Nice 1
Nice 1
Nice 1
University of Oxford, UK
The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is a large-scale initiative that aims to greatly increase
the availability of NICE recommended psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders within the National
Health Service in England. This article describes the background to the programme, the arguments on which it is based,
the therapist training scheme, the clinical service model, and a summary of progress to date. At mid-point in a national
roll-out of the programme progress is generally in line with expectation, and a large number of people who would not
otherwise have had the opportunity to receive evidence-based psychological treatment have accessed, and benefited from,
the new IAPT services. Planned future developments and challenges for the programme are briefly described.
Correspondence: David M. Clark, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD, UK. Tel: ⫹ 44 1865
271424. E-mail:
PWP, Psychological wellbeing practitioner; CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy; cCBT, computerized cognitive behavioural therapy; IPT,
interpersonal therapy; EMDR, eye movement desensitization reprocessing therapy (considered by many to be a form of CBT); Behavioural
activation is a variant of CBT; Active monitoring includes careful monitoring of symptoms, psycho-education about the disorder and sleep
hygiene advice.
NICE has not yet issued guidance on the treatment of social phobia. However, there is a substantial body of evidence supporting the
effectiveness of high-intensity CBT. Low intensity versions of CBT are being developed by several groups around the world and it seems
likely that they will play a useful role in the future.
aNICE’s recent (NICE, 2009a, 2009b) updates on the treatment of depression come in two parts: recommendations for the treatment of
‘depression’ and recommendations for the treatment of ‘depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem’. The two guidelines
are very similar. However, it should be noted that the ‘depression with a physical health problem’ guideline does not recommend IPT,
behavioural activation, counselling or brief dynamic therapy as high-intensity interventions.
bAlthough the recent update of the NICE guideline for depression (NICE, 2009a) recommends behavioural activation for the treatment
of mild to moderate depression, it notes that the evidence base is not as strong as for CBT or IPT.
cNICE does not recommend any low-intensity interventions for PTSD and recommends that you do NOT offer psychological debriefing.
In the second development, economists and clin- enues (taxes from return to work, increased
ical researchers combined resources to argue that productivity, etc.). This argument was advanced in
an increase in access to psychological therapies academic articles (e.g. Layard et al., 2007), but also
would largely pay for itself by reducing other in the more populist pamphlets such as The Depres-
depression- and anxiety-related public costs (wel- sion Report (Layard et al., 2006) and We need to Talk
fare benefits and medical costs) and increasing rev- (Mind, 2010) (a report sponsored by numerous
320 D. M. Clark
mental health and other charities). The latter were psychological treatments in depression and anxiety dis-
widely distributed to the public and to policy mak- orders, both demonstration sites agreed to adopt a
ers. For example, The Depression Report was included session-by-session outcome monitoring system that
in every copy of a national newspaper (the Observer had demonstrated its worth in achieving high levels of
newspaper) on Sunday 18 June 2006. pre/post-treatment data completeness in community
The UK Government was receptive to the recom- samples (Gillespie et al., 2002). At every clinical contact
mendations of NICE and to the broader arguments patients were asked to complete simple measures of
advanced in The Depression Report and elsewhere. A depression (PHQ-9: Kroenke et al., 2001) and anxious
general political commitment to increase the avail- affect (GAD-7: Spitzer et al., 2006). If specific anxiety
ability of evidence-based psychological treatments disorders (for example, agoraphobia, social phobia,
was secured in 2005. However, before any decisions OCD, PTSD) were being treated, patients were also
about the scale and form of the increase could be encouraged to complete a validated measure of that
established, the government wisely decided to fund disorder (for example, the Revised Impact of Events
two pilot projects that would test whether the out- Scale in PTSD:Weiss & Marmar, 1997).This is because
comes that one would expect from implementing the GAD-7 does not cover key features of specific anx-
NICE guidelines could be achieved in practice if a iety disorders such as phobic avoidance, compulsive
local area was given increased funding to recruit behaviour and intrusive thoughts, images or impulses.
and deploy additional psychological therapists. Since the creation of the NHS in 1948, most
patients who received specialist psychological ther-
apy had to be referred by their general practitioner
Doncaster and Newham demonstration sites (GP), partly to help constrain NHS costs. However,
there was some concern that requiring patients to be
In 2006 the National Health Service (NHS) in Eng-
referred by a GP might be seen as an impediment to
land comprised 154 primary care trusts (PCTs),
access for some members of the community. For this
each of which had responsibility for the health care
reason, the demonstration sites were allowed to also
of its local population. Two PCTs (Doncaster and
accept self-referrals as an experiment to see whether
Newham) were chosen as pilot sites (termed ‘dem-
it identified people with mental health problems who
onstration sites’ by the Department of Health). Full
would not otherwise have access to services.
details of the clinical services that were developed in
The main findings from the first year of operation
the two demonstrations sites and the outcomes they
of the two demonstration sites were as follows:
obtained in their first year can be found in Clark
et al. (2009) and Richards & Suckling (2009).
Briefly, each demonstration site received substan- Clinical problems
tial funds to recruit and deploy an expanded work-
force of CBT-focused psychological therapists. The two sites saw somewhat different populations.
Doncaster had been pioneering the use of low-inten- Although Doncaster did not use formal diagnoses, GP
sity therapies (especially guided self-help) and chose referral letters mentioned depression as the main
to particularly expand the work force that delivered problem in 95% of cases. In the remaining 5% anxiety
these treatments, although some additional capacity was mentioned as the main problem, mainly GAD
to deliver high-intensity interventions (face-to-face (3.9%). Newham established International Classification
CBT) was also developed. Many of the guided self- of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnoses. Main problems were:
help sessions were delivered over the telephone. As depression (46% of patients), anxiety disorders (43%)
low-intensity interventions and stepped care are not and other problems (11%).
recommended by NICE for PTSD, the Doncaster
site excluded this anxiety disorder but encouraged
Numbers seen
referrals for other anxiety disorders, as well as depres-
sion. Newham initially placed greater emphasis on Taken together, the two sites saw an impressively large
high-intensity CBT, although it also operated a number of people (over 3,500) in the first year, with
stepped-care model when appropriate, using a newly the use of low-intensity therapies and stepped care
recruited workforce of low-intensity therapists (sub- being the key ingredients for managing large numbers.
sequently called psychological wellbeing practitio- For this reason, as the year progressed the Newham
ners or PWPs). The low intensity therapies included site increased the size of its PWP workforce.
computerized CBT (cCBT), guided self-help and
psycho-educational groups.
Data completeness
In order to determine whether the demonstration
sites were able to achieve the outcomes one might The session-by-session outcome monitoring system
expect from the randomized controlled trials that ensured that almost all (over 99% for Doncaster and
led to NICE’s recommendations for the use of 88% for Newham) patients who received at least two
Implementing NICE guidelines: The IAPT experience 321
sessions had pre- and post-treatment PHQ-9 and Importantly, self-referrals more accurately tracked
GAD-7 scores. For patients who discontinued therapy the ethic mix of the community (minorities were
earlier than expected, the scores from the last available under-represented among GP referrals) and had
session were used as post-treatment scores. As well as higher rates of PTSD and social phobia, both condi-
the new session-by-session outcome monitoring tions that traditionally tend to be under-recognized.
scheme, the sites also obtained outcome data on the These findings led the government to include self-
Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Outcome referral in the subsequent national roll-out.
Measure (Barkham et al., 2001) using a more conven-
tional pre and post-treatment only data collection pro-
tocol. As is usual in community samples, this protocol
produced a much lower data completeness rate (6% in The high level of data completeness on the PHQ-9
Doncaster, 54% in Newham), mainly due to missing and GAD-7 made it possible to accurately assess any
post-treatment scores. Figure 1 shows the mean improve- clinical improvements that patients achieved while
ments in depression (assessed by the PHQ-9) and being treated in the demonstration sites. All patients
anxiety (assessed by the GAD-7) in patients treated who received at least two sessions (including assess-
in Newham who did, and did not, provide post- ment) were included in the analysis, irrespective of
treatment data on the conventional (CORE-OM-based) whether they were coded as completers or drop-outs
outcome monitoring protocol. Patients who failed to by their therapist. As a group, patients treated in both
provide post-treatment data in the conventional system sites showed meaningful improvements (pre/post-
showed less than half of the improvement of those who treatment uncontrolled effect sizes of 0.98–1.26).
provided post-treatment data (Clark et al., 2009). This Individuals were considered clinically recovered if
leads to the conclusion that services that have substan- they scored above the clinical cut-off on the PHQ
tial missing data rates are likely to overestimate their and/or the GAD at pre-treatment and below the
effectiveness. For this reason, session-by-session out- clinical cut-off on both at post-treatment. Using this
come monitoring was adopted in the subsequent criterion, 55% (Newham) and 56% (Doncaster) of
national roll-out of IAPT (see below). patients recovered. Self-referrers and patients from
ethnic minorities were no less likely to recover than
(respectively) GP referrals and Caucasians.
Self-referral versus GP referral The economic argument for IAPT (Layard et al.,
Newham, which has a mixed ethnic community, 2007) was based on the assumption that clinical
made extensive use of self-referral. Comparisons improvement would be sustained and that treatment
of self-referred and GP-referred patients indicated would improve peoples’ employment status as well
that the self-referrers had similarly high PHQ-9 and as symptoms. To assess whether clinical improve-
GAD-7 scores as the GPs’, referrals but tended (non- ments were sustained, patients in both sites were
significantly) to have had their problem longer. asked to re-complete the outcome measures 9 months
(on average) after discharge. Unfortunately, data
completeness at follow-up (36% in Newham and
Pre-post complete 51% in Doncaster) was much lower than at post-
Post missing treatment (88% and 99% respectively). However,
among those people who did provide data, the gains
10 that were achieved in therapy were largely main-
tained. To assess employment changes, pre-treatment
and post-treatment employment status was com-
pared. It had been assumed that IAPT services would
achieve an overall improvement in employment sta-
tus in 4% of the total treated cohort (Layard et al.,
2007). The observed rate was 5%.
Although the outcomes observed in the demon-
stration sites were broadly in line with expectation,
it is important to realize that the sites were not set
PHQ GAD up as randomized controlled trials and it is likely that
some of the observed improvement would have
Figure 1. Improvement in PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scores between happened anyway (for example, natural recovery).
initial assessment (pre-) and last available session (post-) in people
Various studies suggest that natural recovery rates
who either completed both the pre- and post-treatment CORE-
OM or who failed to complete the CORE-OM at post. Data from over a period of time that is similar to the duration
the Newham Demonstration site. Figure derived from Clark et al. of IAPT treatment are high among recent onset (⬍ 6
(2009). months) cases of depression and anxiety disorders
322 D. M. Clark
but are substantially lower among more chronic CBT, as (1) it is recommended by NICE for both
cases. Building on this observation, Clark et al. (2009) depression and anxiety disorders, and (2) it is the
separately computed the recovery rates for recent therapy where the manpower shortage was consid-
onset and chronic cases. Most cases (83% in ered to be greatest.
Newham, 66% in Doncaster) had been depressed or Targets were set for the number of patients that
anxious for over 6 months and it seemed safe to con- would be seen by the services in the first three years
clude that treatment had provided added benefit to and there was an expectation that 50% would ‘move
this group as the recovery rates (52% at each site) to recovery’ in terms of their symptomatology. In
comfortably exceeded the 5–20% one might expect addition, it was expected that 25,000 fewer people
from natural recovery or minimal intervention. How- would be on sick pay or receiving state benefits.
ever, among the minority of cases with a recent onset, At least 20 of England’s 154 PCTs were expected
it was not possible to exclude the possibility that to establish new ‘IAPT’ services during the first year
much of the improvement may have been due to (2008/09), with further PCTs joining in future
natural recovery (see Clark et al., 2009). years.
In order to realize these goals, the Department of
Health established a series of expert groups that
Description of the national programme helped devise the necessary training programme and
specified key features of the IAPT clinical services.
Initial funding, goals and targets
A large number of documents providing guidance to
Following the success of the Newham and Doncaster courses and PCTs were produced, most of which can
demonstration sites and the submission of a detailed be viewed on the IAPT website (http://www.iapt.nhs.
business case, which included reviews of controlled uk). Table II lists the key documents, including the
evaluations of CBT in depression and anxiety disor- national IAPT Implementation Plan (Department of
ders, the UK Government announced that it intended Health, 2008).
to greatly increase the availability of evidence-based During the first two years, all funds were held cen-
psychological therapies for depression and anxiety trally by the Department of Health and distributed
disorders throughout England through a phased roll- through England’s ten strategic health authorities
out that would last several years. Funding for the first (SHAs), who commissioned appropriate regional
three years was announced: year 1 £33 million, year training courses and selected the PCTs that would
2 an additional £70 million on top of the year 1 sum receive the new trainees and other resources needed
(which had become recurrent), year 3 an additional to set up a new IAPT service. Rather than place a
£70 million on top of the year 1 and 2 sums. Total few trainees to each PCT, it was decided to initially
over 3 years: £309 million. allocate a substantial number of trainees to a few
The funding was allocated to train up to 3,600 PCTs (early adopters) who would then have the
new psychological therapists (60% high-intensity resources to create a service with sufficient capacity
CBT therapists, 40% PWPs) and to deploy them, ensure patients are seen promptly. During the third
along with existing experienced clinicians, in new year, the principle for distributing funds changed and
psychological treatment services for depression and much of the money for IAPT went into the general
anxiety disorders that operate on stepped-care prin- bundle of funds that PCTs receive to finance all of
ciples. The training programme initially focused on their healthcare work.