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Audit Report Gulshan Outlet 7 October 2021

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Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

1. Backhouse Main entrance door of backhouse found Adequate civil maintenance work needs to be Improvement Maintenance
Entrance damaged. carried out to keep building infrastructure up to Needed
1. Temperature monitoring device of Visicooler # Administrative & Temporary maintenance works Improvement Maintenance
Riders Area 07 found out of order and internal fan fixtures of need to besuper finished on immediate basis. Needed
Visicooler # 07 & 08 found dirty furthermore
broken tiles observed on floor in riders area
1. Administrative & Temporary maintenance Administrative & Temporary maintenance works Improvement Maintenance
evidences observed such as: need to be super finished on immediate basis. Needed
1. Flaking paint on roof top just above to
2. Exhaust fan cover and louver screen
found missing.
3. A prominent gap more then 5mm
found on the metal roof structure.
4. Broken tiles on wall side and open
Fry and Pizza wiring observed.
department 5. Temperature monitoring device of an
unidentified freezer found out of
order as it displays temperature
25.9℃ whereas freezer recommended
temperature is -18℃ in fry
6. Internal light fixture found damaged of
an unidentified freezer of fry dept.
2. Temperature probe attached with wire found Administrative & Temporary maintenance works Major Maintenance,
immersed in product oil since it should not come need to besuper finished on immediate basis. Operation Manager
in direct contact even it is made of food grade & Kitchen Manager

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

3. Calibration stickers found missing of All critical tools that variation may have an impact Improvement Maintenance
Fry and Pizza temperature monitoring devices of fryers in fry on food quality and safety such as weighing scale, Needed & Branch Manager
department department. thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and
identified in all operational areas.
1. Temporary maintenance evidence such as cloth Administrative & Temporary maintenance works Minor Branch Manager
fixture found attached with door being used as a need to besuper finished on immediate basis.
Cold Store door opener in cold store.
2. Under pallet area found extremely dirty in cold A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Branch Manager
store. carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed
1. Administrative & Temporary maintenance issues Administrative & Temporary maintenance works Improvement Maintenance
observed in variety dept. such as: need to besuper finished on immediate basis. Needed
1. Broken tiles on floor and wall side SS
corner fixture found damage.
2. Flaking paint evidence observed on
wall side structure next to production
Variety 3. A damaged and out of order freezer
Department found kept under production table
without any out of order tag and
covering which has high potential to
attract pest.
4. Temperature monitoring device of
Visicooler # 03 & Freezer # 03 showing
temperature 13.4℃ and 21.7℃
respectively whereas recommended
temperature of Visicooler & Freezer is
1℃ to 5℃ & -18℃ respectively.
5. Freezer’s Internal light fixture, Gasket
and body structure found damage of
freezer # 03.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

2. Discard trays found kept directly on floor without Pallets should be used for stacking of any raw Improvement Branch Manager
any pallet in variety dept. Furthermore An apron material, finished product and packaging material Needed
found hanged on door fixture of variety dept. etc.
3. Incomplete MRD such as only date of receiving Proper MRD including information such as date of Serious Area Incharge &
observed on egg crates in variety dept. receiving, date of production and expiry date / Branch Manager
limit should be in place on all commodities to
make assure operational functions such
FIFO/FEFO & traceability norms are carried out
4. Variety Production table underside area found made up Wooden based equipment, tools, Infrastructure, Improvement Maintenance,
Department of wooden material in variety dept. Framework and utensils are not recommended in Needed Operation Manager
food operation facilities since they are prone & Kitchen Manager
enough to be avoided dueto their porous nature to
allow deposition of dust , dirt and debris inside
their bodystructure as well as they sometimes in
presence of moisture may provide harborage for
different pests.
5. Possible cross contamination observed as Since Meat and Poultry based products cannotbe Major Area Incharge &
cheddar cheese found kept along with K&N’s kept together with dairy based products as it may Branch Manager
chicken packet in Visicooler # 03 of variety dept. have potential for a synergic / dual hazard (
Chemical and biological hazard together) as some
times when we observe a temperature disorder
failure there are very high chances for microbial
contamination evenproducts or any of a product
from both categories are packed they may pose a
cross microbial contamination as well as they have
potential for a chemical reaction / Allergen
reaction if not covered, hence therefore not
recommended to be kept together even if they are
properly packed in one portion of a

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

refrigerator or freezer to avoid cross

6. Half used mayonnaise pouch and margarine (in All perishable foods items should be kept stored in Serious Area Incharge &
plastic container) found kept in ambient a temperature controlled environment to inhibit Branch Manager
environment on checking their temperature via immediate / early deterioration of product or of
IR gun it was found to be 31.8℃ and 33℃ prolong freshness. Date of opening should be
respectively whereas it is recommended to kept mentioned on packet with a revised (reduced shelf
Variety them in refrigerator. life since no vacuum application is carried out to
Department counter off / rule out moisture from environment.
Raw materials technical shelf-life limit may need
to be revised for commodities that are critically
sensitive to storage conditions challenges.
7. Insect o cutter found fully accumulated with A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement IPM Service Provider
dead flies in variety dept. carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed
1. Prominent gap of more than 5mm on wall side Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure that no Improvement Maintenance
structure with exhaust fan observed that has opening or gap of 5mm or more remain to be Needed
high potential for pest entrance in washing area closed out since this much gap is sufficient enough
Washing area associated with canteen Furthermore open for pest entrance and harborage
associated with wiring evidences observed in canteen
2. Canteen Hand washing soap dispenser found empty in All hand soap and sanitizer dispensers need to be Minor Branch Manager
washing area associated with canteen. surveillance on a frequent period to assess that all
stations are filled adequately with soap and
sanitizers respectively on all critical stations.
1. Temperature monitoring device of Freezer # 02 Administrative & Temporary maintenance works Improvement Maintenance &
found out of order furthermore freezer’s internal need to be super finished on immediate basis. Needed Branch Manager
Packing surface / base found accumulated with cotton Furthermore a prompt cleaning with proper
Department waste looms in packing dept. surveillance to be carried out to avoid such
2. Finished biscuit trays covering found partially All product , raw material, packaging material, Serious Area Incharge &
damaged in packing dept. semi-finished, product contact surface equipment Branch Manager

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

are supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid

cross contamination
3. Hand sanitizer dispenser found dirty from A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Minor Branch Manager
dispensing side and out of order / damaged in carried out to avoid such circumstances.
Packing packing dept.
4. Department Roof ceiling fan and Under pallet area found dirty A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Major IPM Service Provider
Furthermore Alive German cockroach found carried out to avoid such circumstances. & Branch Manager
crawling in packing dept. Furthermore a comprehensive IPM system needs
to be introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues
1. Temporary maintenance evidence such as open Immediate maintenance to be carried out to Improvement Maintenance
wiring furthermore prominent gap of more than make manufacturing operations smooth Needed
5mm on ventilation space screening found in furthermore fixed all gaps on immediate basis
mezzanine floor store. ensure that no opening or gap of 5mm or more
Mezzanine Floor remain to be closed out since this much gap is
Store sufficient enough for pest entrance and
2. Cat faeces found on floor in mezzanine floor A comprehensive IPM system needs to be Major IPM Service Provider
store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues
1. Semi-finished product trays found kept All product , raw material, packaging material, Major Area Incharge &
uncovered in Visicooler # 10 furthermore semi-finished, product contact surface equipment Branch Manager
prominent evidence of water droplets observed are supposed to be kept covered properly to
as water droplets are dropping directly on semi- avoid cross contamination.
finished product from visicooler internal upper
Freezer’s area surface.
2. Temperature monitoring devices of visicoolers All critical tools that variation may have an impact Improvement Maintenance
and freezer found out of calibrated in freezer’s on food quality and safety such as weighing scale, Needed
area. thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and
identified in all operational areas.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

1. Wall side fan fixture and hand sanitizer dispenser Immediate maintenance to be carried out to Minor Minor
from dispensing side found dirty in sweet dept. make manufacturing operations smooth and
Furthermore a prompt cleaning with proper
surveillance to be carried out to avoid such
2. Side Wall fixture and door fixture found made up Since wooden material is not recommended in Improvement Maintenance &
of wooden material in sweet dept. food operations as it creates opportunity with Needed Branch Manager
respect to pest harborage and other critical food
safety concerns that may lead to severe
cross contamination.
3. Some SS buckets containing finished sweets and All product , raw material, packaging material, Serious Area Incharge &
a SS container containing product ingredient semi-finished, product contact surface equipment Branch Manager
“Pista” found kept uncovered in sweet dept. are supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid
Sweet Department cross contamination.
4. Sweet “Discard / Choora” found without its Proper MRD including information such as date of Minor Branch Manager
discard date and date of production in sweet receiving, date of production and expiry date /
dept. limit should be in place on all commodities to
make assure operational functions such
FIFO/FEFO & traceability norms are carried out
5. Production table underside cabinet door fixture A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Maintenance
found dirty furthermore production table carried out to avoid such circumstances and Needed
underside / base found made up of wooden Furthermore, wooden material is not
material in sweet dept. recommended in food operations as it creates
opportunity with respect to pest harborage and
other critical food safety concerns that may lead
to severe cross contamination.
1. Main Store Weighing scale found without calibration sticker All critical tools that variation may have an impact Minor Branch Manager
in main store. on food quality and safety such as weighing scale,

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and

identified in all operational
2. Rodents cage with food bait found without any A comprehensive IPM system needs to be Improvement IPM Service Provider
identification tag in main store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest Needed
related issues
3. Main Store Dust accumulation observed on shelves of main A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge &
store. carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed Branch Manager
4. Temporary maintenance evidences such as low Immediate maintenance to be carried out to Improvement Maintenance
light lugs, flaking paint on roof ceiling structure make manufacturing operations smooth and Needed
and unpaved surface of floor observed in main Furthermore, More than 500 light lugs are
store. recommended to
1. Temperature monitoring IR gun found out of All critical tools that variation may have an impact Improvement Branch Manager
order at the entrance of main outlet. on food quality and safety such as weighing scale, Needed
thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and
identified in all operational
2. Finished product “Qulfi” has no MRD (No date of Proper MRD including information such as date of Major R&D &
production, expiry, no company logo, no product receiving, date of production and expiry date / Marketing
Main Outlet information along with product category limit should be in place on all commodities to
identification) observed. make assure operational functions such
FIFO/FEFO & traceability norms are carried out
3. Product MRD found missing on finished product Proper MRD including information such as date of Severe Serious QA Team Of Korangi
cakes such as “Marble cake, Coconut macaroni receiving, date of production and expiry date / Factory
and Mix Dry fruit”. limit should be in place on all commodities to
make assure operational functions such
FIFO/FEFO & traceability norms are carried out

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

4. FIFO failure observed in SKU product “Vanilla FIFO fallow-ups to be made on realistic approach Improvement Branch Manager
custard powder” with best before Dec.23.21 to avoid any traceability failures that may lead to Needed
found kept backside whereas same product with products expiry.
Main Outlet best before Feb.16.22 found kept in front side.
5. Temporary maintenance observed as cake cards Temporary maintenance works need to be super Improvement Maintenance
found fixed in place of false ceiling fans in main finished on immediate basis. Needed
1. Medical records found missing of these All food handlers medical record must be updated Serious Human Resource
employees. and available at food operational facility prior to
1. Haseeb. employee joining or at the same time he joins the
2. Waris Ali. facility to avoid risk of any unseen mishap leading
3. Moosa. to food safety failure in terms of contiguous
4. Moazzam. diseases.
2. Calibration record found missing of temperature All critical tools that variation may have an impact Improvement Branch Manager
monitoring devices and TDS meter. on food quality and safety such as weighing scale, Needed
thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and
identified in all operational
3. Documentation CIP record found missing of dough mixer All documentations including records need to be Improvement Branch Manager
machine. available and updated to synchronized the system Needed
and to avoid any obstacles related to food
operations execution
4. Potable water third party analysis for Heavy External testing of all critical ingredients including Serious Operation Manager
metals (Chemical Analysis) and Microbial analysis potable water should be carried out at least
found missing at Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet. annually to make food safety & Quality culture
alive to meet global challenges related to food
5. COA of major ingredients such as flour, oil, sugar COAs availability should be mandatory for each lot Improvement QA Manager
etc. found missing. prior to material receiving and this action should Needed

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet
07th October 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No# Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Actions) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

be considered as a “ Must Have Obligation” for all

suppliers during routine evaluation of supplier.
6. Facility Map along with rodent trap identification A comprehensive facility map should be in place Improvement IPM Service Provider
is not available at Facility. along with all monitoring device’s location Needed
allocated in map to assure that IPM related jobs
Documentation are executed affectively to
achieve and attain desired results.
7. Primary packaging and associated food contact Product contact surface equipment and material’s Improvement Procurement
materials such as Pizza supporter stands, Pizza food grade certificate should be in place to assure Needed
box, Qulfi wrapper, Cake / Sweet boxes, Bread that food operations are safe and the product
pouch food grade certificate found unavailable at being produced via mechanism is safe for human
Outlet. consumption.

Gulshan e Iqbal Outlet

Audit Status of 07th October 2021
Finding Severity No. Of Findings Severity %
Major 6 9.23
Severe Serious 1 1.54
Serious 6 9.23
Improvement Needed 26 40.00
Minor 6 9.23
Total 45

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