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P.E & Health G11-Q1-M7

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Health Optimizing

Physical Education 1
Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Participates in an Organized Event that
Addresses Health / Fitness Issues and
What I Know

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which type of activity requires group of muscles to work or hold against a force or some weight?
A. Bone Strengthening Activities
B. Muscular Endurance Activities
C. Muscle Strengthening Activities
D. Cardiovascular Strengthening Activities

2. Which among the given exercises could not be considered as a cardiovascular endurance activity?
A. Cycling
B. Jogging
C. Push Up
D. Walking

3. Which among the activities is considered a muscular endurance activity?

A. Arm Stretching
B. Planking
C. Running
D. Weight Lifting

4. Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. Which is a good habit in managing sleep?

A. Internet Obsession
B. Bulk Meal Before Sleep
C. Getting to Bed on Time
D. Staying Up All Night Long

5. Before an extensive activity, one needs the right kind of food. Which is being defined by the
A. Distracted Eating
B. Emotional Eating
C. Fueling for Performance
D. Social Eating

6. All conditions given below are symptoms of stress EXCEPT for one.
A. Disturbed Mind Setting
B. Relaxed Concentration
C. Sleeplessness
D. Lack of Focus

7. Which should you consider measuring to get your BMI?

A. Height
B. Muscle Mass
C. Weight
D. A and C only

8. It is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.

A. Muscle Strength
B. Cardiovascular Endurance
C. Muscle Endurance
D. Flexibility

9. Mark is an athlete and about to compete tomorrow, which type of eating is appropriate for him?
A. Emotional Eating
B. Distracted Eating
C. Fueling for Performance
D. Social Eating

10. Anna wants to improve her body strength, which exercise must she choose to perform?
A. Biking
B. Running
C. Weight Lifting
D. Long Distance Walking

11. After a year, Bong improved his arm strength by gradually adding weight on his arms during
exercise. Which principle of physical activity applies to best support this scenario?
A. Overload
B. Progression
C. Specificity
D. All of the Above

12. Dehydration refers to excessive loss of water from the body through the following EXCEPT for
A. Evaporation
B. Sweating
C. Thirst
D. Urination

13. Based on the FITT principle, intensity is the rate or level at which the activity is performed.
Which among the simple terms help define intensity?
A. Effort
B. Duration

C. Number of Times
D. Type of Activity

14. Just few days before competitions, athletes are given lower intensities of physical exercise
allowing their bodies to recover. What are they trying to avoid?
A. Hyperthermia
B. Hypothermia
C. Overtraining
D. Sleeplessness

15. Jenn, a teenage girl, is a highly inactive person but does not have any physical or medical health
issues. One day she realized she needs to be physically active. Which type or level of activity can
she best start with?
A. Light
B. Moderate
C. Vigorous
D. High

Lesson Developing Home Based

Family Workout and
1 Evaluation

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of
conditioning any part of the body used to improve health and maintain fitness. Generally, you work
up a sweat, breath heavy and increase your heart rate during exercise.

Gym is a usual place where people exercise. But there are many reasons you may want to
avoid the gym. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, many people are concerned about going to the
gym, while others simply want to maintain an exercise regime while they may have limited ability to
travel outside their homes.

What’s In

It appears that in the new normal, we will be staying at home as much as possible to avoid
public places and contact with too many people. This is already a change for people who are used to
attending events and socializing. For anyone who is trying to stay calm and boost their immune
systems, staying at home poses another challenge: staying active may require some new routines.

Stopping the spread of COVID-19 may take unprecedented changes to daily routines, but
staying healthy through it all is still a priority. Physical activity is essential to optimal health, so it is a
good idea to prepare for working out on your own.

What’s New

Creating your Own Home-Based Workout

In the past modules, you have tackled different fitness-related principles involving physical
activities as well as the different fitness components relevant to improving one’s health. Specific
physical movements and their targets are no longer new to you. You can now create your own home-
based workout for your family with your earned knowledge.

Gather Your Participants

It is very important to encourage your family members and/or anyone staying at home with you to
actively participate in this workout as it will benefit one’s health enormously.
List down the persons who will participate in the exercise and have their signature beside.
Example: Juan Dela Cruz - uan Dela Cruz (Thumb mark will do in case signature is not

This answers the question “who will be involved in the work out”.

Know your Target

You probably know already that setting workout goals is important, but did you realize that there are
both short-term and long-term fitness goals that you need to set?
Short-term goals: Start with small goals that you can reach pretty easily. It's easier to stay with
something when you have success early and often.
Long-term goals: These are large goals that you want to reach in 6 to 12 months. It will help you stay
motivated if you track your progress and update your goals as you move forward.
On this part, your target should only include the short-term as the long-term goals may not be
applicable to this module yet. But you might want to consider it on the reflection part of this module.
Example: Short term – In the next few weeks I will work out three times a week.

This states the Frequency and Time of the workout plan.

Choose Your Muscular and Cardiovascular Strengthening Exercises
List down the activities that you think will best suite your physical exercise. Indicate at least, three (3)
for muscle strengthening exercise and one (1) for cardiovascular.
If you do not have an equipment available at home, you can still reap the benefits of strength training
from bodyweight exercise programs. By doing bodyweight exercises, you utilize your own weight for
strengthening specific muscle groups. You can also use bottled waters and many more.
Example: Muscle Strengthening – Push Up Cardiovascular
Strengthening – Aerobics
This will identify the specific type of exercise you will include to your plan.

Following the FITT Principle of Physical Activity, you have now created your home- based
If you have noticed, you were not asked to include Intensity in your plan. Since you are considered a
beginner, you should be using the intensity level of moderate to vigorous.

Self-Organized Home-Based
2 Fitness Activity

No one can deny the importance of practice in learning or reinforcing the concepts we learn –
whether it is school, college, sports, extracurricular or general life lessons.
And, that is precisely why, we love what Anton Chekhov, had to say:
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”.

What is It

Performing Your Self-Organized Home-Based Fitness Activity

On this part, you will perform your own created home-based fitness activity with your family
members or with anyone staying with you at home. Be reminded to document your performance and
take pictures to serve as your mode of verification. Please read the directions and the rubrics for the


 Performance must include the exercises chosen in Lesson 1.

 Performance shall not be more than 30 minutes as you and your co- performers are
considered beginners.
 The more the performers, the better but social distancing and other safety measures
must be observed in accordance with the Covid-19 safety protocol.
 Cardiovascular exercise must cover at least 50% of the performance.

Performance Rubrics
4 3 2 1
Criteria %
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Exercises: 3 Presented 3 Lack 1 Lack 2 Performed
Muscular muscular muscular muscular muscular or 25
1 Cardio and 1 cardio exercise exercise cardio only
7 or more 5-6 3-4 1-2
No. of Performers 25
performers performers performers performers
Covid19 Security
Always Often Sometimes
Protocol Adherence Not observed 25
observed Observed observed
Excellent Good Fair Poor 25
Total 100

What’s More

Activity (Family Fitness at Home)

During “New Normal” Policy, one of the recommendations to minimize the spreading of
infection is to stay at home as long as vaccines and cure are not yet ready. Typically, these focus on
self-isolation to reduced social contact, and scrupulous hand hygiene. However, it is strongly advisable
to still engage in physical activities in order for us to be more fit, healthy and stronger to fight this kind of
virus. Since Filipinos culturally have strong family ties, it is more fun to try to have exercise activities

together with the family members like Zumba, dancing, circuit training, or the likes, as long as you
follow the “New Normal” Policies.
Record a video showing you with your family members or people at home doing physical
activities. Please be guided with the guidelines used in social distancing.
Scoring rubric for this activity.

Excellent 4 Good Fair Poor

Criteria Remarks
3 2 1
Established attainable goal related
to bone and muscle activity
Provided improvised exercise
equipment in a creative way or
innovative way
Provided attainable time schedule
Clearly addressed physical fitness

Fill the table with some of the physical activities that you have encountered in your life and
categorize them into three types by putting them in the appropriate column. Put a check mark ( ) on
the activities that may be done at home and mark “X” the activities that may not.
Light Activities Moderate Activities Vigorous Activities

1. 6. 11.
2. 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4. 9. 14.
5. 10. 15.

What I Have Learned

Dear learner, are you ready to wrap up what you have learned from the tasks that you have done?
Well, then find out what you have learned!

Complete the following statement

1. About my own health choices and involvement in physical activity in this pandemic
I discovered that…

2. With the new discoveries about myself in facing the Covid19 pandemic. I learned

3. To keep myself and my family members fit and healthy in this pandemic time of
I will…

I have realized to increase my participation in active recreational activities particularly for days
per week. I will follow my regular exercise program and I intend to keep it until I achieve my goals.
My plan for processing my participation includes the following strategies: Short- term


I will keep in mind that the reason why I participate actively in different recreational activities is to have a
healthier lifestyle and these are the reasons:


What I Can Do

Check the items that best describe your activities and practices.

1. I play different sports regularly.

2. I enjoy participating in recreational activities.
3. I eat a balanced diet every day.
4. I express my emotions in healthy ways.
5. I sleep early at night and get up early in the morning.
6. I enjoy discovering new things during this pandemic time.
7. I face life challenges positively.
8. I share my thoughts and feelings with my parents and siblings.
9. I do not smoke and engage in other vices.
10. I enjoy doing hobbies either alone or with my family or friends.
11. I can decide for myself.

12. I welcome and appreciate constructive criticisms.


Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which among the given exercises could not be considered as a cardiovascular endurance
A. Cycling
B. Jogging
C. Push Up
D. Walking

2. Which type of activity requires group of muscles to work or hold against a force or some
A. Bone Strengthening Activities
B. Muscular Endurance Activities
C. Muscle Strengthening Activities
D. Cardiovascular Strengthening Activities

3. Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. Which is a good habit in

managing sleep?
A. Internet Obsession
B. Bulk Meal Before Sleep
C. Getting to Bed on Time
D. Staying Up All Night Long

4. Which among the activities is considered a muscular endurance activity?

A. Arm Stretching
B. Planking
C. Running
D. Weight Lifting

5. All conditions given below are symptoms of stress EXCEPT for one.
A. Disturbed Mind Setting
B. Relaxed Concentration
C. Sleeplessness
D. Lack of Focus

6. Before an extensive activity, one needs the right kind of food. Which is being defined by the
A. Fueling for Performance
B. Emotional Eating
C. Social Eating
D. Distracted Eating

7. It is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.

A. Muscle Strength
B. Cardiovascular Endurance
C. Muscle Endurance
D. Flexibility

8. Which should you consider measuring to get your BMI?

A. Height
B. Muscle Mass
C. Weight
D. A and C only

9. Anna wants to improve her body strength, which exercise must she choose to perform?
A. Biking
B. Running
C. Weight Lifting
D. Long Distance Walking

10. Mark is an athlete and about to compete tomorrow, which type of eating is appropriate for
A. Emotional Eating
B. Distracted Eating
C. Fueling for Performance
D. Social Eating

11. Dehydration refers to excessive loss of water from the body through the following EXCEPT
for one.
A. Evaporation
B. Sweating
C. Thirst
D. Urination
12. After a year, Bong improved his arm strength by gradually adding weight on his arms during
exercise. Which principle of physical activity applies to best support this scenario?
A. Overload
B. Progression
C. Specificity
D. All of the Above
13. Just few days before competitions, athletes are given lower intensities of physical exercise
allowing their bodies to recover. What are they trying to avoid?
A. Hyperthermia
B. Hypothermia
C. Overtraining
D. Sleeplessness

14. Based on the FITT principle, intensity is the rate or level at which the activity is performed.
Which among the simple terms help define intensity?
A. Effort
B. Duration
C. Number of Times
D. Type of Activity
15. Jenn, a teenage girl, is a highly inactive person but does not have any physical or medical health
issues. One day she realized she needs to be physically active. Which type or level of activity
can she best start with?
A. Light
B. Moderate
C. Vigorous
D. High

Additional Activities

1. Extend your fitness commitment to your family and / or the community in your free time,
online fitness activities can be considered in this time of pandemic.
2. Fill out the Activity Participation for Fitness Advocacy.

Activity Participation for Fitness Advocacy

Nature of Organizers/
Participation Sponsoring
Date Activi
(participant or Individuals,
organizer) Groups Online


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