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Event Driven Architecture Guide

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Codification’s guide to

Event-Driven Architecture

October 2022 Field Guide

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Table of Contents
Introduction 1

What is Event-driven Architecture? 2

How Event-driven Architecture is Developed 3

What is an Event? 5

How Event-driven Architecture Works 7

Event-driven Applications 8

Benefits of Using Event-driven Architecture 9

Further outcomes 10

Event-driven Architecture Models 11

When to use Event-driven Architecture? 12

Event-driven Architecture & Microservices 13

Is Event-driven Architecture for You? 13

Summary 14
Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Modern applications created using microservices often use an event-driven
architecture, which uses events to initiate and facilitate communication between
disconnected services. An item added to a shopping basket on an e-commerce
website is an example of an event; which is a change in state or an update. Events
can either be identifiers or convey the state (the item purchased, its price, and a
delivery address) (a notification that an order was shipped).

Event-driven architectures are made up of three main parts: event producers, event
routers, and event consumers. An event is published by a producer and sent to the
router, which filters and sends it to consumers. Due to the decoupling between
producer and consumer services, each can be grown, modified, and deployed

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What is Event-driven Architecture?

An organisation can identify “events” or crucial business moments (such as a

transaction, site visit, shopping cart abandonment, etc.) using event-driven
architecture (EDA), a software design pattern, and respond to them in real-time or
almost real-time.

The previous “request/response” architecture, in which services had to wait for a

response before moving on to the next task, is replaced with this pattern. Events
control the flow of event-driven architecture, which is built to react to them or take
action in response to an event.

Event Consumer(s)
Subscribe Topic 1 Event consumers

Event Broker Event

Event Producer
Subscribe Topic 2 Event consumers

Topic 1
Topic 2 Subscribe Topic 3 Event consumers

Event Topic 3 Event

Asynchronous communication is a common term used to describe event-driven

architecture. As a result, neither the sender nor the recipient must wait for the
other to complete their current task. That particular message is not what drives the
systems. For example, a phone call is thought of as synchronous or more like the
traditional “request/response” design. You receive a call from someone asking you
to execute a task. You wait while the other person finishes, and then both sides
hang up. Text messaging is an example of an asynchronous event. When you send
a message, you might not even be aware of the recipient or whether anyone is
listening, but you are not anticipating a response.
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How Event-Driven Architecture is Developed

In recent years, there has been a shift away from service-oriented
architecture’s emphasis on data at rest and toward an emphasis
on events (event-driven architecture). Moving away from data
aggregation and data lakes, we are concentrating on data in flight
and tracking it as it travels from one location to another. The
majority of systems run on what is called the “data-centric model,”
in which the data serves as the ultimate authority.

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When using an event-driven architecture, a model that is based on events must

replace a model that is based on data. In the event-driven paradigm, the events
are more important than the data, which still has value.

The prevention of data loss was given top emphasis in the service-oriented
approach, however. The main concern with event-driven architecture is making
sure you react to events as they happen. Events have a law of decreasing returns,
which means that as they age, their value decreases. Today, however, event-driven
architecture and service-oriented architecture are frequently used in tandem.

An analogue of a log is frequently used in event-driven architecture to keep track

of things. Analysts refer to events as unchangeable things that have happened. You
can also replay the log to learn more about what transpired in the past. In contrast,
the data-centric paradigm places a greater emphasis on the data’s current state. And
lastly, analysts often compare data-centric and event-centric systems to a company’s
nervous system, which sends messages to all parts of the company, to show how
different the two are.

When you use an event-driven architecture, you have event producers that create
and send out event notifications, as well as one or more consumers that, when they
receive an event, start processing the event. Consider the scenario where a new
movie from Netflix has just been uploaded. Multiple programmes could be watching
or listening for that notice, which would then cause their systems to tell their users
about what happened. Applications continue to run, and even if they are listening for
this event, they don’t stop doing anything while they wait for it. This is different from
normal request-response messaging in that applications don’t stop doing anything
while they wait. When the message is published, they can also reply. As a result,
numerous services may operate concurrently.

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What is an Event?
Any noteworthy occurrence or state change for system software
or hardware is referred to as an event. A message or notice
provided by the system to inform another component of the
system that an event has occurred is not the same thing as an

An event might have internal or external inputs as its source.

Events can originate from a user, such as a keyboard or a mouse
click, an external source, like a sensor output, or the system, such
as the loading of a programme.

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To illustrate further, someone might buy something, someone else might check in
for a flight, or a bus might be running late. And no matter what industry one is in,
events are everywhere and happen all the time. They are present in every business.
An event is something that generates a message through production, publication,
detection, or consumption. Since the message is the travelling notification that
conveys the occurrence, the message and the event are distinct from one another.
An event in an event-driven architecture is likely to cause one or more actions or
processes to run in response to it. An instance of an event could be:

Requesting a password reset

Deliveries were made of a package to its intended location.
Unauthorised login attempt being denied

Each of these events is likely to result in one or more subsequent reactions or

processes. Simply logging the event for later review could be one option. Others
could be:

The customer receives an email with instructions on how to change the

The ticket for the delivery is closed
The compromised account is locked and informed to security personnel.

When an event notification is given, the system records that something happened,
such as a change in status, and then waits to respond to whoever needs it, whenever
they request it. This is known as event-driven architecture. The programme that
got the message has two options: it can reply right away, or it can hold off until the
desired state change has taken place.

Digital business applications can be made more flexible, scalable, contextual, and
responsive by using applications built on an event-driven architecture.

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

How Event-driven Architecture Works

Three aspects can make up an event-driven architecture: a producer, consumer, and
broker. When you have a single producer and a single consumer who are in direct
contact with one another and the producer just provides the events to the consumer,
the broker may not be necessary. As an illustration, consider a producer who simply
sends to a database or data warehouse, where the events are gathered and kept for
analysis. In most businesses, several sources will advertise a variety of events, with
one or more customers showing interest in some or all of them.

Let’s examine a case in point. If you are a retailer, you may be compiling all of the
transactions that take place at all of your locations throughout the globe. You
transmit them to a credit card processor or whichever subsequent actions are
required, or you feed them into your event-driven architecture, which is keeping an
eye out for fraud. A manufacturer can monitor events in real-time and take actions,
such as predicting failures or planning maintenance, based on the data that is coming
off their equipment, which tells them facts like temperature and pressure.

Below is an example of an e-commerce website using an event-driven architecture.

During high demand, this architecture allows the site to respond to changes from
multiple sources without crashing or overprovisioning resources.
Event Producer Event Consumer

New order New order Return

Retail website Warehouse Mgmt DB
A consumer places a new The events trigger the
order through the website. warehouse to update
inventory and item
Question availabilty
about stock

Mobile app Question

Event Router Return New order Finance system
about stock
A customer submits The router ingests, filters, The events trigger the
a question about the and pushes the events to finance system to update
availability of an item the appropriate customers. based on the sale and
through the appp. return.
New order

Return Question
about stock
Point-of-sale Customer realtions
A customer returns an item The events trigger the
in person at the store. customer team to respond
to the order and inquiry. 7
Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Event-Driven Applications
Applications can react to data as it is generated using an event-driven architecture.
The growth of data sources that produce events (like IoT sensors) and the creation
and acceptance of event-streaming technologies like Hazelcast Jet and Apache
Kafka® have contributed to the event-driven approach’s recent popularity. Instead
of focusing on a few indicators in a weekly or quarterly report, businesses can use
the event-driven approach to view operations and data as ongoing events.

Let’s take the fictional characters Jason and Natalie, who have lived in several places,
as an example. If we used a traditional batch-based method with data updates to
look up their address, we would see their address as it is right now.

We are still able to ask, “What is Jason and Natalie’s address right now?” using an
event-driven architecture.

Additionally, we could inquire as to where the address Jason and Natalie lived in
2014 was.

Alternatively, “What was Natalie’s previous address before she shared one with

Event-driven applications are often used for the Internet of Things (IoT), detecting
fraud, processing payments, monitoring websites, and real-time marketing, among
other things. Data is frequently treated as immutable, or unchangeable, in event-
driven applications, which makes it simple to search for the values of data from
earlier times. As a result, anytime information “changes,” a new data point with a new
time period is formed.

Not every event requires the application to take action. Think about the situation
of IoT sensor data. There may be millions of non-anomalous events in an application
that scans sensor data for anomalies, but none of these events ever cause the
application to take any action.

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Benefits of Using Event-Driven Architecture

With the aid of event-driven architecture, organisations can
achieve a flexible system that can react to changes and make
decisions in real-time. With real-time situational awareness, all
of the data that is now available and reflects the state of your
systems may be used to inform business choices, whether manual
or automated.

Event producers and event consumers can share status and

response information in real time because events are captured as
they happen from event sources, including Internet of Things (IoT)
devices, applications, and networks.

Organisations can increase the scalability, reactivity, and access

to the data and context required for better business choices by
incorporating event-driven architecture into their systems and

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Further outcomes:

1. Ability to scale independently and fail

Your services are isolated from one another and are only aware of the event router
as a result. As a result, even if one of your services fails, the others will continue to
function. This means that your services are interoperable. An elastic buffer that can
adapt to increases in workload is what the event router does.

2. Agile development

The event router will automatically filter and push events to consumers; you no
longer need to create custom codes to poll, filter, and route events. Additionally,
the router eliminates the need for intensive coordination between producer and
consumer services, accelerating your development cycle.

3. Easy auditability

An event router serves as a central hub for defining policies and conducting
application audits. These policies can limit who can publish to and subscribe to a
router as well as manage who and what resources are allowed access to your data.
Additionally, you can encrypt events both in transit and at rest.

4. Saving costs

With push-based, event-driven architectures, everything happens as soon as the

event shows up in the router. In this manner, you avoid paying for ongoing polling to
look for an event. This results in fewer SSL/TLS handshakes, less CPU use, less idle
fleet capacity, and less network bandwidth consumption.

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Event-Driven Architecture Models

Either a pub/sub model or an event stream model can serve as the foundation for an
event-driven architecture.

Pub/sub model

This messaging system is built around event stream subscriptions. With this
strategy, subscribers who need to be informed are notified after an event occurs
or is published.

Event streaming model

Events are logged using an event streaming approach. An event stream is not
subscribed to by event consumers. Instead, they are free to join the stream at any
time and read from any point within it.

There are several forms of event streaming, including:

Event stream processing ingests events and processes or transforms the event
stream using a data streaming platform, such as Apache Kafka. Meaningful
patterns in event streams can be found via event stream processing.

Simple event processing is when an event prompts the event consumer to

respond right away.

Complex event processing requires a consumer of events to examine several

events to find patterns.

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

When to use Event-driven Architecture?

1. Replication of data across 1. Alerting and monitoring of

accounts and regions resource state

Using an event-driven design, systems can You can use an event-driven architecture
be coordinated among teams working in to monitor and receive notifications on
and deploying across multiple locations and any abnormalities, changes, and updates
accounts. You can independently create, rather than constantly checking on your
scale, and deploy services by using an event resources. These resources may comprise
router to transport data between systems. computing nodes, serverless functions,
database tables, storage buckets, and more.

1. Parallel processing and

1. Bringing together diverse
With an event-driven architecture, you can
An event-driven architecture can be
spread an event across multiple systems
used to transmit information between
in response to an event without having to
systems that are running on different
write code for each consumer to receive
stacks without coupling. Because of the
it. The systems will get the event from
event router’s establishment of indirection
the router, which they can then handle in
and interoperability, the systems can
parallel for various goals.
communicate messages and data while
remaining agnostic.

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Event-driven Architecture & Microservices

Applications using microservices are particularly favoured by event-driven
architectures. Microservices are designed to carry out specific tasks, frequently
ones that depend on the happening of an event. As a result, the foundation of
microservices is frequently formed by event-driven architectures.

Is Event-driven Architecture for you?

The best architectures for increasing agility and speed are event-driven ones.
They are often used in modern programmes that use microservices or any other
application with separate parts. You might need to reconsider how you see your
application design when implementing an event-driven architecture. Consider the
following to position yourself for success:

Your event source’s resilience. If you need to process every single event, your
event source needs to be dependable and offer delivery guarantees.
Your needs for performance control. You should be able to manage the
asynchronous nature of event routers in your application.
You’re tracking the event flow. An event-driven architecture’s indirection allows
dynamic tracking through monitoring services but not static tracking through
code analysis.
Your event source’s data. Your event source should be deduplicated and sorted if
you need to rebuild the state.

Codification © Event-Driven Architecture

Let’s summarise the several essential event-driven architecture tenets:

Make sure the right “things” receive the right events using event brokers (creating
an event mesh).
Use topics to ensure that you send and receive only the information you require
(event filtering).
Use deferred execution with event broker persistence to let consumers process
events when they’re ready.
Keep in mind that this indicates that not everything is current (eventual
To further distinguish the many components of a service, use topics (command
query responsibility segregation).

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Get in touch with Codification

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About Codification
Codification is a Cloud Native transformation consultancy, with a team of over 100 engineers,
consultants and business professionals distributed across the world. We were founded in 2019
in the United Kingdom. We have grown since then to have a presence in Europe, the Middle East
and Asia, serving leading multinational corporations, government institutions, global banks, and
industry giants with our consultancy and expertise.

Through our experience, we have noticed that visionary leaders want to transform their
organisations into technology companies to thrive in the new digital-first economy. Here,
businesses want to release software faster, improve quality and build a continuous improvement
culture where the best ideas win. At Codification, we establish the direction of a company’s
technological transformation journey and help implement new technologies and processes,
resulting in a modernised digital-ready organisation.

Codification United Kingdom

The Core
Bath Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne

Phone: +44 01670 223994


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