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WHO/HIV/2005.05 • UNFPA/2005 • IPPF-HIV/AIDS2005 • UNAIDS 2005

Sexual A Priority
Framework and Reproductive
Health for
The commitment of the international community to intensify
linkages between sexual and
reproductive health (SRH) and HIV/AIDS at the policy and
programme level is expressed
in the June 2005 UNAIDS policy position paper ‘Intensifying
HIV prevention’. It builds upon
the New York Call to Commitment: Linking HIV/AIDS and
Sexual and Reproductive Health1
and the Glion Call to Action on Family Planning and HIV/
AIDS in Women and Children2.
These policy statements call upon both the SRH and HIV/
AIDS communities
to strengthen programmatic linkages between SRH and
The majority of HIV infections are sexually transmitted or
associated with pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
The interactions between sexual and reproductive health
and HIV/AIDS are now widely recognized. In addition,
sexual and reproductive ill-health and HIV/AIDS share
root causes, including poverty, gender inequality and
social marginalization of the most vulnerable populations.
The international community agrees that the Millennium
Development Goals will not be achieved without ensuring
access to SRH services and an effective global response to
This framework proposes a set of key policy and programme
actions to strengthen linkages between SRH and HIV/AIDS
programmes. These linkages work in both directions, by
integrating HIV/AIDS issues into ongoing SRH programmes,
and conversely, SRH issues into HIV/AIDS programmes.
This should enhance SRH, contribute to reversal of the AIDS
epidemic and mitigate its impact. Based on experience
and programming realities, four priority areas have been
identified (see figure) where linkages are likely to lead to
important public health benefits. Selecting which action
to support will depend on the national context and the
local situation, including HIV prevalence, as well as the
organization and use of health services. For example, in
settings with high prevalence of HIV infection and high
utilization of family planning services, offering all family
planning clients the opportunity to learn their HIV status
would likely enhance the quality of family planning services
and make an important contribution to HIV prevention efforts.
This approach may not be as useful, however, in settings with
low HIV prevalence and poor utilization of family planning
Family planning
Key linkages
Maternal &
Learn HIV status
infant care
Promote safer sex
of sexually
Optimize connection
between HIV/AIDS and
STI services
Integrate HIV/AIDS
with maternal
of other SRH
and infant
Stronger linkages between SRH and HIV/AIDS programmes
should lead to a number of important public health benefits.
Much remains unknown, however, about which linkages
will have the greatest impact, and how best to strengthen
selected linkages in different programme settings.
With careful priority setting and judicious programme
implementation, the following benefits could be expected:
Improved access to, and uptake of key
HIV/AIDS and SRH services
Better access of people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA) to SRH services tailored to their needs
Reduced HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination
Improved coverage of underserved and marginalized
populations, such as injecting drug users, sex workers
or men who have sex with men, with SRH services
Greater support for dual protection against unintended
pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs),
including HIV, for those in need, especially young people
Improved quality of care
Enhanced programme effectiveness and efficiency

1. hiv_aids_rh_call_commitment.doc
Key policy and programme actions must build upon the
following principles:
Address structural determinants. Root causes of HIV/
AIDS and sexual and reproductive ill-health need to be
addressed. This includes action to reduce poverty, ensure
equity of access to key health services and improve
access to information and education opportunities.

Key actions with high potential for public health benefits

and Learn Access HIV Services
between Optim
Support legal and policy reform to remove
Develop policies that support dual
Advocate f
& Policy
barriers for young people’s access to all
forms of HIV testing and counselling
protection and advocate for more
adequate resource allocation
to reduce H
Support policy development on
comprehensive safer sex services
for young women and men, PLWHA
and other key populations
Services Reorientate voluntary counselling
and testing (VCT) services to better
meet the needs of young people,
as well as of key populations
a package
including s
and couns
Provide basic SRH services (information
on dual protection, counselling and
access to condoms) in VCT programmes
Broaden SRH services to reach key
populations, including through outreach
Provide ST
Routinely offer HIV testing and counselling
in STI services and establish access
to comprehensive HIV services
Promote condom use for dual
protection within all family planning
and HIV prevention programmes
Provide a full range of SRH services,
including prevention for and with PLWHA
Routinely offer HIV testing and counselling
in family planning and antenatal care
services in high HIV prevalence settings
Empower women and girls to
negotiate safer sex and to access
SRH and HIV/AIDS services
Provide effective referrals for anti-
retroviral (ARV) treatment within
VCT programmes in SRH settings
Include services that address
gender-based violence and offer
counselling, emergency contraception
and HIV post exposure prophylaxis
to survivors of sexual assault

Focus on human rights and gender. Sexual and

reproductive rights of all people including women
and men living with HIV need to be emphasized, as
well as the rights of marginalized populations such
as injecting drug users, men who have sex with
men and sex workers. Gender-sensitive policies to
establish gender equality and eliminate gender-
based violence are additional requirements.
Promote Safer and
Healthier Sex

Integrate Maternal and HIV/AIDS Infant Health
Advocate for investment in STI
management as a key strategy
to reduce HIV transmission
d between Optimize HIV/AIDS the Connection
& STI Services
Develop policies to provide appropriate
HIV/AIDS care and treatment options
for pregnant women, mothers,
& Policy
their infants and families
Ensure and monitor that all four
prongs of a comprehensive strategy
for preventing HIV infections in women
and infants are in place and funded
Implement in STI programmes
a package of HIV/AIDS services
including safer sex information and
counselling, routine offer of HIV testing
and counselling, and condoms
Provide a basic package of HIV/AIDS
services (information on safer sex,
counselling and access to condoms)
in antenatal care settings
Provide STI management to PLWHA in all
HIV/AIDS care and treatment services
Integrate antenatal syphilis screening
and treatment with PMTCT services
Strengthen maternal health services
for women living with HIV/AIDS
(including infant feeding counselling,
family planning and access to HIV
care, treatment and support)
Provide counselling on reproductive
choices for PLWHA and their partners


Promote a coordinated and coherent response. Promote

attention to sexual and reproductive health priorities
within a coordinated and coherent response to HIV/AIDS
that builds upon the principles of one national HIV/
AIDS framework, one broad-based multi-sectoral HIV/
AIDS coordinating body, and one agreed country-level
monitoring and evaluation system (Three Ones Principle).
Meaningfully involve PLWHA. Women and men
living with HIV/AIDS need to be fully involved in
designing, implementing and evaluating policies,


programmes and research that affect their lives.

Foster community participation. Young people, key
vulnerable populations and the community at large
are essential partners for an adequate response
to the described challenges and for meeting the
needs of affected people and communities.
Reduce stigma and discrimination. More vigorous legal
and policy measures are urgently required to protect
PLWHA and vulnerable populations from discrimination.

to Explanatory notes on some technical terms
have sex. Vulnerability to HIV is a measure of an
Prevention for and with PLWHA encompasses a
set of actions that help PLWHA protect their sexual
health, avoid other STIs, delay HIV/AIDS disease
progression, and avoid passing HIV infection on to
others. PLWHA play an essential role in preventing
new HIV infections. Strategies for prevention for and
with PLWHA include individual health promotion,
scaling-up of HIV/AIDS and SRH services, community
participation, and advocacy and policy change.
HIV Testing and Counselling form the gateway to HIV
prevention, care, treatment and support for persons in
need. All HIV testing of individuals must be confidential,
only be conducted with informed consent (meaning that
it is both informed and voluntary) and be accompanied by
A routine offer of HIV testing should be made by health
care providers to all patients in health care settings where
HIV is prevalent and antiretroviral treatment is available,
where a person shows signs or symptoms consistent with
HIV related disease, to clients in STI services, and in the
context of antenatal care services to facilitate prevention
of mother-to-child transmission. Patients retain the right
to refuse HIV testing.
At the same time, client-initiated HIV testing for all
people who want to learn their HIV status through
voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) remains
critical to the effectiveness of HIV prevention.
Promotion of knowledge of HIV status among any
population that may have been exposed to HIV
through any mode of transmission is essential.
Risk and Vulnerability. HIV infection is associated with
specific risks, including behaviours such as unprotected
sexual intercourse or situations such as being forced
individual’s or community’s inability to control their
risk of infection. In many settings, women – and in
particular young women – are especially vulnerable
to HIV infection as they may be less able than men to
avoid non-consensual or coercive sexual relations.
Key Populations. Key populations are those where risk and
vulnerability converge. HIV epidemics can be limited by
concentrating prevention efforts among key populations.
The concept of key populations also recognizes that
they can play a key role in responding to HIV/AIDS. Key
populations vary in different places depending on the
context and nature of the local epidemic, but in most
places, they include men who have sex with men, sex
workers and their clients and injecting drug users.
Dual Protection. Many sexually active people need dual
protection: protection against unintended pregnancy and
against STIs including HIV. Those contraceptives that offer
the best pregnancy prevention do not protect against STIs.
Thus, simultaneous condom use for disease prevention is
recommended. Condoms used alone can also prevent both
STIs and pregnancy if used correctly and consistently, but
are associated with higher pregnancy rates than condoms
used together with another contraceptive method.
Strategies for Preventing HIV Infections
in Women and Infants include:
Prevent primary HIV infection among girls and women
Prevent unintended pregnancies among
women living with HIV/AIDS
Reduce mother-to-child transmission through
antiretroviral drug treatment or prophylaxis,
safer deliveries and infant feeding counselling
Provide care, treatment and support to women
living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
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Published in October 2005
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