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Final Program: Geotechnical Engineering in The Information Technology Age

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Final Program
Presented by the

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Geotechnical Engineering in the Information Technology Age





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Welcome from Chair to GeoCongress 2006….
On behalf of the organizing committee of GeoCongress 2006 - Geotechnical Engineering
in the Information Technology Age, I am very pleased to welcome you to Atlanta and the
signature Geo-Institute meeting of 2006. The goal is that during the next few days, you
will be exposed to an exciting showcase of recent advancements in all geo-applications
including field characterization, laboratory characterization, numerical simulation,
data management, subsurface visualization and geotechnical education as a result of
the adoption and integration of information technologies in practice and academia. The
conference includes short courses, workshops, software and hardware demonstrations,
exhibits, debates, as well as technical paper presentations. The organizers accepted
over 300 papers and have developed a strong technical program that merges traditional
geotechnical problems with technology-based solutions. The meeting also seeks
to expand interest in the abundant opportunities that are on the horizon as a result of
recent and impending developments in areas such as sensors, nanotechnology, and cyber
infrastructure. In addition to the breakout technical paper sessions, a number of invited
keynote plenary lectures will be delivered on topics ranging from instrumentation to data
management to numerical analysis to visualization. Further, the Terzaghi, Peck and Seed
Lectures will be delivered at the conference. The conference will also recognize some
giants from our field as “Heroes”. Unique events to be held during GeoCongress 2006
include a special session on the role of information technology and high performance
computing in the future of geotechnical engineering and a student competition that is
designed to make extensive use of the internet and the unprecedented access to data that
it provides. This latter event truly showcases how our world and field are changing in that
teams of students from all around the US are competing real-time in the competition.


Chair: Sponsorship Committee Chair:

J. David Frost, Ph.D., P.E., Georgia Institute of W. Randall Sullivan, P.E., Golder Associates
Planning Committee Members at Large:
Co-Chairs: Pedro Arduino, Ph.D., University of Washington
Robert C. Bachus, Ph.D., P.E., GeoSyntec Consultants Alaa Ashmawy, Ph.D., University of South Florida
Tamara E. Hebeler, P.E., GeoSyntec Consultants Dominic Asimaki, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Dave Bloomquist, Ph.D., University of Florida
Technical Committee Chair: Susan E. Burns, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Don J. DeGroot, Sc.D., P.E., University of Leonid Germanovich, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Massachussetts Amherst Ronaldo Luna, Ph.D., University of Missouri-Rolla
Paul W. Mayne, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Technical Committee Co-Chairs: Dayakar Penumadu, Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Jason T. DeJong, Ph.D., University of California, Davis Glenn J. Rix, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Laurie G. Baise, Ph.D., Tufts University James Tsai, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
J. David Frost, Ph.D., P.E., Georgia Institute of
Technology Geo-Institute Staff
Carol Bowers, P.G., Director
Short Course, Workshop and Debates Convenor: Linda Bayer, Manager
Jason T. DeJong, Ph.D., University of California, Davis Amy Dearborn, Coordinator

Exhibits and Demonstrations Convenor: Conference Staff

Robert C. Bachus, Ph.D., P.E., GeoSyntec Consultants Shirley Sarni, Senior Manager
Tamara E. Hebeler, P.E., GeoSyntec Consultants Lucy King, Manager
Demetria Taylor, Registration Coordinator
Student Competition Convenor:
J. Carlos Santamarina, Ph.D., Georgia Institute
of Technology
Program Overview 3



SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2006 3:30pm – 5:30pm SPECIAL SESSION: “Opportunities

9:00am – 5:00pm G-I Board Meeting for High Performance Computing
10:00am – 12:00pm USUCGER Registration and High Speed Networks in Geo-
technical Engineering”
12:00pm – 5:30pm USUCGER National Workshop
5:30pm – 7:00pm Poster Presentation with Wine and
6:00pm – 7:30pm USUCGER Wine & Cheese Reception
Cheese in Exhibit Hall
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2006 6:30pm – 8:00pm Section & Branch Dessert
Reception (Invitation only)
7:00am – 7:00pm Registration
8:00am – 11:00pm Committee Meetings (See page 5
for complete listing.) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006
8:30am – 12:00pm Workshops
7:00am – 7:00pm Registration
8:30am – 4:30pm Short Courses
8:00am – 9:30am Plenary Session
9:30am – 10:00am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Foyer
8:00am – 11:00pm Committee Meetings (See page 5
12:00pm – 12:45pm Women GeoProfessionals
for complete listing.)
Networking Luncheon
9:30am – 10:00am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
12:00pm – 5:00pm G-I Committee Chairs Workshop
10:00am – 12:00pm Concurrent Technical Sessions
12:30pm – 4:30pm Student Competition (Remote)
12:00pm – 1:30pm Box Lunch in Exhibit Hall
12:45pm – 2:00pm Women GeoProfessionals Media
1:30pm – 3:00pm Concurrent Technical Sessions
1:30pm – 3:00pm Software Demonstration Session
1:30pm – 4:30pm Workshops
1:30pm – 3:30pm Debate on IT in Education
3:00pm – 3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Foyer
3:00pm – 3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
5:00pm – 6:30pm Terzaghi Lecture
3:30pm – 5:30pm Seed Lecture
6:30pm – 8:00pm Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall
5:30pm – 6:30pm G-I Annual Meeting
6:30pm – 7:00pm Gala Reception
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2006 7:00pm – 9:30pm Gala Banquet

7:00am – 7:00pm Registration

8:00am – 9:30am Plenary Session WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2006
8:00am – 11:00pm Committee Meetings (See page 5
for complete listing.) 7:00am – 3:00pm Registration
9:30am – 10:00am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall 8:00am – 9:30am Concurrent Technical Sessions
10:00am – 12:00pm Concurrent Technical Sessions 8:00am – 9:30am Software Demonstration Session
12:00pm – 1:30pm Buffet Lunch in Exhibit Hall 8:00am – 9:30am Debate on Geophysics
1:30pm – 3:00pm Concurrent Technical Sessions 9:30am – 10:00am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Foyer
1:30pm – 3:30pm Debate on Deep Foundations 10:00am – 12:00pm Concurrent Technical Sessions
3:00pm – 3:30pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall 10:00am – 12:00pm Software Demonstration Session
12:00pm – 2:00pm Heroes & Awards Luncheon
2:15pm – 3:45pm Peck Lecture

SHORT COURSES / SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2006 / 8:30am - 4:30pm

SCOUR OF BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS reviewed for geostratification and obtaining a full suite of soil
Jean-Louis Briaud (Texas A&M University), Beatrice Hunt parameters and properties often required in geotechnical
(Hardesty & Hanover), Gerarda Shields (New York City analyses, especially numerical modeling simulations.
College of Technology) Room: Manila Numerous case studies are interwoven to show the general
applicability of the approaches in soil behavior, as well as
Scour of bridge foundations is a complex soil-water-
structure interaction problem that traditional geotechnical direct applications to full-scale foundation response.
engineering does not address in depth. Yet 25,000 of the
500,000 bridges over water in the country have been STATISTICAL METHODS FOR GEOTECHNICAL
declared scour critical. Addressing this problem and finding DATA SYNTHESIS AND MANAGEMENT
solutions will be big business for years to come. This Gregory B. Baecher (University of Maryland) and John T.
short course will introduce geotechnical engineers to the Christian (Consulting Engineer) Room: Kennesaw
causes and mechanisms of scour, as well as how potential
scour problems can be identified and mitigated in project The course is an introduction to the use of statistical
design. It will include scour concepts and definitions, scour techniques in dealing with geotechnical measurements
depth calculations, scour countermeasures, scour design and databases. It begins with a refresher on statistical
philosophies, and useful references. There is an industry principles, followed by practical second-moment methods
need for geotechnical engineers to be engaged in scour for characterizing errors and uncertainties in soil properties.
related engineering problems and this course is designed The majority of the course is devoted to statistical methods for
to equip engineers for participation. interpreting sensor data, characterizing spatial variation, and
managing databases. Modern software tools for exploratory
FINITE ELEMENTS IN GEOTECHNICAL data analysis and visualization are reviewed, as are methods
ENGINEERING of data mining. The course is designed for practicing
D. Vaughan Griffiths (Colorado School of Mines) professionals who need to understand statistical concepts
Room: Greenbriar
and methods for collecting, interpreting, and managing
This course introduces participants to a powerful suite of geotechnical information. Its objectives are to (1) provide an
finite element programs relating to practical geotechnical overview of practical statistical methods for geotechnical
engineering applications. The course will remove some measurements, sampling, and information management, (2)
of the mystique of “black-box” geotechnical software by develop an ability to judge the relevance of statistical methods
giving participants an insight into the workings of the finite and statistical conclusions in application to geotechnical
element method and the basic architecture of the programs. information and the management of that information, and
The course will discuss the selection of soil properties for
(3) develop an understanding of the impact of geotechnical
geotechnical finite element applications and demonstrate
uncertainties on model predictions and design decisions.
finite element analysis of classical geotechnical problems
such as settlement, seepage, consolidation and slope FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOTECHNICAL AND
stability. Participants are encouraged to bring their own GEOENVIRONMENTAL DATA MANAGEMENT
laptop computers so they can upload and interact with the
Salvatore Caronna (gINT Software) and Scott Deaton
finite elements programs during the course. An additional
(dataforensics, L.L.C.) Room: Fairlie
text, Programming the Finite Element Method, by I.M. Smith
and D.V. Griffiths, 4th Ed., 2004, is recommended for this All geotechnical and environmental projects rely on data which
course. Copies will be available on site for $60. are traditionally recorded on paper and then input into various
and numerous applications for reporting, analysis, visualization,
and billing. This traditional process requires multiple repetitive
Paul W. Mayne (Georgia Institute of Technology) inputs which is very inefficient because each of the steps
Room: Marietta requires manual data input and quality control procedures.
Using technology to streamline this process allows engineers
The seismic piezocone (SCPT) is of fundamental use to all
to input the data once and use it in various formats as required
geotechnical investigations involving foundations, pilings,
by the project, thus eliminating the duplicated effort for data
walls, tunnels, excavations, and pavements. The usefulness
input and quality assurance/quality control which can be very
of the small-strain shear modulus obtained from the SCPT
is documented as an initial state parameter representing time consuming and fraught with errors. Fundamentals of
the beginning of all stress-strain-strength curves. Up to database design, report generation, automated data validation,
five independent readings on soil response are collected data transfer, and integration of software tools are discussed.
in a single SCPT sounding, particularly the tip stress, These concepts during the course provide the basis for
sleeve friction, porewater pressure, time dissipations, and managing geotechnical data using readily available state-of-
downhole shear wave velocity. Interpretative methods are the-art software tools.
GeoCongress 2006 ATLANTA 5

WORKSHOPS / SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2006 / 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:30pm - 4:30pm


TECHNOLOGY AGE Sarah L. Gassman (University of South Carolina) Room: Cairo
8:30am - 12:00pm The workshop is comprised of presentations by Ph.D.
Shamsher Prakash (University of Missouri-Rolla)
graduates who have or will complete their degrees
Dimitris P. Zekkos (GeoSyntec Consultants)
between September 2005 and August 2006. 15-minute
Adda Athanasopoulos (University of California, Berkeley)
presentations will be given covering topics that crosscut
Room: Cairo
all four conference tracks. Persons interested in the
Motivation for this workshop is the recently established most recent geotechnical research and representatives
“International Journal of Geoengineering Case of academic institutions and other organizations who are
Histories” which covers the broad area of practice in looking to hire are encouraged to attend.
geotechnical engineering (soils and rocks), geotechnical
earthquake engineering, environmental geotechnics, APPLICATION OF ADVANCED
rock mechanics and engineering geology. Since the TECHNOLOGIES FOR POST-EVENT
journal was just recently established, the workshop GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING
is being held to accomplish the following goals: (1) to RECONNAISSANCE 1:30 - 4:30pm
stress the importance of case histories in research and Joseph Wartman (Drexel University), Ellen Rathje (University
practice of the profession and to demonstrate the need of Texas at Austin), Robert Kayen (United States Geological
for the dissemination of quality case history data, (2) to Survey), Scott Deaton (dataforensics, L.L.C.), Richard J.
explore how data can be reviewed and become available Fragaszy (National Science Foundation) Room: Harris
to the public in the most efficient way, (3) to present the
purpose, the characteristics and goals of the new case This workshop will provide participants with an overview
histories journal, (4) to interact and discuss ideas with and introductory training on the use of an array of advanced
members of the geoengineering profession that could technologies for geotechnical engineering reconnaissance
help in the efficient publication of case history data following extreme events (e.g. earthquakes, landslides,
and (5) to explore opportunities for collaboration with floods). A representative of the National Science Foundation
geoengineering professional associations. will be on hand to discuss means of obtaining financial
support for engineering reconnaissances. It is expected
that participants will include those who have previously
participated in reconnaissance visits, as well as individuals
COMMITTEE who are interested in joining future reconnaissance efforts.


G-I BoG Meeting (Room: Fairlie) 9 AM – 5 PM International Activities
Council Meeting (Room: Vancouver) 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Section & Branches Committee
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2006 Meeting (Room: Montreal) 10 AM – 2:30 PM
TCC Meeting (Room: Vancouver) 8 AM – 12 PM
Geophysical Engineering
Risk Assessment and Management Committee Meeting (Room: Montreal) 7 PM – 11 PM
Committee Meeting (Room: Montreal) 8 AM – 12 PM
Deep Foundations Committee
Soil Improvement Committee Meeting Meeting (Room: Manila) 7 PM – 11 PM
(Room: Manila) 8 AM – 12 PM
Soil Properties and Modeling
Pile Foundations Standard Committee Meeting (Room: Singapore) 7 PM – 11 PM
Committee Meeting (Room: Singapore) 9 AM – 5 PM
Earth Retaining Structures
G-I Technical Committee Committee Meeting (Room: Marietta) 7 PM – 11 PM
Chairs Workshop (Room: Vancouver) 12:00 PM – 5 PM
Embankments, Dams and Slopes
JGGE Editorial Board Meeting (Room: Montreal) 3 PM – 5 PM Committee Meeting (Room: Vancouver) 8 PM – 12 AM
EGSC Committee Meeting (Room: Vancouver) 7 PM – 11 PM
Computer Applications and Numerical Methods TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006
Committee Meeting (Room: Manila) 7 PM – 11 PM
Geo-Council Meeting (Room: Marietta) 12 PM – 1:30 PM
EESD Committee Meeting (Room: Singapore) 7 PM – 11 PM
Geotechnics of Soil Erosion
Committee Meeting (Room: Montreal) 8 PM – 12 AM



2006 / 1:30 - 3:30pm Barbara Luke (University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV)
Seth L. Pearlman (DGI-Menard) & Dan Brown (Auburn Room: Learning Center
University, Auburn, AL) Room: Learning Center
This session addresses the interface between near-
Sufficient technology exists to install, use, and implement surface geophysics and geotechnical engineering practice.
real time monitoring and recording of drilling and grouting Panelists will address the following questions: Is geophysics
parameters in the installation of auger cast and auger underutilized in engineering investigations? Are the engineers
displacement piling elements. As the availability of the getting what they need from their geophysical contractors?
monitoring and recording equipment has grown, demand What single engineering problem would be most valuable for
from owners, engineers and other responsible parties geophysicists to solve? Should geophysical practitioners be
has also grown for the use of these technologies. Manual certified? Is it acceptable for engineers to practice geophysics?
observation and manual recording of certain parameters What should a civil engineer learn in school about geophysics?
has been used by contractors in the past to assure clients How do we facilitate collaborations between engineers and
of consistent installations. Certain practical limitations geophysicists to solve a given problem?
make the sole reliance on computer monitoring an added Participants: Bill Brumund, Principal, Golder Associates, Jacksonville,
risk and expense to the contracting community, and there is FL; Bill Doll, Research Leader, Battelle, Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Khamis
still reluctance in the US to fully embrace the use of these Haramy, Senior technical specialist/geotechnical engineer, Federal
Highway Administration, Denver, Colorado; Brad Isbell, Founder and
technologies. Despite this, the contracting community wants
Director of Geosciences, Echotech Geophysical, Missoula, Montana; Mary
to offer the best quality that it can, while still providing Roth, Professor and Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lafayette
value to the owner. The panel members will make a brief College, Easton, Pennsylvania; Phil Sirles, Managing Geophysicist, Zonge
presentation discussing this issue, which will be followed by Geosciences, Inc., Denver, Colorado
a series of debate questions posed to the panel members.


LEARNING AND EDUCATION / TUESDAY, Tuesday, February 28, 2006 / 1:30pm – 3:00pm
FEBRUARY 28, 2006 / 1:30 - 3:30pm Wednesday, March 1, 2006 / 8:00am – 9:30am
Jason T. DeJong (University of California, Davis) & J. Room: Manila
David Frost (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA)
Room: Learning Center SLOPE STABILITY (SESSION #1 ) AND
Developments in information technology have led to new
opportunities in education and learning almost unimaginable
15 years ago. As a result, geotechnical education today is These demonstration sessions will include presentations by vendors and
occurring across a wide range of formats and pedagogy – from developers of computer software programs that are commonly used to
traditional classroom lectures to asynchronous, distance assess slope stability and to analyze/design MSE walls and slopes. For both
learning. This debate will consist of brief presentations by panel sessions, example problems were developed by the conference organizing
members who will describe their experiences and views on the committee and provided to the developers/vendors prior to the conference.
appropriate role and effectiveness of information technology The goal was to have each presenter use their specific software program
in geotechnical engineering education. Following the to solve the example problems and then present their solutions during the
presentations, a series of questions, supplemented by audience respective session. Objective of these sessions will allow the audience to
questions, will be posed to panel members for discussion.
see first-hand how specific computer programs handle input parameters,
Participants: Kevin G. Sutterer, Associate Professor, Rose-Hulman Institute selection of analysis options, graphical output options, etc. The audience
of Technology; K.K. Muraleetharan, Presidential Professor, University is encouraged to ask questions about the specific computer code, ask the
of Oklahoma; Richard Deschamps, Head of Engineering, Nicholson
presenters to select alternative parameters and re-run their programs
Construction Company; Edward Kavazanjian, Associate Professor,
Arizona State University; Pedro Arduino, Associate Professor, University of in “real time.” This format should allow the developers to highlight the
Washington; Stanley D. Lindsey, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology capabilities of their programs, while allowing the members of the audience
to learn about specific software product capabilities.
GeoCongress 2006 ATLANTA 7


J. CARLOS SANTAMARINA (GEORGIA of the Board of Directors in Civil Engineering Risk and
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GA) Reliability Association (CERRA), and a core-member
of ISSMGE TC23 on Limit State Design in Geotechnical
Engineering Practice. He has actively participated on
Geotechnology – Paradigm Shifts various editorial boards, conference advisory committees,
in the Information Age and in conference organization. He has presented in
34 cities and 18 countries and received the 2005 ASCE
J. Carlos Santamarina is the Goizueta
Norman Medal for reliability-based design.
Professor with the School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering at the Georgia
His research focuses on the fundamental AUSTIN, AUSTIN, TX)
study of soils and subsurface processes. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2006
The implementation of this research has Spaceborne and Airborne Remote
involved the development and utilization
Sensing for Geotechnical Applications
of particle-level testing methodologies, high resolution
process monitoring systems (including combined elastic Ellen M. Rathje (University of
and electromagnetic waves), and inverse problems. Texas, Austin, TX), Kyu-seok Woo
(University of Texas, Austin, TX),
These conceptual and experimental frameworks have
Melba Crawford (Purdue University,
allowed the study of problems in civil engineering systems
West Lafayette, IN)
(dynamic soil response, underground excavations), mining
(clay minerals and crushed rock), and resource recovery Ellen M. Rathje is an Associate
(petroleum and methane hydrates). Current research Professor in the Department of Civil,
emphasis is directed towards engineered particulate Architectural, and Environmental
systems. Two co-authored books summarize salient Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr.
concepts and research results. Dr. Santamarina is a Rathje’s research interests encompass the seismic
member of the Argentinean National Academy of Sciences performance of earth structures, strong ground motion
and Engineering. He holds a Ph.D. from Purdue University, and site response, field liquefaction evaluation, and the
M.S. from the University of Maryland, and BSc from the application of remote sensing to earthquake damage
Universidad de Cordoba. assessment. She also has been involved in several post-
earthquake reconnaissance investigations, including the
1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey and the 2004 Niigata-
KOK-KWANG PHOON (NATIONAL ken Chuetsu earthquake in Japan. Her awards include the
UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE) National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 1999, the
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2006 2002 Arthur Casagrande Award from ASCE, and the 2005
Young Member Award from the International Society for
Modeling and Simulation of Stochastic Data Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
KK Phoon is the Director of the Centre
for Soft Ground Engineering in the
Department of Civil Engineering, National W. ALLEN MARR (GEOCOMP, BOXBOROUGH,
University of Singapore. His current MA) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006
research interests include reliability- Geotechnical Engineering
based foundation design, simulation of and Judgment in the
random processes, iterative finite element
Information Age
solution of 3D soil-structure problems,
Dr. Allen Marr is a geotechnical
and seepage in unsaturated porous media. KK Phoon is
engineer with specialized expertise
the chair of the Geo-Institute of ASCE technical committee
in the design of large earthwork
on Risk Assessment and Management, Scientific Advisor
facilities, ground improvement and
to the International Centre for Geohazards (ICG), member


performance monitoring. In 1982, he founded Geocomp centered on three- dimensional user interfaces, virtual
Corporation, a firm that makes automated testing equipment environments, and human-computer interaction. He co-
and remote monitoring systems for civil engineering authored the recent book 3D User Interfaces: Theory and
applications. In 1990, he founded GeoTesting Express, an Practice. At Virginia Tech, he directs the 3D Interaction
independent testing laboratory that provides rapid materials Group in the Center for Human-Computer Interaction.
testing and consulting services to the civil engineering
and construction industries. GeoTesting is now the largest
independent geotechnical testing firm in the U.S., with labs CATHERINE O’SULLIVAN (IMPERIAL
in Massachusetts and Georgia. Prior to founding Geocomp, COLLEGE LONDON, LONDON, ENGLAND,
he taught at MIT for ten years and worked as a geotechnical UNITED KINGDOM)
consultant with Prof. T.W. Lambe on many international TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006
projects, including the unprecedented Oosterschelde storm-
Experimental Validation of Particle-Based
surge barrier in Holland. Dr. Marr has provided consulting
services on a wide variety of projects including earthen
Discrete Element Methods
dams, tunnels, excavations, embankments, natural slopes, Catherine O’Sullivan (Imperial
landfills, and foundations. He currently leads the team that College London, London, England,
monitors all geotechnical instruments for the construction United Kingdom), Jonathan D. Bray
of the $15 billion Central Artery/Tunnel project in Boston, (University of California, Berkeley,
and a team that provides real-time monitoring of the safety CA), Liang Cui (University College
of a deep excavation adjacent to the Kentucky Lock on the Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
Tennessee River. He also managed the team that provided
Dr. Catherine O’Sullivan
web based monitoring of geotechnical instrumentation for
graduated with a degree in Civil
the construction of the east approach to the new Woodrow
and Environmental Engineering
Wilson Bridge in Washington, D.C. Dr. Marr is a graduate of
from University College Cork, Ireland in 1997. She then
the University of California, Davis and the Massachusetts
continued her postgraduate studies at University College
Institute of Technology, where he received his Ph.D. in
Cork, completing a MEngSc degree there in 1999. During
Geotechnical Engineering.
her MEngSc studies, she was awarded the UCC University
of California scholarship and a Fulbright grant to take
DOUG A. BOWMAN (VIRGINIA courses in geotechnical engineering at the University of
POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE California at Berkeley. While studying at Berkeley, Dr.
O’Sullivan became aware of the interesting geotechnical
work ongoing in California, and took a leave of absence
from her studies to work at Woodward Clyde in Oakland
Engineering in Three Dimensions: for six months. In 1999, she was awarded a fellowship by
Immerse Virtual Environments, the O’Reilly Foundation to return to Berkeley and complete
Interactivity, and 3D User Interfaces for a Ph.D., working under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan
Engineering Applications Bray. Her research considered the development of discrete
element methods for application in geomechanics. After
Doug Bowman, Andrew Ray, Marte
graduating from Berkeley in 2002, Dr. O’Sullivan returned
Gutierrez, Matthew Mauldon, Joseph
to Ireland to work in the Civil Engineering Department
Dove, Erik Westman, Mehdi Setareh
at University College Dublin. In 2004, she moved to the
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at
University, Blacksburg, VA)
Imperial College London. While working in Dublin and
Doug A. Bowman is an Associate Professor London, she has secured funding from the Irish Council for
of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. He Science Engineering and Technology and the Engineering
received a B.S. from Emory University and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) to continue
and M.S. and Ph.D. from Georgia Tech. His research is her research in discrete element analysis.
GeoCongress 2006 ATLANTA 9


questions asked by the media, and deliver your message

as a technical expert. Tough questions are often the most
USUCGER NATIONAL WORKSHOP feared aspect of communication and these techniques are
12:00 – 5:30pm, Room: Baker equally useful for dealing with media interviews, as well as
The United States Universities Council on Geotechnical public forums. This training is open to all G-I members.
Education and Research (USUCGER) will host their fifth
There is no fee for the media training but space is limited
USUCGER National Workshop on Saturday, February 25,
and reservations are required and will be accepted in the
2006. The workshop will focus on effective methods for
order received.
USUCGER members to enhance awareness of geotechnical
issues for our elected representatives.
James E. Jensen, Director, Office of Congressional and
Government Affairs, The National Research Council of
12:30 – 4:30pm (occurs remotely)
Information technologies and the internet have made
the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of
the instantaneous access to unprecedented volumes of
Engineering and Institute of Medicine
information, databases, and analysis/design software
Brian T. Pallasch, Director, Government Relations, possible. Teams will be provided the coordinates of a U.S.
American Society of Civil Engineers site, and details of a proposed geotechnical engineering
Patricia L. Bartlett, Director, Office of Federal project. They must identify potential site conditions, gather
Relations, Georgia Institute of Technology site-specific geotechnical information, infer site materials
Stephen E. Dickenson, Associate Professor Civil, properties, establish the necessary design criteria, conduct
Construction, and Environmental Engineering, Oregon preliminary analyses and design the site investigation
State University program. (An overview and awards for the competition will
be presented at the Heroes & Awards Luncheon).
USUCGER will also host the Sixth Workshop on Doctoral Student
Geotechnical Research on Sunday, February 26, 2006, 12:00
p.m. – 5:30 p.m. to provide a forum for recent Ph.D. students to
present their research to the USUCGER membership.
5:00 – 6:30pm, Room: Centennial 1
USUCGER WINE & CHEESE RECEPTION F. Pepper Professor in Civil and
6:00 – 7:30pm Environmental Engineering
and Director of the Master of
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2006 Project Management program
WOMEN GEO-PROFESSIONALS NETWORKING at Northwestern University, has
LUNCHEON 12:00 – 12:45pm, Room: Baker degrees in Civil Engineering from
The Geo-Institute is pleased to offer this informal RAYMOND J. KRIZEK
Johns Hopkins University (BE, 1954),
networking luncheon that will provide opportunities for the University of Maryland (MS,
all G-I members to build professional relationships with 1961), and Northwestern University (Ph.D., 1963). Since
each other and to establish an interactive network of completing his doctorate, he has been on the faculty at
professional/mentoring contacts. This event, focused on Northwestern University where he served as Department
women geo-professionals is hosted by the G-I Women Geo- Chair from 1980 to 1992. His academic family consists of
Professionals Task Force and is open to all G-I members. more than 300 master’s degree graduates and 60 doctoral
graduates. Among his many honors are election to the U.S.
There is no fee for the luncheon but space is limited and reser- National Academy of Engineering and the Spanish Royal
vations are required and will be accepted in the order received. Academy of Engineering, an honorary doctorate from the
University of Cantabria in Spain, the Palmes Academiques
WOMEN GEO-PROFESSIONALS MEDIA from the French Ministry of Education, honorary
TRAINING 12:45 – 2:00pm, Room: Edgewood membership in ASCE, Civil Engineer of the Year by the
This media training will be provided by the American Illinois Section of ASCE, the G. Brooks Earnest Award from
Society of Civil Engineers Public Relations staff and will the Cleveland Section of ASCE, the Carroll Lecturer at
review techniques that let you anticipate and answer tough Johns Hopkins University, the Buchanan Lecturer at Texas


A&M University, President of the Geo-Institute, the Huber Experimental Validation of Particle-Based Discrete
Research Prize from ASCE, the Terzaghi Award from the Element Methods Catherine O’Sullivan (Imperial College
Geo-Institute of ASCE, and the Hogentogler Award from London, London, England, United Kingdom), Jonathan
ASTM. On a personal level, in years past, Dr. Krizek hiked D. Bray (University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley,
several hundred miles of the Appalachian Trail and is still California, United States), Liang Cui (University College
proud of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
Engineering in Three Dimensions: Immerse Virtual
Environments, Interactivity, and 3D User Interfaces for
6:30 – 8:00pm
Engineering Applications Doug Bowman, Andrew Ray,
Network and greet colleagues from around the world while you
Marte Gutierrez, Matthew Mauldon, Joseph Dove, Erik
enjoy hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Initiate conversations to set
Westman, Mehdi Setareh (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
the pace for in-depth discussions throughout the conference as
State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States)
you visit the exhibits to learn the latest technologies.


PLENARY SESSION 8:00 – 9:30am, 3:30 – 5:30pm, Room:
Room:Centennial 1 Regency VII
Geotechnology: Paradigm Shifts in the Information JAMES KENNETH MITCHELL,
Age Carlos Santamarina (Georgia Institute of Technology, University Distinguished Professor,
Atlanta, Georgia, United States) Emeritus, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University,
Spaceborne and Airborne Remote Sensing
Blacksburg, VA and Consulting
for Geotechnical Applications Ellen M. Rathje (University
Geotechnical Engineer
of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States), Kyu-seok JAMES K. MITCHELL
Dr. James K. Mitchell received his
Woo (University of Texas Austin), Melba Crawford (Purdue
Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree from Rensselaer
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States)
Polytechnic Institute in 1951, Master of Science in Civil
Modeling and Simulation of Stochastic Data Kok-Kwang Engineering Degree from the Massachusetts Institute of
Phoon (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Technology in 1953, and a Doctor of Science Degree in Civil
Engineering, also from M.I.T. in 1956.
PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND HIGH SPEED He joined the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley
NETWORKS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING in 1958 and held the Edward G. Cahill and John R. Cahill
3:30 – 5:30pm Room: Centennial 1 Chair in the Department of Civil Engineering at the time of
his retirement from Berkeley in 1993. Concurrently, he was
POSTER PRESENTATION WITH WINE AND Research Engineer in the Institute of Transportation Studies
CHEESE IN EXHIBIT HALL 5:30 – 7:00pm and in the Earthquake Engineering Research Center. He
developed and taught graduate courses in soil behavior, soil
G-I SECTIONS & BRANCHES DESSERT and site improvement, and foundation engineering as part
RECEPTION 6:30 – 8:00pm, Room: Harris of the Geotechnical Engineering Program within the Civil
Are you a member of ASCE Geotechnical Group? Then Engineering Department. Dr. Mitchell served as Chairman of
join us for an informal coffee and dessert reception with the Department of Civil Engineering at UC Berkeley from 1979
members of the G-I Sections and Branches Committee, the through 1984. After retirement from the University of California
G-I Board of Governors, and G-I staff. Come express your in 1993, he was appointed the first Charles E. Via, Jr. Professor
thoughts about the profession and what the G-I can do to in the Via Department of Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech in
help in your local area. Sign up at the Geo-Institute booth. 1994, University Distinguished Professor in 1996, and University
Distinguished Professor, Emeritus, in 1999. He continues with
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 research and graduate student supervision at Virginia Tech.


Geotechnical Engineering and Judgment in the Infor- 5:30 – 6:30pm, Room: Marietta
mation Age W. Allen Marr (GeoComp, Boxborough, MA, USA) What has the G-I done for you and the profession? What
is the G-I’s Strategic Plan for the next 3 to 5 years? Who
GeoCongress 2006 ATLANTA 11



are the key players in helping to further the G-I’s goals? Come be a part of G-I’s future.
Share your views and opinions about possible Specialty Certification and other issues.
Beverage service and light snacks will be provided.

GALA RECEPTION 6:30 – 7:00pm, Room: Regency VI & VII

BANQUET 7:00 – 9:30pm, Room: Regency VI & VII
Relax and enjoy an evening of networking with your colleagues. There will be a cocktail
reception followed by a sit down dinner. Patrick Gray, director of X-Force, Internet Security
Systems, will share insights on security issues and threats as our featured speaker. THOMAS A. MIDDLEBROOKS AWARD


12:00 – 2:00pm, Room: Centennial 1
One of the events introduced several years ago as part of the Geo-Institute annual
conference is the Heroes Celebration. This event has grown in stature each year as we
collectively pause to recognize and honor individuals who have had a profound effect
on our field. The Heroes Luncheon during GeoCongress 2006 will be no exception and
will build on the tradition that began with the recognition of Ralph Peck in 2000 at Geo-
Denver and has continued since that time. The organizers of GeoCongress 2006 have (NOT PICTURED)
added an element of surprise to the announcement of this year’s Heroes….though you
may not know these heroes personally, you will undoubtedly have heard of them. Attend MARTIN S. KAPP FOUNDATION
the Heroes Luncheon to find out who they are! ENGINEERING AWARD

In addition to recognizing our Heroes, a number of additional awards will be made

during the lunch. These include the Karl Terzaghi Award, the Thomas A. Middlebrooks
Award, the Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award, the Arthur Casagrande
Professional Development Award, the Wallace Hayward Baker Award, the ASCE Journal
of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering Editor’s Award, GeoCongress 2006
Best Paper Awards, and GeoCongress 2006 Student Competition Awards.
2:15 – 3:45pm, Room: Centennial Lecture DEVELOPMENT AWARD
Michele B. Jamiolkowski has been a Professor of Geotechnical
Engineeering at the Technical University of Torino since 1969.
Both an academic and a practitioner, he has also been chairman of
the Engineering Company Studio Geotecnico Italiano since 1964.

His primary professional interests include: mechanical behavior

of soils, laboratory and in-situ testing, soil dynamics, bearing
capacity and settlements of shallow foundations, and soil
improvement. Prof. Jamiolkowski has authored more than
250 scientific and technical publications and is Editor-in-Chief of the International
Journal of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering and Associate International
Editor of the Soils and Rock International Journal.

Prof. Jamiolkowski is the recipient of the 2001 Karl Terzaghi Award given by the Geo-
Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He recently received the 2005 Award
from the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS) for the best 2003 JGS Paper. He has been
an Honorable International Member of JGS since 1998. In addition to his many accolades,
he was named Honorary Professor at the Academia Sinica of Guangzhou, in China.

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Plenary Session 1

Monday February 27
Room: Centennial 1

Sunday February 26 Geotechnology:

Paradigm Shifts in the Information Age
7:00am – 7:00pm Registration
8:00am – 12:00pm Committee Meetings O J. Carlos Santamarina
8:30am – 12:00pm Workshops Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA
8:30am – 4:30pm Short Courses Spaceborne and Airborne Remote Sensing
10:00am – 10:30am Refreshment Break
12:00pm – 2:00pm Women GeoProfessionals Lunch
for Geotechnical Applications
and Media Training O Ellen Rathje & Kyu-seok Woo
12:00pm – 5:00pm G-I Committee Chairs Workshop UT Austin, Austin, TX, ���������������������������
12:30pm – 4:30pm Student Competition O Melba Crawford
1:30pm – 4:30pm Workshops Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
2:30pm – 3:00pm Refreshment Break
5:00pm – 6:30pm Terzaghi Lecture Modeling and Simulation of Stochastic Data
6:30pm – 11:30pm Committee Meetings O Kok-Kwang Phoon
6:30pm – 8:00pm Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall National University of Singapore, Singapore

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall ������������������������������
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 0111111001010100001011111010101010001010111
AND DEVICES 0000101011111100101010000101111101010101000
Sensing Methods and Devices 0101111110010101000010111110101010100010101
Measurement GIS Based Site Characteriza- Large Scale Computations Numerical Modeling and
in Geoenvironmental of Soil Properties tion and Geohazard Analysis and Simulations Analysis for Pavement
Engineering Room: Cairo Room: Hong Kong Room: Kennesaw Room: Greenbriar Systems Room: Fairlie
Moderator: Milind V Khire, Moderator: Christopher D.P. Moderators: Laurie Baise, Tufts Moderators: Kok-Kwang Moderator: Halil Ceylan, Iowa
Michigan State University Baxter, University of Rhode University; Anand Puppala, The Phoon, National University of State University
Advances in Water Content Island University of Texas at Arlington Singapore; Andrew Whittle, Computational Issues in the
Measurement with Distrib- Broadband Characterizations Storage and Analysis of Massachusetts Institute of Development of a 3D Contact
uted Fiber-optic Sensor of Material Permittivity with Georeferenced Geotechnical Technology Interface Element
Monday February 27

O Sibel Pamukcu, Sylvain Texier &

a small-sized Open-ended and Pavements Data Modeling Regional Faults for O Cor Kasbergen, M.Sc., B.Sc.;
Jean Toulouse Coaxial Probe O Robert Lee Parsons, Ph.D.,
Land Subsidence Prediction Yi Zhao, M.Sc., B.Sc.; Tom
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, P.E.; Bryan Young & Elizabeth Scarpas, Ph.D., M.Sc, B.Sc.
PA, USA O Xiaobo Dong & Yu-Hsing Wang O Massimiliano Ferronato; Delft University of Technology,
Hong Kong University of Science Kneebone Giuseppe Gambolati & Pietro
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Delft, Netherlands
Evaluation of Permeability of and Technology, Hong Kong Teatini
KS, USA University of Padova, Padova,
Containment Slurry Walls Nondestructive Flexible
Quantification of Shear- Italy
Assessment of Heave Pavement Evaluation Using
O Marco David Boscardin, Ph.D., P.E. Induced Wear on Curved
Boscardin Consulting Engineers Induced Infrastructure Parallel Computing for Seismic ILLI-PAVE Based Artificial
Inc, Amherst, MA, USA Distress Hazard Potential in Geotechnical Applications Neural Network Models
O Cameron Patterson & Mark Landis O Andrew Fuggle, SM ASCE & Expansive Soil Environments
Withers & Ravenel, Cary, NC, USA David Frost, Ph.D., P.E. O Jinchi Lu; Zhaohui Yang & O Onur Pekcan; Erol Tutumluer &
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA Using GIS Technology Ahmed Elgamal Marshall Thompson
O Jean-Claude Younan University of California, San University of Illinois, Urbana,
South Carolina Electric & Gas O Mehmet Iscimen, MS O Laureano R. Hoyos, Kalyani
GeoSyntec Consultants, Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA IL, USA
Co., Columbia, SC, USA Devabhaktuni & Anand J. Puppala
Kennesaw, GA, USA O Kincho Law
O Douglas Aghjayan, P.E. The University of Texas at
Stanford University, Stanford,
GEI Consultants, Inc., Winchester, Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA
GeoCongress 2006
ATLANTA 2006 1313

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sensing Methods and Devices Measurement GIS Based Site Characteriza- Large Scale Computations Numerical Modeling and
in Geoenvironmental of Soil Properties tion and Geohazard Analysis and Simulations Analysis for Pavement
Engineering Room: Cairo Room: Hong Kong Room: Kennesaw Room: Greenbriar Systems Room: Fairlie
Use of CPT Resistivity Rate-Dependent Behavior A GIS-based Approach to Efficient Computation for a Estimation of Resilient and
and Dissipation Tests for of Sands Subjected to Assessing Mine Waste Pile Complex Tunnel Excavation Permanent Deformation
Delineating Liquid Levels in Cyclic Loads Stability Problem Behavior of Granular Bases
a Landfill O Lynn Ann Salvati O Enrique Farfan & John Charles O Yo-Ming Hsieh
from Physical Parameters
O Shana Marie Opdyke, E.I.T.; University of Notre Dame, Notre Stormont, P.E. National Taiwan University of O Andre Molenaar & Rien Huurman
Carlos Lazarte, Ph.D., P.E.; David Dame, IN, USA University of New Mexico, Science and Technology, Taipei, Delft University of Technology,
Espinoza, Ph.D., P.E. O LeQuang AnhDan Albuquerque, NM, USA Taiwan Delft, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
GeoSyntec Consultants, Ellis & Associates, Inc., Jackson- O Andrew Whittle
ville, FL, USA San Diego Fires 2003: Rapid MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA Modeling of a Flexible Pave-
Columbia, MD, USA
O Anne Germain
Assessment of Post-Fire ment Structure Applying the
Measurement of Small Strain The Use of a Full Non-linear
Delaware Solid Waste Authority, Impacts Hypoplastic Constitutive Law
Monday February 27

Dover, DE, USA Shear Modulus Anisotropy 3D Finite Element Model

on Unconfined Clay Samples O Brian Russell Hitchens, P.G., in Ground Movement and O Hugo Rondon & Arcesio Lizcano
Development of a Wireless C.Hg.; Carol Forrest, P.E.; Ron Universidad de Los Andes, Bo-
Using Bender Elements Johnson P.E.; Marcus Quigley, Risk Assessment in a Major
Sensor Network for Monitor- gota, Cundinamarca, Colombia
O Melissa M Landon, M.S. & Don P.E.; & Nathan Jacobsen, P.E. Infrastructure Project
ing a Bioreactor Landfill GeoSyntec Consultants, San Dynamic Hydraulic Con-
J DeGroot, Sc.D., P.E. O Hoe Chian Yeow & Anton Pillai
O Asis Nasipuri; Kalpathi R. University of Massachusetts Diego, CA, USA ductivity (Permeability) of
Arup Geotechnics, London,
Subramanian; Vincent Ogunro; Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA O Douglas Isbell, P.E. & Cid Tesoro, United Kingdom Asphalt Pavements
John L. Daniels & Helene A. Hilger P.E.
An Automated Control System County of San Diego, DPW, San O Julian Wallace
University of North Carolina at Rail Link Engineering, London, O Muhammed Emin Kutay, Ph.D. &
Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA for Undrained Monotonic and Diego, CA, USA Tom Harman
United Kingdom
Cyclic Simple Shear Tests FHWA, McLean, VA, USA
Development of a Settlement Methodology for Geomorpho- O Ahmet Aydilek
The Role of a Computational
Profiling System to Assess O Daniela Porcino; Gaetano Caridi; logical Analysis in the Saguenay University of Maryland, College
Framework in High
MSW Compression Michelangelo Malara & Edoardo Fjord, Quebec, Canada Park, MD, USA
Morabito Performance Computing
Characteristics Mediterranean University of Reg- O Christiane Levesque; Jacques Numerical Analyses of Geogrid
Locat & Serge Leroueil O Lee Taylor
O Robert Bachus, Ph.D., P.E. & gio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy TeraScale, LLC, Cedar Crest, Reinforcement of Flexible
Laval University, Quebec City,
Tamara Hebeler, P.E. NM, USA Pavements
Introducing Sound Analysis Quebec, Canada
GeoSyntec Consultants, Ken-
nesaw, GA, USA Technique into Simulation of Dynamic Behavior of Unsatu- O Munir Nazzal; Murad
Earthquake Hazard Input for Abu-Farsakh & Louay
O James Fleming Crushing of Granular Materials rated Soils Using a Web-Based
Loss Estimation Study: Mohammad Louisiana State
BFI Waste Systems of N.A., Inc., Parallel Computing Tool
Millington, TN, USA O Haydar Arslan St. Louis Highway System University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
University of Colorado-Boulder, O Nadarajah Ravichandran & Kan-
Foil Strain Gage Attachment Boulder, CO, USA O Ronaldo Luna, P.E. & David Resilient Modulus of
thasamy Muraleetharan, Ph.D.,
O Gokhan Baykal, Ph.D. Hoffman Subgrade Soils A-1-b, A-3,
Techniques for Geotextile P.E., G.E. (CA)
Bogazici University, Istanbul, University of Missouri, Rolla,
and Geogrid University of Oklahoma, Norman, and A-7-6 using LTPP Data:
Turkey MO, USA
OK, USA Prediction Models with
O William Lawrence
O Kimberly Anne Warren St. Louis, MO, USA Experimental Verification
University of North Carolina at Ductile Folding of
Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA Customized Three- Sedimentary Rocks O Shraddha Joshi & Ramesh Malla
O Jeremy Brooks dimensional Geographic Infor- University of Connecticut, Storrs,
Garver Engineers, Little Rock, O Ronaldo Israel Borja; Pablo Sanz CT, USA
mation System for Liquefaction & David Pollard
Stanford University, Stanford,
O Isaac Howard O Laurie Gaskins Baise, Ph.D.; CA, USA
University of Arkansas, Jennifer Lenz & George Filiotis
Fayetteville, AR, USA Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch Break in Exhibit Hall
PROGRAM 01111110010101000010111110101010
1:30PM - 3:00 PM 00001010111111001010100001011111
DATA SYNTHESIS NUMERICAL MODELING 01011111100101010000101111101010
Data Management Soil and Rock Probabilistic Modeling Simulations for Education Soil Structure: Contact
Standards Room: Kennesaw Behavior Room: Greenbriar and Design Room: Fairlie and Training Room: Hong Kong and Interaction Room: Cairo
Moderator: Scott Deaton, Moderator: Beena Sukumaran, Moderators: D Vaughan Griffiths, Moderator: Dayakar Penumadu, Moderators: Samuel G
Dataforensics, LLC Rowan University Colorado School Of Mines; Gordon University of Tennessee, Knoxville Paikowsky, University of
Development of National Microstructure Effects of A Fenton, Dalhousie University Computer Simulation of Soil Massachusetts Lowell; Chelvarajah
Geotechnical Management Strain Localization of Simple The Influence of Spatial Liquefaction Yogachandran, CH2M HILL
System Standards for Shear in Granular Materials Correlation on the O Sherif Elfass, Ph.D., P.E.; Gary Measuring Soil Pressure on
Transportation Applications O Omar Al-Hattamleh, Ph.D. Performance of Earth Norris, Ph.D., P.E.; Ellen Jacob- Buried Structures.
Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan Structures and Foundations son, MBA
O Thomas Lefchik, P.E. University of Nevada, Reno, O Marck Talesnic DSc; Hanna
Federal Highway Administration, O B. Muhunthan Horany; Avraham Dancygier &
Washington State University, O Gregory B. Baecher M.ASCE NV, USA
Columbus, OH, USA University of Maryland, College Yuri Karinski
O Kirk Beach Pullman, WA, USA Virtual Geotechnical Israel Institute of Technology,
Park, MD, USA
Ohio Department of Transportation, The Importance of Length O John T. Christian Ph.D., P.E. Laboratory Haifa, Israel
Columbus, OH, USA Waban, MA, USA
Scale in Computational O Muniram Budhu, Ph.D., P.E. Field Measurements of
The Development, Imple- Modeling of Granular Materials Some Critical Issues in University of Arizona, Tucson, Horizontal Stress on an
mentation and Future of the Geo-RBD Calibrations for AZ, USA Instrumented Pile in Sand
O Haydar Arslan & Stein Sture
AGS Data Formats for the University of Colorado-Boulder, Foundations DEM as an Educational Tool O Kenneth Gavin & Irfan Chatta
Transfer of Geotechnical and Boulder, CO, USA in Geotechnical Engineering University College Dublin, Dublin,
O Fred H. Kulhawy
Monday February 27

Geoenvironmental Data by Evolution of Fabric Anisotropy Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Ireland
O Sebastian Lobo-Guerrero & Luis
Electronic Means O Kok-Kwang Phoon O Brendan O’Kelly; University of
in Granular Soils under E. Vallejo
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
National University of Singapore, University of Pittsburgh,
O Stephen Walthall, CGeol, FGS Triaxial Loadings Singapore
Bechtel, Warrington, Cheshire, UK Pittsburgh, PA, USA Interface Granular Force Mea-
O Young-Hoon Jung , Ph.D. Seeking Out Failure: The surement Using Tactile Sensors
O Michael John Palmer, CGeol, Integration of NEES Equipment
Northwestern University, Evan-
FGS EurGeol Random Finite Element
Halcrow Group Ltd, Swindon,
ston, IL, USA Sites for Geotechnical O Matthew James Whelan, B.S.C.E.
Wiltshire, UK O Jae-Hoon Lee & Choong-Ki Method (RFEM) in Probabilistic Engineering Education & Kerop D Janoyan, Ph.D., P.E.
Chung Geotechnical Analysis Clarkson University, Potsdam,
Data Transfer and the Seoul National University, Seoul, O Inthuorn Sasanakul; Thomas NY, USA
Practical Application of South Korea O D. Vaughn Griffiths & Heidi R. Zimmie & Tarek Abdoun
Ziemann Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Stiffness Formulation for the
Geotechnical Databases Parametric Study on Suction Colorado School of Mines, Troy, NY, USA Glendale-Hyperion Bridge
O Neil Chadwick, MEng & Adam Effects Induced by Tree Roots Golden, CO, USA O Usama El Shamy Foundations
Pickles; Arup, London, UK on Ground Conditions O Gordon A. Fenton Tulane University, New Orleans,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, LA, USA O Curt R. Basnett, G.E. & Yoga
O Eric Sekulski
Arup, New York, NY, USA O Buddhima Indraratna; Behzad Nova Scotia, Canada Chandran, Ph.D., G.E.
Fatahi Ph.D. & Hadi Khabbaz Employing Visualization CH2M HILL, Santa Ana, CA, USA
The Use of the AGS-M University of Wollongong, Wol- Practical Reliability Approach Techniques for Learning of O Johnn Koo, S.E.
Electronic Data Transfer longong, NSW, Australia in Geotechnical Engineering Constitutive Relations City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
Format for Large Scale Modelling Shear and Normal O Bak K. Low, Ph.D.; Nanyang Tech- O David Groholski & Youssef
Instrumentation Schemes Behavior of Filled Rock Joints nological University, Singapore Hashash Routine Numerical Modelling
Finite Difference Method University of Illinois at Urbana- in Solving Complex Soil-
O David Richards, BEng, Ph.D. O Desheng Deng; Richard Simon & Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA Structure Interaction Problems
University of Southampton, Michel Aubertin for Probabilistic Load-
Southampton, UK Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Displacement Analysis of Virtual Simulator for O Hoe Chian Yeow, Associate
O Roger Chandler Montreal, Quebec, Canada Advanced Geotechnical Arup Geotechnics, London, UK
Keynetix Ltd, Birmingham, UK
Drilled Shafts
A Statistical Simulation of 3D Laboratory Testing The Use of Tactile Sensor
Combining the Power of AGS O Anil Misra, Ph.D.
Blocky Structure for Optimal University of Missouri-Kansas O Dayakar Penumadu Technology to Measure
and XML: AGSML the Data Tunnel Design City, Kansas City, MO, USA University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Distribution of Soil Stresses
Format for the Future O Lance Roberts; TranSystems TN, USA
O Jacek Jakubowski Corporation, Lenexa, KS, USA O Samuel G. Paikowsky, Sc.D.
O Amit Prashant, Ph.D.
O Roger Chandler, Ph.D. & Paul University of Mining and Metal- University of Massachusetts
Indian Institute of Technology,
Quinn; Keynetix Ltd., Redditch, lurgy, Krakow, Poland Probabilistic Liquefied Shear Lowell, MA, USA
Kanpur, India
Worcestershire, UK O Jacek B. Stypulkowski Strength O Chris Palmer
O Tony Beaumont & David Evans Mueser Rutledge Consulting Geotech Solutions, Inc., Oregon
Aston University, Birmingham, Engineers, New York, NY, USA O Morgan Asbury Eddy, MSCE, City, OR, USA
West Midlands, UK EIT; Marte Gutierrez & Mora
Lumbantoruan O Lawrence Rolwes
O David Toll HNTB Corp., St. Louis, MO, USA
University of Durham, Durham, UK Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall Poster Presentation with Wine and Cheese in Exhibit Hall
GeoCongress2006 ATLANTA 1515

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tuesday February 28

Plenary Session 2 Room: Centennial 1

Geotechnical Engineering and Judgment in the Information Age

O Allen Marr; GeoComp, Boxborough, MA, USA
Experimental Validation of Particle-Based Discrete Element Methods
O Catherine O’Sullivan; University of California, Berkeley
O Jonathan D. Bray; University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
O Liang Cui
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Engineering in Three Dimensions: Immerse Virtual Environments,

Interactivity, and 3D User Interfaces for Engineering Applications
O Doug Bowman; Andrew Ray; Marte Gutierrez; Matthew Mauldon; Joseph Dove; Erik
Westman & Mehdi Setareh
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Advanced Sensing Systems Monitoring & Control of Deep Neural Networks Modeling Multi-Scale Earthquake Earth Retaining Structures:
Room: Cairo Foundation Construction for Geotechnical Systems Modeling Room: Greenbriar Intelligent Design Room: Fairlie
Room: Baker Room: Kennesaw
Moderators: Tarek Abdoun, Moderator: Chelvarajah Moderator: Kevin W. Cargill,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Moderator: Dan A. Brown, Moderator: C. H. Juang, P.E., Yogachandran, CH2M HILL Schnabel Foundation Company
Tuesday February 28

Ellen Rathje, University of Texas at Auburn University Clemson University Energy Dissipation and Use of Lateral Movements and
Austin; Kenichi Soga, University Pile Driveability and Bearing Reliability Assessment of Liquefaction Assesment in Strut Loads in Inverse Analysis
of Cambridge; Peter Bennnett, Capacity in High-Rebound Soils Geotechnical Serviceability Sands and Silty Soils of Supported Excavations
University of Cambridge State Using Neural Networks
O Mohamad Hussein, P.E. & O Thangalingam Kanagalingam & O Richard Joseph Finno, Ph.D., P.E.
Mobile Computer for Portable Changsoo Hwang O Anthony T.C. Goh, Ph.D.; Nanyang Sabanayagam Thevanayagam, & Cecilia Rechea
Field Instrumentation System GRL Engineers, Inc., Orlando, FL, USA Technological University, Singapore Ph.D., P.E. Northwestern University, Evan-
O Wayne Woerner, II O Fred H. Kulhawy University at Buffalo, SUNY, ston, IL, USA
O Xiong Yu Florida Department of Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Buffalo, NY, USA
Case Western Reserve University, Transportation, Deland, FL, USA A Practical Method for
Cleveland, OH, USA O Michael Sharp Constitutive Soil Behavior Rep- Effects of Partial Saturation Assessment of Seismic-
O Vincent Drnevich; Purdue Univer- URS Corporation, Tampa, FL, USA resentation via Artificial Neural on Liquefiable Ground Induced Deformations of
sity, West Lafayette, IN, USA Response
Multi-Method Strength Networks: A Shift from Soil Underground Structures
Wireless Crack Measurement Characterization for Soft Models to Soil Behavior Data O Mahmood Seid-Karbasi & Peter O Antonio Bobet & Julio Ramirez
for Control of Construction Cretaceous Rocks in Texas Byrne; University of British Co- Purdue University, West Lafayette,
O Youssef M. A. Hashash, Ph.D.,
Vibrations P.E.; Jamshid Ghaboussi Ph.D. & lumbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada IN, USA
O Moon S. Nam & Young Chin Kim Qingwei Fu O Gabriel Fernandez; University of
O Charles Dowding, Ph.D., P.E. Korea Institute of Construc- Analysis of Ground Motion:
University of Illinois at Urbana- Illinois at Urbana, Urbana, IL, USA
Northwestern University, Evan- tion Technology, GoYang-Si, A Comparison of Some
ston, IL, USA Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA O Hongbin Huo
GyeongGi-Do, South Korea Available Methods Earth Systems, Indio, CA, USA
O Hasan Ozer; University of Illinois, O Camilo M. A. Marulanda, P.E.
O C. Vipulanandan Ingetec S.A, Bogotá, Colombia
Urbana, IL, USA University of Houston, Houston, O Rabia Zeynep Sarica Temporary Excavation
O Mathew Kotowsky TX, USA Characterizing the Roughness North Carolina State University,
Support System – A Case
Infrastructure Technology Institute, Raleigh, NC, USA
O Yongkyu Choi Progression on Kansas Study in Virginia
Evanston, IL, USA Kyung Sung University, Busan, Response of Liquefiable
South Korea
Pavements: A Sequential O M. S. Hossain; Krishna Rao &
Detection of Slope Instability Neuronet Approach Granular Deposits to Multi- Mohammed Haque
using 3D LiDAR Modelling Analysis of Lateral Load direction Shaking University of Texas at Arlington,
Tests on Step Tapered Bored O Yacoub Najjar, Ph.D.
O Chris Duffell, B.Sc. CEng MICE Arlington, TX, USA
Kansas State University, Manhat- O Usama El Shamy, Ph.D.
Highways Agency, Manchester, UK Piles in Calcareous Sands tan, KS, USA Tulane University, New Orleans, O Jeremy Mydlinski
O Mark Rudrum, BEng, M.Sc., DIC, LA, USA Schnabel Engineering South,
O Nabil Fathy Ismael, Ph.D. O Victoria Felker
CEng, MICE, MAPM & Matthew Willis LLC, Richmond, VA, USA
Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait Kansas Department of Transpor- O Mourad Zeghal; Rensselaer
Arup, London, UK tation, Topeka, KS, USA Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
PROGRAM 01111110010101000010111110101010
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 00001010111111001010100001011111
SENSING METHODS SENSING METHODS AND DEVICES/ 01011111100101010000101111101010
Advanced Sensing Systems Monitoring & Control of Deep Neural Networks Modeling Multi-Scale Earthquake Earth Retaining Structures:
Room: Cairo Foundation Construction for Geotechnical Systems Modeling Room: Greenbriar Intelligent Design Room: Fairlie
Room: Baker Room: Kennesaw
The Use of Low-Cost MEMS Role of Numerical Modeling Seismic Tests on the Side
Accelerometers for the Characterization of Varved Assessment of Formation in Simplified Liquefaction Walls of the Navigli Channel
Near-Surface Monitoring of Clayey Silts at an LNG Strength from Geophysical Analysis of Sloping Ground O Giovanni Cascante, P.Eng.
Geotechnical Engineering Terminal Site Well Logs Using Neural O Scott M. Olson, Ph.D., P.E.; University of Waterloo,
Systems Networks Aaron L. Sacks; Benjamin B. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
O Guoming Lin Ph.D., P.E., Wu
Yang Mattson & Daniel A. Servigna O Homayoun Najjaran Ph.D.
O Keith Hoffman, EIT O Jason Ressler, B.S. National Research Council
WPC, Inc., Savannah, GA, USA GZA Geoenvironmental, Inc., University of Illinois at Urbana-
Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Vernon, CT, USA Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
Baton Rouge, LA, USA Pressuremeter Tests for O Paola Ronca
O Richard Varuso, P.E. O Christopher Baxter; Kathryn Nonlinear Effects in the Wave Polytecnic of Milan, Milan, Italy
Determination of Lateral Moran & Meghan Paulson
USACE, New Orleans, LA, USA Propagation
O Dante Fratta, Ph.D., P.E. Resistance Properties of Soil University of Rhode Island, Nar- M3 (Modeling, Monitoring, and
University of Wisconsin-Madison, O Asif Iqbal
ragansett, RI, USA O Diana Katherine Reyes, M.Sc. & Managing) - A Comprehensive
Madison, WI, USA O Ion Ispas & Hans Vaziri Arcesio Lizcano
Bangladesh Consultants Ltd., Approach to Controlling Ground
Dhaka, Bangladesh BP North America, Houston, Universidad de los Andes,
In-Place Inclinometer Using TX, USA Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia Movements for Protecting Ex-
Low-G Accelerometer Anatomy of a Data isting Structures and Facilities
Tuesday February 28

Using Geostatistics and Micromechanical Study of

Network Acquisition System for Drilled O Michael P Walker, P.E. & Francis
Artificial Neural Networks to the Dynamic Response of
O John Lemke, P.E., G.E. Displacement Piles D. Leathers, P.E.
Determine the Location of a Unsaturated Granular Soil GEI Consultants, Inc., Winchester,
Geodaq, Inc., Sacramento, CA, USA O Morgan NeSmith Contaminant Source Deposits MA, USA
An Application of Fiber Bragg Berkel & Co. Contractors, Inc.,
Atlanta, GA, USA O Zhiqiang Li, Ph.D.; Donna M O Claudia Medina & Mourad Zeghal Three-Dimensional Properties
Grating Sensor to Piles Rizzo, Ph.D.; Nancy Hayden, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
O Willie M. NeSmith, P.E. of MSE Bridge Abutments
O Woojin Lee; Korea University, Berkel & Co. Contractors, Inc., Ph.D. & Lori Stevens, Ph.D. Troy, NY, USA
Seoul, South Korea Birmingham, AL, USA University of Vermont, Burlington, O Nien-Yin (N.Y.) Chang, Ph.D., P.E.
O Wonje Lee; Hanjin Engineering VT, USA University of Colorado at Denver
Co., Ltd., Busan, South Korea and Health Science Center,
Using Neural Networks for Denver, CO, USA
O Rodrigo Salgado; Purdue Univer-
sity, West Lafayette, IN, USA the Prediction of Permeability O Trever Wang, P.E.
in Jointed Rocks Colorado Department of Trans-
Study on the Monitoring portation, Dever, CO, USA
System of Slope Failure O Siamak Hashemi, Ph.D. O Man Cheung Yip, P.E.
Inconel Co., Tehran, Iran J. F. Sato and Associates, Littleton,
Using Optical Fiber Sensors
Estimation of Wall Deflection CO, USA
O Shunji Kato; Hidetoshi Kohashi
Public Works Research Institute, in Braced Excavation in Clays Calibrating Vertical Deforma-
Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-ken, Japan Using Artificial Neural Networks tions in a Finite Element
Dynamic Strains with Brillouin O Evan Hsiao; Gordon Kung; Hsein Model of an MSE Wall
Juang, P.E. & Matt Schuster
Scattering Distributed Fiber O Aaron S. Budge, Ph.D.
Clemson Univ, Clemson, SC, USA Minnesota State University,
Optic Sensor
Mankato, MN, USA
O Sibel Pamukcu; Fatih Cetisli; O James A. Bay, Ph.D. & Loren R.
Sylvain Texier; Clay Naito & Jean Anderson, Ph.D., P.E.
Toulouse Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA
Lehigh University, Bethlehem,
The Use of Fibre Optic
Sensors to Monitor Pipeline
Response to Tunnelling
O Theodore E. B. Vorster
Africon Engineering International
(Pty) Ltd., Pretoria, South Africa
O Kenichi Soga; Robert J. Mair; Pe-
ter Bennett; Assaf Klar & Cheong
K. Choy; University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch Break in Exhibit Hall
GeoCongress2006 ATLANTA 1717

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Advanced Sensing and Geostatistics: Applications Modeling and Control Blast Effects on Below-grade
Monitoring Techniques for and Visualizations of Deep Foundation Walls and Underground 3-D Visualization
Earthwork QA/QC Room: Cairo Room: Kennesaw Construction Room: Greenbriar Structures Room: Fairlie Room: Hong Kong
Tuesday February 28

Moderator: Michael A Mooney, Moderators: Kok-Kwang Phoon, Moderator: W. Morgan NeSmith, Moderator: Elizabeth M. Dwyre, Moderator: Dan Wilson, NEES,
Colorado School of Mines National University of Singapore; Berkel & Co. Contractors, Inc. Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & UC Davis
Compaction Monitoring using Robert B Gilbert, The University of Behavior of Pile Groups in Douglas, Inc. 3D Data Viewing of
Intelligent Soil Compactors Texas at Austin Liquefying Soil Incorporation of Engineering Centrifuge Physical Models
O Roland Anderegg; Domink Anton Visualizing Uncertainty with O Samanthika Liyanapathirana Model Uncertainties In Proba- O Hassan Radwan BS & Tarek
von Felten & Kuno Kaufmann Uncertainty Mutiples B.Sc., Eng, Ph.D. bilistic Analysis of Explosive Abdoun, Ph.D.
Ammann Compaction Ltd., University of Wollongong, Wol- Effects on Tunnel Facilities Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Langenthal, Switzerland O Robert B. Gilbert, P.E.; Fulvio longong, NSW, Australia Troy, NY, USA
Tonon Ph.D. & David Maidment O Timothy Robert Wyatt, Ph.D., P.E.
O Harry Poulos, BE, Ph.D., DScEng,
Numerical Simulation of the University of Texas at Austin,
FIEAust, F.ASCE Applied Research Associates, Simulation of Dynamic
BCD for Compaction Control Austin, TX, USA Inc., Raleigh, NC, USA Compaction Processes in
University of Sydney & Coffey
O Juliana Freire & Claudio Silva
O Keunyoung Rhee & Jean-Louis University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Geosciences Pty Ltd, Lane Cove Modeling of Surface Blast Saturated Silty Soils
Briaud, Ph.D., P.E. West, NSW, Australia
UT, USA Effects on Underground O Rafeek Nashed & Sabanayagam
Texas A&M University, College Influence of Pile Shape on the Thevanayagam
Geostatistics in Structures
Station, TX, USA University at Buffalo, SUNY,
Crushable Behavior of Granular
Geotechnical Engineering: O Anirban De, Ph.D., P.E. Buffalo, NY, USA
Refined One-Step TDR Materials around Driven Piles: Manhattan College, Bronx, NY, USA
Fad or Empowering? O Geoffrey R Martin
Method for Water Content DEM Analysis O Thomas F Zimmie, Ph.D., P.E. University of Southern CA, Los
and Density O Reginald Hammah, Ph.D. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Angeles, CA, USA
Rocscience Inc., Toronto, Ontario, O Sebastian Lobo-Guerrero & Luis Troy, NY, USA
O Vincent P. Drnevich, P.E.; Carlos Canada Eduardo Vallejo Adaptive and Real-Time
Zambrano & Robert Nowack O John Curran, Ph.D., P.E. University of Pittsburgh, Computation and 3D
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Geologic Mapping, Analysis
Purdue University, W Lafayette, University of Toronto, Toronto, Visualization of Explosive
IN, USA Ontario, Canada
and Design of Underground
Generalized Solution of Effects on Tunnels
O Xiong Yu P.E. Space (AMADEUS)
Case Western Reserve University, The Meaning(s) of Statistical Piles Under Oblique Pull in O Mark Christopher Etheridge, M.S.
Cleveland, OH, USA Inference in Geotechnical Elasto-Plastic Soil & James Kainz O Marte Gutierrez, Ph.D.; Joseph
Dove; Matthew Mauldon; Doug
Practice Applied Research Associates,
Power-Based Compaction O Shubhra Goel & Nihar Ranjan Patra Raleigh, NC, USA
Bowman & Erik Westman
Monitoring Using Vibratory O John T. Christian, Ph.D., P.E. Indian Institute of Technology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,
Waban, MA, USA Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India Response of Reinforced USA
Padfoot Roller
O Gregory B. Baecher Thirty Years of Experience Concrete Walls Loaded by an 3D Visualization of Shearing
O David White, Ph.D.; Max Morris & University of Maryland, College External Buried Detonation
Mark Thompson Park, MD, USA
With the Wave Equation in Granular Materials
Iowa State University, Ames, Solution Based on the O Darell Lawver & Howard Levine O Khalid A. Alshibli, Ph.D. & Bashar
IA, USA The Effect of Spatial Weidlinger Associates, Inc., Los
Method of Characteristics Alramahi
Variability on Soil Behavior: Altos, CA, USA Louisiana State University, Baton
A Case Study on Quality O Peter Middendorp, M.Sc.
Load-Deformation Response 3D Nonlinear Blast Model Rouge, LA, USA
Management of Unbound Profound BV, Waddinxveen,
Layers with Seismic Methods O Hyun-Ki Kim & J. Carlos Sant- Netherlands Analysis for Underground Incorporation of Terrain
amarina O Gerald Verbeek, M.Sc. Structures Elevation Uncertainties in
O Soheil Nazarian, Ph.D., P.E. & Georgia Institute of Technology, VMS-Profound, Tyler, TX, USA
Manuel Celaya Atlanta, GA, USA O Sunghoon M Choi, P.E.; Joseph Vulnerability Assessment of
University of Texas at El Paso, El Dynamic Pile Analysis Us- Wang & George Munfakh Tunnel Facilities
Paso, TX, USA Soil Variability Study for ing CAPWAP and Multiple Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade &
Embankment Design of Port of Douglas, Inc., New York, NY, USA O Timothy Robert Wyatt, Ph.D., P.E.
The Influence of Sensors Applied Research Associates,
Navegantes, Brazil O Elizabeth Dwyre Inc., Raleigh, NC, USA
Heterogeneity on Vibratory O Camilo Alvarez, P.E. Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade
Roller Compactor Response O Andrea Sell Dyminski, Ph.D. & GRL Engineers, Inc., Los Angeles, & Douglas, Inc., Indianapolis,
Alessander Kormann, Ph.D. CA, USA IN, USA
O Michael A. Mooney, Ph.D., P.E.; Federal University of Parana, O Brian Zuckerman, P.E.
Robert V. Rinehart & Paul van Curitiba, Parana, Brazil Berkel & Company, Inc., San
Susante O John Howie, Ph.D. & Dawn Francisco, CA, USA
Colorado School of Mines, Shuttle, Ph.D. O John Lemke
Golden, CO, USA University of British Columbia, Geodaq, Inc., Sacramento, CA,
Vancouver, BC, Canada USA

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall Gala Banquet
PROGRAM 01111110010101000010111110101010
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
SENSING METHODS DATA SYNTHESIS 01011111100101010000101111101010
Applications of X-ray Uncertainty in Probabilistic Modeling of Complex Deep Modeling and Characterization Innovations in Retaining
Computed Tomography Seismic Hazard Analysis Foundation Systems of Deep Soil Cement Room: Fairlie Structure Construction
Room: Cairo Room: Kennesaw Room: Greenbriar Room: Baker
Moderator: Ali Porbaha,
Moderators: Linbing Wang, Moderator: Adrian Rodriguez- Moderator: Paul W. Mayne, California State University Moderator: Hubert J Deaton III,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Marek, Washington State Georgia Institute of Technology Numerical Modeling of Deep Schnabel Foundation Co
State University, Blacksburg, VA; University Estimation of the Capacity Soil Mixing Excavation Support Use of New Technologies for
Jun Otani, Kumamoto University Spatial Correlation of Shear- of Pile-raft Foundations by Tracking Excavation Progress
O Cassandra J. Rutherford; Giovanna
Nondestructive Measure- Wave Velocity Within San Three-Dimensional Non- Biscontin & Jean-Louis Briaud O Youssef M. A. Hashash, Ph.D.,
ments of Soil Geotechnical Francisco Bay Sediments linear Finite Element Analysis Texas A&M University, College P.E.; Liang Liu, Ph.D.; Yun-Yi Su
Properties Using X-Ray Station, TX, USA & Hwayeon Song
O Eric M Thompson & Laurie G Baise O Luis Gonzalo Vasquez, Ph. D.; O Demetrious Koutsoftas University of Illinois at Urbana-
Computed Tomography Tufts University, Medford, MA, Shin-Tower Wang, Ph.D., P.E. & Ove Arup and Partners, San Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
USA William Isenhower, Ph.D., P.E. Francisco, CA, USA
O Robert L. Mokwa, Ph.D., P.E.
Montana State University, Boze- O Robert E. Kayen Ensoft Inc., Austin, TX, USA Real-Time and Remote
United States Geological Survey, Reliability of Deep Mixing Instrumentation Monitoring
man, MT, USA
Menlo Park, CA, USA
Finite-Element-Modelling of
O Brent Nielsen; GeoEngineers,
Method Columns for at the Virginia State Capitol
Large Diameter Monopiles
Inc., Portland, OR, USA Amplitude and Phase Embankment Support
for Offshore Wind Energy O Nasser Massoudi, Ph.D.
Visualization of Permeability Variability from Analyses of O Michael P. Navin & George Filz URS Corporation, Gaithersburg,
Phenomena in Lightweight Spatially Recorded Data Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA MD, USA
O Kerstin Lesny & Jens Wiemann
Treated Soil Mixed with Air O Songtao Liao & Aspasia Zerva, University of Duisburg-Essen, In-Situ Solidification of River Application Study of Real-Time
Foam Using Micro-Focus Ph.D. Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sediments using Cement Deep Acoustic Monitoring System
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Germany
X-ray CT Scanner Soil Mixing (CDSM) for Pre-Stresses Anchor
O Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Ph.D. Analysis of Large Group of Piles O Ali Maher, Ph.D. & Farhad Jafari System at Taiwan
Implementation of 1D Rutgers University, Piscataway,
Port & Airport Research Institute, Under Axial and Lateral Loading O C.H. Wang; Wei F. Lee & Yu-
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan Ground Response Analysis in NJ, USA
O Shin-Tower Wang, Ph.D., P.E.; Sheng Chen
O Takeshi Nagatome Probabilistic Assessments of O W. Scott Douglas Taiwan Construction Research
Luis Gonzalo Vasquez, Ph.D. &
Wednesday March 1

Toa Construction Company, Ltd., Ground Shaking Potential New Jersey Department of Trans- Institute, Taipei, Taiwan
Lymon C. Reese, Ph.D. portation, Trenton, NJ, USA
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Ensoft, Inc., Austin, TX, USA O Jack Lai
O Jun Otani, Kumamoto University, O Jonathan P. Stewart, Ph.D., P.E.; O David Yang PAA International Engineering
Kumamoto, Japan Christine Goulet & Rebecca Viscohypoplastic Model Raito, Inc., San Leonardo, CA, USA Corp., Taichung, Taiwan
Development of a new X-ray Applied to the Case History In-Situ Soil Strength after Deep
University of California, Los Current Design Approaches
CT Permeation Test System and Angeles, CA, USA of Piled Raft Foundation Mixed Columns Installation for Two Tier Geosynthetic
Application to Porous Rocks O Paolo Bazzurro O Francisco Garcia & Arcesio O Yongfeng Deng, Ph.D; Songyu Liu, Reinforced Modular Block
AIR Worldwide Corporation, San Lizcano Ph.D & Zhen-shun Hong, M. Sci Wall – A Comparative Study
O Daisuke Fukahori, Ph.D.; Akira Sato Francisco, CA, USA Universidad de los Andes, Soueast University, Nanjing,
& Katsuhiko Sugawara, Kumamoto
Treatment of Propagation of Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia Jiangsu, China O Chungsik Yoo & Hye-Young
University, Kumamoto, Japan
Uncertainty in Liquefaction O Oliver Reul Jung, Ph.D.
Application of X-ray CT on CDMAG, Alsbach, Germany Two and Three-Dimensional Sungkyunkwan University, Su-
Analysis Modeling of DM Columns won, Kyong-Gi Do, South Korea
Boundary Value Problems in Three-dimensional Nonlinear
Geotechnical Engineering – O Eric J. Parker; Chiara Maria under Embankments The Innovative CSM – Cutter
Traverso & Marco Pedemonte
Finite-difference Analysis
Research on Tunnel Face Failure for Seismic Soil-Micropile- O Jie Huang & Jie Han Soil Mixing for Constructing Re-
D’Appolonia S.p.A., Genova, Italy
University of Kansas, Lawrence, taining Walls and Cut-Off Walls
O Daiki Takano, Ph.D. & Jun Otani Structure Interaction; Effects KS, USA
Kumamoto University, Kurokami,
Spatial Variability of Soil
of Nonlinearity of Soil and O Ali Porbaha O Wolfgang G. Brunner; Renato Fiorotto;
Kumamoto, Japan Properties in Forward and
Micropile-Soil California State University, Erwin Stötzer & Manfred Schöpf
O Hideki Nagatani Inverse Site Response Sacramento, CA, USA BAUER Maschinen GmbH,
Kajima Technical Research Analyses O Hassan Alsaleh & Isam Shahrour Schrobenhausen, Germany
Institute, Tokyo, Japan Université des Sciences et Analysis of Geotextile
O Toshifumi Mukunoki O Dominic Assimaki, Sc.D., Technologies de Lille, Reinforced Embankment Integrating Tools to Predict,
Queen’s University, Canada Georgia Institute of Technology, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France Monitor and Control Defor-
Atlanta, GA, USA Over Deep Mixed Soil
Columns: Using Numerical mation Due to Excavations
and Analytical Tools O Richard Joseph Finno, Ph.D., P.E.
Northwestern Univ, Evanston,
O Raja Sekhar Madhyannapu; IL, USA
Anand Puppala; Sahadat Hossain
O Youssef M. A. Hassash, Ph.D., P.E.
University of Texas at Arlington, University of Illinois at Urbana
Arlington, TX, USA Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA
O Jie Han
University of Kansas, Lawrence,
O Ali Porbaha
California State University,
Sacramento, CA, USA
GeoCongress2006 ATLANTA 1919

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Applications of X-ray
Computed Tomography
Room: Cairo
Analysis of Open Crack in
Wednesday March 1

Rock by X-ray CT
O Akira Sato, Ph.D.; Daisuke
Fukahori & Katsuhiko Sugawara
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto,
O Atsuji Takebe & Atsushi Sawada
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development
Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan
Application of X-ray CT on
Boundary Value Problems
in Geotechnical Engineering
- Research on Ground Failure
due to Lateral Pile Loadings
O Khoa Dang Pham, Ph.D.; Jun
Otani & Yoichi Watanabe
Kumamoto University, Kurokami,
Kumamoto, Japan
O Toshifumi Mukunoki
Queen’s University, Canada

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesday March 1


Data Management Engineered Earth Modeling of Soil Imaging Based Analysis and Uncer- Sensing and Data
Systems and Applica- Structures Room: Greenbriar Improvement Qualification tainty in Geophysical Management Tools for
tions Room: Kennesaw Moderator: Richard Finno, Room: Fairlie Room: Hong Kong Testing Room: Cairo Pavement Systems
Room: Baker
Moderator: Robert Northwestern University Moderators: George Moderator: Susan E. Burns, Moderators: Glenn J.
Bachus, GeoSyntec Michael Filz, Virginia Tech; Georgia Institute of Technology Rix, Georgia Institute of Moderator: Erol Tutumluer,
Numerical Models for
Consultants, Inc. Vernon R. Schaefer, Iowa Semiautomatic Rock Technology; Dennis R. University of Illinois at
Seismic Response of
Geotechnical Data State University Mass Discontinuity Detec- Hiltunen, University of Urbana-Champaign
“El Buey” Dam
Management Iniatives Artificial Ground Freez- tion using Digital Images Florida; Xiong (Bill) Yu, Use of Data and
O José Puentes: Lucia
at Caltrans Rodríguez & Edgar ing at Sophiaspoor- Case Western Reserve Device Integration for
O Alfred Antony & Joseph
Rodríguez tunnel (Netherlands). Dove, Ph.D. University Evaluation of Pavement
O Loren Turner; Craig Han-
nenian & Steve Mahnke Ingenieria y Georiesgos, Freezing Parameters: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Comparison of Rayleigh Systems
California Department of Bogota, Cundinamarca, VA, USA
Columbia Data Acquisition and Wave Dispersion Relations O Soheil Nazarian, Ph.D.,
Transportation, Sacra- Image-based Sensing
Processing. from Three Surface Wave P.E. & Imad Abdallah
mento, CA, USA MSCE
of 3-D Displacements Measurements in a
O Carlo Crippa & Vittorio University of Texas at El
Manassero for Enhanced Soil Complex-layered System Paso, El Paso, TX, USA
Trevi S.p.A., Casalmaiocco Model Calibration
(LO), Italy O Xiaohui Jin; Barbara Luke
O Zenon Medina-Cetina, Ph.D., P.E. & John Louie
Johns Hopkins University, University of Nevada Reno,
Baltimore, MD, USA Reno, NV, USA
O Amy L. Rechenmacher,
University of Southern CA,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
PROGRAM 01111110010101000010111110101010
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Data Management Engineered Earth Modeling of Soil Imaging Based Analysis and Uncer- Sensing and Data
Systems and Applica- Structures Room: Greenbriar Improvement Qualification tainty in Geophysical Management Tools for
tions Room: Kennesaw Earth Dam Liquefaction Room: Fairlie Room: Hong Kong Testing Room: Cairo Pavement Systems
Room: Baker
Mn/DOT’s ‘On-Line’ and Deformation Ground Improvement at Evolution of Sand- The Effects of the
Geo-Spatial Borehole/ Analysis Using the Henry Ford Avenue Structure Interface Temperature and the WiscLEACH: A Model for
Sounding Database Numerical Modeling Grade Separation Response During Mono- Humidity on the Proper- Predicting Ground Water
Development O Allen M. Yourman Jr, P.E., tonic Shear Using Par- ties of the Elastic Wave Impacts from Fly-Ash Sta-
O Risheng Piao, P.E.
O Derrick D Dasenbrock, Shannon & Wilson, G.E.; Christopher M. Diaz, ticle Image Velocimetry Propagation in Granite bilized Layers in Roadways
P.E. Portland, OR, USA P.E. & Gary K Gilbert, P.E.
O Zachary Westgate, Ph.D. O Yoshitaka Nara & O Lin Li
Minnesota Department O Arlan H Rippe, P.E. Diaz Yourman & Associ- Jackson State University,
ARUP, Houston, TX, USA Katsuhiko Kaneko
of Transportation, Maple- Kleinfelder, Portland, OR, ates, Santa Ana, CA, USA Jackson, MS, USA
O Jason DeJong, Ph.D. Hokkaido University, Sap-
wood, MN, USA USA O Craig H. Benson; Tuncer
Numerical Investigation of University of California, poro, Hokkaido, Japan
O Barry Myers, P.E. Davis, CA, USA B. Edil & Bulent Hatipoglu
Development of Web- Engineered Monitoring the Efficiency of Vertical Underwater Surface University of Wisconsin-
based Analysis and Solutions, Sherwood, Drainage Systems Synthesis of Sand Wave Measurements Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Design System for Geo- OR, USA Particles from 3-D
O Xueyan Liu Ph.D., M.Sc, Using an Impact Source Performance Monitoring
technical Engineering O Kim Lane B.Sc & Tom Scarpas Shape Descriptors
Puget Sound Energy,
Ph.D., M.Sc, B.Sc O Brent L. Rosenblad, Ph.D. of Drainable Bases un-
O Tian-yu Wang, M.E.; Bellevue, WA, USA Using Tomographic & Matt Hollrah
Delft University of Technol- der Asphalt Pavement
Shih-Hsun Hung, M.S.; Reconstruction University of Missouri-
Chih-Hao Tan, Ph.D.; Stability Analysis of ogy, Delft, Zuid Holland,
Columbia, Columbia, O Robert Y. Liang, Ph.D., P.E.
Netherlands Techniques
Shu-Yeong Chi, Ph. D. & Sacramento River MO, USA & Samer Rahab’ah
O C. Zwanenburg & F.B.J. O Daniel Barrot; Patrick University of Akron, Akron,
Jin-Ching Chern, Ph. D. Setback Levee
Sinotech Engineering
Barends Giordano, Jr.; Shreekanth Cross-hole and Seismic OH, USA
O Rebecca Money & Ali GeoDelft, Delft, Netherlands Mandayam & Beena CPT Tests in a Tropical
Consultant, INC., Taipei, O Khaled Al-Akhras
Porbaha, Ph.D., P.E. Sukumaran Ohio Concrete Construc-
Taiwan Consolidation Character- Soil Site
California State University - Rowan University, Glass- tion Association, Colum-
Automated Soil Boring Sacramento, Sacramento, istics of SCP-Reinforced boro, NJ, USA O Heraldo Giacheti & Anna bus, OH, USA
Data Collection and CA, USA Composite Ground Peixoto
Wednesday March 1

Soil Image Processing – Unesp, Bauru, SP, Brazil Mechanical Response

Real-Time Analysis Analysis and Behaviour O Yun-Tae Kim Single Grains to Particle O Giuliano De Mio of Asphalt-pavements
of Embankments on Soft Pukyong National Univer-
O Mitra Fattahipour & sity, Busan, South Korea Assemblies Golder Associates Brasil Under Static and
Richard M Pawlowicz Soils of Marine Origen and EESC-USP, São Car-
Bechtel National, Inc., San O Hyun-Il Park O Roman D. Hryciw Ph.D.; los, SP, Brasil Moving Wheel-load
O A. Alarcón-Guzman; E. E. Samsung Corporation, Seungcheol Shin &
Diego, CA, USA O Carlo Rabaiotti; Markus
Rodriguez-Granados & I. Seoul, South Korea Yongsulo Jung Methodologies
An IT Architecture for Pinzón-Bedoya University of Michigan, to Assess SASW
Back Analysis of Swiss Federal Institute
Web-Based Geotechni- National University of Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Parameters for Shear Wave Velocity of Technology, Zurich,
Columbia, Bogota,
cal Monitoring Liquid Head on Landfill Uncertainty Switzerland
Cundinamarca, Columbia Construction Garbage
O Zachary S. Morris & as Road Fill Liners Due to Leachate O Dennis R. Hiltunen, Ph.D. Development of Sea-
Stephen P. Farrington, P.E. Seismic Performance
Recirculation University of Florida, sonal Variation Models
Applied Research Associ- Modeling of Geosynthet- O Jingchun Wang & Gainesville, FL, USA
ates, Inc., South Royalton, ic Reinforced Slopes Weihong Hou O Milind Vishnu Khire, Ph.D., of Pavement Properties
Shijiazhuang Railway P.E.; Mazen Haydar & O Karen T. Marosi
VT, USA Bucknell University, Using Seismic Nonde-
O Wei Lee Institute, Shijiazhuang, Moumita Mukherjee
The Comparative Value of Taiwan Construction Research Lewisburg, PA, USA structive Testing (NDT)
Hebei Province, China Michigan State University,
Institute, Taipei, Taiwan O Jason M. Gardner Techniques
Geotechnical Databases O Riqing Xu E. Lansing, MI, USA
Gannett Fleming, Inc.,
vs. Reportbases O Jing-Wen Chen Zhejiang University, Hang- O Nenad Gucunski; Ali
National Cheng-Kung zhou, Zhejiang Province,
Use of Digital Imaging Harrisburg, PA, USA
Maher; Rambod Hadidi &
O Salvatore Caronna University, Tainan, Taiwan China Technique for Studying Parisa Shokouhi
gINT Software, Windsor, O San-Shyan Lin Strain Localizations Rutgers University, Piscat-
CA, USA National Taiwan Ocean away, NJ, USA
University, Keelung, Taiwan O Ajanta Sachan, Ph.D.;
Dayakar Penumadu Ph.D. O Sameh Zaghloul
O Yi-Ming Huang Stantec Consulting,
University of Washington, University of Tennessee,
Amherst, NY, USA
Seattle, WA, USA Knoxville, TN, USA
O Han Lin, Ph.D.
ANSYS Corporation,
Guangzhou, P.R. China,
GeoCongress2006 ATLANTA 2121

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Data Management Engineered Earth Modeling of Soil Analysis and Uncer- Sensing and Data
Systems and Applica- Structures Room: Greenbriar Improvement tainty in Geophysical Management Tools for
Wednesday March 1

tions Room: Kennesaw Load Reduction by Room: Fairlie Testing Room: Cairo Pavement Systems
Room: Baker
Foundation Geofoam for Culvert FE Analysis Evaluation Joint Inversion for Appar-
Investigation at Hickory Extension: Numerical on Lateral Pressure ent Phase Velocities of Interactive GIS Map-
Log Creek Dam, Analysis and Deformation of Rayleigh and Love Waves based Decision Support
Canton, GA, USA Lightweight Backfill O Sung-Ho Joh, Ph.D. &
Program on Multiyear
O Liecheng Sun, P.E.; Tommy
O Gary D. Rogers, P.G. Hopkins, P.E., MSCE & O Sarandulam Dashdorj; Tae-Ho Kang Ph.D. Pavement Needs
Schnabel Engineering, Tony Beckham, P.G., BS Seiichi Miura Chung-Ang University, Analysis
Greensboro, NC, USA University of Kentucky Hokkaido University, Sap- AnSeong, GyeongGi-Do,
Lexington, KY, USA South Korea O Bo Gao, Ph.D.
O Chuck Kahler, P.E. poro, Hokkaido, Japan Golder Associates Inc.,
Schnabel Engineering, O Kenneth H. Stokoe II,
Modeling of Landfill Numerical Analysis of Jet Ph.D, P.E. Atlanta, GA, USA
Alpharetta, GA, USA
Stability with Vertical Grout Elements for Braced University of Texas at O Yiching Wu, Ms; Yichang
O Scott Deaton, Ph.D. (James) Tsai, Ph.D. &
dataforensics, Atlanta, Barrier Walls: A Excavation in Soft Clay Austin, Austin, TX, USA
James S. Lai, Ph.D.
GA, USA Practical Example Using O Il-Wha Lee, Ph.D.
O Chu Eu Ho, P.E. & Shuang Hu Korea Railroad Research Georgia Institute of Tech-
Management and Syn- Limit Equilibrium and ARUP, New York, NY, USA Institute, Uiwang-City, nology, Atlanta, GA, USA
thesis of Road Tunnel Numerical Methods GyeongGi-Do, South Effect of the Crack
Information in Greece Korea
O Michael J. Burlingame, P.E. Prevention of Asphalt
New Jersey Department of O Brent Rosenblad
O Paraskevi Yiouta-Mitra University of Missouri- Pavement Using
M.Sc. & Alexandros I Environmental Protection,
Trenton, NJ, USA
Columbia, Columbia, Geosynthetics
Sofianos, Ph.D. MO, USA
National Technical Uni- O Ahmed M. Fouda, Ph.D., P.E. O Sam-Deok Cho & Dae-
Pulte Homes Corporation, O James Bay Young Lee
versity of Athens, Athens, Utah State University,
Greece Bernardsville, NJ, USA Korea Institute of
Logan, UT, USA
O Dimitrios I. Georgiou O Roger D. Hart, Ph.D., P.E. Construction Technology,
Hellenic Ministry for Environ- Itasca Consulting Group, Forward and Inverse Goyang-Si, South Korea
ment, Athens, Greece Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA Modeling of Uncertainty O Nam-Ho Kim
Korea University of
Selected Factors in Surface Wave Technology and Education,
Affecting Water- Propagation ChonAn, Chung Nam,
Balance Predictions O Carlo Giovanni Lai,
South Korea
for Alternative Covers EUCENTRE, Pavia, Italy Design of Impact Test
Using Unsaturated Flow O Sebastiano Foti, System for Pavement
Politecnico di Torino,
Models Subgrade Evaluation
Torino, Italy
O Charles Duane Shackel- O Glenn J. Rix, O Xiong Yu, Ph.D., P.E.
ford, P.E. Georgia Institute of Tech- Case Western Reserve
Colorado State University, nology, Atlanta, GA, USA University, Cleveland, Ohio
Fort Collins, CO, USA
O Craig Benson
University of Wisconsin-
Madison, Madison, WI,


12:00 PM - 2:00 PM PLATINUM SPONSOR 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Heroes & Awards Luncheon in Centennial 1 Peck Lecture in Centennial 1


Monday, February 27, 2006 / 5:30 - 7:00pm, Exhibit Hall - Grand Hall West

SENSING METHODS Spatial Distribution of Electric Cone Geophysical Surveying & Data GIS Visualization of Complex
AND DEVICES Tip Resistance Measurements with Simulation Application to Geoscientific Data from the Björkö
How to Take a Truly Representative Depth for a Burleson Clay Site Geotechnical Investigations - A Cost Structure
O James B. Nevels Jr, Ph.D., P.E. Effective Approach for Developing O Tzu-chun Chuang
Environmental Sample Taiwan Construction Research Institute,
Oklahoma Department of Transportation,
O John P. Jent, BS, MS Economical Foundation Engineering Taipei, Taiwan
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
US Army Corps of Engrs, Louisville, KY, Design Criteria O Herbert Henkel
USA Hybrid Penetration for Geotechnical
O Amin A. Tomeh, P.E.; Sam Alyateem, P.E., Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
O Richard Callahan & Roy Levenger Site Investigation MS & Hameed Malik, Ph.D., P.E. Sweden
MKM Engineers, Inc., Ravenna, OH, USA O Stephen P. Farrington, P.E. & James D Matrix Engineering Group, Inc., Norcross, The Development and Application of
O Eric Ellis Shinn II, P.E. GA, USA
Uniontown, OH, USA Applied Research Associates, Inc., South
The Slope Management System
O Billy Malone O W. F. Lee & C. Y. Wei
High Frequency Data Acquisition Royalton, VT, USA Dekalb County, Georgia, Decatur, GA, Taiwan Construction Research Institute,
System for Field Measurement of Subsurface Investigation Using USA Taipei, Taiwan
Hydraulic Conductivity in a Sand an Unique Hydraulically Operated Underwater Application of Spectral O H. J. Liao & R. H. Chen
Jackhammer and a Flow Through Analysis of Surface Waves National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
O Phil Dunaj, BSCE; Don J DeGroot Sc.D., Sampler O Lorenzo Paoletti & Margherita Maraschini
D’Appolonia S.p.A., Genova, Italy O Y. M. Huang
P.E. & David W Ostendorf Sc.D., P.E. O Arvind Phukan, Ph.D., P.E. University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Phukan Inc., Anchorage, AK, USA O Edouard Mouton
Amherst, MA, USA SismOcean S.A.S., Sete, France
Evaluation of Static Liquefaction Parameter Estimation Using a
Estimation of Bare Soil Evaporation Implementation of Artificial Neural
Susceptibility of Sands With Triaxial Counterpropagation Artificial Neural
Using Fuzzy Modeling Networks to Automate SASW
Test Network with Multiple Types of Data
O Dylan Charles Harp, P.E.; John Stormont; O Selim Altun, Ph.D., Burak Ahmet Goktepe Inversion
Mahmoud Reda Taha; Enrique Farfan & O Lance Besaw, M.S. & Donna M. Rizzo
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey O Hamid Shirazi University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
Julie Coonrod Applied Research Associates, Ellicott City,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, A Multi Piezo Friction Attachment Interpolation Methods and Neural
NM, USA for Penetration Testing O Soheil Nazarian, Ph.D., P.E. & Imad Networks Applied to Geotechnical
Hydraulic Conductivity: Comparison O Gregory Hebeler, Ph.D Abdallah Mapping of a Brazilian Port Site
Golder Associates, Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, O Andrea Sell Dyminski, Ph.D.; Alessander
Between Field Testing and Indirect
O David Frost Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng. TX, USA Morales Kormann, Ph.D. & Eduardo
Techniques Georgia Tech Savannah, Savannah, GA, USA Parente Ribeiro
O Amina A. El-Daly, B.Sc., M.Sc. Advanced Processing of Time Federal University of Parana, Curitiba,
Golden Consultations, Giza, Cairo, Egypt PR, Brazil
O Nasr O. Farag, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Domain Reflectometry for Improved DATA SYNTHESIS
O Dawn Shuttle & John Howie
Housing and Building Research Center, Slope Stability Monitoring AND MANAGEMENT University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Giza, Cairo, Egypt O Stephen Farrington, P.E. BC, Canada
Benefits of On-Line Geotechnical
Static Cone Penetration Resistance Applied Research Associates, Inc., South Bootstrap Estimation of Sample
Royalton, VT, USA Database
of Cemented Sands: A Laboratory O Zorica Markovic Autocorrelation Functions
O Shad M. Sargand, Ph.D., P.E.
Investigation Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA MEG Consulting Ltd, Vancouver, British O Kok-Kwang Phoon, Ph.D.
O Waddah Akili, P.E.; Geotechnical Columbia, Canada National University of Singapore,
Ground Motion Detection in Rural Singapore
Engineering, Ames, IA, USA O Dejan Lekic
Improved Soil Property Areas Using Satellite Interferometry Agency for Enviromental Protection of Some Observations on Assessment
O Chris Duffell, B.Sc., CEng, MICE Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, of Gaussianity for Correlated
Classification Through Automated Highways Agency, Manchester, UK Yugoslavia Profiles
Triaxial Stress Path Testing O Matthew Willis & Mark Rudrum, BEng,
Landslide Hazard Rating System in O Marco Uzielli, Ph.D.
O Derrick D. Dasenbrock, P.E. M.Sc., DIC, CEng, MICE, MAPM
Minnesota Dept. of Transportation, Ohio DOT Firenze, Italy
Arup, London, UK
Maplewood, MN, USA O Robert Y. Liang, Ph.D., P.E. & Gridsana O Kok-Kwang Phoon
O Mark Haynes National University of Singapore,
O Rachid Hankour, Ph.D Nigel Press Associates, Edenbridge, Pensomboon
University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA Singapore
Geocomp Corporation, Boxborough, Kent, UK
MA, USA O Gene Geiger & Kirk Beach A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for
Opportunities and Impediments to
Processing, Soil Profiling and Pile Ohio Department of Transportation, Downhole Seismogram Inversion:
the Use of Three-dimensional Laser Columbus, OH, USA
Capacity Analysis From CPTu Data Theory and Applications
Scanning for Adjacent Excavations Geographic Information System O Dominic Assimaki, Sc.D.
By “UNICONE” O Debra F. Laefer, Ph.D.; Hamish Carr & Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
O Abolfazl Eslami (GIS) Use in Geotechnical
Sean Morrish GA, USA
University of Gilan, Rasht, Gilan, Iran University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Engineering O Jamison Steidl, Ph.D.
O Bengt H. Fellenius O Erol Kalkan O Roch S. V. Player, P.E. University of California, Santa Barbara,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada University of California, Davis, CA, USA CH2M HILL, Everett, WA, USA CA, USA
GeoCongress2006 ATLANTA 2323

System Reliability of Cantilever O Peter Dunlop O Kimberly Anne Warren Quantification of the Erosive
Retaining Walls with Correlated Gahagan and Bryant Associates, Inc., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Capacity of Water
Wilmington, DE, USA Charlotte, NC, USA
Failure Modes O George William Annandale, P.E.
O Farhad Jafari An Energy-based Constitutive Engineering and Hydrosystems Inc.,
O Ioannis E. Zevgolis & Philippe L.
Soilteknik, Basking Ridge, NJ, USA Framework for Modeling of Asphalt
Bourdeau, P.E. Littleton, Colorado, USA
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Optimized Dredging Plans for an Concrete: Theoretical, Experimental Meander Migration: Some
Advanced Monitoring Systems: A Open Water Disposal Site Using NLP and Numerical Aspects Experimental Results
Tale of Trains and an Egyptian Wall O Haleh Valian; Trefor Williams & Mohsen O Tom Scarpas, Ph.D.; Cor Kasbergen, O P. –H. Yeh; N. Park; W. Wang; K. –A.
Jafari M.Sc.
O Allen Cadden, P.E.; Jesus Gomez, Ph.D., Chang;
P.E. & Carlos Englert Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA Delft University of Technology, Delft, Zuid- H. –C. Chen; & Jean-Louis Briaud, Ph.D.,
Schnabel Engineering, Inc., West Chester, Permanent and Resilient Holland, Netherlands P.E.
PA, USA Deformations of a Dry Sand Under Spatial Clustering for Determining Texas A&M University, College Station,
The Role of Cω in Geo Informatics Repeated Compressive Stress Economical Highway Pavement Let TX, USA
Systems O Waddah Akili, Ph.D., P.E. Projects A Probabilistic Analysis System for
O N. O. Nawari, Ph.D, PE Geotechnical Engineering, Ames, IA, USA O Yichang (James) Tsai, Ph.D. Determing Internal/Interface Shear
Kent State University, Kent, Application of the Empirical Mode Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
OH, USA GA, USA Strength
Decomposition to Pavement Profile O Bo Gao, Ph.D.; Rafael Ospina, P.E.; Henry
The Collection and Management of O Chien-Tai Yang Ph.D.
Analysis Earth Mechanics, Inc, Fountain Valley, Mock & Claudia Moeller, P.E.
Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental
O Nii O. Attoh-Okine; Albert Y Ayenu-Prah, CA, USA Golder Associates, Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA
Data Jr. & Stephen A. Mensah O Zhaohua Wang, Ph.D. Numerical Modeling and Analysis of
O Stephen Walthall, Cgeol University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA
Bechtel Corporation, Warrington, a Large Mat Foundation Supported
Validation of Numerical Evaluation
Cheshire, UK Above a Varved Silt and Clay
O Matthew K. Waterman, B.Sc. of Dynamic Response of Lumped
NUMERICAL MODELING Formation of New York City
Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, CA,
AND ANALYSIS Parameter Systems Using Runge- O Hiren J Shah, P.E.; Siang-Huat Goh &
USA Kutta-Nyström (R-K-N) Method Hugh S Lacy, P.E.
Improving Geotechnical Laboratory Symmetric Indefinite O Essam F. Tawfik, P.E. Mueser Rutledge Cons. Engrs., New York,
Performance with Technology Preconditioners for FE Solution of Schnabel Engineering, Leesburg, VA, USA NY, USA
O Gary T. Torosian & W. Allen Marr, P.E. Biot’s Consolidation Problem Modeling of Strain Rate Effects on O Donald Kellogg
GeoTesting Express, Boxborough, MA, Clay in Simple Shear Hazen & Sawyer, New York, NY, USA
O Chen Xi, Ph.D.; Kok-Kwang Phoon &
USA Kim-Chuan Toh O Byoung Chan Jung & Giovanna Biscontin Parametric Study on the Resilient
Web Based Environmental Data National University of Singapore, Texas A&M, College Station, TX, USA
Response of Ballasted Railway
Analysis Singapore Some Stability Characteristics of
Track Substructure Using Numerical
O Richard M. Pawlowicz & Mitra Fattahipour, Three-dimensional Modeling of Three-Invariant Plasticity Models
Ph.D. Modeling
Excavation Sequences O K. Medji Sama, Ph.D.
Bechtel National, Inc., San Diego, CA, Exponent Failure Analysis Assocs, Los O Mohamed Amin Shahin & Buddhima
O Richard Finno
O Alex Richardson; Trevor Rowe & Roelof Angeles, CA, USA Indraratna; University of Wollongong,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,
Versteeg Wollongong City, NSW, Australia
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls,
USA Anisotropic Properties of MSE Geo-
O Tanner Blackburn composite Numerical Modeling of Seismic
Texas A&M University, College Station, O Nien-Yin Chang Ph.D., P.E. & Mohammad Soil-Structure Interaction for the
Design of Instrumentation for the TX, USA Abu-Hassan Cut-and-Cover Structure BART
Siah Bishe Concrete Face Rockfill Large Scale Numerical University of Colorado at Denver and
Warm Spring Extension
Dams Simulation via Parallelization Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA
O Jean Habimana, Ph.D., P.E.
O Hamid Fallah Characterizing Shear Moduli
Kayson Company, Tehran, Iran and Reconfigurable Computing Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc, San Francisco,
Hardware Reduction in Soils Cyclic Behavior CA, USA
O Haji Hassani
O Muhsin Elie Rahhal, Ph.D. O Ariyaputhirar Balakrishnan, Ph.D., P.E. &
Iran Water & Power Resources O Erfan Nezami; Dawei Zhao; Youssef
Université Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon Shahriar Vahdani, Ph.D., P.E.
Development Company, Tehran, Iran Hashash; Gregory Bauer; David Raila &
O Guy Lefebvre Fugro West, Inc., Oakland, CA, USA
O R. Peter Brenner Jamshid Ghaboussi
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Electrowatt-Ekono, Ltd., ZURICH, Kanton University of Illinois at Urbana- Foundation Load-Displacement
Quebec, Canada
Zurich, Switzerland Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
Time Rate of Heave Prediction for Response from Small-Strain
Constructing and Maintaining the Port Finite Element Modeling Approach
Expansive Soils Stiffness
of NY and NJ, USA: Operational and for Flexible Pavements with O Amr Elhakim
O Daniel D Overton, P.E. & Kuo-Chieh Chao
Management Challenges in Moving Geosynthetics P.E.; MFG, Inc., Fort Collins, CO, USA Tensar Corporation, Atlanta, GA, USA
from Disposal to Beneficial Use O Isaac Howard O John D. Nelson O Paul W. Mayne, Ph.D., P.E.
O W. Scott Douglas University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,


Monday, February 27, 2006 / 5:30 - 7:00pm, Exhibit Hall - Grand Hall West

Does the Output Mean Anything? O Rami Jabakhanji, P.E. & Mounir Mabsout, Numerical Simulation of Soil Use of Digital Photography to
Developing and Checking Soil Ph.D. Densification Using Vibro-Stone Analyze Foil Strain Gages on
American University of Beirut, Riad El-
Structure Interaction Models Columns Geosynthetics
Solh, Beirut, Lebanon
O Kevin Joseph DiRocco P.E. & Mike Peter O Thevachandran Shenthan & O Kimberly Anne Warren
Walker P.E. Bearing Capacity of Shallow and Sabanayagam Thevanayagam University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
GEI Consultants Inc, Winchester, MA, USA Deep Foundations from Cone Point University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, Charlotte, NC, USA
An Internet Application for Resistance–A Scale Effect Approach USA O Isaac Howard
Frequency Domain Level Ground O Abolfazl Eslami, University of Gilan, Rasht, O Geoffrey R Martin University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR,
Gilan, Iran University of Southern CA, Los Angeles, USA
Amplification Studies CA, USA O Jeremy Brooks
O Alfredo Urzua & David Rose Monte Carlo Simulation and
On Modeling Isolated Footings on Garver Engineers, Little Rock, AR, USA
Prototype Engineering, Inc., Winchester, Serviceability Resistance Factors
MA, USA Reinforced Sand
for Micropile Pullout
O John T. Christian O F. M. Abdrabbo; H. M. Abouseeda; K. E.
O Anil Misra, Ph.D. & Chih-Hung Chen Gaaver & A. Z. Elwakil
Waban, MA, USA
University of Missouri - Kansas City, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Representing Internal Bracing Kansas City, MO, USA
Systems in 3-D Models of Deep Composite Modulus of Composite
O Lance Roberts, TranSystems Corporation,
Excavations Lenexa, KS, USA Foundation under Embankment
O J. Tanner Blackburn; Texas A&M O Rajesh Oberoi, California Department of O Ding-Wen Zhang; Song-Yu Liu, Ph.D.;
University, College Station, TX, USA Transportation, Oakland, CA, USA Zhen-Shun Hong, Ph.D & Yong-Feng
O Richard J. Finno, Ph.D., P.E. Application of Data Acquired
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
During Drilled Displacement Pile Improvement of Soft Clays Using
Installation Vacuum-assisted Consolidation
Numerical Modeling and
O Willie M. NeSmith, P.E., Berkel & Co.
Performance of a Retention System Contractors, Inc., Birmingham, AL, USA Method
at the Virginia State Capitol O W. Morgan NeSmith, Berkel & Co. O Cholachat Rujikaitkamjorn & Buddhima
O Nasser Massoudi, Ph.D. Contractors, Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA
URS Corporation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA University of Wollongong, Wollongong
Kinematic Seismic Response of City, NSW, Australia
Dynamic And Economic Design of Piles- Importance and Modeling Modeling of Multi Layer Extensible
Rigid Retaining Wall O Ahmad Irshad & Naeem Khan Akhtar
O Y. Wu
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Granular
University of Engineering and Technology,
Geotechnology, Overland Park, KS, USA Peshawar, Pakistan Fill over Soft Soil
O Shamsher Prakash Instrumentation, Monitoring, and O Kousik Deb, ME; Sarvesh Chandra, Ph.D
University of Missouri, Rolla, MO, USA & Prabir K. Basudhar, Ph.D.
O V. K. Puri FEM Evaluation of Long-Term Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Stability of a Bridge Abutment Slope Kanpur, India
IL, USA O Robert Y. Liang Ph.D., P.E. & Shuyu Liu Model-Based Uncertainty in Surface
Comparison of 2D and 3D Seepage University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA
Wave Inversion
Model Results for Excavation Near Reactive Permeable Blankets for O Glenn J. Rix
Levee Toe Cleanup of Contaminated Liquids Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
O Rebecca L. Money P.E. O Milind Vishnu Khire, Ph.D., P.E. & GA, USA
Kleinfelder, Inc., Sacramento, CA, USA Emmanuel Pepprah O Carlo G. Lai
Michigan State University, E. Lansing, EUCENTRE, Pavia, Italy
A 3D FEM Model for Laterally
Loaded Drilled Shafts in Rock
O Ke Yang & Robert Liang
Effects of Loading Sequences on
University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA Embankment Settlement and Its
Prediction of Lateral Response of Prediction
Nonlinear Soil-Pile group Interaction O Chuang Yu; Songyu Liu & Zhenshun Grow - A Digital Library for
O Hossein Tahghighi & Kazuo Konagai Hong Geotechnical Resources and a New
Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan Southeast University, Nanjing, China Learning Environment for Education
Finite Element Model of Dynamic Jet Grouted Settlement Isolation O Muniram Budhu, Ph.D., P.E.
Pile Test Using Embedded Wall at the Henry Ford Avenue University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Transducers Grade Separation Physical and Numerical Modeling of
O Gyimah Kasali, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., O Allen M. Yourman Jr, P.E., G.E.; Rock Joints and Slope Stability
Rutherford & Chekene, San Francisco, Christopher M Diaz, P.E. & Gary K Gilbert, O Sherif A. Elfass, Ph.D., P.E.; Reka Aczel:
CA, USA P.E. Gary M. Norris, Ph.D., P.E. & Ellen
O John Lemke, P.E., G.E., Geodaq, Inc., Diaz Yourman & Associates, Santa Ana, Jacobson, MBA
Sacramento, CA, USA CA, USA University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA
GeoCongress 2006 ATLANTA 25


Atlanta Visitor Information Interesting Attractions in Atlanta:

For local information, contact Atlanta’s official travel portal
AGATHA’S - A TASTE OF Tel: 404-222-PARK (7275)
at: 404.521.6600 or visit its web site at: http://www.atlanta. MYSTERY DINNER THEATRE
net/index.html. 693 Peachtree Street NE
Local Weather Atlanta, GA 30308
660 Peachtree Street NE
In late February/early March, the weather in Atlanta varies Tel: 404-875-1610
Atlanta, GA 30308
from the low 40’s to mid 50’s.
Tel: 404-881-2100
Congress Dress agathas-a-taste-of-mystery.html
Business casual attire is appropriate for most GeoCongress WORLD OF COCA-COLA
2006 events unless otherwise noted. Although jackets are 55 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW
225 Baker Street
not required for the sessions, they are advisable because Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA 30313
conference rooms are typically cool. Tel: 404-676-5151
Tel: 404-581-4000
Refreshment Breaks Fax: 770-384-2242
Complimentary coffee and soda service will be available VIRGINIA HIGHLAND
This charming bungalow
between sessions Monday and Tuesday in the Exposition Hall. CARTER PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY
neighborhood boasts 6 villages
Visit the ASCE Bookstore 441 Freedom Parkway
with sidewalk cafes, lively
ASCE’s Bookstore showcases hundreds of titles from the Atlanta, Georgia
night spots, specialty stores &
Society’s extensive collection. The Bookstore will open innovative cuisine.
Tel: 404-865-7100
during registration hours. Look for it near the Registration
Fax: 404-865-7102
Desk area. Tel: 404-918-0285
Speaker’s Breakfast CITY SEGWAY TOURS
There will be breakfast available for moderators and CENTER.
50 Upper Alabama Street
National Park Service
speakers on the day of their presentation from 7:00 AM - Atlanta, GA 30303
Visitors Center
8:00 AM, February 27th - March 1st. This allows speakers Tel: 404-588-2274
450 Auburn Avenue, NE
and moderators to have a last run through of the session
Atlanta, GA 30312
Room: Vancouver 265 Luckie Street NW
Speakers’ Preparation Room Atlanta, GA
All presenters and moderators are required to register
and pay appropriate fees for the GeoCongress 2006. A
Speakers’ Preparation Room will be open Sunday, February
26 at 8:00 AM and for the duration of the Congress.
Room: Meeting Planner Office 2
Atlanta Link Airport Shuttle – No reservations are
Earn up to 31 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) -
necessary, but they can be made on-line at: www.
nationally recognized units of record - by attending technical and click “buy ticket, make a
sessions. Please note that there are differences from state to
reservation” button or call, 404-524-3400 & 1-866- state in continuing education requirements for professional
545-9633. Shuttles run every 10 and 40 minutes after engineering licensure. Each state registration board has
the hour from the Hyatt Regency Atlanta hotel and the the final authority to approve course, credits, professional
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport for developments hours for courses, and other methods of earning
$16 one-way and $28 round-trip. credit in that state. ASCE and the G-I strongly recommend
MARTA (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) - that individuals regularly check with their state registration
$1.75 per ride. The Hyatt is connected to Peachtree boards for specific continuing education requirements in their
Center Train Station via the Peachtree Center Mall. jurisdictions that affect professional engineering licensure and
Taxi - The cost of a taxi from the airport to the hotel the ability to renew licensure.
will be at least $25.

GeoCongress 2006 ATLANTA 27


Sunday, February 26, 2006 Layne Geoconstruction Booth 505 North American Green Booth(s) 215, Dataforensics Booth 311
Hayward Baker Inc Booth 404 (quad Booth) 217, 114, 116 Pile Dynamics Booth 317
Set Up 12:00pm-5:00pm
Geokon Booth 406 GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. Booth(s) 208, 210 Strata Systems, Inc Booth 212
Exhibitor Meeting Nilex Construction LLC Booth 407 Lachel Felice and Associates Booth 307 Roctest Booth 113
(Hong Kong Room) 3:30pm-4:00pm Durham Geoslope Indicator Booth 304 ENSOFT, Incorporated Booth 109 GeoTAC Booth 216
Welcome Reception 6:30pm-8:00pm Geocomp Corporation/Geo Nicholson Constuction Company Booth 206 ConeTec, Inc. Booth 315
Testing Express Booth(s) 204, 305 A.P. Van den Berg, Inc. Booth 504 Taylor and Francis Booth 117
Monday, February 27, 2006
Boart Longyear Company Booth 205 gINT Software Booth 309 Densification Inc. Booth 214
Refreshment Break 9:30am-10:00am
Soil Vision Systems, Ltd. Booth 207 Geosoft SP. z o.o. Booth 306 Geoprobe Systems Booth(s) 416, 517
Buffet Lunch 12:00pm-1:30pm Rocscience Inc. Booth 104 RST Instruments, Ltd. Booth 316 Gilson Company, Inc Booth 310
Refreshment Break 3:00pm-3:30pm AGI Advanced Geosciences, Inc.
Booth 106 Applied Foundation Testing Booth 108 Wurster Engineering &
Wine & Cheese Schnabel Foundation Company Booth 105 Propex Fabrics Booth 209 Construction Inc Booth 213
Reception with Posters 5:30pm-7:00pm Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Booth 107 Brayman Construction Booth 115 Timber Piling Council Booth 111
Tensar Earth Technologies Booth(s) 215, Expanded Shale, Clay Triggs Technologies Inc Booth 412
Tuesday, February 28, 2006 217, 114, 116 & Slate Institute Booth 405 Berkel & Company
Refreshment Break 9:30am-10:00am Mesa Retaining Wall Systems Booth(s) 215, Deep Excavation LLC Booth 211 Contractors Inc Booth 409
Box Lunch 12:00pm-1:30pm 217, 114, 116 GAEA Technologies Ltd. Booth 110 A.P. Van den Berg Booth 504
Refreshment Break 3:00pm-3:30pm Geopier (quad Booth) Booth(s) 215, Lock and Load Retaining Walls Booth 417 Adobe Booth 313
Teardown 3:30pm-8:30pm 217, 114, 116 Loadtest, Inc. Booth 408 Geotechnics Booth 308
Announcement and Call for Papers,
Sessions, Short Courses, Workshops
ASCE Geo-Institute’s Geo-Denver 2007 planning includes extensive exhibits, diverse
Congress will offer short courses, workshops, field demonstrations and pre- and/or post-
plenary lectures, mini-symposia, panel congress events including field trips. The
discussions, and technical sessions in Congress will involve consulting engineers,
all fields pertaining to the geo-industry. general contractors, sub-contractors,
The 2007 Congress will be broad in owners, as well as educators, researchers
scope with direct participation from all and students. The Congress will provide
Technical Committees in the development professionals and students in all specialty
of the program and technical activities. fields with information about innovative and
Collaborative proposals among Technical emerging technologies needed to advance the
Committees is strongly encouraged. Congress geotechnical profession.

Easy, on-line submission is required at

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