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Homeo Medicine For Kidney Disease

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in International
Open Access
ISSN: 2394-6709 Impact Factor :5.985
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 July -2018 Page no.- 1879-1883

Homoeopathic Medicine ‘Cantharis 30CH’ Substituted Antibiotic: A Case

Report of Infantile Urinary Tract Infection.
Amulya Ratna Sahoo1, Ranjita Pradhan2, Chaturbhuja Nayak3
Drug Proving Unit of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Dr Abhin Chandra Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


Published Online: Introduction: Cantharis is not an uncommon homoeopathic remedy for Urinary Tract Infections
12 July 2018 (UTI), but this case was unique as it was a case of rapidly progressing acute UTI. The patient was a
4-month-old infant and the pediatrician of modern medicine had already suggested that
administration of antibiotics was the only way of treatment, but Cantharis 30CH could cure the
case, within a short period.
Case Profile: The four-month-old male baby presented on 5th Jan.2018, with the symptoms of:
incessant crying, especially more before and while urinating; irritability and total loss of appetite.
The routine and microscopic examination (RE&ME) of urine done on 4 th Jan. 2018 showed plenty
of leucocytes and subsequent culture of urine sample collected on 5 th Jan. 2018 revealed growth of
E.coli >100000 CFU/ml. So the case was a confirmed case of UTI. The parents first visited an
allopathic pediatrician on 4th Jan.2018 and he prescribed antibiotics and advised to start
immediately, but the parents were reluctant to give antibiotics to their 4-month-old baby, so they
visited our OPD and requested for homoeopathic treatment. After thorough case taking and
analysis, Cantharis 30CH was selected; it was advised to dissolve one globule in the breast milk
Corresponding Author: and give thrice daily. There was significant improvement of symptoms within 3 days; microscopic
Amulya Ratna Sahoo examination of urine showed decrease in leucocytes and there was complete disappearance of all
Dr Abhin Chandra symptoms within 6 days.
Homoeopathic Medical Conclusion: It can be concluded from the case report that a well-selected homoeopathic similimum,
College & Hospital, in right potency and dosage can cure awful cases of E.coli infections even in infants and can replace
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, antibiotics and save the little ones from the adverse effects of antibiotics. Clinical trials on the
India. efficacy of Cantharis on infantile UTI are suggested.
KEYWORDS: Urinary tract infection, Infants, Homoeopathy, Cantharis

INTRODUCTION negative, gut organism. (3) More than 90% of acute UTI in
After respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, urinary tract children is by E.coli and 80% of the first instance of UTI is
infections (UTI) are the third most common infections due to E.coli. (4) Classical symptoms of UTI are usually not
experienced by humans. UTIs are classified as Lower and seen in pediatric practice, so there is a considerable problem
Upper UTI. Cystitis and Urethritis are lower UTIs whereas in the diagnosis of UTI, especially in the younger patients.
upper UTI includes pyelonephritis.(1) The incidence of UTI Clinical features of UTI in childhood are often different
varies from infancy to old age.(2) Around 1% of boys and from those found in adults. UTI can occasionally produce
3% of girls develop UTI during childhood and around 50% life-threatening illness, especially in very young infants,
of women have a history of at least one episode of UTI. (3) who may present severely with shock and septicaemia.
Male infants have a relatively higher incidence of UTI, Though UTI is a common problem, there is no established
reflecting congenital abnormalities. A male child with consensus on investigations and management in
recurrent UTI should be studied for intravenous pyelography childhood.(5) UTIs are one of the major causes of antibiotic
and micturating cystourethrography to rule out congenital usage and antibiotic resistance.(1)High recurrence rates and
bladder neck obstruction and vescico ureteric reflux.(2) The increasing antimicrobial resistance threaten to greatly
commonest organism of UTI is E.coli; these are the gram- increase the economic burden of these infections.(6) Also
1879 Amulya Ratna Sahoo1, RAJAR Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2018
“Homoeopathic Medicine ‘Cantharis 30CH’ Substituted Antibiotic: A Case Report of Infantile Urinary Tract
administration of antibiotics to children before the age of sleep during these days. Regarding the birth history, the
two increases the risk of obesity,(7) which in turn may lead delivery of the boy was institutional and he was born
to different lifestyle disorders in future. through caesarian section after full term. His food was only
Homoeopathy is a system of therapeutics basing upon the breast milk. He had no previous history of any disease. He
law of similia, which states that a drug, capable of producing took vaccines as per immunization schedule. The urine
in a healthy person a diseases state exactly similar to investigation report of 4th Jan 2018 revealed presence of
that observed in a diseased person, acts as a curative agent if plenty of leucocytes and albumin in urine (Fig.1).
the disease is in a curable state.(8) This system provides Subsequent culture of urine sample of 5th Jan.2018 revealed
efficient solution for many diseases with cost-effective growth of E.coli >100000 CFU/ml after 48 hours of
medicines.(9,10) Also Homeopathy pills being very incubation (Fig.2). So the case was diagnosed as UTI and
palatable for children can be real solution for various the causative organism was E.coli. For this the parents had
pediatric problems including infantile UTI.(11) first visited the nearest paediatrician on 4th Jan.2018, who
Homeopathy is considered as the ideal treatment option prescribed some antibiotics to start immediately. But the
for infants owing to the safety of homeopathic parents were reluctant to administer antibiotics to the small
medicines. Homoeopathic medicines work by baby. So in search of some alternative therapy, they came to
strengthening a child's immunity. Along with relieving the hospital of this institute. On physical examination, the
common acute problems of children it can prevent baby was thin, clinging to his mother. There was no fever;
recurrent episodes of ill-health.(12) Cantharis palpation of lower abdomen made the child to cry
vesicatoria is a widely used homeopathic medicine from suggesting tenderness of bladder area; other parameters
animal kingdom, prepared from the Spanish flies. These were normal. As this was an acute case of 4 month old
flies are commonly found in Spain, Italy, Hungary, Russia infant and there was not much to elicit from the case, the
and India. To prepare the medicine, the flies are killed by acute totality was portrayed considering the following
exposing them to fumes of boiling vinegar, then they are symptoms (Table-1).
dried and powdered. The powdered flies are triturated with
sugar of milk or mother tincture is prepared in alcohol. Table-1 Presenting Complaints of the Patient
Higher potencies are prepared from trituration or mother Sl. no. Symptoms
tincture.(13) The main spheres of action of this drug are 1 Aggravation of pain before and during urination
urinary and sexual organs.(14) It produces violent, acute, 2 Irritability
rapidly destructive inflammation of mucous membranes of 3 Loss of appetite
these systems, when administered on healthy individuals. 4 Incessant crying
Its action is rapid and intense.(15) It is a very common and 5 Disturbed sleep
widely used homeopathic medicine for UTI. According to
Farrington, in acute cystitis, Cantharis is indicated more The suffering of the small baby and the anxiety of the
frequently than all other remedies put together.(16) In vitro parents demanded a speedy recovery of the case. So
experimentation(17) and mice model animal experiment(18) considering the acute totality, sphere of action and important
have also proved the efficacy of Cantharis on E.coli. But modality, i.e. aggravation of pain before and during
sufficient numbers of clinical trials are lacking to establish urination, Cantharis was selected as the single
the efficacy of Cantharis in infantile UTI. individualized medicine. It was prescribed in the 30th
In this context, the main objective behind this case report centesimal potency, one globule dissolved in the mother’s
was to experiment the action and efficacy of Cantharis in milk to be administered thrice daily. Parents were advised to
infantile UTI especially in regard to observing the speed of continue the medicine for 3 days without any interruption.
recovery, change of symptoms in regard to frequency,
duration and intensity and change of laboratory parameters FOLLOW-UP & OUTCOME
after administration of the intervention. After completion of three days of medication, the parents
came for follow up on 8th Jan.2018. There was significant
CASE PROFILE decrease of the symptoms, irritability reduced, food intake
A four-month-old male baby of an educated and higher improved, crying reduced and sleep improved, but
economic status parents, from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India occasional crying during urination was there. The urine
visited our OPD at Dr A. C. Homoeopathic Medical College report of 8th Jan. 2018 showed that there was no albumin
and Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India on 5th Jan. 2018. and number of leucocytes reduced to 10-15 (Fig.3). Since
The parents narrated that the baby was crying most of the there was significant improvement of symptoms but the
time since 2-3 days, which was severe before and during patient had some complaints of less intensity, it was decided
urination. He was restless and irritable. The baby was not to continue the same medicine in 30th potency, one globule
taking his food (mother’s milk) properly. He had disturbed thrice daily for a few more days. The parents were asked to

1880 Amulya Ratna Sahoo1, RAJAR Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2018

“Homoeopathic Medicine ‘Cantharis 30CH’ Substituted Antibiotic: A Case Report of Infantile Urinary Tract
come after 3-4 days with urine report and to continue the happy as their child recovered without the administration of
medicine till that time. They turned again after 4 days on antibiotic. There were no adverse events during the process
12th Jan. 2018; there was no unusual crying, no irritability, of treatment; instead, the improvement of symptoms was
food intake was normal, sleep was normal. Urine report of steady in regard to frequency, intensity and duration. Also,
12th Jan. 2018 showed absence of leucocytes (Fig.4). The there has been no recurrence of the symptoms till date.
recovery was full and complete. The parents were utmost

Table 2. First prescription and Follow-up
Date Symptoms Investigation Reports Medicine Prescribed
5th Jan. 18 Incessant crying, especially more Urine report- Cantharis 30CH, one globule
before and while urinating. Epithelial cells 2-4. thrice daily.
Irritability. Leucocytes- Plenty.
Food intake much reduced. Albumin-present.
Disturbed sleep, 8-9 hours. Urine culture report- Growth of
E.coli >100000 CFU/ml.
8th Jan. 18 Crying reduced. Urine report- Cantharis 30CH, one globule
Irritability reduced. Albumin-Nil. thrice daily.
Food intake improved. Epithelial cells 1-2.
Sleep improved, 8-10 hours. Leucocytes- 10-15.
Occasional crying during urination.
12thJan. 18 No unusual crying. Urine report- No medicine
No irritability. Albumin-Nil.
Food intake normal. Epithelial cells 1-2.
Sleep normal, 12-14 hours. Leucocytes- Nil.

Fig.1 Urine Report (RE&ME) before treatment Fig.2 Urine Culture Report before treatment

1881 Amulya Ratna Sahoo1, RAJAR Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2018

“Homoeopathic Medicine ‘Cantharis 30CH’ Substituted Antibiotic: A Case Report of Infantile Urinary Tract
antibiotics and emergence of antibiotic resistance are now a
real challenge in the field of medicine especially in
developing countries like India, and it also exerts a negative
effect on progressing economy. Apart from other adverse
effects, administering antibiotics in an earlier age also
increases the risk of obesity, which may lead to different
lifestyle diseases in future.(7) As per literature, 1% of boys
can develop UTI during their childhood and this is one of
such cases. The revelation of E.coli as the causative
organism in this case also corroborates with the available
literature that more than 90% of acute UTI in children and
80% of the first instance of UTI are due to E.coli. In this
case, the parents preferred Homeopathy over antibiotics.
The case was approached simply by selecting the remedy on
the basis of acute totality, the sphere of action and important
modality ‘aggravation of pain before and during urination’.
Cantharis, one of the leading homoeopathic medicines for
urinary tract infections as per homoeopathic literature
emerged as the prominent medicine and it was selected and
administered. Disappearance of symptoms and complete
recovery of the baby in the short span of time justifies the
selection of Cantharis and proves its efficacy, and also
Fig.3 Urine Report (RE&ME) during treatment confirms the golden words of Farrington that Cantharis is
indicated more frequently than all other remedies put
together in acute cystitis.(16) The case of a 4-month-old
baby, the absence of any other prominent symptoms and
demand for a speedy recovery were the main challenges in
this case.

Although non-specific symptoms of infantile UTI may be a
challenge to treat, proper selection of remedy can lead to a
rapid, gentle and permanent cure. In this particular case,
when Cantharis was selected on the basis of acute totality,
sphere of action and important modality, the disappearance
of symptoms occurred and there was complete cure. This
further suggests that it can be a very good remedy for
infantile UTI, and also can avert the use of antibiotics. Thus,
Homeopathy can be a better option for the treatment of
cases of infantile UTI, which can prevent or replace the
early use of antibiotics in these cases. Homeopathy has also
been found effective in the treatment of other urological
disorders like Urolithiasis and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.
(19–23) Randomized controlled trials to evaluate the
efficacy of Cantharis in infantile UTI with a suitable sample
Fig.4 Urine Report (RE&ME) after treatment size are suggested.


UTI is a common disease of all age groups but its The parents of the patient provided written informed consent
management in newborns or infants becomes more for use of the investigation reports and publication of the
challenging due to lack of symptoms, non-specific case report.
symptoms or difficulty in eliciting the symptoms. The
commonest way to treat a UTI in the modern school of CONFLICT OF INTEREST
medicine is through antibiotics. But the adverse effects of The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

1882 Amulya Ratna Sahoo1, RAJAR Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2018

“Homoeopathic Medicine ‘Cantharis 30CH’ Substituted Antibiotic: A Case Report of Infantile Urinary Tract
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