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HANDOUT No. 7: Family Planning and Its Methods II.


no medication
- Those that involve no introduction of
1. To prevent pregnancy chemical or foreign material into the body
2. To plan pregnancy - No expense
3. To achieve planned number of children - Effectiveness vary greatly depending Mainly
on the couple’s ability to refrain from
Reproductive Life Planning
having sex on fertile days
Mother and father have 50:50 right to the child so - No use of foreign material or chemical
health teaching is necessary for the both of them - Accepted by certain religions

- Includes all the decision an individual or

Not hazardous to health
couple make about having children.
Approved by some religions
- Include when to have children, how many
Fertility Awareness Method
children to have and how they are spaced.
 Detects when the women is capable of
- “a child is born by choice not by chance.”
Signs of ovulation (release of the fertile egg)  Measurement that will detect the mother
if there is the capacity to get pregnant
- Increase body temperature
- Cervical mucus
- Unilateral pelvic pain (mittelschmerz) Types:
- Breast tenderness 1. Calendar Method (rhythm method)
- Blooming  Abstain from coitus during fertile days/3-5
- Increase sexual urge days before ovulation
Contraception (voluntary prevention of  Average menstrual cycle: 28 days
pregnancy)  Day of Ovulation: 14th day (applies to the
women with 28-day menstrual cycle)
- Natural fertility awareness
 For female with regular menstruation
- Coitus interruptus
(UNSAFE DAYS- +5 days before and after the
- Spermicides
- Barrier methods
 Irregular menstruation (6-12 months
- IUD intrauterine device
needed data to determine the fertile
- Pharmacologic methods
- Sterilization
 Subtract 18 from the shortest cycle (1st
Family Planning and Its Method fertile day)
 Subtract 11 from the longest cycle (last
Health Teaching
fertile day)
- Some couples they want counselling first,  Avoid pregnancy through vaginal foam
how to avoid conception, advantage, and  6 to 12 months data
disadvantage  Formula: Longest minus 11, Shortest minus
Reproductive life planning 18
 It requires a couple to abstain from coitus in
- 50/50 decision the days of a menstrual cycle when the
- A child is born by choice and not by chance woman is most likely to conceive (3-4 days
before until 3-4 days after the ovulation)

I. ABSTINENCE 2. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method

Complete avoidance of having sex  Day before ovulation, a drop in
temperature (0.5F) is observed
- Most effective away to protect against  During ovulation- increase in temp about 1
conception degree because of progesterone (have
- 0% failure rate thermogenic effect)
- Disadvantage: Difficult to adhere  Woman’s take temperature early in the
- Refraining from sexual relationship morning immediately after waking up and
- Most effective way to prevent STI or STD before she undertakes any activities
- Difficult to adhere because we are human  No sexual contact for 3 days (due to life
being span of the sperm to the to the
reproductive system)
 Combine with calendar method before 5. Ovulation Awareness
ovulation  Ovulation detection kit
 Disadvantage: increase in temp during  Detect the midcycle surge of Luteinizing
illness Hormone 12 to 24 hours before the
 Seminal fluid can be confused with ovulation
ovulatory mucus  Specimen Needed: Urine
 Due to high level of progesterone which has  98% to 100% accuracy
a thermogenic effect  Disadvantage: expensive
 No sexual contact for three days  For lactating women menstruation
 Check early in the morning before doing comeback after 6 months after the delivery
anything  For non-lactating 2-3 months
Contraindicated: insomnia (need adequate sleep),
stress, infection, extreme exercise, eating spicy 6. Lactation Amenorrhea Method
food, area temperature  Considered natural suppression of ovulation
 Continuous breastfeeding of the infant
3. Cervical Mucus Method  Can be used until 6 months, after 6 months
 a.k.a BILLINGS method the use of another method is advised
 Before Ovulation- cervical mucus is thick  Frequent and intense sucking disrupts
and does not stretch (unfertile) secretion
 During Ovulation- cervical mucus in - Absence of menstruation during
copious, thin, watery, transparent, slippery breastfeeding
and stretches up to 1 inch (SPINNBARKEIT) - Will return 6 months after the pregnancy
(fertile) - But if the mother is not breastfeeding the
 Fertile days- until 3 days after the peak days menstruation will return after 2-3 months
 Disadvantage: check the vaginal secretions after the pregnancy
daily - Natural suppression of ovulation
 Spinnberkeit; clear, translucent, strechy, - Because woman may ovulate however but
thin, and watery (fertile) not menstruate, still the woman may be
 Can be stretched up to 1 inch fertile even she has not had a menstruation
since childbirth
 Thick, cloudy, sticky (infertile)
 Just before the ovulation the mucos
excretion increases 7. Coitus interruptus Pull out method
 Couple proceeds with coitus until the
moment of ejaculation
4. Symptothermal Method (highly effective)  Disadvantage: unenjoyable, offers little
 Combination of cervical and BBT method protection against contraception
 Takes temperature daily and analyzes  Precum might be present
cervical mucus daily - 75% effective
- During climax the guy withdraw his penis in
 More effective than just BBT or just cervical
the vagina
mucus methods
- Premature ejaculation
 Abstain from sex 3 days after the rise in
temperature or 4th day after the mucus
 Observe other signs of ovulation such as
mittelschmerz (pain in pelvic left or right - Barriers, chemicals, foreign materials
depends on where the ovulation takes
- Highly effective 1. Oral contraception 97% effective
- Mittleschmerz; painful sensation in right and
A. Combined Oral Contraceptives
left lower quadrant of the abdomen
- Abstain from coitus 3 days after the rise in  “Pills”
temperature  Contains estrogen and
 Estrogen-suppress ovulation by
suppressing LH surge responsible
for ovulation
 Progesterone-decrease in sperm
permeability and decrease in the
possibility of implantation
Types: Severe leg pain (thrombophlebitis)
1. Monophasic Shortness of breath
2. Biphasic
Loss of interest in coitus for the first 18 months
3. Triphasic
 99.7% effective Discontinue pills if positive pregnancy
 Decrease incidents of dysmenorrhea, PDS,
Discontinuity of pills – no pregnancy (1-2/6-8
iron deficiency anemia, decrease in
incidence of ovarian endometrial CA,
Fibrocystic breast diseases, osteoporosis Contraindications:
 21 or 28 pills - Heart disease
 Should be taken on the first day of the cycle - Smoker
 If you missed to take a drug for the day you - DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis
can take 2 drug the next day, but you - Liver cirrhosis
cannot take 3 in a day. Make it 2 only, but - High Blood Pressure
better if you can follow the needed dosage - Nape Pain
which is 1 daily. If it keeps happening throw
Stop taking the pills if;
the used pack and start with a new one
 After delivery- start on a Sunday closest to 2 Abdominal pain
weeks after the procedure Chest pain
 After Abortion- on the Sunday after the
procedure are not effective until the 7th day Headache
 28 pills- 21 active pills 7 placebo pills Eye problems
 Should be taken consistently
Severe leg pain
When is the best time to take the pill?
 Nausea
- Should be take on the 1st day of the cycle
 Weight gain
- Taken everyday
 Headache
- COC or combined oral contraceptive
 Breast tenderness
 Mild hypertension
 Depression B. Mini pills
 Breakthrough bleeding
 Monilial Vaginal infection  Progesterone only pill
 Ovulation may occur
 Endometrium does not develop fully hence
implantation cannot occur
1. Thromboembolic diseases (common in  Advantageous for women who cannot take
smokers, DVT, CVD, DM, HDM, estrogen estrogen-based pills
dependent cancer patients)  Taken everyday
2. Cardiovascular/Cerebrovascular Accidents  No negative effect on milk production
(CVA) hence can be taken during breast feeding
3. Liver cirrhosis  Estrogen inhibits milk production
There is a waiting time; 3 months
Missed pills: C. Emergency postcoital contraception
1st day take 2 then go back to taking 1  Also called “morning after pills”
2nd day take 2  Taken within 72 hours after unprotected
3rd day take intercourse
 Contain high levels of estrogen that
DANGER SIGNS: interferes with the production of
progesterone thereby prohibiting good
Abdominal pain  Causes nausea
 Effectiveness 98%
Chest pain
 Congenital abnormalities if positive
Headache (severe) pregnancy
Eye problems
 Progestin only method contains high levels Can be used by breastfeeding
of progesterone instead of estrogen woman, seizure patients
Never massage the injection site
1. Subcutaneous implants (NORPLANTS) 96- it may affect the effectivity of
99% effective the drug
 6 nonbiodegradable implants Ovulation will return after 6-12
(levonorgestrel) match stick like months of discontinuation
 Embedded under the skin just - IM injection given every three months
inside of the arm there could be - Ovulation will resume 6-12 months after
scar formation discontinuation
 Effective for 5 years - Do not massage the injected site because it
will decrease the effectivity of the drug
 Inserted not later than the 7th
- New drug; lunelle given every month
day of menstrual cycle
 Can be inserted immediately
after an abortion or 6 weeks 3. Intrauterine device IUD
after birth of a baby
 Small plastic object that is
 Suppress ovulation, stimulate
inserted into the uterus through
production of thick cervical
the vagina
mucus, alter endometrium
 Presence of foreign substances
 Disadvantages: expensive,
in the uterus decrease the
weight gain, irregular menstrual
chances of implantation by
cycle, hair loss, scarring, needs
causing local sterile
inflammation that prevents
 Advantages- long term and
reversible, rapid return to
 Pelvic examination done prior to
fertility (3 months after
removal), no effect on
 Inserted immediately after
menstruation/child birth (cervix
 Contraindications: pregnancy,
is already dilated, and you are
desired to be pregnant within 1-
sure you are not pregnant)
2 years
 Placed in the uterus with string
Ovulation will return 3 months
protruding through the cervix
after removal
and vagina
or lactation
 Regularly checked each
Norplant (Implant) menstrual flow to make sure IUD
- Injected/implanted subdermal string is in place
- C match stick like capsule containing  YEARLY PELVIC EXAM NEEDED
progesterone Contraindicated: nulliparous
- Effective for 5 years protection from (uterus did not expand,
pregnancy perforation), multiple sexual
- Side effect is scar formation in the area partners (do not protect from
Complication: PID- narrowing of
2. Intramuscular Injections
fallopian tube may lead to
 Depo-Provera/DMPA ectopic pregnancy
 Lunelle injection - PID or pelvic inflammatory disease
 Effectiveness- 100% - Ectopic Pregnancy; remove the IUD as soon
 Inhibit ovulation, alter as possible to avoid the fertilization in the
endometrium and change fallopian tube
- The best time to insert IUD is during
cervical mucus
menstruation and after birth
 Side effects are same as that of
- After insertion there will be no more pain
but during insertion it is really painful
 Advantage: Long term reliability
 Disadvantage: injected every 3 - Because of the copper; has spermicidal
months effect
 Return to fertility is delayed - Gives 5-10 years protection from pregnancy
- The woman should undergo Pelvic Cause of death of sperm before they enter the
examination (Yearly pelvic exam) cervix
Change the pH of the vagina making it
Types: nonconductive to sperm
2. Copper T380- copper interferes with sperm Preparations: gels, creams, sponge, foam
motility suppositories
3. Progestasert- changed yearly
Gels and creams: inserted into vagina before coitus
4. Mirena- effective for 5 years
with an applicator no more than an hour before
coitus and should not douche after 6 hours after
1. Convenient
2. Decrease incidents in endometrial cancer Advantage: lower cost, various preparations are
3. Does not require daily attention available
4. Does not interfere with sexual enjoyment
Side effects/Contraindications, Acute cervicitis
Side effects: Failure rate is 20%
1. Spotting and uterine cramping (2-3 weeks)
- (killing/death), gel like, foam, sponge
2. PID pelvic inflammatory disease
- Only 1 hour
3. Ectopic pregnancy
- Side effects; acute cevicitis
4. Increase in menstrual flow
- Nonooxynol the agent that kills the sperm
5. Dysmenorrhea
6. TSS
Danger signs (PAINS)
Effective for 1 hour only
Period late
Abdominal pain 2. Diaphragms reusable (can last up to 2-3 years,
Infection make sure to check if there’s holes before putting
Noticeable spotting in)
String missing
- Circular rubber disk that is placed over the
cervix before intercourse
- Forms a barricade against the entrance of
Distorted uterus
- Prescribed and fitted initially by a physician
Severe dysmenorrhea
or nurse or midwife
- Fit of the diaphragm should be checked if:
- Circular rubber disc that is placed over the
REMOVE THE IUD TO PREVENT ECTOPIC - Lea’s Shield; made of silicon rubber and is
PREGNANCY bowl in shape
- Fit the diaphragm if the patient experienced
1. Barrier Method weight loss
 Forms of birth control that work by the - Should be refitted in size (15-20 pounds)
replacement of a chemical or other barrier - After sex, keep the diaphragm for 6hrs
between the cervix and the advancing - Reusable (1 year)
sperm so the sperm cannot enter - Wash after intercourse
 Advantage: lack the abnormal side effects - Check the holes before usage
of oral contraceptives 1. Patient gains or loses more than 15 lbs (to
 Disadvantages: Failure rate is high and change size)
interferes with sexual enjoyment
2. After pregnancy. Miscarriage, D&C as the
shape of the cervix is changed
- Kept in place for at least 6 hours after coitus
(spermatozoa may still be alive) and may be
TYPES left in place for as long as 24 hours but not
longer than that as it causes cervical
1. Spermicides (Nonoxynol-9 chemical agent that inflammation
kills sperm) 5-50% effective - Side Effects: higher incidence of UTI
- Contraindications: Cervicitis, Prolapsed - Side effects/Contraindication: sensitivity to
uterus, TSS (toxic shock syndrome), Allergy latex
to rubber or spermicides - Penis must be erected before putting on
- Leave extra space for the release of fluid
- Protects from STI’s
3. Cervical Caps stronger and durable compared to
- Reduce sexual satisfaction
- Always check for damages or holes
- Made of soft rubber shaped like a thimble - Must be disposed immediately after use
and fit snugly over the uterine cervix
- Disadvantage: can dislodge more readily
than diaphragms during coitus. 5. Female condoms difficult to use 80% effective
- Advantage: Can remain in place longer than
Not reusable
diaphragms (but more than 48 hours) if left
for more than 48 hours it may cause - Made of polyurethane and pre-lubricated
pressure to the vaginal wall and urethra with spermicide
- Contraindication: abnormal/long/short - The inner ring (closed end) covers the cervix
cervix, previous abnormal pop smear, and the cervix and the outer ring (open
history of TSS, allergy to latex, history of end) rests against the vaginal opening
cervical cancer, undiagnosed vaginal - Disadvantage: more expensive than make
bleeding, previous PID condom, difficult to use
Do examine under the light Prevents pregnancy
Out 6 hours post coitus Prevents STI’s
No to Only one (the male or the female) should use
the condom during intercourse. Do not use
Toxic shock syndrome together.
Sizes are available if experiencing weight loss get Don’t put pressure and heat (might cause
checked by your doctor to change the size of the
Use water-based lubricants
Cervical cup
- Made up of soft rubber and shaped like a
thimble with thin rim and fit snugly over the
uterine cervix IV. SURGICAL METHODS
- More durable
- Keep in place for 24 hrs but not longer than 1. Vasectomy (simple surgery under out
48 hrs
patient department)
Contraindication: Small incision is made on each side
of the scrotum (site of incision)
- Short or long cervix
cauterized, tied and cut, clipped the
- Previous abnormal pap smear
vas deferens
- History of TSS
- Allergy to certain latex  Vas deferens pathway of semen
- PID  Local anesthesia (lidocaine)
- Cervicitis  99.9% effective
- Papilloma virus  Sperms in vas deferens remain
- Cervical cancer viable in 6 months
- Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding  Resume sexual intercourse in 1
 Use additional birth control until
2 negative sperm reports are
obtained (10-20 ejaculations)
4. Male condoms 86% effective
 No effect on sperm production
- Latex rubber or synthetic sheath that placed and erection and ejaculation
over the erect penis coitus begins  Reversible 40-90% reversal
- Advantage: no prescription/no health care success-some have chronic pain
visits needed prior to use, prevent spread of 6 months to 1 year
STD’s There will still be fluid discharge
but no sperm in it
2. Tubal Ligation
- Union of the sperm and egg cell
 Bilateral
 Cut the isthmus (site of BTL) Zola pellucida
 Below umbilicus (site of incision) - Outer part glycoprotein coat
 Banded, cauterized, tied and cut, clipped - Inside the plasma membrane it will divide
the fallopian tubes into two multiple cells
 Minor surgical procedure whereby fallopian - Splitting of 2 multiple cells (cleavage)
tubes are occluded thereby preventing - When the cells multiply it’s called morula
passage of both sperm and ova
After the morula…
 Done after a menstrual flow and before
ovulation, 4-6 after birth of birth of baby or - Compaction will happen
after an abortion via mini laparotomy - The zona pellucida will be replaced with
 Make sure that woman has no unprotected trophoblast
coitus before the procedure as this may - Blastocyst is the multiplication of the
morula forming solid clump cell
cause ectopic pregnancy
- Ball like structure
 Fallopian tube
 99.9% effective Capacitation
 Done via - Process which happens on the sperm move
laparoscopy/culdoscopy/colpotomy toward the ovum, consist of change in the
 Can have coitus 3-4 days after plasma membrane of the sperm head, reveal
 Positive menstrual cycle the sperm binding receptor
 There is a cutting, tied, fold of isthmus in
Fetal Growth
the fallopian tube
 Site of incision is below umbilicus Ovum – from ovulation and fertilization
 Avoid heavy lifting objects
Zygote – from fertilization to implantation
 Rest for 3 days
 Coitus can have 3-4 days after the BTL Embryo – from implantation to 5-8 months (1st
 Minor operation trimester)
 Done after the menstrual flow and before Fetus – from 5 weeks up to term
ovulation, 4-6 hrs after birth of the baby or
after an abortion
Post-tubal ligation syndrome Conceptus

 Pain and vaginal bleeding - Developing embryo or fetus and placental

 Intermittent structure

Contraindication The travelling of zygote is 3-4 days

1. Umbilical hernia Endometrium – decidua

1. Decidua basalis – attached to the embryo
2. Obesity
2. Desidua capsularis – stretcges and encapculate
Post tubal ligation syndrome
 Characterized as vaginal spotting,
3. Desidua vera – remaining portion of the uterine
intermittent vaginal bleeding and severe lining
lower abdominal cramping after tubal
ligation Chorionic Villi
 Reversible 50-70% reversal success - Finger like projections which are
 Rest for 3 days no heavy lifting responsible for the secretion of hormone
- Human chorionic Gonadotropin (Morning
sickness); positive pregnancy test; mild
- Human Placental Lactogen; responsible for
increase of sugar of the mother; decreases
During sexual intercourse the effective of insulin (Gestational Diabetes
300 million of sperm will enter the vagina
3 membranes
- It will pass the cervix
- While ovulation the cervix is open 1. Chorionic Membrane – protects and support the
embryo during its growth and development
2. Amniotic Membrane – protective membrane the - fetal side portion
contains the amniotic fluid (bag of water); normal
- shiny
color is clear and has little white specks of vernix
coseosa cheese like subs. In the skin of the baby 2. Duncan
- abnormal color is green (first bowel movement or - dirty and uneven
meconium); risk of infection, watch out for fever
and fetal distress (the baby cannot breathe) - maternal side portion

- yellow color means RH incompatibility meaning Functions:

the blood of the baby and the mother is not 1. Serves as fetal lungs, kidneys (waste product),
compatible GT (nutrition)
Rhogam (RH incompatibility) 2. Endocrine Functions; HCG, Estrogen,
- given within 3 days postpartum Progesterone, HPL (responsible for lactation),

- to prevent death of baby on the second pregnancy 3. Offers some protection against microorganism
(Rubella Virus or German measles; can enter in the
- red colored amniotic fluid; danger sign placenta in the first trimester; period of
- brown colored; infection
- Cognitive impairment
Normal pH is 7.25-7.35 (slightly alkakline)
- Congenital cataract
- Congenital heart defects
1. Nitrozine paper test
For 2nd Trimester
- the lithmus paper will turn into blue
- Syphilis (Treponema Pallidum)
- if it’s urine it will turn into red and yellow color
- Spirochete bacteria, can enter in the
Normal volume: placental barrier on the 2nd Trimester
- Destruction of the bicuspid valve of the
- 800 to 1,200 cc
- 500 to 1000 ml or cc
Umbilical Cord
Less than amniotic is Oligohydramnios
- Formation from the amnion to the chorion
- Unable to urinate, sign of renal (kidney) - Provides circulatory pathway
anomaly - Gelatinous substance that prevents from
cord coiling (wharton’s jelly)
Higher than 1,000 is polyhydramnios - It consist of AVA (2 arteries and 1 vein)
- because the fetus is unable to swallow fluid, sign Functions:
of TEF (Tracheoesophageal fistula); chocking,
cyanosis, cough - Transport o2
- Nutrients to the fetus from the placenta
Functions: - Return waste products from the fetus to the
1. Protection from injury or possible trauma placenta
- On the 2nd month of the pregnancy the
2. Regulates or maintains temperature placenta develops and the placenta will work
3. It aids the fetus to move on the 3rd month

4. Prevents cord coiling 3 GERM LAYER

Fern like appearance is the presence of estrogen or 1. Endoderm

amniotic fluid - lining of GT
3. Placenta - respiratory tract
- pancake of the pregnancy 2. Mesoderm
- has mature separate segments (16-30) cotyledons -
- if there is retention of placental fragments the 3. Ectoderm
mother will bleed
- only one placenta during pregnancy
L/S ratio 2:1
2 types of Placenta
- Indicates lung maturity
1. Schutz - 1:1 risk for respiratory depression
Nervous System 25-year old woman who has menstrual
- EEG (Electrocephalogram)
14. All of the following are true regarding
- ECG (Electrocardiogram)
norplant except: it must be removed in two
- Vit k is given IM vastus lateralis
15. The iud effectiveness appears to be due to its
ability to: irritate the uterine lining
16. All of the following are guidelines regarding
male condom usage except: after
ejaculation, wait until the penis is
completely flaccid before removing from
17. A vasectomy is performed by: severing the
Before cutting the umbilical cord wait for 1-3 two vas deferens
minutes 18. What is most correct about lubrication: use
water based lubricants instead of oil based
- Bandage scissor or bamboo stick
- Surfactant is the one that helps the baby

Quiz Answers:
1. How many ejaculations does it generally
take for a man’s vas tubes (the tubes that
carry sperm from the testes to the penis) to
be free of sperm after a vasectomy: up to
16, but only a semen test can tell for sure
2. Can you conceive while breastfeeding: Yes,
its possible to get pregnant while
3. What is family planning: The way that
such couples control if and when a
woman becomes pregnant through
natural and artificial contraceptives
4. What are the two types of contraceptives:
Natural and artificial contraceptives
5. Which of the following is an example of
Artificial contraceptives: none of the above
6. Which of the following is not an example of
artificial contraceptives: not having sex
7. Which of the following is a Christian belief
on family planning and contraceptives: all of
the above
8. What is a contraceptive: any device or drug
that is used to prevent pregnancy
9. Which type of contraception is not
appropriate for a woman with a history of
stroke? : pill
10. Effectiveness rates of contraception devices
vary depending on how accurate they are
used?: true
11. Which type of contraception should not be
used in women with a history of toxic shock
syndrome? – Diaphragm
12. The only form of contraception that protects
one completely from STDs are – abstinence
13. Which of the following women would
benefit from taking oral contraceptives – a

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