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What Do You Like To Do: On Vacation?

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What do you like to do on vacation?

take a fun trip discover something new stay home enjoy nature

visit a foreign go to a music hang out with go camping

country festival friends relax at the beach
travel in my own take a photography host a family
country course reunion

Which activities do you like to do on vacation? Check (✓) the activities.

Which activities would you like to do on your next vacation?
Make a list of other activities you like to do on vacation. Then compare with a partner.

Class 20

4 PERSPECTIVES Travel advisor T-32

A Listen to these pieces of advice from experienced travelers.

What topic is each person talking about? CD 1:42

“You must have a valid

passport to travel overseas. “When you fly, you should keep
You ought to make a copy of important things in your carry-on
your passport and keep it in bag, such as your medication and
a secure place.” ATM card. You shouldn’t pack
them in your checked luggage.”

”You should try some of the

local specialties, but you’d ”In most countries, you don’t have
better avoid the stalls on to have an international driver’s
the street. You shouldn’t license, but you have to carry a
drink tap water.” license from your own country. You
also need to be 21 or over.”

“You’d better buy travel

insurance before you
“You’d better keep a copy of your credit
leave your country.”
card numbers at the hotel. And you shouldn’t
carry a lot of cash when you go out.”

B PAIR WORK Look at the advice again. Do you think this is all good advice? Why or why not?

56 Unit 5

CD 1:43
Modals for necessity and suggestion

Describing necessity Giving suggestions

You must have health insurance. You’d better avoid the stalls on the street.
You need to be 21 or over. You ought to make a copy of your passport.
You have to get a passport. You should try some local specialties.
You don’t have to get vaccinations. You shouldn’t carry a lot of cash.

A Choose the best advice for someone who is going on

vacation. Then compare with a partner.
1. You pack too many clothes. You
won’t have room to bring back any gifts. (don’t have
to / shouldn’t)
2. You carry identification with you. It’s
the law! (must / should)
3. You buy a money belt to carry your
passport, ATM card, and cash. (have to / ought to)
4. You make hotel reservations in
advance. It might be difficult to find a room after you
get there. (have to / ‘d better)
5. You buy a round-trip plane ticket
because it’s cheaper. (must / should)
6. You check out of most hotel rooms
by noon if you don’t want to pay for another night.
(need to / ought to)

B PAIR WORK Imagine you’re going to travel abroad.

Take turns giving each other advice.
“You must take enough medication for your entire trip.”
1. You . . . take enough medication for your
entire trip.
2. You . . . take your ATM card with you.
3. You . . . get the necessary vaccinations.
4. You . . . forget to pack your camera.
5. You . . . have a visa to enter some
foreign countries.
6. You . . . change money before you go. You can do it
when you arrive.

Hit the road! 57

6 WORD POWER Travel preparations T-32

A Complete the chart. Then add one more word to each category.

ATM card cash medication plane ticket swimsuit

backpack first-aid kit money belt sandals travel insurance
carry-on bag hiking boots passport suitcase vaccination

Clothing Money Health Documents Luggage

B PAIR WORK What are the five most important items you need for these vacations?
a beach vacation a rafting trip a trip to a foreign country

7 PRONUNCIATION Linked sounds with /w/ and /y/ T-33

Listen and practice. Notice how some words are linked by a /w/ sound,
and other words are linked by a /y/ sound. CD 1:44
/w/ /y/
You should know about local conditions. You shouldn’t carry a lot of cash.
/w/ /y/
You ought to do it right away. You must be at least 21 years old.

Class 21

8 LISTENING A pleasant trip T-34

A Listen to an interview with a spokeswoman from the London Visitor Center.

Number the topics she discusses in the correct order from 1 to 4. CD 1:45
a. money
b. public transportation
c. safety
d. planning a trip

B Listen again. Write one piece of advice that she gives for each topic. CD 1:46
C GROUP WORK Which pieces of advice for London apply to your city or town?
Which don’t? Why and why not?

58 Unit 5

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