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A Collection of Interviews With Native Speaker

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The First Example about dialogue between a student

and a native speaker

M = Me F = Foreign
M : Good morning, Sir.

F : Good morning.

M : May I have time to talk with you?

F : Yes, sure. What can I do for you?

M : I am Ali, I have a task to write a diary about meeting foreigners.

F : Mmm, I am Robert, I came from England.

M : Nice to meet you, Sir.

F : Nice to meet you too.

M : May I ask something, Sir?

F : Yes, sure. Why not.

M : How do you think about this temple?

F : This is the second temple I've ever visited. Although it is not so big as
Borobudur, I think it is also incredible place I know.

M : How about Indonesian people, Sir?

F : Indonesian people are very kind as like you. They welcome us very nicely. I am
happy, because English is still learned by most people in this country.

M : Thank you, Sir. I am just practicing my English. How long have you been in
Indonesia, Sir?

F : I have been here for 7 days. I have visited many places in this country.

M : What places have you visited, Sir?

F : There are a lot of places, such as Bali, Lombok, Mount Bromo, Jogja Palace,
Borobudur, this temple, and so on. I enjoyed this vocation.

M : I hope you will come to Indonesia again next time.

F : Yes, I will.

M : Thanks for your time talking with you, Sir. It is pleasure to meet you.

F : You're welcome, I am glad to see you, Ali.

2.The Second Example
Me : Excuse me, good morning sir. You can help
         us to finish our school work? We got a job to
         interview tourist in Borobudur Temple,umm
         maybe only a few minutes. Can you help us?
Artinya : Permisi, selamat pagi pak. Bisakah anda membantu kami dalam
menyelesaikan tugas sekolah? Kita mendapatkan tugas untuk mewawancarai turis
di Candi Borobudur,umm mungkin hanya sebentar. Bisakah anda membantu

Tourist : Of course
Artinya : Tentu saja

Me : What is your name?

Artinya : Siapa nama anda? 

Tourist : My name is Javier

Artinya : Nama saya adalah Javier

Me : Let me introduce my self, my name is Fitri.

         They are my friends Devina, Asep, and
Artinya : Izinkan saya mengenalkan diri, nama
                 saya Fitri. Mereka adalah teman saya 
                 Devina, Asep ,and Yakup.

Tourist: Hello all!

Artinya : Hallo semuanya! 

Me : Hi! Where do you come from ,sir?

Artinya : Hai! Darimana anda berasal,pak?

Tourist : I'm from Spain

Artinya : Saya berasal dari Spanyol

Me : What are the reason you are interested in

         Borobudur Temple?
Artinya : Apa alasan anda hingga tertarik dengan
                 Candi Borobudur?  

Tourist : Because the appearance of Borobudur

                temple is very unique and interesting
Artinya : Karena tampilan Candi Borobudur 
                 sangat unik dan menarik

Me : How long have you been in Indonesia ?

Artinya : Sudah berapa lama anda di Indonesia?
Tourist : Two days
Artinya : Dua hari

Me : How do you think about Borobudur Temple?

Artinya : Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang
                  Candi Borobudur

Tourist : Very nice

Artinya : Sangat indah

Me : How do you think about Indonesian people?

Artinya : Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang 
                  orang Indonesia? 

Tourist : They are fun

Artinya : Mereka menyenangkan

Me : What advice do you have for the manager of

        the borobudur temple?
Artinya : Saran apa yang anda miliki untuk 
                 pengelola Candi Borobudur? 

Tourist : Provide more places to rest for visitors

Artinya : Menyediakan lebih banyak tempat
                 untuk beristirahat bagi pengunjung

Me : Ok, thank you for the cooperation and time!

         Sorry for disturbing your time. See you next
Artinya : Ok ,terimakasih atas waktu dan
                 kerja sama nya! Maaf sudah
                 mengganggu waktu anda. Sampai jumpa
                 lain waktu!
Tourist : You are welcome. See you too!
Artinya : Sama-sama . Sampai jumpa juga!

3.The Third Example

Diana : Hello good morning sir (Hallo selamat pagi tuan)
Mr X : Hello good morning (Hallo selamat pagi)
Diana : May I talk with you for a while sir? (Bolehkah saya berbicara dengan anda
untuk beberapa saat tua?)
Mr X : Of course (Tentu saja)
Diana : I am Diana, I come from Bogor, west java. what is your name sir? (Nama
saya Diana, saya datang dari bogor, jawa barat. siapa nama anda tuan?)
Mr X : My name is Alexander, you can call me Alex (nama saya alexander, kamu
bisa memanggil saya alex)
Diana : where do you come from Mr alex? (Darimana anda berasal tuan alex?)
Mr X : I come from Australia (saya berasal dari autralia)
Diana : Do you like to visit Bali sir? (apakah anda suka berkunjung di bali tuan?)
Mr X : Of course, Bali is so beautiful (Tentu saja, Bali sangat Indah)
Diana : Except the scenary, what do you like from Bali sir? (selain pemandanga
nya, apa yang anda suka tentang bali tuan?)
Mr X : I like the culture of Bali it is very unique and the people are friendly (aku
suka bali karena buda nya yang unik dan rorang-orang nya yang ramah)
Diana : How many times do you come here sir? (Berapa kali anda tang kemari
Mr X : about twice (Sekitar dua kali)
Diana : I suggest you to visit garuda wisnu kencana too sir (aku sarankan pada
anda untuk mengunjungi garuda wisnu kencana juga tuan)
Mr X : is it good? (apakah bagus?)
Diana : Of course sir, there is the biggest statue there (Tentu tuan, ada patung
terbesar disna)
Mr X : alright, I will come there as soon as possible (Tentu saja, aku akan datang
kesana sesegera mungkin)
Diana  : Thanks for your time sir, Nice to meet you (terimakasih tuan, senang
bertemu dengan anda)
Mr X : Nice to meet you too (senang bertemu dengan mu juga)

4.The Fourth Example

Anita : Excuse me, Sir. Can I take a photo of you?
Tourist : Huh? Oh, of course.
Anita : [after taking the photo] Thank you, Sir.
Tourist : It’s nothing.
Anita : Um… by the way, are you here alone, Sir?
Tourist : No, actually I came here with my wife.
Anita : Where is she, Sir?
Tourist : I think she is taking some photos around this Borobudur temple.
Anita : Where do you come from, Sir?
Tourist : I come from America, it’s California, USA.
Anita : Wow. What brings you here, Sir?
Tourist : Um… well, I heard from my friends that Indonesia has great and amazing
temple relics. Opportunely, I am an anthropology teacher and I really like ancient
things. Actually I have seen many ancient relics from around the world, and now
it’s my turn to visit Indonesia.
Anita : Do you like this Borobudur temple, Sir?
Tourist : This temple is awesome! Every relief and sculpture I see on every part of
the temple is remarkable. This is one of the greatest cultural and historical
inheritances that Indonesian people have to maintain.
Anita : Yes, Sir. I feel proud you’re saying so. Do you know about other
Indonesian cultures, Sir?
Tourist : Of course, I know many cultures from every place in the world. Actually,
I have been studying about Indonesian cultures lately.
Anita : Really, Sir? What do you think about my people’s cultures?
Tourist : Indonesian cultures are completely unique and interesting. According to
my knowledge, Indonesian tribes and ethnics consist of over than one thousand
tribes and every tribe has its own cultures and customs. Indonesian cultures were
formed and influenced by multitude of religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam,
Christianity, even animism, and dynamism. Western cultures also take part in
Indonesian cultures, especially in science, technology, and modern entertainments.
I also read that Indonesia has a few of indigenous tribes such as Dayak, Asmat,
Mentawai, Toraja, ect. Indigenous tribes generally isolate themselves from outside
world since they want to keep maintaining their pure cultures and customs.
Anita : Wow, you know much about Indonesian cultures, Sir.
Tourist : Yes, but not really much, I’m still studying them.
Anita : Have you visited every region in Indonesia, Sir?
Tourist : Yes, I have visited several cities in West Sumatera, Medan, Jakarta,
Yogyakarta, and NTT. I studied about the cultures from each of those places, like
the foods, arts, and customs.
Anita : So, are you happy visiting Indonesia, Sir?
Tourist : Of course, I’m really happy visiting Indonesia. I think I will stay a little
longer to know more about this remarkable country.
Anita : That would be great, Sir.

5.The Fivth Example

Santi                 : Hello, good afternoon, Sir. (Halo, selamat siang Pak).
Mr. Robert     : Hello, good afternoon. (Halo, selamat siang).
Santi                 : May I talk with u for a while, Sir? (Bolehkah saya berbicara
sebentar dengan anda Pak?).
Mr. Robert     : Yes, of course. (Ya, tentu saja).
Santi                 : My name is Santi. What is your name, Sir? (Nama saya Santi.
Siapa nama anda Pak?).
Mr. Robert     : Hi Santi, my name is Robert. (Hi Santi, nama saya Robert).

Santi                 : Where are you from Mr. Robert? (Darimana anda berasal Pak

Mr. Robert     : I am from New York, America. (Saya berasal dari New York,

Santi                 : Wow, so far away from here. How long have you been here
Mr. Robert? (Wow, sangat jauh dari sini. Sudah berapa lama anda berada disini
Pak Robert?).

Mr. Robert     : I have been here for three days. This is my second time in
Bali. (Saya sudah berada disini selama tiga hari. Ini adalah kedua kalinya saya
berada di Bali).

Santi                 : Is this your first time to visit Garuda Wisnu Kencana Mr.
Robert? (Apakah ini pertama kalinya anda mengunjungi Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Pak Robert?).

Mr. Robert     : Yeah, this is my first time to visit this place. I really want to
come here.  (Ya, ini adalah pertama kali saya mengunjungi tempat ini. Saya sangat
ingin datang kemari).

Santi                 : So, what do you think about this place Mr. Robert? (Jadi, apa
yang anda pikirkan tentang tempat ini Pak Robert?).

Mr. Robert     : I think this place is very interesting. I was amazed by the
statue.  (Saya pikir tempat ini sangat menarik. Saya kagum dengan patungnya).

Santi                 : Yes, It is so high. Most of the visitors are amazed by the

statue. (Ya, patungnya begitu tinggi. Kebanyakan pengunjung kagum dengan

Mr. Robert     : Do you know how high it is? (Apakah kamu tahu seberapa

Santi                 : Yes, it is about 23 meters. (Ya, tingginya sekitar 23 meter).

Mr. Robert     : Really? That’s awesome! What is the name of the

statue? (Benarkah? Betapa mengagumkan! Apakah nama patung tersebut?).

Santi                 : We called it Lord Wisnu. (Kami menyebutnya Dewa Wisnu).

Mr. Robert     : Oh, I see. So it symbolizes the God. (Oh, begitu. Jadi patungnya
menyimbolkan Tuhan)

Santi                 : Yes, Mr. Robert. By the way, thanks for your time. (Ya, Pak
Robert. Ngomong ngomong, terima kasih atas waktunya).

Mr. Robert     : Yes, thanks for your additional information about this
place. (Ya, terima  kasih atas informasi tambahanmu mengenai tempat ini).

Santi                 : Nice to meet you Mr. Robert. (Senang bertemu denganmu Pak

Mr. Robert     : Nice to meet you too Santi. (Senang bertemu denganmu juga

6.The Sixth Example

Saya  : Excuse me. May I ask your time for awhile ?
Turis  : Yes of course.
Saya  : my name is Thiera. I have a task from my Lecturer to interview one of
foreigner here.
Turis  : ohh okay .. please.
Saya  : well, thanks. What’s your name ?
Turis : Kimberly, you can call me Kim.
Saya  : ohh Kim, nice name. Where are you come from ?
Turis : I come from Holland.
Saya  : ohh Holland, nice. And how long have you been here ?
Turis : hmm .. 2 days.
Saya  : then, what are you doing here ?
Turis : holiday with my friend.
Saya  : hmm...  what do you think about Indonesia ?
Turis : Indonesia is a nice country and very hot.
Saya  : hahaha I think that foreigners like summer.
Turis : Hahaha yes, but it’s very hot.
Saya  : hahah yes I know. Then, what do you think about this place ?
Turis : many foods and I like all.
Saya  : what food is your favorite ?
Turis : I don’t know what is called.
Saya  : hahaha oke, no matter. Now, may I take a pic with you ?
Turis : yes of course.
( Kemudian teman saya membantu mengambil gambar saya bersama turis tersbut )
Saya  : thank you very much for your time.
Turis  : your welcome.
Saya : well, happy enjoy and see you bye bye and nice to meet you.
Turis : see you and nice to meet you too.

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