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Proverbs 25:2 Proverbs 25:2: With Ronald L. Dart

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October Christian Educational Ministries 2021

with Ronald L. Dart

Proverbs 25:2
GOD Loves A Good Mystery

from a radio program

by Ronald L. Dart

I’ve thought about this a bit, and I it; and when they come to the end of it, they
think that God loves a mystery. I recall an will understand it much better than if you
old time radio show called I Love a Mys- simply tell them.
tery. I remember hearing it on my old Now, I can add a third thing God loves
Philco radio back in the days before there a mystery. We should understand that
was television. The reason I bring this up is well enough. There are people who like to
because it occurs to me that: 1) I am made build puzzles—who take great pleasure in
in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) as all designing puzzles that drive us nuts—who
men are; and 2) I love mysteries. I like puz- like to build puzzles about as much as some
zles: jigsaw, crossword, mazes, word find- of us like to solve them. And then there is
ers, whodunits, you name it. And if it’s a Proverbs 25:2, “It is the glory of God to
mystery, I’m fascinated by it. Sometimes, conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to
when I’m studying the Bible, I’m faced with search out a matter.” Isn’t that fascinating?
a mystery: What was God saying or doing It’s God’s glory to conceal stuff and our
on this occasion? What did he mean by it? honor to search them out. So that’s why I
What did the event mean? Where does this say God loves a mystery. He likes to build
thing go? What does it connect to? Some- them, he likes to present them to us, he likes
one once complained about this saying, to watch us solve them, and on it goes.
“Why does God hide stuff? Why doesn’t he There may also be a more serious side
just come out and say what he means?” to this. Read in Romans 11 where Paul was
First, how plain does God have to be? trying to sort his way through a vexing
What part of “Thou shall not steal” do we problem: Why were so many Jews rejecting
not understand? That’s what I would call the Gospel out of hand? They were God’s
coming right out and saying it, wouldn’t people. They had the promise of the Mes-
you? The truth is, the Ten Command- siah, and now he’d come and they wanted
ments are plain, unambiguous statements nothing to do with him. Paul likened Israel
of how human beings should live their lives to a domestic olive tree and the Gentiles to
and conduct themselves. a wild olive tree. He concluded that it was
Second, when you have found your necessary to break some of the natural
own way to the answer of a difficult ques- branches out of the olive tree—that is, Is-
tion, you’re far more likely to remember it. rael—so that the branches of the wild olive
It’s a fundamental principle of education. tree—that is, the Gentiles—could be graft-
You pose kids a problem. You sit them ed in. I used to wonder about this passage.
down and let them work their way through Why was it necessary to get the Jews (at
2) Christian Educational Ministries • October 2021
least some of them) out of the way so that
Gentiles could enter? Wasn’t it possible for
Myster y
the Gentiles to just simply be brought in
among the Jews and everyone go ahead like Strong's #3466: μυστήριον
one big happy family? It might have been,
but there was really strong resistance to Transliteration: mysterion
this idea among the Jews. In fact, virtually Origin: from a derivative of muo
all of the disciples of Jesus were Jews in the
beginning and the Jews had a resistance to (to shut the mouth)
the Gentiles coming in. It was something
they just could not imagine. Parts of Speech: Noun
They had no frame of reference for Frequency of use: 28 times in KJV
this. It was meaningless to them to suggest
that the Gentiles might come in because, New Testament
after all, God was the God of the Jews. They
thought, “He’s our God, not theirs.” You Thayer’s Greek Lexicon
don’t have to think about this very long to 1. hidden thing, secret, mystery
realize that this was not the will of God.
This was just something the Jews fell into, 2. generally mysteries, religious
maybe without even realizing they had secrets, confided only to the
done so. But it is very clear, if you read your initiated and not to ordinary
Bible carefully (well, maybe if you solve mortals
the mystery) that, from the beginning, he
has been working to take his Word to the •a hidden or secret thing, not
whole world, not just part of it. Abraham’s obvious to the understanding
seed (Genesis 18:18) was supposed to be a
blessing to “the nations”, and that means •a hidden purpose or counsel;
Gentiles. secret will
Here’s what Jesus told his disciples just •of men
before his ascension, in Matthew 28: “All
power is given unto me in heaven and in •of God: the secret counsels
earth. Go you therefore, and teach all the which govern God in dealing
Gentiles, baptizing them in the name of with the righteous, which are
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things hidden from ungodly and
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, wicked men but plain to the
lo, I am with you always, even unto the end godly
of the world.” Yes, I know, the translation 3. in rabbinic writings, it denotes
you hold in your hand may say, “All power
is given to me in heaven and earth, go you the mystic or hidden sense
therefore and teach all nations…” or “… •of an OT saying
make disciples of all nations…” but in the
Greek, the word is “Gentiles”. “Go. Teach all •of an image or form seen in a
the Gentiles and baptize them.” vision
Well, no one wanted to go to the Gen-
tiles. Finally, God decided to teach another •of a dream
lesson, and so he went through a rather in- Hebrew Equivalent Words:
volved exercise. He almost led Peter by the
hand to a man named Cornelius (Acts 10), Strong #: 7328 (rawz) (3
a Roman centurion, and showed him by whomsoever much is given, of him shall
pouring out the holy spirit on these people be much required: and to whom men
while Peter was talking to them. So Peter have committed much, of him they will
had to ask, “Who could forbid baptism to ask the more.” (Luke 12:47–48). You’ve got
these people? Look, God has given them two servants, both of whom end up mak-
his spirit.” Now everyone had the picture, ing the same stupid error. One of them
right? No, they didn’t. knows he shouldn’t have done it, and the
It finally took the calling and com- other doesn’t know. Do you punish them
missioning of Paul (Acts 9:15) to get the both the same? Answer: No. The man who
job done. God had to break loose the faith knew better and did it anyway has a much
of Jesus from its Jewish roots to allow the more severe judgment upon him than the
Gentiles to see and hear. In the process of man who didn’t know better when he did
explaining, Paul said about the unbeliev- it. The second part of this lesson is: Just
ing Jews, “For God has concluded them all because you didn’t know better, it doesn’t
in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon mean you’re not going to get hurt. It just
all” (Romans 11:32). Let me say it again, means you’re not going to suffer, in addi-
because it’s so counter-intuitive, “God has tion to it, the punishment for people who
concluded [or shut them all] in unbelief did know better.
that he might have mercy upon them all.” Now, imagine you are reading the
So, in a sense, he stamped unbelief on a Bible one day, and you come across some-
whole range of people so he could later thing you are not doing that you should
come back and have mercy upon them. be doing. Two things can happen at that
This is totally counter-intuitive—contrary point. You can repent and do what is right,
to what we might expect. How could shut- or you can close your eyes to what is right
ting a person in a state of unbelief allow and continue on your way. That, in its turn,
God to have mercy on them? presents God with two alternatives. What
I’ll try to explain. Jesus concluded one might those be? He could intervene and
of his parables with this particular judg- force you to see what is there. But there’s a
ment: “And that servant, which knew his problem with this if God actually makes
lord’s will, and prepared not himself, nei- you see it, if he lays it out for you. It says,
ther did according to his will, shall be beat- “If we sin willfully, after we have received
en with many stripes. But he that knew not, the knowledge of the truth…” (Hebrews
and did commit things worthy of stripes, 10:26). That’s what we’re talking about.
shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto You’re given something, you see it, it’s clear
as crystal, and you say, “I’m just not going to
do it.” “For if we sin willfully after that we
More From have received the knowledge of the truth,
there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
Ron Dart but a certain fearful looking for of judg-
ment and fiery indignation, which shall
The following titles are available to devour the adversaries. He that despised
you for free in the formats listed: Moses’ law died without mercy under
two or three witnesses: Of how much sor-
The Mystery Begins er punishment, suppose you, shall he be
The Mysteries of God thought worthy, who has trodden under
foot the Son of God, and has counted the
God and Man blood of the covenant, wherewith he was
The Mysteries of Jesus #1 sanctified, an unholy thing, and has done
despite unto the Spirit of grace?” (Hebrews
Available Formats 10:26–29). You can’t say “No” to God for as
-Video -Audio -Print long as you want, any way you want, and
not suffer for it. There comes a point when
Scan the CODE you’ve said “No” to God once too often and
he writes you off—forever. Now, perhaps
or CALL you can see the problem. If God makes
1-888-BIBLE-44 something totally clear to us and we turn
To Claim Your away from it, there is no way back. No, I’m
FREE Gifts & not talking about sins of weakness; I’m
Subscribe to the talking about presumptuous, albeit willful,
Monthly Newsletter
rejection of God. things we’re doing, and come back later?
Here’s the other alternative of what God’s love of mystery is not mere
God could do. God could conclude that whimsy; it’s part of his way of protecting us
you just aren’t quite ready yet, count you as from ourselves. It’s part of his way of teach-
being in a state of ignorance (or perhaps in a ing us lessons more deeply, in ways we are
state of stupidity) and decide to come back more likely to remember. Isn’t it plain when

later. That later time may you read the Bible that
be a lot tougher than you
want it to be, but at least
he truth God has secrets? There
are times when he reveals
God will not have writ- is, the Ten stuff and there are times
ten you off. It may seem when he doesn’t—partly
better to him to leave Commandments because there are times
you in a state of unbe-
lief for now. That doesn’t are plain, when we’re ready for it
and times when we’re
mean you’re getting off
scot-free. You still will unambiguous not.
There’s a short pas-
suffer the consequences
of your error, whatever it
statements of sage in Deuteronomy
that I always find fas-
may be, but you may not
move beyond the pos-
how human cinating: “The secret
things belong unto the
sibility of mercy. I think beings should Lord our God: but those
that sounds pretty good, things which are revealed
actually. It doesn’t sound live their lives belong unto us and to our
as good as doing the
right thing the first time, and conduct children for ever, that we
may do all the words of
but sometimes letting us
suffer the consequences themselves. this law” (Deuteronomy
29:29). When God reveals
of the stupid thing we’ve done is useful for something, he just lays it out. God said,
God because, in the end, we sit up a little “Thou shalt not bear false witness against
straighter, pay a little more attention, and your neighbor.” “Do not commit adultery.”
become a little bit more responsive. “Don’t lie.” All those things God tells us we
When you sin, two things are possible. are not to do, in no uncertain terms; those
One is the consequence of your sin and the are the things which are revealed.
other is the punishment for your sin. The The “secret things” that belong to the
punishment for sin? Oh, that’s death. You’re Lord our God are another matter entirely. I
going to die—forever. The consequence of conclude that there are some things we can
your sin? If you drive drunk, crash your car find out by solving the mystery, because he
into a telephone pole and, in the accident, wants us to. He wants us to take our Bibles
you lose your right arm, that is the conse- and our concordances and whatever re-
quence. It’s not going away and you will not sources we’ve got, and study it, to come to
escape it. So, it may seem strange at first that understand. With other things, the only
God would leave us with an excuse, an out, way we learn them is when God reveals
for doing the wrong thing; but he isn’t real- them in his own time. Sometimes we can’t
ly doing that. If you sin, you will pay, and it’s tell the difference between these things
a whole lot better for you if you do it right when we start on a journey. We start off
the first time. Paul said, “For it is impossible studying something, looking into it, and
for those who were once enlightened, and only later come to realize, “This is one of
have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were the secret things of God and I’m just not
made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and going to solve it.”
have tasted the good word of God, and the One thing to watch out for is preachers
powers of the world to come, if they shall who pretend to know, when they are really
fall away, to renew them again unto repen- only guessing. Theorizing about what
tance; seeing they crucify to themselves the God is doing is okay. I have no problem
Son of God afresh, and put him to an open with that; I do it myself. You will find a
shame” (Hebrews 6:4–6). Do you see what lot of theorizing about God in my book,
I mean? Whenever we do this sort of thing, The Lonely God. But, pronouncing our
God has to decide how he is going to deal theories as “God’s own Truth” is a lie.
with it. Will he write us off, or put us on a Some preachers are reluctant to admit they
shelf for a while, let us suffer for the stupid ....Continued on page 8 (5
Give Me
a Hint
By Blake C. Silverstein

His ripped and raw flesh I believe Jesus was using a re-
scraped against the wood and mez when He cried out, “Eli, Eli,
picked up splinters as it drug lema sabachthani?” that is, “My
across the stake. He needed a God, My God, why have you for-
breath of air to say what He had to saken Me?” He was quoting the
say. See, if you want to speak while opening line of Psalm 22, a psalm
being crucified, you must use your that directly addresses the Await-
legs to lift your body up so your ed Messiah. The Pharisees would
diaphragm will expand enough to have picked up on this quote and
breathe in. This is why they broke why He mentioned it. In a way,
the legs of those who were cruci- He was informing all those pres-
fied—so they would suffocate. Ac- ent who He was. He was telling
cording to Matthew 27:46, Jesus the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin,
endured this agony to say, “My and even His disciples, that He
God, my God why have you for- was the Messiah, and you have
saken Me?” crucified Him.
Did He bear all this additional Jesus used this powerful and
pain just to question God or was enigmatic tool throughout His
this something else? I don’t think earthly ministry. There are some
this was a question at all. I think 200–300 examples of remez (de-
He spoke using a teaching meth- pending on how strictly you
od known as “remez”—a Hebrew interpret what a remez is) con-
term that means “hint” or “call tained in the Gospel. The inter-
back” that was a popular method esting thing about this teaching
of teaching used by rabbis when style is that you have to know
instructing students of the Word. your scripture to play the game.
Rabbis would quote part of a I think this is part of the reason
scripture, and to understand what why Jesus chose young students
they were alluding to, you would of scripture for His disciples.
need to know the verses immedi- They would have had most (if
ately before and after the passage. not all) of the Old Testament
For example, if we were in Texas memorized to make the proper
at the rodeo and I had a cowboy associative connections between
hat and boots on and you asked the words and concepts Jesus
me why I was dressed that way, I was mentioning. In other words,
might say, “When in Rome…”, and this teaching method only works
you would fill in the rest—”…do with individuals who know their
as the Romans do.” This teaching Bibles. Once you understand
technique was used by some of the this, you see certain portions of
greatest Rabbis—including Jesus. scripture come to life and even
change in meaning.
6) Christian Educational Ministries • October 2021
One of my favorite examples of FINDING REMEZIM
remez is when the children shout- FOR YOURSELF
ed "Hosanna" to Him in the Tem- The reason I like the use of re-
ple and the chief priests and teach- mez is that it reveals the cleverness
ers of the law became indignant of Jesus and how the Bible really is
(Matthew 21:15). Jesus responded one book. These are great expres-
by quoting Psalm 8:2, "From the sions of insight, humor, and pas-
lips of children and infants, you sion that help us gain some insight
have ordained praise." The reli- into the culture and way of life that
gious leaders' anger at Jesus can be can easily be lost on modern read-
better understood when we realize ers. They do this by cleverly weav-
that the next phrase in the Psalm ing their tradition and history into
reveals why children and infants conversation. But there are many
offer praise because the enemies examples of remez to find, and
of God would be silenced. The re- several ways to find them.
ligious leaders realized that Jesus
was implying that they were God's THE HARD WAY
enemies. It would have been fun I suggest that you become
to watch those who were a bit slow thoroughly familiar with New Tes-
on the uptake, gradually realize tament words and concepts—even
what He just called them. if the meaning of the words is not
Examples of remez don’t al- always apparent and the concept
ways have to be quoted scripture. somewhat ambiguous. Then, read
Sometimes they can be acted out through the Old Testament and
or embodied. In the case with John note when a passage reminds you
the Baptist and his garments of of an element in the New Testa-
choice (see Matthew 3:4), “John’s ment. Then, look for explanations
clothes were made of camel’s hair, about the apparent correlation.
and he had a leather belt around
his waist”. THE EASIER WAY
I remember reading this and
thinking what a strange detail to I recommend using any Bible
include in describing a man. Who with cross-references in the mar-
cares about his fashion choices? gins. When you get to a cross-ref-
Later, I discovered that this is an- erence, stop reading the New
other remez. Matthew wrote a few Testament. Turn back to the Old
words to tell the listener (who had Testament quote or reference and
ears to hear) that John is not just read seven chapters—three be-
any prophet—he’s a prophet like fore the reference, then its chapter,
Elijah! If you remember in 2 Kings then the three after. Doing this will
1:8, when King Ahaziah asked usually give enough information
what kind of man they encoun- on the immediate sense of the Old
tered they replied, “He had a gar- Testament passage that you can
ment of hair and had a leather belt figure out how the New Testament
around his waist.” The king said, writer associated them. Of course,
“That was Elijah the Tishbite.” you could read less or more—
This was the guy who was going seven is an arbitrary choice. Note
to kill all those prophets of Ba’al that doing this will make read-
after the mountain showdown, ing the New Testament take more
the guy whose God answered by time, but you will gain a kind of
fire (proving power) and then rain Scriptural fluency because of it.
(ending drought). When you put faith in Jesus,
By giving these details about you became a new creation. As a
clothing, Matthew is making a new creation, you have the mind
strong comparison between John
and Elijah and this helps to cast of Christ. So exercise your best
John as a type of Elijah. This sets judgment and always trust that the
up for Jesus’s comments about him Holy Spirit will enjoy guiding you
being the greatest of all prophets into all truth.
and His forerunner. (7
...“God Loves a Good Mystery” continued
(1 Corinthians 2:1). That’s a reference to
don’t know because by experience they’ve Greek orators who had a style about us-
learned that the instant they say, “I don’t ing excellence of speech and diction and
know”, someone else (who also doesn’t philosophy and so forth. He said he didn’t
know) will come along and try to enlighten bring that. “For I determined not to know
them. I know what I’m talking about; I any thing among you, save Jesus Christ,
have been there. But saying simply, “I don’t and him crucified” (v. 2). That’s the Gos-
know”, is one of the most liberating things pel. That’s the heart and core of our faith.
you can do. It liberates you to seek the Paul had no desire to make it complicated,
truth in places you hadn’t thought to look. or difficult, or mysterious. This was a hard
Saying, “I know”, locks you up so you can’t idea for the Jews to accept. Some did; most
grow any further. You need to learn to say, did not. He continued, “And I was with
“I don’t know”, because that sets you free you in weakness, and in fear, and in much
to find out. I think some Bible teachers feel trembling. And my speech and my preach-
they’re emulating Christ when they speak ing was not with enticing words of man’s
with authority. After all, Matthew tells us it wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit
came to pass when Jesus was teaching that and of power” (v. 3–4). This is interesting,
the people were astonished at his doctrine because from the last verse of that passage,
because he taught them as one having you might conclude that a preacher who
authority and not like the scribes (Matthew speaks with power and authority is a good
7:28–29). preacher, doing a good thing; but how does
Watch out for preachers who pretend to one reconcile that with the first part of the
have that kind of authority. They can burn passage where Paul says, “And I was with
you. In 1 Corinthians 13:8, Paul said, “Love you in weakness, and in fear, and in much
never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, trembling”?
they will be done away; if there are tongues, It troubles me to see preachers who talk
they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will down to people when they preach, march-
be done away.” We need to always remem- ing across the stage, holding their Bible
ber that when someone tries to tell people high, and speaking at the top of their voice.
about God, or when preachers presume to I can’t help but wonder: Where is the weak-
speak from a position of total truth, keep ness, the fear, and the trembling? I want to
your distance. Someone is likely to get hurt. know where the humility is; because most
The truth is, now we do know things of them, really, should be preaching to
that were not known to the Ancients. It’s themselves first.
fair to say that we only know in part, but I don’t think Paul did this. At
those poor guys didn’t know at all. It wasn’t least he didn’t do it late in his ministry.
time. In Romans 16:25–26, Paul makes a Now, I will confess, early on Paul was a
statement—almost a throwaway statement, tough hombre; but by the time he got to
but it’s important. He said, “Now to him Corinth, most of his cockiness had been
that is of power to establish you according beaten out of him. He’d been whipped,
to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus he’d been stoned and left for dead on
Christ, according to the revelation of the one occasion, and so he could look back
mystery, which was kept secret since the at a prophecy like Isaiah 66:1–2, “Thus
world began, but now is made manifest, says the Lord, The heaven is my throne,
and by the scriptures of the prophets, ac- and the earth is my footstool: where is
cording to the commandment of the ever- the house that you build unto me? And
lasting God, made known to all nations for where is the place of my rest? For all
the obedience of faith.” Paul can write real- those things has mine hand made, and
ly long sentences, but there are two things all those things have been, says the Lord:
here. There was a mystery which had been but to this man will I look, even to him
kept secret since the world began and that that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and
was now being made manifest, being re- trembles at my word.” And that’s how
vealed. Paul had come to see himself; as one who
Paul understood the importance had to bow before God’s Word, who was
of making the simple things clear. In his poor, of a crushed spirit, and who trem-
letter to the Corinthians, he said, “And I, bled before God’s Word. So why did Paul
brethren, when I came to you, came not do it this way? He said (in 1 Corintians
with excellence of speech or of wisdom, 2:5), “So that your faith would not stand
declaring unto you the testimony of God” in the wisdom of men, but in the power
of God.”
8) Christian Educational Ministries • October 2021
In Memory of Rod Martin
In Memory of Longtime
CEM Board Member,
Rod Martin
Calvin Roderick Martin, son of Dorman
and Isabel Martin, born in Pocahontas,
Arkansas on August 7, 1948, went to see
his loving God on October 9, 2021 at the
age of 74. He was a devoted husband,
father, grandfather and friend. He was
surrounded by his family, who loved him
dearly, as he passed.
Rod is survived by his wife: Peggy
Martin; his children: Brandy (Matt)
Pledger, Jason (Shre Regina) Martin,
and Julie Martin; his stepchildren: Erica
(Clayton) Woodruff and Emily (Patrick) Sullenger; his 11 grandchildren: Ashton
Baltz; Savannah and Forest Pledger; Jake, Westin, and Boe Martin; Skyler Marley;
Malone and Tristen Woodruff; Karson and Will Haney; and his younger brother
and sister: Jeff (Cristina) Martin and Susan (Michael) Klein. He loved his family
more than anything.
Rod loved to read books, especially about religion, history and physics. Watching
a good storm roll in with the wind blowing was one of his favorite things to do.
You knew he loved you when he gave you a hard time and made you laugh. He was
a very strong, intelligent, loving, wise, and kind man. He loved his wife, his best
friend and soulmate, greatly. He will be missed but never forgotten.
Skip Martin's Tribute to Rod
59 years ago, a good-looking, long-haired boy walked into one of my seventh grade
classes. We had the same last name and we became best friends for life. We played
in the band, we played football, we double-dated. We did everything together you
can imagine, but after high school we drifted apart. So I was surprised to receive a
call from him one night, in 1973. He was very excited and said, “I’ve been reading
the Bible, and it doesn’t say many of the things we have been taught. Did you know
that Saturday is the day the we are to rest and worship God on?” I said, “No,” as my
eyes rolled toward the ceiling. But that was the start of another chapter in our lives.
Forward to 1980—I was asked to join the Board of the Church of God, International,
which is where I met Ron Dart. A few years later, at a Feast, I was able to introduce
Ron to Rod and they became immediate friends. After the founding of CEM, Rod
and I served on that Board together and in recent years, Rod and I spoke to each
other often. Rod loved his family deeply and was a faithful believer in Jesus Christ
and his Father. I’m not quite sure it has hit me that he is gone, but I do know that
we will see each other in the Kingdom to come. (9
Comments From
Our Listeners

Tchoukpa O. prayers for all of you, I always
Benin with joy. I listen to Born
Dear Born to Win Staff, Thank to Win on KBRT on Sundays on
you so much for all the work you my way to church. I also enjoy
do to proclaim the WORD. You reading your newsletter. It’s a
are the best. simple read with clarity and
understanding God's word. It
Richard K. brings joy and delight to our
West Bend, WI hearts. It will never fail. Thank
“Great Show” guys. Keep up the you for your faithfulness. Please
good work. May God above be continue being on radio as you
with us all. Praise God Almighty. reach many souls to hear the
Amen. word of God!
Alice G.
Lake View Terrace, CA If you would like to share a
I thank my God every time comment, please let us know, we
I remember you! In all my want to hear from you!

CEM Mission Statement

•First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. (Matthew 28).
•Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be “proficient and
equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17).
•Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and pro-
grams focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth Educa-
tional Adventures (YEA). (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6).
•Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative efforts
wherever they may be. (2 Corinthians 5:18).
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Christian Educational Ministries

P.O. Box 560
Whitehouse, TX 75791
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(903) 839–9311 Download Now! About Us
Christian Educational Ministries
(CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Dart as an independent, non–
denominational ministry to
serve the public and individual
Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, was an ordained
minister and evangelist, has
served God through hundreds of
sermons, radio broadcasts, Bible
Studies, and books. His clear,
conversational style brings clarity
and simplicity to difficult Biblical
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry,
Born to Win, is broadcast around
the world and on the Born to Win
Download website.

The 2021 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
We are Reading, Writing, and Responding in the book of John. We encourage
you to read the daily assignment, handwrite the scriptures, then respond to
those verses with prayer, meditation, contemplation, and life application.
Nov 1 John 7:37–44 Nov 16 John 10:33–42
Nov 2 John 7:45–53 Nov 17 John 11:1–11
Nov 3 John 8:1–10 Nov 18 John 11:12–23
Nov 4 John 8:11–20 Nov 19 John 11:24–34
Nov 5 John 8:21–30 Nov 20 John 11:35–44
Nov 6 John 8:31–41 Nov 21 John 11:45–57
Nov 7 John 8:42–51 Nov 22 John 12:1–11
Nov 8 John 8:52–59 Nov 23 John 12:12–19
Nov 9 John 9:1–12 Nov 24 John 12:20–29
Nov 10 John 9:13–23 Nov 25 John 12:30–39
Nov 11 John 9:24–34 Nov 26 John 12:40–50
Nov 12 John 9:35–41 Nov 27 John 13:1–8
Nov 13 John 10:1–9 Nov 28 John 13:9–17
Nov 14 John 10:10–21 Nov 29 John 13:18–30
Nov 15 John 10:22–32 Nov 30 John 13:31–38
If you are interested in our Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan, visit the link below. (11
... Religious Exclusivism

Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries
Whitehouse, TX 75791
P.O. Box 560

November Schedule
1st....................................Jeremiah #1 16th...............................Jeremiah #10

2nd...................................Jeremiah #2 17th...............................Jeremiah #11

3rd....................................Jeremiah #3 18th...............................Jeremiah #12

4th...................................Jeremiah #4 19th-21st......The Next Real Prophet

5th-7th..........Let the Prophets Speak 22nd..............................Jeremiah #13

8th...................................Jeremiah #5 23rd...............................Jeremiah #14

9th...................................Jeremiah #6 24th................................Jeremiah #15

10th.................................Jeremiah #7 25th................A Day of Thanksgiving

11th.................................Jeremiah #8 26th-28th....................Created Equal?

12th-14th.....The Failure of a Prophet 29th...............................Jeremiah #16

15th.................................Jeremiah #9 30th...............................Jeremiah #17

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

For help finding a radio station near you Call 1–888–BIBLE–44
Listen online @
A Ronald L. Dart Minist
`Can the Church Save? FREE CD/B
A Ronald L. Dart Minist
AWhat the church
Ronald is and
L. Dart isn’t and wh
the Church
the NewSave? Testament
`Can the whenChurch say “church”
theySave? (ecclesia),
FREE CD/Bookle
isWhat the church
different from the is andcommon
isn’t andmea wh
What the do. What
church the
is andNew Testament
isn’t and
church, and the problems caused b what write
it ca
do. What whenthe New
differences: say “church”
they church (ecclesia),
“one true
when theyis different
say from
“church” the common
universal church, image of me how thei
is different from and
the the problems
common caused
infallibility; the vicar of Christ. Ro o
and athelong church
problems eras;
caused “one
reading from Halley’ true
differences: churchchurch,
eras; “oneimage of
true church” the

Where did you hear about Born to Win?

Commentary on the history of the
church, the
Catholic Church—the accumulat ofof Christ.
the beast R
infallibility; a
the long
vicar reading
of from
Christ. Ron Halle

Where did you hear about Born to Win?

power, the exercise of power and th
gives aofCommentary
power.readingon the history
from Halley’sofBiblthe

Commentary Church—the
on the history of the accumula
Catholic power,
the exerciseaccumulation
of power and to

exercise of power
power, Salvation: and the abus
The Starting

P.O. Box 560

of power.For Christians Old and


P.O. Box 560

new series is aThe
collection of Ronal

to TX
messages The
covering Starting
For Christians Old Point

TX 75791-0560
Born to Win
P.O. Box 560
ForThis Sin, Repentace, Baptism
new series is aOld
comes next. collection

Whitehouse, TX 75791-0560
This new messages
series iscovering
a collection
Ronald L. Do
messagesThis collection
covering TheSin,sermons and
ofConviction radio

to Win
Unpardonable retail
$24.95 but Baptism
is offeredand
comes next.
This collectionOrderof your
This collection
will retailoffor $24.95 but
sermons offered
andisradio now
but is offered
will retail for $24.95Order now for
your copy today. $12.
Order your copy today.

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