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แนวข้อสอบเข้าม.1 ห้อง EP

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Teacher Grace

ห้องเรียน EP (English Program)

Part 1: Vocabulary
Direction: Choose the best answer. (Items 1 - 7)

1. When I work in the garden, I usually wear gloves to _____ my hands.

1. guard 2. protect
3. defend 4. prevent
2. He is eighteen years old, so he has _____ to vote in election.
1. a right 2. an opportunity
3. an action 4. a situation
3. He was very _____ when he saw those big dogs running towards him.
1. proud 2. jealous
3. embarrassed 4. frightened
4. Parents really have to _____ small children when they take them the zoo.
1. give up 2. look after
3. go without 4. keep in touch
5. You must be _____ in the library.
1. quite 2. quietly
3. quiet 4. quietness
6. When people think it's a good play, they clap their hands to show their _____.
1. appreciation 2. sympathy
3. enthusiasm 4. boredom
7. Lizzy is my best friend. We're very _____ because I haven't got a boyfriend
at the moment, but she is always going out with a handsome boy.
1. active 2. nervous
3. different 4. intelligent
Teacher Grace

Direction: Choose the closest meaning of the underlined word in the

following sentences. (Items 8-10)

8. When I was young, my mom told me a lot of humorous stories every night.
1. funny 2. exciting
3. interesting 4. horrible
9. The old man struck a snake with a stick.
1. hit 2. taught
3. killed 4. caught
10. That old man was slightly injured.
1. a little 2. almost
3. numerous 4. several

Part 2: Conversation
Direction: Choose the correct response/expression for each situation.
(Items 11 - 20)

11. Kelly: Excuse me. I don't think we've met. I'm Kelly.
Anna: My name is Anna. _______.
1. Oh! Is it? 2. How are you?
3. Pleased to meet you. 4. I don't think so.

12. A: Would you mind if I turn on the radio?

B: _______.
1. No, please do. 2. Mind your business.
3. Thanks for asking. 4. Yes, but I don't like it.

13. You want one of your friends to have fun on his holiday. You say "______."
1. Have a good holiday! 2. Let bygones be bygones!
3. Bon Voyage! 4. Break a leg!
Teacher Grace
14. Situation: Talking on the phone.
Lisa: Hello, Lisa's speaking.
Anna: Err, may I talk to Changyoel, please?
Lisa: Changyoel? I don't know him.
Anna: _______.

1. Don't worry. 2. Thank you very much

3. I'm sorry, I have a wrong number. 4. OK, I will talk to him.

15. Tony: Do you know Mark Lewis?

Kim: I recognize the name but I can't picture him. _______.
Tony: He is very tall and he's got quite short, black hair.
1. How old is he? 2. Where is he from?
3. Yes, he is my best friend. 4. What does he look like?

Situation: Liz wants Rose's opinion on a new dress she is trying on.
Liz: ____16____?
Rose: Hmm. Do you want me to be a good friend or a bad liar?
Liz: ____17____. What is your honest opinion?
Rose: Well, ____18____ you certainly look different!

16. 1. How is the feeling 2. How are things with it

3. How do I look 4. How is it going

17. 1. No comment 2. Go ahead

3. Can't complain 4. Good enough

18. 1. let's just move on 2. let's just be friends

3. let's just have it 4. let's just say
Teacher Grace
19. A: Would you like to go to the cinema?
B: _______ , but I can't. I will have a test tomorrow.
1. No, sorry 2. I’d love to
3. No, I don't 4. I’d better not

20. A: _______.
B: Here you are.
1. Pass me the sugar, please. 2. Where am I?
3. Please tell me where you are. 4. God Bless you!

Part 3: Grammar
Direction: Choose the best answer. (Items 21 - 30)

21. It hasn't rained much this year, but it _______ a lot last year.
1. rained 2. will rain
3. rains 4. has rained

22. Tomorrow is a holiday, so we _______ go to work.

1. should 2. must
3. shouldn't 4. don't have to

23. The critics thought "The Avengers" was _______ they had ever seen.
1. as good as 2. not so good as
3. the best movie 4. better movie

24. They live in a _______.

1. house white large 2. white large house
3. large white house 4. white house large
Teacher Grace
25. One of those tourists _______ from France.
1. come 2. comes
3. will come 4. is coming

26. There's _______ toy shop next to the bookshop.

1. a 2. an
3. the 4. –

27. The postman _______ at eight yesterday, but it's now half past eight and
he _______ yet.
1. came / has come 2. came / has not come
3. has come / did not come 4. didn't come / has not come

28. I have _______ else to do, so I want to go home.

1. no 2. nothing
3. none 4. no one

29. My mother usually _______ coffee, but now she _______ tea.
1. drink / doesn't drink 2. is drinking / drinks
3. drinks / is drinking 4. drinks / drinks

30. It's the _______ film I've ever seen.

1. very interesting 2. most interested
3. most interesting 4. more interest
Teacher Grace
Part 4: Reading
Direction: Choose the best answer. (Item 31 - 40)

31. From this label, if you want to get the job, you should _______.

1. write to the office 2. phone the office

3. see the manager 4. talk to the manager

32. What does the following sign mean?

1. Slippery Road 2. No Overtaking

3. Width Limit 4. No Through Road

33. Which section is suitable for this advertisement?

1. Business 2. Job classified
3. Lifestyle 4. Property
Teacher Grace
Passage 1
Many species of bats have very small eyes and do not see well. Still, they
can fly around, and hunt for food in the dark without bumping into any objects.
How is this possible? Echolocation!
You might recognize the beginning of the word "Echolocation" as echo,
and you might recognize the last part of the word as location. This gives you
clues about how echolocation works. The bat sends out using its mouth or nose.
The sounds bounce off objects and return to the bat. Echolocation not only tells
the bat that the objects are nearby, it also tells the bat just how far away the
objects are, and what they look like -- that is, its size, shape and even texture.
Bats are not the only creatures that use echolocation, porpoises and some
types of whales and birds use it as well. It is a very useful tool for the animals
that use it.

34. What is the main idea of this passage?

1. Bats cannot see very well.
2. Many animals use echolocation.
3. Echolocation is a useful tool for bats and other animals.
4. Bats are not the only creatures that use echolocation.

35. Which animals don't use echolocation?

1.Porpoises 2. Some species of birds
3. Some kinds of whales 4. Buffalos

36. Bats have to use echolocation because _______.

1. they have no eyes 2. they have big ears
3. they have poor eyesight 4. they fly past lots of obstacles
Teacher Grace
Passage 2
Many people agree that Pitbull is the most dangerous dog in the world.
When people first meet it, they will walk away. Pitbull is not permitted in some
countries. If an officer finds it or people report to the officer; owner will pay for
the fine and Pitbull will be killed for safety. However, in some countries you
can have it.
When you have Pitbull, the most important thing you should know is to
look after your Pitbull every step when you take it outside. You cannot know
what will happen. It may meet and fight with other dogs, In the fight, Pitbull
will not let them run away easily. It will bite on other dogs' neck until they're
dead, so the owner has to know how to protect other dogs and, how to save
them from Pitbull.
To avoid dangerous situation, there are some suggestions for the owner.
Pitbull should not walk without leash and do not let it pull you while walking.
Pitbull is a powerful dog, so it has to do exercise every day, at least 30 minutes
or walk 1 kilometer per day to release an energy out and calm itself down.

37. The most suitable title for this passage is _______.

1. Pitbull Adoption 2. Tips for Pitbull
3. Getting to know Pitbull 4. Dangerous Dog

38. The word "permitted" in line 2 means _______.

1. Have 2. Feed
3. Allow 4. Adopt

39. The pronoun "It" in the sixth line refers to _______.

1. Owner 2. Pitbull
3. Other dogs 4. People
Teacher Grace
40. In the passage, what should the owner do?
1. Let Pitbull walk off-leash. 2. Do not let Pitbull pull you.
3. Give Pitbull some food. 4. Let Pitbull bite other dogs.

Part 5: Writing
Direction: Complete the sentences with the most suitable words from the
box. Use each word only once. (Items 41 - 45)

benefit profit thirsty starving energy

beautiful unique excuse cause environment

41. Many people invest a lot of money, expecting that they will earn a/an


42. People should learn to conserve _________. Using lights or lamps only

when needed is a good way to do this.

43. The volleyball players were _________ after the match, so they went to

the restaurant.

44. Over the past century, ancient people liked this mountain because the

shape is _________.

45. You have to find a good _________ for being late, otherwise they won’t

believe you.
Teacher Grace
Direction : Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs.
(Items 46 - 50)

46. I enjoy ____________ TV. (watch)

47. I ____________ a great time on holiday last week. (spend)

48. Ann ____________ coffee now. (drink)

49. Water ____________ at 100 degrees Celsius. (boil)

50. I like ____________ ice cream. (eat)

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