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Hydrogel Preparation Characterization and Applicat

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Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications: A review

Article  in  Journal of Advanced Research · July 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.jare.2013.07.006


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1 author:

Enas M. Ahmed
National Research Center, Egypt


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Journal of Advanced Research (2013) xxx, xxx–xxx

Cairo University

Journal of Advanced Research


Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization,

and applications
Enas M. Ahmed *

Department of Chemical Engineering & Pilot Plant, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Article history: Hydrogel products constitute a group of polymeric materials, the hydrophilic structure of which
Received 14 March 2013 renders them capable of holding large amounts of water in their three-dimensional networks.
Received in revised form 7 July 2013 Extensive employment of these products in a number of industrial and environmental areas
Accepted 8 July 2013 of application is considered to be of prime importance. As expected, natural hydrogels were
Available online xxxx gradually replaced by synthetic types due to their higher water absorption capacity, long service
life, and wide varieties of raw chemical resources. Literature on this subject was found to be
Keywords: expanding, especially in the scientific areas of research. However, a number of publications
Hydrogel and technical reports dealing with hydrogel products from the engineering points of view were
Preparation examined to overview technological aspects covering this growing multidisciplinary field of
Processing research. The primary objective of this article is to review the literature concerning classification
Optimization of hydrogels on different bases, physical and chemical characteristics of these products, and
Innovation technical feasibility of their utilization. It also involved technologies adopted for hydrogel pro-
duction together with process design implications, block diagrams, and optimized conditions of
the preparation process. An innovated category of recent generations of hydrogel materials was
also presented in some details.
ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University.

Introduction found as colloidal gels in which water is the dispersion medium

The materials of interest in this brief review are primarily Researchers, over the years, have defined hydrogels in
hydrogels, which are polymer networks extensively swollen many different ways. The most common of these is that hydro-
with water. Hydrophilic gels that are usually referred to as gel is a water-swollen, and cross-linked polymeric network
hydrogels are networks of polymer chains that are sometimes produced by the simple reaction of one or more monomers.
Another definition is that it is a polymeric material that exhib-
its the ability to swell and retain a significant fraction of water
* Tel.: +20 233371211. within its structure, but will not dissolve in water. Hydrogels
E-mail address: have received considerable attention in the past 50 years, due
Peer review under responsibility of Cairo University. to their exceptional promise in wide range of applications [2–
4]. They possess also a degree of flexibility very similar to nat-
ural tissue due to their large water content.
The ability of hydrogels to absorb water arises from hydro-
Production and hosting by Elsevier
philic functional groups attached to the polymeric backbone,
2090-1232 ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University.

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
2 E.M. Ahmed

while their resistance to dissolution arises from cross-links be- (c) Multipolymer Interpenetrating polymeric hydrogel
tween network chains. Many materials, both naturally occur- (IPN), an important class of hydrogels, is made of two
ring and synthetic, fit the definition of hydrogels. independent cross-linked synthetic and/or natural poly-
During last two decades, natural Hydrogels were gradually mer component, contained in a network form. In semi-
replaced by synthetic hydrogels which has long service life, IPN hydrogel, one component is a cross-linked polymer
high capacity of water absorption, and high gel strength. For- and other component is a non-cross-linked polymer
tunately, synthetic polymers usually have well-defined struc- [10,11].
tures that can be modified to yield tailor able degradability
and functionality. Hydrogels can be synthesized from purely
synthetic components. Also, it is stable in the conditions of Classification based on configuration
sharp and strong fluctuations of temperatures [5].
Recently, hydrogels have been defined as two- or multi- The classification of hydrogels depends on their physical struc-
component systems consisting of a three-dimensional network ture and chemical composition can be classified as follows:
of polymer chains and water that fills the space between mac-
romolecules. Depending on the properties of the polymer (a) Amorphous (non-crystalline).
(polymers) used, as well as on the nature and density of the (b) Semicrystalline: A complex mixture of amorphous and
network joints, such structures in an equilibrium can contain crystalline phases.
various amounts of water; typically in the swollen state, the (c) Crystalline.
mass fraction of water in a hydrogel is much higher than the
mass fraction of polymer. In practice, to achieve high degrees
of swelling, it is common to use synthetic polymers that are Classification based on type of cross-linking
water-soluble when in non-cross-linked form.
Hydrogels may be synthesized in a number of ‘‘classical’’
Hydrogels can be divided into two categories based on the
chemical ways. These include one-step procedures like poly-
chemical or physical nature of the cross-link junctions. Chem-
merization and parallel cross-linking of multifunctional mono-
ically cross-linked networks have permanent junctions, while
mers, as well as multiple step procedures involving synthesis of
physical networks have transient junctions that arise from
polymer molecules having reactive groups and their subse-
either polymer chain entanglements or physical interactions
quent cross-linking, possibly also by reacting polymers with
such as ionic interactions, hydrogen bonds, or hydrophobic
suitable cross-linking agents. The polymer engineer can design
interactions [11].
and synthesize polymer networks with molecular-scale control
over structure such as cross-linking density and with tailored
Classification based on physical appearance
properties, such as biodegradation, mechanical strength, and
chemical and biological response to stimuli [6].
Hydrogels appearance as matrix, film, or microsphere depends
Classification of hydrogel products on the technique of polymerization involved in the preparation
The hydrogel products can be classified on different bases as
Classification according to network electrical charge
detailed below:

Classification based on source Hydrogels may be categorized into four groups on the basis of
presence or absence of electrical charge located on the cross-
linked chains:
Hydrogels can be classified into two groups based on their nat-
ural or synthetic origins [7]. (a) Nonionic (neutral).
(b) Ionic (including anionic or cationic).
Classification according to polymeric composition (c) Amphoteric electrolyte (ampholytic) containing both
acidic and basic groups.
The method of preparation leads to formations of some impor- (d) Zwitterionic (polybetaines) containing both anionic and
tant classes of hydrogels. These can be exemplified by the cationic groups in each structural repeating unit.
Hydrogel-forming natural polymers include proteins such
(a) Homopolymeric hydrogels are referred to polymer net- as collagen and gelatine and polysaccharides such as starch,
work derived from a single species of monomer, which alginate, and agarose. Synthetic polymers that form hydrogels
is a basic structural unit comprising of any polymer net- are traditionally prepared using chemical polymerization
work [8]. Homopolymers may have cross-linked skeletal methods.
structure depending on the nature of the monomer and
polymerization technique. Hydrogel product sensitive to environmental conditions
(b) Copolymeric hydrogels are comprised of two or
more different monomer species with at least one
As mentioned above, hydrogels as three-dimensional cross-
hydrophilic component, arranged in a random, block
linked hydrophilic polymer networks are capable of swelling
or alternating configuration along the chain of the
or de-swelling reversibly in water and retaining large volume
polymer network [9].

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 3

of liquid in swollen state. Hydrogels can be designed with con- various chapters of a compilation edited by Peppas [31]. More
trollable responses as to shrink or expand with changes in recently, hydrogels produced by radiation polymerization and
external environmental conditions. grafting have been published by Khoylou [32]. Mi-Ran Park
They may perform dramatic volume transition in response [33] described the preparation and chemical properties of
to a variety of physical and chemical stimuli, where the phys- hydrogels employed in agricultural applications. Vijayalaksh-
ical stimuli include temperature, electric or magnetic field, mi and Kenichi have reviewed the potential of hydrogels in
light, pressure, and sound, while the chemical stimuli include sensor utilizations [34]. Dimitrios et al. [21] discussed the tai-
pH, solvent composition, ionic strength, and molecular species loring of hydrogels for various applications of medical interest.
(Fig. 1).
The extent of swelling or de-swelling in response to the Technologies adopted in hydrogel preparation
changes in the external environment of the hydrogel could be
so drastic that the phenomenon is referred to as volume col- By definition, hydrogels are polymer networks having hydro-
lapse or phase transition [12]. Synthetic hydrogels have been philic properties. While hydrogels are generally prepared based
a field of extensive research for the past four decades, and it on hydrophilic monomers, hydrophobic monomers are some-
still remains a very active area of research today. times used in hydrogel preparation to regulate the properties
for specific applications.
Utilization of hydrogel products In general, hydrogels can be prepared from either synthetic
polymers or natural polymers. The synthetic polymers are
With the establishment of the first synthetic hydrogels by hydrophobic in nature and chemically stronger compared to
Wichterle and Lim in 1954 [13], the hydrogel technologies natural polymers. Their mechanical strength results in slow
may be applied to hygienic products [14], agriculture [15], drug degradation rate, but on the other hand, mechanical strength
delivery systems [14,16], sealing [14], coal dewatering [17], arti- provides the durability as well. These two opposite properties
ficial snow [14], food additives [18], pharmaceuticals [19], bio- should be balanced through optimal design [35]. Also, it can be
medical applications [20,21] tissue engineering and applied to preparation of hydrogels based on natural polymers
regenerative medicines [22,23], diagnostics [24], wound dress- provided that these polymers have suitable functional groups
ing [25], separation of biomolecules or cells [26] and barrier or have been functionalized with radically polymerizable
materials to regulate biological adhesions [27], and Biosensor groups [36].
[28]. In the most succinct sense, a hydrogel is simply a hydro-
In addition, the ever growing spectrum of functional mono- philic polymeric network cross-linked in some fashion to pro-
mers and macromeres widen their applicability. They were duce an elastic structure. Thus, any technique which can be
used in early agricultural water absorbents based on biopoly- used to create a cross-linked polymer can be used to produce
mers through grafting of hydrophilic monomers onto starch a hydrogel. Copolymerization/cross-linking free-radical poly-
and other polysaccharides [29,30]. Hydrogel products for hy- merizations are commonly used to produce hydrogels by react-
gienic applications are mainly based on acrylic acid and its ing hydrophilic monomers with multifunctional cross-linkers.
salts. Acrylamide is a main component employed for prepara- Water-soluble linear polymers of both natural and synthetic
tion of agricultural hydrogel products [14]. origin are cross-linked to form hydrogels in a number of ways:
Various publications on this subject have discussed in detail
synthetic methods and applications of hydrogels. For example, 1. Linking polymer chains via chemical reaction.
a comprehensive review of the chemistry and various synthetic 2. Using ionizing radiation to generate main-chain free radi-
schemes employed for hydrogel preparation can be found in cals which can recombine as cross-link junctions.

Fig. 1. Stimuli response swelling hydrogel.

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
4 E.M. Ahmed

3. Physical interactions such as entanglements, electrostatics, cross-linking agent is added in any hydrogel formulation.
and crystallite formation. The polymerization reaction is normally initiated with radia-
tion, ultraviolet, or chemical catalysts.
Any of the various polymerization techniques can be used The choice of a suitable initiator depends upon the type of
to form gels, including bulk, solution, and suspension monomers and solvents being used. The polymerized hydrogel
polymerization. may be produced in a wide variety of forms including films and
In general, the three integral parts of the hydrogels prepa- membranes, rods, particles, and emulsions.
ration are monomer, initiator, and cross-linker. To control Bulk polymerization is the simplest technique which in-
the heat of polymerization and the final hydrogels properties, volves only monomer and monomer-soluble initiators. High
diluents can be used, such as water or other aqueous solutions. rate of polymerization and degree of polymerization occur be-
Then, the hydrogel mass needs to be washed to remove impu- cause of the high concentration of monomer. However, the vis-
rities left from the preparation process. These include non-re- cosity of reaction increases markedly with the conversion
acted monomer, initiators, cross-linkers, and unwanted which generates the heat during polymerization. These prob-
products produced via side reactions (Fig. 2). lems can be avoided by controlling the reaction at low conver-
Preparation of hydrogel based on acrylamide, acrylic acid, sions [40]. The bulk polymerization of monomers to make a
and its salts by inverse-suspension polymerization [37] and di- homogeneous hydrogel produces a glassy, transparent polymer
luted solution polymerization have been investigated else- matrix which is very hard. When immersed in water, the glassy
where. Fewer studies have been done on highly concentrated matrix swells to become soft and flexible.
solution polymerization of acrylic monomers, which are
mostly patented [38]. Chen [39] produced acrylic acid-sodium Solution polymerization/cross-linking
acrylate superabsorbent through concentrated (43.6 wt%)
solution polymerization using potassium persulphate as a ther- In solution copolymerization/cross-linking reactions, the ionic
mal initiator. or neutral monomers are mixed with the multifunctional cross-
Hydrogels are usually prepared from polar monomers. linking agent. The polymerization is initiated thermally by
According to their starting materials, they can be divided into UV-irradiation or by a redox initiator system. The presence
natural polymer hydrogels, synthetic polymer hydrogels, and of solvent serving as a heat sink is the major advantage of
combinations of the two classes. the solution polymerization over the bulk polymerization.
From a preparative point of view, they can be obtained by The prepared hydrogels need to be washed with distilled water
graft polymerization, cross-linking polymerization, networks to remove the monomers, oligomers, cross-linking agent, the
formation of water-soluble polymer, and radiation cross-link- initiator, the soluble and extractable polymer, and other impu-
ing, etc. There are many types of hydrogels; mostly, they are rities. Phase separation occurs and the heterogeneous hydrogel
lightly cross-linked copolymers of acrylate and acrylic acid, is formed when the amount of water during polymerization is
and grafted starch-acrylic acid polymers prepared by inverse- more than the water content corresponding to the equilibrium
suspension, emulsion polymerization, and solution polymeri- swelling.
zation. The polymerization techniques have been described Typical solvents used for solution polymerization of hydro-
below. gels include water, ethanol, water–ethanol mixtures, and ben-
zyl alcohol. The synthesis solvent may then be removed after
Bulk polymerization formation of the gel by swelling the hydrogels in water.

Many vinyl monomers can potentially be used for the produc- Suspension polymerization or inverse-suspension polymerization
tions of hydrogels. Bulk hydrogels can be formed with one or
more types of monomers. The wide variety of monomers en- Dispersion polymerization is an advantageous method since
ables one to prepare the hydrogel with desired physical prop- the products are obtained as powder or microspheres (beads),
erties for a given application. Usually, a small amount of and thus, grinding is not required. Since water-in-oil (W/O)
process is chosen instead of the more common oil-in-water
(O/W), the polymerization is referred to as ‘‘inverse-
In this technique, the monomers and initiator are dispersed
in the hydrocarbon phase as a homogenous mixture. The vis-
cosity of the monomer solution, agitation speed, rotor design,
and dispersant type mainly governs the resin particle size and
shape [41]. Some detailed discussions on hetero-phase poly-
merizations have already been published [42,43]. The disper-
sion is thermodynamically unstable and requires both
continuous agitation and addition of a low hydrophilic–lipo-
philic-balance (HLB) suspending agent.

Grafting to a support

Generally, hydrogels prepared by bulk polymerization have

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of hydrogel preparation. inherent weak structure. To improve the mechanical properties

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 5

of a hydrogel, it can be grafted on surface coated onto a stron- Process design implications
ger support. This technique that involves the generation of free
radicals onto a stronger support surface and then polymerizing The production of polymeric hydrogels is typically accom-
monomers directly onto it as a result a chain of monomers are plished by one of two well-established schemes: (a) polymeriza-
covalently bonded to the support. A variety of polymeric sup- tion of hydrophilic monomers and (b) modification or
ports have been used for the synthesis of hydrogel by grafting functionalization of existing polymers (natural or artificial).
techniques [44,45]. The technology of hydrogel production will be discussed in
the following sections with an emphasis on recent methods
Polymerization by irradiation and techniques.
The original sources of hydrogels are often divided into two
Ionizing high energy radiation, like gamma rays [46] and main classes; i.e., artificial (petrochemical-based) and natural.
electron beams [47], has been used as an initiator to prepare The latter can be divided into two main groups, i.e., the hydro-
the hydrogels of unsaturated compounds. The irradiation of gels based on polysaccharides and others based on polypep-
aqueous polymer solution results in the formation of radi- tides (proteins). The natural-based hydrogels are usually
cals on the polymer chains. Also, radiolysis of water mole- prepared through addition of some synthetic parts onto the
cules results in the formation of hydroxyl radicals, which natural substrates, e.g., graft copolymerization of vinyl mono-
also attack the polymer chains, resulting in the formation mers on polysaccharides.
of macro-radicals. It should be pointed out when the term ‘‘hydrogel’’ is used
Recombination of the macro-radicals on different chains without specifying its type; it actually implies the most conven-
results in the formation of covalent bonds, so finally, a tional type of hydrogels, i.e., the anionic acrylic that comprises
cross-linked structure is formed. Examples of polymers cross- a copolymeric network based on the partially neutralized ac-
linked by the radiation method are poly (vinyl alcohol), rylic acid (AA) or acrylamide (AM) [49].
poly(ethylene glycol), and poly(acrylic acid). The major advan- The greatest volume of hydrogels comprises full artificial or
tage of the radiation initiation over the chemical initiation is of petrochemical origin. They are produced from the acrylic
the production of relatively pure and initiator-free hydrogels. monomers. Acrylic acid (AA) and its sodium or potassium
salts, and acrylamide (AM) are most frequently used in the
Hydrogel technical features hydrogel industrial production. The two general pathways to
prepare acrylic hydrogel networks are simultaneous polymeri-
The functional features of an ideal hydrogel material can be zation and cross-linking by a polyvinyl cross-linker and cross-
listed as follows [48]: linking of a water-soluble prepolymer by a polyfunctional
 The highest absorption capacity (maximum equilibrium The most common and most versatile technique for the
swelling) in saline. production of synthetic hydrogels is the free-radical multifunc-
 Desired rate of absorption (preferred particle size and tional vinyl monomers.
porosity) depending on the application requirement. Each of these monomers contains a carbon double bond
 The highest absorbency under load (AUL). through which an active center may propagate to produce poly-
 The lowest soluble content and residual monomer. mer chains. The method for generating active centers depends
 The lowest price. on the particular monomers, solvents, and the reaction condi-
 The highest durability and stability in the swelling environ- tions to be employed, but may be based on heat (thermal initia-
ment and during the storage. tors), light (photoinitiators), c-radiation, or electron beams [49].
 The highest biodegradability without formation of toxic
species following the degradation. Preparation of poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel
 pH-neutrality after swelling in water.
 Colorlessness, odorlessness, and absolute non-toxic. Variety of monomers, mostly acrylics, is employed to prepare
 Photo stability. hydrogels. Acrylic acid (AA) and its sodium or potassium salts
 Re-wetting capability (if required) the hydrogel has to be are most often used in the industrial production of hydrogels.
able to give back the imbibed solution or to maintain it; AA, a colorless liquid with vinegar odor, however, has an abil-
depending on the application requirement (e.g., in agricul- ity to convert into its dimer (DAA). In this regard, the DAA
tural or hygienic applications). level must be minimized to prevent the final product deficien-
cies, e.g., yield reduction, loss of soluble fraction, residual
Obviously, it is impossible that a hydrogel sample would monomers, etc. Due to the potential problems originating
simultaneously fulfill all the above mentioned required fea- from the inherent nature of AA to dimerize over time, manu-
tures. In fact, the synthetic components for achieving the max- facturers work properly with AA, such as timely order place-
imum level of some of these features will lead to inefficiency of ment, just-in-time delivery, moisture exclusion, and
the rest. Therefore, in practice, the production reaction vari- temperature-controlled storage (typically 17–18 C) [49].
ables must be optimized such that an appropriate balance be- As mentioned before, the hydrogel materials are often syn-
tween the properties is achieved. For example, a hygienic thesized through free-radically-initiated polymerization of ac-
products of hydrogels must possess the highest absorption rylic monomers. The resins are prepared either in aqueous
rate, the lowest re-wetting, and the lowest residual monomer, medium using solution polymerization or in a hydrocarbon
and the hydrogels used in drug delivery must be porous and medium where the monomers are well-dispersed. These differ-
response to either pH or temperature. ent methods are briefly discussed in the following sections.

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
6 E.M. Ahmed

Preparation and process optimization of hydrogel by solution

polymerization technique
Free-radical initiated polymerization of acrylic acid (AA) and
its salts, with a cross-linker, is frequently used for hydrogel
preparation. The carboxylic acid groups of the product are
partially neutralized before or after the polymerization step.
Initiation is most often carried out chemically with free-radical
azo or peroxide thermal dissociative species or by reaction of a
reducing agent with an oxidizing agent (redox system) [50].
The solution polymerization of AA and/or its salts with a
water-soluble cross-linker, e.g., methylene bis-acrylamide
(MBA) in an aqueous solution is a straight forward process.
The reactants are dissolved in water at desired concentrations,
usually about 10–70%.
A fast exothermic reaction yields a gel-like elastic product
which is dried, and the macro-porous mass is pulverized and
sieved to obtain the required particle size. This preparative
method usually suffers from the necessity to handle a rub-
bery/solid reaction product, lack of a sufficient reaction con-
trol, non-exact particle size distribution, and increasing the
sol content mainly due to undesired effects of hydrolytic and
thermal cleavage. However, for a general production of a
hydrogel with acceptable swelling properties, the less expensive
and faster technique, i.e., solution method may often be pre-
ferred by the manufacturers [49]. Fig. 3. Hydrogel preparation block diagram (solution polymer-
The AA monomer is inhibited by methoxyhydroquinone ization/cross-linking procedure).
(MHC) to prevent spontaneous polymerization during storage.
In industrial production, the inhibitor is not usually removed
due to some technical reasons [51]. Meanwhile, AA is con- jacket to remove the heat of polymerization. Polymer, solvent,
verted to an undesired dimer that must be removed or mini- unreacted monomers, initiator, and chain transfer agent flow
mized. The minimization of acrylic acid dimer (DAA) in the out of the reactor to the separator (stream 4) where polymer,
monomer is important due to its indirect adverse effects on residual initiator, and chain transfer agent are removed. Unre-
the final product specifications, typically soluble fraction and acted monomers and solvent (stream 7) then continue onto a
the residual monomer. As soon as AA is produced, diacrylic purge point (stream 8), which represents venting and other
acid is formed spontaneously in the bulk of AA reaction. Since losses and is required to prevent accumulation of inerts in
temperature, water content, and pH have impact on the rate of the system. After the purge, the monomers and solvent (stream
DAA formation, the rate can be minimized by controlling the 9) are stored in the recycle hold tank, which acts as a surge
temperature of stored monomer and excluding the moisture capacity to smooth out variations in the recycle flow and com-
[52]. position. The effluent (stream 2) recycle is then added to the
Increasing water concentration has a relatively small impact fresh feeds.
on the DAA formation rate. Nevertheless, the rate roughly
doubles for every 5 C increase in temperature. For example,
in an AA sample having 0.5% water, the dimerization rate is
76 and 1672 ppm/day at 20 C and 40 C, respectively. DAA,
however, can be hydrolyzed in alkaline media to produce
AA and diacrylic acid. Since the latter is unable to be polymer-
ized, it remains as part of the hydrogel soluble fraction.
Javad Alaei et al. [53] stated that production of hydrogels in
industry consists of solution and reversed suspension and re-
versed emulsion polymerizations. Fig. 3 represents a block dia-
gram of a generic solution polymerization process. This figure
provides the major procedures for hydrogel manufacturing in
the semi-pilot and industrial scales.
The flow sheet captures many of the elements of actual free-
radical copolymerization reactor installations [54–58]. As
shown in Fig. 4, monomers A and B are continuously added
with initiator, solvent, and chain transfer agent. In addition,
an inhibitor may enter with the fresh feeds as an impurity.
These feed streams are combined (stream 1) with the recycle
(stream 2) and flow to the reactor (stream 3), which is assumed
to be a jacketed well-mixed tank. A coolant flows through the Fig. 4. Solution polymerization with recycle loop.

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 7

Preparation and process optimization of hydrogel beads using a The Suspension polymerization process flow sheet of Fig. 6
suspension polymerization technique is very similar to the solution polymerization process of Fig. 4,
The inverse-suspension is a highly flexible and versatile tech- with the exception that water replaces the solvent and the reac-
nique to produce hydrogels with high swelling ability and fast tor operates adiabatically.
absorption kinetics [59]. A water-soluble initiator shows a bet- Optimization of parameters affecting the polymerization
ter efficiency than the oil-soluble type. When the initiator dis- process was carried out to maximize bead yield, smoothness,
solves in the dispersed (aqueous) phase, each particle contains sphericity, and clarity and to achieve a narrow size distribu-
all the reactive species and therefore behaves like an isolated tion while reducing the amount of non-bead material. Sus-
micro-batch polymerization reactor [60]. pension polymerization inherently produces size-dispersed
The resulting microspherical particles are easily removed by beads, but their particle size distribution can be controlled
filtration or centrifugation from the continuous organic phase. by stirring rpm. Parameters found to influence polymer
Upon drying, these particles or beads will directly provide a properties in a decreasing order of importance are as
free flowing powder. In addition to the unique flowing proper- follows: initiator type and purity, salt concentration, temper-
ties of these beads, the inverse-suspension process displays ature of polymerization, suspending agent type and concen-
additional advantages compared to the solution method. These tration, rate and type of stirring, and ratio of dispersed to
include a better control of the reaction heat removal, regula- continuous phase.
tion of particle size distribution, and further possibilities for Conditions that resulted in a good yield of quality PHEMA
adjusting particle structure or morphology alteration [61]. beads were found to consist of 0.85–1.7% suspending agent,
This method is employed to prepare spherical hydrogels 18–20% dissolved salt, 3.5–5.25 continuous phase to monomer
microparticles with size range of 1 lm to 1 mm. In suspension ratio, 0.2–0.4% initiator, and a stirring speed of 80–120 rpm.
polymerization, the monomer solution is dispersed in the non- Suspension polymerization using a typical setup yielded PHE-
solvent forming fine monomer droplets, which are stabilized by MA beads of a diameter range between 75 lm and 1000 lm,
the addition of stabilizer. The polymerization is initiated by but largely (>50% by wt.) between 500 and 850 lm, depend-
radicals from thermal decomposition of an initiator. The newly ing on stirring rate. These beads have equilibrium water swell-
formed microparticles are then washed to remove monomers, ing of 38–41% (w/w). The optimization of preparing
cross-linking agent, and initiator. conditions of PHEMA hydrogel [61] can be summarized in Ta-
Recently, the inverse-suspension technique has been widely ble 1.
used for polyacrylamide-based hydrogels because of its easy re-
moval and management of the hazardous, residual acrylamide Preparation and process optimization of hydrogel based on
monomer in the polymer. Fig. 5 represented the block diagram grafted starch
of suspension polymerization process for hydrogel production.
Parameters critical to the preparation of hydrogel beads by Hydrogels may be based on natural polymers, including mac-
suspension polymerization remain mostly proprietary or un- romolecules extracted from animal collagen, plants, and sea-
clear in the literature. weed. These natural macromolecules are typically
Furthermore, Lee [61] studied the ranges of process param- polysaccharides and proteins comprised of glycosidic and ami-
eters critical to the suspension polymerization of hydrogel no acid repeating units, respectively.
beads based on poly-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (PHEMA). Hydrogels of natural polymers, especially polysaccharides,
The PHEMA beads were prepared by free-radical suspension are in general, non-toxic and biodegradable. Considerable re-
polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) search and technical work have been reported. The chemical
lightly cross-linked with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGD- modification of starch or modified starch via vinyl graft copo-
MA) using magnesium hydroxide as the suspension stabilizer. lymerization constitutes the most important fields for improv-
ing the properties of starch and enlarging the range of its
utilization. The starch graft-copolymer such as starch-g-poly-
styrene, starch-g-polyvinyl alcohol, starch-g-methacrylonitrile,
and starch-g-acrylonitrile have been produced by generating
free radicals on the surface of the starch granules followed
by copolymerization of these free radicals with the respective
vinyl monomers. These copolymers have also limited biode-
gradability because of the presence of a non-biodegradable
part of the polymer [44].
It has been reported that the synthesis of hydrogels by mod-
ification of natural polymers (for example, biocatalytic) has
been used for preparation of sugar-containing poly(acrylate)
hydrogels. These authors found that by the introduction of
small quantities of agar, they were able to eliminate the relative
brittleness of the polyacrylamide hydrogels and reduce the for-
mation of undesirable fine particles during wet milling. Raju
et al. [37] grafted acrylonitrile onto cassava starch by polymer-
ization initiated by ceric ions. These authors investigated the
effects of the reactant concentrations and duration of the
Fig. 5. Block diagram of suspension polymerization process.

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8 E.M. Ahmed

Fig. 6. Suspension terpolymerization process with recycle loop.

AN/starch, 1.4; H2O2 dose, 1.2; and 1.5 g/g corn and pota-
Table 1 The optimized conditions for PHEMA hydrogel
to starches, respectively, H2O2/FeSO4Æ7H2O = 6 (w/w); Li-
quor to solid ratio, 10:1; grafting temperature, 30 C;
Parameter Range grafting time 90 min.; saponification time, 90 min; 9 ml NaOH
Suspending agent 0.85–1.7% (0.7 N)/g of grafted starch; saponification temperature, 95 C;
Dissolved salt 18–20% methanol used in precipitation and washing (20 ml/g grafted
Continuous phase/monomer ratio 3.5–5.25 starch); water; drying temperature, 60 C and drying time,
Initiator 0.2–0.4% 3 h. Thus, the total duration of hydrogel preparation was
Stirring speed 80–120 rpm about 5 h.
The work done by Qunyi and Ganwei [45] that superabsor-
bents comprising the graft polymer of acrylonitrile and 2-acry-
lamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS) onto starch
The grafting copolymers of many hydrophilic monomers were prepared using a manganese pyrophosphate redox initiat-
such as acrylamide (AM), acrylic acid (AA), and acrylonitrile ing system. The addition of AMPS resulted in a gradual de-
(AN) onto starch have been utilized to prepare superabsorbent crease in saponification time for the graft polymer.
hydrogels. Among the hydrogels, starch-based hydrogels pre- Accordingly, the total duration of superabsorbents production
pared by hydrolyzing starch graft-polyacrylonitrile have been also decreases. The effect of potassium hydroxide dose and
studied in detail. saponification temperature on the water absorbency of super-
Talaat et al. [44] thoroughly investigated the preparation of absorbent was investigated. Fig. 8 represents the block dia-
starch-g-acrylonitrile hydrogel. The main processes of this pro- gram of a hydrogel prepared by Qunyi and Ganwei [45].
cedure are mixing of starch and water, grafting with acryloni- The maximum response at the optimal saponification con-
trile, separation and drying followed by saponification with ditions can be obtained. The water absorbency was 1345 g/g
alkali at 95 C for an hour, precipitation with methanol, wash- dry superabsorbent, using the following saponification condi-
ing with water free ethanol, and drying under vacuum at 60 C tions: KOH volume 203.7 ml, KOH concentration 0.51 mol/l,
for 3 h. A redox system (Fe2+/H2O2) has been employed as a and saponification temperature 92.6 C. The shortest saponifi-
source of [OH] free radicals. cation time is 17 min, and then, the total synthesis time of
Fig. 7 represents a block diagram of the design process for superabsorbents is 2.5 h.
hydrogel preparation via grafting onto a polysaccharide The biodegradable superabsorbent polymers [62] were pre-
(starch). The main process parameters concluded in this study pared by the graft copolymerization between the gelatinized
may be outlined as follows [44]: starch and acrylamide/itaconic acid via foamed solution poly-

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Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 9

Preparation of acrylamide hydrogel by irradiation

Preparation of acrylamide hydrogel from aqueous solutions

using c-ray irradiation has been investigated, and the effects
of solution concentration, c-ray dose, pH, and time have been
observed in the characterization of the produced gels. Gel frac-
tion increases with doses for all concentrations, and nearly
100% conversion of gel is attained at 5 KGy for homogeneous
solutions in the range of 20–50% concentration. On the one
hand, total gel fraction not greater than 86% is obtained even
at higher doses (30 KGy) for the solution of 10%
On the other hand, the solution of 60% concentration is
not homogeneous though it gives about 100% gel fraction.
Thus, there is a limiting concentration above which the solu-
tion is not homogeneous and below which higher doses are
needed for the preparation of expected gel. Swelling varies with
both the doses and the concentrations due to the change in
cross-linking density in the hydrogels. The maximum volume
change in hydrogels during swelling occurs within 24 h [63,64].
Design and optimization of efficient, safe, and economically
sound radiation-based technologies of hydrogel formation re-
quires the knowledge of the underlying radiation chemistry.
This need has been since long one of the main factors stimulat-
ing the investigations on radiolysis of polymers in aqueous
solutions. Hydrogels can be obtained by radiation technique
in a few ways, including irradiation of solid polymer, monomer
(in bulk or in solution), or aqueous solution of polymer.
The first method, i.e., irradiation of hydrophilic polymer in
a dry form [64], has some drawbacks. It may require special
Fig. 7. Block diagram for the preparation of the high swelling sample preparation (like pressing or melting), and some diffi-
hydrogel. culties may be encountered in obtaining homogeneous macro-
scopic hydrogels. Moreover, it requires usually much higher
doses of ionizing radiation to obtain a gel compared to irradi-
ation in solution, and furthermore, it may be difficult to re-
merization using ammonium persulphate (APS) and tetram-
move fully the oxygen that can promote unwanted side
ethylethylene diamine (TEMED) as an oxidation–reduction
reactions [65].
initiator and co-intiator, respectively, while methylene bis-
acrylamide (MBA) as a cross-linking agent.
An Innovative category of hydrogel products
It was found that the presence of both acrylamide and ita-
conic acid is essential for the grafting reaction on the gelati-
nized cassava starch to obtain high absorbency such as the About three decades ago, superabsorbent polymers (SAPs)
water absorption of 379 ± 10 g/g prepared from the optimum were introduced into the agriculture and diaper industries,
mole ratio of AM-to-IA of 90:10 and the optimum weight ratio and then, their applications were extended to other industries
of starch to the monomer of 1:2 to give the highest percentage where an excellent water holding property was of prime
of grafting efficiency and the highest water absorption. A pre- importance.
parative scheme outlining the main process for production of In 1998, superporous hydrogels (SPHs) were considered as
starch graft copolymers and side reaction products is demon- a different category of water-absorbent polymer systems. The
strated by the flowchart presented in Fig. 9. original SPHs were developed into next generations of SPHs
A higher amount of the monomers provided the higher with more useful properties, such as high mechanical strength
grafting opportunity to starch grafting substrate in the other and elastic properties. In this review, evolution of SPHs is de-
phase. The concentration of the redox initiator APS: scribed in detail, and the differences between SPHs and super-
TEMED of 1:2 wt% of monomers gave the optimum result absorbents (SAPs) are also explained. SAPs, just like SPHs,
to achieve the highest water absorption. Increasing the cross- are structurally cross-linked hydrophilic polymers, which have
linking agent concentration in the graft copolymerization en- the ability to absorb considerable amounts of water or aque-
hanced the percentages of grafting efficiency, add-on, and ous fluids (10–1000 times of their original weight or volume)
grafting ratio. The optimum condition of the cross-linking in relatively short periods of time [60].
agent MBA of 2.0 wt% gave the highest water absorption. Depending on the manufacturing process and the materi-
The optimum conditions of graft copolymerization of acryl- als used during preparation, the swelling rate of SAPs
amide and itaconic acid onto cassava starch to prepare a ranges from fraction of a minute to hours. The fast swelling,
superabsorbent hydrogel [62] can be summarized as shown however, is mainly based on the small size of the SAP
in Table 2. samples. On the other hand, the swelling kinetics of SPHs

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
10 E.M. Ahmed

Fig. 8. Block diagram of the rapid preparation process of superabsorbent hydrogel.

Fig. 9. Preparative flowchart for grafted starch and P(AM-co-IA) hydrogel.

is always fast regardless of the size of the final product. The Although both SAPs and SPHs are porous in structure,
porous hydrogels are prepared using several techniques, such they are different from each other as compared in Table 3.
as freeze-drying [66], microemulsion formation, and phase The SPHs swell immediately upon contact with water regard-
separation [67]. On the other hand, modern SAPs and SPHs less of their size in the dried state [69].The same monomer solu-
are normally prepared utilizing a gas blowing technique in tion can produce different types of water-absorbing polymer
which acid induced decomposition of a bicarbonate com- networks, such as nonporous, porous, and superporous struc-
pound is exploited [68]. tures depending on the presence of foaming agent, foaming aid

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Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 11

to the monomer solution (Step 4). For promoted polymeriza-

Table 2 Optimum conditions of graft copolymerization of
tion, thermal and redox initiators, such as ammonium persul-
cassava starch and acrylamide/itaconic acid.
phate or potassium persulphate, are normally used. Oxidant
Composition Ratio (w/w, g/g) and reductant are added to the monomer solution under gentle
Weight ratio of the monomer, AAm/IA 90:10 mixing (Steps 5–6). Gas bubbles are generated by addition of
Weight ratio of starch to monomer 1:2 acid-dependent foaming agent, such as sodium bicarbonate
APS (wt%) of monomer 0.5–2.0 (Step 7). Fig. 13 represents a schematic diagram of the post-
APS/TEMED 1:2 preparation steps of both SAPs polymer and SPHs hydrogel.
MBA (wt%) 2 Superporous hydrogels are produced via adding of a foam
Temperature 45 C
stabilizer during the process (Step 4). Since the foam stability is
Stirring rate 250 rpm
essential for producing homogeneous SPHs, surfactants, such
as PEO–PPO–PEO triblock copolymers, are used during the
preparation process. The aqueous surfactant solution is added
to the monomer solution and mixed under gentle mixing. An-
and foam stabilizer, as shown in Table 4. The comparisons other unique step produce SPHs is using redox couple initia-
made in Table 4 are based on SAP and SPH prepared by using tors such as ammonium persulphate/sodium metabisulphite
acrylamide and acrylic acid. or potassium persulphate/sodium metabisulphite (Steps 5–6).
Almost all SPHs are produced using an oxidant/reductant cou-
Preparation of super-absorbent and super-porous hydrogels ple, while SAPs are produced via both thermal and redox
In the preparation process of SAPs described by the steps dis- The reactions involved in the preparation of SAPs and
played in Fig. 10, the following general procedure is applied SPHs are cross-linking polymerization (which is also known
regardless of the type of materials used. Since hydrophilic as gelation) and foaming. Dispersion and dissolution of the
monomers have a very high heat of polymerization, their bulk bicarbonate (Step 7) increases the pH of the reaction medium
polymerization is normally associated with a violent exother- to a level at which the initiator decomposes faster. As the for-
mic reaction that results in a heterogeneous structure, so-called mation of initiator radicals reaches a certain level, the poly-
popcorn product with no water-absorbing properties. merization reaction proceeds rapidly and the reacting
Because of the phenomenon described above, the monomer mixture becomes viscous. Concurrently, bicarbonate interacts
is first diluted with certain amount of water to reach a desired with the acid component of the system to produce CO2 gases
monomer concentration (Step 1). Dilution with water also required for the blowing process. The two processes, i.e., gela-
makes it easy to handle the monomers. For instance, the tion and foaming processes need to be conducted in such a way
water-diluted glacial acrylic acid possesses superior handling to enable harmonized foaming and gelation.
properties as compared with acrylic acid because of its lower Since no foam stabilizer is normally used in the preparation
freezing temperature [69]. of SAPs, the foam spontaneously collapses under its weight
Normally, the monomer is mixed with water at room tem- and shrinks into a smaller volume. Therefore, pore structures
perature under gentle mixing. To produce ionic superabsor- are not preserved in a controlled manner. Consistency of the
bent, monomers, such as acrylic acid, may be neutralized to hydrogel after its formation can affect the foam stabilization.
some degree, normally to 75 mol% (Step 2), followed by addi- For instance, polymerization of highly concentrated monomer
tion of a cross-linker (Step 3). Since neutralization can be solutions results in sudden gelation of the reacting mixture to a
accompanied by the sudden release of significant amounts of brittle and solid product. Thus, mobility of the polymer chains
heat, a double-surfaced reactor equipped with external or is prevented, and hence, the pores could be preserved to some
internal cooling jackets or coils may be employed. extent. The foamed product is then dried and mechanically
All modern superabsorbent polymers are produced to pos- ground [69].
sess large amounts of pores necessary to acquire fast water In case of SPHs, the prepared foamed product is soaked
absorption property [70]. This property can normally be into non-solvents, usually ethanol, to be dehydrated. Dehydra-
achieved by generating gas bubbles. To produce foam during tion using ethanol helps to stabilize the foamed product and
polymerization, foaming aid such as glacial acetic acid is added prevent it from shrinking. Complete dehydration results in a

Table 3 General features of superabsorbent (SAPs) and superporous (SPHs) hydrogels.

Point of comparison SAPs SPHs
Commonly used monomer Acrylamide, acrylic acid, salts of acrylic Acrylamide, acrylic acid, salts of acrylic acid
acid including sodium and potassium acrylates including sodium and sulfopropyl acrylates,
2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate
Method of synthesis Bulk, solution, inverse-suspension Mostly aqueous solution
Initiating system Thermal, redox Mostly redox
Porous structure Random closed to semi open cells Interconnected open cells
Final product Particles Any shape including particles, sheet, film, rod.
Applications Where high swelling, fast-medium Where size-independent high and very
rate of swelling is required fast swelling is required

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
12 E.M. Ahmed

Table 4 Typical formulations of aqueous solution polymerization for SAPs and SPHs preparation.
Starting material Role Nonporous SAP Porous SAP Superporous SPH
Acrylamide, acrylic acid Monomer U U U
Bisacrylamide Cross-linker U U U
Deionized water Solvent U U U
Ammonium persulphate Oxidant U U U
Tetramethyl ethylenediamine Reductant U U U
Glacial acetic acid Foaming aid U U
Sodium bicarbonate Foaming agent U U
PEO-PPO-PEO block copolymer Foam stabilizer U
Starting reaction temperature (C) 25 25 25
Reaction temperature Within 30 s (after 15 s of Within 66 s (after 80 s Within 78 s (after 80 s
inhibition period) of inhibition period) the reaction of inhibition period)
the reaction temperature temperature rises from 25 to the reaction temperature
rises from 25 to about 65 C with the rate of rises from 25 to about
about 75 C with the about 1 C/s 55 C with the rate
rate of about 2 C/s of about 0.7 C/s
Reaction product after synthesis Solid rigid hydrogel Solid flexible Solid flexible Stable foam
unstable foam

Fig. 10. Preparative steps in the production of SAPs and SPHs.

Fig. 11. Post-preparation steps of SAPs and SPHs.

solid, brittle porous product, which is white in color because of The first generation SPHs (conventional SPHs, CSPHs)
heterogeneous combination of polymer and pores. Fig. 11 rep-
resents a comparative post-preparative scheme between SAPs In 1999, Chen et al. [71] prepared SPHs with fast swelling
and SPHs and its reflection on their technical features [69]. kinetics and superabsorbent properties for the first time. In

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Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 13

Fig. 12. Typical swelling and mechanical properties of: first (A and B), second (C and D) and third (E and F) SPH generations.

conventional SPHs, the most commonly used monomers for phase. Composite structures are generally made to attain cer-
preparation of the first generation of SPHs are highly hydro- tain properties, which cannot otherwise be achieved by each
philic acrylamide and salts of acrylic acid. The dried SPHs matrix alone.
are hard and brittle, but the hydrophilic nature of the polymer For making SPH composites, a matrix-swelling, additive,
results in moisture-induced plasticization of the rigid struc- or a composite agent is utilized. A composite agent used in
tures into soft and flexible structures. The dried SPHs swell SPH composites is a cross-linked water-absorbent hydrophilic
fast to a large size, larger than a few hundred times of their polymer that can absorb the solution of monomer, cross-lin-
own volume in the dried state. ker, initiator, and remaining components of the SPH prepara-
Due to very small fraction of the polymer in the swollen tion. Upon polymerization, the composite agent serves as the
state, the swollen SPHs are sometimes difficult to handle with- local point of physical cross-linking of the formed polymer
out breaking. When the SPHs are dried, the porous structure chains.
becomes collapsed or shrunken due to the surface tension of During the polymerization process, each composite agent
water pulling the polymer chains together during the drying particle acts as an isolated individual reactor in which cross-
process. To avoid this problem, water inside SPHs is replaced linking polymerization occurs. As the cross-linking polymeri-
with alcohol (e.g., ethanol). The low surface tension of alcohol zation proceeds throughout the solution, individual swollen
prevents the porous structure from collapsing during drying. composite agent particles are connected together through poly-
mer chains. The presence of composite agent in SPH compos-
The second generation SPHs (SPH composite, SPHCs) ites results in improved mechanical properties over
conventional (i.e., the first generation) SPH, but the SPH com-
Park et al. [72], for the first time, introduced SPH composites posites are still brittle and thus break into pieces upon applica-
by modifying the conventional SPHs. SPH composites are a tion of stresses.
matrix of a continuous phase having an incorporated dispersed This modification over conventional SPHs resembles mod-
ification of superabsorbent polymers through surface cross-

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed EM, Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications, J Adv Res (2013),
14 E.M. Ahmed

attractive research tool for peroral and intestinal drug delivery

applications [73–75].

The third generation SPHs: SPH hybrids

To produce SPHs with very high mechanical or elastic proper-

ties, the third generation of SPHs was developed based on SPH
hybrids [76,77]. Unlike SPH composites wherein a pre-cross-
linked matrix-swelling additive is added, SPH hybrids are pre-
pared by adding a hybrid agent that can be cross-linked after
SPH is formed. The hybrid agent is a water-soluble or water
dispersible polymer that can form cross-linked structure
through chemical or physical cross-linking.
Examples of hybrid agents are polysaccharides including
sodium alginate, pectin, Chitosan, or synthetic water-soluble
hydrophilic polymers such as poly(vinyl alcohol). Once the sec-
ond network is formed, the whole system becomes similar to
interpenetrating polymer networks.
An example of SPH hybrids is the production of acrylam-
ide-based SPH in the presence of sodium alginate, followed
by the cross-linking of alginate chains by calcium ions. One
of the unique properties of SPH hybrids is that the gels are
highly elastic in the swollen state. As compared with conven-
tional SPHs and SPH composites, SPH hybrids are not easily
breakable when stretched. The elastic and rubbery properties
make SPH hybrids a choice for various applications where
resilient gels are preferred. The resiliency of the fully water-
swollen SPHs has never previously been observed. Elastic
water-swollen SPH hybrids can resist various types of stresses,
including tension, compression, bending, and twisting. General
structural, swelling, and mechanical properties of different
generations of SPHs are shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of batch reactor. Aspects of designing batch polymerization reactor

Most industrial reactors for the manufacture of commodity

polymers operate under non-isothermal, batch, or semi-batch
linking. Overall, this type of modification results in a higher reactor conditions. Initially, the temperature of the reaction
modulus polymer network in the swollen state, which is sus- mass is increased from the ambient temperature to the set
ceptible to failure under the brittle fracture mechanism. For point as fast as possible, and then, either an isothermal or a
many years, this second generation of SPHs has been an non-isothermal temperature history is imposed. There are

Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of impellers used in high viscosity range.

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Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications 15

three main challenges in this area, viz., the exothermic nature for batch reactors include temperature, pressure, batch cycle
of the polymerization reaction, the viscosity of the reaction time, the amount of reactants, and the feed addition strategy.
mass increasing with polymerization, and the nonavailability Optimization variables such as batch cycle time and amount of
of online sensors for monitoring the state variables (monomer reactant are continuous variables with fixed values for a cer-
conversion xm and weight average molecular weight Mw) char- tain batch reactor system depends mainly upon material and
acterizing the system. The last of these has triggered the devel- energy balance. Ribbon mixer with a screw around the axis,
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