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The UP-Philippine General Hospital Acute Coronary Events at The Emergency Room Registry (UP PGH-ACER)

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Acute Coronary Events Registry ORIGINAL ARTICLE

The UP-Philippine General Hospital Acute Coronary Events

at the Emergency Room Registry (UP PGH-ACER)

Jean D. Alcover, Ariel D. Valones, Felix Eduardo R. Punzalan and Eugene B. Reyes

Section of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila

Coronary artery disease is a major public health
problem all over the world. In the Philippines, statistics from
the Department of Health in 2005 show that cardiovascular
diseases ranked among the top ten leading causes of
morbidity and diseases of the heart and the vascular system
are the top two causes of mortality in the country. 1 Among
the more debilitating and economically devastating
manifestations of coronary artery disease are acute coronary
Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) comprise a spectrum
_______________ of clinical conditions ranging from unstable angina to non-
Paper presented at the UP PGH Department of Medicine Research Forum, ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) to ST-
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients with ACS
Poster presented at the 41st Annual Convention of the Philippine Heart may present to the emergency room with chest discomfort or
Association and Philippine College of Cardiology, May 2010, angina pectoris. Adjectives frequently used to describe this
EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City.
distress include “viselike,” “constricting,” “suffocating,”
Corresponding author: Ariel D. Valones MD “crushing,” “heavy,” and “squeezing.” Other patients may
Section of Cardiology present with “angina equivalents.” Anginal “equivalents”
Department of Medicine (i.e., symptoms of myocardial ischemia other than angina)
Philippine General Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
such as dyspnea, faintness, fatigue, and eructations are
Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines common, particularly in the diabetic and elderly groups.2
Telephone: +632 5548400 local 3670 The Philippine Heart Association (PHA) Council on
Coronary Artery Disease has recently released the Philippine


Acute Coronary Events Registry

Guidelines on the Management of Coronary Artery Disease. revealed that compliance to both Class I diagnostic
While these guidelines relied heavily on previously examinations and medications prescribed by the American
published European and American guidelines, its main Heart Association Guidelines was optimal. The use of Class I
objective was to improve the quality of care of Filipinos with medications such as aspirin, beta-blockers, angiotensin-
coronary artery disease (CAD) by defining a local set of converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and heparin exceeded
standards upon which future recommendations and 90%. This study also reported that among the 54 patients
improvements in health care delivery can be based.3 Despite with ST-elevation MI, around 30% failed to receive
this move, however, there is little available data that reperfusion therapy despite their eligibility.9 This figure was
describes the contemporary patterns of care and outcome similar to United States data, which reported that 28% of
trends among Filipinos admitted for acute coronary eligible patients fail to receive reperfusion therapy despite
syndromes. Data on guideline adherence and performance the availability of this regimen. The PGH study, however,
in terms of generally accepted quality of care measures is did not report the timing of the delivery of reperfusion
likewise lacking. strategies. This information, which includes door-to-needle
One of the tools most often used for public health or door-to-balloon times, was shown by previous studies to
monitoring and quality of care improvement is the disease greatly affect patient mortality, thus, making it a reliable
registry. A disease registry is a database of identifiable marker for the quality of health services delivery.
persons containing a clearly defined set of health and For significant quality of care improvement measures to
demographic data collected for a specific public health be set in place, there is a need to describe the current pattern
purpose. The registry collects information that can be used of care in the local setting and to identify key areas of
for capturing, managing, and organizing specific improvement. Because critical aspects of ACS care occur in
information for a population of patients. Disease registries the emergency room setting, the authors decided to focus on
are either clinical-based or population-based. A clinical- ER management for this registry and provide a framework
based disease registry contains data on patients with a upon which subsequent registries with wider scopes can be
specific type of disease diagnosed and treated at a practice.4 based.
Clinical registries are used for tracking patients’ disease
presentation, characteristics, risk factors, events, and Objectives
outcomes. These are being used to record clinical
characteristics of patients and all their diseases for the Primary Objective
purpose of improving quality of care. They also provide an To develop a clinical registry for all patients admitted
important opportunity to evaluate current guideline for suspected acute coronary syndromes at the UP-PGH
practice.5 Emergency Room.
In 1999, the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events
(GRACE), an international database designed to track the Secondary Objectives
outcomes of patients with coronary syndromes was started. Specifically, the study aims:
To date, it has included more than 100,000 patients from 247 1. To describe the clinical profile of ACS patients
hospitals from 30 countries all over the world. It has already admitted at the ER.
published a considerable amount of manuscripts, many of 2. To describe the treatment intervals from ER
which have been instrumental in the modification of clinical admission to administration of emergency
practice guidelines that greatly impact the quality of care for medications until final patient disposition.
ACS.6,7 Moreover, the National Registry of Myocardial 3. To formulate recommendations for improvement in
Infarction (NRMI) database, which included more than two data gathering for a disease registry.
million ACS patients from the United States since 1990, has
identified varying practice patterns and degrees of guideline Study Design
adherence in real-world clinical practice. Data from this Prospective observational study
registry shows that adherence to the American Heart
Association/American College of Cardiology (AHA/ACC) Methods
practice guidelines has improved care for ACS patients and All patients >19 years old who consulted at the PGH
was associated with significant reductions in in-hospital Emergency Room from September to November 2011 with
mortality rates. It also underscored the importance of acute coronary syndrome as a presumptive diagnosis and
intensifying efforts in identifying gaps in overall care as well were alive upon presentation were included. Patients with
as constant quality improvement efforts.8 ACS precipitated or accompanied by significant co-
While no such registries exist at the Philippine General morbidities such as trauma or surgery were excluded.
Hospital, a prospective study in patients with acute coronary A data collection form (Appendix 1) was used. Data
syndrome admitted from October 2006 to September 2007 abstracted from the data collection forms was entered into


Acute Coronary Events Registry

an electronic database. All information from specific patients Table 1. Baseline characteristics of ACS patients
were anonymized and de-identified and was kept strictly
confidential. Age, mean 59 years
The patients’ clinical profiles, results of diagnostic
Males 16 (53%)
examinations, medications given and their time of Females 14 (47%)
administration were noted. Quality of care was evaluated Home address
using indicators based on the 2009 Philippine Heart Cavite 10 (33.3%)
Manila 7 (23.3%)
Association Guidelines on the Management of Coronary Laguna 4 (13.3%)
Artery Disease from admission up to the time of discharge Chief complaint
from the emergency department. (Appendix 2). Eligibility Typical angina 23 (79.3%)
Epigastric pain 2 (6.9%)
criteria for specific therapies as to aspirin/clopidogrel, ACEI,
Dyspnea 2 (6.9%)
beta blockers, statins and fibrinolytics (Appendix 3). Type of ACS
Approval from the Department of Medicine’s Technical STEMI 13 (43.3%)
Review Board and the PGH Institutional Review Board was UA/NSTEMI 13 (43.3%)
Unstable Angina 4 (13.3%)
obtained prior to the start of the study. A written approval Smoking history
was also obtained from the Department of Emergency Current smoker 10 (34.48%)
Medicine. Pervious smoker 5 (17.24%)
Nonsmoker 14 (48.28%)
Known diabetes 6 (20.69%)
Statistical Analysis Known hypertension 21 (72.4%)
Descriptive statistics using Excel version 2007 was used Known dyslipidemia 9 (31%)
to analyze the data. The data was presented in a frequency Previous ACS 10 (34.48%)
Prior angina
table in percentage, mean time interval in hours and <2 weeks 11 (37.43%)
minutes. >2 weeks 14 (48.28%)
Angiographically confirmed CAD 2 (6.9%)
Previous stroke 4 (13.79%)
Pre-hospitalization medications
A total of 30 patients were admitted at the PGH Aspirin 9 (31%)
Emergency Room with suspected acute coronary syndrome Clopidogrel 6 (20.69%)
from September to October of 2011. There were equal ACE-inhibitors 7 (24.14%)
ARBs 3 (10.34%)
numbers of males and females. The age range was 39 to 80 Beta-blockers 7 (24.14%)
years old with a mean age of 59 years. One third of the Calcium-channel blockers 2 (6.9%)
patients hailed from Cavite, while 23.3% came from Manila. Lipid-lowering agents 7 (24.14%)
Nitrates 10 (34.48%)
Typical angina was the chief complaint of the majority of the
Digoxin 3 (10.34%)
patients (79.3%). Killip Class (n = 26)
There were equal numbers of patients with STEMI Class I 21 (72.4%)
(43%) and NSTEMI (43%). The rest of the patients (14%) Class II 4 (13.79%)
Class III 0
were eventually deemed to have other problems other than Class IV 1 (3.45%)
acute coronary syndromes as the cause of their admission Disposition
(e.g., gastroesophageal reflux, chronic stable angina). The Medical ICU 12 (40%)
Ward 7 (23.3%)
majority of patients (83.33%) had previous episodes of
Home 9 (30%)
anginal chest pains, most of whom had chest pains for more Home against advise 1 (3.3%)
than 2 weeks prior to their current admission.
The most common risk factor was hypertension (72.4%) Time of symptom onset could not be determined in 5
followed by smoking (34.48%). Around 20% were diabetics, out of the 30 patients because this was not specified in the
and 31% had known lipid abnormalities or were on lipid- clinicians’ history. Among those with available data, average
lowering agents. Around one third of the patients had time from onset of symptoms to ER consult was 9 hours, 38
previous admissions for acute coronary events. Only two minutes. Almost half of these patients (10 patients or 42%)
patients had angiographically confirmed CAD. consulted between 5 and 8 hours from symptom onset.
The majority of patients assessed to have acute coronary There were 6 patients who consulted after 12 hours but most
syndromes (26 patients) were in Killip Class I. Only one was of these patients were previously seen at other institutions.
in cardiogenic shock upon admission. The majority of There was only one patient without an arrival time recorded
patients were eventually transferred to the Medical ICU in the ER triage logbook. However, time of first physician
(40%), while a significant proportion (30%) was sent home contact could not be determined in 16 patients (53%) because
after being managed solely at the emergency department of the lack of documentation. Among those with available
(Table 1). data, the mean interval between hospital arrival to first


Acute Coronary Events Registry

physician contact was 45 minutes. Door-to-ECG time was cardiac catheterization as the primary means of
obtainable in 28 patients and was found to be almost 2 revascularization. Hence, door-to-balloon time could not be
hours. Half of these patients had their first ECG within 30 determined.
minutes to 90 minutes upon arrival at the ER. Six patients
(21%) had their first ECG more than 3 hours after arrival at Discussion
the ER. There were 6 patients who received thrombolytic The clinical characteristics of patients admitted at the
therapy. The door-to-decision time was 2 hours, 22 miniutes, PGH Emergency Room highlights its role as a tertiary
while the door-to-needle time was 3 hours, 37 minutes. Half referral center. More than half of the patients were residents
of those who received thrombolytic therapy received the of communities south of Manila (Paranaque, Las Piñas, and
intervention between 4.5 and 5 hours after admission to the the provinces of Laguna and Cavite). Interestingly, one in
ER. The average length of stay of patients in the emergency every three patients admitted for ACS is from Cavite,
room before they are transferred or discharged is 13 hours. outnumbering those who come from the cities of Manila or
The most common disposition was the medical ICU (40%, Pasay. This could be due to the proximity of PGH to Cavite,
Table 2). making the hospital highly accessible to its residents. This
could also be due to the paucity of public hospitals in the
Table 2. Time intervals to diagnosis and treatment areas south of Manila, capable of giving adequate
emergency management for ACS, which compels patients
Time Interval Study International from these areas to go all the way to PGH to seek medical
Results Standards
Symptom onset to ED consult, mean (n=25) 9 hrs, 38 mins 20 minutes In this study, almost half of the patients admitted had
Door-to-first-MD time, mean (n=13) 45 mins 20 minutes ST-elevation MI. This again highlights the role of PGH as a
Door-to-ECG time, mean (n=28) 1 hr, 49 mins 10 minutes tertiary referral center, where the emergency room triage
Door-to-decision time, mean (n = 6) 2 hrs, 22 mins 30 minutes
Door-to-needle time, mean (n = 6) 3 hrs, 37 mins 30 minutes
system prioritizes cases that are deemed to be more critical
Length of ER stay, mean (n = 26) 13.4 hrs 6 to 12 hours over those who can be managed in smaller hospitals. This
study did not include patients who were redirected to other
Table 3. Pharmacologic process-of-care indicators institutions, which could have increased the number of
patients with unstable angina or non-ST elevation MI.
Pharmacologic Therapies Patients eligible for Percentage Hence, the number of ACS cases consulting at PGH that is
Therapies reported in this data may be an underestimate.
ASA within 24h (n = 29) 27 93%
Thienopyridines (n = 28) 27 96%
The majority of patients complained of typical angina.
Anticoagulants (n = 26) 22 84% Only a few patients had atypical manifestations such as
Statins (n = 27) 26 96% epigastric pain and dyspnea. Again, in our study, it is not
B-blockers (n = 22) 20 91%
surprising to see that more than a third of the entire
ACE-inhibitors or ARBs (n = 26) 23 88%
Fibrinolytic therapy (n = 9) 6 67% population included already had history of previous
admission for ACS.
Twenty-seven out of 29 patients were eligible for aspirin Hypertension is the most prevalent comorbidity among
administration. Out of those eligible, 93% received aspirin. patients admitted for ACS at PGH. In fact, three out of every
On the other hand, all except one patient among those four patients who were admitted claimed to have a history
eligible received thienopyridines. The majority (84%) of of elevated blood pressure. This high prevalence of
patients eligible for anticoagulant therapy were given hypertension in this group of patients correlates with the
anticoagulants. Fourteen out of these 22 patients received high prevalence of hypertension in the general Filipino
unfractionated heparin while the rest received low population. The 2008 National Nutrition and Health Survey
molecular heparin. Statin therapy was given to all except one (NNHeS II) showed that 25% of Filipinos have hypertension
of those who were eligible. There was also a high prevalence defined as a blood pressure reading equal to or higher than
of the use of beta-blockers and ACE-inhibitors among those 140/90 mmHg.10 Half of the patients included in this study
without any contraindications (91% and 88%, respectively). were either current smokers or previous smokers. This also
There were 9 patients out of 13 patients with STEMI who correlates with the NNHeS II data which shows a high
were deemed to be eligible for fibrinolytic therapy. The rest prevalence of smoking in the general Filipino population
of the patients presented beyond 12 hours of chest pain (34%).
onset and were already chest-pain free. Among those who One third of the patients included in this study claimed
were eligible for thrombolysis, 67% received thrombolytic to be dyslipidemic or taking a lipid-lowering agent. This
therapy with streptokinase. No patient was given the may be influenced by the high percentage of patients who
thrombolytic agent within 30 minutes upon admission to the have had previous admissions for acute coronary syndromes
emergency department (Table 3). No patient underwent in this population. This also reflects the high prevalence of


Acute Coronary Events Registry

dyslipidemia in the general population, which, according the recommendations to provide a dedicated ECG machine at
NNHeS II, is at a staggering 64% for low HDL and 10% for the ER, the door-to-ECG time remains remarkably high. Our
elevated total cholesterol levels. study, however, did not assess whether or not this delay
In this study, one of every five patients admitted for could affect patient outcome.
ACS has a history of diabetes. The NNHeS II data showed The decision to thrombolyse patients with STEMI relies
that one in every 20 (4.8%) of Filipinos have elevated fasting heavily on the cardiology fellow on duty. Upon seeing the
blood sugar (FBS) and this prevalence of high FBS peaks at ECG, the treatment officer must immediately notify the
age 50–59 years old. A patient admitted at the PGH cardiology service. For free streptokinase to be released by
Emergency Room is initially seen by the triage physician the pharmacy, the requisition voucher must have the
who will get a short history and a targeted physical signature of the cardiology fellow. After all the required
examination. Every patient who consults at the ER will be papers are completed, streptokinase must be obtained from
recorded in the triage logbook, including the time of consult the central block pharmacy before it can be administered by
and the triage disposition. If the ER is congested and beyond the ER nurses to the patients.
its capacity, patients who are stable and can still be In this study, only 9 out of 13 patients were eligible for
transferred to other institutions are advised to transfer. thrombolysis. The other patients have already exceeded the
However, if the triage physician decides that a particular “golden period” for thrombolytic therapy. Only 6 of these
patient needs emergent care, the patient will then be decked eligible patients were given the medication. Furthermore, it
to a treatment officer—an ER medicine resident or an required more than 2 hours after patient arrival before a
internal medicine resident who will manage the patient decision to thrombolyse was made. Another hour was
accordingly. needed before thrombolysis could actually be initiated.
In this study, we demonstrated that the mean time from Hence, the door-to-needle time in our study was seven times
symptom onset to arrival at the PGH-ER, as reflected by the longer than the guideline recommended target door-to-
triage logbook, is 9 hours and 30 minutes. This, however, did needle time of 30 minutes.
not take into account whether or not the patient received As could be expected in a charity hospital setting, no
earlier care at another facility. Prior admission at another patient underwent primary percutaneous intervention
facility will increase the measured lag time between despite the availability of a cardiac catheterization
symptom onset and PGH-ER arrival. Also, data was not laboratory in the institution. The lack of finances is the most
available in a substantial number (17%) of the patients due obvious reason for this. This underscores the importance of
to lack of documentation of time of symptom onset or time thrombolytic therapy as the most practical and readily
of ER arrival. available revascularization modality in the institution.
The treatment officer is the first physician to provide Hence, its use must be maximized.
initial management to patients at the ER. In this study, more In our study, compliance to guideline-recommended
than half of the physicians failed to document the time of emergency room medications is very high. The
their first contact with the patient. This underscores the need appropriateness of these medications for individual patients,
for appropriate and sufficient documentation of critical time however, was not assessed. Also, the timing of medication
intervals for adequate quality of care improvements to be set delivery was not determined in this study due to the lack of
in place. Among those with obtainable data, this study documentation by physicians and/or nursing staff regarding
shows that patients wait for 45 minutes before the initial the timing of medication delivery.
orders for management are made.
As was recommended by guidelines from major Conclusion
international organizations, the Clinical Practice Guidelines In this study, there were equal numbers of STEMI
for the Management of Coronary Artery Disease made by patients and NSTEMI/UA patients at the PGH Emergency
the Philippine Heart Association in 2009 recommend that an Room from September to October 2011. There were equal
electrocardiogram must be obtained within 10 minutes of numbers of males and females with a mean age of 59 years.
admission for all patients suspected to have ACS. Our study The most common comorbidities were hypertension,
shows that the mean door-to-ECG time at the PGH ER is 1 followed by smoking and dyslipidemia. The door-to-ECG-
hour, 49 minutes. This is 10 times longer than the time and door-to-needle time remain remarkably above the
recommended door-to-ECG time. This finding reflects gaps guideline-recommended time targets, with a door-to-ECG
in the health care delivery systems in the hospital. The time of almost 2 hours, and a door-to-needle time of more
absence of a dedicated machine in the emergency room has than 3.5 hours. The compliance for class I medications
already been cited by a previous study by Magno et al. in among patients admitted for ACS from September to
2010.11 In that study, the mean door-to-ECG time was similar October 2011 was optimal.
to our study (109 minutes). One year later, despite


Acute Coronary Events Registry

Limitations of the Study 9. Obrado M, Punzalan FE. Practice Pattern of Physicians in the In-hospital
Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome and their Compliance to
The study relied heavily on notifications of physicians
Existing Guidelines: A Quality of Care Study. UP-PGH Cardiovascular
at the ER and the investigators’ regular inquiry of current Section, 2008. Unpublished.
ACS patients for inclusion of subjects into the registry. 10. Department of Science & Technology Philippines. 7th National
Because no patient contact between the investigators and the Nutrition Survey [Online]. 2008. [cited 30 March 2011]. Available from
patients took place, information obtained relied heavily on a 11. Magno JD, Santella C, Punzalan FE. Timely Rhythm Assessment for
review of medical records. Because this study only lasted for Chest Pain at the Emergency Room (TRACER). UP-PGH Cardiovascular
2 months, the results rely heavily on the speed and Section, 2010. Unpublished.

competence of the personnel assigned at the ER during that

period. A bigger, more exhaustive, 1-year registry is
currently underway.


1. A standardized chest pain protocol in the treatment of acute
coronary syndromes at the ER should be evaluated and
2. Timing of patient contact, performance of critical laboratory
procedures, and actual administration of medications should
be documented. All medical personnel involved in these must
be mandated to do so.
3. A clinical registry that will regularly evaluate the delivery of
health services using specific quality performance indicators
must be set in place. This registry should be actively
participated in by all services involved in the ER management
of ACS patients.
4. A nationwide, multi-institution registry that would not only
examine the clinical profile of patients but also assess the
quality of health care delivery must be set in place. A
standardized emergency room data form will help address
gaps in information required.


1. Department of Health. The 2005 Philippine Health Statistics [Online].
2005 [cited 9 September 2010]. Available from
2. Libby P, Bonow R, et al. Braunwald’s Heart Disease: Textbook of
Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2007. pp.1220 –
3. Philippine Heart Association. Clinical Practice Guidelines for the
Management of Coronary Artery Disease. July 2009.
4. Solomon DJ, Henry RC, Hogan JG, et al. Evaluation and implementation
of public health registries. Pub Health Rep. 1991; 106(2):142–50.
5. Roe MT, Messenger JC, Weintraub WS, et al. Treatments, trends, and
outcomes of acute myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary
intervention. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010; 56(4):254–63.
6. GRACE ACS Risk Model: Welcome to COR, JAMA [Online]. June 9,
2004 BMJ [cited 9 September 2010]. Available from
7. Goodman SG, Huang W, Yan AT, et al. The Expanded Global Registry
of Acute Coronary Events: Baseline characteristics, management
practices, and hospital outcomes of patients with acute coronary
syndromes. Am Heart J. 2009; 158(2):193–201.
8. Peterson ED, Shah BR, Parsons L, et al. Trends in quality care for
patients with acute myocardial infarction in the National Registry of
Myocardial Infarction from 1990 to 2006. Am Heart J. 2008; 156(6):1045–


Acute Coronary Events Registry


Appendix 1. Data collection form


Acute Coronary Events Registry


Acute Coronary Events Registry


Acute Coronary Events Registry

Appendix 2. Definition of terms

1. Acute coronary syndromes (ACS)

- or acute coronary events (ACE); a spectrum of clinical conditions ranging from unstable angina to non-ST-elevation
myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) to ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)

2. Unstable angina (UA)

- Final diagnosis of ACS but with negative cardiac enzyme findings

3. Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI)

– ACS with no new ST-elevation seen on index or on any subsequent ECG, with one or more positive cardiac
enzymes based on ranges used by the processing laboratory

4. ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)

– a history suggestive of acute myocardial infarction associated with at least 0.1 mV ST segment elevation on at least
2 contiguous leads on the ECG or new or presumed new left-bundle branch block

5. Quality indicator
- a process of care measure that is linked to improved patient outcomes by clinical trials, can be measured through
existing data sources, and is objectively quantifiable. This is expressed as a ratio with the denominator defined as all
patients eligible to receive care and the numerator as all patients who actually received care

6. Door-to-Data Time
– time from the arrival of the patient to the emergency department, as reflected in the Department of Emergency
Medicine physician’s triage logbook to the time a 12-L ECG is done, as written by the ECG technician on the ECG

7. Data-to-Decision Time
– time from the conduct of the actual ECG to the time a decision for reperfusion therapy was made, as reflected by
the time the attending physician wrote the orders for reperfusion in the patient’s chart

8. Decision-to-Needle Time
– time from when the orders for reperfusion were given to the actual administration of the fibrinolytic agent, as
reflected in the nurses’ notes

9. Decision-to-Balloon Time
- time from when the orders for primary percutaneous coronary intervention were made, as reflected in the chart
entry, to the time of the first balloon inflation

10. Cardiogenic shock

- the presence of any or more of the following: systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg for at least 30 minutes, or the need
for supportive measures to maintain a systolic blood pressure > 90mmHg, or end-organ hypoperfusion (cool
extremities or urine output < 30 ml/hour and a heart beat > 60 bpm), or hemodynamic criteria of CI < 2.2 L/min per
square meter body surface area and a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of at least 15 mmHg

11. Recurrent ischemia

- the presence of ischemic type of discomfort at rest and lasting at least 10 minutes, and is associated with new,
horizontal, or downsloping ST segment deviation (elevation > 0.1 mV or depression > 0.05 mV measured 80 msec
after the J-point in > 2 contiguous precordial leads or > 2 adjacent limb leads)

12. Failed thrombolysis

- the persistence of chest pain, cardiogenic shock, or failure of the ST elevation to decrease by 50%, at least 90 minutes
since the administration of fibrinolytic therapy


Acute Coronary Events Registry

Appendix 3. Eligibility criteria for specific therapies

1. Eligibility for Fibrinolytic Therapy

Patients are eligible for fibrinolytic therapy if they present to the emergency room <12 hours after the onset of
symptoms and if they have no contraindication to fibrinolysis which include the following:
Any prior intracranial hemorrhage
Known structural cerebral vascular lesion (e.g. arterio-venous malformation)
Known malignant intracranial neoplasm (primary or metastatic)
Ischemic stroke within 3months except acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours
Suspected aortic dissection
Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses)
Significant closed head or facial trauma within 3 months

2. Eligibility for Beta-Blocker Therapy

Heart rate not persistently below 50 beats/minute
Systolic blood pressure not persistently less than 100 mm Hg
Absence of 2nd or 3rd degree atrioventricular block
Absence of bronchospasm

3. Eligibility for Aspirin or Clopidogrel Therapy

No history of aspirin or clopidogrel allergy
No history of gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcer

4. Eligibility for ACE-inhibitors

No hyperkalemia
No severe renal failure (creatinine clearance <30 mL/min)

5. Eligibility for statins

No history of previous intolerance
No active liver disease


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