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The document provides an overview of Barry Clarke's book on puzzles and recreational mathematics. It discusses Clarke's background and interests in physics, philosophy and puzzle creation before outlining some of the puzzles and topics covered in the book.

Barry Clarke had an unusual background for a puzzle creator. He left school at a young age, worked in engineering and comedy writing before getting degrees in physics. He enjoys creating novel and entertaining puzzles and is interested in solving puzzles in physics and philosophy.

The book covers a history of recreational puzzles, different types of puzzles like word games, number puzzles and logic puzzles. It also includes more advanced puzzles involving mathematics, physics concepts and lateral thinking.


Barry R. Clarke


Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge

The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia
Cambridge University Press 1994
First published 1994
A catalogue recordfor this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data available

ISBN 0 521 46634 2 paperback

Transferred to digital printing 2004

book is dedicated to my family







A history of recreational mathematics

Popular puzzles
YOon$ sum
Strange street
<Harvey's wall climber
YOord bandit 1
jbzime of life
tyke korse and tke kurdle
(Cornflakes and porridge
'Railway rkyme
Safe conduct
tyke doubtful die
YOord bandit 2
/huddle market
fractionally mean
L^omino ckain
Si$ns of confusion
'Room for assistance
Kin$-size conundrum
YOord bandit i



tyke six skeep pens

^-ind tke burglars
tyke enigmatic interview
Sorry f25ad
Save tke city
(Crumple tyowers
YOord bandit 4
'Romance on tke stone
Quite a card
tyke tkree piles of coins
(Cubic incapacity
Lxtra sensory deception
tyrue to tke tribe
YOord bandit 5
tyke stuff of dreams
(Counting skeep
tyke reclusive inventor


Barry R. Clarke


Advanced puzzles
^ke engineer's dilemma
/lost In space
/\ tail story
^ke matkematlcat garden
T^ound tke clock
f>et kate

Sum secret
Selflsk sons
^ke ^kree ^ears
(Zryptlc cave lines


^ke tktee prisoners

^Zakln^ a batk
^Cke balanced bridge
Elixir oj) life
^tke yieat escape
{Logical legacy
YOlre wizards
^tMe broken pentomlno
One for tke road
3n tke same boat








I first became acquainted with Barry R. Clarke's work when he joined me
among the Brain Twister setters at The Daily Telegraph in 1989 and we later
met when The Daily Telegraph Book of Brain Twisters was being planned.
Barry has brought an interesting and unusual background into the field of
problem setting - though problem setters always tend to be a bit unusual. He
was bored with school and spent his time inventing games. He left school at
16 and drew cartoon strips - a talent well displayed in this book. He then
became an engineering apprentice, eventually gaining a place at Hull
University where he read physics, concentrating on original papers and
encountering Kant, and did an MSc in quantum mechanics. Finding his PhD
program at Swansea uncongenial, he left and went to work as a copy editor,
then as a financial software programmer in the City, with sidelines of writing
comedy sketches for the BBC {Alas Smith and Jones, Little and Large) and
busking in the London Underground. He retains an interest in physics and
philosophy, harbouring a desire to solve some of the great puzzles presented
by them.
Each problem creator has his own favourite problem types and criteria of
excellence. Barry says his primary aim is to entertain, so he likes to create a
novel and funny situation that entices the reader to carry on and then get
stuck into the problem. The problems in this book clearly illustrate his
success in achieving his aim. His favourite invention is the digital deletion
problem, and he gives several examples here - e.g. pp. 15, 29, 40. He also
likes to create more complex, carefully crafted puzzles, sometimes with part
of the necessary information skilfully, even sneakily, concealed. The
Advanced puzzles section provides a number of these that will be a trial for
the hardiest of solvers.
I am especially pleased that Barry has included an outline history of recreational mathematics. Too often we forget that mathematics has a long
history. It is one of the principal creations of the human mind and its history
is as significant and as worthy of study as the history of religion. The history
of recreational mathematics given here provides a readily comprehensible
synopsis of the history of mathematics and many fascinating glimpses into
cultural history.
David Singmaster
South Bank University

The Bodleian Library
The British Library
Rhodes House
Professor David Singmaster

Bermee Davison
Val Gilbert
David Tranah

The Sunday Times

Peter and Karen Bertie
Rex Bradley
Richard Lea

Rejuan Ahmed
Andrew and Sue Varney

I am grateful to Andrew Varney for his valuable comments at proof stage.

Finally, the responsibility for any errors is entirely mine.

If you enjoy thinking, this book is definitely for you! Have a quick browse
through the pages. There are brain twisters for all types of mind: logic problems, word conundrums, algebraic teasers, visio-spatial puzzles, lateral
mind benders - in fact, no mind is left untwisted! You can forget about
enrolling for a Ph.D. in Complex Number Theory to attempt this book. No
puzzle requires a greater knowledge of mathematics than high school
algebra and most don't even need that. The puzzles are divided into two
levels of difficulty: Popular Puzzles which yield their secrets with a modest
degree of effort, and Advanced Puzzles which demand much greater insight
and concentration. The latter are intended for those puzzle geniuses amongst
you who find the Popular Puzzles too easy. If you manage to solve at least
half of the Advanced Puzzles then award yourself the title Professor of
Pleasurable Puzzles!
Around half of the puzzles have been published before, mainly as Brain
Twisters in the Saturday edition of The Daily Telegraph, while many are
entirely new. All the puzzles are original in conception although puzzle
enthusiasts will recognize Wire Wizards and In The Same Boat as developments of existing problems.
Some puzzles appear for special reasons. Although Find The Burglar
follows a well-worked format, it was one of the first puzzles I ever composed, written when I was just 15 years old. A Tall Story appears as my first
published mathematical puzzle from March 1987, while Save The City and
Sum Secret are examples from the class of Digital Deletion Sums that I discovered in June 1987. The Word Bandit is a new word puzzle based on the
principle of the one-armed bandit. Here, letters replace the traditional fruit
symbols, and puzzle clues are solved to discover the positions where nudges
occur, thus making a word.
For me, a puzzle has to be something more than a dry mathematical
problem. I want it to be fun. Drawing on my experience as a TV comedy
writer and newspaper cartoonist, I have tried to capture a sense of recreation
in each problem. My wish for you is that if you get stuck on the puzzle then
you at least get some pleasure from the illustration.

Barry R. Clarke

So there we have it! It's not impossible to solve all the puzzles in the book,
/did (but then that's the advantage of compiling them!). Happy puzzling!
September 1993

A history of
The roots of recreational mathematics are inextricably tied up with the
origins of mathematics itself. Their methods are the same, and as we turn
back the clock to meet our ancestors we shall see several examples of a
mathematical method expounded in a recreational context. There are also
several surprises in store when we see the level of advancement of our predecessors. It turns out that prehistoric man was more than just a gibbering
tree swinger; he actually had a coherent system of counting and, as far back
as 4000 years ago, the Babylonians were not only calculating with numbers
but actually had algorithms for solving quadratic equations.

Prehistoric man
Around 30000 years ago, the natives of central Czechoslovakia had a base
5 system of numeration. This became apparent in 1937 when Karl Absolom
reported the discovery of a prehistoric wolf bone with 55 cut notches
arranged in groups of five, the first 25 being separated from the rest by a
double-length notch (Bunt, Jones and Bedient 1988, p.2).
The real birth of mathematics, and with it recreational mathematics, probably began about 10000 years ago with the Agricultural Revolution in the
big river valleys of Mesopotamia (Beckmann 1971, p. 18). With the growth
of the farming culture came new problems demanding accurate forecasts of
the seasons and better surveying techniques. This gave rise to a growth in
astronomical and geometrical research. Although there are no known examples of mathematical thinking from this period, there is evidence of a reliable counting system. Around 8000 BC, in the Near and Middle East, there

Barry R. Clarke

was a counting device in operation using the principle of the abacus (Fauvel
and Gray 1987, p.44).

Neolithic Age (3000-2500 BC)

The Neolithic Age saw the development of written-number mathematics.
The earliest known example is from the ceremonial mace of the Egyptian
king Menes who lived around 3000 BC (Bunt et al. 1988, p.l). The mace
claims the capture of 400000 oxen, 1422000 goats and 120000 prisoners,
recorded in the form of coded numbers and illustrated livestock. Whether or
not Menes ever suffered from insomnia is unclear, but if he did, his counting prowess probably cured it!
Around the same time, the natives of eastern Scotland were exploring geometrical objects. Examples of rounded regular polyhedra have been found
carved into stone balls (Singmaster 1993a, p.l). Since they have no obvious
application, they were probably recreational. Just as astonishing is the
investigation of large stone remains in southern England and Scotland by
Alexander Thom (Fauvel and Gray 1987, pp. 8-9). Thom conducted a statistical analysis of the measurements of hundreds of perimeters of neolithic
rings and concluded that the measurements were an integral multiple of a
standard unit, the 'megalithic yard' (MY), measuring 2.72 feet. Exactly 40
out of 163 sample items supported his conclusion to within 0.1 MY. Thom
also concluded the existence of the Pythagorean triplets (integer solutions to
Pythagoras's theorem) 3,4,5 and 12,35,37 in his data thus supporting his
'megalithic yard' idea. If such a standard unit existed and it was stored
somewhere, then it appears that the natives of southern England and
Scotland were in closer communication than was first thought.
While the northern Europeans were discovering Pythagorean triplets, the
Sumerians, in southern Mesopotamia, were calculating with large numbers.
Jestin No. 50, a Sumerian text dated at around 2500 BC, probably gives the
first example of a mathematical problem (Fauvel and Gray 1987, p.42). The
large number of men involved (164571) and the large number of sila
(1 152 000) indicates that the problem was recreational. More significant is

A history of recreational mathematics

the fact that 7 is the first positive integer that produces a remainder when
divided into 1 152 000.
The grain [is] 1 silo. 7 sila each man received. Its men: 45,42,51.
[How many sila are left over? The answer is] 3 sila remaining.
The first piece of information required to do the problem is that the
Sumerians counted in the sexagesimal system. This means that the number
x,y,z can be written as 602JC + 60y + z. Secondly, 1 silo = 40,0 gur and 1 gur
= 8,0 sila. So in decimal notation, 1 silo = 1 152 000 sila. We now only need
to multiply 164 571 men by 7 sila to arrive at 1 151 997 sila with 3 sila left

The early second millennium BC

The Rhind papyrus, was named after the Scottish antiquary A. Henry Rhind
who bought the manuscript at Luxor, a Nile resort town, in 1858 (Bunt et al.
1988, pp.5-6). Now resident in the British Museum, it is the oldest known
Egyptian mathematical document in existence. It was originally found in a
ruined building at Thebes, and was written by an Egyptian scribe called
Ahmes in 1650 BC, who writes (Beckmann 1971, p.21) that he copied the
. . . in likeness to writings made of old in the time of the King of Upper and
Lower Egypt Ne-mat'et-Re.
This places the date of the original text between 2000-1800 BC. The document contains 84 problems and solutions, usually without the calculation.
Problem 50 gives the value of JT in use at the time which was 256/81 =
3.16049. . . (Beckmann 1971, p.22). Problem 79 relates to a geometrical
progression (Bunt et al 1988, p.39):
Sum the geometric progression of five terms, of which thefirstterm is 7 and
the multiplier is 7.
The given solution suddenly appears in a recreational setting:

Barry R. Clarke


[of grain]
It is noteworthy that Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) published his book Liber
Abaci in 1202 with a rhyme which began 'As I was going to St. Ives . . .'
based on the same principle (Wells 1992, p.3), though it is unlikely that he
had access to the Rhind papyrus at the time.

The Old Babylonian period (1800-1600 BC)

The Old Babylonian period produced several examples of algebraic thinking. The Babylonians used a stylus to press their cuneiform (wedge-shaped)
script into soft clay tablets which were then left out in the sun to harden. One
such tablet, known as YBC 6967 (Fauvel and Gray 1987, pp.28-9), gives an
early example of the solution to a quadratic equation.
[The igib]um exceeded the igum by 7. What are [the igum] and igibum? . . .
What the solver needs to know is that in this particular problem, the terms
'igibum' and 'igum' implicitly mean that their product is 60. This then leads
to the two equations
xy = 1
xy = 60
which give the quadratic equation
x2 - Ix - 60 = 0
Although these equations were not explicitly written down, an algorithm
was given to find the solution which is equivalent to the following calculation:
x =V((7/2)2 + 60) + (7/2) = 12
y =V((7/2)2 + 60) - (7/2) = 5
Note that the possible negative value for the square root was not given,
missing the solution x = -5,y = -\2.
A text, whose real purpose forms a puzzle in itself, is Plimpton 322 which
now resides in the George A. Plimpton Collection, Rare Book and
Manuscript Library, Columbia University (Fauvel and Gray 1987, p.33).

A history of recreational mathematics





Figure 1. Plimpton 322, corrected and in decimal notation.

Dated at around 1600 BC, the tablet (Figure 1) shows three columns and 15
lines of sexagesimal numbers. The second and third columns form a list of
integer pairs (c,a) for which there is an integer b satisfying (Stillwell 1989,
a2 = b2 + c2
The first column gives the square of the gradient c2/b2 for these Pythagorean
triplets, listed in descending order. Several features of these numbers are
worth pointing out. Calculation of the angles associated with the gradients
gives a range of 44.76-31.89 degrees with varying increments. There
appears to be no pattern in these angles except for the fact that they are in
descending order. Furthermore, there are written mistakes for some c but the
corresponding gradient squared is correct. This suggests that either the text
was copied or the calculations rested on unrecorded generating integers (p,q)
which were related to a,b,c by (Fauvel and Gray 1987, p.38)

Barry R. Clarke

p q
c = 2pq
This would make c and the gradient squared mutually independent. If this
assumption of the pairs (p,q) is correct, the Babylonians not only knew some
Pythagorean triplets but also how to find them. The fact that the text has 15
lines of independent Pythagorean triplets seems to confirm this. This meant
that they had Pythagoras's theorem before Pythagoras (580-497 BC).
It is worth emphasising that the first column is the gradient squared. If the
generating integers had been used, and the gradient had been required, it
would have been easy to get it from 2pql(p2 - q2). In contrast, the calculation of the gradient from a and c first involves finding the gradient squared
c2/(a2 - c2) before taking the square root. Either way, the mathematician
chose not to find the gradient but its square. This appears to rule out its use
as a surveying aid and the purpose of the tablet remains a mystery.

The first millennium BC

Pythagoras is popularly credited with the right-angled triangle theorem that
bears his name, a theorem that is often the basis of many geometrical
puzzles. However, it is possible he was given more credit than he was due.
Born around 580 BC at Samos near Turkey, he learnt mathematics from
Thales then settled in Croton at the age of 40 (Stillwell 1989, pp. 11-12). The
school he founded there had a strict code of secrecy and all discoveries made
there became its property. It is easily possible that one of his followers discovered the theorem and was sworn to silence. In fact, there is evidence that
Pythagoras had a rather doubtful character. In an attempt to extend his influence to the masses he entered politics, and he became so unpopular that in
497 BC he was murdered.
Archimedes deserves attention as a creator and solver of several difficult
problems, both recreational and practical. He was the greatest mathematician of ancient times and was the first writer to synthesise mathematics and
physics. Born around 287 BC in Syracuse, son of the astronomer Pheidias

A history of recreational mathematics

(Beckmann 1971, Ch. 6), he studied at the University of Alexandria under

Euclid's successors. His friendship with Heiron II, the king of Syracuse,
gave rise to the famous 'Eureka' incident, where the king asked Archimedes
to confirm his suspicion that his crown was not pure gold. Archimedes found
the answer as he observed the water level rising on climbing into his bath
tub. The displacement of water on submerging the crown would have
allowed him to find its volume and a measurement of its weight would have
then allowed him to find its density which he could compare with the known
density of gold.
He also developed the idea of limits and found the first accurate method of
determining JC. Using perimeter calculations of an H-sided regular hexagon
inscribing a circle and one circumscribing the same circle, he placed the
circle circumference and hence jt between two limits. Then by successively
doubling the number of sides of the polygons, he obtained, for n=96
3(10/71) < J T < 3(1/7)

There are also several recreational problems that bear his name. His Cattle
Problem (Wells 1992, pp.8-9), which was dedicated to the famous
astronomer Eratosthenes, has a solution with more than 200 000 digits. It
seems that Archimedes was quite comfortable with gigantic numbers. In his
book, Psammites (The Sand Reckoner), he estimated that the number of
grains of sand in a sphere the size of the then accepted universe was 10 to
the power of 51 (Boyer and Merzbach 1989, Ch. 8).
Unfortunately, Archimedes did not have a happy ending. During the
Second Punic War, the city of Syracuse was beseiged by the Romans and
Archimedes helped to defend it. Despite his ingenuity at designing stonehurling catapults and devices to setfireto the Roman ships, the city fell and
Archimedes was slain by a Roman soldier, against the orders of the Roman
general Marcellus. He was 75 years old.
The Chinese already knew their Gougu theorem (Pythagoras's theorem) in
the first century BC (Li and Du 1987, Ch. 2). This appeared explicitly in an
astronomical book called the Zhoubl suanflng at this time and probably dates
from much earlier. The earliest mathematical treatise to be found is the
Jiuzhang sudnshii (The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art), which was
rewritten and augmented several times, mainly by Marquis Zhang (d.152

Barry R. Clarke

BC) and Geng Shouchang (73-49 BC), and represents the accumulated knowledge of Chinese mathematics from the eleventh century BC to AD 220. In the
discussion of fractions, the first use of the least common multiple appears,
predating its discovery by Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) in the thirteenth
century AD. The work also introduces into mathematics positive and negative numbers, which the Indian mathematician Brahmegupta later found
around AD 620. An outstanding feature of the Chinese text is the solution of
linear simultaneous equations using rectangular arrays. Problem 1 in the
section 'Rectangular arrays' reads
Top-grade ears ofricethree bundles, medium-grade ears of rice two bundles,
low-grade ears of rice one bundle, makes 39 dou; top-grade ears ofricetwo
bundles, medium-grade ears ofricethree bundles, low-grade ears ofriceone
bundle makes 34 dou; top-grade ears of rice one bundle, medium-grade ears
of rice two bundles, low-grade ears of rice three bundles, makes 26 dou. How
many dou are there in a bundle of top-grade, medium-grade, low-grade ears
of rice?'
In present-day algebra, this problem would be formulated as
2x + 3y+ z = 34
x + 2y + 3z = 26
The Chinese solved this by placing the coefficients in a rectangular array and
subtracting multiplied rows, one from another, to produce zeros. The earliest discovery of this method in European civilisation was by Buteo in France
in the sixteenth century AD. This puts Chinese problem solving in the first
millenium BC far ahead of contemporary European development.

The Dark Ages

In Europe in the late eighth century, the river crossing problem made its first
appearance. It came from the pen of Alcuin, an English scholar, who
recorded (Hadley and Singmaster 1992)
A man had to take a wolf, a goat, and a bunch of cabbages across a river. The
only boat he couldfindcould only take two of them at a time. But he had been

A history of recreational mathematics

ordered to transfer all of these to the other side in good condition. How could
this be done?
Since wolves eat goats and goats eat cabbages, neither pair could be left
alone. However, there are two solutions to the problem. The goat must go
across first, but then either the wolf or the cabbage can be taken across next
before returning with the goat.
Alcuin was born near York around AD 732 and spent much of his student
and working life at the cathedral school in York. From 781-96 he was
educational advisor to Charlemagne, the greatest military and political ruler
of the Dark Ages. In Aachen, under Charlemagne, Alcuin directed the major
reform of learning in Europe.
Alcuin's main work, Problems to Sharpen the Young, from which the rivercrossing puzzle (problem 18) is taken, is the earliest known collection of
problems in Latin. It contains 56 problems, including the rather amusing
slug problem
A leech invited a slug for lunch a leuca away. But he could only walk an inch
a day. How many days will he have to walk for his meal?
The problem has the unfortunate answer that since a leuca is 90 000 inches,
the slug takes 246 years and 210 days. No doubt the slug had thoroughly
deserved his lunch by the time he arrived!

The second millennium AD

In AD 1175, Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) was born. He played an important
part in introducing Indian numerals to Europe, which he learnt from Arabs
during his African visits. Fibonacci found fame with his discovery of the
Fibonacci sequence (Wells 1992, p.27), which resulted from the following
A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on all sides by walls.
How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year if it is supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair which from the second
month on becomes productive?


Barry R. Clarke

The classic 17 horses problem (Wells 1992, p.32) was presented by Niccolo
Fontana (Tartaglia) in 1546
A man dies leaving 17 horses to be divided amongst his heirs in the proportions 1/2:1/3:1/9. How can this be done?
Fontana's solution involved borrowing an extra horse to calculate the distribution, politely returning it after the calculation. In fact, one need only
multiply the proportions by 18 to arrive at the solution 9,6,2.
In the nineteenth century, two important figures stand out: the Englishman
Henry Dudeney and the American Sam Loyd. Both were prolific compilers,
though Dudeney is widely regarded as the better mathematician while Loyd
is seen as the better puzzles promoter. Dudeney did pioneering work in
digital roots, realising that one could verify that a number is not a square by
repeatedly summing digits until a single digit remains. If the answer is not
1,4,7 or 9 then the number is not a square. For example, 43 414 922 is not a
square because the successive sums, 29 then 11, reduce to 2. He was also a
master of dissection problems, one of his more famous ones requiring the
cutting of an equilateral triangle into four pieces so that they could be reassembled into a square (Newing 1988-9).
Sam Loyd was undoubtedly a great chess problemist and a prolific composer of mathematical puzzles. However, a degree of caution is needed
when assessing his contribution because several of his claims to priority
were unjustified. He is often credited with the invention of the cryptarithm
or alphametic, where the digits in an arithmetic calculation have been
replaced by letters, the aim being to recover the digits. However, an example
appears in The American Agriculturist of 1864 (Singmaster 1993Z?), and
since the 23-year-old Sam Loyd was still preoccupied with chess problems
at the time, this example almost certainly predates his contributions. Some
doubt is usually expressed about what Loyd actually claimed to have
invented. His headed notepaper (Figure 2) dated 15 April 1903 settles the
issue, clearly stating 'Author of the famous "Get Off The Earth Mystery",
"Trick Donkeys", "15 Block Puzzle", "Pigs In Clover", "Parcheesi", Etc.,
Etc.,' (White 1914, Plate III). In fact, the "Get Off The Earth Puzzle" was a
circular version of linear disappearing objects puzzles (Gardner 1956,
Chs. 7-8) and the principle of the "Trick Donkeys" puzzle had already been

A history of recreational mathematics


Journalist and Advertising Expert,

Games, Novelties, Supplements, Souvenirs,

Etc., for Newspapers,

Unique Sketches, Novelties, Puzzles,&c.,

Author of the famous
Get Off The Earth Mystery/' "Trick Donkeys,"
15 Block Puzzle," 4< Pigs In Clover/'
Porcheesl," Etc., Etc.,
P. 0. BOX 826,

New York, ^A<ki.J...^.... 190 J

Figure 2. Sam Loyd's headed notepaper.

used with dogs (Singmaster 1993a, p.222) around 1857, thirteen years
before Loyd registered it.
As for the "15 Block Puzzle", there are strong reasons for entertaining
doubt as to Loyd's priority. Fifteen numbered blocks were randomly placed
in a 4 x 4 grid with one vacant square. The aim was to use the vacant space
to slide the blocks into serial order, leaving the space in the bottom righthand corner of the grid. It was the greatest puzzle craze of the nineteenth
century and occupied most of America and Europe from 1879 to 1881. The
New York Times reported twice only on the craze, on 22 March 1880 and
again on 11 June 1880, and although Loyd actually lived in New York, he
curiously failed to receive credit. Other contemporary articles on the craze
have also been found (Hordern 1986, p.20) and again Loyd is not mentioned.
Given the master self-promoter that Sam Loyd was, his absence from


Barry R. Clarke

publicity is uncharacteristic, especially since the puzzle was a world-wide

The "14-15" puzzle was a special initial configuration of the "15" puzzle,
arrived at by placing all the blocks in serial order except the 14 and 15 which
were juxtaposed. Loyd put up a prize of $ 1000, indicating that it was his own
invention. In fact, the inventor could have been just about anyone who
attempted to solve the "15" puzzle. For example, reporting on the "15"
puzzle on 22 March 1880, the New York Times revealed that
. . . At 8 o'clock the next morning Mr Schurz was taken home in a carriage,
completely exhausted, and leaving his blocks in the position 13,15,14....
Whoever reached this configuration first, Sam Loyd's son (Loyd 1928, p.l)
did not think it was his father:
It was in the early 80s, when I had barely attained my 'teens, that the "1415"
puzzle flashed across the horizon, and the Loyds were among its earliest
So the "14-15" puzzle found Sam Loyd, not vice versa. To this day, the real
authors of the "15" puzzle and its insoluble derivative are still unknown.
In the spring of 1974, an architect from Hungary conceived a magic cube
for demonstrating spatial moves (Rubik et al. 1987). His name was Erno
Rubik and the cube became known universally as Rubik's cube. Although
marketed in Hungary in 1977, it took until 1980 for the cube to catch on. In
1980, a million cubes were sold in Hungary alone, amounting to purchases
by one tenth of the population. In the same year, the American Ideal Toy
Company, who exported the cube out of Hungary, estimated their sales to
be 10 million. Many awards followed, and it became the only game to win
the UK Toy of the Year award twice, first in 1980 and again in 1982. The
cube was so popular that in 1982 a World Championship was set up.
Budapest hosted the event with contestants competing from 19 countries and
the US champion Minh Thai clinched the title with a time of 22.95 seconds.
The craze was not to last. Unfortunately, cheap copies from the Far East
started to flood the market and retailers lost interest. Consequently, in 1983,
the greatest puzzle craze of the century began to die out.
It's interesting to imagine how Sam Loyd would have exploited his puzzles
with the power of today's media. He might be hosting some peak-time
puzzle show on TV, with six-figure dollar prizes. And with numbers as big
as that, Archimedes would probably be helping him!

Popular puzzles

Popular puzzles


3(43+502)= 1635

'Today we shall do an exercise in subtraction,' said Mr Adder as he scribbled an equation on the blackboard.
Taking the board rubber, he rubbed out a digit on the right-hand side of the
'Now then, what must I subtract from the left-hand side to make both sides
Wong, the new Chinese pupil, rose from his seat, took the rubber and
erased a digit on the left-hand side. 'Well, that makes both sides equal,'
chuckled Adder, 'but it's not quite what I meant. Have another try.' With
that, Adder rubbed out a second digit on the right-hand side. Wong studied
the problem for a moment then again erased a digit on the left-hand side to
balance the equation.
'Er, you still haven't got the hang of it, have you?' said Adder with a hint
of desperation. 'One final go.' With that he rubbed out one of the remaining
two digits on the right. To Adder's astonishment, Wong again erased on the
left to make both sides equal.
'Very interesting,' remarked Adder, scratching his head. 'What kind of
subtraction is that?' Wong smiled. 'It's called Chinese take-away!'
If all gaps left by erased digits were considered to be closed up, what were
the three equations created?

Solutions p.96


Barry R. Clarke


Mrs Gossip was telling her friends the latest. The woman at 5 or 9 had run
off with the milkman; the couple at 5, 7 or 11 were holding a pyjama party,
but without the pyjamas; the skinhead at 5, 7 or 9 had assaulted the vicar;
and the hippy at 9 or 11 was high again (in fact, he was sitting on the roof).
They live in separate houses and the couple live next door to the hippy.
What numbers do they occupy?

Solutions p.92

Popular puzzles


^ watt ctimbet

When Harvey Screwbrain invented his wall-climbing machine, everyone

thought it wouldn't work. They were right! Quite simply, there was nothing
to hold the machine onto the wall. But how much of a screwbrain was
Harvey? Did he at least manage to get the wheels that were in contact with
the wall (A and B) to turn the right way? The inside of the machine is shown
above with pulleys (black) and cogs (white).
Which way do wheels A and B rotate?

<Hints p. 82

Solutions p. 94


Barry R. Clarke

bandit 1



Is hIS




^- 1 * 7 1


The letters in the Word bandit are numbered from 0 to 9 and conceal a 10letter word. To find the word, each letter can either be retained or nudged
(moved) up to two places forwards or backwards in the alphabet. The moves
for some of the letters can be found from the puzzles below, where each
solution is a digit revealing the position of the letter to be moved.
Nudge 2 forwards

'My Dad is three times my age,' declared Dimple, 'but he's the square of
my younger brother's age. I'm twice as old as my younger brother.'
What age was his younger brother?'
Nudge I backwards

Weedy Willie's vegetable garden was surrounded by a fence in the shape of


Popular puzzles


a regular polygon, with a fence post at each corner. To keep the birds away,
each pair of non-adjacent posts was joined by a length of silver string
stretched across the garden. There were 20 lengths of string.
How many sides did the polygon have?
N o nudges

'An interesting digit,' remarked Professor Brainbloom. 'The number is the

same as its number of letters when spelt out.'
What digit did Brainbloom have in mind?
Nudge I backwards

62 ? x = 29 ! x
Excavations in Lower Cranium once unearthed a clay tablet with an arithmetic equation engraved on it. Unfortunately, time had taken its toll and only
two of the numbers and the equals sign remained. The calculation is shown
above where ? and ! represent different arithmetic signs and x is the same
What is the missing digit?
Nudge I backwards

Toddler Toby was building a gigantic cube from his cubic building bricks.
Clearly, the 5400 bricks in his mega toy cupboard were not enough. What is
the lowest digit by which 5400 must be multiplied to arrive at a number of
bricks from which Toddler Toby can build a cube?

Solutions p.8<p


Barry R. Clarke

cme o-fi U-fie

'I've always been 45 years older than your dad,' said Grandma to young
Trickle. Trickle always suspected that Grandma was a bit short on grey
matter but now her statement of the obvious really clinched it.
'But I'll tell you what's strange about our ages now,' she continued. 'The
two digits in my age are the reverse of the digits in your dad's age. And
what's more, they're both prime digits.'
Trickle couldn't believe his ears. He'd thought Grandma was as daft as a
carrot and here she was making mathematical observations. Trickle felt
ashamed as he'd often joked about Grandma's brains behind her back.
Mmm, maybe that's where she'd been hiding them all these years!
How old is Grandma?

Solutions p.96


Popular puzzles

kotsc and the kutdte

As Hobble the horse stood on the hillside staring at the hurdle below, he
wondered if he would ever have the courage and strength to jump it. He
dreamt that one day, he would be facing the hurdle from the hill on the other
side, an equal distance away. Move exactly six matches so that this is so.

Solutions p.94

Barry R. Clarke




In Duff Row, there are seven prison cells in a line. These are numbered from
one to seven from left to right, exactly six being occupied. The vacant cell
awaits the arrival of Cornflake Colin, the serial killer whose victims were
force-fed until they flaked out.
In the occupied cells, Poisonous Pat was next to Harry the Hatchet,
Gruesome Gertie was next to Slasher Sam who was two to the right of
Desperate Deborah. Harry the Hatchet was three away from Vicious Vince.
Desperate Deborah was two away from Poisonous Pat.
Who will be Cornflake Colin's two neighbours?

Solutions p-

Popular puzzles


thy me

Platform 1 we departed at nine,

'Au Revoir!' to Beaujolais wine,
Reminisces to toast,
In our train to the coast,
State the place at the start of the line.



Barry R. Clarke


Bumbletown had the most robbed bank in the land. The unfortunate clerk
was frequently forced to open the safe, and the bank had lost so much
money, that Mr Good, the bank manager, was going bald.
Then one day, Mr Good had an idea. His nephew, Fumble, should be the
bank clerk. Now Fumble was the ideal man for the job. His memory was so
bad, one could be sure that no robber could ever force him to remember the
safe combination. Furthermore, his poor powers of recall were matched by
a superb talent for puzzling things out. This meant that whenever Fumble
needed to know the safe combination, all he had to do was obtain the following conundrum from Mr Good, which he could solve to reveal the fivedigit safe combination.
'The fourth digit is four greater than the second digit. There are three pairs
of digits that each sum to 11. The third of the five digits is three less than the
second. The first digit is three times the fifth digit.'
Of the 100 000 possible numbers, which was the correct safe combination?

Solutions pSy

Popular puzzles


doubtful die

The Dopey Dice Company manufacture dice with opposite faces that do not
all total seven, contrary to the case with normal dice. Not only that, but
sometimes they make a die whose faces are orientated differently to those
of their regular dice. This is the case in the diagram above, where three of
the views are of the same die and the other view is of a rogue die.
Which is the odd one out?

Solutions p.

Barry R. Clarke


TOotcL bandit 2




The letters in the Word Bandit are numbered from 0 to 9 and conceal a 10letter word. To find the word, each letter can either be retained or nudged
(moved) up to two places forwards or backwards in the alphabet. The moves
for some of the letters can be found from the puzzles below, where each
solution is a digit corresponding to the position of the letter to be moved.
Nudge I backwards

A shopkeeper placed three indistinguishable oranges in a square box with

3 x 3 compartments. How many ways can the oranges be placed in the box
so that no two oranges appear in the same row or column?
Nudge I backwards

A square paper napkin has an area of 128 square centimetres and is folded


Popular puzzles


in half along a line joining opposite corners. The triangular shape is folded
in half again so that two corners meet and the folding is repeated leaving a
triangular shape each time. Starting with the square napkin, how many times
must it be folded to get the longest side of the triangle equal to 1 cm?
Nudge 2 forwards

Sleepy Sam had just woken up. If he had woken up at noon the previous day,
he would be twice as many hours away from the present as the present is
from noon. What hour is it?
Nudge I forwards

Professor Ponder had found a digit that appears in neither its square nor
cube, and when multiplied by a digit that appears in both its square and cube,
gives a product equal to one greater than the square of the first digit minus
the square of the second. What digit had Ponder found?
Nudge 2 forwards

A backward robber walked into a drug store and said 'I want all the money
in the safe minus the money in the cash register.' 'That's ten thousand
dollars,' said the proprieter. The robber frowned. 'Then I'll take all the
money in both,' said the robber. The store owner gave the robber seven thousand dollars, a half of the total requested. How many thousand dollars were
in the cash register?

Solutions f>>95


Barry R. Clarke

/Huddle market

At Muddle Market, a row of traders had their stalls ordered as follows: ironmonger, greengrocer, fishmonger, butcher, confectioner. Five elderly ladies
from the Confused and Bewildered Club were out on a shopping trip. Now,
each lady wanted to buy from one stall only, but no lady could remember
from which one, though they remembered that no two of them wanted to
visit the same stall. Mrs Folly wanted to buy from the ironmonger, greengrocer, fishmonger or confectioner; Miss Dippy from the fishmonger,
butcher or confectioner; Mrs Grumble from the ironmonger, greengrocer or
confectioner; Mrs Vacant from the ironmonger, fishmonger or confectioner;
and Miss Witless from the ironmonger, butcher or confectioner. Miss Dippy
and Mrs Grumble eventually bought from adjacent stalls. What a pity the
two of them could not remember which ones, for then the others could have
deduced the stalls that they intended to visit.
Can you give the trader that each lady bought from?

Solutions p.98


Popular puzzles


At the reading of Elijah Polyp's will, his two sons Nabber and Grabber were
eagerly waiting to learn how much land they had inherited. The big moment
had arrived. The lawyer, who was rather drunk, fumbled in his briefcase,
took out the will, and belched loudly.
'Out of the 8235 acres left to my two sons, Nabber gets 1647, and Grabber
gets the rest.'
With that, the lawyer wrote the message 'Nabber 1647/8235' on his
notepad and went in search of the toilet. Being mean, Grabber took the
notepad and a rubber, and tried to reduce Nabber's share by rubbing out
exactly one digit in the numerator and denominator. Curiously, the remaining six digits gave the same magnitude as before. So Grabber rubbed out a
further digit on the top and bottom. Still the same magnitude! Footsteps in
the corridor signalled the lawyer's return. In a last act of desperation,
Grabber erased one last digit from the top and bottom. As the lawyer entered
the room, Grabber realised that all his attempts had failed to alter the magnitude in front of him. The lawyer returned the notepad to his briefcase and
Nabber and Grabber got their rightful proportions.
What was the order of the three pairs of digits that Grabber erased?

Solutions p.


Barry R. Clarke

onxlno c

Down at the Pig and Bucket, the locals were supping ale and playing dominoes. Young Gibber, who was new to pub life, wanted to know the rules.
'Simple!' piped up Legless, one of the regulars. 'The rectangular tiles used
are each divided into two squares. Each square carries a number of spots
from 0 to 6, so that all the possible combination pairs appear once only in
the set. Each player takes it in turns to place a tile so that a chain of dominoes is constructed. One of the numbers on the tile put down must match,
and lie next to, the number at the end of the chain where it is placed.' This
was a rare moment of eloquence from Legless.
Gibber looked at the domino chain on the table. He noticed that 25 tiles had
been placed, the number of spots totalling 155. The end numbers of the chain
were 2 and 3.
What dominoes remained to join the chain ends?

Solutions p.94

Popular puzzles



Livingstone Mortimer had been walking through the jungle for days.
Suddenly, he came to Booliba village where he found a signpost which read
'Rumba 4, Wobble 7'. Heartened, he continued his journey. However, when
he reached Rumba, he found a signpost showing 'Booliba 2, Wobble 3'.
Livingstone knew something was wrong, as the two signposts were clearly
contradictory. However, he resumed his journey and soon reached Wobble.
Here, the signposts read 'Rumba 4, Booliba 7 \
Livingstone was perplexed. He stopped an old man who was walking
towards him and described the three inconsistent signposts.
'They're perfectly correct,' said the old man. 'At one of the three villages,
the inhabitants are all honest, so their signpost is alright. At one of the villages they only tell the truth half of the time, so only one of the two numbers
in their signpost is correct. The other village is full of liars, so neither of the
numbers in their signpost is correct.'
If Livingstone followed a straight road, which inhabitants lived in which

Solutions p.


Barry R. Clarke

-foot assistance

At Muckrake Mansions, Inspector Twiggit was investigating a murder. The

six suspects had joined him in the lounge for questioning. He knew that on
the night of the murder Miss Lipstick was in the study, the kitchen or the
dining room; Mr Britches was in the kitchen, the morning room or the dining
room; Miss Uppity was in the study, the kitchen or the conservatory;
Colonel Crumpet was in the kitchen or the morning room; Mr Splutter was
in the study, the library, the morning room or the conservatory; and
Professor Twinkle was in the kitchen, the library, the conservatory or the
dining room. He also knew that each room had exactly one person in it.
The big moment had arrived.
'And now I shall announce who the murderer is,' said Twiggit. 'The murderer was . . . er, in the morning room.'
The trouble was, Twiggit had no idea who was in the morning room. If he
had known, he could have uniquely determined everyone else's whereabouts.
Who was in each room?

<Hints p. 81

Solutions f).<p6

Popular puzzles



A medieval king needed to work out how he could recruit fighting men for
the battle ahead. However, there were so many distractions around the
castle, his thinking became confused. So, in order to change his daze into
knights, he asked for a secluded walk to be made so that he could ponder in
The head gardener was given the job of planting lines of high bushes. First,
he planted a line running 100 paces east. Then from the end of that line he
planted a line 100 paces north, then 100 west, 98 south, 98 east, 96 north, 96
west, and so on, dropping the measurement by two paces every second anticlockwise 90 degree turn. This made a square spiral path 2 paces wide.
If the king intended to walk down the middle of the path, how long was the

<Hints p. 82

Solutions p.<po


Barry R. Clarke



it 3

3 I" M v E

I 2
* 7





The letters in the Word bandit are numbered from 0 to 9 and conceal a 10letter word. To find the word, each letter can either be retained or nudged
(moved) up to two places forwards or backwards in the alphabet. The moves
for some of the letters can be found from the puzzles below, where each
solution is a digit corresponding to the position of the letter to be moved.
Nudge 2 forwards

The front wheel of Farmer Sprout's tractor has a radius of 25 cm and rotates
at two and a half revolutions per second. The back wheel has a diameter of
125 cm. At how many revolutions per second does it turn?
Nudge 2 forwards

An apple, orange, banana and pear are laid out in a straight line. The orange

Popular puzzles


is not at either end and is somewhere to the right of the banana. In how many
ways can the fruit be laid out?
Nudge I forwards

Herbert's age is equal to twice the product of its two digits. How old was
Emily when she was a quarter of Herbert's age now?
Nudge I backwards

Grovel the gardener had a circular garden with a regular hexagonal lawn
placed so that all six corners were located on the garden perimeter. Now Sam
knew that the lawn was made from ^108 square metres of turf. What was
the diameter of the garden (metres)?
Nudge 2 backwards

Mrs Frump had less than 15 plums in a bag. Grabbit took some, Rummage
took less than Grabbit and Tumble took less than Rummage, so that no one
had none and their total had two digits. If Grabbit and Rummage gave some
to Tumble to make an equal distribution, how many had Rummage taken?

Solutions p.99


Barry R. Clarke

six sheep pens

A fickle farmer had three sheep and three rams and wanted to erect an enclosure for them in his field. For this he enlisted his long-suffering son who was
given 12 equal lengths of fencing and told to erect six pens, one for each
The farmer decided that since a sheep was smaller than a ram he would
have three small pens and three large pens. So he told his son to make six
square pens so that each of the large pens was twice the area of each of the
small ones. His son set to work and just as he had finished the farmer
Perhaps it would be better to have the large pens three times the area of the
small ones. His son smiled and with a few adjustments produced the new
ratio of areas. However, the farmer was still not satisfied. Maybe rectangular pens would be more suitable. His son was unperturbed, for he knew that
he had found a single arrangement of the 12 fences, giving three small and
three large pens, that could be adjusted to produce either square or rectangular pens and any ratio of areas.
How were the 12 fences arranged?

cHlnts p.81

Solutions p.

Popular puzzles



Five burglars, Jones, Smith, Peterson, Bloggs and Harper burgled five
houses called Catalan, Belvedere, Oakmoor, Ardswick and Pinewood, but
not necessarily in that order. The houses have jewellery, paintings, antiques,
trophies and money in them but the order tells you nothing about which
house contained what.
Exactly one burglar's initial corresponded with the initial of the goods he
stole. The burglar who stole money had five letters in his name. Jones only
stole things that had obviously been won. Precisely one burglar's initial corresponded with the initial of the house he burgled. Peterson burgled Catalan.
Smith and Harper each burgled houses that had a tree in their names.
Oakmoor had jewellery stolen from it.
Which burglar stole what from which house?


Solutions p.92


Barry R. Clarke


The Pomphouse Poker Club had a curious entrance test. Four cards were
dealt on the table by an assistant, one to each of the four interviewers. The
eight faces on the four cards each had a colour. Two faces were red, two
blue, two yellow and two green. This meant that four colours were visible
and the other four colours were hidden. Each interviewer then looked at his
hidden colour and made a statement about it.
Now on one occasion, the following statements were made. Mrs Globule
said 'green or blue', Mr Crust stated 'neither green nor blue', Major WilsonBucket barked 'blue or yellow', and Miss Nostril claimed 'blue or yellow'.
Their visible colours were, respectively, red, green, red and blue, and no
card had the same colour on both faces. Exactly two of the interviewers were
Can you work out what was each person's hidden colour and thus prove
yourself a worthy applicant to the Pomphouse Poker Club?


Popular puzzles



After taking Mother to the cinema, I began to take her home. However, when
I looked back I saw that I'd left Father.
What was his name?


Barry R. Clarke

Save the city



Near the ancient city of Citifon, the river was close to bursting its banks.
Yants, the evil wizard, had wedged open the floodgates protecting the city
using 12 wooden blocks, each bearing a digit, and arranged in a sum so that
the top row added to the middle row gave the bottom one. Yants had
declared that the gates could be closed only by removing the blocks in a definite sequence as follows.
Working from top to bottom, remove one block from each row to leave
three columns of digits (the pressure of the gates closes the gaps), then a
second to leave two columns, then a third to leave one column, and finally
the last in each to close the gates, so that a valid sum remains each time.
What sequence saves the city?

Soluti ions p.yy

Popular puzzles


1 st name

2nd name Rent day







Reginald Scatter, the landlord of Crumple Towers, had written down the first
name, second name, rent day and number of pets for his four tenants, with
exactly one tenant on each floor. Each item had been written in the correct
column, but only one item was correctly positioned in each column.
Nevertheless, Reginald realised that he could work out the correct details
from his recollections.
Bertha, who paid her rent on Tuesday or Friday, had neither 1 nor 4 pets in
her flat.
Mr Nosebag paid rent on Tuesday or Friday and lived directly above the
tenant with 4 pets, who was called neither Cesspot nor Bucket and who paid
rent on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Miss Cesspot paid rent on Monday or Wednesday and had 2 or 4 pets. Can
you give the first and second names for each floor together with the rent day
and the number of pets?


Solutions p.


Barry R. Clarke

YOotd bandit 4

|L A


T^ T

i. ^

o R |M|


The letters in the Word bandit are numbered from 0 to 9 and conceal a 10letter word. To find the word, each letter can either be retained or nudged
(moved) up to two places forwards or backwards in the alphabet. The moves
for some of the letters can be found from the puzzles below, where each
solution is a digit corresponding to the position of the letter to be moved.
No nudges

Happy Harry's square birthday cake had been cut along the two diagonals.
How many triangles of any size can be seen?
Nudge I backwards

Someone had rubbed out part of an equation in Tiny Tum's homework book.
The remaining equation read


Popular puzzles


where the ? and ! were two different arithmetic signs and x was the same
digit on both sides. What was the digit?
No nudges

In a throw of three dice a two digit total was achieved. One die had a number
equal to the sum of the two digits. The opposite faces of the other two dice
corresponded to the two digits in the total. What was the sum of the two
Nudge I forwards

Four schoolboys formed a line in the playground. Sidney wanted to stand

next to his friend Ollie but at an end of the line. How many ways can the
four schoolboys be arranged?
Nudge I forwards

A railroad runs due south from Gunslinger station to meet the Great Atlantic
Railroad (GAR) at Smokeshot station. A second line runs due south-west
from Gunslinger to meet the GAR at Deadgun station. A train sets out from
Gunslinger to Smokeshot at the same time and speed as a train sets out due
west from Smokeshot to Deadgun. If no train changes direction, how far is
the second train from Deadgun when the first arrives at Smokeshot?

Solutions p.

Barry R. Clarke


Romance on the stone



Frederick the frog quite liked Freda the frog who was sitting on the next
stone to him on the pond. He began to wonder how many jumps it would
take him to land on the same stone as her. The 11 stones were equally spaced
in a circle around the pond. Frederick could jump over two stones at a time,
landing three away, while Freda could clear one stone in each jump, landing
two away. They both jumped simultaneously and Freda always jumped anticlockwise.
In which direction should Frederick keep jumping for the quickest rendezvous, clockwise or anti-clockwise?

<f-{lnts p. 82

Solutions p.95

Popular puzzles


Quite a caxd

Auntie Sadie was tormenting her nephew Dribble. She had placed nine
coloured cards face-down on the table in three rows and three columns and
refused to let Dribble see them.
'If you want to know what they are,' snarled Sadie, 'you'll jolly well have
to work them out.'
'But how?' asked Dribble, clutching his teddy bear. Auntie Sadie grinned
'Well, the red card is in the first or second row. The third column has
exactly two green cards. Exactly two blue cards are in the second row.
Precisely three of the corners are occupied by yellow cards. In each row
there is exactly one green card.' Dribble lost no time. In a flash, he and
Teddy had worked them out.
How were the cards laid out?

Joints p.8o

Solutions jb-93


Barry R. Clarke

tktee piles ofi coins

1 2

1 2

There were once six children who, while out playing in the local park, found
six identical coins. In the scramble that followed, the first child took one
coin, the third child took two coins, and the fifth child took three. When they
got home, their father was so annoyed to learn that three of his children had
been left empty-handed that he ordered the children to share out the coins so
that they had one each. The situation is shown in the top diagram above
where the six coins have been divided into piles of one, two, and three. Pick
up exactly one coin once only, and use it to lay the six coins out in a line as
shown in the bottom diagram. The chosen coin must not touch another coin
while held, no other object can be used and the table cannot be tilted, N.B.
large coins are best.

(Hints p.8o

Solutions p><p1


Popular puzzles


The Threedee family had ordered some unit cubes from Twistem Ltd. The
lorry arrived and the unit cubes were set out on the driveway in a one-layer
square. The family assumed that the correct number had been delivered,
because the ordered quantity, like the actual delivery, would make a onelayer square. However, Twistem had twisted 'em.
Now each member of the family wanted to construct a cube from the unit
cubes so that there were 10 different sizes having sides from one to 10.
Father and Mother were to build the biggest two cubes and the eight children would build the rest.
Nine members of the family took exactly the number of unit cubes they
needed, but one of the twins, Puddle, was left with none.
How many units were missing?

<Hints p.8o



Barry R. Clarke


Psychic Sally claims to be able to 'sense' the nine different colours on a 3by-3 grid of squares that a volunteer secretly fills in. Her assistant, Doubtful
Doreen, who looks at the positions of the nine colours, makes five statements
about their relative positions to Sally. What no-one in the audience realises
is that it is possible to deduce the positions from the statements Doreen
makes. On one occasion, the statements were as follows. (1) A red is directly
above a blue. (2) A yellow is two to the right of a green. (3) An orange is
two above a pink. (4) A turquoise is directly below a violet. (5) A white is
directly to the right of a blue.
How were the colours arranged in the grid?

Solutions p. 100


Popular puzzles

to the

The Floppybottom tribe were choosing their new chief. This was to be the
first tribesman who could correctly identify the honest members of the
Grunter family, a problem that had long baffled the elders of the
The five Grunters were brought before the rest of the tribe. Of the five, two
were known to consistently tell lies and the other three were known to be
truthful, but no one had ever been able to decide which person did which.
So each Grunter was invited to make a statement about the other members
of his family. Appu said 'Only one of Babble and Cowa tells the truth.'
Babble claimed that 'None of Appu and Eva tells lies.' Cowa reported that
'None of Appu and Dobi tells lies.' Dobi said 'Only one of Cowa and Eva
tells lies.' Eva claimed that 'Babble and Dobi are either both truthful or both
Which Grunters were honest?

<f{ints p.



Barry R. Clarke

XOotd T^andLt 5

1? I'


l I*


The letters in the Word bandit are numbered from 0 to 9 and conceal a 10letter word. To find the word, each letter can either be retained or nudged
(moved) up to two places forwards or backwards in the alphabet. The moves
for some of the letters can be found from the puzzles below, where each
solution is a digit corresponding to the position of the letter to be moved.
Nudge 2 backwards

A coin with diameter 2 cm rolls around the curved edge of a coin with radius
8 cm until it reaches its starting point. How many complete revolutions does
the small coin make?
Nudge I backwards

At a theatre, each row had 10 seats running from 0 to 9 from left to right.

<Hlnts p. 82

Popular puzzles


Five friends occupied five consecutively numbered seats in a row. Barbara

sat somewhere to the right of Deborah, Ernie was not next to Deborah, and
Andrew sat two places to the left of Deborah. If Ernie sat at seat number 6,
where did Colin sit?
Nudge I backwards

Rich Richard had a regular hexagonal swimming pool at the back of his
multi-million dollar mansion. A triangle of planks had been placed across
the pool by joining every second corner of the hexagon. If the hexagon has
side of length VI2 metres, what is the length of each plank (metres)?
Nudge I backwards

Arrogant Arnold was the top mathematician in his school and let everyone
know. 'Nothing is an interesting number. Whatever you multiply it by you
always get nothing.' 'What about with fractions?' asked Wiseman. 'Even
with fractions' confirmed Arnold. Wiseman was not convinced. 'I can think
of an exception. How about three-quarters of none?' What answer did
Wiseman have in mind?
Nudge 2 forwards

In excavations in the Outer Moogles, engraved tablets have been discovered

with arithmetic calculations. Unfortunately, in the one below, some of the
characters have been eroded. Assuming that the ? and ! are different signs
and the two missing digits are identical, what digit x is missing?
10(10 ?*) = 35 \x

Solutions p.<

Barry R. Clarke


stuffi 0$ Attorns

One night, as Tiny Turn was tucked up in bed, he dreamt he was in

Noddyland. It was a land of chocolate clouds and ice cream meadows - anything was possible! Tiny Turn found himself sitting by a milkshake stream.
It would be great to have a pint of milkshake but he quickly realised that
there was nothing to carry it in.
Suddenly, two cylindrical beakers appeared. One could carry up to three
pints and the other up to 10 pints. The former was half the height of the latter,
and both were made from impenetrable material having zero thickness! Tiny
Turn filled one of the beakers to the brim once only, and using the other
beaker, measured out one pint.
What was curious about his method was that, throughout the measuring
process, the original quantity remained in the beakers - that is, no milkshake
was thrown out!
How was one pint measured?




Popular puzzles


(Not to scale)
Down on Dungdrop Farm, the fanner was trying to count his sheep.
However, rather than chase them around the field to count them all, he realised that he could calculate the total number from the plan of his field.
The square field is shown above, partitioned by fences into nine pens. The
number of sheep in each pen is proportional to the area of the pen. (A fraction of a sheep can occur in a pen if one sticks its head through the fence!)
Apart from the relative measurements shown in the diagram, the farmer
knew two other facts: the area of pen I equalled the total area of pens A,C,
E,G; and the total number of sheep in pens E,F,G was 49.
How many sheep were in the field?

lnts p.83



Barry R. Clarke

tecluslve Invcntot

There was once a reclusive inventor who became so annoyed with unwanted
visitors ringing his doorbell that he decided to discourage them by inventing a new one.
The device consisted of a row of six push buttons mounted on the front
door, wired in such a way that only one of the buttons would ring the bell.
If an incorrect button was pressed (even simultaneously with the correct
one) the bell would be temporarily deactivated.
Only his close friends were told the identity of the correct button. Everyone
else had to deduce it from an inscription on the front door which read
'Exactly one button is somewhere to the left of the one, that is three to the
right of the one, that is somewhere to the right of the one, that is next to the
one, that is two away from the one that is first mentioned. Ring the only
button of the six that is not mentioned above.'
What was the position of the correct button?

Solutions p. 100

Advanced puzzles


A dvanced puzzles

en^lneet's dilemma

Arnold the Engineer is stumped. In the diagram, the radius of the large wheel
is four times the diameter of the small wheel. The centre A of the small
wheel rotates anti-clockwise around the centre B of the large one at 16
revolutions per second, so that the small wheel rolls along the surface of the
large one. The large wheel also rotates anti-clockwise about its centre B at
N revolutions per second.
Now Arnold requires that the circumference of the small wheel does not
rotate (that is, the horizontal line through the centre A remains horizontal)
as the small wheel moves around the large one.
What value of TV must Arnold choose?

p. 84

Solutions p.111


Barry R. Clarke

Jlost in space

As Captain Klot stepped out of his spacecraft, he was welcomed by five

Tiddlybons, the resident space people of Sigma 2. Knowing that the population had a precise hierarchy, Klot asked five questions to try to discover their
ranking order. To help identify them, he stuck a label on each one bearing a
letter of the alphabet. (The Tiddlybons thought it was a form of greeting and
chortled merrily.) Was A higher than C? Was B higher than E? Was C higher
than D? Was D higher than B? Was E higher than A? For each question, the
second Tiddlybon mentioned whispered a 'Yes' or 'No' to the first mentioned who reported 'Yes' or 'No' to Klot.
Unfortunately, exactly two of the five lied consistently, both in whispering
and reporting answers. As it turned out, if all had given truthful answers,
their order would have been completely determined. However, precisely
two reported answers did not correspond to the true hierarchy. The reported
answers were 'No','No','Yes','No','No', respectively. The only Tiddlybon
that we can be sure to trust reported a correct answer.
What was their ranking order and who lied?

cHints p. 83

Solutions p.106

A dvanced puzzles


-/\ tail


The Android, Bizarre and Clone families all consist of dwarfs and giants.
Each of the families has at least one and at most ten of each type, with the
total numbers of dwarfs and giants being equal. The giants are much heavier
than the dwarfs, each weighing the same whole number squared times the
weight of a dwarf. Consequently, the families with the least and the most
members have an equal total weight. Now, the Clone family is notoriously
mischievous, and one night a third of them each kidnapped one person from
the Androids' castle and locked them in the Bizarres' castle. This made the
number of occupants in the two family castles equal. When everyone had
been returned, the same Clones did it again, but this time each kidnapped
one person from the Bizarres' castle and locked them in the Androids'
castle. This meant that there were now twice as many occupants in the latter
castle as in the former. When the local police heard of this they wanted to
know the numbers of dwarfs in each family. What are these numbers?

Solutions p.1O1

Barry R. Clarke



Professor Brainbloom had a very curious mathematical garden. There were

probability trees, random flowers that had grown from seed, and broken
garden gnomes that looked fractionally vulgar! It was an ideal place for
thinking, and when the professor had a particularly tricky calculation, he
would take a chair outside and use the log table.
Mathematical phenomena used to occur in the garden too. Like the time
when the professor was busy laying a path of square slabs. He was just lowering the last slab into position when a number of prime pears struck his
head. The slab crashed to the ground and shattered into pieces.
However, far from being annoyed, the professor was delighted. He quickly
realised that the square slab had broken into exactly nine triangular pieces
so that every angle was less than a right angle.
How were the triangles arranged in the square?

p. 84

Solutions p. 116

A dvanced puzzles


the clock

Ticktock Town has a clock which long resides in the memory of all who visit
there. As shown above, the clock consists of a large circular plate upon
which the hour and minute hands rotate. Around the circumference of the
plate are 12 small circular plates. These are numbered and arranged so that
each touches both of its neighbours and also the large plate.
Now what is extraordinary about this timepiece is that it has a wheel that
runs around the outside of the clockface. The wheel has the same radius as
each of the small plates, and has an axle attached by a rod and spring to the
minute hand. The spring keeps tension on the wheel in the direction of the
clock centre so that, as the minute hand rotates, the wheel rolls along the
outer contours of the 12 plates without losing surface contact.
How many times does the wheel rotate with respect to the clock centre each

<Hints p. 83

So tut ions p.11O


Barry R. Clarke


First name

Second name


Pet name










The children who live in Cobble Street have some unusual pets. Constable
L. O. Hullo was so anxious that he made a list of the child's name, pet and
pet's name for each house number. However, although he wrote each item
in the correct column, he only managed to get exactly one item in each of
the four columns correctly positioned.
Back at the police station, the constable tried to correct the list from
memory. Now, either the rhinoceros or the tarantula was at number 6; the
tarantula was not at number 2. Angus, who had neither a cobra nor a pet
called Bubbles or Grumpy, lived at a house number which was two less than
McTumble's, who had neither a rhinoceros nor a tarantula. Herbie Blip had
a pet called Stomper which was neither an elephant nor a cobra.
Can you give the correct child's names, pet and pet's name for each house

<Kints p. 83

Solutions p. 106

A dvanced puzzles



Oliver Oddwelly was a cringing wreck of a man. He frequently needed to

have his safe combination number, his bank account number, and his credit
card number on hand, but was too frightened to write them down anywhere
in case someone found them. However, one day, just as he was oiling the
padlock on the refrigerator, he suddenly hit upon an ingenious way of concealing the numbers. He decided to compose an arithmetic problem, the
solution to which would reveal the three seven-digit numbers he needed to
The sum he invented is shown. One digit can be erased from each row (not
necessarily the same position in each row) and the gaps closed up to leave
three columns of digits, then a second digit can be rubbed out in the same
way to leave two columns, then a third to leave one column, so that a valid
sum remains each time. The three sets of seven digits erased (read down the
columns) respectively reveal the numbers he had to remember.
What were the three numbers?

Solutions y.


Barry R. Clarke


A fanner had fallen on hard times and in desperation he called his sons in
from the fields to discuss what money each could give to buy food for the
family. However, he had a problem for he knew that anyone who had money
would lie, not only about his own wealth but also about what the other sons
possessed and had said.
The first son reported to his father that the third had said 'Precisely one of
my four brothers has money'. The second claimed that the fifth had said
'Exactly two of my four brothers have money'. The third son told his father
that the fourth son had said 'Precisely three of my four brothers have
money'. The fourth reported that the second had told him 'All of my four
brothers have money'. The fifth son reported that the third had money and
also told his father that the first had admitted having some. Luckily, the
farmer was no fool and managed to work out who was lying.
Which sons had money?

Solutions p.113

Advanced puzzles



The Three Bears were sitting down to eat their porridge. It should have been
a happy family occasion, but it soon became apparent to everyone that something was wrong. They looked at each other in silence, drew a deep breath,
then in earth-trembling chorus growled 'Who's been eating my porridge?!'
It was a case that would have delighted a psychoanalyst, for the bears had
eaten each other's porridge!
Now Baby Bear originally had 30 spoonfuls of porridge in his bowl,
Mummy Bear had 60 and Daddy Bear had 90.
Baby Bear had eaten half the amount that Mummy Bear would have had
left in her bowl if only Daddy Bear had eaten from her bowl and had eaten
one third of his actual total consumption.
Mummy Bear had eaten half the amount that Daddy Bear would have had
left in his bowl if only he had eaten from his bowl and no-one else.
Daddy Bear had eaten the amount that Baby Bear would have had left if
only Mummy Bear had eaten from Baby Bear's bowl and had eaten one third
of her actual total consumption.
How many spoonfuls of porridge had each bear eaten?

p. 85

Solutions p.116


Barry R. Clarke

lc cave tines



-2 = S
O - io = CD
CD + 9 =

While exploring a cave one afternoon, Hogman Hunter uncovered a strange

drawing on the ground. Brushing aside the dust, he also found three equations showing relationships between some of the symbols in the drawing.
After thinking for a while, Hogman came to the conclusion that each symbol
in the grid represented a letter in the alphabet, so that no two different
symbols had the same letter.
When the correct letters had been substituted for the symbols, one could
expect to see eight four-letter words, four reading from top to bottom, and
four from left to right. Evidently, the equations gave the relative positions
of letters in the alphabet. Suddenly, disaster struck. The roof fell in by the
cave entrance blocking Hunter's exit. 'Calamitous!' exclaimed Hunter, but
he could just as appositely have said one of the words in the grid.
What are the words in the four rows?

Sotutions p.110

Advanced puzzles


tyke tWiee

A prison block had four cells arranged in a square as shown. Barred

windows between adjacent cells allowed each of the three prisoners to see
into his two neighbouring cells.
The blind warder was forgetful and could not remember which cells were
occupied. So, starting at cell 1, he visited each cell, in no particular order, to
convey the demand that, on his signal, everyone in a cell must make at least
one statement about his perceived state of occupancy of an adjacent cell.
On his fourth visit, he gave the signal, and four statements echoed around
the block:


can see a prisoner in cell 2'

cannot see a prisoner in cell 1'
cannot see a prisoner in cell 2'
cannot see a prisoner in cell 4'

When reporting on an adjacent cell, exactly one prisoner would always lie
about his perception, and no two people were in the same cell when the statements were made.
Which cell had no prisoner, and can you identify the false statement(s)?



Barry R. Clarke

in^ a bath

In Texas at the turn of the century there was a wash house which had four
identical large baths. These the owner would fill according to the wishes of
the customer. One afternoon the four Badboy brothers showed up demanding a bath each, to be prepared in such a way that when each man totally submerged himself (as was their custom on climbing in) the water would just
reach the brim.
Knowing that Dan was twice Clancy's volume but half Ben's, and Abe was
one and a half times Dan's volume, the owner poured a different quantity of
water into each man's bath. Now the Badboys were feeling mighty mean, so
they all climbed into an incorrect bath, one to a bath, causing at least one to
overflow. They then accused the owner of incompetence and threatened that
unless the water just reached the brim in all of the baths when they climbed
into their correct ones, he would have something really nasty done to him.
The owner examined the baths and realised that two of them each contained
water with a volume less than that of the smallest man. Furthermore, the total
water left in those baths that needed topping up was equal to the total additional water required.
Who had climbed into whose bath?

Solutions p.112

A dvanced puzzles



Four men wish to cross a river, two from the south side and two from the
north side. To do this they have to use a rotating balance bridge.
The bridge works thus: an equal weight of men stand in a carrier on each
end of the bridge and then a lever is pulled on the south side to rotate the
bridge, in a horizontal plane, one half-turn about a point midway along its
length. This allows both sets of men on the bridge to travel to the other side.
However, the four men are faced with a dilemma. They realise that there is
no arrangement of the men on the bridge that will permit them all to cross
since there always has to be someone on the south bank to operate the lever.
Suddenly, they see a man walking his dog on the north bank. They enlist
his help, and in two separate half-turns of the bridge the two pairs of men
reach the other side. The extra man then continues his walk on the north
The five men involved weigh 1,2,3,4 and 5 units. The first lever operator
was lighter than the second one, and the sum of their weights equalled that
of the dog owner.
How were the men arranged on the bridge on the north and south sides for
the two journeys?

<Hints p. 84



Barry R. Clarke


There is said to be a valley where the inhabitants once had the elixir of life.
Long ago, in the Neo-Hermet period, when man dabbled in alchemy, there
lived a civilisation who could dramatically increase their life expectancy.
An ancient Greek scribe called Menpet visited the tribe and asked an old
man how old he was. The old man wanted to protect their secret and said
that his age could be found by taking the product of two numbers: the sum
of the three digits in his age, and the product of the same three different
digits. The scribe asked if there was a quicker way of finding it and the man
rather cryptically replied 'The digits can be found by deleting 'em.'
How old was the man?

<Hlnts p. 83

Solutions p.

A dvanced puzzles



A prisoner sits in his cell planning an escape. The guard arrives, checks that
the prisoner is still there, and then leaves. The prisoner now has to carry out
his escape plan for he knows that when the guard returns he will be executed.
The cell is situated at the beginning of a long straight corridor which is
partitioned by five doors. The doors operate on different time switches so
that the first, which separates the cell from the corridor, opens every 1
minute 45 seconds, the second every 1 minute 10 seconds, the third every 2
minutes 55 seconds, the fourth every 2 minutes 20 seconds, and the fifth,
which is at the end of the corridor, every 35 seconds. Every once in a while,
the five doors open simultaneously. When this happens, the guard arrives,
looks down the corridor to check the cell, and then leaves.
The prisoner has calculated that in making his escape it will take 20
seconds to cover the distance between consecutive doors, which is longer
than the amount of time a door stays open. He also knows that if he stays in
the corridor for longer than two and a half minutes an alarm will sound so
the prisoner plans to escape in the shortest possible time.
How long before the guard returns does the prisoner clear the last door?

Solutions p.112

Barry R. Clarke



Tom Bodger was an eccentric to the last, and when he died he left precise
instructions with his lawyer regarding the amount of money his only son
should receive. The old man had devised a test for his son which would
determine his inheritance.
The lawyer presented the son with six coloured boxes: two blue, two green,
and two red, and was told that each box contained a sum of money. Two of
the boxes contained $ 10 000 each, two contained $ 15 000 each, and two contained $25 000 each. He was allowed to choose any two boxes of the same
colour, the total contents of which would constitute his entitlement.
To help him decide, each box had a statement engraved on it. The blue
boxes stated that 'Both a blue box and a red box contain $10 000 each'; the
green boxes stated that 'Both a green box and a blue box contain $25 000
each'; and the red boxes stated that 'Both a red box and a green box contain
$15 000 each'.
Only one of the three statements was true and the corresponding two
engraved boxes contained the greatest total of the three possible pairs.
What was the total contents of each pair?

ints p.85


Advanced puzzles


YOlte wizards

Roadworkers found eight wire ends protruding from a pipe in London. In

Glasgow they discovered the other ends of the eight wires. Two foremen,
Smith and Campbell, met to discuss how to match up the two sets of ends.
Back in London, Smith took a battery and connected pre-arranged numbers
of ends to the positive terminal, the negative terminal, and left at least one
wire free. In Glasgow, Campbell labelled his ends A to H, then with a bulb
tested each pair of wires that could be formed from the eight, for a circuit.
Knowing the pre-arranged numbers Campbell could identify wires in each
group. The idea now was for Smith to disconnect the battery, and Campbell
to join six of his ends into three pairs, then tell Smith which ends he'd joined
and which wires were in each group. Smith could then test all pairs of his
ends using his battery and bulb, and thereby correctly identify his wire ends.
But when Smith phoned Glasgow, Campbell could only recall that F made
at least one circuit with another wire but not with G; B made a circuit with
H; there were at least 6 pairs involving A which did not make a circuit and
the connections made were A to G, B to C, and E to F. Smith tested all pairs
of wires, and correctly labelled the ends.
What were the wires in each group?

<Hlnts p. 85

Solutions p.1


Barry R. Clarke


Toddler Toby had been playing on the floor with his 12 pentominoes (a set
of five squares joined along their edges). What joy! After much effort, the
youngster had succeeded in making two 5 x 5 squares from 10 of them.
Delighted by his discovery, he ran to tell Mummy. Unfortunately, in her
haste, Mummy trod on them, sending them scattering and breaking a square
off the Z-shaped piece (shaded square in diagram).
'Not to worry. Mummy will fix it!' She certainly fixed it, but glued the
square back in the wrong place to make an entirely different pentomino to
the 10 used. Luckily, it did not matter, for Toddler Toby still managed to
make two 5 x 5 squares from the material used, with exactly five pentominoes positioned as before.
How is it possible?

Solutions p.i

A dvanced puzzles


One for the toad

Five drunks were trying to push their car home. Being the worse for drink,
they often found themselves pushing against one another, with some
pushing at the front of the car and some at the back. On one occasion, the
twins who each had the least strength managed to move the car with only
one of the other twins pushing against them. On another, the stronger twins,
each with the same strength, moved the car despite being opposed by only
the strongest man, who never pushed at the front.
Being too drunk, one from each of the twins gave up and began to walk
home. The three remaining men now had 10 ways of pushing the car forwards by arranging themselves at the front and the back, if no more than one
man rested with any arrangement.
Eventually, they chose the most effective arrangement where a man pushed
at the front. The strength of each of the men was a whole number and the
arrangement they chose had a resultant strength of 11.
What were the strengths of the three men?

Solutions f>.io8


Barry R. Clarke

3n the same boat

Twelve special agents, all chosen to have an equal weight, were sitting in a
small boat ready to embark on a secret mission. In order to balance the boat
in the water ABCD sat at the back of the boat, EFGH in the middle, and IJKL
at the front. However, before leaving, their group leader looked over the side
and noticed that the boat tilted forwards. Assuming that someone in the boat
must be an enemy agent with a different weight from the rest, he consulted
his manual and found that for such a situation two tests could be carried out.
These would not only identify the imposter but would also show whether he
was heavier or lighter than the chosen weight. Each test consisted of a
rearrangement of the 12, keeping four in each group, and noticing the resulting inclination of the boat.
For the first test only, four interchanges were made involving ABCEFGIL
so that A and G then occupied the same group. Noting the inclination of the
boat, the leader rearranged the crew for the second test, without then changing his own position, so that ACHL finished at the back of the boat, DIJK in
the middle, and BEFG at the front. From the resulting inclination he
managed to deduce who the enemy agent was, and to his great surprise found
that it was himself! Mistrusting his own logic he ordered the mission to go
ahead and two of the crew were subsequently caught trying to send a radio
message to the enemy. One was heavier than the chosen weight by as much
as the other was lighter.
Who were the two enemy agents?

<f{lnts p. 84

Solutions p. 1O2




Popular puzzles
TOotd bandit 3

to the ttibe
Assume that Cowa tells lies. Then three possibilities arise.

Appu is truthful and Dobi lies.

Appu lies and Dobi is truthful.
Appu and Dobi are both liars.

If none of these work then assume Cowa tells the truth.

/KuddU market
Either Dippy buys from the fishmonger and Grumble the greengrocer, or
Dippy from the butcher and Grumble from the confectioner.

horse and the kutdte

The horse actually contains part of a hurdle and vice-versa.

What line(s)?
Label the inmates A to G and write out the relations as pieces of a jigsaw
puzzle, e.g. if Slasher Sam is A and Desperate Deborah is B then we have

The couple can only live next door to the hippy in two ways. Try out each
way and see what deductions result.


Barry R. Clarke

pe toweis
The flat below Nosebag has neither Cesspot nor Bucket, then it must be
Hump. Bertha is not Nosebag, who is male, and is not Hump who has 4 pets.

tktee piles o-fc coins

Take one of the coins and propel it along the table.

Quite a catd
Since a green card must occupy one of the corners in the third column then
the corners in the first column must be yellow.

the but^Lats
If Peterson burgled Catalan (condition 5) then Bloggs burgled Belvedere (4).
Smith/Harper did Oakmoor/Pinewood (6) so Jones did Ardswick.

doubtful die
Try drawing out each die as a flat map to be folded into a cube.

(Zubic incapacity
To find the delivered quantity, we want one of the whole numbers from 1 to
10 so that when cubed and subtracted from 3025 produces the square of
some whole number (greater than 10).

One way to tackle the problem is to work out what the last two digits are and
work from the end to the beginning.

Si$ns ofi contusion

If Booliba to Rumba is 4 then Rumba to Booliba cannot be 2. One or both
of these numbers must be wrong.



enigmatic Interview
There are two face-up reds so red can be eliminated from the statements.

sensory deception
Treat the relations as pieces of a jigsaw, draw them out and see how they can
be pieced together.
Try crossing out each digit on the left in turn then seeing if the left-hand side
equals three of the four digits on the right.

six skeep pens

No fence belongs exclusively to one pen.

ino ckain
Altogether there are 28 tiles totalling 168.

for assistance
Only Splutter, Britches and Crumpet could be in the morning room. Which
assumption leads to a complete deduction?

Safe conduct
There are only three combinations for the second, third and fourth digits.

of Life
Let the digits in grandma's age be A and B so that her age is \0A + B.

Save tke city

This can be tackled systematically by working from right to left on the
bottom row, covering each digit in turn to see which two digits can be
deleted in the rows above.


Barry R. Clarke

YOord bandit 5
cHarvey's wall climber
Remember that cog-wheels in contact rotate in opposite directions.
YOord bandit 2
Gold coin.
YOord bandit 1
Make it known.
YOord bandit 4
Inopportunely said.
on the stone
This is a matter of trying out both directions.
reclusive inventor
Only five buttons are mentioned and the first mentioned and last mentioned
are the same one. Try starting with the 'three to the right of relation.

stufy ofi dreams

Half of the volume of the large beaker is five pints and the volume of the
small one is three pints. How can filling the small beaker be used with this
Think in areas.

Sorry "T^ad
What is being taken home and from what word?



Let the length of the field be L and work out the areas of triangles.

Advanced puzzles
in space
With the particular questions asked, a completely determined order only
arises from having exactly one 'Yes' or one 'No' in five truthful answers.

tyakin$ a bath
Let Clancy have volume V. Then Dan, Abe and Ben have volumes 2V,W
and 4V, respectively. Let Ben have a volume Vo of water in his bath initially.
Then each bath has capacity Vo + 4F, and Abe, Dan and Clancy have Vo +
V, Vo + 2Fand Vo + 3Fin their baths, respectively.

There are only two names in the puzzle so why not try deleting 'em!

TZound the clock

There are two components to the wheel rotation: rolling along a path equal
in length to the curved path and rotation of the tangent to the curved path at
the point of contact.
^>et hate
Angus will not fit at number 8 and cannot be at 4 because then number 6 has
no possible pet.

One fat the toad

There are 10 ways of arranging the men. Try placing their strengths in order.


Barry R. Clarke

$zeat escape
The doors have a cycle which is a multiple of 35 seconds.

balanced btld^e
Since the dog owner starts and finishes on the same bank, the two pairs of
men, having exchanged sides using a balance, must both have an equal
weight. Hence the dog owner has weight 1, 3 or 5.

matkematicat garden
Each corner of the square must be divided by at least one line and every
meeting point for lines inside the square must have at least five lines. Where
can you fit a pentagon?

engineers dilemma
There are two components to consider: the rotation of the circumference of
A due to the rotation of B, and its rotation due to its motion around B.

broken pentomino
The new pentomino must be flipped over to get a solution.
Try separating the sum into three separate sums: lines 1-3, 3-5 and 5-7.
Analyse each one and look for a joining thread.

(^tifptic cave lines

Hunter's exclamation could be giving you a ride, anagrammatically speaking.

3n tke same boat

How can the two tests cooperate to identify the group leader? Match each
possible inclination to a group of suspects.



Sd-^isk sons
Whoever has money lies about his own wealth so the first son would not
admit having money whether he had some or not.

tktee prisoners
Who else is in a cell when the warder gives the signal?

Let the amounts that these bears originally had in their bowls be D, M and
B respectively, and their total consumption be d, m and b respectively. Now
try to form the three equations.

TOlte wUatds
If Glasgow has X wires at one terminal, Y at the other, and Z free, the circuit
tests in Glasgow must show that Xwires make a circuit with 7 others, 7wires
make a circuit withXothers, Z wires make a circuit with no others. SoXand
Fmust be different in order to distinguish between the groups. Now consider
how the identity of the groups can be used to identify connections.

/logical legacy
In turn, assume each statement to be true and the others false. Can the corresponding colour contain the highest total of the three?

74 tali gtotif
Two linear equations involving A, C and B, C can be formed, where A,B,C
are the total Androids, Bizarres and Clones, respectively.




Popular puzzles
Safe conduct
The correct combination is 65292. Since the third digit is three less than the
second, and the fourth is four greater than the second, there are only three
possible combinations for the second, third and fourth digits. These are
-307-, -418-, and -529-. With the first digit three times the fifth, the only
possible combinations for the first and fifth digits are 0
2, and 9
3. The solution arises from combining these two sets
of possibilities, with the added criteria that there are three combinations of
two digits that that each sum to 11.

YOotd bandit 1
The 10-letter word (with letters in reverse order) is ETAGLUMORP.



His younger brother was 6. Let his age be JC, Dimple's age be y,
and his father's age be z. Then z=3y, z=x2, y=2x. So 6JC=X2 and
x=6. (At 6, E to G.)
The polygon has 8 sides. (At 8, U to T.)
The number is 4. FOUR is the only digit to have as many letters
as its value. (At 4, U stays U.)
The missing digit is 2. The equation reads
62/2 = 29 + 2
(At 2, P to O.)
The factor is 5. The number 5400=2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5
so that a factor of 5 is required to make the next nearest cube. (At
5, M to L.)

Grabber rubbed out pairs (top,bottom) of digits in the order: (4,2), (6,3),
(7,8) to leave 167/835, 17/85, 1/5. This is the only Sequential Digital
Deletion Fraction (SDDF) of rank (4,4) - i.e. four digits in the numerator
and denominator, respectively, with deletion pairs occurring in sequence where all the digits are different.


Barry R. Clarke

Domoryad (1964) has given examples of non-sequential Digital Deletion

Fractions where the same group of digits are deleted simultaneously in the
numerator and denominator. For example, in the following DDF of rank
(6,8) we delete 18 so that
143185 = 1435
He also gives an example of a SDDF of rank (4,4), however, the reduction
sequence is not unique:
2666 _ 266 _ 26 _ 2
665 65 5
Here, all deleted digits are identical and there are several possible deletion
sequences. In contrast, the SDDF in the present puzzle relies on there being
only one deletion sequence.
King-size conundtum
The path was 5000 paces long. If the path is straightened out into a line, its
area equals the area of the whole square, that is, 100 x 100 square paces. If
this is divided by the width of the path, its length results.
enigmatic intent lew
Globule has yellow, Crust has yellow, Wilson-Bucket has blue, Nostril has
For Globule, the possible colours are green or blue for a true statement, and
yellow for a false one; Crust has yellow for true, and blue for false; WilsonBucket has blue or yellow for true, and green for false; and Nostril has
yellow for true and green for false.
From these we aim for a green, blue, yellow, yellow combinationfromtwo
true and two false statements. Suppose Wilson-Bucket lies. Then he has
green, Nostril must have yellow and is truthful, leaving two yellows or two
blues for the other two cards with one truthful and the other a liar. This is
not possible since we must have a yellow and a blue. Hence Wilson-Bucket
is truthful with blue or yellow.
Suppose Wilson-Bucket has yellow. Then Nostril must lie with green and



the remaining yellow and blue cannot fit in with the remaining liar and truthteller. So Wilson-Bucket has blue. Then Crust must tell the truth with yellow
and we have Globule lying with yellow and Nostril lying with green.

tktee piles oj> coins

Pick up the top coin of pile 5, place it on the table on the right of and in line
with the three piles, and give it a strong shove towards the remainder of pile
5. The bottom coin of pile 5 will be knocked out leaving the impinging coin
at 6 and the original middle coin of pile 5 at 5. The knocked out coin removes
the bottom coin of pile 3 and comes to rest at 4. The top coin of pile 3 falls
to 3 and the new knocked out coin comes to rest at 2.

TOotd bandit 5
The 10-letter word (with letters in reverse order) is LADAMODBEH.




Nine times. Stretch out the circumference of the large coin into a
straight line. This line is eight times the circumference of the
small coin (noting the difference between radius and diameter) so
the small coin revolves eight times as it runs along it. When the
straight length is wrapped around into a circle, this path that the
small coin runs on rotates 360 degrees,so one revolution must be
added. (At 9, N to L.)
Colin is at 3. If Andrew sat two to the left of Deborah and
Barbara was somewhere to the right of Deborah we have A-DB-,
A-D-B or -A-DB. If Ernie was not next to Deborah this gives
ACDBE or EACDB. With Ernie at 6, in the second case Barbara
would be at 10 which is illegal. So we have ACDBE with Colin
at 3. (At3,EtoD.)
Each plank has length 6 metres. Note that \f\2 = 2V3. Join the
centre of the hexagon to each corner. By Pythagoras's theorem,
half of the length of the plank is (v/3/2)(2v/3). (At 6, B to A.)
Wiseman was thinking of one. Its three letters make up threequarters of the four-letter word 'none'. (At 1, F to E.)
The missing digit is 4. The signs are + and x. (At 4, M to O.)


Barry R. Clarke

doubtful die
Die B is the odd one out. Watch out for the orientation of the three spots.

The woman is at 5, the skinhead at 7, the hippy at 9, and the couple at 11.

(Zoin-fjLakes and poitid^e

Cornflake Colin's neighbours are Vicious Vince and Poisonous Pat. The
order of the prisoners from 1 to 7 is Vicious Vince, Cornflake Colin,
Poisonous Pat, Harry the Hatchet, Deperate Deborah, Gruesome Gertie and
Slasher Sam.
Let us arbitrarily label these inmates A to G, respectively. Then we have
either CD or DC, either EFG or E-GF, either D - -A or A- -D, and either
E-C or C-E. Combining the second and fourth possibilities with the fact that
none of the seven cells are shared, we have either C-EFG or C-E-GF. The
first possibilities give CDEFG, CDE-GF, DC-EFG, or DC-E-GF. The
third possibilities then limit the options to only one solution A-CDEFG.

j) contusion
Wobble has inhabitants who always tell the truth, at Booliba they only tell
the truth half of the time, and Rumba is full of liars. Take each sign in turn
and assume that it has two correct numbers. Then only one of the four
numbers in the other two signs can be correct. Only the Wobble sign satisfies this condition.
the b

Jones stole trophies from Ardswick, Smith took money from Pinewood,
Peterson pilfered paintings from Catalan, Bloggs nicked antiques from
Belvedere, and Harper had jewellery from Oakmoor.
If Peterson burgled Catalan (condition 5) then Bloggs burgled Belvedere
(4). Smith/Harper did Oakmoor/Pinewood (6) so Jones did Ardswick. Jones
steals trophies (3) so Peterson has paintings (1) and Smith steals money (2).
Smith cannot therefore be at Oakmoor which has jewellery (7) so is at



Pinewood. Harper must be at Oakmoor with jewellery and the antiques with
Bloggs at Belvedere.

TOotd bandit 4
The 10-letter word (with letters in reverse order) is SOPORPALAM.

Eight triangles. (At 8, O stays O.)

The missing digit is 3 with a minus and division sign. Note that
15 is also a solution but is not a single digit. (At 3, B to A.)
The digits total 5. Let the two digits be a and b. Then the spots
must be a+h, 7-a91-b so that their sum is 14. (At 5, R stays R.)
Four ways. (At 4, O to P.)
Zero distance. The right-angled triangle has two 45 degree angles
so the distances from Gunslinger to Smokeshot and Smokeshot to
Deadgun are equal. (At 0, L to M.)

Quite a card
The layout of the rows is yellow, red, green; blue, blue, green; and yellow,
green, yellow. The corners in the first column must be yellow since a green
card occupies one of the corners in the third column. Both of the corners in
the third column cannot have a green card since there would be no place for
the third yellow. So since the third column has exactly two green cards, a
green card must be in the second row, third column. This leaves the other
two positions in the second row occupied by blue cards. Of the two corners
in the third column, one is yellow, the other green. Hence the red card must
be in the first row, second column. The first row green card can only be in
the third column, leaving a yellow card in the third row, third column. So
the final green card can only be in the third row, second column.
^Ctue to the tri(>e
Only Appu, Cowa, and Dobi are honest. Assume that Cowa tells lies. Then
three possibilities arise.

Appu is truthful and Dobi lies.

Barry R. Clarke



Appu lies and Dobi is truthful.

Appu and Dobi are both liars.

None of these possibilities produce exactly two liars. So Cowa must be

truthful. This means that both Appu anu Dobi are also truthful, and that
Babble and Eva are both liars.

tfiatveys wait climber

Wheels A and B both turn anti-clockwise. So Harvey wasn't so screwy after
horse and the hurdle
Note the change in the line of sight.

The remaining dominoes are [2,4] [4,0] and [0,3]. There must be 28
combination pairs in a domino set with digits totalling 168. This means that
three tiles remain totalling 13. Two of the six digits must be 2 and 3 to match
the chain ends. This leaves a total of 8 for the other four squares. Since
domino ends must match, the illustration shows the possibilities. The fact
that no two dominoes can be alike gives the solution.


2 2


0 4

3 . 1
4 1 0



3 3

His name was Tom. Remove 'her' from 'Mother' then look at what remains
from the back.

TR.omance on the stone

Frederick should keep jumping clockwise so that the rendezvous takes place
in nine jumps each. When Frederick jumps anti-clockwise it takes ten jumps

(Zountln$ sheep
There were 245 sheep in the field. Let the length of the field be L. Then the
areas of pens A + B + C, C + D + E, E + F + G, A + H + Gare respectively
L(L - l)/2, L(L - 4)/2, L(L - 3)/2, L(L - 2)/2. The total of these four areas is
L(2L - 5). If we now introduce the given condition that area A + C + E + G
= I, then the total given above becomes that of the whole field, that is, L2.
This means that L = 5 and the area of the whole field is 25. So the area of E
+ F + G is 5 and we have the proportionality
5/25 = 49/N
where TV is the number required. This leaves us with 7V=245.

YOotd bandit 2
The 10-letter word with (with letters in reverse order) is DNARREGURK.

Six ways. (At 6, S to R.)

Nine times. The area of the triangle with the hypoteneuse equal to
1 is 1/4 cm2. So 128(1/2)" = 1/4, so n=9. (At 9, E to D.)


Barry R. Clarke




Four o'clock. The number of hours between the two noons is 3x,
where x is the number of hours to noon today. Since this equals
24 hours, JC = 8 and the hour is 4 a.m. (At 4, C to E.)
The digit is 8. The digits that appear in neither their square nor
cube are 2,3,7,8, while the digits that appear in both are 0,1,5,6.
The only two digits that satisfy the condition are 8 and 5. (At 8,
M to N.)
Two thousand dollars. Let the money in the safe be x and that in
the cash registery. Thenx->> = 10 and(x+j>)/2 = 7. Sox = 12
= 2. (At 2, S to U.)

The three equations were as follows:
3(43+ 02) =135
3(3+ 02) =15
(3 + 02) = 5
Note that 02 is a perfectly valid way of writing 2.

o-fc Life
Grandma was 72 years old. Let the two digits be A and B. Then 10^4 + B 10B -A = 45, so %A - B) = 45. This gives A - B = 5 which is only satisfied
by the pairs (5,0), (6,1), (7,2), (8,3), (9,4). Only the third pair are both prime.

l^oom -foot assistance

Assuming that Splutter was in the morning room gives Twinkle in the
library, Uppity in the conservatory, Lipstick in the study, Britches in the
dining room, and Crumpet in the kitchen. The other two possibilities for the
morning room are Britches and Crumpet. Assuming the first gives Crumpet
in the kitchen but yields no further information. Assuming the second gives
no deductions whatsoever.



six sheep pens

(Z^tuwple po
Floor 4 had Agatha Cesspot who paid on a Monday with 2 pets; floor 3 had
Cuthbert Nosebag who paid on a Friday with 1 pet; floor 2 had Sidney Hump
who paid on a Wednesday with 4 pets; and floor 1 had Bertha Bucket who
paid on Tuesday with 3 pets.
Since the flat below Nosebag has neither Cesspot nor Bucket, then it must
be Hump. Bertha is not Nosebag, who is male, and is not Hump who has 4
pets. Bertha cannot be Cesspot who paid her rent on Monday or Wednesday,
so Agatha is Miss Cesspot, and Bertha is Bucket. The flat below Nosebag
had 4 pets so Cesspot has 2 pets, which leaves Bertha Bucket with 3 and
Nosebag with 1. There are only six ways the surnames can be arranged, only
three of which give exactly one correct in the list. Only one of those gives
exactly one number of pets correct in the list. The first names are easily
deducible and the rent days follow from the realisation that either
Wednesday or Friday is correct.

(Sul>tc Incapacity
There were 216 unit cubes missing.


Barry R. Clarke

If we cube each whole number from 1 to 10 and add the results, we get the
same answer as adding all the whole numbers from 1 to 10 and squaring the
result. The latter calculation gives 55 squared which is 3025. This is the
ordered quantity.
To find the delivered quantity, we want one of the whole numbers from 1
to 10 so that when cubed and subtracted from 3025 produces the square of
some whole number (greater than 10). There are two candidates: 6 which
gives a delivered quantity of 2809, and 10 which gives 2025.
Now, Father and Mother have the two largest whole numbers (9 and 10),
and Puddle, who is one of the twins, cannot be either of them. So the unbuilt
cube has side 6 so that 6-cubed unit cubes were missing.

stufy o$ dreams
Half of the volume of the large beaker is five pints. When the small beaker
is seated on the bottom of the large one, the volume around the small beaker
up to its brim is five minus three (i.e. two) pints. So the small beaker is filled
from the stream and the three pints are poured into the large beaker. The
empty small beaker is then placed upright inside the large one, into the milkshake. The level rises and flows into the small beaker. When it is seated on
the bottom of the large beaker, two pints occupy the volume around the
small beaker and one pint is inside it. The small beaker with the pint inside
is then removed from the larger one.

The first letter from each line spells PARIS.
/Huddle market
Mrs Folly bought from the greengrocer, Miss Dippy the butcher, Mrs
Grumble the confectioner, Mrs Vacant the fishmonger, and Miss Witless the
ironmonger. Either Dippy buys from the fishmonger and Grumble the greengrocer, or Dippy from the butcher and Grumble from the confectioner.
In the first case, we eliminate ironmonger and confectioner from Grumble,
and butcher and confectioner from Dippy. Also, the fishmonger can now be



with neither Folly nor Vacant, and the greengrocer cannot be with Folly. The
butcher can only be with Witless but there is nothing to decide how to place
Folly and Vacant with the ironmonger and confectioner.
In the second case, Dippy is not with the fishmonger nor confectioner;
Grumble is not with the ironmonger nor greengrocer; the butcher is not with
Witless; and the confectioner is not with Folly, Dippy, Vacant, nor Witless.
This leaves Folly with the greengrocer, eliminating her from the ironmonger and fishmonger, so that Vacant is with the fishmonger and Witless with
the ironmonger.

Save the city

The sums generated by the deletions are as follows:
+ 268
+2_8 + 2
Further examples of Digital Deletion sums appear elsewhere in Clarke

YOotd bandit 3
The 10-letter word (with letters in reverse order) is TNAICUOSNI.



One revolution per second. We find that 50(2.5)= \25y wherey is

the number of revolutions per second of the back wheel. So y=\.
Six ways. (At 6, G to I.)
Emily was nine years old. We have the equation \0x + y = 2xy
from which we get x = yl(2y - 10). For x to be positive, y is 6,7,8
or 9. Only y=6 gives a digit, x=3 so Herbert is 36 and Emily is 9.
(At 9, S to T.)
The garden diameter was 4 cm. Using a point in the centre, the
hexagon can be divided into exactly six equilateral triangles. If
the length of a triangle's side is x then its height is (JC/2)V3. This
gives the area of the lawn as 6(\l2)x(xl2)yf?> = V108. From this x2



Barry R. Clarke

Rummage took 5 plums. The total number removed has two

digits, is less than 15, and must be divisible by three in order to
produce an equal distribution. Only 12 plums removed is
possible. The only possible numbers removed are 9,2,1; 8,3,1;
7,4,1; 7,3,2; 6,5,1; 6,4,2; and 5,4,3. Each person must be left with
4, so Grabbit and Rummage must have at least 4 in order to give
any to Tumble. Only 6,5,1 satisfies this condition. (At 5, E to C.)

sensory deception
Numbering the squares from 1 to 9 from left to right, in numerical order we
have red, orange, violet, blue, white, turquoise, green, pink, yellow. Since
nine colours are mentioned, each colour is used exactly once. The
red/blue/white combination can be in 1,4,5; 2,5,6; 4,7,8; or 5,8,9. For the
second and third cases, both of the green/yellow and the orange/pink
combinations cannot fit. For the fourth case, the green/yellow can occupy
4,6 with the orange/pink at 1,7 but the turquoise/violet cannot fit. Only the
first case works.
The correct button is fifth from the left.
The inscription states that only one of the six buttons is not mentioned, so
exacty five different buttons are mentioned. In the statement of relations
between positions, the inscription refers to six buttons; however, the first and
last mentioned buttons are the same one.
One now labels the buttons mentioned in the inscription in the order A B
C D E A and begins by noting the most precise relation, that is, B is three to
the right of C. Since no position may have two letters, our deductions show
that from left to right the buttons are D E C A ? B. So the correct button must
be the missing one.



Advanced puzzles
-/\ taii story
The Android family has 10 dwarfs, 4 giants; the Bizarre family has 4 dwarfs,
6 giants; and the Clone family has 1 dwarf, 5 giants.
Let A be the number of dwarfs in the Android family, A the number in
the Bizarre family, Dc the number in the Clone family, Ga be the number of
giants in the Android family ..., all positive integers. Then we have
0 < A?AA?Ga,GfoGc ^ 10
Da + Db + Dc = Ga + Gb + Gc


Dh + Gh-B



A - C/3 = B + C/3
A + C/3 = 2(B - C/3)
Yields the solutions
A = 7C/3
B = 5C/3
Now (1) and (3) show that


are integers so (6) requires that

Let x be the weight of a dwarf so that n2x is the weight of a giant (n is a pos
itive integer). So
A * + Gji2x = A-* + Gcn2x
Using (3) we have
Gc-G = (A-C)/(n2-l)
From (6) and (8) either
Alt 2
i \ /"


= 8/( 2 -l), C=6



Barry R. Clarke

We require that Gc - Ga is a positive integer so that only n=3 is a solution.

From (3) and (6) we have
A + G a =14
A + Gc = 6
and (13) and (15) give
A + Ga = 5
From (14) and (16) we have
A- A =9
However, from (1) and (17)
So (14) and (15) give
Now (3) and (6) produce
A + Gb=10
Combining with (2) gives
Gb = 6 , A = 4

3n the same boat

The enemy agents are C and H.
The problem amounts to asking: which two crew members in the three consecutive sets of three position groups can reproduce the three corresponding
boat inclinations that framed the group leader? We first need to find out who
the group leader is, together with his qualitative relative weight (heavier or
lighter than chosen weight) byfindingthe three position groups after the first
set of interchanges, the initial and final sets of three groups being given.
Information is provided by an analysis of the way the two tests must cooperate in order to identify just one imposter.
Consider 12 men in three position groups of four men all with equal weight
Xexcept the imposter (group leader) who has a weight 7 that is either heavier
or lighter thanX The boat may have three possible inclinations: (i) forward
tilt, (ii) balance, (iii) backward tilt. Whichever of these the boat has, there
are only three effects of rearranging the crew: unchanged inclination, or a
change to one of the other two. The group leader is necessarily determined



at the end of the second test if there are no more than three suspects presented to the second test, so that each can be linked to a different effect by
appropriate placement.
The first test must decide between groups of suspects in order to present
one suspect group to the second test. Here there can be no more than three
groups so that each group can be linked to a different effect. With an initial
forward tilt, there are eight suspects ABCDIJKL (all from the end position
groups) which can only be divided into groups of 2,3,3.

1. First test
The rearrangement, consisting of four interchanges involving ABCEFGIL,
must allow discrimination between the three groups of suspects by linking
each group to a different effect.



Reversal group (two suspects)

If the group leader were in this group, he would reverse the
forward inclination to a backward inclination when the group is
moved. Here only suspects participate in the interchanges, being
moved from one end of the boat to the other. Since only one
interchange can occur then the group has only two members.
Balance group (three suspects)
If he were here, the forward inclination would become balanced
when the group is moved. Suspects are moved from the ends to
the middle, exchanging positions in three interchanges with three
non-suspects in the middle.
Unchanged group (three suspects)
All group members are suspects and none are moved. If the group
leader were amongst them, the forward tilt would be left

These suspect groups take care of the four interchanges and associate each
group with a different effect of rearrangement.
2. Second test

A rearrangement in the second test permits discrimination between two or


Barry R. Clarke

three suspects. Here the group (reversal, balance, unchanged) containing the
group leader has already been identified after the first interchanges, and we
must now identify the group leader in this group.
(a) Two suspects
Only the reversal group applies here. One suspect is placed in the
middle (7 is identified by a resulting balance) and the other is
placed at one end (Y identified by imbalance). Reference to the
initial forward tilt positions gives the qualitative relative weight.
(b) Three suspects
These arise from the balance or unchanged groups. One suspect
is placed at each end and one in the middle. For the special case
where two of the three suspects were initially in the same position in the forward tilt distribution (e.g. two at back) then these
are separated to each end with the third in the middle, in the
second test. Reference to the initial distribution identifies Y and
the qualitative relative weight.
Test Back
Front Inclination
(0) ABCD
(2) ACHL
Initial suspects: ABCDIJKL
Four interchanges (0)-(l): ABCEFGIL
3. Unchanged group

The suspects not interchanged from (0)-(l) form the unchanged group
DUJUKU; note that H is not a suspect.
Since this group is not distributed from (l)-(2) according to specifications
(2b), they are not being tested in the second test and the group leader cannot
be amongst them.



4. Reversal groups

The possible reversal groups (see la) are those suspects that might exchange
ends from (0)-(l), namely, AI,BI,CI,AL,BL,CL. The only possibilities that
could be tested in (2) are AI,BI,CI (see 2a). It is given that the group leader
occupies the same position in (1) and (2). After interchange of ends from
(0)-(l), only B in BI satisfies this condition, so it is possible that the group
leader is B and the reversal group participates in the second test. However,
we can show that BI, too, is not presented to the second test.
Suppose BI were the reversal group so that
D u Ir
Then with the reversal and unchanged groups determined, only ACL can be
the balance group (see lb) and must go to the middle from (0)-(l).
Du Ir
Ab Cb L bH
However, it is given that A and G occupy the same position in (1). This violates the requirement of four in each position hence BI is not a reversal group
and no reversal groups are tested in (2). Only a balance group can now
appear in the second test.
5. Balance group

The possible balance groups (see lb) - with the unchanged group already
determined- are ABI,ABL,ACI,ACL,BCI,BCL. Only the possibilities ABI
and BCI could be tested in (2) - see (2b). This gives BI in the tested balance
group plus one of A or C, all three going to the middle in (1) - see (lb). So
L and the remaining one of A or C are in the reversal group and exchange
ends from (0)-(l).
(C/Ay u K u
6. Final deductions

It is given that A and G occupy the same position in (1). With four in each
group they must both be at the front, C must be in the middle and hence EF
at the back.
B bCbI bH
The group leader must be I, being the only one in the balance group occu-


Barry R. Clarke

pying the same position in (1) and (2). Hence I is heavier than X from (0)
and (1),(2) are balanced.
Test Back
Front Inclination
(0) ABCD
AGJK Balance
(2) ACHL
BEFG Balance
What two crew reproduce the three inclinations such that one is heavier than
Xby as much as the other is lighter (sum of their weights is 2X)1 Only the
pairs CH,JK,EF are together in both (1) and (2) to give a balance. In (0), only
C (lighter) and H (heavier) can produce the forward tilt.

/lost in space
In descending order, the ranking is B, D, C, A, E; the first two lied.
With the particular questions asked, a completely determined order only
arises from having exactly one 'Yes' or one 'No' in five truthful answers.
So the two wrong answers must be a 'No', 'No' or a 'Yes', 'No'. Only
inverting each of the last pair keeps exactly one 'Yes'. So inverting the
reported 'Yes' either C or D lies. If it's C, only A as the other liar gives
exactly two inversions. If it's D, then similarly, B is the other.
For these two cases, NNNNY and NYNNN are the deduced correct
answers. Only E is trustworthy, being in both possibilities, so his correctly
reported 'No' reduces us to the second case. The solution follows.

2 Angus
4 Judy
6 Celia
8 Herbie
Angus will not fit at number 8 and cannot be at 4 because then number 6 has
no possible pet. If Angus is at 2, Herbie cannot be at 6 (one or two items
would be correct in the first name column); and if Angus is at 6, Herbie
cannot be at 2 (two or four items would be correct in the first name column).
So either Angus is at 2 with Herbie at 8, or Angus is at 6 with Herbie at 4.



In both cases, the tarantula and elephant cannot be at 2 and 6, respectively,

so only one of the cobra and rhinoceros is correctly positioned. This eliminates the second case for Angus because neither are possible.
For the first case for Angus, if the rhinoceros is at 8, the elephant must be
at 2 and the cobra at 4 (two items correctly positioned); so the cobra is
correct at 4, with the elephant at 2, the rhinoceros at 6, and the tarantula at
The other three columns are solved by realising that two positions are
known in each, neither is positioned correctly so a correct position occurs in
exactly one of the other two places.

tkree pilsonets
Cell 4 had no prisoner and only statement (b) is false.
Did you fall into the trap of assuming that only the three prisoners are in
the cells? In this case, one prisoner must make two statements, and due to
the possible positions of the perceivers, he must make (a) and (c) or (b) and
The first pair are contradictory, and for the latter pair there is no consistency in any of the three true/false combinations (involving the four statements) yielding the state of occupancy results.
The correct approach is to realise that since no two people are in the same
cell when the statements are made, the warder must be visiting the vacant
cell. By his own demand, he must make a statement, and since he is blind,
it must be (b), (c) or (d). We must then consider the true/false combinations
for the remaining three statements in each case. Only for the warder making
(c) do we get consistencies, bearing in mind that he must be in 1 or 4 to make
this statement. However, he cannot be in 1, since that was his first visit. So
he is in 4 with (a) true, (b) false and (d) true.

balanced btid^e
Since the dog owner starts and finishes on the same bank, the two pairs of
men, having exchanged sides using a balance, must both have an equal
weight. Hence the dog owner has weight 1, 3 or 5.

Barry R. Clarke


The two lever operators cannot have total weight 1, and with weight 5 the
dog owner must cross with two from the south bank leaving no lever operator. This means the dog owner has weight 3.
Two possible combinations remain for the men on the two banks.
However, to have the first lever operator lighter than the second, we must
have 2,3,4 on the north bank and 1,5 on the south bank. Then 2,3 exchange
sides with 5 (lever operator is 1) followed by 4 with 1, 3 (lever operator is


There is literally a twist in this puzzle because the new pentomino must be
turned over to produce the solution!

One $oz the toad

The strengths of the three men were 3, 5 and 9.
Let the three different pushing strengths be A,B,C so that
The five men consist of two pairs of twins and the strongest man, that is, A,
IB, 2C. Two given conditions are



We can now list the 10 ways of arranging the three remaining men (with A
always positive).








Since these must all produce a positive resultant push, we must have from
0) that
Our aim now is to place these arrangements in order according to their resultant strengths using (1), (2), (3), and (4). For example, we can establish from
(1) that (a) > (b) to (j) and that (b) > (c) to (j). The third place in the order is
established by realising that, from (2),
A + OA+B-C
and from (1)
A + OB + C
and (c) > (f) to (j). The next in the order requires the use of (1) and (4).
Continuing in this way we find that the descending order is

A -VB + c
A -^B
A -^B- c
B- f-C



A-B + C


The most effective arrangement where a man pushed at the front is A + B C. We can now prove the following descending order from (1), (2), (3) and

A + B- C
B+ C
A- B + C
A- C


A -B
B -C
A -B-C


Barry R. Clarke

Since A + i? - C is 11 units and the order above represents different whole

numbers, they form a descending sequence 11 to 0 and the solution follows.

the dock

The wheel rotates six times each hour. Let the circumference of each small
plate be C. As shown above, the wheel runs over C/4 of each plate. There
are two additive components of the wheel rotation to consider as the wheel
runs over each plate. If the circumference of a plate were stretched out into
a linear path, since the radii of wheel and plate are equal, the wheel rotates
C/4 due to the path length. However, the tangent to the plate at the point of
wheel contact rotates through 90 degrees as the wheel rolls over the plate.
This rotates the wheel an extra C/4 for each plate. So the total wheel rotation is 12(C/4 + C/4) = 6C with respect to the clock centre.

cave tines
The rows are ODDS, MAIL, ACRE, NEED reading from top to bottom.
The keyword is DIRE which, since all its letters are different, can only be
in a column or one of the two middle rows. It only fits the third column, since
with the other possible positions and the given equations, the grid cannot be
sensibly filled in.



Now from the three equations, the solid square is at least twelfth in the
alphabet and must be the first letter of ?EED. Only N gives a sensible
combination leading to the rows given above and the columns OMAN,

The old man is 135. In fact there are only two non-zero positive integer solutions inA,B and C to the equation:
100,4 + 10B + C = ABC(A + B + Q
which are A = 1, B = 3, C = 5 (different digits) and A = 1, B = 4, C = 4 (not
different). The quick method is to interpret the cryptic message as 'The
digits can be found by deleting M \ The two names in the puzzle, NeoHermet and Menpet, both have M and when deleted we have 'Neo-Heret'
and 'enpet'. The first is an anagram of 'one-three' and the second is an
anagram of the Greek word 'pente' meaning 'five'. If you think that's hard,
try solving the equation (without a computer)!

engineer's dilemma
Arnold must choose iV= 18. Let A rotate about B at x revolutions per second
(rps) and let the large wheel diameter be y times that of the small wheel.
Then the small wheel rotates about its centre at jW(rps) and the centre of A
(hence the circumference of A) rotates about B at - x(\+y) (rps). Since we
require that the circumference of A does not rotate we have

yN-x(l+y) = 0
N = x(\+y)ly
Since JC = 16 and y = 8, we have iV= 18.

The three numbers are 7868753, 8656865, and 9999988.
The sum can be broken down into three addition sums,





Barry R.Clarke










^ a bath
Dan in Clancy's bath, Ben in Dan's, Clancy in Abe's, and Abe in Ben's.
Let Clancy have volume V. Then Dan, Abe, and Ben have volumes 2 V, 3 V,
and 4V, respectively. Let Ben have a volume Vo of water in his bath initially.
Then each bath has capacity Vo + 4F, and Abe, Dan and Clancy have Vo +
V,Vo + 2VandVo + 3Vin their baths, respectively.
There are nine ways the brothers can all climb into incorrect baths. For each
case, the water left in each bath after overflow can be calculated. Now the
given condition 'The owner examined the baths . . .' requires that Vo is
smaller than Fbut greater than 0. Only one of the nine cases satisfies the final
condition, the rest requiring Vo less than or equal to 0 or Vo greater than or
equal to V. So Vo = V/2 with 3 Fbeing the total additional water required. The
solution follows.

The prisoner clears the final door 13 minutes 25 seconds before the guard
All five doors have a cycle which is a multiple of 35 seconds. Let this be
one time unit. The first door opens every 3 units, the second every 2 units,
the third every 5 units, the fourth every 4 units, and the fifth every 1 unit. If
the guard leaves at 0 units' time then he will return when the doors next open



simultaneously at 60 units, the lowest common multiple of 3,2,5,4,1. The

maximum number of time units allowed between passing through the first
and fifth doors must be 4 units (2 minutes 20 seconds) since 5 units (2
minutes 55 seconds) will sound the alarm. The prisoner cannot benefit from
having two consecutive doors open at once since he has insufficient time to
run through both. The doors must therefore open in order at 1 unit intervals.
The only five successive times possible between 0 and 60 units are
33,34,35,36,37 which are respectively multiples of 3,2,5,4,1.
The prisoner must therefore wait 33 units after the guard leaves before
entering the corridor whereupon all doors open successively. He clears the
final door at 37 units, 23 units before the guard returns.

Set^lsk sons
The brothers who lie and therefore have money are the first, second and fifth.
Whoever has money lies about his own wealth, so the first son would not
admit having money whether he had some or not. The fifth son therefore lies
(5L) and the third must have no money and tells the truth (3T). The statements
then made become as follows:

1 reports 3 saying 'precisely one of my four . . .'

2 reports 5 saying 'exactly two of my four . . .'
4 says 'precisely three of my four . . .'
4 reports 2 saying 'all of my four

In (c) we have either 4L or 4T.

(1) Assume 4L then:
from (c): one, two, or four of 1,2,3,5 have money.
Hence (1,2)TT3T5L or (1,2)LT3T5L;
from (a): with 3T and the assumption 4L, it is not true that only one
of (1,2)TT4L5L or one of (1,2)LT4L5L have money. So with 3T
we must have 1L and hence we have 2T;
from (b): 5L sees 1L2T3T4L so cannot say 'exactly two of my four
because he would not be lying as required. Statement (b)
must therefore have 2L which gives an inconsistency.


Barry R. Clarke

(2) Assume 4 T then:

from (c): three of 1,2,3,5 have money. Hence 1L2L3T5L;
from (b): 5 sees 1L2L3T4T which is consistent with 2 L 5 L ;
from (d): 2 sees 1L3T4T5L which is consistent with 4T2L;
from (a): 3 sees 1 L 2 L 4T5 L which is consistent with 1L3T;
The solution follows.

YOite wizards
The groups are BE (terminal group), FGH (terminal group) and ACD (nonterminal group).
If Glasgow is to identify three groups of wires consisting ofX wires at one
terminal, Yat the other, and Z free, we must haveX*Y. Then the circuit tests
in Glasgow show that
Xwires make a circuit with Mothers
Y wires make a circuit with Mothers
Z wires make a circuit with no others
With the right values of X,7,Z formed in London, and the right connections
into three pairs formed in Glasgow, then given the members of each group,
London should be able to identify all the ends there through circuit testing
all pairs separately. The only way this can be done is to make use of the identity of the groups X,7,Z when making the connections in Glasgow. There are
three possibilities as follows:

one from X is paired with one from Y\

one from Y is paired with one from Z;
one from Z is paired with one from X.

The characteristic that a wire in a known group makes a circuit with a wire
in a different known group will, for London, identify the wire, providing that
the possibility arises once only. The three possibilities therefore allow two
wires in each group to be identified in London.
This accounts for six of the wires, leaving two. If there are to be at least
two in each group and X* Y then the only feasible distribution is X=2, 7=3
and Z=3, if we define X as the terminal group with the lower number. (It is
not necessary to identify the positive and negative terminals; only to dis-



tinguish between the terminals by having X* Y.) We then have one free wire
in each of Fand Z which are identifiable by the characteristic that one wire
in each of Y and Z makes a circuit with no other in London. So given the
members of each group and the connections between the groups, London
can identify all the ends.
However, we are presented with the situation in London that the members
of the group are not known. From the given connections we only know that:
A is in a different group to G
B is in a different group to C
E is in a different group to F.
So D and H are therefore free, but in different groups, one of
them being a terminal group and the other being the non-terminal
group Z.
From the other information we know that:
(2) Since F can make a circuit in Glasgow it is not in Z. It must be in
Xor Y and since it makes no circuit with G, either G is in the
same group as F, or G is in Z.
(3) B makes a circuit with H means they are in different terminal
groups and from (1), D must therefore be in Z.
(4) The fact that there are least 6 wires that A cannot make a circuit
with puts it in Z, for in Xor Y the number it could not make a
circuit with would be all of Z = 3 and the rest of its own group
(i.e. 1 or 2 remaining), a maximum of 5.
We now reason as follows. From (3) we have
and from (4)

From (2), G cannot be in Z since from (1), A and G are in different groups.
So G is in the same group as F; that is, both are together in the first or second
group. However, F and G cannot be in the first group since we then have
B,F,G together (all wires forming connections) which violates the condition
tied up with (1) that there are only two of the connected six in each group.

Barry R. Clarke


Hence F,G are together in the second group.

Since A and G already connect the second and third groups, F in the second
must connect to the first with E - see (1).
The final connection between B and C, from (1), gives C in Z.


The arrangement subject to symmetrical variations is shown above.

e Treats
Daddy Bear ate 18 spoonfuls, Mummy Bear ate 36 spoonfuls, and Baby
Bear ate 27 spoonfuls.
Let the amounts that these bears originally had in their bowls be D, M and
B respectively, and their total consumption be d, m and b respectively. Then
we can form the following three equations:

d =B-(l/3)m



Putting d from the third equation into the second gives m, which then yields
d from the third. Then substituting d into the first gives b.

The red boxes totalled $40000, the blue boxes totalled $35 000, and the
green boxes totalled $25 000.
Suppose the blue statement is true and the others false. Then we have
$ 10 000 in a blue and a red. Taking into account the false statements we have
(a) 10+15
(15 + 25)/(25 + 25)
(10 + 25)/(10+15)
(b) 10 + 25
15 + 15
10 + 25
The blue cannot possibly hold the highest total of the three. Assuming the
green is true, then a green and blue each have $25 000, so
(a) (25 + 15)/(25 + 10)
25 + 10
(10 + 15)/(15 + 15)
25 + 15
25 + 15
Here, the green cannot be the highest of the three. Finally, supposing that
the red statement is true, a red and green each have $ 15 000, so that
25 + 25
15 + 10
15 + 10
(b) (10 + 25)/(10+10)
(15 + 10)/(15 + 25)
15 + 25
Here, the possibility arises for red to have the highest total of the three. The
first part of case (b) applies.

Beckmann, P. A History of Pi (The Golem Press : 1971).
Boyer, C. and Merzbach, U.C. A History of Mathematics (Wiley : 1989).
Bunt, L.N.H., Jones, P.S. and Bedient, J.D. The Historical Roots of
Elementary Mathematics (Dover : 1988).
Clarke, B.R., Test Your Puzzle Power (Ward Lock : 1994).
Dudeney, H.A. Amusements in Mathematics (Dover : 1970).
Domoryad, A.P. Mathematical Games and Pastimes, p. 35 (Pergamon :
Fauvel, J. and Gray, J. (eds.) The History of Mathematics: A Reader
(Macmillan Education : 1987).
Gardner, M. Mathematics, Magic, and Mystery (Dover : 1956).
Hadley, J. and Singmaster, D. 'Problems to Sharpen the Young' by Alcuin
of York, in: The Mathematical Gazette, 76 (no. 475), pp. 102-126
Hordern, E. Sliding Piece Puzzles (Oxford University Press : 1986).
Li, Yan and Du, Shiran (trans. Crossley, J.N. and Lun, A.W.-C.) Chinese
Mathematics (Clarendon Press : 1987).
Loyd, S. Jr Sam Loyd and his Puzzles - An Autobiographical Review (Barse
& C o , N Y : 1928).
Newing, A. The Life and Work of H. E. Dudeney, Mathematical Spectrum,
2 (no. 2), pp.37-44, 1988-9.
Rubik, E. et al. (ed. Singmaster, D.) Rubik's Cubic Compendium (Oxford
University Press : 1987).
Singmaster, D. Sources in Recreational Mathematics, An Annotated
Bibliography, 6th preliminary edition, South Bank University,
London, November 1993 (1993a).
Singmaster, D. Private correspondence, 17 July 1993, information originated from Will Shortz (1993*).
Stillwell, J. Mathematics and Its History (Springer-Verlag : 1989).
Wells, D. Curious and Interesting Puzzles (Penguin : 1992).
White, A. Sam Loyd and his Chess Problems (Leeds : 1914).

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