Neurocognitive Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics in Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia
Neurocognitive Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics in Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia
Neurocognitive Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics in Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia
Yanyan Hou, Jiaheng Xie, Yanbo Yuan, Zhang Cheng, Xue Han, Lei Yang, Xin
Yu & Chuan Shi
To cite this article: Yanyan Hou, Jiaheng Xie, Yanbo Yuan, Zhang Cheng, Xue Han, Lei Yang,
Xin Yu & Chuan Shi (2020): Neurocognitive effects of atypical antipsychotics in patients with first-
episode schizophrenia, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2020.1771767
CONTACT Chuan Shi; Xin Yu Peking University Sixth Hospital, Peking University Institute of Mental
Health, Peking University, No. 51 Huayuanbei Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China
ß 2020 The Nordic Psychiatric Association
treatments, and whether different medication provides differ- et al. [14]. A Chinese version of this assessment with high
ential effect. Background and study design were previously reliability and validity was created and further revised by Shi
described in detail [11]. This multicentre, randomized, open- et al. [15]. The 10 tests used in the study contained 16 varia-
label clinical trial was conducted from January 2008 to bles. These tests comprise six cognitive domains: speed of
December 2010 at six psychiatric centres in China. Patients processing (Trail Making Test, Part A, action naming, animal
were randomly divided into three groups treated with risper- naming, Color Trails Test 1, Stroop Color Test, and Stroop
idone, olanzapine, and aripiprazole, and then followed up for Word Test), vocabulary learning and memory (Hopkins Verbal
1 year. Learning Test-Revised), visual learning and memory (Brief
Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised), working memory and
attention (Wechsler Memory Scale-spatial span subtest and
paced auditory serial addition test), executive function (Color
Inclusion criteria were as follows: both in- and outpatients; Trails Test 2 and Stroop Color–Word Test), and fine motor
both genders; diagnosis of schizophrenia established with function (Grooved Pegboard Test).
Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV Axis I Disorder, The raw scores for the 10 tests were converted into scaled
patient edition (SCID-I/P); age between 16 and 45; psychosis scores based on a mean of 10 and a SD of 3. Scaled scores
onset after age of 15; no previous systematic psychiatric were adjusted further by age, gender, education, and city of
treatment (continuous treatment for more than 1 month or birth and city of growth, and converted into the standardized
intermittent treatment for more than 3 months in total); t score with a mean of 50 and a SD of 10. Three domains
school education of more than 3 years. Exclusion criteria: his- (speed of processing, working memory and attention, execu-
tory or diagnosis of neurological disorders or other major tive function) were examined using more than one test or vari-
medical conditions, prolonged loss of consciousness (> 1 h), able, we used their summary scores, which were calculated by
intellectual disability; having participated in another clinical averaging the t scores for the contributing variables. The cog-
pharmacology study within one month before screening; nitive composite score was computed by averaging t scores of
alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence within 3 months; six cognitive domains for each treatment group.
women during pregnancy or lactation; contraindication to
olanzapine, aripiprazole or risperidone; colour blindness;
hearing disability. Statistical analyses
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the SPSS 22.0 (SPSS IBM Inc., Chicago, IL) software was used for
Sixth Hospital of Peking University (Beijing, China). All statistical analysis. In the descriptive analysis, categorical vari-
patients signed written informed consent forms before ables were described as percentage and continuous variables
enrollment, and have been registered as legislation requires, as mean and standard deviation. In hypothesis testing, chi-
the clinical ID of the study is NCT01057849. squared test was used for categorical variables; for continu-
ous variables that follow the normal distribution, one-way
Intervention ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA were applied; for
continuous variables that do not follow the normal distribu-
All patients started antipsychotic monotherapy; antipsychotics tion, Kruskal-Wallis H test and Spearman correlation test
doses started off at 3-mg risperidone, 15–30 mg aripiprazole or were applied; the addition of anticholinergic treatment dur-
10–20 mg olanzapine per day and increased to a standard ing the first 6 months was examined using ANCOVA and
therapeutic range within two weeks. During the study, no Spearman correlation, a ¼ 0.05.
other antipsychotics were used; if necessary, small doses of
benzodiazepines (0.5–1.5 mg oral lorazepam or 2–4 mg oral or
im clonazepam per day) could be prescribed for agitation and Results
oral benzhexol (2–6 mg per day) or promethazine (25–75 mg
Demographic and clinical characteristics
per day) for extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).
546 patients were randomly divided into the risperidone
(n ¼ 189), olanzapine (n ¼ 178), and aripiprazole (n ¼ 179)
groups (Fig. 1). The number of patients who completed base-
Mental state was assessed by trained psychiatrists at baseline line cognitive and clinical assessments were 498, 209 of 498
and 4-week, 8-week, and 13-week and then in 3-month inter- patients completed the 6 months cognitive tests and did not
vals until the end of 1-year follow-up. Symptoms were change the antipsychotics; finally, 125 patients completed all
assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale assessments including the first 6 month and 12 month. Those
(PANSS) [12]. Adverse events were assessed using the Udvalg 125 patients were eventually included in the analysis of
for kliniske undersogelser (UKU) [13] side effect scale. this study.
Cognitive performance was evaluated at baseline, 6- Demographics and medication use about the 125 patients
month and endpoint with a neuropsychological test battery are presented in Table 1. No significant difference in age, sex,
adapted from MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB), education level, duration, body mass index (BMI), PANSS score,
which consists of 10 tests selected from more than 90 nomi- or cognitive composite score was found among treatment
nated tests. The US norm of MCCB was developed by Kern groups at baseline; the use of benzodiazepines or
37 ineligible
172 completed baseline assessment 157 completed baseline assessment 169 completed baseline assessment
79 completed the month 6 follow-up 72 completed the month 6 follow-up 64 completed the month 6 follow-up
47 completed the month 12 follow-up 35 completed the month 12 follow-up 43 completed the month 12 follow-up
promethazine during the 1-year follow-up period is also no 12 months are presented in Table 2. Repeated measures
difference between treatment groups. There was a significant ANOVA was used to assess the effect of medication group
difference in anticholinergic use (v2 ¼ 14.411, p ¼ 0.001): after on patients’ test scores. As anticholinergic use was different,
Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons, patients from the combination of anticholinergic as a covariate was
olanzapine group (20.0%) used less anticholinergic than aripi- included in the analysis. Different medication groups had no
prazole group (62.8%), but there is no significant difference significant effect on patients’ overall cognitive performance
between risperidone and aripiprazole or olanzapine group. or any specific domain (p > 0.05). Interactions between time
Baseline characteristics for the 125 patients in final sample points and medication groups had no significant effect on
were compared with the 373 patients who had baseline cog- cognitive test performance (p > 0.05). At different time points
nitive tests and did not complete month 6 and month 12 after treatment started, various cognitive performances
tests using chi-square tests or t tests. The results show that emerged in the domains of speed of processing, visual learn-
patients in final sample had higher education( t ¼ 2.55, ing and memory, working memory and attention, executive
p ¼ 0.011) and lower BMI(t ¼ 2.10, p ¼ 0.036). The other function, and fine motor function (p < 0.05).
measures, including PNASS scores and cognitive composite To further examine treatment time’s differential effect on
score at baseline were not different between groups. cognitive function, multiple comparisons were performed
using the Bonferroni test with time points as main effect
(Table 3), and the significance level was adjusted to 0.017 (¼
Changes in cognitive performance after treatment with
0.05/3). Results show, overall cognitive performance signifi-
atypical antipsychotics
cantly improved at 6 and 12 months compared to baseline,
Cognitive performance scores from each group after treat- but there is no difference between 12 and 6 months. For the
ment with atypical antipsychotics for 6 months and five domains that showed improvements in the previous
analysis, speed of processing, executive function, and fine noteworthy, which means the treatment effect is likely not
motor function all had significant improvements between sustainable beyond 6 months.
6 months and baseline and between 12 and 6 months.
Compared to baseline scores, working memory and attention
Correlation between changes in clinical symptoms and
improved at 6 and 12 months, but there was no significant
cognitive performance
change between 12 and 6 months. For visual learning and
memory, improvement was significant at 6 months, but per- Table 4 shows results of the relationship between changes in
formance dropping back to baseline levels at 12 months is scores of clinical symptom and cognitive function from
Table 4. Correlation between clinical symptoms and change in cognition at 6 months (Spearman’s rank-order correlation, n ¼ 125).
Cognitive Speed of learning Visual learning Working memory Executive Fine motor
PANSS composite score processing and memory and memory and attention function function
Positive symptoms 0.089 0.150 0.147 0.036 0.074 0.008 0.088
Negative symptoms 0.228 0.180 0.166 0.172 0.189 0.096 0.210
General psychopathology 0.189 0.107 0.079 0.101 0.306 0.190 0.081
Total score 0.202 0.117 0.112 0.162 0.278 0.161 0.178
p < 0.05, p < 0.01.
baseline to 6 month: decreases in PANSS total score and score of vocabulary learning and memory domain improved
negative symptoms score both correlate with the increase in (mean [SE] change, 1.550 [1.798]), but the difference was not
cognitive composite score (r ¼ 0.202, p ¼ 0.036; r ¼ 0.228, significant (p ¼ 0.199).
p ¼ 0.017), which suggests cognitive functions improve as
symptoms alleviate. Additionally, PANSS scores correlate with
a number of cognitive domains. Decrease in PANSS total
score correlates with the increase in working memory and This study compares cognitive effects of three atypical anti-
attention (r ¼ 0.278, p ¼ 0.002); Decrease in negative symp- psychotics, i.e. risperidone, olanzapine, and aripiprazole in
toms score correlates with the increase in speed of process- first-episode schizophrenia. Overall cognitive performance
ing, working memory and attention, and fine motor function improved after atypical antipsychotics treatment. Aside from
(r ¼ 180, p ¼ 0.045; r ¼ 189, p ¼ 0.039; r ¼ 210, p ¼ 0.019); vocabulary learning and memory, scores in all domains went
decrease in general psychopathology score correlates with up at 6 months, and improvement was sustained in most
the increase in working memory and attention, and execu- domains later in the study. Working memory and attention
tive function (r ¼ 0.306, p ¼ 0.001; r ¼ 0.190, p ¼ 0.036). had no further improvement and visual learning and mem-
ory performance dropped to baseline levels at 12 months.
Previous studies have shown that atypical antipsychotics
Association between the dose of anticholinergic
can compensate for cognitive impairment in schizophrenia,
medications and cognitive performance
and different types of atypical antipsychotics may have dif-
The addition of anticholinergic treatment during the first ferential effects on certain cognitive domains. Consensus
6 months was examined using ANCOVA and Spearman cor- findings on risperidone include the improvement of multiple
relation. A trend for significant negative association between cognitive domains, i.e. speed of processing, working memory,
the dose of anticholinergic medications and T score of executive function, attention, vocabulary learning and mem-
Hopkins Verbal Learning—total score (r ¼ 0.255, p ¼ 0.087), ory, and visuospatial memory [10,16]. Olanzapine can
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test— delayed recall( r ¼ 0.289, improve speed of processing, vocabulary learning and mem-
p ¼ 0.060) , and Stroop Color/Word test (r ¼ 0.265, ory, attention/vigilance, and executive function [16,17].
p ¼ 0.075) was observed. In addition, a significant negative Relatively few studies have reported the effects of aripipra-
association was observed between the dose of anticholiner- zole, among those that have; some reported improvement in
gic medications and T score of vocabulary learning and reaction time and accuracy of working memory [18], motor
memory domain (r ¼ 0.305, p ¼ 0.047). There was no signifi- speed [19], and visual learning and memory [16]. In this
cant association between the dose of anticholinergic medica- study, all three medications significantly improved some cog-
tions and cognitive composite score. For the 43 patients who nitive domains, namely, speed of processing, working mem-
had anticholinergic medications added during the first ory and attention, executive function, and fine motor
6 months of treatment, T score of vocabulary learning and function, and also captured the short-term improvement on
memory domain worsened (mean [SE] change, 2.284 visual learning and memory that had been reversed in fur-
[2.359]) at the 6-month assessment; other patients whose T ther follow-up. These results were consistent with previous
findings, suggesting that atypical antipsychotics may improve Atypical antipsychotic drugs have been reported to
certain cognitive domains in early schizophrenia. However, improve cognitive function in schizophrenia, but the mech-
our findings differed in that these three atypical antipsy- anism of effect is still unclear. Cognitive symptoms are cur-
chotics did not improve the cognitive domain of vocabulary rently considered linked to abnormal information processing
learning and memory. The difference might be related to in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, while the prefrontal cor-
anticholinergic use—the high serum anticholinergic activities tex in schizophrenia is regulated by neurotransmitters dopa-
in the schizophrenic patients in the previous studies resulted mine, serotonin, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, glutamate,
in poor word recall [20,21], vocabulary learning and memory and histamine. Previous studies have shown that blockage of
[22,23], and overall cognitive performance [24]. In this study, the D1 receptor in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex can dis-
there was a significant negative association between the rupt working memory [33], some D2 and D4 receptor ago-
dose of anticholinergic medications and T score of vocabu- nists can improve cognition by promoting cortical dopamine
lary learning and memory domain among these patients release [34], and selective D3 receptor antagonists help to
who had anticholinergic medication added during the first improve cognitive symptoms by increasing the concentration
6 months, which might explain the lack of improvement in of prefrontal dopamine and acetylcholine [35]. Partial 5-HT1A
this domain. This result does not suggest that anticholinergic receptor activation can alleviate cognitive symptoms; while
treatments should be withheld to aid cognition, however, 5-HT2A receptor antagonism increases the dopamine release
since the extrapyramidal symptoms that are the targets of through disinhibition also achieve similar effects. 5-HT2C
anticholinergic treatment are also associated with worse cog- antagonists reverse the inhibition of norepinephrine and the
nitive performance [25]. We should strengthen the manage- dopamine release, thereby improving cognition through
ment of the use of anticholinergic medications: assessing higher level of norepinephrine and dopamine function in the
extrapyramidal symptoms regularly; reducing the unneces- prefrontal cortex [36]. The central cholinergic system is
sary use of anticholinergic medications and shortening highly involved in learning and memory. Specifically, the
the duration. muscarinic M1 receptor is considered as most closely related
Dividing the 12 months study into two 6-month periods, to cognition. Pharmacological stimulation of muscarinic M1
two domains, visual learning and memory, and working receptors can enhance learning and memory. In addition,
memory and attention showed different treatment effects selective agonists of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
over the two periods. The significant improvement in visual increase the dopamine release in the cerebral cortex and
learning and memory during the first half of the study was improve learning and attention. The ionic N-methyl-D-aspar-
not sustained during the second half. Patients’ performance tate receptors (NMDARs) are closely related to synaptic plas-
went back to baseline levels. For working memory and atten- ticity and learning and attention [37]. NMDAR hypofunction
tion, treatment effect was sustained during second half but in schizophrenia causes the loss of complementary stimula-
did not get significantly larger. The lack of longer-term tory effects in the midbrain-cortical pathway, leading to low
improvement in these two domains might be in line with cortical and midbrain dopaminergic pathway activity, which
the overall unresponsiveness in vocabulary learning and may explain the cognitive impairment of schizophrenia [36].
memory, as these memory-related functions might be par- In addition, norepinephrine a2 receptor agonists can improve
ticularly difficult to treat. Structural and functional deficits in working memory, and histamine H3 receptor antagonists can
hippocampus had been consistently observed in patients improve cognition by increasing inter-synaptic hyaluronic
with schizophrenia and the changes started during first epi- acid (HA) concentration [33].
sode [26,27]. Many studies have shown that hippocampal Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia coexists with both
volume correlates with memory-related functions in psych- negative and disintegrative symptoms. Many studies have
otic patients [28,29]. If the medications can only lead to func- shown that reduction of negative symptoms is associated
tional but not structural improvements, the limitation of with improvement of cognitive function, and the severity of
therapeutic effects may be the result of ceiling effect from positive symptoms is unrelated to this effect [38–40]. The
hippocampal deficits. results of this study are consistent with previous findings in
No significant difference in cognitive improvements was showing that reduction of negative symptoms significantly
found among the three antipsychotics, which confirms previ- relates to enhanced overall cognitive function and a few
ous findings that suggest similar effects of atypical antipsy- domains. In addition, reduction of general psychopatho-
chotics on cognition [30,31]. logical symptoms is associated with improvement of working
This study did not include a negative control group. memory and attention and executive function, with a par-
Therefore, the observed improvement might be in question ticularly significant relationship between the remission of
for potential placebo and practice effect. A study conducted attention disorder and the improvement of working memory
by Keefe and colleagues [32]specifically tested placebo and attention. Moreover, reduction of overall symptoms
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schizophrenia: the treatment effect in the placebo group was toms of schizophrenia and could better focus on cognitive
approximately 2 t-score points in composite scores, and the tasks, which may be the cause of the improvement in atten-
effect size was very small. In comparison, it is reasonable to tion and working memory.
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