PDF Soal Invitation Xi
PDF Soal Invitation Xi
PDF Soal Invitation Xi
NO : 06
Dear Gigih,
To Mr Alfin Putra
Head of marketing from PT Lancar Jaya
Jln. Panglima Jendral Sudirman,Gg Vll No. 26 Tulungagung
To Mr. Alfin,
We are writing this letter to look forward to welcoming you to the 10th anniversary of our
company. The event will be held on:
Day and Date : Sunday, September 12, 2021
Time : 07:00 – end
Place : Hall PT Maju Mundu
Event : 10th Anniversery PT Maju Mundur
We hope Mr. Alfin has free time to attend the event that we are holding. Thanks.
Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Eka Prasetyo
Leader of Class X-Xll
SMKN 1 Boyolangu
With respe,
It is respectfully informed that in accordance with the school program, SMK Negeri 1
Boyolangu is holding face-to-face learning activities for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. In this
regard, we hope that the leader of class X-XII will attend the coordination meeting for face-to-
face learning which will be held in rotation starting on Monday, September 13, 2021.
1) Birthday Party
Hai guys,
I would like to invite you to a dinner party.
This party is held for my college graduation celebration.
The party will be on Monday at 19.00,
on September 13th , 2021 at my house.
I hope you can join me, I will be very happy
to celebrate my graduation day with you all.
Thank you.
2) The Wedding
We have come to our new life,
We want to share the joy of our marriage with all the families and friends.
We write this invitation to invite all of you to share the joy with us Our
wedding reception.
Please come on:
Date: September 15th,2021
Place: At Hotel Istana
Jl. KH Agus Salim No. 73-75
Time: 18.00-20.00 pm
It’s a blessing for us if you were there and pray for our new life.
Thank you.
We are the new blissful family.