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Solved Problems in Statistics Hypergeometric 2014

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IEdeas Review & Training Center

CIE Examination Review Course:

Prepared by:
Charlie A. Marquez, PIE
September 12, 2014
The probability distribution of the hypergeometric random variable X, the
number of successes in a random sample of size n selected from N items of
which k are labeled success and N-k labeled failure, is
h(x;N,n,k) = (kCx)(N-kCn-x) / NCn , x = 0,1,2,…,n.

Theorem #19: The mean and variance of the hypergeometric distribution

h(x;N,n,k) are
µ = nk/N and 2 = (N-n / N-1)(n)(k/N)(1-p).


If N items can be partitioned into the k cells A1, A2, … , Ak with a1, a2,…,ak
elements, respectively, then the probability distribution of the random variables
X1, X2,…,Xk, representing the number of elements selected from A 1, A2, … , Ak in a
random sample of size n, is

( X1, X2,…,Xk; a1,a2,…,ak,N,n) = (a1Cx1) (a2Cx2)… (akCxk) / NCn

1. Lots of 40 components each are called unacceptable if they contain as

many as 3 defectives or more. The procedure for sampling the lot is to
select 5 components at random and to reject the lot if a defective is found.
What is the probability that exactly one defective is found in the sample if
there are 3 defectives in the entire lot?
A. 0.1004 C.0.0046

B. 0.3011 D. NOTA

2. Find the mean and variance of problem number 1.

A. 0.375, 0.3469 C.0.3469, 0.375

B. 0.375, 0.3113 D. NOTA

3. A manufacturer of laptops reports that among a shipment of 5000 sent to
a local distributor, 1000 are slightly defective. If one purchases 10 of these
laptops at random from the distributor, what is the probability that exactly
3 are slightly defective?
A. O.2013 C.0.2014

B. 0.2015 D. NOTA

4. A group of 10 students are used for an experimental study. The group

comprises of 3 students with blood type O, 4 with blood type A, and 3 with
blood type B. What is the probability that a random sample of 5 will
contain 1 student with blood type O, 2 students with blood type A, and 2
students with blood type B?
A. 3/14 C.3/4

B. ½ D. NOTA

5. A team of 3rd party inspectors from the EU Community suspects that some
manufacturers from China are in violation of child labor. 20 firms are under
suspicion but all cannot be visited. Suppose that 3 of the companies are in
violation, what is the probability that visit and inspection of 5 firms finds no
A. 0.1937 C.0.3991

B. 0.1316 D. NOTA

6. A third party auditor has an inspection system for batches of small items
purchased. A batch typically contains 15 items. In the inspection system, a
random sample of 5 is selected and all are tested. Suppose there are 2
faulty items in the batch of 15, what is the probability that inspection will
discover both faulty items?
A. 0.0952 C.0.0033

B. 0.4762 D. NOTA
7. A fishbowl contains 3 green balls, 2 blue balls, and 4 red balls. In a random
sample of 5 balls, find the probability that both blue balls and at least 1 red
ball are selected.
A. 0.0317 c. 0.2698

B. 0.1428 D. NOTA

8. A student organization list as its members 2 freshmen, 3 sophomores, 5

juniors, and 2 seniors. If a team of 4 is to be selected at random, find the
probability that all year levels are represented.
A. 0.1212 C.0.3333

B. 0.0606 D. NOTA

9. It is estimated that 4,000 of the new 10,000 students are not in favor of a
change in their uniforms. If 15 of the new students are selected at random
and asked their opinion, what is the probability that at most 7 favor the
new uniform?
A. 0.2131 C.0.2173

B. 0.7869 D. NOTA

10. Amkor uses an acceptance sampling scheme on production items before

they are shipped. The plan is a two-stage process. Boxes of 25 are readied
for shipment and a sample of 3 are tested for defectives. If any defectives
are found, the entire box is sent back for 100% screening. If no defectives
are found, the box is hipped. What is the probability that a box containing
only 1 defective will be sent back for screening?
A. 0.67 C.0.12

B. 0.32 D. NOTA

11. What is the probability that a waitress will refuse to serve alcoholic
beverages to only two minors if she randomly checks the ID’s of 5 students
from among 9 students of which 4 are still minors?
A. 0.0794 C.0.0476
B. 0.4762 D. NOTA

12. From a lot of 10 ipods, 4 are selected at random and tested. If the lot
contains 3 defective ipods that will not work when tested, what is the
probability that all 4 will work?
A. 0.1666 C.0.6667

B. 0.0190 D. NOTA


1. B  h(1;40,5,3) = (3C1)(37C4) / 40C5 = 0.3011.

2. B  µ = nk / N = (5)(3) / 40 = 0.375.
2 = (35/39)(5)(3/40)(1-(3/40)) = 0.3113.
3. B  h(3;5000,10,1000) = 1000C3 X 4000C7 / 5000C10 = 0.2015.
4. A X1 = 1, X2 = 2, X3 = 2, a1=3, a2=4, a3=3 n = 5, N=10
3C1.4C2.3C2 / 10C5 = ¾.
5. C  3C0.17C5 / 20C5 = 0.3991.
6. A 2C2.13C3 / 15C5 = 0.0952.
7. C (2C2.4C1.3C2/9C5) + (2C2.4C2.3C1/9C5) + (2C2.4C3.3C0/9C5) = 0.2698.
8. A  (2C1.3C1.5C1.2C1 /12C4) = 4/33 = 0.1212.
9. A P(X≤7) = Σb(x;15,0.6) = 0.2131.
10. C  1C1.24C2 / 25C3 = 0.12.
11. B  4C2.5C3 / 9C5 =0.4762.
12. A 7C4.3C0 / 10C4 = 0.1667.


1. The Bureau of Aquatic Resources often tag and release subjects in order to
estimate size and degree of certain features in the population. 10 species
of a certain population thought to be extinct are caught, tagged, and
released in a certain area. After a period of time, a random sample of 15 of
the type of species is selected in the area. What is the probability that 5 of
those selected are tagged species if there are 25 species of this type in the
A. 0.0839 C.0.0885

B. 0.2315 D. NOTA

2. A nationwide survey of 17,000 call center agents revealed that almost 70%
disapprove the use of a certain type of headset. If 18 of these agents are
selected at random and asked their opinions , what is the probability that
more than 9 but less than 14 disapprove the use of this type of headset?
A. 0.6077 C.0.6257

B. 0.7758 D. NOTA

3. Among a list of 150 families selected, only 30 are considered as Class C. if

10 of the applicants are chosen at random to be given scholarships, use the
binomial approximation to the hypergeometric to find the probability that
at least 3 Class C families are selected.
A. 0.1209 C.0.3222

B. 0.6778 D. NOTA

4. A company is interested in evaluating its current inspection procedure on

shipments of 50 identical items. The procedure is to take a sample of 5 and
pass the shipment if no more than 2 are found to be defective. What
proportion of 20% defective shipments will be accepted?
A. 0.9517 C.0.4313

B. 0.3106 D. NOTA

5. To avoid detection at a customs, a tourist places 6 narcotic tablets in a

bottle containing 9 vitamin pills that are similar in appearance. If the
customs official selects 3 of the tablets at random for analysis, what is the
probability that the tourist will be arrested for illegal possession of
A. 0.1846 C.0.8154
B. 0.6308 D. NOTA

6. If 7 cards are dealt from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards, what is the
probability that exactly 2 of them will be face cards?
A. 0.4496 C.0.8154

B. 0.3246 D. NOTA

7. Find the probability of being dealt a bridge hand of 13 cards containing 5

spades, 2 hearts, 3 diamonds, and 3 clubs.
A. 0.0020 C.0.8154

B. 0.0129 D. NOTA

8. A team of 3rd party inspectors from the EU Community suspects that some
manufacturers from China are in violation of child labor. 20 firms are under
suspicion but all cannot be visited. Suppose that 3 of the companies are in
violation, what is the probability that visit and inspection of 5 firms finds no
A. 0.1316 C.0.0439

B. 0.3991 D. NOTA

9. A third party auditor has an inspection system for batches of small items
purchased. A batch typically contains 15 items. In the inspection system, a
random sample of 5 is selected and all are tested. Suppose there are 2
faulty items in the batch of 15, what is the probability that for a given
sample, there will be 1 faulty item?
A. 0.4762 C.0.3991

B. 0.1316 D. NOTA

10. An annexation suit is being considered against a subdivision of 1,200

residences by a neighboring city. If the occupants of half of the residences
object to being annexed, what is the probability that in a random sample of
10, at least 3 favor the annexation suit?
A. 0.0547 C.0.9453

B. 0.8906 D. NOTA


1. B  10C5 . 15C10 / 25C15 = 0.2315.

2. A  Use Binomial Approximation:
b(x;n,p) = b(13;18,0.7) - b(9;18,0.7) = 0.6673-0.0596 = 0.6077.
3. C  P(X ≥3) = 1-P(X≤2) = 1 - b(2;10,0.20) = 1 – 0-.6778 = 0.3222.
4. A  P(X≤2) = (10C0 . 40C5)/50C5 + (10C1 . 40C4)/ 50C5 + (10C2 . 40C3)/ 50C5
0.3106 + 0.4313 + 0.2098 = 0.9517.
5. C  P(X ≥1) = 1-P(X=0) = 1 - 6C0 . 9C3 / 15C3 = 1 – 0.1846 = 0.8154.
6. B  12C2 . 40C5 / 52C7 = 0.3246.
7. B  13C5 . 13C2 . 13C3 . 13C3 / 52C13 = 0.0129.
8. A 3C2 . 17C23 / 20C5 = 0.1316.
9. A  2C1 . 13C4 / 15C5 = 0.4762.
10. C  P(X ≥3) = 1-P(X≤2) = 1 - b(2;10,0.50) = 1-0.0547 = 0.9453.

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