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Mehwaldt Article For AAN October 15, 2021

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Carl Mehwaldt: A Pioneer German-American Potter Museum of Early Southern

Decorative Arts in Winston-Salem,


And 19th-Century Immigrant

In Retrospect
It has been published that
Mehwaldt was generally a lone pot-

Redware From Western New York State

ter who received some help with
digging and kneading clay and pre-
paring glazes from his children and
other local kids. Mehwaldt is con-
By Justin W. Thomas lowed by an article in the September constructing two red earthenware
sidered to have been the only pot-
1922 issue of “The Magazine wreaths in their memory. He began
ter working at this business,
For one reason or another, I Antiques.” Ada Walker Camehl (1866- with a round pottery frame, 16 inch-
although I believe I may have
consider the career and life of Carl 1939), who lived in western New York es in diameter, and meticulously
observed otherwise. While studying
Mehwaldt (1809-87) to be a fascinat- and authored some pottery books, decorated both wreaths with
a group of handled pieces owned
ing story. He was a journeyman wrote the articles. Camehlʼs articles hand-modeled flowers that grew
by the Das Haus Museum, I noticed
potter from Germany who traveled were also among the earliest pub- around his home; each wreath was
differences in the way some of the
to Russia and Lebanon to expand lished stories devoted to a single adorned in sunflowers, roses, dai-
handles were made. Perhaps
the knowledge of his trade. He then American potter; these stories were sies, myrtles, zinnias, water lilies
Mehwaldt had different styles, but I
returned to Germany and eventual- based on her firsthand accounts and buttercups, surrounded by
would not be surprised to learn if
ly migrated across the Atlantic with Mehwaldtʼs living daughter and leaves. The wreaths were then fired
there was another person employed
Ocean, landing on Long Island. He locals who remembered the in the kiln without a glaze, and
with him in some capacity.
made his way through New York Mehwaldt Pottery from their child- afterwards, carefully painted with
Carl Mehwaldt was an incredi-
City, traveling northwest along the hood. vibrant colors.
bly talented potter who lived a
Erie Canal on a barge, before set- Born May 25, 1809, in Bruessow, Mehwaldt hung the wreaths in
tough life with many family trage-
tling near Niagara Falls in western Prussia (later Germany), Carl Ludwig the Holy Ghost Church, only a few
One of the wreaths that Medhwaldt made for one of his sons dies. However, he remained a potter
New York. Heinrich Mehwaldt, as his birth cer- hundred yards from the site of his
killed in the Civil War. This was just rediscovered in Seattle, Wash. well into his 70s. Mehwaldt may
The Buffalo Historical Society tificate reads, has been the subject house and pottery, until the church
Courtesy of the Das Haus Museum. have given up the potterʼs wheel at
first published his story in 1921, fol- of a name dispute for decades. He was torn down in 1906. Where the
an earlier age, but there was no one
wreaths went next is not completely
elsewhere in western New York, to succeed him in the business. This
known, but apparently, Ada Walker
Pennsylvania, Virginia and through- was reportedly a disappointment
Camehl had come into the posses-
out New England. But his skill is since he was a third generation
sion of at least one of the wreaths
perhaps what sets him apart from potter, and he had hoped the family
based on the information she pub-
some of these other potters. legacy would continue after him.
lished in “The Magazine Antiques.”
Mehwaldt manufactured red But his skill as a potter and an artist
The whereabouts of these wreaths
earthenware from the early-1850s should never be forgotten. He was
have been unknown in recent years,
right up until around the time he unquestionably one of western
but one was just rediscovered in
died in 1887. He must have also New Yorkʼs most talented potters,
Seattle, Wash., and has returned
exported some of his wares, seeing who produced some of the regionʼs
home to the Das Haus Museum.
that there was only so much most memorable wares, some of
However, it has not been previ-
demand from the small village in which appear to be unique to
ously published that there was
which he lived. He may have taken American production today.
actually a third wreath manufac-
advantage of the Niagara River and tured by Mehwaldt. This wreath had
shipped some of his production to Sources
resided in a local home, hanging
Carl Mehwaldtʼs (1809-87) house with some later additions, his communities along the waterway, Camehl, Ada Walker. “The Old
above a doorway, until it was acci-
pottery was located behind the house. such as Buffalo, where the expand- Bergholz Pottery.” Publications of
dentally knocked over many years
ing population had already reached the Buffalo Historical Society:
It was not known until recently ago, breaking into dozens of pieces.
81,000 people by 1850. Volume XXV The Book of the
that Mehwaldt actually made a It then descended through the fam-
The utilitarian wares he made Museum, 1921.
third wreath. Here are remains ily to the present owner, Bob
consisted of a wide variety of forms, Camehl, Ada Walker. “Mehwaldt,
of that attributed wreath. Mueller, who was generous enough
some decorated with colors that a Pioneer American Potter.” The
Courtesy of Bob Mueller. to come to the Das Haus Museum
resemble a Rockingham glaze, and Magazine Antiques (September
and share the remains of this trea-
others reportedly partially created 1922).
is recorded as “Charles” in the sure. It is currently unknown who it
using animal blood. He made lidded Lewis, Clarence O. “Mehwaldt
United States Federal Census, as was made for, but it may have been
jars, pitchers, candlesticks and Death Ended Bergholz Pottery Era.”
well as some business directories. made for another soldier killed in
drawer pulls. Other forms include Niagara Falls Gazette (May 26, 1965).
He did have a son Charles. the Civil War who belonged to the
jugs, strainers, handled pots, cake Ketchum, William C. Jr. Potters
In a history of his life, docu- Bergholz community.
molds, vases, chimney flue liners and Potteries of New York State,
mented and preserved because of I also learned about a huge red
and flowerpots. Camehl was also 1650-1900 Second Edition. Syracuse,
Camehl: “Mehwaldt came of a line earthenware chandelier created by
able to identify that he made cups N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1987.
of potters; for his father and his Mehwaldt for the church; it was
and saucers, bottles, mugs, teapots, described as four feet in diameter,
grandfather before him had spent teakettles, dishes, platters, bowls
their lives at the potterʼs wheel. illuminated with four rows of can-
and coffee pots. Rarely is any of this dles, and decorated with hand-ap-
After he had learned the trade, pottery marked, but Mehwaldt is
young Mehwaldt, as was the custom plied objects. The chandelier was
known to have inscribed the letter eventually removed when the
of the country, passed several years “M” into some of his wares. Some of
as a journeyman potter, in search of church was torn down, and part of it
the lidded forms were also inscribed ended up in Camehlʼs collection,
experience. In the early 1840s, a with a number that matched a lid to
My niece and nephew outside the Das Haus Museum in what used but its whereabouts today is
man of wealth, Williams by name, a vessel accordingly.
to be the Village of Berkholz in western New York. unknown.
gathered together several families Interestingly, I suspect that
from the neighborhood of Bruessow Mehwaldt also apparently
some of Mehwaldtʼs lesser-known manufactured stoves, similar to
and brought the little band to the production could be mistaken for
United States. They purchased a those made by some of the south- This mug likely made at the
wares made in Pennsylvania and ern Moravian potters. I was sur- Mehwaldt Pottery has a glaze
piece of land in western New York, other areas where there were
on the Niagara frontier, cleared the prised to see the remains of this very similar to the jar inscribed
German-American potters. For type of production recovered from with the number “49.” Courtesy
timber and built a hamlet of log instance, Mehwaldt is known to
houses. Remembering the village the site of his pottery, which of The National Museum of
have produced a selection of minia- reminded me of an intact well-pub- American History at the Smith-
from which they had come, they ture dinner sets, along with toy
named the new home New Bergholz, lished stove in the collection of the sonian Institute.
whistles in the form of pigs, owls,
later dropping the “New.” roosters and birds around
Fired by the glowing accounts, Christmas. He also made inkstands
which came back to the Fatherland with penholders, a form common to
from this transplanted colony, a Germany and Pennsylvania in the
The site of the Holy Ghost Church where Mehwaldt hung two second company came together in 18th and 19th century.
memorial wreaths for his sons, Charles and Herman, who died in 1851. Among this group were the However, after researching a
the Civil War in 1864. A giant red earthenware chandelier made potter Mehwaldt, his wife, Albertine lot of this material, I was compelled
by Mehwaldt also hung in this church, until the building was torn and their children. Their voyage to learn more about Mehwaldtʼs life.
down in 1906. At right, a plaque hangs on the memorial rock, lasted seven weeks, and as seems I decided to travel to the Das Haus
reading, in part, “Bergholz German Lutheran Settlement Founded to have been the not uncommon Museum, which is a part of the
Oct. 12, 1843.” fate of sailing vessels during those Historical Society of North German
years, the ship ran ashore upon a Settlements in western New York,
sandbar off Long Island, the pas- and the site of the Mehwaldt
sengers were rescued, and the party Pottery, located about 10 miles east
made their way across New York of Niagara Falls. Not only did I want
State by way of the Erie Canal, even- to learn more about his career, but
tually arriving in Bergholz.” I was determined to hear more
Sometime after Mehwaldt about two special pieces of pottery
arrived, he established a pottery he made for two of his sons after
business, which operated similar to they died in the Civil War. I consider
other rural country potters found these objects to be national trea-
sures today. This dish is attributed to the Mehwaldt Pottery. Courtesy of The
The Site of the Mehwaldt Pottery New York State Museum.
I arrived at the Das Haus
The pitcher is attributed to the
Museum with my nephew, Jason,
Mehwaldt Pottery. Courtesy of
This double handled vase and niece, Alexis, on Aug. 14, 2019.
The New York State Museum.
made by Mehwaldt missing The museum is located directly
one handle descended through across the street from Mehwaldtsʼ
local ownership. Courtesy of house and the site of his pottery.
Bob Mueller. Mehwaldt was clearly a remarkable
potter based on the wares that I
have seen in the New York State
Museum in Albany, N.Y., as well as
private collections, and an object
owned by the National Museum of
American History at the Smithsonian
Institute in Washington, D.C.
However, it is his lesser-known pro-
duction that really sets him apart.
Upon arriving to America, two
of Mehwaldtʼs sons, Charles (d.
1864) and Herman (d. 1864), became
enamored with patriotism, and
enlisted in the northern army
This candlestick was likely during the Civil War in 1862. Neither
This lidded jar attributed to made at the Mehwaldt Pottery returned home. Charles was killed
the Mehwaldt Pottery came in and closely resembles the in Cold Harbor, Va., on June 3, 1864,
A lidded jar likely made at the a variety of sizes, glazes and remains of a candlestick recov- and a few weeks later, Herman died
Mehwaldt Pottery is inscribed types of handles. The base on ered at the site of the pottery in Petersburg, Va. Likely over-
on the side with the number this example is inscribed “80” and now at the Das Haus whelmed with emotions, Mehwaldt A black glazed lidded jar and jug attributed to the Mehwaldt Pot-
”49.” Courtesy of Gene Pratt. and “8.” Courtesy of Gene Pratt. Museum. Courtesy of Gene Pratt. decided to memorialize his sons by tery. Courtesy of The Buffalo History Museum.

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