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Philippine Arts from

the Regions
Quarter 1 – Week 6
Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 4: Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rodelio A. Barroga
Editor: Aileen M. Lukban
Reviewers: Dr. Arlyn M. Brigola and Dr. Gregorio T. Capiral
Illustrator: Ralph C. Apostol
Layout Artist: Teddy C. Sarmiento
Management Team: Wilfredo E. Cabral, Director IV
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS
Micah S. Pacheco, Regional ADM Coordinator
Evangeline P. Ladines, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Rodel C. Apostol, Division EPS In Charge of LRMS

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – National Capital Region

Office Address: Misamis St. Bago Bantay, Quezon City

Telefax: 02-929-0153
E-mail Address:
Philippine Arts from
the Regions
Quarter 1 – Week 6:
Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Our country, the Philippines are rich in a culture based on its different forms of arts
which was been strengthen by our ancestors. Their amazing work of arts which was
been passed to the new generation helps us to be recognized on our unique identities
as Filipinos. They are the living treasures who was been recognized on their special
contributions to their community and the national heritage.

This module will help and guide our facilitators (teacher, parents, elder sibling, etc.)
on the different activities and illustrations to support the continuous learning of our
learners on the different Filipinos who have been our living vessels and continuously
pass their knowledge and skills to the new generation.

Furthermore. The learners may use separate sheets in answering the pre-test, self-
check exercises, and post-test

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity, or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentences/paragraphs to be filled in to
process what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity that will help

you transfer your new knowledge or skill in
real-life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends to the
retention of learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed to understand the significant roles of traditional artists
from different regions.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. understand the Republic Act 7355 or Manlilikha ng Bayan Act;

2. identify the sixteen (16) Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan (GAMABA) awardees
and their contributions in the Philippines Contemporary Art;
3. appreciate the roles of the artists in the development of the Philippine Arts;
4. familiarize themselves with the different art forms, elements, and principles
employed by the different artist and;
5. create a work that promotes traditional art with local practitioners.

What I Know

Directions: Match the artist in Column A with his/her expertise in Column B. Write
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet.

Column A Column B

1. Alonzo Saclag a. Mat weaving

2. Darhata Sawabi b. Epic chanter
3. Eduardo Mutuc c. Abel weaving
4. Ginaw Bilog d. Metal plating
5. Hajja Amina Appi e. Tinalak weaving
6. Magdalena Tamayo f. Playing Kudyapi
7. Masino Intaray g. Pis syabit weaving
8. Samaon Sulaiman h. Tabúngaw hat making
9. Teofilo Garcia i. Playing Kalinga musical instrument
10. Yabing Masalon Dulo j. B’laan ikat or tie-dye fabric weaving
k. Surat Mangyan and Ambahan poetry

Gawad sa Manlilikha ng
1 Bayan

What’s In

This lesson will discuss the sixteen (16) Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or the
National Living Treasure Awardees and their specific contribution in the Philippine
Art. These artists acknowledged for developing, preserving, and promoting the
traditional art of the Philippines which kept the art alive even in the present time.

What’s New

Activity 1. Do I Know Them?

Directions: Identify the following artist and their role in the community.
1. Born on November 1, 1981, Rodel P. 2. Considered as one of the columns of
Nacianceno a Filipino performing Kapampangan food, she is undoubtedly a
artist, executive, and film maker, best living treasure. The famous chef and
known for playing the lead parts in food historian found her desire for
FPJ's Ang Probinsyano. cooking at young age of four. And to this
day, she proceeds to cook conventional
Kapampangan specialties at her open-air
kitchen in Barangay Parian, Mexico,
Artist (Screen Name): _______________ Artist: ______________________________
Expertise: __________________________ Expertise: __________________________
Role/s in the Community: Role/s in the Community:
____________________________________ ____________________________________

3. Born December 17, 1978, he is 4. A tattoo artist who received the 2018
respected as one of the most Dangal ng Haraya Award for Intangible
noteworthy proficient boxers of all Culture Heritage by the National
time. A Filipino professional boxer Commission for Culture and the Arts.
and Senator of the Philippines.

Artist: ______________________________ Artist: ______________________________

Expertise: __________________________ Expertise: __________________________
Role/s in the Community: Role/s in the Community:
____________________________________ ____________________________________


1. Who are the different artists?

2. What is the role of the artists in the society?
3. What is the impact of their arts to the lives of the Filipinos?
4. As Filipinos, how can we show our appreciation to them?

What is It

Through media people nowadays can easily get to know the different artists
in their fields and recognize these artists from their efforts through award-giving
bodies. These artists are the bearers of our culture.
Since the pre-Spanish era, the Philippines are rich in its culture. Ancestors
are the living heritage or culture bearers of this country. They developed these
native art forms which portray the significant life of the Filipinos. People know very
little about the art forms that exist up to the present time. These artists are doing
what they value and love to modify and keep the traditional art alive. People can
learn from the vast knowledge of these indigenous people who can live longer not
only the techniques to survive but also the distinct identity of being Filipino.

In this lesson, you will learn about our sixteen (16) National Living
Treasures, known as the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan (GAMABA) awardees from
the National Commission for Culture and the Arts or NCCA. The awardees produce
art forms that are woven into everyday life. These show how pre-colonial traditions
continue through to the present time.

As envisioned in Republic Act No. 7355

Known as Manlilikha ng Bayan Act was established in 1992 and shall
mean citizen engaged in any traditional art uniquely Filipino, whose distinct skills
have reached such a high level of technical and artistic excellence, and have
passed it on to in his or her community with the same degree of technical and
artistic competence.

National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)

The highest policy and coordinating body for culture and the arts of the
state. It has to search for the finest traditional artist of the land who adopts a
program that will ensure the transfer of their skills to others, undertakes
measures to promote a genuine appreciation of and crafts and give pride among
our people about the genius of Manlilikha ng Bayan.
The Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan (GAMABA) Awardees

As Filipino who recognize the unique identities of our fellow Filipinos, it is the right
to see their contribution to the community. The country is rich with various elements
of tangible and intangible cultural heritage which has passed on the new generation.
Culture as part of our Philippine identity includes a variety of arts that enhance by
our National Living Treasure artists who are recognized in their special contribution
to the national heritage. These are Filipino citizen who is engaged in any traditional
art forms and has contributed to the development of cultural diversity and the
creativity of humanity.

Awardee Contribution Region

GAMABA Awardees for the year 1993

Surat Mangyan and Ambahan

Preserve the Hanunuo Mangyan Panaytayan, Mansalay,
script and Ambahan (poem Oriental Mindoro,
consisting of seven-syllable lines) Region IV-B
and promote it on every occasion MIMAROPA
so that the art will not be lost but
Ginaw Bilog preserved for posterity.
(d. 2003)
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

Epic Chanter and Storyteller

An outstanding master of the basal
(gong music), kulilal (highly lyrical
poem) and bagit (instrumental Pala’wan, Palawan
music played on the kusyapi), also Island,
played the aroding (mouth harp) Region IV-B
and babarak (ring flute) and above MIMAROPA
all, he was a prolific and pre-
Masino Intaray eminent epic chanter and
(d. 2013) storyteller
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

Playing Kudyapi
He achieved the highest level of Mamasapano,
excellence in the art of kutiyapi or Maguidanao, Western
kudyapi (two-stringed lute) playing Midanao
and also proficient in kulintang, Bangsamoro
agong (suspended bossed gong Autonomous Region in
with wide rim), gandingan (bossed Muslim Mindanao
gong with narrow rim), palendag (BARMM)
Samaon Sulaiman (lip-valley flute), and tambul.
(d. 2011)

Photo Courtesy of NCCA

GAMABA Awardees for the year 1998
T’nalak Weaving
She is credited with preserving her
people’s traditional T’nalak using
abaca fibers as fine as hair which T’boli/Lake Sebu, South
traditionally has three primary Cotabato, Mindanao,
colors, red, black, and the original Region XII
colors of abaca leave recreated by SOCCSKSARGEN
her nimble hands-the crocodiles,
butterflies, and flowers.
Lang Dulay
(d. 2015)
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

Inabal Weaving
She was awarded for fully
demonstrating the creative and
expressive aspects of the Bagobo Tagabawa Bagobo/
abaca ikat (to tie or bond) weaving Bansalan, Davao del Sur,
called inabal (traditional textile of Region XI
Bagobo) at a time when such art Davao Region
was threatened with extinction.
Salinta Monon
(d. 2009)
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

GAMABA Awardees for the year 2000

Playing Yakan Instruments
He referred to for his ability and
mastery in playing different Yakan
instruments (made of bamboo,
wood, and metal) and for imparting Yakan/ Lamitan, Basilan
his insight to the youngsters of his Island,
locale. He keeps on performing and Bangsamoro
instruct despite his diminishing Autonomous Region in
visual perception, keeping the Muslim Mindanao
Uwang Ahadas Yakan melodic custom alive and (BARMM)
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

Chanting the Sugidanon Epic of

the Panay Bukidnon
He continuously works for the
documentation of the oral Sulod-Bukidnon/
literature, in particular the epics, Calinog, Iloilo, Panay
of people. These ten epics, Island,
rendered in a language that, Region VI
though related to Kiniray-a, is no Western Visayas
longer spoken.
Federico Caballero

Photo Courtesy of NCCA

Playing Kalinga Musical
His lifestyle work is to paint a
portrait of his people to record a
tradition of opposites and dualities, Kalinga, Northern Luzon
a peoples’ character recorded in Island,
cadences each aggressive and Cordillera Administrative
gentle. Play Kalinga musical Region (CAR)
instruments dance patterns and
Alonzo Saclag moves related to rituals.

Photo Courtesy of NCCA

GAMABA Awardees for the year 2004

Mat weaving
She was recognized as the master Ungos Matata,
mat weaver. Her colorful mats with Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi,
their complex geometric patterns Bangsamoro
showcased her precise sense of Autonomous Region in
design, proportion, and symmetry Muslim Mindanao
and sensitivity to color. (BARMM)

Hajja Amina Appi

(d. 2013)

Photo Courtesy of NCCA

Metal Plating
He is an artist who has devoted his
existence to developing religious
and secular artwork in silver,
bronze, and wood. His intricately
detailed retablos, mirrors, altars,
Apalit, Pampanga,
and carosas are in church
Region III
buildings and non-public
Central Luzon
collections. A range of these works
Eduardo Mutuc
are quite large, some exceeding
forty feet, whilst some are very
Photo Courtesy of NCCA
small and feature very nice and
refined craftsmanship.
Pis syabit Weaving
She remained devoted and
persevered with her mission to Tausug/ Parang,
teach the artwork of pis syabit Sulu,
weaving. Her strokes firm and Bangsamoro
sure, her color sensitivity acute, Autonomous Region in
and her dedication to the best of Muslim Mindanao
her products unwavering. (BARMM)

Darhata Sawabi
(d. 2005)
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

GAMABA Awardees for the year 2012

Abel Weaving
She has been a master in abel
weaving from Pinili, Ilocos Norte.
She is not only weaving traditional
Ilocano textiles but also designs
new patters. One of her designs
employs a difficult weaving
technique called pililian meaning
partially. The weave produces a Pinili, Ilocos Norte
one of a kind design that takes Region I
Magdalena after a string of flowers thus its Ilocos Region
Gamayo name, inubon a sabong. She did
not formally study such traditional
Photo Courtesy of NCCA art. Instead, she watched closely as
her aunt made and imitated the
Kattukong or Tabúngaw Hat
When he finishes fieldwork as a
farmer, he focuses on the
cultivation and development of San Quintin, Abra,
tabúngaw (Ilokano term for úpo). Cordillera Administrative
At the age of fifteen (15) he learned Region (CAR)
the art of Kattukong or tabúngaw
hat making and basket weaving
Teofilo Garcia from his grandfather.
Photo Courtesy of NCCA

GAMABA Awardees for the year 2016

Yakan Weaving
Apuh Ambalang, is significantly
respected in all of Lamitan. Her
ability is regarded unique: she can
bring forth all designs and
actualize all textile categories Lamitan, Basilan Island,
ordinary to the Yakan community, Bangsamoro
who are known to be among the Autonomous Region in
finest weavers within the Southern Muslim Mindanao
Philippines. She can perform the (BARMM)
suwah bekkat (cross-stitch-like
embellishment) and suwah pendan
Ambalang Ausalin (embroidery-like embellishment)
techniques of the bunga sama
Photo Courtesy of NCCA
category. She has the complex
knowledge of the whole weaving
process, mindful at the same time
as the cultural significance of each
textile design or category.

B’laan Mat Weaving

Since she was a child, she was

bright and careful in tangle
weaving. Her perseverance took
place because of her supportive
husband. The thin strips of the Upper Lasang, Sapu
pandanus romblon (Pandanus Masla, Malapatan,
copelandii merr. Bariu) rise Saranggani
matrixed through deft fingers Region XII
performing an individual rhythm, SOCCSKSARGEN
the beat guided by her eyes. The
Estelita Tumandan unwoven strips are held tight at
Bantilan the other end of her body, as toes
curl and close around, not only
Photo Courtesy of NCCA these strips but, as it were, the
abstraction that other people call
design. The arc of her torso
determines the dexterity of feet
and toes. Hand/eye coordination
happens inside a frame of

B’laan Ikat or Tie-dye Fabric

Yabing Masalon Dulo, called as “Fu
Yabing”, was only fourteen (14)
years old when she started
weaving. All her younger years
were spent in sharpening her skills Amguo, Landan,
and imparting the knowledge to Polomolok, South
younger generations of B’laan Cotabato
weavers. Region XII
Yabing Masalon Dulo She follows her mother’s
movements back and forth. She
Photo Courtesy of NCCA
colors the fibers, counts the
thread, and observes the rhythmic
dance of a weaver’s dreams woven
into unique soulful pieces.

What’s More

Activity 2. The Past Master and Living Treasures

Directions: Watch the videos on the NCCA Dayaw presentation in the link below.
Using a separate sheet write an informative summary of the videos. Follow the
rubrics below.

Season 4 Episode1: The Past Master

Season 4 Episode 2: Living Treasures (Part 1)

Season 4 Episode 2: Living Treasures (Part 2)

Category 4 3 2 1
Response is clear, Content is accurate Content is not Content is
well-focused, and and compelling. comprehensive. incomplete.
Content & ~1 page double Response is Major points are Major points are
Development spaced. adequate and addressed, but not not clear or
Comprehensive, addresses well supported. compelling.
accurate, assignment. Response largely Response wholly
opinionated. Content and summary, rather summary, rather
purpose of the than insight. than insight.
writing are clear.
Structure is clear Structure is mostly Structure is not Organization and
and easy to follow. clear and easy to easy to follow. structure detract
Organization Transitions are follow. Transitions Transitions need from the writer's
logical and are present. improvement. opinion of the film.
maintain the flow of Conclusion is Conclusion is Paragraphs are
the paper. logical, if not missing or does not disjointed and lack
creative. flow from the body transition of
of the paper. thoughts.

All supportive facts Supportive facts Most supportive NO facts/examples

Accuracy and examples are and examples are facts/examples are are reported OR
reported accurately, reported accurately, reported accurately, most are
and specific scenes adequate discussion and there is some inaccurately
from the video are of specific scenes discussion of reported.
discussed to great that irritated the specific scene-work.
effect. writer's interest.
Writer approaches Writer seems to be Writer adds little to Writer has not tried
Subjectivity the comparison and thinking about the the discussion of to transform the
reflection in an video and module the topic, and there video's ideas in a
insightful way, and how they is not enough personal or social
addressing each compare, but fail to response to the commentary way.
bullet point. address one of the video itself.
bullet points.

Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
Grammar & grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical or than 4 grammatical
Formatting that distract the or formatting errors errors that distract
reader from the formatting/Works that distract the the reader from the
content. Cited may be reader from the content. No Works
slightly off. content. Cited page.

What I Have Learned

Republic Act No. 7355 known as Manlilikha ng Bayan Act was established in 1992
to give recognition to traditional art uniquely Filipino who preserves and promotes
its traditional folk arts that contribute to the national heritage.

National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is the highest policy and
coordinating body for culture and arts of the state.

The Philippines through the effort of NCCA introduced the sixteen (16) Gawad sa
Manlilikha ng Bayan or GAMABA Awardees namely:

Ginaw Bilog 1993 Surat Mangyan and

Ambahan poetry
Masino Intaray 1993 Epic chanter and
Samaon Sulaiman 1993 Playing Kudyapi
Lang Dulay 1998 T’nalak Weaving
Salinta Monon 1998 Inabal Weaving
Uwang Ahadas 2000 Playing Yakan
Federico Caballero 2000 Chanting the Sugidanon
Epic of the Panay
Alonzo Saclag 2000 Playing Kalinga Musical
Hajja Amina Appi 2004 Mat Weaving
Eduardo Mutuc 2004 Metal Plating
Darhata Sawabi 2004 Pis syabit Weaving
Magdalena Gamayo 2012 Abel Weaving
Teofilo Garcia 2012 Kattukong or Tabúngaw
Hat Making
Ambalang Ausulin 2016 Yakan Weaving
Estelita Bantilan 2016 B’laan Mat Weaving
Yabing Masalon Dulo 2016 B’laan Ikat or Tie-dye
Fabric Weaving

What I Can Do

Directions: Create a brochure that promotes our National Living Treasures or Gawad
Manlilikha ng Bayan awardees, their artworks, and the place where they came from.
Follow the rubrics below.

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Graphics/ Graphic go Graphics go Graphics go Graphics do
Pictures well with the well with the well with the not go with
text and there text, but there text, but there the
is a good mix are so many are too few accompanying
of text and that they and the text or appear
graphics distract from brochure to be
the text seems “text- randomly
heavy”. chosen
Attractiveness The brochure The brochure The brochure The
and has no has attractive has well- brochure’s
Organization exceptionally formatting organized formatting
attractive and well- information and
formatting organized organization
and well- information. of material are
organized confusing to
information. the reader.
Content- All facts in the 99-90% of the 89-80% of the Fewer than
Accuracy brochure are facts in the facts in the 80% of the
accurate brochure are brochure are facts in the
accurate. accurate. brochure are
Sources Careful and Careful and Careful and Sources are
accurate accurate accurate not
records are records are records are documented
kept to kept to kept to accurately or
document the document the document the are not kept
source of 95- source of 94- source of 84- on many facts
100% of the 85% of the 75% of the and graphics.
facts and facts and facts and
graphics in graphics in graphics in
the brochure. the brochure. the brochure.
Spelling and No spelling No more than No more than Several
Proofreading errors remain 1 spelling 3 spelling spelling errors
after one error remains errors remain in the
person other after one after one brochure.
than the person other person other
typist reads than the than the
and corrects typist reads typist reads
the brochure. and corrects and corrects
the brochure. the brochure.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following Republic Act known as the Manlilikha ng Bayan Act?
a. R.A. Act. 7355 c. R.A. Act. 7356
b. R.A. Act. 11190 d. R.A. Act. 10066
2. ______________________ is a tnalak weaver from the indigenous community of the
Tboli in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato.
a. Magdalena Gamayo c. Darhata Sawabi
b. Haja Amina Appi d. Lang Dulay
3. Which is among the following is the highest policy and coordinating body for
culture and arts of the state?
a. Philippine Commission on Culture and the Arts
b. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
c. Philippine Academic Arts and Culture
d. Nation Expert for Talent and Skills
4. Which of the following is NOT an idea of the Manlilikha ng Bayan Act?
a. Create hindrances for popularizing their works locally and internationally
b. Renew a community's artistic tradition thereby protecting a valuable aspect
of Philippine culture
c. Recognize the importance of traditional folk artists as a singular channel
between skills of the past and the future
d. Provide mechanisms for identifying and assisting qualified traditional folk
artists to transfer their skills to the community
5. _________________________ is kind of poem consisting of seven-syllable lines
which most of the time contains of love and friendship.
a. Ambahan c. Gangsa
b. Haiku d. Tanaga
6. Which of the following is a two-stringed lute made of wood, one string for the
melody, one for the drone?
a. Buktot c. Butting
b. Kudyapi d. Pas-ing
7. __________________ is a kind of fabric made up of fine abaca fibers weaved with
different designs which reflect the tradition of the T’boli.
a. Abel c. Pis syabit
b. Musa d. T’nalak
8. Which of the following artist worked on the documentation of the epics of
Calinog, Iloilo, Panay Island?
a. Ginaw Bilog c. Uwang Ahadas
b. Alonzo Saclag d. Federico Caballero
9. ______________________ play Kalinga musical instruments dance patterns and
movements associated with rituals.
a. Alonzo Saclag c. Masino Intaray
b. Teofilo Garcia d. Eduardo Mutuc
10. Who teaches Teofilo Garcia to make a tabúngaw hat and basket weaving?
a. Auntie Elena c. Grandfather Hipolito
b. Uncle Leolito d. Grandmother Imelda

11. Which of the following is the master of abel weaving from Pinili, Ilocos Norte?
a. Darhata Sawabi c. Ambalang Ausulin
b. Magdalena Gamayo d. Yabing Masalon Dulo
12. ________________________ began weaving since fourteen (14) years old and
continuously impart knowledge to younger generations of B’laan weavers.
a. Lang Dulay c. Yabing Masalon Dulo
b. Salinta Monon d. Estelita Tumandan Bantilan

II. Essay
Instruction: Explain briefly.

13. How does this short-term encounter with GAMABA awardees make you aware
of who we are? _____________________________________________________________
14. As an artist, what is our main responsibility in our society or country?
15. Identify the values we should possess as an artist. Explain.

Additional Activities

Knowing our Culture Bearers

Directions: Watch YouTube videos on ABS CBN Local Legends and list down Three
(3) other traditional artists that you know that contribute to the country’s intangible
cultural heritage and identify the place they came from.

Name Contribution/s The place they came

e.g. Wang-od Oggay Tattoo Artist Buscalan, Tinglayan,

Answer Key

What I Know Assessment

1. i 1. a
2. g 2. d
3. d 3. b
4. k 4. a
5. a
5. a
6. b
6. c 7. d
7. b 8. d
8. f 9. a
9. h 10. c
10. j 11. b
12. c
13. Recognizing the GAMABA awardees, as
culture bearers of our country, shows the
we are proud of our identity as Filipino
14. As an artist, we have the responsibility to
sustain the skills and talent that we have.
Therefore, we should share this talent and
skills to our society or simply to the
community we belong.
15. As an artist, we should promote our culture
by being creative, improvement our talent
and skills, and share it to other fellow


Datuin, Flaudette May et al. (2016) Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions K
to 12. Rex Book Store Inc. Quezon City, Philippines
De Leon, Jr., Felipe M. National Living Treasures: Samaon Sulaiman. Retrieve from

National Commission for Culture and the Arts. GAMABA awardees: Literature and
Performing Arts. Retrieved from

Ignacio, P. (2016, August 15) The freedom to express, the freedom to impress (Blog
post) Retrieved from

Kutiyapi (2013, December 5) In Memory of Pala’wan Master Artist Masino Intaray

(1943-2013). Retrieve from

National Commission for Culture and the Arts (2016, February 15) National Living
Treasures: Federico Caballero. Retrieved from

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Tobias, Maricris Jan. National Living Treasures: Magdalena Gamayo. (Website)

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