BDO Audit Plan and Program
BDO Audit Plan and Program
BDO Audit Plan and Program
Audit for the year ending 31 March 2019
25 January 2019
WELCOME ............................................................................................. 1
MATERIALITY ......................................................................................... 5
INDEPENDENCE ..................................................................................... 15
FEES .................................................................................................. 16
We have pleasure in presenting our Audit Plan to the Governance, Audit and Performance Committee. This report forms a key part of our communication strategy with you, a strategy
which is designed to promote effective two way communication throughout the audit process with those charged with governance.
It summarises the planned audit strategy for the year ending 31 March 2019 in respect of our audit of the financial statements of the Council and consolidated entity (together the
‘group’) and use of resources; comprising materiality, key audit risks and the planned approach to these, together with timetable and the BDO team.
The planned audit strategy has been discussed with management to ensure that it incorporates developments in the Council during the year under review, the financial and other
performance for the year to date and other required scope changes.
We look forward to discussing this plan with you at the Governance, Audit and Performance Committee meeting on 7 February 2019 and to receiving your input on the scope and
In the meantime if you would like to discuss any aspects in advance of the meeting please contact one of the team.
This report has been prepared solely for the use of the Governance, Audit and Performance Committee and those charged with governance. In preparing this report we do not accept
or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person.
David Eagles Tel: 01473 320728 Oversee the audit and sign the audit report
Engagement Lead
David Eagles is the engagement lead and has the primary responsibility to ensure that the appropriate audit opinion is given on the financial statements and use of resources.
In meeting this responsibility, he will ensure that the audit has resulted in obtaining sufficient and appropriate evidence to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance to support the
opinion expressed over whether :
· The financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error
· The Council has made proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.
He is responsible for the overall quality of the engagement.
The timeline below identifies the key dates and anticipated meetings for the production and approval of the audited financial statements and completion of the use of resources audit.
Audit and Governance, Audit Governance, Audit
Performance and Performance and Performance
Committee Committee Committee receives
receives Audit receives Audit Annual Audit Letter
Plan Completion Report TBC 2019
7 February 2019 July 2019
Handover file Planning and Audit Plan Refresh Clearance Issue Annual
review with interim systems issued use of meeting with Audit Letter
previous visit January 2019 resources management August 2019
auditors 14 January 2019 assessment July 2019
19 November June 2019
1 2 3 4 5
The financial The financial statements Other information The return required The Council has
statements give a true have been prepared published together with to facilitate the made proper
and fair view of the properly in accordance the audited financial preparation of the arrangements for
financial position of the with the CIPFA Code of statements is consistent Whole of Government securing economy,
group and Council and Practice on Local with the financial Accounts (WGA) efficiency and
its income and Authority Accounting statements (including consolidated accounts effectiveness in its
expenditure for the 2018/19, applicable the Governance is consistent with the use of resources.
period in question. accounting standards or Statement) and our audited financial
other direction. knowledge obtained statements.
during the audit.
6 7
Where necessary: Where necessary:
Consider the issue of a Apply to the court for a
report in the public declaration that an
interest item of account is
contrary to law
Make a written
recommendation to Consider whether to
the Council issue an advisory notice
or to make an
Allow electors to raise
application for judicial
questions about the
accounts and consider
Significant components:
Council £775,000 £15,000
We will perform a risk based audit on the group and Council’s financial statements NON
This enables us to focus our work on key audit areas. SCOPE 2018/19 31/3/19 2017/18 31/3/18
Our starting point is to obtain an understanding of the group, Council and other Full scope
component entities’ business and the specific risks it faces. We discuss with procedures
management any changes to the business and management’s own view of potential (Council) £TBCm £TBCm £45.7m £413.2m
audit risk, to gain an understanding of the Council’s activities and to determine which
risks impact on our audit. We will continue to update this assessment throughout the Specific scope
audit. procedures (Aspire) £TBCm £TBCm £5.9m £43.7m
For the financial statements audit, we also obtain an understanding of the accounting Group £TBCm £TBCm £45.8m £412.2m
systems in order to ensure their adequacy as a basis for the preparation of the
financial statements, group-wide controls and the consolidation process and that
proper accounting records have been maintained.
For the use of resources audit, we consider the significance of business and
operational risks insofar as they relate to ‘proper arrangements’, including risks at
both sector and council-specific level, and draw on relevant cost and performance
information as appropriate.
We then carry out our audit procedures in response to audit risks.
Approach to components of the group financial statements
Our approach is designed to ensure we obtain the requisite level of assurance across
the whole group.
We are aware that there is some uncertainty whether local authority controlled
companies are able to take advantage of the size and threshold exemptions for audit
or whether the requirement for audit remains in place where the council itself is
preparing consolidated accounts. It is our understanding that local authority
controlled companies are not able to take advantage of the audit exemption.
Total coverage is expected to be as shown opposite.
Expenditure and net assets positions set out above are based on 2017/18 expenditure and position as at 31 March 2018. Aspire had a retained deficit of £3.256m as at 31 March 2018.
The primary responsibility for the detection of fraud rests We will: Not applicable.
with management. Their role in the detection of fraud is an · Test the appropriateness of journal entries recorded
extension of their role in preventing fraudulent activity. in the general ledger and other adjustments made in
They are responsible for establishing a sound system of the preparation of the financial statements
internal control designed to support the achievement of
departmental policies, aims and objectives and to manage · Review accounting estimates for biases and evaluate
Management whether the circumstances producing the bias, if
override the risks facing the organisation; this includes the risk of
fraud. any, represent a risk of material misstatement due
to fraud
Under auditing standards there is a presumed significant risk
of management override of the system of internal controls. · Obtain an understanding of the business rationale for
significant transactions that are outside the normal
course of business for the entity or that otherwise
appear to be unusual.
Local authorities are required to ensure that the carrying We will: We will review independent data that
value of non-current assets is not materially different to the · Review the instructions provided to the valuer and shows indices and price movements for
current value (operational assets) or fair value (surplus the consider valuer’s skills and expertise in order to classes of assets against the
assets, assets held for sale and investment properties) at determine if we can rely on the management expert percentage movement applied by the
the balance sheet date. Council.
· Check whether the basis of valuation for assets
The Council engages independent management experts to valued in year is appropriate;
Non-current provide valuations on an annual basis.
· Review the reasonableness of assumptions used in
asset Due to the significant value of the Council’s non-current
the valuation of non-current assets, the accuracy
valuations assets, and the high degree of estimation uncertainty, there
and completeness of the source data used by the
is a risk over the valuation of non-current assets where
valuer and the Council’s critical assessment of the
valuations are based on assumptions or where updated
external valuer’s conclusions
valuations have not been provided for a class of assets at
the year-end. · Follow up valuation movements that appear unusual
against indices, or any assets which have not been
revalued at the year-end which may have had
material movements since the last formal valuation.
The net pension liability comprises the Council’s share of We will: We will use the PwC consulting actuary
the market value of assets held in the Essex Pension Fund, · Agree the disclosures to the information provided by report for the review of the
and the estimated future liability to pay pensions. the pension fund actuary methodology of the actuary and
An actuarial estimate of the pension fund liability is reasonableness of the assumptions.
· Review the reasonableness of the assumptions used
calculated by an independent firm of actuaries with in the calculation against other local government
specialist knowledge and experience. The estimate is based actuaries and other observable data
liability on the most up to date membership data held by the
pension fund and has regard to local factors such as · Check whether any significant changes in
assumptions membership data have been communicated to the
mortality rates and expected pay rises along with other
assumptions around inflation when calculating the liability. actuary.
There is a risk the membership data and cash flows provided
to the actuary as 31 March may not be correct, or the
valuation uses inappropriate assumptions to vale the
The Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting requires the We will review the draft financial statements and Not applicable
implementation of IFRS 9 (financial instruments) in 2018/19. supporting working papers which details the
Under IAS 39, impairment methodology was only recognised Council’s proposed approach to the new
where there is objective evidence that a financial asset was accounting standard.
impaired. IFRS 9 changes to an expected losses model, which the We will check the draft financial statements
Council considers the potential for impairment over the lifetime against the CIPFA Disclosure Checklist to ensure
Implementation of the asset. that all of the required presentational changes
of IFRS 9
The Council needs to review the classification of all financial have been correctly reflected within the financial
instruments and prepare new disclosures. statements.
These changes require an adjustment to opening balances
reported in the Movement in Reserves Statement.
There is a risk that these presentational changes are not
correctly applied in the financial statements.
The Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting requires the We will review the draft financial statements and Not applicable
implementation of IFRS 15 (revenue from contracts with service supporting working papers which details the
recipients) in 2018/19. proposed approach to the new accounting
Although the Code determines that IFRS 15 is mainly for standard by both the Council and the group.
exchange transactions (fees and charges), the Group’s revenue We will check the draft financial statements
streams also need to be assessed. The Council needs to have against the CIPFA Disclosure Checklist to ensure
Implementation arrangements in place to be able to consider contracts entered that all of the required presentational changes
of IFRS 15 into by the subsidiaries and apply any accounting policy have been correctly reflected within the financial
adjustments required. statements.
The Council needs to review the classification of all revenue
streams and amend the accounting policies note.
These changes require an adjustment to opening balances
reported in the Movement in Reserves Statement.
There is a risk that these presentational changes are not
correctly applied in the financial statements.
We need to consider if the disclosures in the financial We will: Companies House searches for
statements concerning related party transactions are · Update our understanding of the related party undisclosed interests.
complete and adequate and in line with the requirements of transactions identification procedures in place and
the accounting standards. review relevant information concerning any such
identified transactions
Related party
transactions · Discuss with management and review senior
management declarations to ensure there are no
potential related party transactions which have not
been disclosed; this is something we will require
you to include in your management representation
letter to us.
Forthcoming changes to funding, including that relating to the New Homes We will review the assumptions used We shall review core grant data
Bonus and business rates retention is expected to place notable financial in the Medium Term Financial Strategy published by central government.
pressures on the Council in the medium term. and assess the reasonableness of the
cost pressures and the amount of
In anticipation of this, the Council is taking steps to consider a number of
Government grant reductions applied.
commercial development opportunities and potentially transformational
Sustainable change. Current financial stability allows the Council time to put such We will also review the strategies to
finances arrangements in place in a properly considered manner and not hastily. close the budget gap in the medium
Nevertheless, the financial pressure and the way in which the proposed
initiatives are approached represent a significant risk in respect of the
sustainable deployment of resources, informed decision-making and working
with partners.
Under Auditing and Ethical Standards, we are required as auditors to confirm our independence to ‘those charged with governance’. In our opinion, and as confirmed by you, we consider
that for these purposes it is appropriate to designate the Governance, Audit and Performance Committee as those charged with governance.
Our internal procedures are designed to ensure that all partners and professional staff are aware of relationships that may be considered to have a bearing on our objectivity and
independence as auditors. The principal statements of policies are set out in our firm-wide guidance. In addition, we have embedded the requirements of the Standards in our
methodologies, tools and internal training programmes. The procedures require that engagement leads are made aware of any matters which may reasonably be thought to bear on the
firm’s independence and the objectivity of the engagement lead and the audit staff. This document considers such matters in the context of our audit for the year ending 31 March 2019.
We confirm that the firm complies with the Financial Reporting Council’s Ethical Standard for Auditors and, in our professional judgement, is independent and objective within the
meaning of those Standards.
In our professional judgement the policies and safeguards in place ensure that we are independent within the meaning of all regulatory and professional requirements and that the
objectivity of the audit engagement lead and audit staff is not impaired. These policies include engagement lead and manager rotation, for which rotation is required after 5 years and 10
years respectively.
Should you have any comments or queries regarding this confirmation we would welcome their discussion in more detail.
Our proposed fees, excluding VAT, for the year ending 31 March 2019 are:
Proposed fee Actual fee If we need to propose any amendments to the fees during the course of the audit, where
our assessment of risk and complexity are significantly different from those reflected in
£ £ the proposed fee or where we are required to carry out work in exercising our additional
Code audit fee 40,745 58,443 powers and duties, we will first discuss this with the Director of Finance and Corporate
Services. If necessary, we will also prepare a report outlining the reasons why the fee
Fees for non-audit services - audit related services needs to change for discussion with the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
· Certification of housing benefits subsidy claim 17,000 22,808 Our fee is based on the following assumptions
· Aspire subsidiary statutory audit 12,500 13,000 · The complete draft financial statements and supporting working papers will be
Fees for other non-audit services 0 0 prepared to a standard suitable for audit. All balances will be reconciled to
underlying accounting records.
29,500 35,808
· Key dates will be met, including receipt of draft accounts and working papers prior to
TOTAL FEES £70,245 94,251 commencement of the final audit fieldwork.
Billing arrangements · We will receive only one draft of the financial statements prior to receiving the final
versions for signing.
We will raise invoices for the Code audit fee in two instalments as follows:
· A near final draft of the Annual Report will be available at commencement of the
· £20,372.50 in September 2018 final audit visit.
· £20,372.50 in March 2019. · Within reason, personnel we require to hold discussions with will be available during
the period of our on-site work (we will set up meetings with key staff in advance).
Following our firm’s standard terms of business, full payment will be due within 14 days
of receipt of invoice. Fee invoices for other services, including the certification of the
housing benefits subsidy claim and audit of Aspire, will be raised as the work is
· The concept of materiality is fundamental to the preparation of the financial statements and the audit process and applies not only to monetary misstatements but also to disclosure
requirements and adherence to appropriate accounting principles and statutory requirements.
· We apply the concept of materiality both in planning and performing our audit, and in evaluating the effect of misstatements. For planning, we consider materiality to be the
magnitude by which misstatements, including omissions, could influence the economic decisions of reasonable users that are taken on the basis of the financial statements. In order to
reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that any misstatements exceed materiality, we use a lower materiality level, performance materiality, to determine the extent of
testing needed. Importantly, misstatements below these levels will not necessarily be evaluated as immaterial as we also take account of the nature of identified misstatements, and
the particular circumstances of their occurrence, when evaluating their effect on the financial statements as a whole.
· Materiality therefore has qualitative as well as quantitative aspects and an item may be considered material, irrespective of its size, if it has an impact on (for example):
– Narrative disclosure e.g. accounting policies, going concern
– Statutory performance targets
– Instances when greater precision is required (e.g. senior manager remuneration disclosures).
· International Standards on Auditing UK also allow the auditor to set a lower level of materiality for particular classes of transaction, account balances or disclosures for which
misstatements of lesser amounts than materiality for the financial statements as a whole could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis
of the financial statements.
· We have determined materiality based on professional judgement in the context of our knowledge of the Council, including consideration of factors such as sector developments,
financial stability and reporting requirements for the financial statements.
· We determine materiality in order to:
– Assist in establishing the scope of our audit engagement and audit tests
– Calculate sample sizes
– Assist in evaluating the effect of known and likely misstatements on the financial statements.
· We will reconsider materiality if, during the course of our audit engagement, we become aware of facts and circumstances that would have caused us to make a different
determination of planning materiality if we had been aware.
· Further, when we have performed all our tests and are ready to evaluate the results of those tests (including any misstatements we detected) we will reconsider whether materiality
combined with the nature, timing and extent of our auditing procedures, provided a sufficient audit scope. If we conclude that our audit scope was sufficient, we will use materiality
to evaluate whether uncorrected misstatements (individually or in aggregate) are material.
· You should be aware that any misstatements that we identify during our audit, both corrected and uncorrected errors, might result in additional audit procedures being necessary.
· In accordance with auditing standards, we will communicate to the Audit and Risk Management Committee all uncorrected misstatements identified during our audit, other than those
which we believe are ‘clearly trivial’.
· Clearly trivial is defined as matters which will be of a wholly different (smaller) order of magnitude than the materiality thresholds used in the audit, and will be matters that are
clearly inconsequential, whether taken individually or in aggregate.
· We will obtain written representations from the Audit and Risk Management Committee, confirming that in their opinion these uncorrected misstatements are immaterial, both
individually and in aggregate and that, in the context of the financial statements taken as a whole, no adjustments are required.
· There are a number of areas where we would strongly recommend/request any misstatements identified during the audit process being adjusted. These include:
– Clear cut errors whose correction would cause non-compliance with statutory performance targets, management remuneration, other contractual obligations or governmental
regulations that we consider are significant.
BDO’s audit quality cornerstones underpin the firm’s definition of audit quality
· BDO is committed to audit quality. It is a standing item on the agenda of the Leadership
Team, who in conjunction with the Audit Stream Executive, monitors the actions • Scepticism PEOPLE
required to maintain a high level of audit quality within the audit stream and address • Independent • Knowledge of the
findings from external and internal inspections. We welcome feedback from external • Focus on the financial statement users business
bodies and are committed to implementing necessary actions to address their findings. • Robustness and moral courage. • Intelligent application
of auditing standards
· We recognise the importance of continually seeking to improve audit quality and • Intelligent application
enhancing certain areas. Alongside reviews from a number of external regulators, the of accounting
firm undertakes a thorough annual internal Audit Quality Assurance Review and as a standards
member firm of BDO International network we are also subject to a quality review visit • Understanding of
every three years. the control
• Audit reports
• Management
• How to assess recommendations
– benchmarking • Audit
• Where to focus Committee
– risk-based approach Reports
• How to test – audit strategy • Top quality
• What to test – materiality and scope. financial
The matters raised in our report prepared in connection with the audit are those
we believe should be brought to the attention of the organisation. They do not
purport to be a complete record of all matters arising. No responsibility to any third
party is accepted.
BDO LLP is a corporate establishment under the Limited Liability Partnership Act
2000 and a UK Member Firm of BDO International. BDO Northern Ireland, a separate
partnership, operates under a licence agreement. BDO LLP and BDO Northern
Ireland are both separately authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority to conduct investment business.
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