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Part 7 Social Science

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Social Science Part 7

7. Which is regarded as the Queen of the
1. The coastline of islands in the Philippine Orchids?
Philippines is twice that of the ________. a. Liwayway
a. Africa b. Tarhata
b. Caribbean Islands c. Waling-waling
c. United States d. Sampaguita
d. Europe
8. The Queen of Philippine fruits is the
2. The highest mountain in the Philippines _________.
standing at 9,600 feet is _________. a. durian
a. Mt. Mayon b. lanzones
b. Mt. Apo c. mango
c. Mt. Pinatubo d. macopa
d. Mt. Kanlaon
9. The King of Jungle Fruits in the
3. The longest river in the Philippines is Philippines is the _________.
_____________. a. saging
a. Pampanga River b. dalandan
b. Pasig River c. durian
c. Cagayan River d. duhat
d. Iligan River
10. The Philippine national flower is the
4. Intervening the dry and wet seasons in _________.
the Philippines are months from__________ a. ilang-ilang
known as the Philippine springtime, the b. sampaguita
most delightful season of the years. c. tsampaka
a. November to February d. walling-walling
b. April to June
c. June to August 11. The national tree and queen of the
d. January to March Philippine trees is the _________.
a. Kawayan
5. The largest flower in the world is the b. taguili
one-foot diameter ______ which grows wild c. narra
in the forests of Mindanao. d. molave
a. kamuning
b. banaba 12. The Arabs, who where excellent
c. kakawate geographers and navigators, perfected the
d. pungapung ________ a navigation instrument to
determine the altitude of stars and
6. Which of Bohol is reputed to be the planets.
smallest monkey in the world? a. astrolable
a. Zebronkey b. compass
b. Pilandut c. telescope
c. Tarsius d. sunglass
d. Bubalus
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13. Which is a Chinese-dominated former c. North America :: South America

British colony Asian economic power d. Europe : Oceania
which serves as a financial center and a
major harbor for trade because of its 19. The largest and second largest of the
strategic location? world's island are ________.
a. Japan a. Greenland and New Guinea
b. Taiwan b. Borneo and Madagascar
c. Philippines c. Baffin and Sumatra
d. Singapore d. Honshu and Great Britain

20. The fixed system of _________ time was

developed in 1884 in order to follow new
14. Which one is an exemplary nation of and faster methods of communication and
tourism and a superpower of finances and travel.
gold? a. analog
a. Canada b. local
b. Great Britain c. standard
c. France d. digital
d. Switzerland
21. Due to similar birth and death rates,
15. About 85% of gigantic waves called ________ has a zero rate of natural increase
tsunamis occur in the _________. in population.
a. Pacific Ocean a. Philippines
b. China Sea b. United Kingdom
c. Atlantic Ocean c. United States
d. Indian Ocean d. Japan

16. The Philippines lies on the _______ an 22. Under which category does the
area where many volcanoes are active. Philippines fall?
a. rift valley a. Landlocked State
b. tectonic zone b. Island State
c. ring of fire c. Coastal State
d. epicenter d. Archipelagic State

17. The continuous masses of land 23. Which statement holds TRUE of the
surrounded by big bodies of water on the Philippines?
earth's surface is known as __________. a. The Philippines is far from the equator
a. peninsula b. The Philippines is clear and below the
b. continents equator
c. archipelago c. The Philippines is clear and above the
d. hemisphere equator
d. The Philippines is far below the equator
18. Of seven continents in the world, the
largest is _______ and the smallest is ________ 24. Environmentalists and linguists are in
a. Africa :: Antartica search of "Filipinizing" an unfamiliar term
b. Asia :: Australia
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that came up during typhoon Yolanda. a. plains

What is the term? b. deposits
a. Tsunami c. mass
b. Storm signal d. peaks
c. Field research
d. Storm surge 30. The largest ocean which covers more
than a third of the earth's surface is the
25. Nobel Prize Laureate Elinor Ostrom _______ Ocean.
asserts a viable formula for getting people a. Indian
of various backgrounds to work together b. Atlantic
for the common good. This is known as c. Pacific
the _________. d. Arctic
a. common goals/objectives
b. collective action 31. Which affects the validity of research
c. common pool resource results due to external events, e.g.
d. collective bargaining popularity decline of a senator accused of
illegal drug involvement?
26. In the United Nations conference on a. Testing
the Law of the Sea, which group stood b. Maturation
together against the doctrine that the c. History
international seabed and their resource d. Statistical regression
are the "common heritage of mankind?"
a. Developing countries 32. If it rains, the ground gets wet. Today,
b. Developed countries the ground is wet. Therefore, it rained. Is
c. ASEAN this a correct thinking?
d. Afro-Asian a. Yes, what else will make the ground wet
if not rain itself.
27. Geographers measure landforms by b. Yes, because if it rains, the ground
_______ or height above the surface of the surely gets wet.
ocean and by _______ from the ocean depth. c. Yes, because the ground is wet today
a. range :: width and so it must have rained yesterday.
b. height :: depth d. No, because the ground may have been
c. elevation :: sea level wet by something else other than rain.
d. altitude :: longitude
33. Which is an example of an objective
28. Orographic _____ takes place when a truth?
moving mass of earth is forced to go up a. The earth is the center of the universe.
because of topographic barriers, (ranges, b. The earth is a sphere.
mountains, hill, etc.) c. The earth is flat.
a. freezing d. The earth will survive forever.
b. cooling
c. warming 34. Is the validity of research results
d. heating affected due to people continually
changing e.g. getting older, more wealthy,
29. Glacier _________ are formed by deposit etc.? Yes, because of ________?
of continental glaciers. a. experimental mortality
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b. testing b. Frequencies
c. selection biases c. Magnitude
d. maturation d. Consequences

35. Is the validity of research results 40. What is part of instruction which gives
affected due to participants dropping out due consideration to differences interests,
of the e.g. experimental or control group? abilities and needs of learning?
Yes, because of _________? a. Remedial
a. history b. Experimental
b. instrumentation c. Adaptive
c. experimental mortality d. Experiential
d. testing
41. Copernicus' book "de Revolutionibus"
36. Is the validity of research results proposed the thesis that________.
affected due to what happens to people a. the earth is the center of the universe
over time, e.g. participants in class b. the earth revolves around the sun
achievement getting worse? c. the earth is round
a. Testing d. the moon revolves around the earth
b. Statistical regression
c. History 42. A modern city in North Africa is
d. Diffusion _________ .
a. Cape Town
37. Arrange the logical sequence of steps b. Johannesburg
in constructing an index measurement e.g. c. Cairo
to determine degrees in political activism: d. Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan
I. Index analysis
II. Select items to measure variable 43. Baghdad is to Iraq and ______ is in
III. Examine relationship of indices Syria.
IV. Index validation a. Jordan
a. II, III, IV and I b. Turkey
b. I, II, II and IV c. Yemen
c. IV, III, II and I d. Damascus
d. III, IV, I and II
44. The east-west _________ line encircles
38. What pattern results from your data the earth and divides it into two equal
that show, e.g. how often child abuse parts or hemispheres.
committed in a region? a. longitude
a. Processes b. equator
b. Frequencies c. meridian
c. Magnitude d. latitude
d. Consequences
45. A narrow water connection between
39. What pattern results from you data to large bodies of water is a _______.
that show e.g. levels of child abuse in a. strait
community? b. gulf
a. Processes c. river
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d. bay a. It supplies water and productivity to

Egypt and Sudan
46. Where is the Arctic Region found? b. It is the longest river in the world
a. Euro-Asiatic Region c. It crosses eleven countries in Southeast
b. South Pole Region Africa
c. North Pole Region d. Its waters flow into the Mediterranean
d. Antarctica Ocean

47. Know as the Land of the Aztecs was 53. Prior to the Amazon River being
the _________. recognized as the longest river in the
a. Valley of Mexico world, which was known as the world's
b. Yucatan Peninsula longest river artery in the world?
c. California a. Cagayan river
d. South America b. Yangtze river
c. Yellow river
48. The great temple of the Khmer is d. Nile river
located in ___________.
a. Indonesia 54. William Shakespeare was from
b. Chang Mai England, while Edgar Allan Poe was from
c. Angkor __________.
d. Java a. United States
b. Great Britain
49. The term New World applies to c. France
_________. d. Ireland
a. South America
b. North America 55. What was the name of our islands as it
c. European Union first appeared in a rare map published in
d. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 1554 at Venice by Giovanni Battista
Ramusio an Italian geographer?
50. If the tarsiers are found in Bohol, the a. Philippines
tamaraws are found in _________? b. Filipinas
a. Mindoro c. Philippines Islands
b. Davao d. Philippine archipelago
c. Cagayan
d. Palawan 26. In a land area of 115,707 square miles,
the Philippines is almost as large as
51. Which is the Mindanao province that ________.
is known as the first seat of Islam in a. Italy
Philippines? b. Spain
a. Zamboanga c. United States
b. Tawi-Tawi d. Greece
c. Sulu
d. Basilan 57. In its land area of 115,707 square
mile, the Philippines is twice as big as
52. Why is the Nile known as an _________.
"international" river? a. Italy
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b. Britain 62. What kind of study examines specific

c. Greece sub-populations, such as those who
d. Germany played a part in the EDSA revolt in order
to understand how their attitudes have
58. On a sunny day, what island i visible changed?
from Y'Ami, the northernmost isle of the a. Longitudinal study
Philippines? b. Trend study
a. Japan c. Cohort study
b. Taiwan d. Cross-sectional study
c. Hong Kong
d. South Korea 63. For John Dewey, what is the unifying
element of the curriculum?
a. Reflective thinking
59. Signed by 117 states in b. Course discipline
1982,the__________ gave recognition to the c. Experiential learning
Philippines along the archipelago d. Pedagogy in learning
principle that its islands and natural
features are a single geographic unit. 64. Which of the following is an example
a. UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on of an issue which a sociologist would
the Law of the Sea) study?
b. UN (United Nation) a. Why is the rate of abortion rising?
c. SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty b. How do police action influence crowd
Organization) behavior?
d. ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian c. What is the interaction between
Nations) chemical and behavior?
d. Which political system is best?
60. The 1982 United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea designated a 65. In order to seek full contextual
_________ Exclusive Economic Zone of understanding of the actions of a selected
water around the Philippine archipelago group of individuals, what will you do?
for sovereign right to explore, conserve I. Do ethnographic participants'
and manage natural resources of ocean, observation
seabed and subsoil. II. Conduct open-ended interviews
a. 1000-mile belt III. Administer a standardized test
b. 100-mile belt a. I, II and III
c. 500-mile belt b. I and II
d. 200-mile belt c. II only
d. I only
61. In research, if I reason out from
particular to general or broad patterns, I 66. What method is being used to have
apply the ___________ method. Special children become a part of the
a. Deductive regular student activities?
b. Inductive a. Catalytic learning
c. Ideographic b. Mainstreaming
d. Nomethetic c. Specialization
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d. Alternative learning a. complex formulas

b. simple averages
67. What is used as the basis so that c. verbal descriptions
scientific theory can be empirical and not d. mathematical models
merely speculative or opinionated?
a. Evidence-base 73. Of the following topics, which is
b. Authority closest to a subject for pure research?
c. Tradition a. Survey on a beauty product
d. Logical reason b. Anthropological account of an ethnic
68. What kind of reasoning is done by c. Impact of an outreach project
arguing from particulars (e.g. Juan, Marie, d. Problems in a mental health institution
Jaime, etc. speak Bisaya) to a general
conclusion (e.g. Therefore many students 74. What wrong is committed by a
in the class speak Bisaya)? researcher who installs a hidden camera
a. A priori in order to gather data on family friction
b. Deductive between parents and children?
c. Inductive a. Protection from harm
d. Logical b. Coercion
c. Informed consent
69. What is the fundamental basis for data d. Right to privacy
gathered in the sciences of Sociology
Biology and Physics? 75. What was violated by a researcher
a. Belief who administered lethal drugs to
b. Observation determine their effect on users?
c. Logic a. Right to privacy
d. Wisdom b. Protection from harm
c. Coercion
70. What process will you use to d. Informed consent
represent a more certain avenue to the
truth? 76. Under research design, what factor is
a. Generalization useful so that choice of topic can fill the
b. Fallacy researcher with enthusiasm to pursue an
c. Replication inquiry amid obstacles until its final
d. Prior argument outcome?
a. Commitment
71. An inquiry on a social phenomenon b. Interest
that does not use numbers is ___________ c. Dedication
research. d. Scientific attitude
a. descriptive
b. quantitative
c. experimental 77. Which step is undertaken when the
d. analytical researcher mulls over a chosen topic and
purpose, thinking about aspect and
72. Statistical analysis is done for various dimensions of a chosen social issue?
reasons but NOT for ________ . a. Observation
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b. Operationalization c. complex formulas

c. Data processing d. methodical models
d. Population and sampling
83. Choose the logical sequence to
78. There are many ways to conduct a operationalize selected stages of a study
research, but what is the stage of study on drug addiction:
when the researcher selects the I. Observation and data gathering
appropriate way to gather evidence that II. Arrive at conclusion
can support analysis of data obtained? III. Specify method to get data on
a. Population sampling variables
b. Conceptualization IV. Set testable hypothesis
c. Operationalization V. Process and analy
d. Choice of research method a. IV, III, I, V and II
b. II, I, III, V and IV
79. When data gathered from survey, c. V, III, I, II and IV
interview or other methods are d. III, II, I, IV and V
this is the research stage for _________. 84. Which system is applied for careful,
a. sampling deliberate and quantifiable observation of
b. operationalization evidence in order to describe an object or
c. data processing event in terms of indicators?
d. publication a. Examination
b. Measurement
80. Communicating the findings of a c. Construction
completed research to school, institution d. Introspection
or sponsor of the study is the ___________
stage of research. 85. What can be used to classify
a. analysis observations in terms of attributes, e.g.
b. application classify newspaper as pro-administration
c. operationalization or pro-opposition?
d. publication a. Scaling
b. Indexing
81. There are many dimensions or c. Typology
variables in considering social values that d. Validating
cause corruption in government, but
which is NOT one of them? 86. The technique used in selecting large,
a. Motives representative sample of social research
b. Attitudes e.g. election poll ranking is known as
c. Currencies _________.
d. Lifestyle a. probability sampling
b. non probability sampling
82. Statistical analysis can be done in c. snowball sampling
qualitative research but it is NOT d. quota sampling
applicable in ___________.
a. verbal description 87. Which is sampling technique in
b. simple averages studying a sub-set of a large population
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that can show a meaningful result, e.g. by 92. In order to protect participants on
interviewing some people during a rally? serious issues like use of drugs,
a. snowball sampling researcher can adopt__________ of
b. Judgmental sampling respondents.
c. Quota sampling a. custody
d. Non probability sampling b. anonymity
c. open testimony
88. Which sampling technique is used by d. subpoena
selecting a few members of a target
population, e.g. migrant workers you 93. For privileged communication, the
meet at the airport? researcher keeps _________ of respondents
a. Judgmental sampling under secrecy or anonymity.
b. Quota sampling a. data
c. Snowball sampling b. answers
d. Probability sampling c. names
d. evidences
89. What sampling technique helps
determine the proportion of the 94. Which was committed by a researcher
population by use of a matrix and relative who repackaged information for vested
proportion for each cell, e.g. interviewing interest, e.g. mocked-up Tasaday cave
a few people who meet the characteristics dwellers?
of being non-religious? a. Deception
a. Quota sampling b. Misuse of information
b. Purposive sampling c. Break trust in confidentially
c. Probability sampling d. Violate anonymity
d. Snowball sampling
95. When social researchers "speak out"
90. What is the grouping of units the truth on social issues, they perform
composing a population into homogenous the role of scientific _________ .
groups before sampling in order to a. journalism
achieve a greater degrees of b. experts
representativeness? c. writers
a. Indexing d. commentators
b. Scaling
c. Weighting 96. Which term is used for researchers
d. Stratification predisposed to arriving at the same
conclusion for a series of researches on
91. How does a hypothesis support the same topic?
inquiry? a. Labeling
a. They refer to evidence already proven. b. Time dimension
b. They restate the thesis question. c. Reductionism
c. They are tentative answers to what is d. Echoing
true of false.
d. They provide body of literature. 97. Which did researcher Ana conduct on
kinds of worship among similar Christian
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a. Trend 103. Participants in a research should not

b. Cross-sectional be forced to reveal sensitive personal
c. Cohort information, e.g. sexual behavior because
d. Longitudinal they have the right to _________.
a. protection from harm
98. Which type of study and researcher b. informed consent
Pete conduct on the popular use among c. coercion
millennial youths of Facebook accounts? d. privacy
a. cohort
b. trend 104. Participants may be willing to be
c. longitudinal interviewed but there should the right of
d. cross-sectional ________ need to be ensured by telling them
the nature of a specific research.
99. Inquiry on public sentiment for grays- a. non-coercion
lesbians from 1960's to 2000's is b. informed consent
___________ study. c. privacy
a. trend d. protection from harm
b. cross-sectional
c. longitudinal 105. Participants not willing to be
d. cohort interviewed for a research should not be
subjected to __________ such that they
100. Inquiry on legalization of marijuana become reluctant respondents.
getting data from the doctors, parents, a. coercion
teachers, churches, etc. is __________ b. harm
research. c. ignorance
a. nomothetic d. public disclosure
b. ideographic
c. non-spurious 106. As a researcher, you employ the
d. complete causation inductive approach? Which do you do?
a. Generate new theory emerging from
101. What is the unit studies about the data and then test the validity the
churches, colleges, agencies, army r navy? theory
a. Social interactions b. Test the validity of the theory
b. Individuals c. Generate new theory emerging from the
c. Social artifacts data
d. Organizations d. The validity of the theory then come up
with conclusion
102. A researcher committed _________
fallacy by concluding that young voters
due to their age voted for young 107. What is expected of the researcher in
candidates. the Methods/Procedure part of the
a. ecological research?
b. branding I. Describes what s/he did, how s/he did it
c. time dimension II. Gives strategies, sample calculations
d. reductionist III. Describes tools and instruments
a. I, II and III
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b. I and III I. Ethnography is a high

c. II and III flexible and creative process.
d. I and II II. Ethnography is an interpretive,
reflexive, and constructivist process.
108. Why does a researcher do a III. Ethnography requires the daily
literature review? a. II and III
I. To survey the current state of b. I and III
knowledge in the area of inquiry c. I and II
II. To identify key authors, articles, d. I, II and III
theories, and findings in the area of
research 112. Which kind of data includes
III. To identify gaps in knowledge in that descriptive field notes, narration of
research area informants, myths, stories, song and sagas
a. I and II as gathered by anthropologists?
b. II and III I. Qualitative data
c. I, II and III II. Quantitative data
d. I, II and III III. Inferential data
a. II only
109. You should like to research an b. III only
academic problems met by Indigenous c. I only
Peoples' children in your school, which d. I, II and III
sampling will you use?
a. No sampling 113. In my research, I use basic classical
b. Stratified sampling ethnographic field methods. Which ones
c. Purposive sampling do I use?
d. Random sampling of all school children I. observations
II. asking questions
110. Which statement/s on ethnography III. interpretation
is/are TRUE? IV. participant observation
I. Ethnography is a highly approach to the a. I,II and III
study of cultural systems. b. II, III and IV
II. Ethnography is the study of the socio- c. I, II, III and IV
cultural contexts, d. I, III and IV
processes, and meanings within cultural
systems. 114. If a design for evaluating a
III. Ethnography is an open-ended Community Support Program is being
emergent learning process, and not a rigid evaluated for its, relevance, what is the
investigator controlled experiment. most significant question to consider?
a. I and III a. Does the range of information to be
b. I, II and III provided include all the important
c. I and II aspects of the program?
d. II and III b. Does the information to be provided
adequately serve the evaluation needs of
111. Which statement/s on ethnography the intended audiences?
is/are TRUE? c. Is the information to be provided timely
enough to e of use to the audiences?
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d. Does the intended evaluation strictly c. I and II

follow ethical principles? d. I, II and III

115. How does one avoid bias when 118. An experimental research might
administering a teacher questionnaire to compare accident rates in those who text
determine the pulse on a new and drive versus those who do not text
performance evaluation system? and drive. Which would be the
a. Give priority to those who volunteer to independent variable?
fill out the questionnaire. a. The outcome ( accident or no accident)
b. Make sure the sample of what you'll b. The behavior of texting and driving
measure is most likely to present varied c. Gender of drivers who text and drive
c. Select sample from those getting high 119. Research Z conducted a correlational
performance ratings. research on texting while driving and rate
d. Exclude as respondents teachers who of accidents. Which is a possible finding?
are 60 or over. a. Younger drivers have an increased rate
of accidents while texting and driving.
b. Older drivers have less cell phones
c. Younger drivers are more techno savvy.
116. To insure reliability of an evaluation d. Accidents are caused by texting.
instrument , it is important to make sure
that ___________ . 120. I like to find out if integrity of public
I. it is designed to get the information officials has been improving. Which study
needed will I conduct?
II. there is only one way to interpret each a. Cohort Study
item b. Cross-sectional study
III. stems with dual elements are c. Trend study
eliminated d. Longitudinal study
a. II and III
b. I and II
c. I only 1211. There are fundamental ideas that
d. I , II and III distinguish Social Science from other
ways of explaining social events but
117. If you conduct a phenomenological _________ is NOT one of them .
research, what key ingredients do you a. data
expect? b. theory
I. A research question driven by curiosity c. belief
informs the design of a study. d. analysis
II. Participants need to be interested in
and committed to exploring their lived 122.Which comprises what the
experience to generate good quality data. researcher wants to discover and the best
III. An effective analytical framework way to do it?
which can increase the quality of the a. Paradigm
findings. b. Hypothesis
a. I and II c. Methods
b. II and III d. Research design
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b. Circular thinking
123. A social science teacher conduct a c. Falsehood or the Big Lie
researcher on the best practices of d. Personal attack
teaching Araling Panlipunan in Grade 9.
What kind of research does the teacher 128. Which can be considered a
conduct? deliberate deception by a student who
a. Action Research invents an excuse or reason, e.g., "I need
b. Applied Research to relax so I can spend more time posting
c. Basic Research Facebook photos than studying."?
d. Field Research a. Bandwagon
b. Rationalizing
124. A study conducted on the current c. Personal attach
state of Filipino youth involvement d. Circular thinking
(Sebastian, 2014) revealed that 12
percent of the youth respondents are 129. Which fallacy generalizes extreme
hyper disengaged. What does the result perception about people, places and ideas
mean? (e.g. Englishmen have no sense of humor,
a. They participated in all community etc. )?
activities. a. Globalizing
b. They have not participated in b. Localizing
community activities. c. Stereotyping
c. They are active in selected activities. d. Standardizing
d. They disregarded selected activities.
130. A good research is one that can be
125. A study was conducted on how repeated to obtain similar, if not, identical
engaged the Filipino Youth are in the results. Which attribute of a research is
dimension of participation. Base on the explained?
data graph above, with activity a. Replicability
are they most engaged? b. Parsimony
a. Online political c. Precision
b. Offline political d. Falsifiability
c. Offline sociocivic
d. Online sociocivic 131. Which is referred to as the cause
126. What is the lowest percentage of a. Dependent variable
disengagement? b. Moderator variable
a. 82.0% c. Independent variable
b. 70.50% d. Extraneous
c. 80.50%
d. 72.5% 132. In research, which variable do you
127. What is a deliberate deception used a. Moderator
by advertisers when they say, "Join the b. Independent
thousand who have chosen to switch to c. Dependent
the better network." d. Extraneous
a. Bandwagon
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133. Which is a short (about 100-500 from myths, stories, songs and
word) summary of the entire research experiences gathered through field study.
paper that includes goals and objectives, a. Unobtrusive
result, and conclusions? b. Quantitative
a. Abstract c. Documentary
b. Synopsis d. Qualitative
c. Conclusion
d. Precis 139. Applying the conflict theory, what
element induced Hispanic authorities
134. Which of the following can become during the colonial period not to teach
an issue in qualitative research? native Filipinos the Spanish language?
a. By-the book approach a. Need to secure the dominant status of
b. Formulation of research design & data Spaniards over natives
collection techniques b. Lack of adequate funding to support
c. Generality Spanish instruction.
d. Gathering data that are based on facts c. Native were already pacified even
without teaching them the language
135. Which is arrived at by way of a d. Friars want evangelical teaching, not
thinking process that puts together language teaching
several parts to form a complex whole?
a. meaning 140. You will study within the population
b. relationship issue of corruption of public official under
c. synthesis the different regimes. Which study will
d. deduction you engage in?
a. Cross- sectional study
136. There is need to adopt __________ b. Trend study
sampling for research on academic c. Cohort study
problem encountered by indigenous d. Longitudinal study
children in a school.
a. stratified 141. You want to examine specific sub-
b. purposive populations, which as those who played
c. random part in the EDSA revolution with focus on
d. trend how their attitudes have changed. Which
study will you do?
137. The appropriate participant in a a. Longitudinal study
research on needed outreach activities b. Trend study
which the school can engage is the c. Cohort study
___________ . d. Cross-sectional study
a. teacher
b. students 142. For which of the following issues or
c. community concerns would a sociologist likely do an
d. parents empirical inquiry?
a. Crowd behavior during rallies
138. Which data do anthropologists use in b. Medical effect of contraceptives o
a descriptive inquiry on the cultural life of health
an ethnic community through data drawn
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c. Advantages and disadvantage of d. Innovation society

democracy as an ideology
d. Church doctrine behind Pope Francis 147. What should the researcher do when
wanting priests to forgive abortion he/she is not clear yet familiar with the
sinners subject?
a. Set assumptions
143. What is the appropriate research b. Explore the topic
method in a field study on a cultural c. Chronicle activities
group, e.g. way of life of Badjaos who have d. Draw up hypothesis
settled inland in Zamboanga province?
a. Documentary research 148. What should the researcher do when
b. Open-ended interviews he/she is clear about his subject and
c. Standardized survey methods and is ready of the tasks of
d. Ethnographic observation research?
a. Chronicle activities
144. Research leader Edna insisted that b. Explore the topic
student researches appreciate the value c. Set assumptions
of _________ data or evidence for scientific d. Draw up hypothesis
study above mere speculation or opinion.
a. authority 149. To further clarify the subject, what
b. empirical can be done to ensure that it does not
c. tradition overlap with irrelevant matters?
d. logical reasoning a. Perform pilot testing
b. Formulate a hypothesis
145. Social theories can be arrived at c. Consult experts
based on __________ pattern of behavior. d. Set limitations and delimitations
a. diffused
b. separate 150. How can assumptions support your
c. disparate inquiry?
d. aggregate a. They assume you are right.
b. They are accepted as true without
146. What is simple way of explaining the proof.
concept of a social theory? c. They make your inquiry scientific.
a. Explaining social realities d. They are prepared by mentors.
b. Says of looking at society
c. Guiding what societies do
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Answer Key: 38. B 76. B 114. B

39. C 77. C 115. B
1. C
40. C 78. D 116. A
2. B
41. B 79. C 117. D
3. C
42. C 80. B 118. B
4. A
43. D 81. C 119. A
5. D
44. C 82. A 120. C
6. C
45. B 83. A 121. C
7. C
46. C 84. B 122. D
8. B
47. A 85. C 123. A
9. C
48. C 86. A 124. B
10. B
49. B 87. B 125. A
11. C
50. A 88. C 126. C
12. A
51. C 89. A 127. A
13. D
52. C 90. D 128. B
14. D
53. D 91. C 129. C
15. A
54. A 92. B 130. A
16. C
55. B 93. C 131. C
17. B
56. A 94. A 132. B
18. B
57. C 95. B 133. A
19. A
58. B 96. C 134. C
20. C
59. A 97. C 135. C
21. B
60. D 98. B 136. B
22. D
61. C 99. C 137. C
23. C
62. B 100. B 138. D
24. D
63. A 101. D 139. A
25. C
64. B 102. A 140. B
26. A
65. D 103. D 141. C
27. C
66. B 104. B 142. A
28. B
67. A 105. A 143. D
29. A
68. C 106. C 144. B
30. C
69. B 107. A 145. D
31. C
70. A 108. C 146. A
32. D
71. A 109. C 147. B
33. B
72. C 110. B 148. A
34. D
73. B 111. D 149. D
35. C
74. D 112. A 150. B
36. B
75. B 113. C
37. A

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