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Literacy Project Rubric/Content Literacy EDUC 343 Cara Hedger, Megan Jones, and Micah Bergen

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Literacy Project Rubric/Content Literacy EDUC 343

Cara Hedger, Megan Jones, and Micah Bergen

Alternative text set 30
• Follows APA format
• Includes all kinds of text
• Annotations are included

Word Sort 15
• All materials included

QAR chart 15
• The chart is completed
• Each section contains at least two questions

Graphic organizers 15
• All parts of the GO are included.
• All materials included

Note taking/Note making 15

• All materials included
• All information completed

Modeled Writing/Constructed Response 15

• All parts completed
• All materials included

Minilesson 1 20
• Follows minilesson format
• Script is included
• All information included

Minilesson 2 20
• Not required

Paper is thoroughly edited for errors. 15


Artifact: Alternative Text Set

Ellis, J. (2004). What’s your angle, Pythagoras: A math adventure. Watertown, MA:
In ancient Greece, young Pythagoras discovers a special number pattern (the Pythagorean
Theorem) and uses it to solve problems involving the right triangle.
Maccarone, G. (1997). Three pigs, one wolf, and seven magic shapes. New York, NY:
Scholastic Inc.
Tells the story of three pigs who acquire some magic shapes, which they use for various
purposes, some smart and some not so smart. Includes a section with related activities.
Neuschwander, C. (1997). Sir Cumference and the first round table: A math adventure.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
Assisted by his knight, Sir Cumference and using ideas offered by the knight’s wife and son
King Arthur finds the perfect shape for his table.
Neuschwander, C. (1999). Sir Cumference and the dragon of Pi: A math adventure. Watertown,
MA: Charlesbridge.
When Sir Cumference drinks a potion that turns him into a dragon, his son Radius searches for
the magic number known as Pi, which will restore him to his former shape.
Neushwander, C. (2001). Sir Cumference and the great knight of Angeland: A math adventure.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
To earn his knighthood, Radius must find and rescue a missing king. His father, Sir Cumference,
and his mother, Lady Di of Ameter, give him a circular medallion (protractor) that he uses to
find his way through a maze of many angles.
Neuschwander, C. (2003). Sir Cumference and the sword in the cone: A math adventure.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.
Sir Cumference, Radius, and Sir Vertex search for Edgecalibur, the sword that King Arthur has
hidden in geometric shape.
Picture Books:
Schnitzlein, D. (2007) The monster who did my math. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree.
When a monster offers to help a boy who is afraid of numbers by doing his math homework, the
boy eagerly signs a contract and aggress to pay later, but the first time he is asked to solve a
problem in class and cannot, he realizes he has gotten no bargain.

Scieszka, J. (1995). Math curse. New York, NY: Penguin.

When the teacher tells her class that they can think of almost everything as a math problem, one
student acquires a math anxiety, which becomes a real curse.
Frideman, M. (2002). Super one-age math comics. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
This book contains twenty-five action-packed math stories plus skill-building problems that both
math whizzes and math fans will love.

Lewis, J.P. (2002). Arithme-tickle: An even number of odd riddle-rhymes. San Diego, CA:
Harcourt, Inc.
Rhyming text and illustration present a variety of math problems through fun poems.

BBC. (2010). Math files: Games. Retrieved from
This website has tons of games for kids to actively practice their math skills.

Davis, K. (1997). Cool math. Retrieved from: //

This is a really cool math site with tons of fun games and interesting activities.

Staple, E. (2010). Purple math. Retrieved from

This website is designed by a high school math teacher who had struggled with math herself as a
student. Her motto is if I can do it, then so can you.

Activity Books:
Burns, M (1975). The I hate mathematics! book. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.
Events, magic tricks, and experiments to change one from someone who doesn’t like math to
someone who enjoys it.
Fisher, A. (1994). Intermediate math puzzlers. Torrance, CA: Good Apple.
Math activity book for grades 5-8. Gives sight for reproduction for student activity. What a fun
way to do math and not just do worksheets.

Harcour, L. & Wortzman, R. (2002). Math detectives: Finding fun in numbers. New York, NY:
Sterling Publishing CO., Inc.
A collection of math games and experiments, arranged in such categories as “On the lookout for
shapes,” “Make a Tally,” and “Calculator Games.”

Zaslavsky, C. (1998). Math games and activities from around the world. Chicago, IL: Chicago
Review Press, Inc.
Presents games and other activities from different countries and cultures that teach a variety of
basic math concepts.
Roberta, C. (2011, January 19). Meyer’s art continues exploration of geometric shapes. The
Orange County Registar. Retrieved from
Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp.
1A, 2A.

This article describes how one artist uses geometric shapes. Based on the geometric concept of
the square, rectangular solid, right angles, verticals, horizontals, and sectional formats, each
component is a separate entity that, when arranged and rearranged, if desired, makes a new form
of art.
Strogatz, S. Square dancing. (2010, March 14). The New York Times. Retrieved from

This article tackles the reason why many adults tend to express a like for geometry during high
school. This columnist believes people enjoy it because it marries logic and intuition. It feels
good to use both halves of our brain. He reviews the concepts of geometry and how people feel
towards it.

Abeel, S. (2003). My 13th winter: A memoir. New York, NY: Orchard Books.
Abeel writes of her torturous year in seventh grade when she was diagnosed with a learning
disability. Having been a gifted, creative preschooler, she was not prepared for the realization, in
second grade, that she could not do many of the tasks that her classmates could accomplish with
ease. By seventh grade, her feelings of insecurity had reached an all-time high, and she began to
experience anxiety attacks over everything from having to remember her locker combination to
managing her schoolwork to staying overnight at a friend's. When she was finally diagnosed with
dyscalculia, she and her family felt relief. At least now there was a name for her difficulties and
strategies she could employ. This account is an interesting mix of factual information and
memories. Abeel relates her experiences with detached clarity, but each situation is followed by
the thoughts and feelings that finally forced her to face her differences. Occasionally, her well-
phrased prose slips into cliché, and when she lists the math skills that she could not perform she
becomes rather pedantic. While this book is not likely to be of great interest to casual readers,
those with similar learning issues will identify strongly with the author's trials and triumphs.

Law, F., & Way, S. (2009). Crocodile teeth: Geometric shapes in action. London, England:
Windmill Books.

In Crocodile Teeth, the animals decode symbols and follow a trail of signs that Bushbaby saw in
a dream. Through illustrations of the environment and descriptions of monkey
characteristics and behaviors, some semblance of reality is created and some information is
imparted. Most of the comic-book-style illustrations depict two monkeys talking to one
another. Additional text beyond the dialogue bubbles is heaped onto the pages in asides that
explain the action.

Neuschwander, C. (2009). Mummy math: An adventure in geometry. Somerville, MA:


Matt and Bibi go to Egypt with their scientist parents in search of an ancient pharaoh's mummy.
When the siblings are accidentally shut in the pyramid, they decide to explore. Using
hieroglyphic clues, they discover that the path to the mummy is delineated by "faces," the
flat surfaces of geometric solids. As they find either pictures of solid shapes or the objects
themselves, the twins count the faces of the shapes and are guided through the pyramid by
relating their answers to the hieroglyphic clues. They find the mummy and a map indicating
the way out.

Buchan, J. (2009). Easy as Pi: The countless ways we use numbers everyday. Pleastenville,
NY: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
Short anecdotes on how numbers are apart of our every day lives. Fun facts are scattered
through out this book full of short stories.
Crilly, T. (2007). 50 mathematical ideas you really need to know. London, England: Quercus.
This book contains fifty mathematical ideas that everyone should know. Each small section
includes history, facts, and sample problems. It is very helpful and insightful.
Julius, E.H. (1995). Arithmetricks: 50 easy ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide without a
calculator. New York City, NY: Jossey-Bass.
Demonstrates easy math tricks in an accessible and engaging manner that will appeal to children.
In addition to the 50 tricks, the text includes a review of pertinent mathematical concepts, actual
applications, math curiosities, illustrations and parlor tricks.
Pendergast, S. (2007). Patterns and parkas: Investigating geometric principles, shapes, patterns,
and measurement. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.
Lessons Learned from Yup'ik Eskimo Elders is the result of a long-term collaboration. These
supplemental math modules for grades 1-6 bridge the unique knowledge of Yup'ik Elders with
school-based mathematics. This series challenges students to communicate and think
mathematically as they solve problems. Problems and inquiry-oriented, and the problems are
constructed so that the possibilities are constrained and the students can understand mathematical
relationships, properties of geometrical shapes, develop place value understanding, state
conjunctures, and provide proofs.
Artifact: Vocabulary Word Sort

APA of Book:

Ellis, J. (2004). What’s your angle, Pythagoras: A math adventure. Watertown,

MA: Charlesbridge.

Directions for Closed Word Sort: Students will be given a group of words. The teacher will
already have heading (title of the groups) and will ask for the students to arrange the words into
their appropriate heading.

Example Words: Greece, Pythagoras, tall, long, short, distance, Egypt, right triangle, square corner,
three, four, five, squaring/squared, theorem, multiply, legs, opposite

When and how to use this technique in a classroom….

I would use this in my anticipatory set of my lesson. I would introduce the word, after reading

What’s your angle, Pythagoras: A math adventure, during a shared reading time. This would be used to

introduce the topic of Pythagoras’ Theorem. If it were a younger age range, I would have a pocket chart at

the front of the class, and I would have a time of guided practice on word sort; however, with sixth

through eighth graders, I would simply place the words on their tables as I explained the directions. Each

table would already have the headings for the word sort: “Names and Places,” “All About Measurement,”

“All About Triangles,” and “Numbers and Operations.” The students would work in groups to sort the

words. This will be used to check for background knowledge. For example, if the class has trouble sorting

the words opposite and square corner, I know that I need to teach a lesson on the hypotenuse. This

activity will primarily be used to raise the students’ interest in the lesson and to check for their

background knowledge. Although each student will sort the words slightly differently, I would pay

closest attention to where they sort the words Pythagoras, Theorem, Square Corner, Opposite, and Legs.

If the class has trouble sorting these words into the correct categories, then I know that the lesson needs to

be more in depth. If they do not, then I may think of moving through this material at a faster pace. Below

is an example of the word sort:

Names and Places All About Measurement All About Triangles Numbers and

Greece Tall Right Triangle Three

Egypt Long Square Corner Four

Pythagoras Short Legs Five

Theorem Distance Opposite Multiply


*Answers will vary among students.

Artifact: Question-Answer Relationship

Crilly, T (2007). 50 mathematical ideas you really need to know. London: Quercus.

Content GLE: MAG2A8: use coordinate geometry to analyze properties of right triangles and
quadrilaterals (including the use of the Pythagorean Theorem)

Communication Arts GLE: CAR1H8a: apply post-reading skills to demonstrate comprehension of text:
answer basic comprehension questions.

Right There
When was Pythagoras’ theorem first discovered? 1850 BC
Who patented the type of bridge built using triangles? James Warren

Think and Search

What are the three defining characteristics of a triangle? It must have three sides and three angles.
And the angles must sum up to be one-hundred and eighty degrees.
What are three concepts related to triangles? The Pythagorean Theorem, the Euler Line, and
Napoleon’s Theorem are three concepts related to triangles.

Author and You

A triangle has two angles of 45 and 90 degrees. What is the degree of the third angle? 45 degrees
(students would have to use the text to know that there are 180 degrees in a triangle: see page 84).

Is there any shape that cannot be made with only triangles? Circles cannot be made with only

On Your Own (answered as if we were in the 6th grade)

You asked to construct a bridge. What shape would you use primarily in your construction?

Cara: When constructing a bridge, I would use trapezoids. This would provide a wide base at the bottom
creating a firm foundation for the rest of the bridge. The pressure of the cars and weight of the bridge
would be absorbed by the trapezoid base and creating a long lasting bridge.

Micah: I would construct the bridge using primarily circles inside of triangles. Triangles are the sturdiest
shape and with the circular reinforcement on the inside, it would be sure to last for a long time.

Megan: I think I would use triangles. All of the bridges that I know of you use triangles! They same
like a great shape.


We would use this in the beginning of the unit plan to check for students’ background knowledge
and understanding of triangles. This would also be used to peak interest and motivate students to actively
participate throughout the unit. We would have students work together in groups to determine answers—
through discussion and group participation.
Artifact: Graphic Organizer

Content GLE: Analyze and classify two and three dimensional shapes by describing the
attributes. MAG1A5
Communication Arts GLE: use details from text to compare and contrast. CAR2C5c
APA reference:
Maccarone, G. (1997). Three pigs, one wolf, and seven magic shapes. New York, NY: Scholastic

Have student create a graphic organizer by dividing polygons into given categories
(Triangle and Quadrilateral), during class lecture as part of notes. This would be used during the
lecture, and at the end as an assessment—students will have to make an organizer showing the
relationship, without notes.
Artifact: Making and Taking Notes

Staple, E. (2010). Purple math. Retrieved from

Content GLE: MAA1D7: identify functions as linear or non linear from graphs or equations

Communication Arts GLE: CAR3A7: explain and analyze text features to clarify meaning.

Definition and Summary:

At the start of the lesson instruct students on how to properly fill out the information to
formulate notes for later uses: “students, I will be passing out a piece of paper to each of you. It
is a way to take notes, and we will be learning how to use it today.” This will be used at the
begging of the lesson to help the students grasp a better understanding of functions. We would
use this note taking format to help students find the most important information. The students
would be instructed to take the note form home with them also, to practice on their own—they
would then bring the note sheet back to class and we would review it. This type of note taking is
used to help student better organize step-by-step textbook instructions.

Fun About Functions


Reason to Read:
Think about these questions as you read:
- What is domain and range, and why is it important to functions?
- What is a vertical line test? What does it help determine?
- What is another way to determine if a line is a function?

Main Idea:
As you read the website, complete the outline below.

I. Functions vs. Relations

a. Relation is the relationship between sets of information.
i. Domain- set of all starting points (x)
ii. Range- set of all ending points (y)
b. Function is a “well-behaved” relation (each x goes to one and only y)
II. Vertical Line Test
a. Not a function if a x goes to more than one y
b. If a vertical line crosses the graph in more than one place, then the relation is not a
III. Is it a function?
a. If you can solve for “y=”, then it is a function.
b. If you can enter it in a calculator, then it if a function.

Sequencing Events:
As you read, fill in the blanks of the organizer.

Function Not a function

How are they alike?

Both use equations or relations

Can be observed by looking at a graph
Both use domain and range

Howe are they different:

Passes the vertical line test Does not pass the vertical line test
Range can have multiple domain Domain can not have multiple range
You can solve “y=” You can not solve it using “y=”
Artifact: Model Writing AND Constructed Response

APA: Scieszka, J. (1995). Math curse. New York, NY: Penguin.

Directions for Model Writing:

1. Select a favorite text and read it aloud to students.
2. Show students the specific structures that the author used to create the text. This can be common text
structures such as cause/effect or problem/solution.
3. Ask students to use the model and write their own pieces. Provide time for students to share their
writing and reinforce that there is a wide range of writing possible from any given model.
4. Using sentence frames that you've created encourage students to complete the writing. A sample frame,
with a specific focus provides the scaffold needed.

When and how to use this technique in a classroom:

I would use this as a unit check up to give my students opportunity to express their frustrations or

lack of understanding during the unit. This will give me feedback, a list of what the students have learned

or what I need to review.


Math Curse

One Tuesday morning I woke up

with a terrible illness called the math curse
I sat up and bed and saw:
morning as numbers
lunch full of fractions
Social Studies as measurements
Physical Ed as statistics
English as a word problem
Special birthdays as division problems

Artifact: Constructed Response

APA: Neushwander, C. (2001). Sir Cumference and the great knight of Angeland: A math
adventure. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

Passage of selection: page 3 through 13

Selected Response:
1) How many right angles did the author indicated it took to make a straight angle?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

2) In the passage the author states “Radius mounted his horse.” What does mounted mean?
a. jumped off
b. stood on
c. guided
d. sat on

Constructed Response:

3) From what you have read what math facts or terms did you see the author use in this story; use
your text as support for your answer and explain what the terms or facts mean.

4) With what you have already read predict what will happen at the end of the book using text to
support your answer.


Now you will write a paper in response to a writing prompt.

First, read the prompt in below.
You will now have 45 minutes for your prewriting activities such as brainstorming,
listing, outlining, and writing a rough draft. Use the pages in the test booklet labeled
“prewriting” to record your ideas and your rough draft.
You will then have another 45 minutes in which to write your final paper. Use the
pages in the test booklet labeled “final paper” to record your completed work.

Prompt: Write a letter to your parents explaining why or why not you feel that you
are old enough to go on a quest with Radius.
Scoring Guide:

Question one GLE MaM2B7

One point B

Question two GLE CaR1C7

One point D

Question three GLE CaR1F7c

Two point: The response includes at least two different facts or terms using the text as a
reference or evidence of the students knowledge.

One point: The response includes only one fact or term from the text or is lacking
evidence of knowledge.

Zero point: other

Question four GLE CaR1H7c

Two point: Students used two details from the text to predict his or her opinion of the
ending of the story.

One point: The student used one example from the text to predict his or her opinion of
the ending of the story.

Zero point: other

Question five: writing prompt - use state writing scoring guide for grade 7.

NAME: Micah Bergen, Cara Hedger, Megan Jones

GRADE: 6th Grade

CONTENT: Mathematics, Communication Arts

LESSON: Identifying and grouping words using both mathematical terms and
context clues in text.


After teacher modeling and guided practice, students will be able to identify and
categorize words into groups that are similar.


CAR1E6b: develop vocabulary through text using context clues.

MAGSR1A6: identify similar and congruent shapes.




• Ellis, J. (2004). What’s your angle, Pythagoras: A math adventure. Watertown,

MA: Charlesbridge.

• Paper

• Pencil

• Scissors

• Index cards

• Tape

• Pocket chart/whiteboard

Anticipatory Set:

Today we will begin our lesson by reading What’s your angle, Pythagoras
by Julie Ellis. As I read it, pay attention to the words that are read. Write
down any that you have questions about or that you find interesting—
focus on “math” words. (Read What’s your angle, Pythagoras).
Instructional Input:


Now that we have read the book, please focus your attention toward the
whiteboard/smartboard/pocket chart. Notice that I have placed categories
(or group titles) on the board:

Names and Places All About Measurement All About Triangles Numbers and Operations

Now, as I read, I noticed the words triangle and length. So to sort these
words into the right categories, I would place “triangle” in the category
“All about Triangles,” because triangles is in the name of the category. I
would place the word “length” in the category “All About Measurement,”
because I know from my math background that length is a way to measure
distance. If I didn’t know what the word meant, I could go back into the
text to try and find context clues.


Names and Places All About Measurement All About Triangles Numbers and Operations

Length Triangle

Guided Practice:

Now let’s practice together. I am going to call on a few or all students to

share a word from your notes. And we will sort them on the board
together. (Call on students and have them come to the board and place
the word in the category that they think it belongs in—will ask class if they
agree with the placement) Class do you agree with Billy’s placement of the
word (fill in the blank).

Checking for Understanding:

I will make sure to pay very close attention to the students as sort the words and
make sure that they are understanding the vocabulary and sorting the words
correctly. Students that do not come to the board will participate through whole
class agreement procedures—such as thumbs up/thumbs down.
Independent Practice:

So now that we have worked together on sorting these words, I would like
for you to try on your own or with a partner to sort these words (hand out
words to tables). Please cut out the words and begin sorting them into the
categories provided on your desk. Once you are satisfied with your
groups, let me know and I will give you the go ahead to tape them in your

While students are working I will roam the room to monitor student work
and offer help to students who need it.


Today we learned about how to categorize mathematical words and how

to use context clues to determine vocabulary words that we do not
recognize. I would encourage you to continue categorizing the material we
learn in your head, because it helps you recall information easier.
Tomorrow we will use these words in our math lesson.


The students will be evaluated by their ability to sort the words using a rubric.

1 2 3
Sorted less than 10 words Sorted 10-14 words Sorted 15-17 words
correctly correctly correctly

Showed little understanding Showed some Showed good

of math words understanding of math understanding of math
words. words

Used book very little to Used book most of the Used book almost
determine vocabulary time to determine every time to
vocabulary determine vocabulary

Taped words in notebook

Words sort Key/word list:

Names and Places All About Measurement All About Triangles Numbers and

Greece Tall Right Triangle Three

Egypt Long Square Corner Four

Pythagoras Short Legs Five

Theorem Distance Opposite Multiply


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