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Verbs Patterns: 1.-Verbs Followed by A To-Infinitive

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Verbs Patterns

1.- Verbs followed by a to-infinitive

Some verbs can be followed immediately by a to-infinitive:
Afford Can/ can Demand Help Neglect Regret Try
´t stand
Agree Care Deserve Hope Offer Remember Volunteer
Aim Cease Desire Intend Plan Resolve Wait VERBS + INFINITIVE
Appear Choose Expect Know Pledge See Want OR
Arrange Claim Fail Learn Prefer Seem Wish GERUND
Ask Consent Forget Like Prepare Start Would hate
Attempt Continue Go on Love Pretend Struggle Would like We can use an
Begin Dare Guarantee Manage Promise Stop Would love object before the
Can afford Decide Hate Mean Propose Swear Would prefer infinitive with this
Can/ can´t bear Decline Happen Need Refuse Tend verb.

2.- Verbs followed by -ing

-ing but not to-infinitive
Some verbs are normally followed by the -ing form, not the to-infinitive:

Admit Continue Finish Listen Regret

Anticipate Consider Forget Love Rememb VERBS FOLLOWED BY- ING
New subject before
Appreciate Delay Give up Mention Risk
Attempt Deny Go on Mind See Some of these verbs
(e.g. can’t stand,
Avoid Detest Hate Miss Smell dislike, imagine,
Begin Discuss hear Neglect Start involve, mind, miss,
Can/ can´t bear Dislike Imagine Practice Stop VERBS + INFINITIVE OR put off and risk) can be
used with a new
Can´t help Enjoy Involve Prefer Suggest GERUND subject before the -
Can/can´t stand Fancy Keep (on) Propose Try ing form (underlined in
Cease Feel like Like Put off Watch VERB + the examples below). If
the new subject is a
-ing / to + Try Need pronoun, it is in the
inf. -change Regret object form (me, him,
in the her, us, them):
Mean Help
Stop Go on

3.- To-infinitive or -ing form with a change in 4.- Verbs + -ing / to inf. - no change in meaning
meaning Hate, like, love, prefer
Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by -ing or a to-infinitive.
Some verbs can be followed by a to-infinitive or the -
begin, continue, intend, start
ing form, but with a change in meaning:

Go on Need Remember Try Hate Like Love Prefer

Mean Regret Stop Want The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form
emphasizes the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the
emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the
5.- Verbs followed by -ing or an infinitive
without to
A group of verbs connected with feeling, hearing
Feel Overhear
and seeing can be used with -ing or with an
Hear See
infinitive without to Notice Watch

7.- Verbs followed by an infinitive

without to
6.- Verb + Infinitive or Gerund (ing)
Let and make are followed by an
infinitive without to in active voice
sentences. They always have an object
. (underlined) before the infinitive:

Attempt Continue Hate Propose Start Let Make Help can be

Begin Don´t Like Remember Stop Help followed by
an infinitive
without to or
Can/can´t bear Forget Neglect Try a to-infinitive:
Can/ can´t stand Go on Prefer See
Cease Love Regret Spend
Adjective Preposition Collocations
List of useful adjectives and prepositions collocations in English.

List of Adjective Bored with Addicted to Enthusiastic about List of Adjective

Collocations Busy with Allergic to Excited about Collocations with
with OF Careless with Anxious to Furious about AT
Clever with Apposed to Guilty about
Comfortable with Attached to Happy about

Accused of Clever of Concerned with Beneficial to Hopeful about Amazed at

Afraid of Connected with Cruel to Mad about Angry at
Ashamed of List of Content with Curious to Nervous about Annoyed at
Aware of Adjective Coordinated with Disappointed to Obsessed about Awful at
Capable of Collocations Crowded with Eager to Optimistic about Bad at
Clever of with FOR Delighted with Eligible to Pessimistic about Brilliant at
Certain of Eligible for Familiar with Exposed to Puzzled about Clever at
Conscious of Eager for Disgusted with Faithful to Sensitive about Delighted at
Fond of Late for Fed up with Grateful to Serious about Disappointed at
Free of Mean for Free with Identical to Sorry about Excellent at
Generous of Qualified for Friendly/unfriendl Immune to Sure about Excited at
Frightened of Thankful for y with Indifferent to Sympathetic about Good at
Full of Concerned for Furious with Inferior to Terrible about Hopeless at
Guilty of Clever for Furnished with Keen to Upset about Mad at
Hopeful of Happy for Generous with Late to Worried about Presented at
In charge of True for Gentle with Limited to Wrong about Skilled at
In danger of Good for Happy with Married to Successful at
In favor of Free for Impressed with Mean to List of Adjective Surprised at
Innocent of Bad for Cluttered with Polite/impolite to Collocations with Terrible at
Envious of Difficult for Lucky with Qualified to IN
Jealous of Grateful for Patient with Related to Comfortable in Adjectives and
Kind of Hard for Careful with Relevant to Connected in Prepositions:
Made of Known for Pleased with Sad to Disappointed in FROM
Nasty of Notorious for Popular with Sensitive to Experienced in Made from
Nervous of Prepared for Satisfied with Similar to Interested in Different from
Nice of Ready for Wrong with Slow to Polite/impolite in Safe from
Proud of Renowned for Superior to Present in Absent from
Rid of Responsible for List of Adjective Sympathetic to Skilled in Free from
Scared of something Collocations with Thankful to Slow in
Selfish of Serious for TO Unreasonable to Successful in Adjectives +
Sensible of Suitable for Happy to Wrong to Talented in Prepositions: ON
Sick of Thirsty for Delighted to Keen on
Silly of Famous for Pleased to List of Adjective List of Adjective Based on
Suspicious of Sorry for Concerned to Collocations with Collocations with
Selfish of Familiar to ABOUT BY
Sensible of List of Proud to Angry about Amazed by
Sick of Adjective Kind to Annoyed about Delighted by
Silly of Collocations Rude to Anxious about Disturbed by
Suspicious of with WITH Scared to Careful about Excited by
Sure of Acquainted Free to Careless about Fascinated by
Stupid of with Good to Certain about Impressed by
Tired of Angry with Nasty to Concerned about Inspired by
True of Annoyed with Nice to Crazy about Selfish by
Typical of Associated with Unkind to Curious about Shocked by
Unkind of Blessed with Accustomed to Depressed about Surprised by
Prepositional Phrases Big list of prepositional phrases with at, in, on, by, with, for, out,… with example sentences
Prepositional Phrases Prepositional Phrases Prepositional Phrases with Prepositional Phrases with AT
with OUT with FOR WITH
Out out struggle For want of With the view of At the foot of At length
Out of debt For the time being With the result that At the expense of At least
Out of work For the sake of With the purpose of At the end At last
Out of trouble For the rest of With the intention of At the drop of a hat At large
Out of the question For the moment With the help of At the door At issue
Out of the ordinary For the good of With the exception of At the bottom of At home
Out of the kitchen For the benefit (of) With the compliments of At the beginning of At high speed
Out of stock For sure With the aid of At the age of At heart
Out of spite For short With respect to At that At hand
Out of sight For sale With regret At times At full throttle
Out of school For safekeeping With regard to At stake At full tilt
Out of respect for For real With reference to At short notice At full strength
Out of reach For once With attention At sea At from the outset
Out of print For nothing With approval At school At for a fraction of
Out of practice For lunch With an eye to At risk At first sight
Out of place For luck With abandon At rest At first
Out of pity For love With a Will At random At fault
Out of order For life At present At face value
Out of one’s mind For lack of Prepositional Phrases At play At ease
Out of love For instance with AT At places At breakfast
Out of jealousy For hire At worst At peace At any rate
Out of in step For granted At work At pains At any cost
Out of ideas For good At will At one’s side At an advantage
Out of hatred For fun At war with At one’s request At all hours
Out of hand For fear of At war At one’s leisure At all events
Out of fashion For example At university At one’s disposal At all costs
Out of duty For ever At this point in time At one’s discretion At a time
Out of doors For dinner At this juncture At one’s desk At a stretch
Out of date For certain At the wheel At one’s best At a stand
Out of danger For breakfast At the thought of At one time At a speed of
Out of curiosity For ages At the top of At once At a rate of
Out of control For a while At the time of At on the double At a price
Out of context For a walk At the table At on sight At a moment’s notice
Out of breath For a visit At the same time At odds with At a low ebb
For a reason At the risk of At noon At a loss for words
For a moment At the ready At night At a loss
For a holiday At the peak of At most At a loose and
For a good reason At the moment At midnight At a guess
For a good cause At the mercy of At midday At a glance
For a change At the latest At loose ends At a distance
At the height of At liberty At a discount
At the hands of At a disadvantag

Prepositional Phrases Big list of prepositional phrases with at, in, on, by, with, for, out,… with example
Prepositional Phrases with Prepositional Phrases with ON Prepositional Phrases with
Without respect On the last day On good terms Under the command of
Without warning On the job On foot Under the age of
Without thinking On the increase On fire Under suspicion
Without respite On the hour On file Under stress
Without question On the horizon On end Under strain
Without precedent On the grounds of On edge Under review
Without foundation On the first day On display Under repair
Without fail On the eve of On credit Under regulations
Without exception On the edge of On condition that Under pressure
Without education On the dot On business Under orders
Without delay On the corner On board Under one’s protection
Without a plan On the ceiling On behalf of Under lock and key
Without a hitch On the brink of On bail Under discussion
Without a good foundation On the assumption On average Under cover of
Without a break On the agenda On approval Under construction
Without (a) doubt On that day On an island Under consideration
On tiptoe On an island Under circumstances
Prepositional On time On an expedition Under arrest
Phrases with ON On television On account of Under age
On vacation On suspicion of On a wall
On trial On strike On a train Prepositional Phrases
On the way to On show On a summer evening with TO
On the way On second thoughts On a spree To the/ this day
On the verge of On sale On a ship To the satisfaction of
On the understanding that On remand On a regular basis To the purpose
On the top of On reflection On a plane To the north
On the tip of On purpose On a pension To the limit
On the stroke of On principle On a motorbike To the life
On the strength of On patrol On a list To the letter
On the second floor On parade On a large / small scale To the last
On the run On paper On a journey/ trip/ cruise To the full
On the roof On order On a diet To the extent of
On the radio On occasion On a bus To the exclusion of
On the phone On no account On a bicycle To the detriment of
On the point of On my wedding day Under treatment To the best of
On Prepositional
the part of Phrases On my birthday Under the pressure of To the accompaniment of
On with UNDER
the outskirts On leave Under the misapprehension To sb’s face
On the off-chance On impulse Under the influence To one’s dismay
On the move On horseback Under the impression that To one’s credit
On the menu On holiday To one’s astonishment
On hand To excess
On guard To date
To an extent

Examples of Prepositional Phrases with OUT

 Out of debt, out of danger.

 Unemployment is getting out of hand.
  Never tell tales out of school.
 I felt out of place among foreigners.
 Out of sight, out of mind.
  Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.
 A hasty man is seldom out of trouble.
 The fire is burning out of control.
 The boy put the telephone out of order.
 I’m afraid we’re temporarily out of stock.
 Their music will never go out of fashion.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with FOR

 For lack of anything better to do, we went to the park.

 One thing’s for sure – once the baby’s born, your lives will never be the same again.
 They have boats for hire.
 I didn’t want to move for fear of waking her up.
 I believe marriage is for life
 She did it for the good of the community.
 She has put her house up for sale.
 After two trial runs we did it for real.
 I haven’t seen you for ages.
 Please sit down for a while.
 We went all that way for nothing

Prepositional Phrase Examples with WITH

 I am writing with reference to your job application.

 The soldiers laid on with a will.
 We bought the house with a view to retiring there.
 We’d like a room with a view of the sea.
 The old man hobbled along with the aid of his stick.
 I ask for her hand with all respect.
 With the help of cold water he was soon brought round.
 She danced with abandon.
 Do not waste time with regret.
 Save your money now with an eye to the future.
 I am writing with regard to your recent order.
 These hazards may lead to complications with regard to insurance.
 I enjoyed all his novels with the exception of his last.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with AT

 At the end of the day.

 Employees can buy books at a discount.
 She went blind at the age of ten.
 Younger workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs.
 He was putting himself at risk.
 There was no reason for her to feel at a disadvantage.
 I pushed the problem aside, at present it was insoluble.
 All speak at the same time.
 The second episode will be screened at the same time tomorrow.
 At the beginning of a ceremonial parade,he gives the order to march on.
 As regards John, I will write to him at once.
 It will cost at least $200.
 I’ve met the president – at least, he shook my hand once.
 You have to call her at once.
 Everything happened at once – she graduated, got a job, and got married, all in July!
 The two countries were at peace.
 The shop at the corner of the street sells helmets.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with WITHOUT

 Working without a break makes you more prone to error.

 It is without precedent in history.
 Everything had gone without a hitch.
 Genius without education is like silver in the mine.
 Speak without thinking is shooting without aiming.
 No good building without a good foundation.
 Without respect, love cannot go far.
 Working without a plan is sailing without a compass.
 We’ve been doing experiments 24 hours without a break.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with ON

 Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa.

 She refuses on principle to understate her income for taxation purposes.
 Tell him from me that he must be at the meeting on time.
 The new model goes on sale next month.
 The paintings are on show until April.
 He tried to jump back on board.
 She’s on leave until the end of the month.
 The car was now on fire.
 He’s on trial for his life.
 Could you put your ideas down on paper?
 The army is on the move.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with UNDER

 There’s a broom cupboard under the stairs.

 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.
 The silver was deformed under stress.
 The matter is still under review.
 A new railroad is under construction.
  He is under treatment for malaria.
  Is the bridge still under repair?

Prepositional Phrase Examples with IN

 He looks younger, but in fact, he is 50 years old.
 It sounds fine in theory, but will it work?
 I am in debt to the bank for my car loan.
 When in doubt, call the doctor.
 Her efforts were in vain.
 She described the accident in detail.
 In any case the report will be made public next month.
 In fact, I always behind you, and sent you a back.
 Took an umbrella, just in case.
 The book is well organized in terms of plot.
 The apple trees are in full bearing.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with BY

 He took the purse from her by force.

 She is the best by far.
 I’ve paid this bill twice by mistake.
 By the way, how is John?
 The road was closed all day by order of the police.
 By the time I got there he’d gone.
 Perhaps they are already there by now.
 He was by nature a philosophical person.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with TO

 I’ve always believed in living life to the full.

 The car is a beauty and quite up to date.
 To date, we have not received any replies.
 To this day, I still don’t understand why he did it.
 He’s in debt to the extent of 300.
 His defending argument was well to the purpose.
 She obeyed his instructions to the letter.
 The kids stretch my patience to the limit.
 The wind has come around to the north.

Prepositional Phrase Examples with WITHIN

 He’ll do anything within reason but he won’t break the law.

 I will be back within an hour.
 I’m willing to help, within limits.
 The shops are within walking distance.
 We live within reach of the station.

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