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Strategic Management: Participant's Guide

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Participant’s Guide
AIM Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management


Workshop 1:

Strategic Management

Participant’s Manual

Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organizations (UNASO)

Block 773, Kabakanjagala Road, Mengo
P.O. Box 27346, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: (+256) 041 274730/ 077 486507
Fax: (+256) 041 274731

__________________________________________________________________ ii
AIM - Strategic Planning and Management Workshop
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management


This manual was developed by UNASO with support from the AIM Programme.
UNASO and AIM wish to acknowledge the following people and organisations for their
support in developing this manual:

Patrick Okuma of Mentor Consult Ltd. developed the materials for this manual.

The material on Board Governance was adapted from the Board Governance Training
developed by World Education’s Ntinga Microenterprise Support Project in South

Participant Guide i
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Strategic Management Participant Manual

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………. i
Acronyms…………………………………………………………………………….. iii
Background: OrganisationalDevelopmentProgramme……………………………….iv
How Training is Organised…………………………………………………………... v
How to Use Guide…………………………………………………………….……… v
Schedule of Activities ....................................................................................................1
1 Introduction............................................................................................................2
2 Overview of Strategic Planning .............................................................................3
3 Clarifying the Vision & Mission of the Organisation..........................................11
4 Situational Analysis (Internal Environment) .......................................................15
5 Situational Analysis (External Environment) ......................................................21
6 Stakeholder Analysis ...........................................................................................23
7 Setting the Strategic Direction… .......................................................................237
8 Presenting the Strategic Plan ...............................................................................31
9 Managing the Plan ...............................................................................................33
10 Key Success Factors: Board Governance ............................................................36
11 Action Planning ...................................................................................................39

Participant Guide ii
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIM AIDS/HIV Integrated Model District Programme
CBO Community Based Organization
CDC Centers for Disease Control
CEO Chief Executive Officer
Cr Credit
CRM Cause-related Marketing
DLO Donor Liaison Officer
Dr Debit
FBO Faith Based Organisation
FRS Financial Reporting Standards
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Practises
GRO Grass Roots Organisation
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HR Human Resources
HRM Human Resource Management
HRP Human Resource Planning
ICPAU Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MTCT Mother To Child Transmission
NGO Non Governmental Organization
PA Performance Appraisal
PCV Petty Cash Voucher
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound
SSAP Statement of Standard Accounting Practises
STI / STD Sexually Transmitted Infection/ Sexually Transmitted Disease
SWOT Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats
TB Tuberculosis
TNA Training Needs Assessment
VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing
WFA World Federation of Accountants
WHO World Health Organisation
WO Welfare Organisation

Participant Guide iii

UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Background: Organisational Development Programme

for Ugandan NGOs

The Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organisations (UNASO) is a nationwide

network of organizations working on HIV/AIDS related work in Uganda. UNASO’s
role is to coordinate HIV/AIDS service organizations in Uganda so that prevention,
quality care and support services are available to all people in Uganda.

To improve and expand HIV/AIDS services in the districts, UNASO has undertaken a
strategic partnership with ten national-level NGO partners to strengthen their ability to
work with district constituents. Each organisation participated in a Joint Institutional
Assessment (JIA) process, in which UNASO and NGO staff worked together to look
critically at key areas such as strategic management, financial systems, and external
relations. This process helped the NGOs and UNASO to reach a consensus on the
primary areas of strength and those needing improvement. To address the NGOs’
organisational capacity needs identified through the JIAs, UNASO provided a
programme of workshops and individualised technical assistance.

Participating NGOs were:

Church Human Services AIDS Prevention Programme (CHUSA)

Islamic Medical Association of Uganda (IMAU)
National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (NACWOLA)
Straight Talk Foundation (STF)
Traditional Modern Health Practitioners Together Against AIDS and Other
Diseases (THETA)
Uganda Business Coalition (UBC)
Uganda National Association for Nurses and Midwives (UNANM)
Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organisations (UNASO)
Uganda Private Midwives Association (UPMA)
Uganda Women Efforts to Save Orphans (UWESO)

A series of workshops held in 2003 for these ten NGOs provided them with an
introduction to the cross-cutting issues common among the organisations identified
through the Joint Institutional Assessments. The topics were:

Strategic Management
Monitoring & Evaluation
Human Resource Management
Financial Management
Resource Acquisition

To follow up each workshop, the trainer visited each NGO for a 2-4 hour Consultancy
Clinic in which the NGO’s staff could discuss specific concerns and plan for further
technical assistance. NGOs then had the opportunity to apply for grants through AIM,
including activities addressing their capacity building needs identified in the JIAs,
workshops and clinics.

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UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

How This Training is Organised

Each of the five workshops in this series is designed as a residential full-time course,
lasting from three to five days. Although it is possible to use one session or activity by
itself, the curriculum is designed to be integrated. Each topic builds on the last one,
moving from fundamental skills to more complex ones. The workshop topics are also
meant to relate to each other; so that participants can understand the connections
between the various aspects of organisational development. However, you can conduct
one module alone if desired.

How to Use This Guide

This curriculum has been revised based on feedback from the participating NGOs. For
each of the workshops, there is a Trainer’s Guide and a Participant’s Manual.

This is the Participant Manual for one of the modules. It contains the handouts to be
used in the workshop and a copy of the lecture material for reference.

A Trainer’s Guide goes with this manual. It provides step by step instructions for a
trainer to facilitate the workshop; a suggested schedule and timing for each session;
instructions for activities; and lecture material. It also contains a copy of all the handouts
and information provided in the Participant’s Manual.

Training Methodology

Participants in the NGO Organisational Development Workshops come to the course

with their own particular set of skills, experiences and interests. The facilitator’s major
responsibility is to help them build on past experience and add new information and
skills. Facilitators are not only lecturers. They are expected to engage participants in
solving problems, making decisions, sharing experiences, and thinking about how they
will apply what they learn to their work. This curriculum includes many interactive
activities such as case studies, group work, and brainstorming. A very important part of
the workshops is for participants to practise new skills. Whenever possible, activities are
related to participants’ own organisations. For example, they may analyse the mission
statement of their NGO, or assess their NGO’s financial management practices.

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UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Schedule of Activities


8.30 – 9.30 1 hr Introduction
9.30 – 11.00 1 hr 30 Overview of Strategic Planning
11.00 – 11.30 30 min Break
11.30 – 12.30 1 hr Clarifying the Vision and Mission of the Organisation
12. 30 – 1.00 2 hr total Situational Analysis (Internal Environment)
1.00 – 2.00 1 hr Lunch
2.00 – 3.30 Situational Analysis Internal continued
3.30 – 4.30 1 hr Situational Analysis (External Environment)
4.30 – 5.00 30 min Evaluation of Day One
5.00 – 5.30 30 min Steering Committee Meeting

8.30 – 9.00 30 min Recap of Day One
9.00 – 10.00 1 hr Stakeholder Analysis
10.00 – 11.00 1 hr Setting Strategic Direction
11.00 – 11.30 30 min Presenting the Strategic Plan
11.30 – 12.00 30 min Break
12.00 – 12.30 30 min Managing the Plan
12.30 – 1.00 1 hr 30 min Key Success Factors: Board Governance
1.00 – 2.00 1 hr Lunch
2.00 – 3.00 Board Governance cont’d
3.00 – 4.00 1 hr Action Planning
4.00 – 4.30 30 min Workshop Evaluation and Closure

Participant’s Guide 1
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

1. Introduction
Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
-Refer to each other by name.
-Interact freely throughout the training.
-List the workshop objectives

Workshop Objectives:

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

• Explain what strategic planning and management is

• Plan for and take the lead in a process of strategic planning within their organisations
• Describe the role of the Board

Session Objectives:

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explain what strategic planning is

• List the main benefits of strategic planning
• Differentiate between vision, mission and strategies
• Explain the importance of each of them to the organisation
• Critique their organisation’s mission statement
• List the factors that should be taken into account when analysing the internal
environment of the organisation
• Apply different tools for analysing the internal environment
• List the factors that should be taken into account when analysing the external
environment of the organisation
• Apply different tools for analysing the external environment
• Predict future trends and challenges facing their organisation
• Identify strategic choices open to their organisations
• Develop operational objectives for the strategic choices
• List the components of an acceptable strategic plan for their organisation
• Discuss methods of effectively implementing a strategic plan
• Differentiate between strategic management and managing the day-to-day operations
of the organisation
• Describe the roles and functions of the Board
• Identify solutions for common problems that keep Boards from functioning
• Write an action plan for implementing strategic management in their NGOs.

Participant’s Guide 2
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

2. Overview of Strategic Planning

Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

-Explain what strategic planning is.
-List the main benefits of strategic planning.

What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is the process of determining:

• What your organisation intends to accomplish.

• How you will direct the organisation and its resources toward accomplishing these
goals over the coming months and years.

Such planning usually involves fundamental choices about:

• The vision, mission and goals your organisation will pursue.

• Whom you will serve.
• The kinds of programming or services you will offer.
• The resources needed to succeed – people, money, expertise, relationships, facilities,
• How you can best combine these resources, programming and relationships to
accomplish your organisation’s mission.

Operational planning on the other hand is what NGOs do when they develop yearly
work plans and budgets (narrower in scope than strategic planning and focuses on a
shorter period). Strategic planning is used to chart the longer-term direction and goals for
your organisation, while operational plans are developed to show how in the coming
year, your organisation will move toward the future described in the strategic plan.

In summary, strategic planning is the process of developing a shared vision of your

organisation’s future, and the major steps you will take to move the organisation in that
direction. Such planning helps the organisation to find the best match among its mission,
its capabilities and its opportunities. A lot of time in NGOs is spent on activities that do
not fit into any identifiable goal. Serving meetings, public relations, and meeting requests
for information all make it easy for the organisation to be distracted.

The illustration below shows that NGOs should look at:

• their mission
• internal strengths
• opportunities coming from outside the organisation

Participant’s Guide 3
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Then the NGO can discover where there is a match between these three things. This
place is where the NGO should focus its time and energy.

Best Match between Mission, Capabilities,

And Opportunities

What you hope to

What you are capable of




What is needed and

feasible in your
service area

Because the world changes too quickly, you cannot develop a perfect strategic plan. Most
organisations use their strategic plan to get the general agreement on where the
organisation should be headed, along with major steps or paths to get there. Most
organisations formally adjust their plans regularly, making changes as they learn what
works and what does not work.

Why conduct strategic planning?

Participant’s Guide 4
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

The following reasons have been given to support strategic planning for NGOs:

Improved results: Studies have consistently shown that visioning, planning and goal
setting can positively influence organisational performance. Having a clear plan for the
future and periodically monitoring progress can also contribute to a greater sense of
purpose and accountability.

Momentum and focus: Some organisations are so preoccupied with day-to-day

pressures that their organisations lose all sense of mission and direction. Good strategic
planning forces future thinking, and refocuses and reenergizes a meandering
organisation. The constant rate of change and consequent uncertainty mean the
organisation cannot stand still. There is therefore a need to decide what the organisation
is about, and to determine what is and what is not a priority for the limited resources that
exist. Changes in legislation, new funding, short term priorities and new ways of working
mean that the organisation can easily become reactive to external events and be pulled
into activities that do not fit with the rest of the organisation or are a departure from
original ones.

All organisations are moving in a certain direction even if they do not know it or have
not planned it. Although we cannot usually control the details, the organisation is
moving, and it is better to chart its path than to let it happen by accident.

Problem solving: NGOs sometimes face a web of problems and opportunities, which
are hard to address one by one. Strategic planning is a way to resolve an interrelated set
of issues or problems in an intentional and coordinated manner.

Teamwork, learning and commitment: Strategic planning provides an excellent

opportunity to build a sense of teamwork, to promote learning and to build commitment
across the organisation and with key stakeholders. As a clear direction develops for the
organisation, people usually become committed to this direction if they have significantly
contributed towards forming it and can connect with it personally. For example, in
discussing the history, current situation and future options, people learn from the ideas
and perspectives contributed by others. Participants often come to understand more
clearly how their own work meshes with that of others.

Communication and marketing: A good strategic plan can be an effective

communication and marketing tool. Some funders ask that an organisation have a
strategic plan in place as a requirement for continued support.

Making the case for the organisation: Some voluntary organisations suffer from a
credibility gap. A strategic plan helps the organisation to demonstrate that they will be
reliable partners. It helps an organisation to value itself more and be more “assertive”
with the outside world.

Participant’s Guide 5
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In the 1960s and 1970s organisations invested heavily in planning, producing

comprehensive 10 year documents that became out of date by the time they left the
printers. Our capability to predict the future accurately is limited. What is more
important is helping the organisation to clarify its long-term goals and explore future
possibilities. The process is more important than the product. There is a real danger of
voluntary organisations losing a long term perspective, becoming driven by short term
demands and only dealing with what is urgent rather than what is important. More and
more, managing is about accepting uncertainty, but having the confidence to chart a
long-term direction.

Participant’s Guide 6
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Exercise 1
Is there a need for strategic planning?

The following statements were made by a group of managers about to start a strategic
planning process.

With colleagues from your organisation, read each statement and decide whether it
describes your organisation.

Statement Yes No
“The need for our services is growing fast, and the resources to meet the
needs are declining. We are in danger of becoming a crisis ‘first aid’
“There is disagreement among the stakeholders about our approaches to
service delivery.”
“I find it difficult to explain to outsiders what the organisation is for.”
“We have grown far too fast. Some parts of the organisation are now
disconnected from each other.”
“We are drifting. For the past few years all our energy has been spent on
keeping going. We need to establish a new direction.”
“We need to establish a common sense of purpose and direction that will
hold the project together.”
“We could be criticized for trying to be all things to all people. We need to
sort out our identity and make priorities.”
“We have been so busy managing that we have missed several
opportunities to develop new initiatives.”
“We are in danger of becoming complacent and inward looking. We
cannot assume that what we are doing now will be the same in two years.”

If you answered “yes” to any of these statements, then your organisation may need to
develop a strategic plan or revise its existing plan.

Participant’s Guide 7
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

The Strategic Planning Process

Clarify the purpose and mission of the organisation. Ensure that there is a clear sense of
direction and agreement about core values that unite the organisation.

Gather information: Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).

SWOT analysis is an attempt to take stock of the organisation to date including:

• Current activities
• Financial and management performance
• External environment
• Future trends

Use the gathered information to make key assumptions, strategic choices and direction.

Develop and plan an achievable strategy. This process is about making realistic choices about
the future and creating a coherent plan.

Conduct feasibility planning: make sure that you can achieve the plan and meet its costs.

Show that the organisation can carry out the plan (systems, structures, skills needed to
impact the plan).

Participant’s Guide 8
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Starting the process

The process by which the plan is developed and prepared has a critical impact on its
successful implementation. People who will be affected by the change should be involved
in the process as soon as possible.

It is wrong to assign the process of developing the plan to a few select people (task force)
without active involvement of others. Consultation and involvement of many people may
make the process difficult to manage and leads to delays. The way out is to think of
having three levels:

1. Setting out boundaries and criteria for the plan. Board and managers need to
agree on the mission and core values and set a broad organisational context for
the plan.

2. Direct input from front line workers and volunteers. People working in the
organisation should be able to contribute to and participate in the “big picture”
discussions about mission and values. Once this has been set, they should then
be able to build specific plans for their units or departments in the light of the
overall direction.

3. Team work both inside and outside the organisation. Groups of staff, users and
committees can work together to carry out specific aspects of the process such as
identifying future trends or exploring possible future scenarios.

Managers need to ensure that what they produce is in line with the overall strategy of the
plan, is realistic, challenging and achievable. It might be feasible to involve people who
do not directly work in the organisation. Users, supporters and even funders might bring
valuable insight and perspective to the planning process.

Participant’s Guide 9
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management


STEP 1: Getting Organised

Step one involves:

• Noting why you are planning and any concerns. First note the benefits you anticipate
from planning, e.g. solving a growing financial problem, improving on your
organisation’s effectiveness, etc. On the other hand you may have concerns about
how to organise the planning process, availability of time, etc.
• Selecting a steering group or person to keep the planning on track – outline the major
steps and note who will be responsible for facilitating or leading each step.
• Determining if outside help is needed – if you have never developed a strategic plan
before, you may need some guidance. The first plan you develop should be kept
relatively simple.
• Outlining a planning process that fits your organisation – the process you will use
should be realistic in terms of the time the staff, board and others are required to be
involved. Make any necessary adjustments before you proceed.
• Decide the number of people and groups that will be involved. Engaging wider
groups in the planning can contribute significantly to the quality of the plan and the
support you receive from others, but note that such involvement usually adds time,
expense and complexity.
• Getting commitment from the key people to proceed – don’t staff the planning
process before obtaining the commitment from the board, Executive Director and
key staff.

Step 2: Situational Analysis (Taking Stock)

A strategic plan must include a realistic assessment of the following:

• The vision and mission of the organisation.

• Basic management information about the performance of the organisation.
• A critical appraisal of the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses.
• A review of likely future trends and scenarios.

Good strategic planning needs to include some evaluation of the organisation as it is

now. It is often hard to take stock of how the organisation has developed to date, its
current performance and significant factors that might affect its future. Often people
working in the organisation can be so close to it that they have difficulty seeing it
objectively. Changes often happen gradually over time and are observed without
conscious thought.

Participant’s Guide 10
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

3. Clarifying the Vision & Mission of the


Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

-Differentiate between vision, mission and strategies.
-Explain the importance of each of them to the organisation.
- Critique their organisation’s mission statement


An organisation’s vision is its view of how it would like the world to be (better than what
it currently is). Visions are expressions of ideals and may not be attainable in one’s
lifetime. This is the shared picture of the future you seek to create. It is the reason why
the organisation was established and why it continues to exist. What does it want to
change or protect? What makes it distinctive from other organisations? The vision should
not contain process words (such as “improve” or “eradicate”); it should describe an ideal
state in which the problem your organisation hopes to solve no longer exists.

Importance of Organisational Vision

A shared vision is often the initial force that brings people together for collective action.
Voluntary development work is often difficult, poorly paid, and results are sometimes
invisible. A clearly articulated vision can provide the commitment, energy, momentum
and strength to individuals working in the organisation. A shared vision can also help
bind the organisation together during times of crisis, and provide an incentive to work
through internal conflicts.


This is a brief statement of the overall purpose and values of the organisation. It is the
reason why the organisation continues to exist. A mission statement should be a long-
term statement of intent that follows on from the original vision that inspired the
organisation. The mission is the driving force behind all activities. The same vision can
be pursued by different organisations with different missions.

Participant’s Guide 11
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

All people in the organisation should have the same sense of purpose and vision. The
mission sets out the long-term perspective of the organisation.

• It can create unity around a common vision and identity.

• It guides an organisation’s leaders in major policy decisions about alternative courses
of actions. It defines what the organisation will do and what it will not do.
• It makes it clear for insiders and outsiders what the organisation is about.
• It creates an overall sense of purpose from which strategy and action can follow.
• It provides meaning and motivation since it can help all staff see how their work
contributes to attainment of the vision.

It is not unusual to find different people in the organisation having different ideas about
what is important and what the priorities of the organisation should be.

Participant’s Guide 12
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Exercise 2
Working out a Mission Statement

1) With a colleague from your organisation, briefly note your answer to each question.

Question Responses
Objectives: What are the objectives and purpose
of your organisation as set out in the constitution?
Original vision: What was your organisation’s
original vision, purpose or function?
Changing circumstances: How has your vision
changed? What parts of it are still relevant?
New requirements: What needs to be added to
bring it up to date?

Central purpose: What should be the overriding

purpose and direction?

Rationale for continuing: Why does the

organisation continue to exist?

Current values: What values hold the

organisation together?

Identity and position: What should be the

organisation’s identity? How does this relate to
other organisations fulfilling similar or
complementary functions?

2) Next, critique your organisation’s mission statement in light of these questions.

Does the mission need revision? If so, make a list of recommendations for how to revise

Participant’s Guide 13
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Optional Exercise 2A:

The Young Man and the Starfish

Read the following story:

A wise man was taking a sunrise walk along the beach. In the distance he caught sight of
a young man who seemed to be dancing along the waves. As he got closer, the wise man
saw the young man was picking starfish from the sand and tossing them back into the

“What are you doing?” the wise man asked.

“The sun is coming up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in, they will all
die,” replied the young man.

“But young man, there are miles and miles of beach with starfish all along it. You can’t
possibly make a difference,” argued the wise man.

The young man bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it lovingly back into
the ocean, past the breaking waves.

“It made a difference for that one,” he replied.

Source: Joel Arthur Baker

Imagine that the young man in the story is a member of an NGO.

1. Write a vision for his organisation.

2. Write a mission for his organisation.

Participant’s Guide 14
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

4. Situational Analysis (Internal

Objectives: By the end of the session participants will be able to:
- List the factors that should be taken into account when
analysing the internal environment of the organisation
- Apply different tools for analysing the internal environment


An analysis of the internal environment of the organisation needs to be done by taking

into consideration the following:

• Key strengths and weaknesses of the organisation

• The extent of need
• The quality of service
• Estimates of how the services being provided will be developed
• The needs and expectations of the beneficiaries
• Financial resources
• What it costs to operate
• How your costs compare to other agencies
• Financial income trends
• Cost effectiveness in relation to outcomes as well as outputs

A SWOT analysis is a useful starting point for the planning session. It enables you to
analyse both the internal and external environment of your organisation.

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Exercise 3
SWOT Analysis (Internal Environment)


List the major strengths and weaknesses of your organisation as you see them.
Identify 4 - 8 of these strengths and weaknesses that will be most critical to your
organisation’s future success.


Participant’s Guide 16
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Exercise 4
Portfolio Analysis

Decided which of your organisation’s services/activities fit under each of the four
categories below, and list them in the appropriate box. A description of each category is
found on the next page.

1 2

3 4

Participant’s Guide 17
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1) Stars are activities or services that are particularly strong and have new potential for
growth. Stars are often dynamic, popular, and creative. Stars can often fall or turn out
to be short-lived. (Shooting stars)

2) Strangers are new activities that take up resources but as yet produce little results.
They are often new or innovative projects that might grow and become stars or fail
and move into square 4.

3) Sauces are the reliable, safe services that have an extended position and provide a
degree of security. They provide a solid base for the organisation.

4) Sours are the activities that take up resources and effort and produce little value in
return. They are activities that are no longer relevant to the mission of the
organisation. Often organisations have problems removing themselves from such

Participant’s Guide 18
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Review the process

Process is the ways of working that an organisation has in place to meet its tasks. Do the
structures, systems and ways of working help or hinder the organisation in meeting its
goals? In looking at these issues, it is important that you keep in mind the mission of the
organisation. The review has to be in the context of what the organisation stands for. It
may also be important to involve others in this process. Users, partners and sometimes
funders can provide a useful insight and stop the exercise from becoming one of self-

Some important questions to ask while creating any strategic plan are:
• How does the way we are organised fit with what we want to do?
• Is the organisation flexible enough to respond to changes and uncertainties that we
have to deal with?
• Does the way we are organised ‘fit’ with our tasks and our values?
• Do all aspects of the organisation work together?

Analysis of the process may also entail looking at the Seven Ss

S1: Strategy
• Does the organisation have a clear purpose?
• Is it future oriented?
• Do people in it understand its strategy?

S2: Structure
• Does the way that work is divided up make sense?
• Is the structure flexible enough?
• Does it allow good communication between people?

S3: Staff
• Are the right sorts of people in the right jobs?
• What sort of employer are we?

S4: Skills
• Do we have the right skills mix to develop the way we want to?
• Are there any current skills gaps in the organisation?
• How do we invest in the staff that we currently have?

S5: Systems
• Do we have sufficient management control over our resources?
• Do we know what things costs?
• How do we make decisions?

Participant’s Guide 19
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S6: Style
• What is our relationship to our users like?
• Do we present the kind of message that we want to?

S7: Shared values

• Are the organisations’ shared values clear?
• Is there a clear agreement about what is important and how we work?

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5. Situational Analysis (External

Objectives: By the end of the session participants will be able to:
- List the factors that should be taken into account when
analysing the external environment of the organisation
-Apply different tools for analysing the external environment

In analysing the external environment of the organisation, the following factors need to
be taken into consideration:

• The state of the organisation’s clientele

• New ways of working and new developments in the sector
• New needs and new types of users
• Developments in similar agencies and statutory provisions
• Known factors that will require a response
• Predicted failures and factors that would require the response

The planning group should also look outside the organisation to examine major
opportunities and threats. These might be related to the people the organisation serves,
possible competitors and allies, and other major forces (economic, political, social,
cultural and technological), which could influence whether the organisation succeeds or

Participant’s Guide 21
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

Exercise 5
SWOT Analysis (External Environment)

List the major opportunities and threats that you believe your organisation will face in
the next 2-5 years that may significantly influence whether it succeeds or fails.
Identify 4 – 8 of these opportunities or threats that are most critical to your
organisation’s future success.


Participant’s Guide 22
UNASO Organisational Development Programme Strategic Management

6. Stakeholder Analysis
Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Identify their organisation’s stakeholders.

What is a “stakeholder”?

For an NGO, a stakeholder is a person, group or institution with interests in the

organisation’s services.

What are some different types of stakeholders?

They may include: beneficiaries of services, collaborative partners, competitors,

community groups, donors.

Primary stakeholders are those ultimately affected by the activities of the organisation,
whether positively (beneficiaries) or negatively (competitors or losers).

Secondary stakeholders are the intermediaries in the support/delivery process e.g. donors,

What is stakeholder analysis?

This is the process of identifying the key stakeholders, making an assessment of their
interests, and identifying those interests that may affect the viability or risks of the
activities. A stakeholder analysis should be done at the planning stage of the project and
as many stakeholders as possible should be involved or consulted when carrying out the

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What are the benefits of stakeholder analysis?

Stakeholder analysis enables people who are carrying out strategic planning for the
organisation to assess the environment in which they will be operating so as to be able to
negotiate and plan more effectively.

When conducting stakeholder analysis, it is helpful to identify:

• appropriate forms of participation by the different stakeholders.

• potential conflicts of interests between stakeholders to enable better assessment of

project risks and ways of dealing with them.

• affinities and relationships between stakeholders which may be developed to improve

project support, ownership and co-operation.

When and with whom should stakeholder analysis be done?

Stakeholder analysis should be done at the stage of planning for the programmes of the
organisation, even though it may be recognised that not all the stakeholders may be
identifiable at this stage. Even an incomplete result will enable assumptions to be made
about the viability of planned strategies.

In principle, as many as possible of the identifiable stakeholders of the organisation

should be involved in stakeholder analysis. This can have the advantage of identifying all
probable stakeholders and developing required stakeholder information fairly quickly. It
also can enable early and useful stakeholder bonding and co-operation.

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Checklist for carrying out stakeholder analysis

There are 4 major steps for carrying out stakeholder analysis:

1. List all potential stakeholders, their interests and probable impact on the services
of the organisation. It is often useful to make a matrix of this information to
enable effective analysis.

2. Assess how critical each stakeholder’s interests are to the success of the
organisation’s activities.

3. Assess each stakeholder’s relative power or ability to influence your services.

4. Identify the stakeholder-related risks and assumptions which are likely to affect
your own activities.

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Exercise 6: Stakeholder Analysis

Identify all the stakeholders of your organisation. Next, list each stakeholder’s interests
in and impact on your services.

Stakeholder Interests Potential impact

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7. Setting the Strategic Direction

Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Predict trends and challenges facing their organisation.
- Identify strategic choices open to their organisations.
- Develop operational objectives for the strategic choices.

Predicting the Future

Strategic management is about having a clear direction to steer towards and at the same
time being able to respond to new developments and changes.

The following five categories are useful to consider in order to identify future trends:

1) Changes in available resources: What will happen to resources (human,

physical, and financial) that we currently have?

2) Changes in how we work: How might the working methods and styles change?
How will services change? What is new in the field?

3) Changes in demands and needs: What is our current user base? Will demand
for our service go up or down?

4) Changes in the political/economic arena: What will be the impact of new

regulations? What changes in policy direction and the state of the economy are

5) Changes in the environment: What will happen to the other agencies with
which we work? Will we cooperate or compete?

Looking outside at what others are doing, one might identify some of the following:

• Identify potential for joint working and cooperation

• Discover what is unique about the service and so help in marketing and fund raising
• Identify potential conflicts, most seriously for funds that may need planning for
• Agree on a strategy that will respond to the external work

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After clarifying what the organisation is for, taking stock of its development to date and
obtaining a clearer financial picture, the planning process can now move on to setting a
strategic direction.

The following elements are present in the organisation’s strategy:

• Making decisions about priorities

• Linking current activities to future plans
• Setting a direction or a route for the organisation
• Obtaining resources for the new direction
• Managing change and setting objectives

Most organisations are designed to allow vertical systems of command and control.
People at the top make decisions and plans that are transmitted down the organisation by
managers and supervisors to the people who should then carry them out.

In many organisations, these levels do not link together well. People at the operations
level feel frustrated that new initiatives from the top get in the way of the real work of
the organisation. Any sense of strategy that links policy to the day-to-day work is missing.

Effective strategic planning and management requires good internal communication,

good feedback and an ability to think about the whole of the organisation and not just
specific departments.

Establishing assumptions behind the plan

Any planning process involves making assumptions upon which planning can be based.
Assumptions need to be credible, discussed openly and periodically checked.
Assumptions may be about:

• Demands and needs

• External developments
• Internal developments
• Financial

Identification of the organisation’s limits

All organisations have limits. Discussing an organisation’s strategy without reference to

the organisations’ limits is pointless. Possible limits include:

• Physical
• Legal and constitutional
• Level of manageable risks
• Human resources
• Financial

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Identifying strategic choices

A useful approach to identifying strategic choices is to start by posing options for the

• Should we grow, stay the same, or get smaller?

• What aspects of our work should we do more or less of?
• What geographical areas should we do more in or less in?
• What style of work should we do more of or less of?
• Which client groups should we target?
• Should we become more specialised or more generalised?
• What alliances or relationships with others should we develop?

At this stage it is useful to bring into discussion the users’ perspective and the
organisation’s mission. The focus needs to be on what the outside world needs and not
just what feels comfortable for people in the organisation.

The list of options is normally more than the organisation can deal with. The following
questions can be used as criteria for possible choice:

• What is distinctive about us as an organisation?

• Does this strategic option fit with our core mission and values?
• What are we effective at?
• What works?
• What do we consistently do well?
• Is our expertise best suited to this option?
• What are our priorities?
• What needs are more important to meet?
• Does this option fit with our priorities?
• Will this option be financially viable? If not, is it important enough to subsidize it?
• Will we be able to deliver?

Agreeing on a strategic direction involves constant reference to limiting factors and the
overall mission.

Strategic Aims

Strategic aims are a statement of key priorities for the organisation in the immediate to
medium term. Everything the organisation does should be based on a strategic aim.
There should be a sense of connected aims that set out an immediate direction for all
aspects of the organisation.

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Operational Objectives:

Operational objectives are costed and timed plans on what the organisation will do under
each strategic aim. They set out a work plan for the organisation. Objectives are the
detailed work plan and action plans that will enable the organisation to implement its
strategy. They should be SMART.






Too often plans become a “wish list” of how we would like things to be in a perfect
world. A good plan should take into account the realities of the organisation in its
present situation. There is need to ensure that the plan is realistic and sets out clear steps
for implementation.

Critical Success Factors

These are the things the organisation has to get right in order to achieve its aims and

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8. Presenting the Strategic Plan

Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

- List the components of an acceptable strategic plan .

The suggested components to include in a Strategic Plan are listed and explained on the
following page.

Structure of a Strategic Plan

Section Content

Executive Summary: Brief outline of the vision, mission, values and context. It should
highlight the proposed direction, key benefits and make the case
for the organisation. A one page, three minutes read is adequate.

and Mission: The mission statement in full. Explanation of the purpose and
duration of the plan (most voluntary organisations develop 3-5
year strategic plans with detailed objectives for one year).
Background A brief history of the organisation and its legal status. Include
limited and useful information that would help the reader get a
picture of it, e.g. user profile and areas of operation.

Summary Review: A short review of the organisation to date. Stress strengths,

achievements and external recognition to date. Readers may
expect to see some honest appraisal of weaknesses. A SWOT
analysis is normally used to display this information.

Future Trends: An outline of how the organisation sees its future developing.
Refer to likely needs of users. The plan needs to show that
thought has been given to likely external developments.

Strategic Direction: What assumptions underpin the chosen direction. What will be
the main push of the organisation’s work? What will be its main
priorities? What will be different?

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Strategic Aims: Statement of aims for the medium term. The specific objectives
for each aim could be listed or a brief summary of them given.

Implications: Areas of work that will be dropped or phased out should be

noted. Organisational, legal or any other key implications should
be listed. Financial implications should also be captured (how will
the plan be funded).
Track Record of the
Organisation: Making the case for the organisation. Showing it has the
management competence and experience to manage the plan. A
list of critical success factors should be included.

Action Plan: Timed and costed activities for the first steps in the plan.

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9. Managing the Plan

Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Discuss methods of effectively implementing a strategic plan
- Differentiate between strategic management and managing
the day-to-day operations of the organisation

Several organisations invest a lot of time in the planning process, produce strategic plans
and file them away. It is forgotten until it is to be worked on again. There are three main
reasons for this:

• The plan never really dealt with the realities of the organisation. It was all about how
people would like to be in a perfect world.

• The process of putting together the plan never engaged people who need to
implement it. An external consultant who never created a feeling of ownership
throughout the organisation may have driven the planning process. For successful
implementation, a plan must be made a living document for everybody in the

• The plan itself may be fine but the managers may not have the time and skills to
manage the changes involved. Critical success factors that managers need to focus on
must be identified. They are those things that the organisation has to get right if it is to
meet the plan. They are key to the successful implementation of the plan. These
factors are often a mixture of “hard” elements such as outputs, which are easy to
measure and “softer” issues such as processes and working culture.

Monitoring the plan

The best test of the strategic aims and objectives is whether they can be measured and
monitored. If it is too hard to measure, it implies that the objective is not clear.
Implementation of the plan must be measured and monitored to ensure that the
assumptions on which the plan was based are still relevant. The measure for strategic
aims should mainly be on impact and outcomes.

Managing changes involved in the plan

Two types of change need to be managed:

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First order change: Takes place within the existing structure and culture of the
Second order change: Requires profound change in how the organisation works
(cultural change). Second order change often involves risk, considerable effort and
sometimes anxiety and conflict. Strategic management is particularly difficult in NGOs
because of the difficulty of dealing with activities that no longer fit the mission and aims
of the plan.

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Strategic Management

Strategic management involves the following:

• Making sure that everyone in and around the organisation understands the
organisation’s purpose and values.

• Ensuring that activities and projects connect together, that evaluation takes place, that
progress is made towards the mission, and that aims are measured.

• Making sure that the organisation keeps in touch with development in the outside
world. New needs, trends and opportunities are predicted and responded to.

• Ensuring that the structures, systems and skills of the organisation fit the task. The
organisation is fit for its purpose.

• Managing the change that will affect the organisation. Increasingly the changes are not
linear (getting from A to B) but are about managing uncertainty, where change is likely
but the details are not clear.

• Coordinating and organizing forward planning, identifying strategies and


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10. Key Success Factors: Board


Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

- Describe the roles and functions of the Board of an NGO
- Identify solutions for common problems that keep Boards
from functioning

Role of the Board1

Roles look at how the Board relates to the organisation. The role of the Board is
essentially threefold:

• They provide leadership by setting organisational policies and strategies.

• They hold the organisation accountable for achieving strategic objectives.
• They serve as the principal guardians for the organisation’s welfare.

Functions of the Board

The functions of the board are activities that the board needs to take on in order to play
its roles. The Board is a bridge between the organisation and the society in which it
operates. The Board’s main job is to ensure that the organisation is adequately supported
by its environment and resources and that the organisation’s performance justifies that

The job of the Board member is basically the same for all organisations. It consists of 6
key performance areas as outlined below.

This session was adapted from the Ntinga MSP Board Governance Training Manual, World Education.

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Key Performance Area 1

Task A: • The Board needs to ensure that all the stakeholders
understand the organisation’s reasons for existence.
• The Board should ensure that the organisation has a
Determining the
statement of what it represents, what it does and
organisation’s vision,
how things should be done and should periodically
mission and policies
review these for adequacy, accuracy and validity.
TASK B • The Board should constantly question whether
current and proposed programmes and services
agree with the organisation’s purpose and available
Determining and monitoring resources.
the organisation’s
• With limited resources and unlimited demands on
programmes and services
them, the Board must prioritize and select the best
• The Board should monitor and oversee by ensuring
quality and cost effective programmes and services
and allow staff to conduct and manage these
programmes and services.
• Indicators of success to be monitored by the Board
Client growth
Cost per client
Client satisfaction
Fundraising income etc.

Key Performance Area 2

TASK A: • The Board should be extensively involved in the
strategic planning process as well as monitoring and
Ensuring effective
• Board members are responsible for making final
organisational planning
decisions and assessing the quality of outputs.

Key Performance Area 3

TASK A: • The Board is responsible for selecting an effective
Executive Director.
• It has to ensure that he/she has a supportive
Selecting the head of staff
working environment.
(Executive Director)
TASK B: • The Board should ensure that the Director receives
regular constructive feedback on his/her
Supporting the Executive
Director and reviewing
his/her performance

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TASK C: • From time to time the Board should assess whether

it is meeting its responsibilities.
• It is important that the Board evaluates reasons for
Assessing its own
success or failure and discusses ways of improving

Key Performance Area 4

TASK A • Providing resources is the Board’s main
• The Board determines what is possible to achieve
Ensuring adequate resources
with the available resources.

Key Performance Area 5

TASK A • Ensuring that income is managed properly and
expenditure controlled.
• The Board is responsible for approving and
Effectively manage
monitoring the annual budget.
organisational finances
• The Board requires regular financial reports.
TASK B • Responsible for resolution of disputes.
• The Board may need to intervene on personnel
issues, approving policies and procedures.
Serve as a court of appeal

Key Performance Area 6

TASK A • The Board is a link between the organisation and the
external environment.
• Clear and publicized achievements, contributions to
Enhance the organisation’s
the community and explanations of how financial
public image
resources are used are important aspects of public
relations for NGOs.
• The Board should elect a spokesperson who is
authorized by the organisation to communicate with
the public.
TASK B • With support of a good public image and productive
staff, Board members are able to carry out the task
of fundraising and income generation.
Fundraising and income

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11. Action Planning

Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

- Write an action plan for implementing strategic management
in their NGOs

The Action Plan is intended to help UNASO’s partner organisations apply what they
have learned about strategic management to their own organisations. Workshop
participants from each organisation will draft an Action Plan during this session.
UNASO will receive a copy. The workshop participants will share the Plan with
colleagues at their organisations. They will begin implementing the plan. The Plan will
help the organisation, the workshop trainer and UNASO to track progress on
implementing what they have learned in the workshop.

Action planning is important for the following reasons:

• It breaks down a large, complex and potentially overwhelming objective such as

developing a strategic plan into manageable, concrete activities.
• It helps them think about what can be realistically achieved with their resources and
• It helps them decide what additional resources are needed.
• It sets specific responsibilities and deadlines.

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Exercise 7
Action Plan for Strategic Management

Name of Organisation: _____________________________________________

Activity Who When Resources


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Participant’s Guide 41

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