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The Emirates of YlanuamM
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ae1. Guard Posts
2. Guand Reinforcements
3. MINION Dwellings
5. Barimoor’s Citadel
_ Scale ONE INCH eo‘An Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game Supplement
The Emirates of Ylanuam
by Ken Rolston
Table of Contents
History of the Emirates of Ylaruam
‘The History: The Local Version
The History: As the Dungeonmaster and the Immortals Know Ie
DM's Historical Synopsis
‘The Lands and Ecology of the Emirates
Peoples of the Emirates of Ylaruam
Economics of the Emirates
Society in the Emirates ......+++
‘AL-Kalim and the Eternal Truth
The Way of Al-Kalim
Social Structure
Government and Politics
[Law and Custom
Important Legal and Moral Concepts
Pull-out Section
‘What Everyone Knows About the Emirates
Creating Ylati Characters
Courtesy Tips for Foreigners in The Emirates
‘The Village of Kirkuk
‘Staging Tips for Presenting Kirkuk
Scenario Ideas
Campaigning in Ylaruam ....
Setting up a Ylaruam Campaign
Monsters, Men, and Marvelous Beings
‘Treasure Hunting in the Emirates
Tales for Ylari Adventures
Design: Ken Rolston
Baiting: Anne Gray McCready
Produet Manager: Bruce Heard
Cover Artist: Clyde Caldwell
Interior Artist: Doug Chaffe
Graphic Design: Dennis Kauth, Colleen O'Malley,
David C. Sutherland IIL
Cartography: Dennis Kauth, David C, Sutherland
‘Typography: Marilyn Favaro, Kim Lindau
£1987 TSR, Inc ll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA
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ISBN 0.88038.392-5 wis?
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The Gazetteer
‘This supplement is a reference book pri
smatily for the DM, chough at his discretion
‘certain portions may be accesible to players in
his campaign
‘The Gazecteer of the Emirares of Ylaruam
is a complete campaign reference, detailing
the history and culture of Ylaruam, a culeure
similar tothe medieval desert kingdom of the
[Near East. The Gazetteer offers & plethora of
adventures and adventure elements for char
acters of Basic, Expert, Companion, and Mas-
terlevels, and gives the DM plenty of practical
advice and strategies for presenting this mate
fil in advencure sessions.
‘The Emirates of Ylaruam
‘The Emirates is a large nation north of
Karameikos and Thyats, bordered on the east
by the Sea of Dawn, the west by Dutokin, and
the north by Rockhome and the Sodesfjocd
Jarldoms, This confederation of six emirates is
renowned for its superb mit
its ere and noble warriors
How to Use the Gazetteer
Tn the center of the Gazeteer isthe Player
Handout which is an introduction tothe his
tory and culeure of Ylaruam, and to special
rules and procedures needed for a Ylat cam-
paign. Give cis o your players, Information
presented in italics throughout the Gazeteer is
for the DM only.History of the Emirates of Ylanuam
The Histor
The Local Version ————
As selated by Yussef al Mussa, Scribe and
Register to the Shellyh of Kuznetz, in rcita-
tion to the sons and daughters of the sheik, 50
they might be inscructed as the Nahmeh
lo the annals and legends oh my cil
dren, thete are many stories of bygone men
and things, of antique races, departed rulers,
‘vanished cities, and mysteries without end—
‘many stories indeed, bue this is all that 1
might cll you, so that my wisdom does nor
show thin “and so that your suppers do not
grow cold.
"In the beginning there was the sand and
the wind, and into that sand and wind came
the nomad—the man of che swift steed, the
white tent, and the restless herd. From
whence he came, none might know but the
Eremal. Some say he came from the north,
from the grasland-withour-end that stretches
to the top of the world. Some say he came
from across the sea, exiled from distant conti-
‘nents and unimagined empires. Some say he
hhas always been here,
"But hete the nomad came, and he found
sand and wind, but he also found the winter
grazing land, and the spring rains, and che
summer grottos, the watering holes ofthe fall,
and his herds thrived, and he was happy. And
many of the nomad setdled in the grazing
land, around the oases and spring rivers, and
they became the hazat—the house dweller,
the cultivator, and the builder of cities.
““For many years the bold nomad and the
diligent hazat viewed one another with scorn,
for the hazar saw the nomad as cruel and
crude, and the nomad saw the hazat as soft
and cowardly. And many chiefs and emis
ruled these nomad and hazar tribes, and they
were each the enemy of the othe!—nomad
against nomad, for they fought forthe graz-
ing land, hazar against hazar, for they fought
for water, and nomad against hazat, for they
fought for food and for the hate of one
another. And chis war lasted forever, or atleast.
$0 long that only the Erernal might have wit.
nessed it
"Then into the south came the Thyatian,
‘And into the east came the Alphatian. They
Douile great cities, and they fought for che
land, and pushed aside the nomad and the
hhazat whom they enslaved and stole the fruit
of his labor,
or bitter centuries the foreigner euled our
land, and though we were proud and mighty
inarms, we were not united, and the foreigner
crushed our rebellions and scattered us before
them, Your forefathers sought sanctuary in
the deep desert, where the foreigner may not
fg0, and nursed for generations « hatred of
these cruel foreign lords, and a yearning for
“And then came AL-Kalim, the Prophet,
author of the Nahmeh, and ‘bearer of the
‘Word of the Eternal Truth. And he said, "Pu
aside your hatred for one another, take up
yout love for justice and honor, and none shall
stand before your swords?
"And the chiefs and emirs of all the tribes
stood before him, and were ashamed, and
they put aside their hatreds for one another.
“Together they raised thie voices ina single cy
and they brought our people together, tribe
with tribe, nomad with bazar, brigand with
merchant, farmer with warrior. They raised
their swords as one, and as one they fll upon
the foreignes, and where they came, none
could stand before them, The land was outs
‘once again, praise the Eternal, whose will is
"But once the forcigner was vanquished,
the chiefs and emiss would have had theit
tribes fall upon one another again, a5 it was
before, but AL-Kalim spoke to them, saying,
*You have seen whar you might do together
for the Dream of Justice and Honor. Such