost directly here, they have nearly
And, of course, there's th~ Thyatian warehouS(:. They are his ~mploy~s. complete surprise over th~ assassins. If
barbarians at the Thyatian fude PaJacc," Location: Alphatian Magic School. rhey spent their tim~ looking up some
If asked about strangely curved The blu~-haloed individuals are mystic blind alleys, the party has a normal
gers, he says " I don 't know about that, repr~senta[ives of the sorc~rer Barimoor, a chance of surprise. If the adv~nrurers
but the expen on knives is Andronicus Ylarian resident . W~ understand he re- have be~n at nearly every possible loc'a-
Leo at the Silver Blade school. You had tired th~re . Yesterday, they gave money tion and made a public case of their
best set:' him," and some strmgely-curved daggers to search . the magic-users are ready and
Location: The Silver Ch:dice Inn. The thr~~ Blu~ Hood magic uS(:cs. Th~n the waiting. They hav~ paid informers, who
red-headed men with blue beards have Btue Haloes tdeported away. are also living in the boarding house, who
checked out, saying that they are going The Blue Hoods ? They come here for bring them this information. If the party
monster hunting in the forest . They left practice, but they Jiv~ in the Artisan's dis· attacks at night , Sadie's is full of innocent
this morning after having brnkfast. If trict, I think . bystanders. During the day, the only peo-
asked, Boris B~rthumb says that their Location: Anisan's District. The Blu~ ple there arc the Blue Hoods arld Sadie
breakfast was pickled red herrings. Hooded Strangers are living in one room herself, who occupies a first floor apart-
Location: The Silver Blade School. An- in Sadie's Boarding House , next to the ment. The Blue Hoods are on the second
dronicus Leo, the knife expert, says, Crafter's Rest . fl oo r, diametrically opposite Sadie's
"The only times I've seeD such daggers in apanment. If unprepared. one is sl~p
[own, they were borne by blue·haJoro 'Ll}e AssassiNS' Lain - - -- - ing. one is eating. and oDe is writing an
strangers I saw in the market place the day incriminating repon back to their Blue-
Location: Sadie's Boarding House. The
before yesterday, and by some strangers Haloed employers. If they are ready, the
Blue Hood Assassins of the O rder of
wearing blue hoods that I saw on Spiral repon has been writt~n and is stuffed be-
Death lurk in their room. If things have
Str~~t y~st~rday. They might have be~n tween the leaves of one of their magic
been quiet, they don't suspect a thing.
th~ sam~ daggers." books.
On the other hand . if the word is OUt that
Location: Purvqror District. Th~ Stran- the heat is on, they're ready and waiting. BIllc Hooded Magc-~ins (}): M8;
g~rs from Ylaruarn ar~ from a caravan d~ AC 1(3) (bracc" of shield and dexterity
What this means is that if the party came
livering exotic foods (including pickl~d bonus); hp 24, 25, 23; MV 120' (40');
't!)e Nit!)iaN Lie!) their Clanmastcr, or King Doriath , or the there are no human derics in the patty,
A Companion Level adventure - Guardian of Alfheim Town, depending then none are available for this mission .
on their current location. In each case, The Feadiel elves have asked for assist-
SuMMany--------- - they are approached by an impoml.flt sec- ance and sent their Lightship (5« HElven
This is an adv~Dturc= for dves with an At- ondary leader, such as onc of General Secrets" section). If the party will go, the
tack Class of E or better and I or six extra Glorfinden's still office rs , or a Clan Lghtship can get them to Feador in one
levels in magic. The PCs are called upon Counselor, or a high . r:mking agent of the day. The village is about one day's jour-
to assist clan leader who has learned that Guardian. ney from there.
onc of his holdings has been destroyed by The leader who calls them in says that The leader says that he will be follow-
undead. alW2.Ys a tricky thing for elves to they have received word that the Sha- ing up things with the local Guard units,
deal with . dowtree stronghold in the eastern forest but this looks like the son of thing a well-
The enc:my here is a lich. once a has been wiped out by an attack of un- equipped body of adventurers is bener at
powerful sorcerer of the ancient Nithian dead. dealing with than a group of soldiers with
Empire. a long-dead civilization - onc Undead ate not common in Alfheim. little experience.
which was desrroyed partially by the Elves are not usually candidates for be-
wearherchange magic that created coming undead beings, except for those What Has REally HappENEO--
Alfhdm. who are made into zombies and skele- When the elves were creating Alfheim,
tons. Even the Bad Magic points rarely
The Empire of Nithia sent an expedition
INch/He; INcib€H1-- -- - - produce undead crearures.
to find o ut what was going on . The leader
If the pany includes human clerics, (he
The characters are summoned before of the expedition was Prince Hashabur-
reason for summoning them is o bvious. If
t:l)e AbveNtuRes
minai, a not~d wizard with necromantic M€a/NC; tI1€ C/aNMasten - - - - ENtenlNC; m€ VJlJac;e-----
I~an.ings .
Coming into Fe<l.dor, th~ chuacters are The first probl~m the characters hav~ is
His expedition was caught in the back- conducted into th~ presence of Dyradyl that the village cannot be seen. The lich
wash of the:: magic and was literally bur-
F~adiel , th~ Clanmaster. Th~y are told PUt several m~morph spells on it , cov~r
ied. HasaburminaI u$('d his m:agic to
that a F~adiel elf came into Feador from ing th~ living areas and floor of the forest.
bardy prnerve his life, as a lith. but he
th~ stronghold of Shadowue~ thre~ days Th~ ar~a looks JUSt as it probably did be-
could not f.r~ himsdf or his followers
ago and told of an attack "as if from no- for~ Shadowtree was establish~d. three
from their entrapment.
wh~r~" of an army of skeletons and spec- hundr~d years before.
Recently, a Shadowc:lf infiltnuion force:
tres and som~ other strange creatures that Endoric (the elf who discov~red th~ un·
took refuge in a cave in me hills ncar the
threw glowing globes. The fl«ing elf ran dead), of course, knows ~x:.lIctly wh~r~ the
Lakes of Sdinar and found the: c:ntryway
wh~n his arrows would not harm the spec- Stronghold should be, and is willing to
into a strange burial chamber. Entering,
tres and all of his friends were dying. walk right into it . probably br~aking th~
they found the mummy-like body of
Dyt:ldyl thanks the characters for re- illusion. If the ch at:lct~rs follow him in,
Hashaburminal and the: stC2ngdy pre-
sponding so quickly. Unfortunately. his they ar~ walking right into th~ trap.
$('rvc:d bodies of 16 fo llowers. all in the
own most pow~rful clan people at~ .scat- Once the illusion has been dispelled ,
strange garb of the: Nithian Empire (simi-
tered throughout the for~st. It took less the characters can see that the ground is
lar to ancient Egyptian or Mesopotamian time to summon help from King Doriath still littered with the corpses of the ~Ives
than it would hav~ ass~mbJing a group who lived in the Stronghold and many of
The: explorers contacted their superiors from th~ Feadiel elves.
and the inV2Sion council realized what their belongings. The place looks as if a
He will, of cou~ , conti nu~ to assem- raider has looted it and moved on. There
they had . With any luck they could revive
ble Ftldiel elves to back up the charac- is no imm~diate sign of any invad~t!. A
this ancient body. perhaps turn it into a
ters , y~t would prefer to have a derect m2gic shows that several of th~
mummy, and use it to wreak havoc upon
substantial force of Feadiel elves befor~ co~ are magical - th~y ar~ elf 20m-
the Alfhc:imc:rs!
he pUts them into th~ problem . bies meant to ambush the characters who
A Shadowelf wizard auempu=d lO re- How~ver, if the characters ar~ few in try to ~xamine the bodies.
viv~ Hashaburminal, and di.scov~r~d the
number (five or less), he offers to l~t some O nce the characters att und~r the u~es
hard way that the body was already
of th~ early responders go with the pany. of the stronghold. Hashburminal signals
awake, and had betn sinc~ the Shadowelf
U~ th~ writeups on various characters de- the attack . The sh l~tons arise from
explorers had ~nt~r~d hi, resting plac~ .
scribed in th~ " Personalities" Stttion for among the piled elv~n belongings , and
The Shadowdves thought to u~ the
th~ warriors - just chang~ the names . the wyrds and spectr~s drop or fly OUt of
Nithian against the elves. The princ~, At the very least , th~ elf who fled the the trees .
how~ver, has his own ag~nda, th~ de-
village will go back with th~ charaCl~rs. Th~ spectres concentrate their forces,
struction of all elves , including ,he Sha-
with a group of thr~e attacking each party
INfORMatiON AbOut member. The most obviously powerful
His fllSl act was to rid the wizard Shado-
S~aOOW1n€€--------------- charact~rs ar~ the first targets. The wyrds
welf of his body and use it to house the
If asked about the stronghold, Dyradyl concentrate on non-dves first , trying to
spirit of one of his followers, cre<l.ting a
says that it was colonized shortly after the paralyse them and knock them out of the
Gre<l.ter Wyrd (~ "New Monsters"). He
Feadiels arrived in Al£h~im, three hun- fight.
th~n did th~ same for the wizard's fol-
dred y~ars befor~ . Hashbu.rminal himself will stay out of
lowers, rurning them into Norma) Wyrds.
the fight until he sees the measure of th~
Using the energy of the displac~d Sha· It got iu name from the aura that
st:emed to hang about the place, as if attacking forers . Wh~n be enters th~
dowelf spiriu, he managed to recre<l.te the
some unquiet spirit was haunting the struggle, h~ conc~ntra t~s on the elves, ex-
bodies of his followers and turn them into
ar~a. However, no ueekeeper or even vis-
honing non-dves to join him . as shown
skeletons. Th~ spirits of the followers that
in the character description .
hadn't be~n turned into wyrds became iting human clerics could find any sign of
'i>='''. such a thing. and no one r~ported any
If tl]e Cl]artacteRS DoN"
H~ found that his old refuge was too hauncings.
Rus/] IN
small for such a company, so he mov~d In fact. this was a side effect of the
into the forest, finding the nearby Strong· magic which kept Hashaburminal in his Making a reconnaisanc~ of th~ village site
hold of Shadowtr«. His attack was over- -lich state and his follow~rs in a state of befor~ bre:.tking the massmorph spell is a
whelming, and now h~ is turning th~ some pr e~rvatlon. good id~a. If the characters ~em d~fin
bodies of th~ slain elves into zombies. itely outgunn~d, be sur~ to suggest this.
Many of their spiriu ar~ already spectres Even Endoric may think of it if the char·
under the conuol of his followers. acters don't.
Using a crystal ball in the: trees shows him of this possibilil}' arc the df spectres, dent prince of the Empire. He was posi-
the placement of all the spt'cues and and nobody asked them for advice. tive that outside forces were worlcing to
wyrds and even Hashburminal himself. It Once the characters make themselves destroy the empire and led his expedition
doesn't maltc:r if the group has ap- known, the battle plan remains the same westward to prove the truth of his theo-
proached silently or nol. Hashburminal is as shown above. The spectres and wyrds ries. Unfortunately for him, he discov-
willing to have every creature under his scalier to avoid being caught in a fireb211 ered he was right - by being caught in
control wait in the same place for a week or other area effeCi spel l. In genel21, the the backlash of the mighty wizardry that
until some morl:' dves come along to be spectres and wyrds carry the combat, with created Alfheim.
butchered and added to his undead army. the skdetons and zombies acting as "can- Person2Jity: Hashaburminal is a homi-
ESP reveals everyone but Hashbur· non fodder" and finishing off anyone cidal megalomaniac with twO fIXations :
minal (remember the pt'rmanent mind· whO has been pal2lyzed or drained of so his long-standing fascination with the
mask spell) . much energy thai they become easy meat undead and his current determin:uion to
Clairvo}'2Dce geu the chance: to look :ll for the undead. Hashburminal will cn- see the destruction of every elf on the face
some tree branches with the strangely gage any prominent magic users, bUI he of the earth. He considers all elves re-
skewed vision of a spectre. which sees liv- will attempt to escape if the tide turns sponsible for the tl2gedy that overtook
ing auras rather than solid substancC'. against him. his people.
Wizard eye has the same results as a Ifhe does escape, he can either (1) find Appearance: The prince is a skeleton,
cryStal ball. another group of Shadowdves and try richly garbed in the remnants of the royal
again or (2) move back to his home terri- dress of a prince of the Nithian Empire.
API1Roac/JING me Villac;e--- tory in what is now Ylaruam, find Bari- DMing Notes: Hashaburminal is for-
Hashburminal lw minions W2tching the
moor (an evil wizard seek ing midable but impatient . He could have
Immortality), and work to help Barimoor held back and slowly built his power
slues for an aerial approach and the forest
and regain his kingdom in the process. base, but he is too anxious to visit his
floor for a ground approach. He: is not ready
Wl2th upon the elves. He wants the elves
for an attack through the trees - his descn
culture background has not prepared him Hashaburminal to come 10 him.
Lich of the Nithian Empire If confronted by humans or other
for this. The only ones who might ~
History: Hashaburminal was a dissi- demi-humans. he will rail at them for be-
mying him and his followe rs and de- visible and mindmask on him as pemu- Spectres (10)
scribe his version of his history to them , nent spdls. He has sandals oflevitation, a DMing N otes: These are the spirits of the
calling upon them to help him destroy all staff of earth , a ring of life protection (4 lich's former followers, aff'ened by his
the elves. charges), a ring of memory. and a dis- cre.. te specue spell, a spedalized version
Comb2tNotes: M 31; AC -2 ; hp )0 ; placer cloak. of the cre.. te magical monsters spell .
MY 90'(30 ' ): IAT 1; 0 1-10 + paralysis; There ate also three dven longswords, Comb.. , Notes: AC 2; HD 6·· ; hp 30 ;
Save M31 : MlIO; ALe ; S8 , I 18, W 9. 0 4 dven cloaks, six pairs of dven boots, 24 MY 150'(50' )1300'( 100'); 'AT 1 touch ;
12, Co 18. Ch 5; XP 10.000 . dven arrow.s, and several other low level o 1-8 + double enetgy drain ; Save F 6;
Abilicies & Skills: Lore of the Nithian magical items that had belonged to the ML 11 ; AL C ; XP 725 .
Emp~ (I + 2), Lore of Magic (I + 3). prople of Shadowuee.
LmgU2ges: Alphatian . Ancient Thy- Hashbunninal has new magic books Elf-Spectres (20)
atian , Nithian, Alignment (C) . others recotding jwt the above spells, which ate DMing Notes: These are the spiritS of
t OO obscur~ to mention . the only oncs he knows. His old magic elves of Shadowtree who were hit by the
SpdJs Carried: books were destroyed by the work of 1700 lich's spectres. Every time one of the lith's
Level I: charm person (X 2) . detect years of insects while he lay sleeping. The spectres is destroyed, twO of these StOP
magic, magic missile (X 3), read lan- same spell that preserved him and his fol- fighting and stand around bewildered for
gU:lges, read m :lgic. lowers bodies did not do as well with their Id20 roun4s . Then they te-enter the
Level II: ESP. knock, mirror image, ph::m - paper goods. fight as free-willed spectres , attacking
wmu[orce ( X 3). web(X2). anyone , even Hashaburminal .
Level III : clairvoyance, dispel magic Wy"h (5) Comb.. t Notes: AC 2; HD 3·· ; hp 15 ;
(x ;), fireb21J. hasee. hold person, in- DMing NOles: These are the bodies of MV 150'(lO')/ lOO'(100'); IIJ 1 [ouch ;
Erav;sion, lightning bolr. [he Shadowdves who have become o 1-8 + double energy drain ; Save P6 ;
Level IV: charm monseer, dimension door wyrds. They are totally loyal to the lich. ML 11 ; ALC ; XP65.
( X 2) , halJucin;uory remin, ice srorm, Combat Notes: AC 4; hp 20; MV
polymorph orhcrs, wizard eye. 120'(40'); 'AT 2 (glowing spheres); D 1- Elf Zombies (30)
u:vel V: 2nim2ce dead (X 2), cloudkill, 6/1-6; Save E4; ML 12; AL C; XP 125. DMing Notes: These are the zombies
dissolve, feeblemind, telekinesis, tde- Notes: Carries a red, glowing, sphere of the bodies of the elf former residentS of
porr. in each hand. Can either hit or throw Shadow tree .
Level VI : death (X 2), disinteg~te ( X 2) , with each sphere . Combat Notes: AC 7 (e1ven leather ar-
flesh co stone, invisible sealker, pro- mor); HD 2; hp 10; MV90' (30'); 'AT 1;
jected image. Greater Wyrd o 1-8 (punch); Save Fl ; Ml12 ; At C; XP
Level VII : ddayed blast FJICball (X 2), DMing Notes: This is the former Shado- 20.
power word scun ( X 2), reverse g~vity. wdfwizard.
creace wraith , sword. Combat Notes: AC 0 ; hp 40 ; MV Skeletons (16)
Level VIII : create spectre, explosive 120'(40' )/ 240'(80' ); 'AT 2; 0 1-1 0 + 5 DMing N otes: These are the skeletons
cloud. force field , permanence, power (for elves) or paralysis ; Save E8 ; ML 12 ; of HashburminaJ.'s followecs .
world blind. symbol - discord. AL C ; XP 2300. Comb.. r Notes: AC 5; HD I ; hp 5; MV
Level IX: create any monster, immunity, Nores: Carries a green, glowing, 60' (20') ; KAT 1; 0 1-6 (shonswo rds);
maze (X 2), m eteor swarm, power sphere in each hand . Can either hit or Save Fighter 1; ML 12 ; AL C ; XP 10.
word kiJJ. throw with each sphere.
Notes: H:uhaburminal has decea in·
MORe AtlVENluRES - - - - CROSS aNi) Doubl€-Cn06S - - - It is not so much destroying the roots
Expert Adventure thems<:lves as keeping the W2ter 2W2y
Th~ following an: less detailed outlines
Someone gets information to the ch:u- from them.
for funher Alfhdm adventures. The creatu re has several underground
acters. who by now h2ve been involved in
gU2rdi2ns (the type is determined by the
DepeNO 'Cl}e \.VeIn - - - - - - other Sh2dowelf thw2nings, th21 2 high-
levels of the :adventuring parry) and itS ul-
ranking elf is 2ctually a Shadowelf. The
&sic Scen:uio timate gu2tdian is a group of Sh2do-
source is 2ctually C2rlisan or Glorf'inden.
welves of 2bout the same level as the
This is an opporrunity for some good, The fingered elf is the other of the two
p:lJt}'. The monster itself is eItremely sus-
old·fashioned. monster-bashing. Begin- (OM's choice as to which is which).
ceptible to fire .
ner elves (and ~rhaps non-elves) have The twO h2ve fallen out 2nd one has
The treasure (besides the reward of sav-
h«n inducted into the Wdrguard, and decided to t2ke out the other. The infor-
ing a Tree: of Life) consists of the m2gical
here come some of those monsters. m2tion is such th2tthe ch2racters:ue con-
ge2r c:uried by the Shadowelves (much of
The: duty is long and arduous and very vinced that the traitor is very dangetous
which is cursed if us<:d by 2 non-Chaotic)
few elves arc: really there: to deal with and must be killed immediately - this is
2nd the money they were holding ; they
things (about 50 over a 2-milc: line). pan of the plan so the other won't be
arc also the purse-holders for much of the
Many times they :uc: completely OUt· identified by hjs efS(while co-conspirator.
One funher twist to this adventure is Shadowelf plot. Ag2in, these Sh2do·
classed by the monstcrs coming down the welves do not know the exact identities of
nver. th2t either the identifying or the identi-
Gilfronden and Carlisan.
This is an opportunity to U~ the: siege: fied Sh2dowclf m2y be undergoing 2
engine rules from the Master Players change ofheatt, and may be: :about to tell
INto tf}€ &0 MaGiC POiNt---
book. Elven siege wcapons arc not very Doriath all about "The Plol."
Mrurtrs Advenrutt
large, but they can mah the: difference
when de-aJing with aquatic dinosaurs. '01€ New HO/OiNG------ This is:l Master level adventure that takes
small dragon turtlcs , or other horrendous Compulion Adycnrure high.level characters into worlds within
monsters . the Sphere of Entropy 2nd back. Charac-
This idea is hinted at in the Campaigning
The characters can be involved with ters arc recruited to go into the Thorn·
Keiton. A PC can try setting up a new
stopping small mODsters who try to get by bush 2nd try to find out where the
c12n either in Alfheim or outside of
while the big monsters disrr-act the main monsters arc coming ftom. There seem to
Alfheim . be more and more and nastier 2nd nastier
of them in recent months (this can be es-
'OJe Root OF tf}€ Cnoubl€--- t2blished by another hunt adventure.
RouGIJ P / a y - - - - - - - - Comp:mion Adventure
with beholders and spor-ades and large
&pen Adv~nrutt This would m2ke a good prelude [Q the dragons and so fonh popping up every-
In The Dw:uves of Rockhome Gazetteer, :adventure th2t follows ("Into the Bad where).
a secret org~l.Ojzation known as the Thorns M2gic Poim"). Alternately, the hit dice Entering the thicket, they can get to a
is described . It consists of dwarves who of the monsters 2nd the difficulty can be point where they find mems<:lves in 2
like to come down out of Rockhome and toned down and this cou ld be: an Expen tunnel. It is, in fact, a "worm.hole" . pro-
play devastating (but rarely fatal) pranks level adventure. viding transportation through the Shpere
on the elves. In brit=f, a Tree of Life is dying. The of Entropy to the Broken 12nds. Ch:.trac-
The elves have h2d quite enough of ch:.tracters or the Tree:keeper who brings lets unprepared for interplan:u travel
this, so the characters :ue given the mis- them into the situation h2ve le2rned that simply die (s2ving throw vs. Dc2th to try
sion to stop the Thorns from raiding something is desuoying the tree's roots, to get back to the Bad Magic Point before
Alfheim. Unless the dwarf mischief re- but nothing they do will discover what. dying).
sultS in death , the elves shou ld not try to The char-acters have to enter the under- Those who survive run into
kill the dwarves. If dwuf actions do caus<: ground river that feeds the Tree from 2 nightcrawlers (sec Master DM 's book)
deaths, the elves muSt kill every dwarf sinkhole miles aW2y, then wend their way :and other worm· like monsters while they
but one, so he C2n carry the talc of elven to the actual root system of the tree: (easy walk down the tunnel until they get to
vengeance back to his dank burrows . to distinguish from other roots with 2 de- the other side. the lowest levels of the
Elves and other characters :ue stopped teet m;lgic). Broken 12nds (Sec The Orcs ofThae Ga-
from pursuing the dwarves at the border The culprit is 2 fungoid monSter devel- letteer).
by bribed Darokin border guards. oped by the Shadowelves. It looks like a If this Gnetteer is not yet available,
giant s<:rpent, bu t has m2ny of the prop- us<: some dee:p dungeon level to repreS<:nt
enies of the various oozes and puddings. the pl2ce, with lots of patrolling Shado·
-;t' . ;,., ..' .
'etJ\": AC>V\":Ntun\":S
weives, ore slave soldiers, undead, and WRappiNG Up tlje Loose with Aliheim as their reward. If you want
fungus monsters wandering about. There ENbs------------------ to add them [0 the XlO plot, they start in
are also some other" gates" nearby, obvi- the Brok('n lands, Th('y hav(' four units,
ously me;tIl[ [0 bring monsters through to Ther(' are tWO unresolved mysteries with most of th(' Alfheim characteristics
send through th(' wormhole [0 Alih('im. herdn that we ar(' ]('aving for you, the except they are foot troops. They might
Th(' parry can either g('t back through the DM, [0 resolve. also have another three units of orcs, who
wormhol(' (finding that it is a much more ace very low morale and low efficiency
pleasant trip, without th(' monsters - 'Ll]e PJot' - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - troops.
th(' gate uses two different routes), dodge So what happens? Do the Shadowdves
through one of th(' other gates (which succ('('d? That's for you [0 find out. Th(' 'Cl}e 'CRees Of Life - - - - - - - - - -
takes it to some monster-filled pan of the Shadowdves ar(' pati('nt - far mor(' SO We have purposdy stated dlllt th('[(' at('
Brohn Lands), or fight its way up than thdr Alfh('im cousins. Th('y can 10 Mother Trees of life. Seven are ac-
through the levds of the Shadowdves' wait for years. If m(' charan('fS destroy d· counted for in these pages. The Calarii
domain. ements of the plot, th('y will slowly build dves of Kararn<"ikos might have another
Again, if The Orcs ofThar wzetteer is th('msdves back up again. The plot may one. This still leaves two unaccounted
not available, usc some oth('r monstrous still be hatching cwo hundr('d years later, for. Are they still alive? Where are they?
dungeon and fill it with Shadowdves. when the war depined in XlO (Red Ar- What has been happening to the clans
row, Black Shidd) boils ov('r. P('rhaps the connected with them? This is something
Shadowdves are helping the Master - for you, and your players, to find out.
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