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Your Wonderful Brain Lance Schuttler Revisions Feb 2

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Your Wonderful Brain

A Bio-Hacking and Neurogenic Guide

To A Healthier, Happier and More
Creative Brain For Magnificent
Memory, Focus and Soul Healing

Lance Schuttler
The following guide is a combination of the exercises and prac-
tices I include in my daily morning routine. Some will be familiar
and common to you, while some will be unique and may help you
in new ways.

I am constantly analyzing this routine and seeing how I can

improve it. Take from this what you wish and make it your own.
There are no hard set rules with this program and you can tweak
it to fit your specific needs.

As you will see, this is a comprehensive guide for the brain and
soul. Its elements are intentional in addressing both physical
and emotional stimulation and healing.

In order, these are the steps I take each morning.

My intention is for this to help you and many others in numerous


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I encourage you to
lead others to this guide so that we can together help many people
around our world!

-Lance Schuttler

Disclaimer ­— Per FDA guide-

lines, this guide is not meant
as medical advice and should
not be taken as such. If you
have questions, ask a qualified
About The Author

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a

bachelor’s degree in Health Science and is the CEO and owner
of EMF Harmonized, an electromagnetic field (EMF) protection
technology company that is dedicated to helping improve people’s

He is also the co-founder of Ascent Nutrition, a unique holistic

nutrition company that provides the Rhodiola, Bacopa, Peak
Consciousness Cacao and Pine Pollen products discussed in this

He is a board member of The Master Shift, a non-profit dedicat-

ed to conducting global meditations/prayers, educational confer-
ences and supporting endeavors to foster worldwide healing.

He is also a board member of Free Food Now, a non-profit dedi-

cated to helping people find free food at the time they need it and
working towards achieving large-scale global food abundance for

He is a facilitator and collaborator of big ideas, visions and proj-

ects that spark creative and healing solutions to complex challeng-
es in our world.

You can follow Lance on Facebook here.

You can follow Lance on Gab here.
You can follow Lance on YouTube here.
Table of Contents

1 ­— Rose Essential Oil

2 — Nasya Oil

3 — Inversion Table

4 — Infrared Sauna

5 — Bacopa

6 — Rhodiola Rosea

7 — Pine Pollen

8 — Liver Support Formula

9 — Flower Essences

10 — Meditation

11 — Affirmations

12 — Mandala Coloring Book

13 — Language Learning

14 — Reading…With a Twist
1 Rose Essential Oil

According to the University of Minnesota, smelling essential oils’ molecules affect the

olfactory organs, the lungs (and thus the respiratory system) as well as the brain. Odor
molecules travel through the nose and positively affect the limbic system of the brain,
which is sometimes called the “emotional part of the brain.”

The limbic system controls heart rate, mood, blood pressure, memory, breathing, stress
hormone response and overall stress levels.

Taking deep inhales through the nose of rose essential oil aroma is how I love to start my
morning and I know I am directly affecting my brain, mind and soul in very healing and
positive ways.

We know that rose essential oil has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties, which
were shown in a study, published in the journal Complimentary Therapies in Clinical

I will even sniff the rose essential oil throughout the day as it is a wonderful way to
develop emotional intelligence and can help a person respond to stressful situations in a
more positive way.

Smelling essential oils can be personally described as an uplifting and heavenly experi-
ence; one that allows us to smell the cosmic byproduct of thousands of flowers pressed
into healing oil that is a gift for humanity.

Valerie Ann Woodward, author of Aromatherapy For The Soul, states, “To inhale rose is
to inhale the love and kisses of angels.”

I can personally think of no better way to begin my day.

2 Nasya Oil

Nasya oil is an Ayurvedic combination of oils and herbs that contain organic sesame
oil, organic olive oil, organic Brahmi (Bacopa) organic Calamus, organic Skullcap and
organic Eucalyptus essential oil.

While I'll get into some of the specifics of the 3 herbs and 1 essential oil, in general, this
combination is used to help facilitate the cleansing process of the mucus membrane in
the nose.

It helps to soothe and protect the nasal passage while nourishing the tissues. Additionally,
because of these strong herbs and essential oil, it is known to help promote awareness,
concentration and focus. 

I use this after sniffing my rose essential oil to help clear out my nasal passage so that I
can breathe better during my upcoming meditation as well as start the process of waking
up my brain, which heavily stems from the pleasant smell of the Eucalyptus essential oil. 

Brahmi, or Bacopa, will be discussed a bit later in greater detail.

Calamus is used in Ayurveda often for neurological conditions as well as brain fog, mem-
ory issues, difficulty in attention and concentration or trauma to the nervous system. It is
also a very well studied herb and boasts over 500 published studies on

Skullcap is most widely known for helping to calm the nerves and ease anxiety and there
are some studies on PubMed showing this as well.

The Eucalyptus essential oil has many wonderful therapeutic properties, but specifically
for this brain and mind training routine, it helps open up the nasal airways and has an
awakening and invigorating aroma for the brain.
3 Inversion Table

After sniffing my essential oils and applying the Nasya oil, I will lie down on my inversion
table and allow the blood to rush to my head.

Doing so ensures that blood reaches all of the tiny capillaries in my brain, delivering the
vital oxygen that our brain craves and loves.

This is a marvelous way to wake your brain up and get it the oxygen it needs. It also
really helps stimulate those tiny blood vessels and capillaries in the brain to keep them
active and alive.

When wanting to have your healthiest, happiest and sharpest brain and mind, oxygen
saturation is important and necessary. This is one of the many reasons exercise is so
important and healthy for the brain: oxygen saturation.

There are numerous other health benefits of inversion tables and some of them include
helping to deal with back pain, helping ease some symptoms of fibromyalgia and can
help improve spinal health.
4 Infrared Sauna

After using the inversion table, I will then use an infrared sauna. Most people in general
know that using a sauna is wonderful for us in multiple ways, but I’ll explain some of the
big ways.

To begin, studies have shown that people who use a sauna 4-7 times per week significant-
ly reduce their chances of dying from heart disease and reduce their chances from dying
of all causes, also known as all-cause mortality.

If a person can’t use a sauna 4-7 times a week, using it even once a week will be benefi-

Sweating is the body’s easiest way to detoxify and relieves the liver of workload in needing
to detoxify things that are not beneficial for the body.

For the brain, sauna has been shown to increase the production of BDNF (brain-derived
neurotrophic factor).

BDNF is a protein that helps neurons to repair themselves as well as strengthen the con-
nections between neurons, which ensures better electrical communication and function.

BDNF has been called “Miracle Grow” for the brain, because it helps regenerate neu-
rons and repair damaged neurons. More sections in this book will discuss how certain
mushrooms and herbs also help induce the production of BDNF.

Using a sauna regularly has also been shown to balance the HPA axis, which is the hypo-
thalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.

This set of three glands act in synergistic ways to direct many functions in the body, espe-
cially regulating stress hormones.

Regular sauna use has shown how the HPA axis can become balanced easier, which helps
to reduce stress and anxiety...something that most people are wanting to address!

Sauna has also been shown to elevate levels of an important hormone named prolac-
tin. One of prolactin’s main benefits relating to the brain and nervous system is that it
increases the production of myelin.

Myelin is a fatty, white substance that encases itself around the ends of many neurons.
This forms an electrically insulating sheath that increases electrical conductivity and
communication between neurons. It also helps our nervous system to be more resilient to
As an additional form of therapy in the sauna, I will sometimes apply rose and frankin-
cense essential oils to my wrist before stepping in. The elevated heat allows these oils to
absorb easily into the circulatory system and elicit their benefits, which help physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

To further increase the mental, emotional and spiritual benefits, I will also sometimes
apply flower essences on my wrists along with the essential oils.

The benefits of flower essences will be discussed later on as well.

Sauna is something I absolutely love and I encourage people to research more on the use
of a sauna!
5 Bacopa

I will then venture to my kitchen and take a couple capsules of the Nootropic Focus
product that I sell from the company I co-own, Ascent Nutrition.

In our Nootropic Focus product, there are 8 different nutrients that are beneficial to
overall brain health. You can view that product here on our website.

For this guide, we’ll discuss a couple specific ones, which include Bacopa (In the Noot-
ropic Focus product) as well as Rhodiola (next page).

Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi, is an Ayurvedic herb used to help support
numerous aspects of brain and memory health. 

Bacopa has been shown to be a neuroprotectant and also support healthy levels of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). “In the brain, the BDNF protein is active at
the connections between nerve cells (synapses), where cell-to-cell communication occurs.
The synapses can change and adapt over time in response to experience, a characteristic
called synaptic plasticity. The BDNF protein helps regulate synaptic plasticity, which
is important for learning and memory.”

Bacopa has also been shown to significantly support a healthy memory because of its
ability to support normal levels of acetylcholine. Thus, because it supports this vital neu-
rotransmitter, attention to and acquisition of new information can be supported. 
Throughout the Indian culture, it is quite common for students to consume Bacopa to
support their learning skills, attention and concentration while in school. In Ayurveda,
Bacopa is said to help elevate one’s awareness and consciousness and to also profoundly
help support meditation and concentration.

In relation to building a stronger, happier and healthier brain and mind, Bacopa is truly
an herb for physical and spiritual health.

Our Nootropic Focus product contains 7 other nutrients, like L-glutamine, St. John’s
Wort, Phosphatidylserine, DMAE Bitartrate, N-Acetyl-L-carnitine, Ginkgo biloba and
Huperzine A.

You can view our Nootropic Focus product here.

You can view our Nootropic
Focus product here.
6 Rhodiola Rosea

We know that the Rhodiola rosea root is one of the strongest adaptogenic plants in the
world, which has been shown to help support healthy levels of energy, endurance, mental
clarity, focus and concentration.

Rhodiola rosea is a root found in the harsh climate of Northern most regions of Europe
and Asia and most traditionally found in Siberia.

The environment this plant survives in is truly a testament to the resilience nature has
gifted to us for consumption.

While today Rhodiola rosea remains one of the top known adaptogens, this uplifting
herb was once held for only the highest of rank.

Back in the 1970's, the Soviet Union studied Rhodiola rosea under strict silence by par-
ticipants, which included their Olympians, astronauts, soldiers, and scientists.

It was so quiet in fact, participants in the studies were sworn to governmental secret and
breach of this secret would result in charges of treason. 

The studies that came in were phenomenal and showed how Rhodiola rosea tremen-
dously supported overall mood and cognition in their astronauts and soldiers, supported
mental clarity and focus in their scientists and had strong performance enhancing and
endurance enhancing effects in their Olympians.

Rhodiola rosea has been used by Siberian locals for centuries as a way to help support
mood and positive outlook during the long, tough winters as well as dealing with the high
elevation and the stress that comes with living at such elevation.  

This captivating Siberian root with astonishing yellow flowers contains over 140 active
compounds that the human body can use, the most pronounced of which are rosavins
and salidrosides.

These fascinating plant compounds have tremendous benefit on the human body that
can be reaped over time with usage. Rhodiola rosea has proven mood supporting proper-
ties like being able to balance the neurotransmitters in the brain.

Do you ever feel like you're burnt out or stuck in life? Well, Rhodiola has been shown to
help you deal with life-stress symptoms— physically, mentally, and spiritually. When all
else fails, nature is the answer.

Take a look at our Peak Adrenal Support which contains this wonderful Rhodiola rosea
root, along with many other neurotrophic plants and roots like Ashwagandha, Suma,
Panax Ginseng, Eleuthero, Holy Basil, Astragalus and others.
You can view our Peak
Adrenal Support here.
7 Pine Pollen Tincture

Along with the Nootropic Focus and Peak Adrenal Support, I will take our company’s
Pine Pollen tincture.

Pine pollen harvested from the pristine Canadian forest is a superfood like none other.

It contains over 200 bioactive compounds in it and boasts a profile of fatty acids, 20+
amino acids, 14 vitamins, 24 minerals, 18 active enzymes and something incredibly
special and unique: phytoandrogens.

These are plant-based male hormones, which are also called brassinosteroids. They are
safe, natural and bioidentical plant hormones that positively influence human hormone
function—for both males and females.

Pine pollen is nature’s number one dietary source of these vital nutritive compounds.

Pine pollen has five additional plant hormones; auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene
and abscisic acid (ABA). All five have high biological activity that includes anabolic ef-
fects, as well as the ability to stimulate immune function and stem cell growth.

Pine pollen also contains bioavailable glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
These two compounds are the strongest internal anti-oxidants for the body and help to
detoxify the brain and liver. They are also phenomenal for the immune system.

It is also nature’s best source of natural DHEA, the so-called youthing hormone.
DHEA is known to be phenomenal for brain health and actually has strong affinity to
NGF (nerve growth factor) receptor sites and also helps stimulate production of BDNF
(brain-derived Neurotrophic factor).

DHEA has also been proposed as one of the most ancient neurotrohpic factors in the
human species’ development, which means that our brains are hard-wired to excel in the
presence of natural DHEA.

Overall, this means that the process of neurogenesis, or repairing and creating new neu-
rons, is stimulated and enhanced with DHEA.

As part of my morning routine, I am doing all I can to help stimulate neurogenesis and
improve my brain health and so pine pollen is an absolute must for me.

Our Pine Pollen product is also loaded in beneficial sulphur, which comes in the form of
methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).

While MSM is beneficial for brain detoxification and aids in the production of gluta-
thione, it is also a necessary component in a trifecta of nutrients needed to produce the
quintessential golden oil found in the body, often referred to as the Chrism or Christos,
which has deep esoteric and spiritual significance and relates to the pineal gland.

Also of deep spiritual and symbolic significance is the fact that the pineal gland is often
represented by a pine cone.

In fact, it is quite interesting that the Vatican has a large pine cone statue in St. Peter’s
Square. Is the Vatican giving a message of the pine cone relating to the pineal gland,
which has also been called the “seat of the soul”?

Given that Pine Pollen supplies many beneficial hormones and nutrients beneficial for
the brain, especially sulphur, we consider our Pine Pollen to be symbolically and implicit-
ly supportive for the “seat of the soul” (the pineal gland).

Because we regard the Pine Pollen with such esteem and respect, we are sourcing the
cleanest pine pollen in the world, which is from Canada, while most companies are
sourcing from China.

We also use the world’s most unique duel extraction method to ensure all of the brassi-
nosteroids and other vital nutrients can be fully extracted to give your body the complete
and full range of nutrients naturally found within the pine pollen.

You can view our Pine Pollen here from our company Ascent Nutrition.
You can view our
Pine Pollen here.
8 Liver Support Formula

The other supplement I will take is our Peak Liver Support product, which is not only
one of the most uniquely formulated liver support products out there, but is sensational
for the brain and relates to a miraculous finding in science: biophotons.

This product contains a patented extract known as Solarplast®, which is an incredibly

unique extract from organic spinach leaves that is enzymatically enhanced by a special

It captures the power of the protoplasts found in spinach to provide a rich source of anti-
oxidants and their enzyme partners, all in a naturally occurring lipid protective coating.

This provides a host of benefits for detoxification, healthy aging and optimizing the
body’s processes through cellular restoration and repair.

In other words, this is an enzyme-fueled, free radical scavenging powerhouse that is expo-
nentially greater due to the presence of the complete glutathione pathway of free-radical
scavenger regeneration. It regenerates the free-radical scavengers!

Because it is loaded in these protoplasts that capture and store energy from the sun, it is
filled with this light energy, or biophotons.

These biophotons are simply condensed packets of light that are extremely beneficial
to human physiology, and especially beneficial to neuronal communication within the
brain, specifically by inducing the production of alpha brain waves.

The biophotonic aspect makes this product not only great for healthy detoxification, but
makes it a very unique nootropic for supporting brain health.

Over the last 100 years, scientists have found that mammalian brains are capable of
producing biophotons. A recent study shows how rat brains can pass one biophoton per
neuron per minute, while human brains can pass billions of biophotons per neuron per

The researchers of the study stated, “This mechanism appears to be sufficient to facilitate
transmission of a large number of bits of information, or even allow the creation of a
large amount of quantum entanglement.”

Otherwise stated, an entire network for light-based communication is in place in the

brain and it has implications for possible quantum entanglement.

Again, the Solarplast® extract we have in there is a phenomenal source of not only the
entire glutathione regeneration pathway, but also of biophotons themselves.
Interestingly, studies have shown that Rhodiola rosea helps the body to hold on to this
biophotonic energy longer!

Thus, pairing our Peak Adrenal Support (contains Rhodiola rosea) with our Peak Liver
Support (contains the biophotons), provides the light and helps hold on to the light.

It’s a powerful combination.

Milk Thistle Seed Extract (50%)

The Peak Liver Support formula also contains a strong extract of milk thistle seed ex-
tract, with a 50% silymarin content.

Silymarin has been shown to upregulate the production of BDNF, the brain-derived
neurotrophic factor that I’ve mentioned a few times before.

Milk thistle seed has also been shown to upregulate the production of NGF (nerve growth
factor), which is another neurotrophic protein that helps to regenerate neurons and repair
damaged neurons.

While milk thistle seed is commonly known to help support liver function, it is also a
powerful neurotrophic ally for the brain.

You can view our Peak Liver Support product here.

You can view our
Peak Liver Support
product here.
9 Flower Essences

To consume these supplements mentioned above, I’ll use clean structured spring water
and I’ll add in flower essences

Because the essences of flowers operate more on a vibrational and electrical level rather
than a biochemical (like the use of herbs or foods), the effects are felt in a more subtle

However, subtle doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful or effective.

They are extremely effective.

What a person experiences is more of a shift in awareness, a shift in understanding or

a shift in consciousness around a certain situation. It can help us understand and trans-
form the underlying emotional issue.

For example, if someone is dealing with an issue from some sort of trauma from a situa-
tion that occurred at some point in his or her life, flower essences can help bring greater
understanding to the trauma event as well as bring the emotional ability to transform,
release and forgive or accept what happened.

Flower essences are essentially nutrients for the soul. They help us on an emotional level.

We begin to see things in a new light and can begin to deal with things in a new way.
This leads to taking different actions in regards to processing and resolving any issues we
might be working through.

They let us work through things in a truly holistic and therapeutic manner. The con-
sumption of these flower essences are highly compatible with the essential oil inhalation
and mandala coloring book practices that are discussed in here.

All three really help to focus on healing trauma, supporting us emotionally and helping
to bring more happiness into our lives. They are a powerful combination for emotional
healing and are an integral part of stimulating neurogenesis and eliciting deep-seated
soul healing.

Dr. Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor and used flower essences in his practice
stated, “The action of the flower essences raises the vibration of the being…they cure by flooding the
body with the beautiful vibrations of the highest nature- in whose presence there is the opportunity for
disease to melt away like snow in sunshine.”

I have personally found flower essences to be deeply therapeutic and I highly encourage
anyone looking to address and trauma or wanting to create deep soul-level healing to
learn about flower essences. I like the Green Hope Farm Flower Essences brand because
they don’t use alcohol in their extracts and is one of the only companies in the world not
using alcohol.

My belief is that with such high vibrational essences from flowers, these vibrations don’t mix
well with the low, “dirty” vibration of alcohol.

I have personally found these essences to be of a much higher therapeutic profile than those
with alcohol in them.

However, this is a personal choice and your choice is ultimately up to you.

10 Meditation

After consuming my supplement and flower essences, I’ll begin my meditation practice.

If a person types in “meditation” on, nearly 6,000 search results are located.
While not all of these are individual studies, it is clear that meditation has a robust
amount of research behind it showing how beneficial it is for a person’s health.

It doesn’t come as any surprise then that meditation has been shown to increase the gray
matter size in the hippocampus. One of the proposed mechanisms is that stress reduc-
tions leads to higher preservation of neurotrophins like NGF and BDNF, which are the
proteins that help to repair and regenerate neurons.

At this point, it seems to be close to common knowledge in the general public that medi-
tation is helpful for the brain, as well as every other system in the body.

Meditation leads to greater levels of happiness, contentment, inner satisfaction, quality of

life and deeper insight into one’s purpose of life.

If there would be only one thing to incorporate from this program, it would be medita-
tion. It’s simple, it’s free and there is no limit to how much it can help you.
11 Affirmations

I enjoy doing my affirmations after my meditation because I always feel better after
meditating and I want to put as much positive emotional intention into my affirmations
as I can.

The practice of affirmations is a technique that has absolutely changed my life. However,
affirmations without feelings of belief and certainty, can limit us.

We must feel that what we are saying is true and we must have the courage to believe it is
not only possible, but is actively in the process of happening.

What do you want your life to be like? What do you want to change in your life? What do
you want to create?

Write a list in present, active tense of what you want occurring in your life. For example:

I am fulfilled and happy with my life’s work and I earn an ever increasing income for the good I
create in the world.

I am happy, healthy and abundant in every way.

I am healed, I am full of life and I have many gifts and talents I am uncovering within myself.

Aim to read these either silently or aloud each morning and evening. Framing your day
for a great start and ending your night with affirmations is a powerful way to generate
and keep momentum piling up in favor of your dreams and visions to manifest as your
12 Mandala Coloring Book

Coloring in my mandala book is the thing I look forward to most in my morning routine.
Conducting the practice of coloring a mandala has a settling, peaceful, yet mildly stimu-
lating effect on the mind. It helps to activate both the analytical (left) and creative (right)
hemispheres of the brain.

When training our brain and mind, we want to ensure both our rational, analytical
hemisphere (left) is being stimulated and exercised, as well as our creative, non-linear and
quantum hemisphere (right).

We want to help facilitate learning, creativity and most importantly, healing on deep con-
scious and subconscious levels. A true brain and mind training program must integrate
practices to elicit deep-seated healing, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

The practice of using mandalas in therapy goes all the way back to Carl Jung and it was
used as a way for patients to be calm and for integration to occur during the session.

Jung wrote of mandalas, “Only now did I gradually come to realize what the mandala
really is: Formation, transformation, the eternal mind’s eternal recreation.”

The practice of coloring mandalas is used in art therapy and studies have shown how it
helps to lower stress and anxiety levels.

Neuropsychologist and neuroscientist Dr. Stan Rodski states that, “we now have tech-
nology that can measure brainwaves and heart rhythms that allows us to examine the
impact certain things that you do have on the brain and its reactions.”

“The most amazing things occurred—we started seeing changes in heart rate, changes in
brainwaves. When you have things that you can predict will happen in a certain way, its
calming for us.”

Mandala coloring can help facilitate deep-seated change, growth and transformation. It
can help heal recent trauma even help heal childhood trauma. I highly encourage people
to consider implementing mandala coloring books into their lives, regardless of the time
of day they do it.

Once again, the combination of flower essences, essential oils and mandala coloring
books is incredible for facilitating profound emotional healing. Adding in meditation will
always help too.
I will encourage any practitioner of any healing practice to utilize the combination of
these three practices (flower essences, essential oils and mandala coloring) and see how
much healing this helps to create in our world.
13 Language Learning

It is also commonly known that one of the very best ways to train your brain to stay sharp
and agile, is to learn a new language.

As a person begins to learn a new language, new neural pathways are created within the
brain. A study done at the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy showed that recruits who
began intensively studying a second language had increased the size of their hippocam-
pus and three areas in the cerebral cortex, which was shown through MRI brain scans.

Activation and growth of the hippocampus helps a person to create a better memory and
memorization skills.

Dr. Viorica Morian has also found that learning another language helps a person to
become a better listener, because it requires your brain to discern between two sets of very
distinctive sounds and to accurately identify those speech sounds. It also helps a person to
have better focus, attention and concentration.

It can also help a person increase their intelligence in terms of scoring higher on a standardized
reading, math and vocabulary test. Learning another language also helps to spark more
creativity within the person.

Additionally, learning a new language helps the brain to process sensory information,
which means a person can be more attuned to their environment and pick up informa-
tion quicker and in a more attentive way. This partially explains why adults are able to
learn a third language more quickly than a monolingual adult learns a second language.

There has arguably been no one more proficient in the science of language learning than Dr.
Paul Pimsleur. Before he died in 1976, Dr. Pimsleur was one of the world’s foremost
experts in applied linguistics.

He taught French phonetics and phonemics at UCLA after obtaining his Ph.D. in
French and a master’s degree in psychological statistics from Columbia University. He
was fluent in English and French, was good in German and had a working knowledge of
Italian, Russian, Modern Greek and Mandarin Chinese. 

With Pimsleur’s many discoveries, the most important ones where how a person most
easily learns a second language. His core four principles now make up the language
learning system known as the Pimsleur Method.
1. Graduated-Interval Recall: His research on memory was perhaps one of his most
revolutionary achievements. He discovered that if learners were reminded of new
words at gradually increasing intervals, each time they would remember longer
than the time before. He documented the optimal spacing for information to move from
short-term into long-term, or permanent, memory. In a technical sense, he found that the
brain’s ability to remember can be based on an algorithmic time sequence. The intervals
published in Pimsleur’s work were: 5 seconds, 25 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour,
5 hours, 1 day, 5 days, 25 days, 4 months, and 2 years.

2. Principle of Anticipation: Our brains are hard-wired to automatically process
speech and anticipate a correct response. It is an intricate thought process that most of
us take for granted. Dr. Pimsleur’s research showed that new connections are activated
whenever this dynamic system is triggered. By systematically asking for understanding,
pausing for a response, and then reinforcing the correct response, Pimsleur method
accelerates learning, increases understanding, and activates new neural pathways in the
learner’s brain.

3. Core Vocabulary: Effective communication in any language depends on mastery of a
relatively limited number of words and structures. Trying to learn too much at once sub-
stantially slows the process, and many people quickly become discouraged. The
Pimsleur method deliberately limits the amount you learn at any one time, which gives
your brain a chance to internalize each new item before moving on. After this foundation
is built, adding new words and phrases becomes easy and natural because there’s a clear
framework to attach them to.

4. Organic Learning: Every new item introduced in the Pimsleur method is given
within the context of a conversation or exchange. This helps learning and retention of
the material in a multitude of ways, from allowing your brain to automatically integrate
intonation, rhythm, melody, and pronunciation, to embedding prompts for your memo-
ry. Pimsleur noted that any baby learns a language through the auditory system and so
learning through hearing is the most effective way. The Pimsleur method uses only audio
tracks for learning.

This optimal method of learning a language is broken down into 30 minute lessons, at
least once a day (2 or 3 times with the same lesson per day is even better).

I am also adding in my own twist to learning it with this method by playing a theta
frequency at the same time as the audio lesson is playing. The theta frequency allows for
the brain to absorb and retain information better. Dr. Ifor Capel found in his studies that
the theta frequency also produces catecholamines, which are important for memory and

I am learning Italian and along with the auditory lessons, I’ll write down and study
hand-written notes on the lesson.

Writing by hand is such a great sensory motor exercise and stimulates the brain in several
interesting ways. It also helps a person to better learn and commit to memory the infor-
mation one is writing down.
14 Reading…With a Twist

As with meditation, reading is a task that is almost universally known to be beneficial to

the brain and mind.

MRI scans have confirmed that reading activates a complex network of circuits and
signals in the brain and as one’s reading ability deepens, these networks also get stronger
and more nuanced.

Research has also shown that reading helps people to better empathize with others, helps
to build a better vocabulary, helps to maintain and improve cognitive ability, reduces
stress and can reduce depressive symptoms.

I usually read 10-20 minutes in the morning and often again in the evening.

I will usually read some sort of spiritual literature that helps me keep my aim and focus
on lofty and noble ideals, as this prepares me for the day to aspire for greatness.

I will also read poetry in the morning as well.

Internationally-renowned neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran has said that the very best
thing as person can do to keep the brain active, stimulated and healthy, is to read poetry.

In fact, reading poetry stimulates areas in the right hemisphere of the brain that are
linked to reward and emotion.

It also “stretches the meaning and sound of words, pushing at the boundaries of lan-
guage. And scans reveal that in trying to process all of those linguistic acrobatics, our
brain function peaks, which strengthens our overall cognitive health.”

Poetry that I absolutely love because of its beautiful and empowering flavor is that from
Ulonda Faye and her book Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul.
While there are a few supplements listed in the pages above that I take, these are not
the complete list. A few others that I take, which also are phenomenal for the brain and
are products that the company I co-own offers, include Majestic Mushrooms, Organic
Ashwagandha and Organic Turmeric with Bioperine and Peak Gut Health.

You can view our Ascent Nutrition website here.

You can visit EMF Harmonized here.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this and it is my genuine wish that this
information helps you and helps many people around you.

We are here to help change ourselves and our world for the better and I believe the infor-
mation in this guide can play a role in helping to bring about beneficial change in people
and our world.

-Lance Schuttler, Owner of EMF Harmonized and Co-Owner of Ascent Nutrition

Use the code Happiness for either

company and you’ll get 5% off your
entire order.

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