Test of Control
Test of Control
Test of Control
2 Occurence & To ensure that I.Sales are only recorded if For a sample of sales
Existence recorded sales there is an approved sales Invoices ensure there
transactions order form and shipping/ Is a related sees order
represent goods dispatch documentation form that has been
or services authorised and
provided II.Accounting for numerical shipping
sequences of invoices documentation.
4 Occurence & To ensure that Authorised price lists and Verify that price | lists
Existence goods and specified terms of trade in and terms of trade are
services are place. properly
provided at documented,authorise
authorised d & communicated.
Prices and on Examine application
authorised items control for authorised
prices & terms
5 Completenes To ensure that all Accounting for numerical Review and test
s revenue relating sequences of invoices. entity's procedures, for
to goods accounting for
dispatched is numerical sequences
recorded of invoices.
(iii)Inspect the
open-order file for
9 Classification To ensure that all ()) Chart of accounts in (i) inspect any
of occurrence transactions are place which is regularly documentary evidence
properly reviewed and of review (such as
classified in updated emails requesting
accounts update to chart of
(ii) Codes in place for accounts as a result of
different types of products review
or services
(li) Test application
controls for proper
(vi) Inspect a
sample to confirm
whether stores
staff undertake this
(vil) Examine
documentation to
ensure it has been
matched for a
sample of invoices.
2 Completeness To ensure that all i) Purchase orders and (i) For a sample of
purchase transactions GRNs are matched purchase orders in
that occurred have with the suppliers the year ensure
been invoices each has been
recorded ji) Periodic accounting matched to a
for pre-numbered related invoice that
GRNs and purchase was subsequently
orders recorded.
documentation for
evidence of this
purchases journal
and general ledger
5 Cut off To ensure that {i) All goods received (i) Compare dates
purchase transactions réports forwarded to on reports to dates
are recorded in the accounts payable on relevant
correct department daily vouchers
accounting period
(i) Procedures in place (ii) Compare dates
that require recording on vouchers with
of purchases as soon dates they were
as possible after recorded in
goods/services the purchases
received journal
iii)Observe and
evaluate proper
segregation of
i) All goods
inwards reports
processed daily
to record the
receipt of
of inventory
records with
general ledger
in the financial