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Dave Deblois - Metacognitive Observation

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Dave B.

Deblois III-C

Metacognitive Observation

1. Interview 3 different children - one age 4-6, one age 7-9, on age 10 or older

Age 4-6 years old

The metacognitive observation was conducted a five years old student named Mark Justin Miralpes and
a Kinder student. Before I asked the child I entertain her very well and make a light conversation in order
for him to be ready. Before I asked him I made a list of 10 words and then I read it in front of him for
about seven times and I ask him to repeat the word after me. I thought a strategy that I've used to easily
remember the word is I repeat it many times together with him and after that I asked him how many
words you think you will remember and he immediately said 4-5 words out of ten. And then after that
conversation I ask him if he want me to tell him a story and he agree. He listens very carefully while I'm
telling a story.

Age 10 or older

The metacognitive observation was conducted to a eleven year old student named Rowena Deblois a
Grade 4 student.. And I approach her immediately and tell what I am going to do and she immediately
agree. The approach that I used is different from the first one because I directly asked her and then the
conversation went on. And then after I read the list of 10 words for about five times I asked her how
many words did she remember and she said all words that I list. I asked her how did she do that and she
said she's good in remembering just by listening very carefully. And she said also she is good in
remembering just by reading. The favourite book that she likes to read is about science.


1. How accurate were the child in predicting how well they would remember the word list? How well
did they remember the list? Were they able to tell you what they did to remember the words after
repeating the list ? Were there any differences in age in terms of how accurate their predictions or their
list were ?

 In the case of an 11 year old child named Rowena Deblois she was good in reading. She were
able to predict those words that she read. She was good in remembering what she read. While
in the case also of Mark Justin Miralpes a 5 year old child. Hhe was not accurate in reading. He
needed an assistance especially in reading. He couldn’t even knew what those words I’ve wrote.
I will first introduced those words before he can read. He was not also good in remembering
because when I’m going to asked what he read, he were smiling at me. There was a big
differences among these 2 children because as what I observed especially in predicting those
words, an 11 year old child were able to predict rather than a 5 year old child who was not very
accurate on reading and also in remembering.
2. How well did the children do in retelling the story? Did the children tend to tell the story in the
“correct” order or in the order you told it ? were there age differences in how they responded here ?

 In an 11 year old child, she can retell the story what I’ve read. She got the correct order in
retelling the story. While in a 5 year old child he needed also translating the story before he can
thoroughly understood. He was not good in listening because he cannot gave the correct order
on what was happening in the story.

3. Consider the older children’s responses to the questions about memory and reading. Given their
responses, how well do schools seem to support children developing metacognitive strategies for
memory and reading? Did the children have a sense of which they learn best? Do they seem to think
that teachers help them with this? How effective do schools seem to be in creating/supporting an
appreciation of reading in children? Do the children seem to see teachers being helpful in these areas?

 In order to support a higher development of a child’s memory and reading. The school will have
to conduct some metacognitive strategies just like giving some visualize and colorful pictures,
and charts in order to get the attention of the children. Because mostly children are tend to
have this kind of strategy so that they will be more attentive and participate of what they have
learned. Teachers needs the more effort on giving their best on how a child can evenly learn the
lesson. Because children have different areas of learning, children tends to learn on reading,
children tends to learn based on what they saw, and children also tends to learn on actions
giving by the teachers. So, through these strategies it will be effective as a teacher on how a
child were able to learn.

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