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Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to me for finishing the task

of ESP Course Design. I also wish to express my deep and sincere gratitude for those

who have helped me in completing this task.

This English Module consist of the exercises which comprises of reading,

writing, speaking, and listening skill and this module was also designed for an

Informatics Computer Engineering Students. This task is submitted in order to fulfill

the ESP Course Design task from our lecturer, Mrs. Ela Nurmala, M.Pd.

Hopefully, this module can be beneficial for me as a creator in particular and to

all of us generally in order to expand our knowledge.

The Writer

May, 22nd 2019

Table of Contents
PREFACE............................................................................................................ i
Table of Contents ............................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................ 1
READING ACTIVITIES .................................................................................... 1
1. Pre-Reading Activity ....................................................................................... 1
2. Reading Comprehension .................................................................................. 1
3. Multiple Choice ............................................................................................... 4
4. Essay................................................................................................................ 7
5. True or False .................................................................................................... 8
6. Matching .......................................................................................................... 9
7. Vocabulary ..................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................... 12
WRITING ACTIVITY...................................................................................... 12
1. Grammar ........................................................................................................ 12
2. Writing Comprehension .................................................................................. 18
3. Essay.............................................................................................................. 19
4. Missing Words ............................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................... 22
SPEAKING ACTIVITY.................................................................................... 22
1. Dialogue......................................................................................................... 22
2. Essay.............................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................... 25
LISTENING ACTIVITY .................................................................................. 25
1. Missing Word................................................................................................. 25
CHAPTER V ..................................................................................................... 28
ANSWER KEYS ............................................................................................... 28
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 35
A.Articles........................................................................................................... 35
B. Images ............................................................................................................ 35
C. Audios............................................................................................................ 38



A. Pre-Reading Activity

Answer the questions below with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’!

1. Do you know what social media is?



2. Do you have social media in your hand phone?



B. Reading Comprehension

Read the text carefully!

The Effects of Social Media in Young People


In modern life, social media is developing fast. It is used by many people all over the
world. Social media is especially very popular among the young. However, there are
many young people who cannot control themselves and are addicted to social media.
Addiction to social media has many serious effects, including poor study habits,
living away from reality and bad health.

First, addiction to social media makes the youth have bad grades in studies. Because
of social media, many students who were excellent students have become bad
students. Every day, these students come to class, but they do not focus on studying.
While their professors are teaching, they are using cell phones to surf Facebook,
Instagram or chat with friends on Messenger. They always check their cellphones
every five minutes to see what is going on social media. If the young use social media
in classes, how can they listen to the professors and understand what professors are
saying? Moreover, not only at school but also at home these young students who are
addicted to social media do not do exercise or read the new lesson before going to
school, because they are busy with social media. For example, Khan, a young girl
from Vietnam, is addicted to social media. In the past, she was a hard-working
student. She always did all homework and prepared for new lessons, so she got A
grades. However, everything has changed since she started using social media too
much. In classes, instead of listening to the professor, she always posts selfies on
Facebook and Instagram. At home, with the attraction of social media, she continues
using her cellphone and does not study or do assignments. As a result, in the mid-
term exam and final exam, she only got C and D grades. Addiction to social media
causes a bad habit in studies. It can change a young person from an excellent student
to a bad one.

Secondly, young people who are addicted to social media can live far away from
reality. Because of using a cell phone all day, they will not have time for outdoor
activities such as playing sports or camping. Instead of going out to meet friends or
talk to their parents, these people love chatting with friends on social media. They
will just stay at home and update their news on social media. They post status or
photos to share with their friends on social media. Gradually, they will only live in a
virtual world. Amanda, a teenager in America, is a clear example. When her mother
bought her a cell phone for her 18th birthday, she became a person addicted to social
media. She did not go swimming with her friends during weekends. She rarely talked
with her parents. During family vacation, she always took photos of food and places
she visited and notified her friends on Facebook or Instagram. Now, she posts her
feeling status with a photo on social media every day. Her life is updated frequently
on social media. Social media is regarded as the world she lives in, the world in which
we only communicate through icons, comments and likes.

And last but not least, using social media too much will have a serious impact on
health. Because the young are addicted to social media, they will go to bed late to
read news on Facebook or chat with friends. Staying up late is really harmful to the
health, especially, the brain. If the young do not sleep enough, their health will be
affected seriously by losing weight or always feeling tired. Their brains also will not
work effectively and they will be in sleepy condition. Moreover, addiction to social
media can cause depression in the young. When the young use social media, they will
see other people on social media. If the young see other people who are better than
them in appearance or talent, they can feel inferior. These young people can envy the
people who are more famous or intelligent than them, and they also feel ashamed of
themselves. They always wonder why they cannot be excellent, talented or beautiful
like others. Therefore, they feel under pressure, stressed and depressed. These mental
problems are very dangerous to the young people because these mental problems
cause the young people lose their minds and eventually, choose death.

In conclusion, although using social media has many benefits in our lives, addiction
to social media is not good. It will have awful influences on studying, make us live
way from reality and have bad effects on health. In order to avoid being addicted to
social media, young people should spend more time playing sports, studying and
taking part in activities in schools.

I.Multiple Choice

Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer!

1. Below that includes social media, except…

A. YouTube C. Instagram E. Twitter
A. Facebook D. Camera

2. Below that includes the bad effect of social media, except…

A. Poor study habits
B. Bad health
C. The best habits
D. Living away from reality
E. Addicted to social media

3. According to the text, what is the first effect of social media?

A. Social media makes the youth have bad grades in studies
B. Live far away from reality
C. Will have a serious impact on health
D. It will have awful influences on studying
E. Poor study habits

4. According to the text, students who are addict to social media will use social
media in class every day, except…
A. They are using cell phones to surf Facebook
B. They are focus on studying in class
C. Chat with friends on Messenger
D. They always check their cellphones every five minutes
E. They do not focus on studying in class

5. Look at the picture!

What do students do in the picture above?

A. They focus on classroom learning
B. They pay attention to the teacher
C. They are busy using cellphones in the classroom
D. They record what the teacher said
E. They are sleeping in class

6. According to the text, there is an example from Khan, a young girl from
Vietnam, is addicted to social media. In the past, she was a hard-working
student. She always did all homework and prepared for new lessons, so she
got “A” grades. But, everything has changed since she started using social
media too much. Then, she will do, except…
A. She always posts selfies on Facebook and Instagram
B. At home, with the attraction of social media, she continues using her
C. Does not study or do assignments
D. She always focus on studying in class
E. She does not listen to the teacher

7. Below that includes people who are addict to social media and live far away
from the real live, except…
A. They will not have time for outdoor activities such as playing sports or
B. They chatting with friends on social media
C. They will just stay at home and update their news on social media
D. They post status or photos to share with their friends on social media
E. They always gather with friends and family

8. According to the text, there is an example from Amanda, a teenager in
America. When her mother bought her a cell phone for her 18th birthday, she
became a person addicted to social media. Then, she will do, except…
A. She always gather with her friends
B. She did not go swimming with her friends during weekends
C. She rarely talked with her parents
D. During family vacation, she always took photos of food and places she
visited and notified her friends on Facebook or Instagram
E. She posts her feeling status with a photo on social media everyday

9. The effects of using social media too much will have a serious impact on
health, except...
A. They will go to bed late to read news on Facebook or chat with friends
B. Staying up late is really harmful to the health, especially, the brain
C. They look healthy and fit
D. If the young do not sleep enough, their health will be affected seriously
by losing weight or always feeling tired
E. Their brains also will not work effectively and they will be in sleepy

10. Which is include from the adverse effects of social media that causes
everyone be far away?
A. D.

B. E.


II. Essay
Answer the following questions related to the text!
1. What is the social media?

2. What are the effects of social media addiction?


3. Why addiction to social media makes the youth have bad grades in studies?

4. What do social media addiction students do in class every day?


5. Why young people who are addict to social media can live far away from

III. True or False
Answer the following questions by stating TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)!
1. Social media is developing fast. (…..)
2. Social media is especially very popular among the young and (…..)
the adults.
3. Addiction to social media has many good effects. (…..)
4. Addiction to social media makes the youth have bad grades in (…..)
5. Young people who are addict to social media can live far away (…..)
from reality.
6. Using social media too much will have a good impact on health. (…..)

7. If the young see other people who are better than them in (…..)
appearance or talent, they can feel inferior.
8. Using social media has many benefits in our lives. (…..)
9. Addiction to social media causes a bad habit in studies. It can (…..)
change a young person from an excellent student to a bad one.
10. Addiction to social media can cause happy in the young. (…..)

IV. Matching
Match these following words/phrases on the left with the correct
1. Addicted A.

2. Social Media B. They will go to bed late to read

news on Facebook or chat with
friends. Staying up late is really
harmful to the health, especially,
the brain
3. Chatting C. Every day, these students come to
class, but they do not focus on
studying. While their professors
are teaching, they are using cell
phones to surf Facebook,
Instagram or chat with friends on
4. Sleepy condition D.

5. E. They will not have time for

outdoor activities such as playing
sports or camping. Instead of
going out to meet friends or talk
to their parents, these people love
chatting with friends on social
6. Young people who are addicted F.
to social media can live far
away from reality

7. G. Communication

8. Outdoor activities such as H. Websites and applications that

playing sports or camping enable users to create and share
content or to participate in social
9. Addicted to social media can I. Depression
live far away from reality
10. Serious impact on health J. Physically and mentally
dependent on a particular
substance, and unable to stop
taking it without incurring
adverse effects
K. Effects of social media

V. Vocabulary
Translate these following words into Indonesian!
1. Addiction = _________________________________
2. To surf = _________________________________
3. Chatting = _________________________________
4. Virtual world = _________________________________
5. Notified = _________________________________
6. Communicate = _________________________________
7. Sleepy condition = _________________________________
8. Feel ashamed = _________________________________
9. Feel under pressure = _________________________________
10. Awful = _________________________________



1. Grammar
The simplest definition of a noun is a thing and nouns are the basic building blocks
of sentences. These things can represent a person, animal, place, idea, emotion –
almost any thing that you can think of. Dog, Sam, we, love,
phone, Chicago, courage and spaceship are all nouns. The more nouns you know in
a language, the better you will be able to communicate your ideas. Here, we’ll take a
closer look at what makes a noun a noun, and we’ll provide some examples of how
nouns are used.

Noun examples: respect, faith, apple, seashore, peanut, motorcycle

Noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

1. The boy and girl were holding hands as they crossed the bridge to on
the way to town.
2. I love watching my cat play with the pink yarn.
3. It is raining! Everyone, grab your umbrella and rain hat and watch out for
the puddles!

Categories of Nouns
There are several categories of nouns, and there can be an overlap across the
categories. For example, there are common and propernouns,
and concrete and abstract nouns, yet some nouns are both concrete and common, or
concrete and proper. It will become clear as you read on.

Common nouns are the words that refer to most general things: country, evening,
laughter, puppy, umbrella

Common noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

 Cathy loves the weekends in the country.

 We enjoy swimming after breakfast.

 The cup fell and broke.
Proper nouns are the name that identifies someone or something, a person or a place.
Proper nouns are capitalized. John is a proper noun, since the word John represents a
particular, single example of a thing, John.

Proper noun examples: Mary, Jimmy, Aunt Audrey, Honda, Philadelphia

Proper noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

 Emily loved spending time with her Aunt Nancy in Paris.

 Buick and Jeep are two important carmakers.
 We visited Lake Erie, which separates the United States and Canada.
Concrete nouns represent a thing that is real and tangible: pig, person, rock, smell,
air, soup, Larry are all concrete nouns.

Concrete noun examples: cup, computer, diamond, rollercoaster, shampoo, Debby

Concrete noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

 The person threw the rock across the yard.

 My dog, Oreo, jumped in the air and caught the ball!
 Can you smell the soup, John?
An abstract noun represents a thing that is more like a concept or idea: love, integrity,
democracy, friendship, beauty, knowledge are examples of abstract nouns.

Abstract noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

 Love and friendship are equally important.

 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
 Your mind can know a million things.
Nouns can also be categorized as countable or uncountable.

A countable noun is a thing can be numbered or counted: airplane, sock, bowl,

noodle, teacher, as in two airplanes, three socks, 1000 noodles.

Countable noun examples: peach, horse, shirt, telescope

Countable noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy

 There are five dogs in the street.
 I bought three tons of coal.
 Margaret has six pairs of blue sandals.
Uncountable nouns can have a quantity or amount but cannot be actually counted:
water, music, clothes, understanding. In the second example above, tons is a
countable noun, but coal is not. Coal is referred to as an uncountable noun.

Uncountable noun examples: hate, confidence, attractiveness, wisdom

Uncountable noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy

 Love is in the air.

 The four elements are air, earth, fire and water.
 Her humor knows no bounds.
Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things: audience, team, bunch, family,
class. When speaking of collective nouns, Americans consider them as singular, using
singular verbs with them, such as the group dances happily. When speaking British
English, both singular verbs and plural verbs might be used, as in the group dance
crazily before the Queen.

Collective noun examples: government, jury, team, bunch, school, class, and room
(the people in the room or building)

Collective noun examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy

 The team threw confetti when it was over.

 Steve buys the band some sandwiches.
 Meredith told the class she was getting married.
As mentioned above, when we talk of categories of nouns, some nouns can be
described as being in more than one category. Some nouns are concrete and
countable, for example, such as raindrops and wedding rings, while some are proper
and uncountable, such as the Atlantic Ocean and Alaska.

Pronouns replace nouns. A different pronoun is required depending on two
elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the
sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace
in the 3rd person singular form. The 2nd person plural pronouns are identical
to the 2nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.

Subject pronouns replace nouns that are the subject of their clause. In the 3rd person,
subject pronouns are often used to avoid repetition of the subject's name.


 I am 16.
 You seem lost.

Object pronouns are used to replace nouns that are the direct or indirect object of a


 Give the book to me.

 The teacher wants to talk to you.


Possessive adjectives are not pronouns, but rather determiners. It is useful to learn
them at the same time as pronouns, however, because they are similar in form to the
possessive pronouns. Possessive adjectives function as adjectives, so they appear
before the noun they modify. They do not replace a noun as pronouns do.


 Did mother find my shoes?

 Mrs. Baker wants to see your homework.

Possessive pronouns replace possessive nouns as either the subject or the object of a
clause. Because the noun being replaced doesn't appear in the sentence, it must be
clear from the context.


 This bag is mine.

 Yours is not blue.


Reflexive and intensive pronouns are the same set of words but they have different
functions in a sentence.

Reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of the clause because the subject of the
action is also the direct or indirect object. Only certain types of verbs can be reflexive.
You cannot remove a reflexive pronoun from a sentence because the remaining
sentence would be grammatically incorrect.


 I told myself to calm down.

 You cut yourself on this nail?

Intensive pronouns emphasize the subject of a clause. They are not the object of the
action. The intensive pronoun can always be removed from a sentence without
changing the meaning significantly, although the emphasis on the subject will be
removed. Intensive pronouns can be placed immediately after the subject of the
clause, or at the end of the clause.


 I made these cookies myself.

 You yourself asked Jake to come.

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive or
Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun Intensive
(Determiner) Pronoun

1st person I me my mine Myself


2nd person you you your yours Yourself


3rd person he him his his Himself


3rd person she her her hers Herself


3rd person it it its Itself


1st person we us our ours Ourselves


2nd person you you your yours Yourselves


3rd person they them their theirs Themselves


The Example of Noun and Pronoun:
Noun social media is developing fast
these students come to class
Because of using a cell phone all day
the world in which we only communicate
Pronoun there are many young people who cannot control
but they do not focus on studying
While their professors are teaching
When her mother bought her a cell phone

2. Writing Comprehension
Read the text carefully and answer the question below!


Social media allows the social growth of the society and also helps many
businesses. It provides tools like social media marketing that can reach a
millions of potential clients. We can easily access information and get news
through social media. Social media is a great tool for creating awareness about
any social cause. Employers can reach out to potential job seekers. It can help
many an individuals to have social growth and interaction with the world
without having any hitch. Many people use social media to make themselves
heard to the higher authorities. It can also help you meet like-minded people.

Many physiatrists believe that social media is a single most factor causing
depression and anxiety in people. It is also a cause of poor mental growth in
children. Increased use of social media can lead to poor sleeping patterns.
There are many other negative effects like cyber bullying, body image issues
etc. as well. There is an increased ‘Fear of Missing out’ (FOMO) at an all-time
high in youth because of social media. The Conclusion is one must carefully
weigh the positives and the negatives before engaging excessively in social
media. If used in the correct way social media can be a boon for mankind.

3. Essay
Answer the following questions related to the text!
1. Read this sentence!
Many people use social media to make themselves heard to the higher
From the sentence above, which one is include to noun or pronoun?

2. Read this sentence!

Jack and David are friends. They play basketball together.
From the sentence above, which one is include to noun or pronoun?

3. Read this sentence!
During family vacation, she always took photos of food and places
From the sentence above, which one is include to noun or pronoun?

4. Read this sentence!

The car that crashed into the wall was blue.
From the sentence above, which one is include to noun or pronoun?

5. Read this sentence!

Anybody who says it won’t be fun has no clue what they are talking about.
From the sentence above, which one is include to noun or pronoun?

4. Missing Words
Complete the missing words of text below!
Social media 1. ….. (allow/allows/allowed) the social growth of the society
and also helps many businesses. It provides tools like social media marketing
that can reach a millions of potential clients. We can easily access information
and get news through social media. Social media is a great tool for creating
awareness about any social cause. Employers can reach out to potential job
seekers. 2 ….. (It/Its/It’s) can help many an individuals to have social growth
and interaction with the world without having any hitch. Many people use
social media to make 3. ….. (they/them/themselves) heard to the higher
authorities. It can also help you meet like-minded people.
Many physiatrists believe that social media is a single most factor causing
depression and anxiety in people. It is also a cause of poor mental growth in
children. Increased use of social media can lead to poor sleeping patterns.
There are many other negative 4. ….. (effect/effects/effected) like cyber
bullying, body image issues etc. as well. There is an increased ‘Fear of Missing
out’ (FOMO) at an all-time high in youth because of social media. The
Conclusion is one must 5. ….. (careful/carefully/care) weigh the positives and
the negatives before engaging excessively in social media. If used in the
correct way social media can be a boon for mankind.



Practice the dialogue below in front of the other!

In this modern age where the internet has become a necessity for many people, this
conversations among John, James, Desta, Lily about social media or websites are
familiar. This time we will look at some examples of short conversations in English
about the website and social media. Here are the conversations:
John : Hi, James. What are you doing?
James : Hello, John. I’m browsing this website.
John : Which website are you browsing?
James : Shopee Indonesia App
John : Are you going to buy something on the website?
James : Yes, I’m going to buy shoes for my son.
John : What a great father you are!
James : Thanks, but it’s my obligation as a father to buy shoes for my
Lily : Do you like surfing the internet?
James : Yes, I do. Why?
Lily : I just wanted to know about your opinion on websites. What
sites are worth visiting often according to you?
James : Well, it depends on your interests. For me, since I’m an English
learner, duolingo and Kahoot are sites that every English learner
should occasionally visit.
John : Interesting! Besides English-learning sites, which sites do you
visit most often?
Lily : I often visit Google, YouTube, and Instagram
John : Isn’t Instagram an app?
James : Yes, it is, but we can still open it via web browser although the
features on the site are not as complete as those on the app.
John : Really? I didn’t know about that. Thank you, James.
James : You’re welcome
Desta Did
: You know that Google is the most visited site on the Internet in
Lily : No, I didn’t, but it’s not surprising that Google is the most
visited site. Anyway, how about the most visited social media
site? Do you know about that?
Desta : Yes, I do. It’s YouTube.

Lily : I thought it was Facebook.
Desta : I thought so too. Apparently since the past few years, YouTube
has gained more popularity than Facebook has.
James : So, Facebook is now the second most popular social media after
Lily : Yup.
John : What do you do when you’re bored?
Desta : I like surfing the internet. You know, there are some fun
websites to visit for when I’m bored.
John : What are they?
Desta : They are mostly social media websites, like YouTube, Twitter,
and Instagram. However, the website that I like to visit most
frequently is BuzzFeed.
James : What is BuzzFeed?
Desta : BuzzFeed is an online media. We can basically do many things
on the website from reading news to answer quizzes.
James : Sounds like an interesting site.
Desta : Yes, it is. What do you like to do on the Internet?
James : I like streaming movies or TV series on the internet.
Desta : Oh, I like streaming movies too. Which movie-streaming sites
do you often visit?
James : I often watch movies on Netflix and Iflix. How about you?
Desta : I stream movies on Netflix too and sometimes on HOOQ.
James : I want to try streaming on HOOQ too, but for now Netflix and
iflix are enough for me.
Desta : Yeah, Netflix alone already provides so many good movies and
James : That’s right.

Answer the following questions related to the dialogue below!

1. Which website did James explore, and why did James browse the website?

2. From the dialog above what are the good applications for learning English?

3. Is Google the most visited site on the Internet in 2019?


4. Based on dialogue, what Desta did when he felt bored?


5. What is BuzzFeed?



Listen to the audio carefully then fill in the blank on the text below within the answer
in the box based on the audio!

Missing Word
Parents and educators do you know the best and worst social media apps for
young people's mental health well I want 1…… you a report that describes the
negative effects of social media our SPH and the young health movement have
2…… a new report called hashtag status of mind examining the positive and
negative effects of social media on young people's health and it includes a list
of social media platforms according to their impact on 3…… and I'd like to
show that report to you right now here's some teen social media stats 91% of
16 to 24 year olds use the internet for social media and social networking,
social media use is linked with increased rates of anxiety depression and poor
sleep social media has been 4…… as more addictive than cigarettes and
alcohol here's a list of the best and worst social media apps for teens mental
health according to this report the best side its YouTube, Twitter and Facebook
and worst is Instagram and snapchat now is a great time to consider joining
parent university to get videos you can watch with your kids so they will learn
how to be safe and smart online you can learn more at smart social calm now
let's look at a list of potential negative effects of social media first let's look at
anxiety and depression research suggests that young people who spend more
than 2 hours per day on social media are more likely to report poor mental
health including psychological distress and symptoms of anxiety and/or
depression next is sleep numerous studies have 5…… that increased social
media use has a significant association with poor sleep quality and young
people using phones, laptops and tablets at night before bed is also linked with
poor quality sleep body image body image is an issue for many young people
both male and female studies have shown that when women in their teens and
early 20s view Facebook for only a short period of time body image concerns

are higher compared to non-users cyber bullying, 6…… during childhood is a
major risk factor for a number of issues including mental health education and
social relationships with long lasting effects often carried right through to
adulthood FOMO or the fear of missing out FOMO has been 7…… linked to
higher levels of social media engage meaning that the more an individual uses
social media the more they are likely to experience FOMO now let's look at
some of the potential positive effects of social media in this report access to
expert health information social networking offers young people who may be
8…… from mental health issues an opportunity to read, watch or listen to and
understand the health experiences of others relieving them back to their own
reality another positive is emotional support conversations on social media can
emerge and provide young people with essential interactions to overcome
difficult health issues particularly when they may not have access to that
support face-to-face also community building, the community building aspect
of social media is also distinctly positive for many young people by joining
groups or pages young people can surround themselves with like-minded
people and share their thoughts or concerns next is self expression and self
identity are important aspects of development throughout the teen years social
media can act as an effective platform for positive self expression letting teens
put forward their best self and you've 9…… us talk a lot about how to shine
online using your real name so that someday you're planning for your dream
college dream career or dream internship and that we believe is a big part of
this building upon relationships there is 10…… that strong adolescent
friendships can be enhanced by social media interaction allowing young
people to create stronger bonds with people they already know now what can
parents do well teach your students that social media can and should be utilized
as a tool for good ensure your children are equipped with the relevant skills to
be able to navigate social media consider joining parent University to start a
healthy dialogue with your kids remind your students that they can always
come to you or a trusted adult in their circle if they ever need help and when
you're ready for your child to be online read our parent app guide page on
smart social calm to learn how teens can use social media safely and learn
which apps are in our green zone in addition consider joining parent university
to get videos you can watch with your children these videos will start a healthy
that will keep them safe and smart online you can click the link in the upper
left to learn more about parent University remember to subscribe in the upper

right click on one of the videos in the middle of the screen to learn more about
keeping your kids safe and smart on the web I am josh oaks with smart social
calm thanks for watching and as always keep it light bright and polite have a
great day.

The Choice

A Heard G Suffering
B Shown H To show
C Young people's mental health I To navigate
D Bullying J Robustly
E Described K Evidence to suggest
F Published



I. Reading Activity
1) Multiple Choice
1. D 6. B
2. C 7. E
3. A 8. D
4. B 9. C
5. C 10. B

2) Essay
1. Social media is a phrase that we throw around a lot of these days, often to
describe what we post on sites and apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Snapchat and others. So you can infer that social media are web-based sites
that allow people to interact with each other.

2. The effects of social media addiction are :

a. It causes lack of focus
b. You become an introvert or anti-social
c. It causes psychological harm

3. Because of social media, many students who were excellent students have
become bad students. Every day, these students come to class, but they do
not focus on studying. While their professors are teaching, they are using cell
phones to surf Facebook, Instagram or chat with friends on Messenger. They
always check their cellphones every five minutes to see what is going on
social media. If the young use social media in classes, how can they listen to
the professors and understand what professors are saying? Moreover, not only
at school but also at home these young students who are addicted to social
media do not do exercise or read the new lesson before going to school,
because they are busy with social media.

4. Every day, these students come to class, but they do not focus on studying.
While their professors are teaching, they are using cell phones to surf
Facebook, Instagram or chat with friends on Messenger. They always check
their cellphones every five minutes to see what is going on social media.

5. Because of using a cell phone all day, they will not have time for outdoor
activities such as playing sports or camping. Instead of going out to meet
friends or talk to their parents, these people love chatting with friends on
social media. They will just stay at home and update their news on social
media. They post status or photos to share with their friends on social media.
Gradually, they will only live in a virtual world.

3) True Or False
1. True 6. False
2. True 7. True
3. False 8. False
4. True 9. True
5. True 10. False

4) Matching
1. J 6. D
2. H 7. C
3. G 8. A
4. F 9. E
5. I 10. B

5) Vocabulary
1. Addiction = Kecanduan
2. To surf = Berselancar atau menjelajahi
3. Chatting = Mengobrol
4. Virtual world = Dunia maya
5. Notified = Memberitahu
6. Communicate = Komunikasi
7. Sleepy condition = Sedang dalam kondisi mengantuk
8. Feel ashamed = Merasa malu
9. Feel under pressure = Merasa dibawah tekanan
10. Awful = Mengerikan

1 Addicted B.

2 Social Media B They will go to bed late to read news on

Facebook or chat with friends. Staying up late
is really harmful to the health, especially, the
3 Chatting C Every day, these students come to class, but
they do not focus on studying. While their
professors are teaching, they are using cell
phones to surf Facebook, Instagram or chat
with friends on Messenger
4 Sleepy condition D

5 E They will not have time for outdoor activities

such as playing sports or camping. Instead of
going out to meet friends or talk to their parents,
these people love chatting with friends on social
6 Young people who F
are addicted to
social media can
live far away from
7 G Communication

8 Outdoor activities H Websites and applications that enable users to

such as playing create and share content or to participate in
sports or camping social networking
9 Addicted to social I Depression
media can live far
away from reality
10 Serious impact on J Physically and mentally dependent on a
health particular substance, and unable to stop taking
it without incurring adverse effects
K Effects of social media

II. Writing Activity
1. Many people use social media to make themselves heard to the higher
People includes Noun, because include person. People includes nouns
because people belong to people who state that the person.
Social media includes Noun, because social media is belong to name of
Themselves includes Pronoun, because themselves includes as 3rd person
plural (Reflexive or Intensive Pronoun)

2. Jack and David are friends. They play basketball together.

Jack and David includes Noun, because jack and david refers to a name
of a person
They includes Pronoun, because they includes as 3rd person plural
(Subject Pronoun)
Basketball includes Noun, because it refers to anything that is countable,
and has a singular and plural form.

3. During family vacation, she always took photos of food and places
Family includes Noun, because refers to a group of persons, animals, or
Vacation includes Noun, because is a noun which refers to an event.
She includes Pronoun, because she includes as 3rd person singular, female
(Subject Pronoun)

4. The car that crashed into the wall was blue.

The car includes Noun, because the car includes common nouns are the
opposite of proper nouns. These are just generic names of persons, things,
or places.
The Wall includes Noun, because the wall includes common nouns are
the opposite of proper nouns. These are just generic names of persons,
things, or places.

5. Anybody who says it won’t be fun has no clue what they are talking about.
It includes Pronoun, because it includes as 3rd person singular, neutral
(Object Pronoun)
They includes Pronoun, because they includes as 3rd person plural
(Subject Pronoun)

1. Allows
2. It
3. Themselves
4. Effects
5. Carefully

III. Speaking Activity

1. James browse Shopee Indonesia App and he want to buy shoes for his son.
2. The good applications for learning English are duolingo and Kahoot are
sites that every English learner should occasionally visit.
3. Yes, it is. Google is the most visited site on the Internet in 2019.
4. He like surfing the internet, some fun websites to visit for when he felt
5. BuzzFeed is an online media. We can basically do many things on the
website from reading news to answer quizzes. \

IV. Listening Activity

1. I 6. D
2. F 7. J
3. C 8. G
4. E 9. A
5. B 10. K

Parents and educators do you know the best and worst social media apps for
young people's mental health well I want ( show) you a report that describes
the negative effects of social media our SPH and the young health movement have
(2.published) a new report called hashtag status of mind examining the positive
and negative effects of social media on (3.young people's health) and it includes
a list of social media platforms according to their impact on young people's
mental health and I'd like to show that report to you right now here's some teen
social media stats 91% of 16 to 24 year olds use the internet for social media and
social networking social media use is linked with increased rates of anxiety
depression and poor sleep social media has been (4.described) as more addictive
than cigarettes and alcohol here's a list of the best and worst social media apps for
teens mental health according to this report the best side its YouTube, Twitter and
Facebook and worst is Instagram and snapchat now is a great time to consider
joining parent university to get videos you can watch with your kids so they will
learn how to be safe and smart online you can learn more at smart social calm
now let's look at a list of potential negative effects of social media first let's look
at anxiety and depression research suggests that young people who spend more
than 2 hours per day on social media are more likely to report poor mental health
including psychological distress and symptoms of anxiety and/or depression next
is sleep numerous studies have (5.shown) that increased social media use has a
significant association with poor sleep quality and young people using phones
laptops and tablets at night before bed is also linked with poor quality sleep body
image body image is an issue for many young people both male and female
studies have shown that when women in their teens and early 20s view Facebook
for only a short period of time body image concerns are higher compared to non-
users cyber bullying, (6.bullying) during childhood is a major risk factor for a
number of issues including mental health education and social relationships with
long lasting effects often carried right through to adulthood FOMO or the fear of
missing out FOMO has been (7.robustly) linked to higher levels of social media
engage meaning that the more an individual uses social media the more they are
likely to experience FOMO now let's look at some of the potential positive effects
of social media in this report access to expert health information social
networking offers young people who may be (8.suffering) from mental health
issues an opportunity to read watch or listen to and understand the health
experiences of others relieving them back to their own reality another positive is
emotional support conversations on social media can emerge and provide young
people with essential interactions to overcome difficult health issues particularly
when they may not have access to that support face-to-face also community
building the community building aspect of social media is also distinctly positive
for many young people by joining groups or pages young people can surround
themselves with like-minded people and share their thoughts or concerns next is
self expression and self identity are important aspects of development throughout
the teen years social media can act as an effective platform for positive self
expression letting teens put forward their best self and you've (9.heard) us talk a
lot about how to shine online using your real name so that someday you're
planning for your dream college dream career or dream internship and that we
believe is a big part of this building upon relationships there is (10.evidence to
suggest) that strong adolescent friendships can be enhanced by social media
interaction allowing young people to create stronger bonds with people they
already know now what can parents do well teach your students that social media
can and should be utilized as a tool for good ensure your children are equipped
with the relevant skills to be able to navigate social media consider joining parent
University to start a healthy dialogue with your kids remind your students that
they can always come to you or a trusted adult in their circle if they ever need
help and when you're ready for your child to be online read our parent app guide
page on smart social calm to learn how teens can use social media safely and learn
which apps are in our green zone in addition consider joining parent university to
get videos you can watch with your children these videos will start a healthy that
will keep them safe and smart online you can click the link in the upper left to
learn more about parent University remember to subscribe in the upper right click
on one of the videos in the middle of the screen to learn more about keeping your
kids safe and smart on the web I am josh oaks with smart social calm thanks for
watching and as always keep it light bright and polite have a great day.

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