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The Role of Dusung As Atraditional Arooresty Pattern and Local Culture in Overcoming Food Security and Security Problems in Small Islands

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The Role Of Dusung As Atraditional Arooresty

Pattern And Local Culture In Overcoming Food
Security And Security Problems In Small Islands
Thomas M. Silaya, Ludia Siahaya

Abstract: Food is a very basic need in human life and its demand continues to increase, especially on small islands in Maluku that span the influence of
ecological conditions. To ensure the fulfillment of food needs, a new approach to managing food is needed through an agroforestry scheme. The
purpose of this study is to examine the development of dusung management patterns as traditional agroforestry that can provide optimal benefits in the
aspect of food production in order to overcome the problem of food security and security on small islands. In this study desc riptive research methods
and survey research methods were used. While the approach used in this study is a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data and information
collected, then analyzed using vegetation analysis, income level, contribution of dusung in the form of income of dusung farmers and frequency of
collecting dusung results.The results showed that the structure and composition of the dusung vegetation at the study site co nsisted of tree, pole,
weaning and seedling levels. There are 17 types of tree vegetation in the dusung (70.83%) and 15 species of plants / grassland that can be eaten or
processed to become food and drink. This proves that tree-level vegetation in dusung is very potential in supporting food needs for the community. The
contribution of dusung farming to the average family income per year was Rp.25,255,781.25 or 73.30%. The factors that influence the development of
dusung management in overcoming the problem of food security and security are socio-cultural factors, the system of inheritance / ownership of dusung,
cropping patterns and types of soil in the dusung and factors of changing people's lifestyle

Keywords: food, agroforestry, dusung, small islands


1. INTRODUCTION pattern has long been known and practiced in Maluku in the
form of dusung which is a tradition of Maluku people in land
1.1 Background use. The use of forests and land in Maluku, especially on
Food is a very basic need in human life and its demand Ambon Island through agricultural activities is always
continues to increase along with the development of the associated with norms that regulate harmony and harmony
population and improving the quality of life, besides the quality with the natural environment through an agroforestry pattern
of food demanded also increases, so increasing production known as the "Dusung".
and quality of domestic food is very important. In 1987, the 1.2. Research Objectives and Benefits
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
called attention to the major problems and challenges facing The objectives of this study are:
global agriculture, if current and future food needs were to be 1. Assessing the development of the management pattern of
met, and the need for a new approach to agricultural dusung in order to provide optimal benefits in aspects of
development. Therefore, in recent years the world's attention food production in order to overcome the problem of food
on food security has been increasing. Food security consists security and security on small islands
of three main subsystems namely availability, distribution and 2. Knowing the structure and composition of various types of
consumption. If the three subsystems can be managed well in vegetation in dusung related to the management of dusung
an area, then what is called the condition of food security is as a source of food.
achieved and vice versa if it cannot be realized then there will 3. Knowing the factors that influence the role of the dusung in
be food insecurity. The condition of food security determines overcoming the problem of food security and security on
the nutritional status of individuals and families in society, small islands.
which in turn affects the quality of human resources. (Kholiq,
et al 2008)To ensure that the physical and economic II. RESEARCH METHODS
consumption needs of the population are met, a new approach
to food management in all components of society is needed. 2.1. Research Location and Time
One of the new approaches to agricultural development, The study was conducted in two villages in the Ambon Island
especially in the islands with small islands that are very region, namely the Hatalai village at Leitimur Sub District and
stretched against environmental conditions such as Maluku, is Tial village at Salahutu Sub Disrict. The implementation of this
an optimal land use system to ensure the sustainability of food research lasted for six months.
production. This approach can be done through an
agroforestry pattern that combines various agricultural 2.2. Research Methods
products in the form of food crops, plantations, forestry and In this study two research methods are used, namely
animal husbandry activities. The traditional agroforestry descriptive research methods and survey research methods.
The purpose of descriptive research is to make a picture of a
______________________________ situation systematically, factually and accurately about the
factors, traits and relationships between phenomena that exist
 Thomas M. Silaya and Ludia Siahaya @Forestry Department, in the field (Nasir, 1998). While the approaches used in this
Pattimura University. Email: study are quantitative (positivism) and qualitative
(phenomenological) approaches.

(1979), the dusung area in the study site has a different

2.3. Data Collection structure of vegetation (stratum), where there are 5 strata with
The determination of the research location in the Hatalai and the division of stratum based on the height of the stand.
Tial villages was carried out using a purposive sampling Stratum A (30 m high), stratum B (20-30 m), stratum C (4-20
method, based on the potential and conditions of the dusung m), stratum D (1-4 m) and stratum E (<1 m). The types of
in the village, the location of the village, and historical vegetation in the strata A and B at the study site include: Durio
background. Furthermore, from each village the number of zibethinus, Gmelina mollucana, Aleuritus mollucana, Canarium
respondents randomly drawn was 15-20% of the number of commune and Albizzia falcataria. The existence of stratum A
households in the dusung village. The primary data collection and B vegetation shows that the dusung vegetation at the
process is carried out by means of engaged observations and research location has been cultivated and has been
open and in-depth interviews. Observations involved are developing for quite a long time. While the types of vegetation
observations made by following the daily activities of the local that are on the C strata include: nutmeg (Myristica fragrans),
community in the management of dusung. Data that has been cloves (Eugenia aromatica), mangosteen (Garcinia
collected, both based on fieldwork (field work), as well as from manggostana), gandaria (Bouea macrophylla), mango
related agencies will be classified, described, analyzed and (Mangifera indica) and langsat (Lancium domesticum). By
interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. referring to the difference in the level of this stratum, it can be
said that the condition of the dusung vegetation owned by the
2.4. Data Analysis community at the study site is almost the same as the
Data and information collected, then analyzed with qualitative condition of the primary forest vegetation. Where such
and quantitative descriptive analysis. Data analyzed conditions can guarantee various forest functions related to
quantitatively are vegetation data to determine the structure environmental sustainability (growing places) and soil fertility
and composition of vegetation, including the Important Value for plant growth and production. Based on INP data in Table 1,
Index. While the data analyzed descriptively qualitatively the types of vegetation in the dusung that have a higher level
include land use systems, and customary rules that are carried of mastery are durian (Durio zibethinus), nutmeg (Myristica
out in utilizing natural/forest resources and the environment. fragrans), cloves (Eugenia aromatica), mangosteen (Garcinia
manggostana), and gandaria (Bouea macrophylla).According
to Odum (1971) in Soenaryo (2004), that the greater the INP
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of a species, the type of growth is very stable in the ecosystem
because it is supported by factors of growth. Therefore the
3.1. Structure and Composition of Dusung Vegetation as a
types with higher INP values tend to have the ability to grow
Source of Food Material
and develop and produce far greater than other types. Of the
The area of the dusung at the research location in Hatalai and
24 tree-level vegetation species contained in the dusung, 17
Tial villages is an ecosystem that is strongly influenced by the
species (70.83%) can be eaten or processed to become food
nature and characteristics of the local environment such as
and drink. This proves that tree-level vegetation in dusung at
edafic, physiographic, climatic and biotic factors. The results
the research location is very potential in supporting food needs
showed that in the dusung at the study site there were 24
for the community, especially for dusung owners.
types of vegetation at the tree level, 22 types of pole levels, 17
types of weaning levels and 16 types of seedlings. The highest Vegetati
Importance Value Index (INP) of the 10 tree level vegetation The Part
No. on Utilization
types is shown in Table 1. Utilized
1. Sagoo Starch processed into various types of food
Table 1. Significant Value Index (INP) Tree-level Vegetation
Type at the Research Location 2. Coconut
Drink and Food
Species Breadfrui
No. KR FR DR INP 3. Fruit Flesh Procced into food
Name t
Durians (Durio Food direcly and processed into
1 13.38 12.04 10.37 35.79 4. Walnut Fruit Flesh
zibethinus) Food
Nutmeg (Myristica Leaf dan
2 10.36 9.20 9.14 28.70 5. Melinjo Food Processed
fragrans) Seed
Clove (Eugenia
3 8.62 8.98 7.87 25.47 6. Gayang Fruti Flesh Food Processed
Mangosteen (Garcinia 7. Petai Seed Food Processed
4 6.04 7.33 7.15 20.52
Gandaria (Bouea Fruit flesh + Food direcly and processed into
5 6.48 6.33 6.49 19.30 8. Durians
macrophylla) Seed Food
Mango (Mangifera Palm Young fruit
6 5.15 5.02 5.89 16.06 9. Drink processed and palm Sugar
indica) Sugar and nira
Langsat (Lancium Mangost
7 5.01 4.46 4.29 13.76 10. Fruit Flesh Food and Processed into Drink
domesticum) een
Walnut (Canarium Gandari
8 4.57 4.27 3.88 12.72 11. Fruit Flesh Food and Processed into Drink
commune) a
Titi Wood (Gmelina 12. Langsat Fruir Flesh Food
9 4.43 3.99 3.72 12.14
Salawaku wood Fruit Flesh +
10 3.99 3.29 3.68 10.96 13 Mango Food and Processed into Drink
(Albizzia falcataria) Seed
14 Lute Fruit Flesh Food
Based on stratification of stands according to Soerianegara

Candlen Furit/seed
Processed into flavour advantage because the species planted are of commercial
ut flesh value and with diversity they have resistance to price
16 Cashew Seed flesh Food and Processed into Food fluctuations and market demand. Dusung has socio-cultural
Namu- advantages because the technology is flexible, familiar, and
17 Fruit flesh Food efficient. Dusung is also a form of synergy between the
forestry, agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors. The
5.2. Types and Production of Food Crops in Dusung. synergy between sectors has the potential to become an
Based on the type of land use in the research location, it can alternative to realize national food security. Based on the
be seen that the traditional agroforestry (dusung) pattern description above, dusung as a traditional agroforestry pattern
exists because of the traditional practices of the community in in Maluku has the potential to contribute to realizing national
producing food crops, plantation crops (seasonal) and food security. All forms of agroforestry (agrisilviculture,
plantation crops related to primary and secondary natural silvopasture, sericulture, apiculture and silvofisheri) always
forests due to their use by trees and variety of plants. The produce or are related to food problems. This is confirmed by
types of food plants in the dusung at the research location can Von Meydell, (1986) that the goals and benefits of agroforestry
be seen in Table 3. The types of food plants in Table 3, are not in the tropics are (1) guaranteeing and improving food needs,
completely in a certain dusung, usually only a few plants. Type (2) improving local energy supply, such as fuel wood, (3)
of tubers (cassava, taro, sweet potato) and also banana types, increasing / improving raw material production forest and
because these types are a source of information for the agricultural products, (4) improving the quality of rural life, and
community in the village. (5) maintaining and improving environmental services.

Table 3. Types of Vegetation of undergrowth in Dusung that 5.3. The contribution of dusung to community income
are utilized by the community as a source of food ingredients. Community income in an area depends on the livelihood of the
community, generally people who live in rural areas have a
homogeneous type of livelihood, depending on the natural
No. Type of Plants Part of utilized Utilization resources available and utilized by the community in the area.
processed into various The community at the research location planted estate crops
1. Cassava bulbs, leaf
types of food as a very dominant crop in generating income. The plantation
processed into various crops are nutmeg and clove, besides that the community also
2. Keladi Bulbs
types of food grows food crops such as bananas, cassava, and coconut. As
processed into various
3. Banana Fruit for the fruits that contribute to the income, they are durian,
types of food
diolah menjadi mango and langsat types. The average family or respondent's
4. Sweet Potato bulbs berbagai jenis bahan annual income at the study site, comes from dusung farming
pangan income sources (food crops, plantations and fruits and
5. Peanut Fruit
processed into various vegetables) is the highest at Rp.25,255,781.25, or as much as
types of food 73.30 %. Then followed by income from side jobs (excluding
6. Long Bean Fruit Vegetable dusung results) of Rp. 7,948,437.50 or 23.07% and the lowest
is derived from revenues sourced from timber forest products
7. Spinach Leaf + stem Vegetable
with total revenues of Rp. 1,250,000 or 3.63%.Through the
8. Cucumber fruit Vegetable contribution of the results of this dusung, it can be seen that
the community in the study location is highly dependent on the
9. Pumpkins Fruit Vegetable
various types of plants in the dusung which are a hereditary
10. Eggplant Fruit Vegetable family inheritance.
leaf, flower,
11. Papaya Vegetable and Fruits
fruit 5.4. Factors Affecting the Role of Dusung in Overcoming
12. Pineapple Buah Fruits Food Security and Security Issues
on Small Islands
13. Matel Leaf Vegetable
Young shoot Vegetable a. Socio-cultural
In the life of the community in the research location there are a
15. Salak Fruit Fruits
number of socio-cultural values or traditions that govern the
relationship between the community and the natural
The condition of food plants in dusung illustrates how potential environment. This socio-cultural value is a manifestation of the
the development of dusung as a traditional agroforestry wisdom of the community in maintaining harmony and
pattern is to produce food for people who are on small islands harmony with the natural environment, these values include
in Maluku. Dusung as a traditional agroforestry pattern is a sasi and Kewang institutions. Sasi is a rule or norm that
strategic choice of land management that not only considers prohibits communities from taking plant products or forest
economic, social but also environmental aspects. This makes products within a certain period, where the rules or norms
the dusung system potentially more sustainable than a have been integrated in their lives, while Kewang is a
monoculture system. According to Silaya (2011) the traditional traditional institution that functions to oversee the fishing
dusung agroforestry system has advantages both in terms of grounds of a group of indigenous peoples including
ecological, economic, environmental, social and cultural. overseeing the implementation sasi.
Ecological superiority because dusung consists of multi types,
multi-level canopy and vegetation continuity. Economic b. Planting Patterns and Soil Types in Dusung

Planting patterns in dusung are generally diverse or drink. This proves that tree-level vegetation in dusung is
diversified, and this pattern is not only applied to fruit trees, but very potential in supporting food needs for the community.
also to plantation crops such as cloves, nutmeg, coconut, and c. The contribution of dusung farming (food crops,
other species planted in different locations. Through this plantations and fruits and vegetables) to the average
diversification pattern, it is possible for business failure on one annual family income at the study site, amounted to
type of plant that can be covered by other types of plant Rp.25.255.781,25 or 73.30%.
business. Related to this, aspects of suitability of soil types d. Factors that influence the development of dusung
with plants are things that need attention. Soil plays an management in overcoming the problem of food security
important role because it can affect plant growth, so that land and security are socio-cultural factors in the form of
suitability gets a very important priority, namely finding community wisdom such as sasi and Kewang, inheritance
locations that have positive characteristics in relation to the system / ownership of dusung, cropping patterns and
success of production or use (Sitorus, 1985). types of soil in dusung and factors of changes in
community lifestyle
c. Dusung's Inheritance / Ownership System
Dusung in Maluku is generally a dusung that has been Suggestion
cultivated by previous generations and has been passed down a. The management of dusung on Ambon Island needs to be
from generation to generation. The social problem that occurs developed especially the combination of types of plants,
related to this inheritance is that each party feels more interest spacing and application of agricultural technology to be
in the management of the dusung, so conflicts often occur in more useful in overcoming food and environmental
terms of division of dusung results. This conflict occurs problems.
because there are no standard rules or clear rules regarding b. Synergy and support from all parties is needed in the
the division of dusung results.
effort to develop dusung as traditional agroforestry in
order to optimize land use in supporting food security and
d. Changing Community Lifestyle
security on small islands in Maluku.
The existence of social interaction will lead to social processes
in society, this will determine the direction, norms and values
in organizations, social institutions and other social forms. REFERENCES
(Soelaiman, 1998). The condition stated by Soelaiman also [1]. Kholiq, Hardiansyah, dan Djamaludin. 2008. Persepsi
happened to the people of Maluku. Social changes that occur dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan
today are normal symptoms that are interconnected between Lumbung Pangan di Kabupaten Lampung barat.
one community to another. So it is very difficult for a Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, November 2008 3 (3) : 217 –
community to close themselves from the spread of social 226
change, meaning that there is no community in this world [2]. Nasir, M. 1998. Metode Penelitian. Graha Jakarta.
socially unchanged (Soeprapto, 2002). In connection with the [3]. Silaya. Th, 2011. Kajian Aspek Sosial Agroforestry
management of dusung, the dusung owner community in Tradisional “Dusung” pada Beberapa Desa di Pulau
Maluku has also experienced a social change (lifestyle) which Ambon.
is the impact of the process of modernization and development [4]. Sitorus, S. R. P, 1985. Evaluasi Sumber Daya Lahan.
in all aspects. The change in question is a change from a Tarsito, Bandung.
simple lifestyle to a pattern of life that tends to be consumptive [5]. Soelaiman.M.M, 1998. Dinamika Masyarakat Transisi.
so that all efforts made are directed to obtain economic Pustaka Pelajar Yogyakarta.
benefits in a relatively short time. This resulted in the [6]. Soenaryo, 2004. Studi Tentang Struktur dan
community of dusung owners tending to utilize dusung Komposisi Hutan Pantai di Pulau Nusalaut. Skripsi
products earlier than the actual harvest time. This method of Fakultas Pertanian Kehutanan Unpatti, Ambon.
harvesting causes a decrease in the quality of yields and [7]. Soeprapto, R. 2002. Interaksionisme Simbolik,
dusung production in the next harvest season, and even a Perspektif Sosiologi Modern. Pustaka Pelajar,
significant decline occurs. Averroes Press. Malang - Yogyakarta.
[8]. Surianegara,I. 1979. Ekologi Hutan Indonesia.
Institut Pertanian Bogor.
[9]. Von Maydell., U H.J. 1986. Trees and Shrubs of the
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4.1. Conclusion.
Geselischaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
a. The structure and composition of the dusung vegetation at
Federal Republic of Germany.
the study site consisted of tree, pole, weaning and
seedling levels, while the stratification of stands consisted
of stratum A (height> 30 m), stratum B (20-30 m), stratum
C (4-20 m) , stratum D (1-4 m) and stratum E (<1 m). The
types with the highest INP are durian (Durio zibethinus),
nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), cloves (Eugenia aromatica),
and mangosteen (Garcinia manggostana).
b. At the research location, there were 17 types of tree
vegetation out of 24 types of tree-level vegetation in the
dusung (70.83%) and 15 species of plants / understorey
which could be eaten or processed to become food and



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