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SOP PDF EmployeeOffboard ByAbhisha

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Standard Operating Procedure

Company Name Deba Jyoti Group

SOP Title: Employees Off-boarding
Document No: HR-SOP-Off-board-01
Effective Date: 9 August 2021
Last Revision Date:

The following has been defined by "Deba Jyoti Group" as a Standard Operating Procedure
(SOP) for off-boarding employees. These guidelines have been established to improve the
experience, advance operations and provide consistency. This procedure outlines required actions
for employees, and supervisors to perform when employment is terminated from the company. The
goal of this procedure is to create a respectful, timely separation from the company. This procedure
will be followed all the employee separation/termination from the company.

The process with Off-boarding information and paperworks are submitted.

The procedure applies to all the department employees when they end their employment by :

 Voluntary Terminations
 Involuntary Terminations
 Death of an Employee

Role and Responsibilities:

Unit Head:
The Unit Head is responsible for separation and termination decisions. The Unit Head should work
with HR to ensure that policies and relevant collective agreement provisions are adhered to when
ending employment.

Human Resources HR:
Depending on the nature of separation (resignation/internal transfer or layoff/termination), HR
will work with the department to ensure compliance with employment legislation, internal policies
and relevant collective agreement.

Administration Department:
Upon receipt of notice from HR, Admin Officer will act as the primary liaison with the various
departments within the company to acquire/return equipment.

IT Support:
Prompt advice of any separation or termination of employment is required to make sure that access
to information and communication technology system such as email is revoked and the security of
departmental systems is protected.
The final date for access to systems, computers and data access will usually be the employee’s last
day of duty. As much notice as possible, and at least 3 business days’ notice should be given to
revoke access.
When an urgent cancellation of access is required, the line manager should direct and contact IT
support as matter of urgency, preferably by phone, and request the immediate cancellation of any
accounts and all access. The IT Support should then complete and forward the required forms.

Payroll Management Department:

Payroll management department may provide consultation to the department regarding the pay
dated or amount of final pay, accrued but unused leaves pay (if applicable), or funds owned by the
employee. Prompt advice of any termination or separation of employment is provided by HR
department to provide timely and accurate calculations and processing of termination payment to
the employee.

Notice Period:
Advance notice is expected for all separation. Advance notice requirements vary based upon the
separation/termination /employment ending reason. The termination date will reflect advance
notice requirements according to company’s termination policy.

Standard Operating Procedure:

Voluntary Terminations:
A voluntary termination of employment occurs when an employee submits a written notice of
resignation, including intent of retires , to his or her Unit Head/Line Manager.

1. Employees are requested to provide 30 days of notice of their intention to
separate employment. The employee should provide a written resignation
notification to his or her Unit Head/Line Manager.

2. Upon the receipt of an employee's resignation, the Line Manager/Unit Head will
notify the human resource (HR) department by sending a copy of the
resignation letter and other pertinent information ( e.g., employee's reason for
leaving, last day of work).

3. As soon as the notification of separation of employee is received by the HR

department, HR department and Unit head/Line Manager will discuss on the
reasons behind employee leaving the company. Further, HR Department will
have one to one session of interview with the employee resigning about the
reasons behind leaving.

4. If both parties satisfied with the terms and reasons, HR department will follow
up on off-boarding process and forward the off-boarding check list to Unit
Head/Line manager. The line manager or Unit Head must fill the off-boarding
checklist within 3 consecutive days of receiving the form.

5. After receiving the off-boarding checklist from the Line Manager, HR

Department will send a written acceptation of resignation to the employee
leaving. In addition, the employee has to fill the “Exit Form” received from HR
Department to continue the separation process.

6. The HR department will coordinate the employee's returning all company

property, belongings and files/documents. The process includes advising
Administration department regarding employee's returning all company
property. IT department should be advised to remove separating employee's
access to company system and computer by changing password or login details
and terminating him or her from official email ID on the last day of employee.

7. In next step, the HR department will partner with payroll management

department to review the employee's post-termination benefits status. And HR
will further process for the employee's completion of an Exit Interview.

8. On the last working day of employee, HR will notify all the employees of the
company about the separation and next responsible person/successor for the
position through email. The gratuity email shall be forwarded to the separating
employee for his/her contribution to the company throughout the tenure.
Upon request of employee resigning, the Experience Letter and any other
requested letters like CIT Release letter, PF release letter shall be handover by
HR to the employee leaving.

9. After completion all the paper works of off-boarding, the related papers, files
and documents shall be kept in employee’s personal file for future reference.
Apart from this, the account of name of employee shall be terminated from the
database of existing employees and move to the database of departure

10. Farewell program shall be conducted in coordination with Administration

Department, possibly on the last day of employment.

Involuntary Terminations:
An involuntary termination of employment, including a layoff of over 30 days, is a management
initiated dismissal with or without cause on the basis of various backgrounds under 3 consecutive
poor performance reviews, disciplinary action, or any misconduct or embezzlement.

1. Before any action is taken to involuntary discharge an employee, the employee's
manager/Unit Head must request a review by the termination review board

which consists of the Executive Director of Deba Jyoti Group, a representative
from HR and employee's department head.

2. The termination review board will be responsible for reviewing the

circumstances and determining if discharge is warranted. If the board
recommends discharge, the employee's manager and an HR representative will
notify employee of termination using a Termination Letter. The employee's line
manager/unit head should complete an employee change form and notify HR
and payroll of the last day worked by the employee.

3. The HR department will coordinate the employee's returning all company

property, belongings and files/documents. The process includes advising
Administration department regarding employee's returning all company
property. IT department should be advised to revoke separating employee's
access to company system and computer by changing password or login details
and terminating him or her from official email ID on the last day of employment.

4. In next step, the HR department will partner with payroll management

department to review the employee's post-termination benefits status and
outstanding payments and unpaid leave/accrued leave payments.

5. On the last working day of employee, HR will notify all the employees of the
company about the separation and next responsible person/successor for the
position through email.

6. After completion all the paper works of off-boarding, the related papers, files
and documents shall be kept in employee’s personal file for future reference.
Apart from this, the account of name of employee shall be terminated from the
database of existing employees and move to the database of departure

Death of an Employee:
A termination due to the death of an employee will be made effective as of the date of death.


1. Upon receiving notification of the death of an employee, the employee's Line
Manager/Unit Head should immediately notify HR.

2. Prompt notice of death of employee is provided to payroll department.

3. The HR Department should ensure that the payroll department receives the
deceased employee's details and cause of death to further process for the
accidental /medical insurance amount if eligible.

4. The Payroll department in consultation with HR will process all appropriate

beneficiary payments from the various benefits plans.

5. The nominee of the deceased employee should be contacted for the return of
any company assets, collection of any personal belongings, and the final
payment of benefits and outstanding payments by HR Department after
receiving all the payment details within the period of 2 months from the date of
death of employee.

Final Pay:
An employee who resigns or is discharged will be paid through the last day of work, plus any
unused paid time off, less outstanding loans, advances or other agreements the employee may have
with the company through the mode of cheque, in compliance with labor laws. The employee has to
sign in the final payment settlement paper as the reference of his clearance from the company.
In cases of an employee's death, the final pay due to that employee will be paid to deceased
employee's nominee under labor law.

Health and Accidental Insurance:

Medical and accidental insurance coverage terminates on the last day of the month the employee
separates employment or is terminated. An employee will be required to pay his or her share of
premiums through the end of the month.

Return of Property:
Employees must return all company property at the time of separation, including uniforms, mobile
phones, keys, laptops and identification cards, or vehicle. Failure to return some items may result in

deductions from the employee's final paycheck. In some circumstances, company may pursue
criminal charges for failure to return company property.

Work and Files Handover:

The separating employees must handover the work, data and files to the concerned person
authorized for that particular position in discussion with line manager before a one week of last
day. In some cases, he/she must train the new hire/successor/replacement when directed by line

Email or Notice of Separation:

HR department will send an email of notice of separation of employee to all the employee including
the details and contact of next person responsible for that particular position.

Exit Interview:
The HR department will contact an employee who voluntarily resigns to schedule an exit interview
on the employee's last day of work. The employee may complete the employee exit report form at
this interview or notes may be taken and confirmed by both parties. Complete form must be kept in
the file exit interview file and the copy must be kept in the employees file for the future reference.

On the ending of employment through voluntary resigns, HR department will conduct Farewell
program -depending upon the condition and situation/background of leaving the company to
celebrate the separating employee’s successful journey and contribution to the company on the last
day of employee in coordination with Administration department.

Eligibility for Rehire:

Employees who leave in good standing with proper notice may be considered for rehire. Former
employees must follow the normal application and hiring processes and must meet all minimum
qualifications and requirements of the position, including any required qualifying exam. Rehired
employees will not retain previous tenure when calculating longevity, leave accruals or any other
benefits, unless required by law.
Employees who are involuntarily terminated by Deba Jyoti Group for cause or who resign in lieu of
termination are ineligible for rehire. In addition, an employee who resigns without providing
abandon their job will not be considered for rehire.

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