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Falcons-Team Amazon's Strategic Plan For 3 Years

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Strategic Plan


1. Ahmed Elsayed Tohamy

2. Eslam Mohamed
3. Hayam Hammad
4. Mohamed Reda
5. Mohamed Said Elnaggar
Team 2
Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport
Master of Business Administration
Strategic Management
Class 2021
Table of Contents
Executive summary ..................................................................................................3

Company overview ...................................................................................................4

Existing Vision, Mission and Values Analysis .......................................................6

Developing new Vision and Mission .......................................................................8

Value Chain Analysis ...............................................................................................9

Amazon’s Generic Strategy ..................................................................................10

SWOT Analysis ......................................................................................................11

Situation analysis: ..................................................................................................16

EFE Matrix ............................................................................................................................................ 16
IFE .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
IE Matrix ............................................................................................................................................... 18
CPM ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Pestle analysis .........................................................................................................20

Space matrix ...........................................................................................................26

5 Forces of Michael Porter ....................................................................................27

BCG Matrix ............................................................................................................30

Recommendation strategies ..................................................................................33

QSPM ......................................................................................................................35

Goals (Long term objectives) ................................................................................36

The Strategic Plan for Amazon 2021-2024 ..........................................................36

References: ..............................................................................................................44

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Executive summary

The initiation of Bezos’s dream was started in Seattle in 1994, when he had a dream to shift the
physical bookstore into an online platform to be reachable by customer anywhere. Through all
these years Amazon went from being just an online textbook ordering platform, to a widely
diverse e-commerce brand which pursuing to reach their customers anywhere and offer them the
best product with reasonable prices as well. Hence, their vision was to be “Earth’s most
customer-centric company” that is why Bezos choose the name “Amazon” from the first while to
be as large as Amazon River and disseminated all over the world. Through these years they went
to be versatile but concentrating to offer their customer the best quality of products with low
prices and get them through the fastest way of delivery to be earth's most customer centric
During our strategic analysis, we were pointing out the possible existing strengths for Amazon
and putting down other chances that could be tackled by the company to get bigger. To get a
clearer overview for the current company situation that could help in initiating or drawing the
possible future strategies for Amazon in the upcoming future, different tools of analysis were
performed such as IFE, EFE, CPM, SWOT, SPACE matrix as well as BCG matrix that were
followed by QSPM to choose which strategy is better to the corporate. Hence, we were able to
create recommendations.
It was obvious that Amazon is a widely diverse business holder which has a wide range of
products, services, ideas, and well-established business either online or physical stores as well.
For sure, as any other company, profit is the main driver for any retailer, and this is clear from
Amazon history. Nevertheless, throughout our analysis of this tremendously upgrowing
corporate, we were looking for points of opportunities for more promising expansion for
Amazon during the upcoming 3-years period in particular fields, which enable more customer
satisfaction as well as aligned with the company innovation through the field of web services that
would be the future of any business.

While doing the strategic analysis on Inc we have recommended two strategies.
The two strategy recommendations will help the company grow their revenue and increase their
position in the industry. Amazon should go for aggressive strategic action through market

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penetration model in a new promising up growing markets in which it hasn’t a predominant
coverage throughout the world, to get more market share which will be accompanied by
increasing revenue in return. We recommend that Amazon expand through the two continent,
Latin America, and Africa. In addition to expanding current operations in Europe and Asia.
The other recommendation we suggest for is developing a new business through creating a medical
insurance corporate to be named as AmazonMedical, based on its giant infrastructure in that field
as well as the background of Amazon in the healthcare field, to build up and taking the advantage
of that experience, we recommend furthering this knowledge in creating a worldwide medical
insurance company AmzonMedical. The innovative technology Amazon offers creates a unique
experience for the consumer from other competitors in this field.

Company overview
In 1994 Jeff Bezos, a former Wall Street hedge fund executive, founded, choosing
the name primarily because of its association with the vast South American river. He was
encouraged by books would be the most logical product initially to sell online. Although it was
primarily started as a bookseller, Bezos contended from its start that was a
technology company whose business was simplifying online transactions for consumers and could
be extended to other retailers. Inc is an online retailer, and Web services provider which turned to be the iconic
example of electronic commerce. It was grown up in Seattle, Washington. is a vast
Internet-based enterprise that sells books, music, movies, housewares, electronics, toys, and many
other goods, either directly or as a third-party member between other retailers and their customers.
Its Web services business includes renting data storage and computing resources, so-called “cloud
computing,” over the Internet.
The business strategy was often met with skepticism. Doubters claimed it ultimately
would lose in the marketplace to established bookselling chains, such as Borders and Barnes &
Noble, once they had launched competing e-commerce sites. However, Bezos dismissed all these
criticisms and argued that to succeed as an online retailer, a company needed to “Get Big Fast”, in
fact, did grow fast, its revenues jumped from $15.7 million in 1996 to $148 million
in 1997, followed by $610 million in 1998. Until in February 2021, announced for 2020 operating

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profits of $22,899 million, up from $2,233 million in 2015, and revenue of $386 billion, up from
$107 billion five years earlier.
Moreover, it expanded rapidly in other areas. Its Associates program, where other Web sites could
offer merchandise for sale and would fill the order and pay a commission, the
company quickly began selling more than books. It was also selling consumer electronics, video
games, software, home-improvement items, toys and games, and much more.

Financially, to sustain that growth, needed more than private investors to underwrite
the expansion. In addition to the cash, the company was able to use its high-flying stock to fund
its aggressive growth and acquisition strategy.
Although offering more types of goods broadened its appeal, it was’s service that
gained it customer loyalty and ultimate profitability. Its personalization tools recommended other
products to buy based on both a customer’s purchasing history and data from buyers of the same
items. Its publishing of customer reviews of products fostered a “community of consumers” who
helped each other find everything from the right book to the best blender.

As Bezos claimed that was not a retailer but a technology company, hence, it
launched Amazon Web Services (AWS), which initially offered data on Internet traffic patterns,
Web site popularity, and other statistics for developers and marketers. Afterwards, it was expanded
with its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), that rents out computer processing power in small or large
increments, which was followed by the Simple Storage Service (S3), which rents data storage over
the Internet, became available. S3 and EC2 quickly succeeded and helped popularize the idea that
companies and individuals do not need to own computing resources; they can rent them as needed
over the Internet, or “in the cloud.” AWS is even used by’s rivals, such as Netflix,
which uses both S3 and EC2 for its competing video streaming service.
Then they directed to achieve more control over deliveries, in which company began holding
inventory in its warehouses as well as Fulfillment by Amazon service that managed the inventory
of such business. Its growing inventory-management business grown up on purchasing of Kiva
Systems, a robotics company whose devices automate inventory-fulfillment duties.

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Nevertheless, despite having branched out well beyond online retailing, the bulk of the company’s
revenues continues to come through selling products online (though its most profitable division
remains AWS). has several products and services available, including:

• Amazon Marketplace • Amazon Drive • Amazon Music Unlimited

• Amazon Fresh • Amazon Studios • Amazon Connect
• Amazon Prime • Amazon Web Services • Amazon Webstore
• Amazon Kindle Fire • Amazon Wireless • Amazon Home Services
• Amazon Fire TV • Amazon Fresh • Amazon Destinations
• Amazon Games • Amazon Prime Air • Amazon Book
• Amazon Art • Amazon Go
• Amazon Video • Amazon Video Direct

Existing Vision, Mission and Values Analysis Inc.’s vision and mission statements have pushed the company to become the largest
online retailer in the world. The corporate vision statement provides organizational direction
toward a desired future condition of the business, while the corporate mission presents business
goals and guides strategic formulation in the company. Amazon’s vision statement shows a future
of global dominance in the online retail industry. On the other hand, Amazon’s mission statement
focuses on effective and high-quality service.

Amazon’s vision statement is “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers
can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” It highlighted the organization’s
main aim of becoming the best e-commerce company in the world. The following components or
characteristics are emphasized in Amazon’s vision statement:

1. Global reach; The “global reach” component in Inc.’s vision statement is all
about international leadership in the e-commerce market. Thus, a corresponding strategic objective
is global expansion, especially through market penetration and market.

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2. Customer prioritization; The “customer prioritization” component shows that the firm
considers customers as the most important stakeholder group in the online retail business.

3. Widest selection of products; Moreover, it indicates continuing efforts to broaden the product
mix, under Inc.’s marketing mix approach.

Meanwhile, Amazon’s mission statement is as follows: “We strive to offer our customers the
lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.” It promises an
attractive e-commerce service to satisfy customers’ needs. The following components or features
are identifiable in Amazon’s mission statement:

1. Lowest prices; The “lowest prices” component of the mission statement guides
Inc.’s pricing strategy. Such low prices are a selling point that makes the company’s e-commerce
website and service attractive. A corresponding strategic objective is to reduce operational costs.

2. Best selection; It also points to having the best selection. The availability of a wide variety of
products on the company’s website is a major factor that attracts customers.

3. Utmost convenience; Moreover, It emphasizes convenience. Convenience is a common

criterion that consumers use in evaluating the quality of the online retail service

Amazon Values

 Customer Obsession  The Highest Standards

 Ownership  Think Big
 Invent and Simplify  Bias for Action
 Learn and Be Curious  Earn Trust
 Hire the Best  Deliver Results

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Developing new Vision and Mission
A recommendation to improve this vision statement is to broaden the scope of the business. This
is so because the company already has a physical bookstore, known as Amazon Books, located in
Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

New suggested vision:

“To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where our customers can utilize online for
everything in their life”

On the other side, it is recommended that a characterization of the nature of the business, such as
its e-commerce nature, must be included in its mission statement. Such characterization helps in
specifications of strategies for the online retail business. Amazon is guided by four principles:
customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational
excellence, and long-term thinking.

New Mission: We strive to offer our customers the best expected services, the best innovative
online solutions, best utilization of online for better or easier life.

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Value Chain Analysis
Since Amazon is a widely diverse brand that utilize different ways to sell its products and service
to their customers, through selling Business-to-Consumer approach similar to any online retailers,
meanwhile Amazon has a variety of products and services.
In addition, another platform that Amazon created is Amazon Marketplace which gave the chance
for any retailer to sell virtually their product through Amazon's platform. Therefore, the difference
between and Amazon marketplace that you deal directly with it on
while within Amazon Marketplace one can deal with products from Amazon itself as well as other
retailers using its platform for commission and fees for any products sold through it.

Hence, Amazon created and mastered different ways to market and sell their products using
multiple marketing strategies, as follows:
1. Customer tracking: using cookies on a customer's hard drive. This embedded marketing
feature personalizes the shopping experience of each customer based on past product views and

2. Ratings and reviews: They implemented a review system on their platform. Amazon has set
the precedent for their reviews, and they are widely known and respected throughout their
customer base. Their review system is unique in that it has consumers review individual products
where a lot of companies ask consumers to rate and review the company as a whole.

3. Customer loyalty: Amazon Prime was a powerful membership tool that benefits loyal
customers with quicker shipping, better pricing, and other benefits. Loyalty members spend a large
percentage more than nonmembers.

4. Amazon Advertising: This approach is directed to help those retailers using Amazon
Marketplace to market and advertise their products and for sure Amazon will be getting benefits
as it will get a percentage of each transaction made on the marketplace through other retailers.

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Amazon’s Generic Strategy
Amazon concentrated on cost leadership strategy throughout different market segments, in
addition to differentiation strategy as well. In which they offer fast paced delivery services and
having more products and services than competitors. One more technique for differentiation, is
through offering innovative technology that is used for both consumers and producers.
Amazon provides an online platform, with quick delivery and nearly every product on the market.
The third strategy that Amazon has started to use is unrelated diversification, by entering an
existing market, in which it started with textbooks, now having over 80 different labels. Offering
a new delivery service for an existing market is one-way amazon uses unrelated diversification.
In addition, company that started as an online bookstore and has transformed into a mass online
retailer using one competitive advantage, adaptability. Amazon has a competitive advantage of
fulfillment, from their shipment services to the importance of consumers' goods being delivered.

Future Strategic Objectives

1. Global expansion, especially through market penetration and market development.
2. Reduce operational costs through logistics development by longitudinal integration.
3. Innovative technologies.
4. Artificial intelligence.
5. acquiring new companies,
6. getting into new markets (North Africa, South Africa, South America & Middle East)
7. streamlining its manufacturing and distribution processes.

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SWOT Analysis
1. Strong brand name – As a global e-commerce giant, Amazon has a strong position and
successful brand image in the market.
2. Customer centricity: What do you do when you want to buy anything? You look up for it on
3. Huge diversification of different fields of business.
4. Amazon prime: In September 2020, CIRP reported that the number of Prime members in the
US had grown to 126 million.66 Prime members spent $1,400 per year on average compared
to $600 for non-Prime members
5. operating profits of $22,899 million, up from $2,233 million in 2015, on sales of $386
billion, up from $107 billion five years earlier so we can consider amazon as amarket leader
in online retail industry.
6. Brand valuation .
- Amazon Music reached 55 million users, just 5 million behind the leader, Apple
- In 2018, Amazon Prime’s Instant Video was the second most popular video streaming
service in the United States, behind Netflix and ahead of Hulu.
- Amazon had also begun building a portfolio of streaming rights for professional sports
- In September 2020, Amazon launched Luna, a cloud gaming service.
7. Largest merchandise selection .
- Amazon owns extensive product mix which attracts online customers to make their
majority of purchases from it rather than other online retailers.
- 2020, Amazon launched “Luxury Stores,” where shoppers could find “established and
emerging luxury fashion and beauty brands.
- AWS reaching $45.3 billion in 2020 (11.8% of total sales). More than half of Amazon’s
operating profit ($22.9 billion) came from AWS ($13.5 billion).

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8. Involved into 3 key business – Amazon Marketplace, Amazon Web Services (AWS),
and Amazon Prime are 3 key businesses of Amazon which work and support each other. As
a whole, they generate massive profits and advantages for the company.
9. Amazon Go convenience store with no cash registers. This store introduced the concept of
Just Walk Out (JWO) shopping.
10.Amazon also began pioneering a concept called the Virtual Contact Center, which would
allow employees to work from home this is action
lead to that amazon announced that they would hire an additional more
employees in the us and Canada .


1. Lack of Substantial Physical Presence.

This point proves that a single factor can act as both an advantage and a hurdle. While
the online-for-the-most-part approach helps the company save a large amount in costs, it
prevents Amazon from tapping into markets where e-commerce is still an emerging
2. Free shipping .
Amazon usually offers free shipping to its customers (on eligible items) when a
consumer places an order over $25. This has a role to play in its popularity because no
one likes to pay shipping. However, it is a costly approach and can affect the company’s
margins by a great deal. While it seems to be working for now, the strategy may require
some consideration in the future.
3. Physical store sales were $4.5 billion in the final quarter of 2017, falling to $4.4 billion in
the final quarter of 2019.
4. poor working conditions in the company’s warehouses, including the failure to pay its
employees a living wage.
5. Loss of Competitive Advantage.
Amazon started out as an online bookstore. Since then, it has turned into a full-fledged
online retail marketplace that aims to sell everything. That has worked out in its favor but
the company still lost its focus and competitive edge in that particular industry.

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1- Market Expansion.
a. Amazon Appstore for Android with 3,800 apps. The Google Android Market
offered 200,000 apps at the time. By early 2019, Amazon’s offering had expanded
to 475,000 apps. The Google Play Store offered 2.1 million. Apple offered 1.8
b. Amazon studios: In 2019, Amazon was set to spend nearly $6 billion on original
content, compared to Netflix’s $15 billion.
2- Partnership.
a. In December 2019, Amazon made an agreement with Apple and Google to build
a common standard for voice-enabled devices. The alliance, called “Project
Connected Home,” was expected to further boost adoption of smart home devices.
3- Amazon’s entry into digital devices .
a. the release of the Kindle, a device that allowed users to download and read
books, newspapers, and magazines.
b. In Q1 2019, Kindle accounted for 8% of global tablet sales, behind Apple (27%),
Samsung (13%), and Huawei (10%).
4- Amazon Fresh .
a. Amazon Fresh, the company’s most recent venture, provides seamless in-store
and online shopping as well as consistently cheap rates.
b. By November 2020, AmazonFresh was available in 18 US cities and in certain
markets in Germany, England, Japan, and India .
5- preparing to launch a new business-to-consumer (B2C) service called Shipping with
Amazon (SWA), directly competing with UPS and FedEx.
6- Amazon acquired the autonomous driving startup Zoox . The initial goal was to launch a
commercial driverless ride-sharing service to compete with Google’s and the longer-term
vision was to overhaul Amazon’s logistics operations to solve the last-mile delivery
7- In February 2020, Amazon opened its first cashier-less supermarket, called Amazon Go
Grocery, This so-called cashier-less technology is nothing but a Trojan horse that will let

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Amazon control and monopolize competing retailers and give Jeff Bezos direct access to
their customer data .


1- Cybercrime.
a. Cybercrime and data theft are modern-day criminal activities that put internet
users at risk, especially those individuals who shop online. There is an increased
awareness among the public about the perils of sharing personal and bank account
details over the web today. This has forced people to avoid shopping online when
they can to some extent.
2- Counterfeits Goods:
a. The government is putting pressure on Amazon to be held accountable for the
harm caused by counterfeit products sold by third-party sellers on Amazon. A
court has found that Amazon is accountable for the physical injury and property
damage caused by an explosion triggered by a counterfeit battery sold on
3- Government Regulation .
a. Meanwhile, Amazon attracted heavy criticism for its process of choosing a city to
host its second headquarters. In September 2017, Amazon announced that it was
looking to build a $5 billion second headquarters (HQ2) in North America. In
response, 238 cities began competing for the honor, offering billions in tax breaks
and exemptions. In November 2018, Amazon decided that HQ2 would be split
between New York City and Arlington, Virginia. Community organizers and
lawmakers in New York City criticized the decision, arguing that Amazon’s
presence would accelerate gentrification and negatively impact the city’s poor.
Facing this pressure, in February 2019, Amazon abandoned its plans for a New
York City campus. Despite growing criticism, Amazon remained popular with

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b. In March 2019, Amazon found itself in the crosshairs again, as US Senator and
presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren called for the breakup of the United
States’ tech giants, including Amazon.
c. July 2019, the European Union launched an investigation into Amazon’s use of
third-party data on its platform .
d. incoming Biden administration had laid out a more favorable policy agenda for
organized labor, and it was likely that corporations would see higher taxes .

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Situation analysis:
EFE Matrix
Amazons EFE highlights the opportunities and threats of the company. These factors which
affect affirm and how affirm responds to these factors.

No. Opportunities Weight Rate Weighted Score

1 Expansion into new market 0.10 3 0.3
2 New partnership 0.06 4 0.24
3 Global expansion 0.03 3 0.09
4 Acquisition with companies 0.07 4 0.28
5 Customer expending increase 0.05 4 0.20
6 Currency fluctuation 0.05 3 0.15
7 Increase number of internet users 0.03 4 0.12
8 Broadband access technology 0.03 4 0.12
9 Increase online sales 0.05 4 0.20
10 Grocery market 0.01 3 0.03

No. Threats Weight Rate Weighted Score

1 Aggressive competition 0.07 2 0.14
2 Easy to enter the market 0.02 2 0.04
3 High inflation 0.07 2 0.14
4 Highest level of unemployment 0.04 1 0.04
5 Government regulation 0.06 1 0.06
6 Competitive price 0.06 2 0.12
7 Competition in the global market 0.04 2 0.08
8 High interest rate 0.04 2 0.08
9 Volatile stock market 0.04 2 0.08
10 Imitation of business model 0.08 2 0.16
The Total EFE score 1 2.67

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Amazon IFE highlighted the strengths and weakness for the company. An IFE matrix gives
important information about the company and helps to build strategy formulation.

No. Strengths Weight Rate Weighted Score

1 Customers Loyalty 0.10 4 0.40
2 Strong Management team 0.08 3 0.24
3 Competitive product/services pricing 0.08 4 0.32
4 Diverse Products/ services 0.07 4 0.28
5 Strategic Alliances 0.07 4 0.28
6 Corporate culture 0.05 3 0.15
7 Distribution Centers 0.05 3 0.15
8 Efficient Logistics 0.03 4 0.12
9 Technology Innovation 0.03 4 0.12
10 Acquisitions 0.02 4 0.08

No. Weakness Weight Rate Weighted Score

1 Accumulation of deficit 0.09 1 0.09
2 Tax avoidance ( damage brand) 0.08 2 0.16
3 High Inventory Risk 0.05 2 0.10
4 Small numbers of suppliers 0.05 2 0.10
5 Operating Losses 0.05 2 0.10
6 Product Failure 0.03 1 0.03
7 Loss of profits in market( some cities) 0.02 2 0.04
8 Workplace Conditions 0.02 2 0.04
9 Employee Strikes 0.02 2 0.04
10 Warehouse attrition rate 0.01 1 0.01
Total Score 1 2.85

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IE Matrix
Combination of the total weight score for IFE and EFE.

•Backward, Forward or Horizontal

•Market Penetration
•Market development
•Product development
Grow & build
The EFE Total weighted scores

The IFE Total Weighted Score

Strong Average Weak

3.0 to 4.0 2.0 to 2.99 1.0 to 1.99
3.0 2.0 1.0
3.0 to 4.0
2.0 to 2.99

1.0 to 1.99


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Major competitors are Walmart and Alibaba.
Amazon accounted more than one third of the world’s cloud storage business. In 2015 started
publishing separate financials for AWS . Revenues grew rapidly , reaching $45.3 billion in 2020
almost 11.8% from the total sales .
Walmart is the second competitor and they have similar services and products as Amazon.
It is considered as a warehouse store and has the majority of services and products that other
warehouses such as Costco provide. This includes deli, produce, car repair, gardening, home
supplies .
Walmart has been using what is known as EDLP (Everyday Low Prices).
Alibaba gives a cloud computing service called “Alibaba Cloud” that is similar to Amazon.
Alibaba also has a Digital Media and Entertainment that has their own set of channels. They
have a competitive pricing strategy in which they maintain the product prices little less compared
to the competitors. This allows a healthy competition without losing the profit margin.
Amazon’s market share in the worldwide cloud infrastructure market amounted to 32 percent in
the first quarter of 2021.

Amazon Walmart Alibaba

No Factors Weight Rate Score Rate Score Rate Score
1 Product Quality 0.09 4 0.36 2 0.18 3 0.27
2 0.05 4 0.2 2 0.1 3 0.15
3 Product Variety 0.20 4 0.8 3 0.6 3 0.6
4 0.10 3 0.3 1 0.1 2 0.2
5 Market Share 0.05 3 0.15 4 0.2 4 0.2
6 0.14 4 0.56 2 0.28 2 0.28
7 Brand 0.09 4 0.36 4 0.36 3 0.27
8 Market 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06 4 0.08
9 Financial Profit 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06 4 0.08
10 Shipping time 0.10 3 0.3 2 0.2 2 0.2
1 3.15 2.14 2.33

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Pestle analysis
PESTEL Analysis is a strategic framework used to evaluate the external environment of a
business by breaking down the opportunities and risks into Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors. PESTEL Analysis can be an effective
framework to use in Corporate Strategy Planning and for identifying the pros and cons of a
Business Strategy. The PESTEL framework is an extension of the PEST strategic framework,
one that includes additional assessment of the Environmental and Legal factors that can impact a

Political Factors:

Amazon is an American multinational technology company based in Washington. It operates a

number of worldwide marketplaces e.g. Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Australia, Amazon
Brazil, Amazon Canada, Amazon China, Amazon France, Amazon Germany, Amazon India,
Amazon Italy, Amazon Japan, Amazon Mexico, Amazon Netherlands, and Amazon Spain.

On March 29, 2018, President Trump attacked Amazon by tweeting that the company did not
pay enough taxes and implied that he might use the power of the presidency to intervene in the
company’s success.

In March 2019, Amazon found itself in the crosshairs again, as US Senator and presidential
candidate Elizabeth Warren called for the breakup of the United States’ tech giants, including
Amazon.190 Then, in July 2019, the European Union launched an investigation into Amazon’s
use of third-party data on its platform.

In early 2021, there was no indication that legislative and regulatory scrutiny of Amazon would
subside after President-elect Joe Biden took office. The incoming Biden administration had laid
out a more favorable policy agenda for organized labor, and it was likely that corporations would
see higher taxes, but it remained unclear just how aggressively the new administration would
pursue antitrust suits against Amazon and the other tech giants.

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Economic factors:

The company is highly dependent on the economic circumstances in which it operates its non-
online and online dealings.

The following factors are enough to understand the economic factors of the company:

 The economic stability of European countries and the USA.

 Rising disposable wages in developing countries.
 Economic position in the Asian countries like china.

While the economic lockdowns have been devastating for many businesses around the world,
Amazon appears to be different and has had some pretty positive results. It efficiently meets
customers' needs for household goods, groceries, streaming, games, crafts, news, entertainment,
and more, and as a result, consumer spending is increasing as well. However, it should be noted
that high labor costs, especially in the UK and US, as well as tax changes can jeopardize
earnings with a direct impact on the long-term growth of the company.

The economic stability of many emerging nations increases the likelihood of internet industries'
development. This item helps to solve macroeconomic and distant economic difficulties. As a
result, this type of reduction opens up a slew of new development prospects for e-commerce
companies. Furthermore, the business has a lot of promise in industrialized countries. Amazon's
financial success may be aided by growing disposable income. Furthermore, the company's
operations may be jeopardized by China's looming economic downturn.

China is a major market participant with the ability to influence market conditions. Furthermore,
Amazon's business model has the potential to boost growth prospects.

Social Factors:

Social conditions identify the effect of the latest trends and a socio-cultural change on Amazon’s
workings. Amazon is a leading information technology provider in goods and services. Here are
some socio-cultural external factors:

 Rising wealth inconsistency.

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 Rising consumption in developing countries.
 Increasing e-commerce buying.

Consumer behavior has changed rapidly around the world. These days, people tend to get more

That's exactly what Amazon does for them, delivering everything to their doorstep is easy and
convenient for them Likewise, it has opened up a world of opportunities for anyone with the
patience and a bit of tech knowledge. Many people have become financially well off transacting
on Amazon.

The growing wealth gap between rich and poor points to the widening gap. Again it is
considered a threat to the company. This type of higher disposable income is beneficial for e-
commerce businesses in terms of sales. However, growing consumerism also offers many
opportunities for IT service providers and e-commerce companies. It increases the potential
success of the company and creates a competitive advantage over competitors. These factors help
the company to diversify its activities in different regions of the world. As the number of online
shoppers increase day by day, the company's sales increase.

Technological Factors:
Technological innovation can directly impact the working of Amazon. Basically, it is a two-
edged sword that can cause damage if used incorrectly. We have covered the consequences of
technological advancement on the macro-environment in the online business. Below, we have
mentioned some important technological factors:

 Rapid technological advancement.

 Increasing competencies in IT.
 Increasing numbers of cybercrime.

The rapid changes in technology have hit Amazon. It also forces the company to modernize the
system with the latest technology as a major e-commerce retailer. Well, is seen as an
opportunity. For example, large investments in technology and the IT sector can give a company

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a powerful boost and increase its competitive advantage in the relevant field. In this way, they
can protect the company from hackers and compete with new entrants.

Many people are concerned about the impact of technology on the usability and social structure
of our society. Likewise, many Amazon merchants and customers are concerned about the
security of sensitive data, for example. credit and debit cards and any personally identifiable
information stored on the Amazon website.

It's a great opportunity for Amazon to increase its IT efficiency. Therefore, improved IT
technologies can reduce operating costs and multiply online retail productivity. Additionally, the
risk of a cybercrime can pose a great threat to large companies like Amazon. It threatens the
customer experience and the integrity of Amazon. Hence, it is imperative to invest in this
segment to improve the cybersecurity of the company. They must invest in appropriate
technology sectors to maintain their position and improve their operations. In short, Amazon
needs to improve its technology to continue to better serve customer demands.

Legal Factors:

Amazon needs to follow all legal rules and requirements. It is important for the growth of the
business. They determine the working capacity and reputation of the company. here are some
important external legal factors:

 Increasing production guidelines.

 Varying import/export laws.
 Increasing environmental protection laws on industries.

The growing product legal guidelines are designed particularly for purchaser protection and
safety. This outside circumstance creates possibilities for the enterprise. They can lessen
counterfeit income and merchandise by exploiting those regulations. With sturdy import and
export legal guidelines, the enterprise can diversify its increase and income in unique countries.
They can extend their operations in unique areas because of this form of regulation. It creates a
sturdy bond between providers and sellers. They also can reinforce their emblem picture and

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social recognition through addressing growing environmental safety legal guidelines. These
elements expand the commercial enterprise competitiveness inside the macro-environment.

By using those elements, Amazon can take its operations to success.

Environmental Factors:
Amazon is basically an e-commerce business and it is also affected by a number of
environmental factors. As the number of eco-friendly people grows, this could make or break
Amazon's image. Here are some key environmental factors given:

 Increasing interest in environmental campaigns.

 Increasing prominence on business sustainability.
 The rising popularity of low-carbon practices.

Amazon has the ability to improve its environmental impact by investing in environmental
factors. Certainly, this can make a positive impact on the minds of environmentally conscious
buyers. They can improve energy consumption and waste management. It offers a great
opportunity to improve sustainability, helping to strengthen the brand's image and position in the
market. They can also adopt low-carbon practices to strengthen their reputation. They can also
use energy-saving strategies that demonstrate Amazon's concern for climate change. It also
makes a good influence on the operations and operations of the business.

While Amazon's impact on the environment is difficult to measure, many argue that the company
contributes to environmental destruction. It is worth mentioning, however, that Amazon aims to
be carbon-reducing 50% of its shipments by 2030 and zero-carbon in all operations by 2040.

There is no doubt that Amazon is an important player in the e-commerce retail market. The
company also creates great competition for its rivals like Walmart. Amazon's PESTLE analysis
reveals Amazon's problems and also presents huge opportunities for growth. The company has
the ability to maintain its strategies in the long term. The company has great potential in
developing markets for maximum growth and earnings. Amazon needs to improve its technology
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system with the latest technologies to gain a competitive edge over its competitors. These factors
increase Amazon's chances and also improve customer purchasing power. It is imperative for
Amazon to harness effective strategies to meet the needs of consumers and suppliers.

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Space matrix
Financial Strength Rating Environmental Stability Rating
Current Ratio 5 Technological change -1
Working Capital 4 Price elasticity of demand -1
Revenue 6 Barriers to entry the market -5
Operating Profit 5 Demand variability -2
Return on investment 6 Competitive pressure -3
Cash Flow 4 Pandemics effects -1
Total Score : ( 5 ) Total Score : ( -2.17 )
-2.17 + 5 = ( 2.83 )

Competitive Rating Industrial Strength Rating
Market Share -2 Operation Cost 4
Product Quality -3 Resources utilization 4
Diversity in industries -1 Ability to enter the market 6
Customer service -2 Technological know-how 5
Customer Loyalty -3 Growth potential 4
Vertical integration -2 Profit potential 4
Total Score : ( -2.17 ) Total Score : ( 4.5 )
-2.17 + 4.5 = ( 2.33 )

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5 Forces of Michael Porter
1) Threat of New Entrant
a. No doubt it is easy to start an online retail store or an e-commerce website on the
internet, but it would be difficult for any brand to take on a giant such as Amazon.
b. It would require massive investments in warehousing, distribution, marketing,
making user-friendly website, customer service, logistics and many more.
c. Switching Costs: It is easy to enter the e-commerce industry, and also it is easy to
gain competitors, customers, because of the low switching costs in the market.
d. However, the extensive investment that Amazon makes on its brand development
and, on customer experience, it becomes difficult for the competitors to compete
in the market.
e. For any other brand, it would require billions of dollar investment and, years of
patience, to directly compete with Amazon.
f. Economies of scale: Amazon has an advantage over other brands on economies of
scale because of the reputation of being the largest internet retailer in the market.
g. Customer loyalty
 Amazon gets the advantage of being the first big player in the e-
commerce industry.
 Amazon knew that customer can make or break a business, and,
so it heavily invested in customer experience from the
beginning whether it be modifying customer friendly website,
Delivery time and return of goods. Amazon gave tried to give
its customer the best experience in the market.
 It is also difficult for any other player in the market to invest
heavily in customer experience. In other words, the time of
entry and customer loyalty act as a significant factor in the e-
commerce industry.

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2) Bargaining power of buyers – High
a. Amazon highly emphasizes on customer satisfaction and aims in providing high
value to its customers.
b. Amazon runs a customer-centric approach in its e-commerce business. It
guarantees that the company’s products are of high quality and, received on time.
c. Customers generally have high bargaining power because of the intense
competition in the e-commerce industry.
d. Customers tend to be price sensitive. If Amazon does not provide its customers
with high-quality service at the best price, they will go for its substitute in the
3) Threat of substitute – High
a. Amazon competes with substitutes in the online retail as well as with the offline
retail market.
b. The biggest hurdle that Amazon faces is low switching cost in the industry, as
customers can easily change from Amazon to other retailers.
c. As Amazon does not sell unique products, and most of the products are retail
products, so giving the best customer experience becomes a necessity for the
d. And a single bad experience will drive the customers away from Amazon because
of the easy availability of substitutes at a cheap rate.
e. Thus, the High threat of substitute in the porter’s five forces analysis of amazon
shows that Amazon highly focusses on customer experience to attain success in
the online retail industry.
4) Bargaining Power of Suppliers – Low to Moderate
a. Suppliers provide Amazon with the products that it needs for its e-commerce
b. The influence of suppliers in the e-commerce business is more because without
them, the retailers will not be able to serve their customers.
c. But Amazon is the most prominent player in the industry and has the upper hand
over its suppliers.

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d. No doubt there are many suppliers working with Amazon, but they must follow
strict rules and regulations laid out by Amazon.
e. If Amazon sells a product whose suppliers are in small proportion, then the power
suppliers increase moderately, because there is less competition among the
f. Amazon strictly emphasizes on the ethical working of its suppliers, and it is tough
for the suppliers can even think of the forward integration in the supply chain.
5) Competitive Rivalry – Moderate to High
a. Amazon competes against strong competitors and, the rivalry in the online retail
industry is high.
b. Because in recent years, the number of players entering the industry has increased
with many retailers, small scale brands, and startups are starting to sell their
products online.
c. The main competitors of Amazon are Walmart, Flipkart, Alibaba, eBay and many
more. All these players give intense competition to Amazon.

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BCG Matrix

This Matrix helps businesses design a long term strategic plan. It also helps them consider
growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of products to decide where to invest, to
discontinue or develop products. It analyses market growth and share based on which there are
four quadrants with the y-axis representing rate of market growth and the x- axis representing
market share.:

Cash Cows: There are some product categories that bring in enough revenue for a business entity
to regulate its operations of different business units. These products are labeled as a cash cow
and the manager’s task is to take leverage of these products and utilize their high market share
for gaining high revenues. Amazon has generated a great deal of cash through the sale of its
retail goods, prime subscription and e-books, making them a cash cow for the company.

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Amazon Web services AWS, Amazon Prime Air (Drones), Amazon Fresh, Amazon Retail
Goods, Amazon Prime and Amazon Kindle

Stars: The second category of products i.e. Amazon Prime Air, is a part of the star or rising star,
which holds a high market share. As the name reflects, these products are emerging as the
leading revenue generator for an organization. They do not yield the same financial return as
cash cows, but the future growth of these business units is promising, thus encouraging the
management to continue with the investment in them.

Kindle and Alexa are both Stars. Kindle might not generate as much revenue as other products,
but it is the market leader under eBooks category. Alexa receives competition from Google
Home but still enjoys high market share, and brings in good revenue. Both these products were
new but the market wasn’t, hence it was a product development.

Even though these products require high investment, they are in a growing phase which suggests
that these business units are likely to become cash cows once the industry has reached maturity.

Question Marks: The next quadrant included in BCG Matrix is question marks. Amazon Fresh
have the chances of growing into a profitable business, however the limited market share makes
it impossible to use these business units as prime revenue generator. The industry is still in
growth phase, which indicates that question marks may emerge as a rising star if the business is
able to set the right direction for these products.

Amazon Music had 15% market share, as compared to Spotify which had 36% in 2019. Prime
Video has Netflix leading the market share. Both these products have low market share but high
growth rate, therefore it comes under the Question mark category. These products can become
‘star’ ,if they receive investment. Since both prime and music were launched into the market
when their rivals were already present, they have mostly been cash cows. Because Amazon was
essentially an Ecommerce giant, both these products were new and launched in a new market.
Thus, it was a Diversification.

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Dogs: The last category in BCG Matrix includes Amazon Auction, Amazon Studios,Amazon fire
which are not generating high sales and have not been able to establish a notable market share.

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Recommendation strategies
1. Global expansion (Horizontal Integration)
This will be implemented through expansion of Amazon business to a new worldwide
market in new continents such as South America as well as Africa.
This recommendation was raised through following the pattern of Amazon distribution
throughout the world (as below figure)

2. Initiation of AmazonMedical (Medical Insurance company) (Product/service

Through the different tools of analysis for strengths as well as opportunities of Amazon
during the current situational analysis, it was crystal clear that it is a well-established giant
online-networking corporate. In addition, it has already a great customer loyalty for their
products and services that were offered to all their customer worldwide. On another side,
Amazon already entered the field of health care about few years ago, through announcing
that it was joint venturing with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Berkshire Hathaway to reduce
healthcare costs through an entity called Haven Healthcare. In addition to announcing that
it was acquiring the online pharmacy PillPack, which provided pre-sorted and dose
packaging for customers with multiple daily prescriptions. Not only that, but also it
launched a “virtual medical clinic” for its employees called Amazon Care. Hence, due to

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this networking infrastructure with these pioneer capabilities and the good history in this
field, it is an excellent opportunity that should be exploited in the field of healthcare.
Expand further into the grocery market by initiating and constructing a new medical health
insurance that implemented worldwide and operated through Amazon and to be named as
AmazonMedical through applying current business knowledge. Making it as a link
between the patient, provider, and Amazon, and competing the world leader in this business
as AXA, MetLife, GlobeMed and Bupa.

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Strategy 1 Strategy 2
No. Opportunities Weight AS TAS AS TAS
1 Expansion into new market 0.10 4 0.4 4 0.4
2 New partnership 0.06 3 0.18 1 0.06
3 Global expansion 0.03 4 0.12 3 0.09
4 Acquisition with companies 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14
5 Customer expending increase 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15
6 Currency fluctuation 0.05 2 0.1 2 0.1
7 Increase number of internet users 0.03 4 0.12 3 0.09
8 Broadband access technology 0.03 2 0.06 2 0.06
9 Increase online sales 0.05 4 0.2 2 0.1
10 Grocery market 0.01 3 0.03 1 0.01

No. Threats Weight AS TAS AS TAS

1 Aggressive competition 0.07 4 0.28 3 0.21
2 Easy to enter the market 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06
3 High inflation 0.07 3 0.21 1 0.07
4 Highest level of unemployment 0.04 3 0.12 3 0.12
5 Government regulation 0.06 4 0.24 4 0.24
6 Competitive price 0.06 3 0.18 3 0.18
7 Competition in the global market 0.04 3 0.12 3 0.12
8 High interest rate 0.04 2 0.08 1 0.04
9 Volatile stock market 0.04 3 0.12 1 0.04
10 Imitation of business model 0.08 2 0.16 1 0.08

No. Strengths Weight AS TAS AS TAS

1 Customers Loyalty 0.10 2 0.2 1 0.1
2 Strong Management team 0.08 3 0.24 2 0.16
3 Competitive product/services pricing 0.08 4 0.32 2 0.16
4 Diverse Products/ services 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14
5 Strategic Alliances 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14
6 Corporate culture 0.05 3 0.15 1 0.05
7 Distribution Centers 0.05 2 0.1 2 0.1
8 Efficient Logistics 0.03 4 0.12 1 0.03
9 Technology Innovation 0.03 3 0.09 3 0.09
10 Acquisitions 0.02 3 0.06 1 0.02

No. Weakness Weight AS TAS AS TAS

1 Accumulation of deficit 0.09 3 0.27 2 0.18
2 Tax avoidance ( damage brand) 0.08 2 0.16 2 0.16
3 High Inventory Risk 0.05 3 0.15 1 0.05
4 Small numbers of suppliers 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15
5 Operating Losses 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15
6 Product Failure 0.03 2 0.06 3 0.09
7 Loss of profits in market( some 0.02 2 0.04 2 0.04
8 Workplace Conditions 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06
9 Employee Strikes 0.02 3 0.06 2 0.04
10 Warehouse attrition rate 0.01 3 0.03 1 0.01
TOTAL 6.11 4.28

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Goals (Long term objectives)
1. Online Marketplace leader throughout Latin America.
2. Online Marketplace leader through Africa and Middle East
3. Increase market share of online retail in Asia

The Strategic Plan for Amazon 2021-2024

1. Market Penetration in Latin America: - 1st year

Powerful growth will define the future of Latin America’s e-commerce market in the
following years: 29% growth in volume between 2020 and 2024 with a projected volume
of more than US$580 billion, according to Americas Market Intelligence (AMI) analysis
from its 2020-2024 LatAm E-Commerce Datapack.

While there are more than 20 countries in Latin America, only a handful have developed
strong e-commerce markets with significant amounts of transactions.
The top 6 that AMI identified are:
Brazil: E-commerce market worth $147.6 billion in 2021
Mexico: E-commerce market worth $49.6 billion in 2021
Colombia: E-commerce market worth $18.8 billion in 2021
Argentina: E-commerce market worth $17.1 billion in 2021
Chile: E-commerce market worth $16.5 billion in 2021
Peru: E-commerce market worth $9.9 billion in 2021

Between 2020 and 2024, the e-commerce growth rates for these markets are projected to
Brazil: 30% growth in its e-commerce market by 2024
Mexico: 27% growth in its e-commerce market by 2024
Colombia: 21% growth in its e-commerce market by 2024
Argentina: 32% growth in its e-commerce market by 2024
Chile: 28% growth in its e-commerce market by 2024
Peru: 42% growth in its e-commerce market by 2024

Amazon was a relevant internet retailer for Latin America due to cross-border purchases.
In recent years, the company has been more proactive in Latin America, launching
localized e-commerce operations in Mexico and Brazil, and beginning to launch Echo in
the region. Recently, and because of the huge recent increase in Latin America market,
Amazon should take an action to take a larger share out of this upgrowing market.
Amazon’s presence in Latin America should continue to grow

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Hence, the main objectives for the first year in order to penetrate Latin America online
are as follow:
a. Decreasing the prices by 10% and give special discounts of 20% on Amazon
marketplace in Latin America.
b. Acquiring of Americanas marketplace, one of the online retailers in Latin America as
Americanas & Casas Bahia.
c. Construct a massive marketing media campaign for brand awareness with
participation of celebrities as, Messi, Neymar or Shakira.
d. Increase market share of online transactions in Latin America by 15% of last year
e. Increase operating profit for 10% of last year.
f. Increase the online visitors or customer on Amazon marketplace by 25% as a number
compared to 2021.
g. Construct two inventory localized facilities in Mexico and Brazil by the end of 2022.

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Market Penetration through Africa: - 2nd year
It’s common for people in the West to have a simple view of Africa as an impoverished
continent, where anything that is not strictly necessary – like online shopping – is a luxury for a
tiny elite. The reality, of course, is much more complex.

Africa has a young population, fast-growing cities and rapidly increasing disposable income. It is
home to 54 countries, each at their own stage of economic development. Africa’s most populous
country, Nigeria, also has the largest economy, ahead of many developed countries

Online retail revenue in Africa is estimated at around $20 billion annually, which is only 3.5% of
total retail sales. This puts online sales for the whole of Africa at a lower level than Australia.
But Africa’s population, at 1.35 billion, is on par with China. Unlike China, Africa’s population
is growing fast, so the demographics will remain skewed to younger people for decades to come.

This means that Africa has all the components for a rapid expansion both in its overall economy
and in ecommerce. It will take several years for it to overtake the likes of China, the US and
Japan, but the African ecommerce market of the future could be the largest in the world.

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Amazon will not miss this promising chance as E-Commerce Business is stimulating significant
growth in a highly populated continent like Africa .

Amazon as a gigantic global online retailer market leader has a massive opportunity to execute
its futuristic mission to expand its business activities through Africa ,However there is an
existing players in the market but Amazon business model can achieve its high ambition as the
previous entered market.

The largest online marketplaces in Africa

The largest online marketplace in Africa is Jumia, with 23 million visits per month.Jumia is the
only marketplace in the list with a truly Pan-African business, bringing in sales from Nigeria,
Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, Tunisia and more.

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Amazon after acquiring souq which held operations at KSA, UAE and Egypt, Amazon has
entered African Market through Egypt and this only first step.

Our recommendation for fast market penetration for Amazon to acquire one of market leaders in
Africa like Jumia or

By Existing in Africa Amazon can establish its giant Infrastructure network to dominate the E-
Business in Africa.

Amazon Business model will provide the local SME companies to fast growing which enrich the
country’s GDP through B2C business.

Amazon can also provide a B2B business via agricultural products that’s a centric pillar of many
African countries.

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Hence, the main objectives for the first year in order to penetrate Africa online market,
are as follow:
1. Acquiring of Jumia or,
2. Decreasing the prices by 10% and give special discounts of 20% on Amazon
marketplace in Africa.
3. Construct a massive marketing media campaign for brand awareness with
participation of celebrities as Mohamed salah,Denzel Washington ,Didier Drogba
,Mane .
4. Develop a central Warehouses to cover the continent through gradually openining
a strategic location to cover the African regions.
For Example, (North Africa: Egypt – West Africa: Nigeria –Central Africa:
Angola-East Africa: Tanzania – Sothern Africa: South Africa)

5. Increase market share of online transactions in Africa by 15%

6. Increase the online visitors or customer on Amazon marketplace by 25% as a
number compared to 2021.

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Market Penetration through Asia: -3rd Year
The largest online marketplaces in Asia

# Type Name Region/Country Product Category SE Asia Visits/month

1 Shopee Southeast Asia General 342.8M

2 Tokopedia Indonesia General 137.3M

3 Lazada Southeast Asia General 128.4M

4 Bukalapak Indonesia General 30.4M

5 Blibli Indonesia General 20.6M

6 Tiki Vietnam General 15.6M

7 Sendo Vietnam General 7.4M

8 Zalora Southeast Asia Fashion 6.9M

9 Qoo10 Southeast Asia General 3.7M

According to the above table, Amazon isn’t listed in The largest online marketplaces in Asia.

So, Amazon needs to follow its previous scenario in explanation by acquiring any of the middle
companies in online retailers in ASIA or partnerships with these companies to increase its market
share and be able to increase customer awareness about Amazon services.

Amazon will face stiff competition in Southeast Asia as a whole, from Alibaba and In
Vietnam specifically, Lazada, which Alibaba owns 83% of, controls approximately 30% of the
country’s e-commerce business, according to the Nikkei Asian has shown
interest as well, investing approximately $50 million in Tiki, a Vietnam-based online retailer that
it intends to help with fulfillment, logistics, and more. The presence of both of these powerful
companies will make it difficult for Amazon to succeed in Vietnam, and if the company looks to
expand to other markets, like Indonesia, it will find similar situations, often with Alibaba and having a significant head start.

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1- Increase Amazon’s market share by generating partnerships or merge with one of the
middle companies in online retails
2- Increase the revenue from Asia Market by Acquiring Qoo10 or Zalora.
3- Increasing the number of customer visitors by offering discounts up to 20% for new
customers from the ASIA region.
4- Increase the online transactions by considering the Asia regions’ customers as Amazon
Prime to gain the fast shipment advantage.
5- Increase marketing reputation by contracting with the celebrities in this region and
increasing digital marketing campaigns through TV and social media platforms.

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