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Performance Analysis of Some FACTS Devices Using Newton Raphson Load Flow Algorithm

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Performance Analysis of Some FACTS Devices

Using Newton Raphson Load Flow Algorithm

Biswajeet Kr Medhi Satyajit Bhuyan
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Assam Engineering College Assam Engineering College
Guwahati, India Guwahati, India

Abstract—A comparative study and performance analysis is used to maintain power transmission capability and to
done for a number of FACTS devices in this paper. The models maintain the supply voltage within the specified limits.
used are incorporated in an existing Newton Raphson Load Flow Control of line impedance of the transmission line is known as
(NRLF) algorithm using standard IEEE 5 bus and 30 bus system. series compensation. When the line impedance changes it
Problem of initialization for proper convergence of load flow is
means that either capacitive or inductive compensation can be
studied and findings are presented. Results are presented for
comparison of performance analysis and evaluation of degree of obtained which in turn enables to control active power. TCSC
suitability of selected FACTS devices. (Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor) connected in series
with the transmission line provides means to change the
Keywords— Newton-Raphson load flow, FACTS, TCSC, impedance of the line thus providing an option to enhance the
STATCOM, UPFC, Jacobian, MATLAB. power transfer capability. Shunt connected compensators are
used to increase steady state transmittable power and to
I. INTRODUCTION control voltage profile. One such shunt connected
FLEXIBLE AC transmission system is “A power electronic compensator is the STATCOM (Static Compensator) that
based system and other static equipment that provide control comes under FACTS device category. The Synchronous
of one or more AC transmission system parameters to enhance voltage source UPFC model [7] injects into the system a
controllability and increase power transfer capability”. Its first voltage of variable magnitude and angle in series with the line.
concept was introduced by N.G Hingorani, in 1988 [1]. Now- a- These parameters adjust automatically so as to control the
days multiple and multi-type FACTS devices are becoming active and the reactive powers exchanged between the UPFC
interesting areas for the researchers [2]. Flexible AC and the AC system.
transmission systems, so-called FACTS devices, can help In this paper FACTS device models are incorporated in Newton
reduce power flow on overloaded lines, which would result in Raphson Load Flow (NRLF) algorithm in order to investigate the
control of power flow and improvement of voltage. All the
an increased load ability of the power system, fewer
equations are then combined in to one set of non-linear algebraic
transmission line losses, improved stability and security and,
equations. A jacobian matrix is then formed which is non
ultimately, a more energy-efficient transmission system symmetric in nature.
[3].The transmission facilities are being overused owing to the
higher industrial demands and deregulation of the power II. MODEL OF FACTS DEVICES
supply industry. Thus there is a need for exploring new ways
for maximizing the power transfer capability of existing A. Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator
transmission facilities while, at the same time, maintaining A TCSC can be defined as a capacitive reactance compensator
acceptable levels of network reliability and stability [4]. This which consists of a series capacitor bank shunted by a
scenario makes necessary the development of power electronic thyristor-controlled reactor in order to provide a smoothly
based devices for high performance control of the power variable series capacitive reactance [8]. In a practical TCSC
network. The FACTS controllers provide the most useful implementation, several such basic compensators may be
means and thus are used in regulating the power flows, connected in series to obtain the desired voltage rating and
maintaining transmission voltages within limits and mitigate operating characteristics. However, the basic idea behind the
the dynamic disturbance. UPFC and STATCOM are effective TCSC scheme is to provide a continuously variable capacitor
and robust devices for power system stability [5]. by means of partially canceling the effective compensating
Static models of three FACTS devices consisting of SVS capacitance. A TCSC is a series-controlled capacitive
model of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Thyristor reactance that can provide continuous control of power on the
Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) and STATCOM have ac line over a wide range. A simple understanding of TCSC
been selected for the steady-state analysis [6]. functioning can be obtained by analyzing the behavior of a
To minimize the power transmission loss, reactive power variable inductor connected in parallel with a Fixed Capacitor.
compensation is used. Reactive power compensation is also The maximum voltage and current limits are design values for
which the thyristor valve, the reactor and capacitor banks are III. IMPLEMENTATION
rated to meet specific application requirements. The basic power flow equations are given by



Where i=1, 2,…..n

n is the number of buses.
All other symbols carry their usual meaning.
Figure 1: General model of TCSC
The Jacobian matrix gives the linearized relationship between
B. Static Synchronous Compensator(STATCOM) small changes in ∆δik and voltage magnitude ∆Vik with the
STATCOM is a Static synchronous generator operated as a small changes in real and reactive power ∆Pik and ∆Qik.
shunt-connected static VAR compensator whose capacitive or
inductive output current can be controlled independent of the
ac system voltage. STATCOM is one of the key FACTS
Controllers. A STATCOM is a controlled reactive power
source. It provides voltage support by generating or absorbing
capacitors banks. It regulates the voltage at its terminals by
compensating the amount of reactive power in or out from the
power system [5].
When the system voltage is low the STATCOM injects the
reactive power to and when the voltage is high it absorbs the
reactive power. The reactive power is fed from the Voltage
Source Converter (VSC) which is connecting on the secondary A. Implementation of TCSC in existing NRLF Algorithm
side of a coupling transformer as shown in the Fig 2. By
The effect of TCSC on the network can be seen as a
varying the magnitude of the output voltage the reactive power
controllable reactance inserted in the related transmission line.
exchange can be regulated between the convertor and AC
The model of the network with TCSC is shown in Fig 3.

Figure 3: TCSC connected between bus i and j

The controllable reactance, Xc, is directly used as the control

variable to be implemented in the power flow equation. The
power flow equations of the branch can be derived as follows.

Figure 2: General Model of STATCOM (3)

C. Synchronous Voltage Source UPFC model
The SVS is the solid-state synchronous voltage source Where
employing an appropriate DC to AC inverter with gate turn-
off thyristor used for series compensation of transmission lines
The series controller could be variable impedance, such as δij = δi – δj
capacitor, reactor, etc., or a power electronic based variable All symbols carry their usual meaning.
source of main frequency, sub synchronous and harmonic Here, the only difference between normal line power flow
frequencies to serve the desired need. They inject voltage in equation and the TCSC line power flow equation is the
series with the line. As long as the voltage is in phase controllable reactance Xc.
quadrature with the line current, the series controller only The linearized Newton equations of the compensated
supplies or consumes variable reactive power. Any other transmission line are given in “(5)”, where the variable
phase relationship will involve handling of real power as well reactance of the TCSC is taken as the state variable.
[7]. SVS is one such series controller.
C. Implementation of SVS UPFC model in existing NRLF
The effect of SVS on the network can be seen as a controllable
voltage source inserted in series with the related transmission
line. The model of the network with TCSC is shown in Fig 5.

B. Implementation of STATCOM in existing NRLF Algorithm

Fig.5 SVS connected between i amd j bus
The effect of STATCOM on the network can be seen as a
controllable static synchronous generator operated as a static The general power flow equation of the buses between which
VAR compensator whose capacitive and inductive output the SVS is connected will be.
currents are controlled to control the bus voltage with which it At node i,
is connected. Pi = Vi2gii + ViVj(gijcos(δij)+bijsin(δij))
– ViVs(giicos(δis)+biisin(δis)) (10)
Qi = -Vi2bii + ViVj(gijsin(δij) - bijcos(δij))
- ViVs(giicos(δis) - biisin(δis)) (11)
At node j,
Pi = Vj2gjj + ViVj(gjicos(δji)+bjisin(δji))
– VjVs(gjicos(δjs)+bjisin(δjs)) (12)
Qi = -Vj2bjj + ViVj(gjisin(δji) – bjicos(δji))
- VjVs(gjicos(δjs) – bjisin(δjs)) (13)
Fig 4. STATCOM connected at bus i.
The linearized Newton equations of the compensated
Let the STATCOM be connected at bus i as shown in the fig
transmission line are given in “(14)”, where the variable phase
angle δs, and variable magnitude Vs are taken as the state
The general power flow equation of the STATCOM connected
bus will be
At node i,
Pi = Vi2gii + ViVj(gijcos(δij)+bijsin(δij))
+ Vi2gsh – ViVsh(gshcos(δis)+bshsin(δis)) (6)
Qi = -Vi bii + ViVj(gijsin(δij)-bijcos(δij))
– Vi2bsh – ViVsh(gshsin(δis) – bshcos(δis)) (7)
The reactive power injected by STATCOM to the bus is given
Qstat = -Vi2bsh + ViVsh(bshcosδish – gshsinδis) (8)
Where δij = δi – δj
δish = δi – δsh
δsh is the voltage angle of STATCOM. IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS
The linearized Newton equations of the compensated bus are
The load flow tests are done in a standard IEEE 5 bus as well
given in “(9)”, where the variable phase angle δsh, and the
as 30 bus systems.
variable voltage magnitude of the STATCOM are taken as the
state variables.


Fig.6 IEEE 5 bus system

bus voltage at 1pu for the bus where STATCOM is connected.
For both the systems there is a negligible voltage sag in the
sending end of the line where SVS is connected.


Generated power
Bus Uncompensate With
With TCSC With SVS
d system STATCOM
131. 131.
North 131.1 90.8 90.9 85.3 130.9 94.9
1 1
-61. -61. -77.
South 40 40 40 40 -66.7
6 8 1
Fig.7 IEEE 30 bus system

The TCSC is connected between lake bus and main bus for Bus Generated power
IEEE 5 bus system to control real power flow at 21MW and num Uncompensate
With SVS
between bus number 6 and 7 for IEEE 30 bus system to ber d system STATCOM
control real power flow at 42MW. The STATCOM is -
connected at lake bus in case of 5 bus systems and for 30 bus 1 2.61 -0.164 2.61 -0.164 2.61 -0.165 2.61
system it is connected to bus 30. The SVS is connected 2 0.40 0.498 0.40 0.488 0.40 0.496 0.4 0.511
between lake bus and main bus for 5 bus system to control real
5 0.00 0.371 0.00 0.385 0.00 0.370 0.0 0.378
power flow at 40MW and reactive power at 2MVAR whereas
for 30 bus system the SVS is connected between bus number 6 8 0.00 0.379 0.00 0.369 0.00 0.372 0.00 0.343
and 8 to control the real power flow at 33MW and reactive
11 0.00 0.169 0.00 0.168 0.00 0.167 0.00 0.173
power at 6MVAR from bus 8 to bus 6. The results as shown in
tabular form have been obtained and are compared with the 13 0.00 0.109 0.00 0.108 0.00 0.107 0.00 0.113
uncompensated system. P in MW
TABLE I. BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE AND ANGLE COMPARISON FOR 5 Generation remain unaffected with the inclusion of TCSC.
BUS SYSTEM With the inclusion of STATCOM the slack generator reduces
Uncompensated Compensated system its reactive power generation by almost 6% compared to the
system Voltage base case for 5 bus system, whereas for 30 bus system all the
Voltage With TCSC With STATCOM With SVS generator reduces reactive power generation by a small
Magnit Angle Magnit Angle Magnit Angle Magnit Angle amount. Inclusion of SVS results in generation of 4.5% more
ude (degre ude (degre ude (degre ude (degre
(PU) es) (PU) es) (PU) es) (PU) es)
reactive power by slack bus for 5 bus systems and for 30 bus
0.9872 system reactive power generation increases in all the generator
-4.637 0.9870 -4.727 1.0000 -4.840 0.9790 -5.724
(Lake) buses except for bus number 8.
-4.957 0.9844 -4.811 0.9944 -5.109 0.9948 -3.181 A. Power flow comparison of TCSC


Power Flows
From To
Uncompensated Compensated system Without TCSC With TCSC
system Voltage bus Bus P(MW) Q(MVAR) P(MW) Q(MVAR)
Voltage With TCSC With STATCOM With SVS
Magnit Angle Magnit Angle Magnit Angle Magnit Angle Lake Main 19.4 2.9 21.0 2.5
ude (degre ude (degre ude (degre ude (degre
-11.06 1.1013 -11.23 1.1010 -11.06 1.008 -11.04
(bus 6)
1.0022 Power Flows
-12.86 1.0007 -12.67 1.0023 -12.86 1.045 -12.85 From To
(bus 7) Without TCSC With TCSC
-11.82 1.0100 -11.97 1.0100 -11.82 1.0100 -11.41 bus Bus P(MW) Q(MVAR) P(MW) Q(MVAR)
(bus 8)
0.9918 6 7 38.1 -3.1 42.0 -5.5
-17.63 1.0074 -10.04 1.000 -17.75 0.9900 -17.55

Bus voltage almost remains unaffected with inclusion of The TCSC upholds the target value, which is achieved with
TCSC in both the system. Inclusion of STATCOM maintains 72% series capacitive compensation for Lake–Main line of 5
bus system and 61.34% series capacitive compensation of the
line 6-7 for 30 bus system. From the load flow results it is TABLE X. POWER FLOW COMPARISON OF SVS WITH BASE CASE FOR 5 BUS
evident that TCSC controls only the real power flow through a
line and reactive power is almost unaffected. Thus TCSC has Power Flows
From To
its application only when there is a need to control real power Without SVS With SVS
flow and also to change power flow routes. bus Bus P(MW) Q(MVAR) P(MW) Q(MVAR)

B. Power flow comparison of STATCOM 6 8 29.5 -8.7 33.0 -6.0

The 5 bus network is modified to include one STATCOM

connected at Lake bus, to maintain the nodal voltage The most noticeable changes are as follows: there is 16.73%
magnitude at 1 p.u. The power flow result indicates that the increase of active power flowing towards Lake through
STATCOM generates 20.5MVAR in order to keep the voltage North–Lake line and 35.2% increase in active power flowing
magnitude at 1 p.u. at Lake bus. towards Lake through South–Lake line for 5 bus system. The
increase is in response to the large amount of active power
TABLE VII. POWER FLOW COMPARISON OF STATCOM WITH BASE CASE demanded by the series converter. The SVS parameters
FOR 5 BUS SYSTEM associated with this amount of real and reactive power flow
Power Flows control are Vs= 0.0595 p.u. and δs= -115.19 degrees.
From To For 30 bus system the active power flow increases to 3 MW in
bus bus P(MW) Q(MVAR) P(MW) Q(MVAR) 8-28 line from 0.6MW. The parameters associated with this
amount of real and reactive power flow control are Vs= 0.0112
North Lake 41.8 16.8 42.0 11.3
p.u. and δs= -116.62 degrees.
South Lake 24.5 -2.5 24.5 -9.5
Lake Main 19.4 2.9 19.6 11.2
To achieve a strong convergence of the NRLF algorithm
proper initialization of FACTS parameters is very necessary.
The STATCOM parameters associated with this amount of Without proper initialization the NRLF algorithm may
reactive power generation are Vsh=1.0205 p.u. and δsh=4.83 sometimes diverge or take more iteration to converge.
degrees. Use of the STATCOM results in an improved
network voltage profile, except at Elm, which is too far away A. Effect of initialization of TCSC parameters
from Lake to benefit from the influence of the STATCOM. Simulation results shows that choosing initial TCSC reactance
The slack generator reduces its reactive power generation by at around 50% of the line reactance gives faster convergence
almost 6% compared to the base case, and the reactive power for both 5 and 30 bus system. It is to be noted that if TCSC
exported from North to Lake reduces by more than 32.74 %. initial reactance is chosen a low or high value then in some
cases it might give faster convergence, whereas in some cases
it take more number of iterations to converge depending upon
the amount of real power flow to be controlled. Hence it will
Power Flows be a good practice if the initial TCSC reactance is chosen at
From To
Without STATCOM With STATCOM 50% of the line reactance.
bus bus P(MW) Q(MVAR) P(MW) Q(MVAR)
B. Effect of initialization of STATCOM parameters
27 30 7.1 1.7 7.1 9


Initial value of
Number of iterations
The STATCOM generates -1.20MVAR and parameter parameters
associated with this amount of reactive power generation are Voltage
Angle 5 bus 30 bus
Vsh=1.0012 p.u. and δsh = -17.75 degrees. The reactive power Magnitude
(radian) systems systems
transmitted from bus 27 to 30 and from 29 to 30 reduces to ( PU)
almost 50% 1 0 5 5

C. Power flow comparison of SVS 0.7 0 5 5

1.3 0 5 5
SYSTEM 1 -1 7 7

Power Flows 1 1 7 7
From To
Without SVS With SVS 1 -2 10 10
bus bus P(MW) Q(MVAR) P(MW) Q(MVAR)
1 2 10 10
Lake Main 19.4 2.9 40.0 2.0

STATCOM are used to maintain the bus voltage within limits.

It is a good practice to keep the STATCOM variable voltage
magnitude at an initial value same as that of the desired VI. CONCLUSION
voltage magnitude of the bus to which it is connected. With In this paper, models of some FACTS devices (TCSC,
regard to initial assumption of the STATCOM voltage angle STATCOM, and SVS) have been incorporated in the existing
the following conclusion is obtained. NRLF algorithm to observe the impact of these devices on the
system performance. The performance comparison of the
devices is done and the findings are presented. The suitability
of the device depends on the system parameter to be
0.7 1.3 controlled. For active power flow control TCSC is much
Fig.8 Range if initialization of STATCOM variable voltage
preferred to others. It also increases system stability [11].
The range of initial variable voltage of STATCOM for quicker STATCOM is suitable for application when system bus
convergence of the load flow is 0.3 < Vs < 1.3 with angle fixed voltage is to be maintained within desired limit. For control of
at 0 radians. both active and reactive power flows, SVS is very much
suitable. It is also observed that load flow convergence
C. Effect of initialization of SVS UPFC model parameters strongly depends on initial assumption of the FACTS
Various initial assumptions of the SVS parameter have been parameter. Improper initialization takes more processing time
made and the load flow converges quickly for a particular and more number of iterations. Sometime this may even lead
combination of the series variable voltage magnitude and to divergence of the load flow. This problem of initialization
angle. The following combination of voltage magnitude and of device variables has been investigated thoroughly in this
angle has been simulated and findings have been presented. paper and findings are presented. The simulation tool used is
MATLAB 7.8.0 (R2009a).

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